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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 21, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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a safety concern? >> are you worried about the cost of a bathroom remodel? >> could go on for weeks and weeks. well, now you can have a gorgeous new bath or shower. that safer at a price you can afford with a one day jacuzzi, bath remodel. >> it was done the same day we did not have to wait. >> it is amazing. >> i would give this whole experience an a-plus. i definitely wish i would have called from soft, closed shower doors and adjustable shower heads to features like grab bars and custom seats that combine safety and style. it's never been easier. get your free design consulting in, schedule your one day installation, and start loving your new bath or shower right away. >> only weeks left to get waived. installation no interest and no payments for up to one year. go to jacuzzi bath remodeled com♪ ♪
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>> day three of the democratic national convention kicking off the nightstand or in chicago. president barack obama and former first lady michelle obama steeled dade two urging americans to unite behind kamala harris it was noticeably absent. >> the method inside the convention center about joy and the risk of the democratic party as we learn about democrats role and forcing the vp joe biden out of the race. you are watching a special two-hour edition of "fox & friends first." >> todd: there also wasn't a lot of joy outside of the convention center and anti-israel protesters burned american flags and dozens of people got arrested and we have more chaos in the dnc but brooke singman lived in chicago with the latest on the convention
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itself, brooke. >> the third day of the democratic national convention in chicago and yesterday vice president harris ceremonially received the party nomination for president, but not before delegates got low with rapper littlejohn. watch this. >> yeah, ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to officially nominate kamala harris for president. ♪ ♪ >> but harris was not there for that party but at the pfizer form where they held their convention last month but the obama's were here in chicago speaking as if the biden-harris administration hasn't been in control for nearly four years. >> we do not need four more years of bluster and bumbling
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and chaos. we have seen that movie before, and we know that the sequel is usually worse. americas ready for a new cha chapter. >> we love a familiar feeling that has been buried too deep for far too long. hope is making a comeback! speak with the crowd chanting back "do something." and the trump aware of the party in charge of the country for the last three and half years question speaking former former president trump... >> one compare trump to the neighbor who keeps running his leaf blower outside of your window every minute of every day. from a neighbor, that is exhausting. , president, it is just dangerous. the truth is donald trump sees power is nothing more to his i
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ins. >> today we will hear from former bill clinton in nancy pelosi and transportation secretary pete buttigieg pure they will lead up to the headliner tim walz who will address the party and except vice presidential nomin nomination, guys. >> carley: brooke singman, thank you so much. a former chairman of the california republican party and also ran against kamala harris for california senate in 2016. tom, good morning to you, barack and michelle obama put their stamp on the dnc as did lil jon for that matter. but when it comes to the former president and the first lady, do you think their speeches will move the needle come november? >> i'm baffled as to how late at night these things are occurring. where are they going to move the needle is in pennsylvania and ohio and wisconsin and michigan. most people went to bed. staying up late to watch them as
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a chore. so, i wonder how much they will actually be able to -- i also note that we still don't know what kamala harris says she's going to do. we know she has flip-flopped on a lot of things, but how much this woman is a great person and not actually what she's going to do. so until that gap is closed, i'm not sure how much affect this is having. >> t >> todd: there is much more meaning over this for a party breaching unity, kamala was in a different state when obama was speaking and the biden pro is in a big tip with the obamas warmer bros as they like to call themselves. >> i'm trying to think back when i have seen something like that and i don't remember where a rival event of significant size in an entirely different state -- i don't get the purpose of that.
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it look like there was a lot of people in the arena, but it was a bizarre thing. trump went to a live these things and graciously thank them for what they were doing. it was a bizarre thing to run a different event while the ob obama's, by the way, obama back in the day poked very highly of kamala harris when she was a jeep. he visited her in california and help lift her up. that this is another bizarre thing they are doing. >> carley: this was very much orchestrated and to todd's point, and someone familiar with dnc planning told fox news the choice to have kamala harris 90 miles away in milwaukee on the day that she actually had to virtually accept the party nomination and the two most popular people, barack obama and michelle obama made speeches was orchestrated because the obama still not on the white house good side and referring to the
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fact barack obama apparently said some behind the scenes dealings with joe biden to step down. that is one controversy about the other controversy is pro-palestinian protest yesterday. we saw people burning an american flag right outside of the chicago or the israeli consulate in chicago, which is close to the convention center. a couple of people were arrested as well. so there is this unity message as all conventions have inside of the convention center, but just outside of it there are protesters who do not align with republicans but more aligned with democrats, they are protesting the dnc and trying to pour kamala harris 'of senate if she becomes the president or to what you think about that? >> we need to remember the first half of this year they were divided as a party. the hamas bombings in the war prosecuted by israel had deeply divided the democratic party and
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they have no answer for it. biden was openly attacking israel more than hamas. there are hostages, which beckon jimmy carter's day we talked about how they were held pure they tried to paper over that because at this moment in time we got rid of biden and elaborate this new person, but we don't know what she is saying. bit that has worn out because that risk is still there in the party and will be there all the way till november. >> todd: in the meantime, counter programming programming speaking about crime and safety, fox poll and show voters trust trump over harris to handle crime. and the trump campaign releasing, ," was the most liberal in california and the most liberal prosecutor in the most liberal state." but crime did not view the guaranteed winning issue they thought it would be in 2022 but
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what happens this time around, tom, with kamala harris the prosecutor versus convict? >> welcome i will tell you th this, in los angeles the very liberal d.a. will be ousted. he's losing 2-1 to an independent and the latest poll. so, it has been building for years now. in the way the cities are degrading in front of our eyes that are run by democrats, that sin is being visited by democrats and then you add to the border, which many people see as out of control and lola's because it is. it is bigger this time around than last time around, and kamala harris has been nowhere on it. she's not the border czar according to her, even though she was. i think it's been building for years. >> carley: day kicks off her a
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round plate of speeches and i thought it was me but i haven't seen 11:30 and many, many years. but if you say it in california,, then it is late. thank you so much. speaking of crime, anti-israel protesters arrested in chicago as demonstrations raged near the dnc. just look at that. >> todd: griff jenkins has all the details, a comic or appearance. >> good morning, the crowd on monday said they have a point also was on the point last night was violence on date two at the dnc, and the protesters got a message pretty clearly and that is the chicago police are not messing around. this is the scene outside of israeli consulate tuesday. protesters uc cloud and black with their faces covered, demanding the u.s. military support clashing with those out in a massive show of force. many in full riot gear.
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they formed a line ultimately my todd and carley, pushing protesters back in one dramatic moment you see here, they that the american flag on fire. know when to stop that as protesters cheered on in the end as you mentioned carley. for made more than 70 arrests that add to the dozen or so arrested on monday night. the police superintendent, larry in the streets praising the officers handling the protests saying the police response he believes was proportional. meanwhile, swat out in full force elsewhere after man wanted in connection with local homicide barricaded himself in a restaurant for hours in a nearby northwest suburbs. there is what is known about the suspect. he escaped from custody. he has a warrant for murder in houston. attempted murder in mississippi,
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has cases of multiple cases including rape and armed robbery with $25,000 reward on his head and eventually taken into custody after the standoff without incident. it comes after crime in the windy city. 14 shot, five killed since the start of the dnc following weekend of violence we saw with 26 people shot and five dead. and it's worth noting, todd and carley, it is only dated two and they have a plan to march again today and we will see what come, todd and carley. >> carley: working overtime on a good day in chicago and this is busier than most. griff jenkins live for us, thank you so much. former president obama said vice president kamala harris and governor walz know how to handle the bob border crisis, really? >> understand we can secure our borders without tearing kids away from their parents. >> carley: according to the
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dhs inspector general, the biden-harris administration has lost track of more than 32,000 unaccompanied migrant children. and as of this may, 291,000 unaccompanied minor children have not been marked for proceedings because i.c.e. routinely failed or to schedule rather court dates and surface notices. today is fentanyl awareness day and the drug is the number one killer of americans between 18-45. 75,000 recorded deaths last year due to fentanyl and synthetic opioids. the deadliest drug crisis they have ever faced and families against the seven or urging political leaders to do something about it while gathered for the dnc, putting out 60 billboards across chicago saying fentanyl is the weapon of mass destruction. >> todd: hey, did you hear about this? good news, rfk running mate said the ticket may drop out of the
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race soon to support former president trump and prevent a kamala harris presidency. nicole shanahan expanding on that possibility. >> i have to say there is one party that has obstructed a fair election for us. unfortunately, the democratic party have done everything they can including packs to prevent us from ballot access. the idea of unity party and coming around these principles of fighting for liberty in this country, fighting for children's health, we are willing to work with anyone who is sincere in their endeavor to fix and address this issue. i think it is a tight race right now. i wish that we had had a chance to debate that we had fair representation in the polls. i wish we had a chance to be on stage. had weak, we likely would have won this election. >> todd: tonight
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"washington post" report that kennedy reached out to the campaign possibility of giving him a cabinet position. we will be watching. do you remember when kamala harris said this? >> i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster, to pass a green new deal. [cheers and applause] >> todd: welcome in el harris is backing away from the green new deal as americans push back on white house climate policies. but here to explain how the biden-harris agenda already in place is really, really hurting his industry. >> carley: or congressman, rnc chair michael whatley all coming up on a busy wednesday hump day morning. keep it right here on "fox & friends first." ♪ ♪
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>> carley: we are back with a fox weather alert. a home in connecticut ripping through foundation and collapsing in the river due to the deadly storms. oh, my goodness, that house collapse. a mom and son lived in that home but thankfully they were able to get out before it went into the river. unfortunately, she cannot recover her losses because she does not have flood insurance. new video showing the moments a super yacht is better by powerful storm before capsizing
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off the coast of sicily on monday. the coast guard searching for six people who went missing after the votes sank during waterspout. 15 people have been rescued and one person was found dead. and british tycoon mike lynch and 18-year-old daughter are still among the six missing. 2 americans are also on account of four. >> todd: in the meantime, still suffering from the effects of the green new deal. that was before massive wind turbine blade a part of the green new deal broke off and caused the closure of six nantucket beaches in july. knowing firsthand how bad clean energy projects are for industries like kids, dan joins us now. how are the biden-harris green new deal policies hurting your industry? >> good morning, thank you for having me on. it is just displacing so many
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different fishermen, and by that i mean guys religiously worked in an area for numerous years, decades, if not generations are being pushed into different areas where they haven't worked before. it is just causing problems or guys that have worked in the areas for decades. >> todd: for the party that brexit is "saving the environment," dan, what are the end turbine stewing to see whether whales, fish, all sea life? >> well i'm a watching the news have noticed there has been nearly 100 mammals washed up on the beach in new england since started mapping the bottom before the turbines were ere erected. and its detrimental to the different fish and lobsters that inhabited the area. it is the constant pounding of
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the pile drivers nonstop. it's like i said to people on land in the past, if you have neighbors next to you this whole property and someone put up a pile driving unit that worked 24 hours a day, seven days a week, continually, how long until you and your neighbors left the area because of the noise and the vibrations? the majority of these animals that live in the area depend upon sonar like whales and dolphins, but the crabs, lobsters, fish, with the noise is driving them away. >> todd: interesting, here is what kamala harris said about the green new deal back in the day. listen. >> okay back to the united states congress, here's my point, if they fail to act as president of the united states, i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster and to pass the green new deal. [cheers and applause] >> todd: okay, in the last
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month or so as she has tried to make tried to win the election, she said her policies whenever she announces them will be more in the center. that doesn't discount what happened the last three and a half years. do you find yourself scratching your head why the biden-harris administration in green lighting projects like the ones you are complaining about seems to ignore safety concerns, weather for the sea life or whether it is for the people in nantucket who had one of these blades, the shards of it washed up on their beach and close six beaches last month? >> and continually washing up on the beaches. nearly every day you can walk up on the beaches so facing side of the island and pick up debris, whether the size of your hand or size of your truck. the majority of the big stuff has been recovered, but it is just -- the whole thing is a mess from the beginning until the end. you go down the road here now and it looks like new york city on the island with all the
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lights flashing and the folks that are working. there was nothing great about this. each one of the ships down there to help build this place runs on diesel fuel. it is not just one, single engine running but numerous engines burning fossil fuels 24 hours a day, seven days a week, wealth this is in a construction phase. it doesn't seem to stop anytime soon because everyday you see there is a new headline that this current administration has forwarded another lease area and giving up massive donations to foreign owned companies that are destroying our oceans. nobody is debating there is not a need for alternative energy source, but what cost to the rest of us question. >> todd: an important point to foreign energy but before we let you go, if kamala harris wins and a switch and bait on the voters who think she will move to the center but ultimately a new administration would propose and implement the entire new
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green deal, will your industry survive, dan? >> absolutely not, absolutely not! as of right now, everyday it is a battle between the price of fuel, which is going through the roof, the price of love stirring, the price of insurance and price of everything in my industry climbs through the roof except the price of our product continues to stay flat rate. i got in the price of product, lobster, fish the past several years and my paycheck doesn't increase but everybody else's does. it is not a good -- it's not a good deal for the fisherman. >> todd: it is not a good deal, it is not a good deal. dam, to keep us posted because we will be thinking about you because we love lobster but if we don't have industry, there goes the lobsters, dan, thanks. content creators playing a major role in the selection both campaigns trying to appeal to them. here are some of the things on your screen right there.
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and courting the young poet. >> carley: which is why we talked to a gen z commentator coming up next. >> todd: hopefully doesn't do that next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> carley: israel has retrieved the bodies of six in gaza which is a complex rescue operation. the idea located tunnel shaft 3l route where the bodies were found. hamas still has 109 hostages held in captivity with 36 of them presumed dead. this continues as hamas rejected latest proposal. and chipman attendant who accepted what is referred to a bridge to cease fire plan during a visit from secretary of state antony blinken this week. the idf said in a statement,
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"the immediate return of 109 hostages can only be achieved through a negotiated deal." iran warns it will respond to israel in due time. the university of california's bowing to enforce bans on anti-israel encampments for the upcoming school year. the school is banning masts after years last year to hide people's identities. the university president says they are taking steps to ensure a safe and inclusive campus. meanwhile, northwest or is requiring all students and faculty to take mandatory anti-semitism training. the school will offer lectures and panels on anti-semitism. this comes after the university reach an agreement with protesters last year to offer scholarships to palestinian students and special housing to muslim students. >> todd: in the meantime, dnc dishing out credentials to content creators hoping to inspire the youth folk and 200
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will have access to platform on the floor and also a private lounge to work and along with access to high-profile events and members, which is only provided to the press. family crump 19-year-old commentator. will that over social media bring enough of the gen z vote to win the election? >> todd i have to tell you but certainly over pandering is not the right move on this. the dnc and kamala campaign a democrat party as a whole are doing honestly and amazing mood by reaching out to the next generation and particularly a generation not focused on celebrities not focus so much on general cable tv, but actually the internet and content creators. the content creators are tapped to reach generation z are the most effective people out there, truly reaching home like instagram, rails, tiktok,
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snapchat or wherever gen z is, the commentators are there because they are gen z themselves. i wouldn't call it pandering. i would call it strategic move. >> todd: with that is the backdrop and messaging is one thing but to your point, dnc doing a good job streaming tiktok, instagram, youtube to reach the voters but the policies are another. there is this article, i believe, in politico that says gen z is struggling right now and actually in the "star tribune." remain optimistic about the economic future and one adult saying ever since 2020, i feel like it goes downhill from here. which candidates' policies, donald trump or kamala harris is better for gen z economic future? without a shadow of a doubt, the trump administration and trump policies and trump campaign paint a bout her outlook for the economy particularly for gen z who i said many times will inherit the country. we will be here decades upon
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decades and we have the most to gain to build a better economy now. we saw that from 2017-2021, we have the greatest economy we have seen of the country and our life. most came to age around obama era recession and most early memories see the stock markets crash an end her parents struggled to make ends meet and put food on the table. lease all reconstruction and prominence and growth and after the pandemic, we saw that switch. so i can say with certainty generation see if reading the policy and looking who has expanse and making things better instead of making america great again instead of building back better, that would be the trump campaign and trump administration. >> todd: recent poll gen z voters support kamala harris over former president trump. it shows trump 40%, but a lot of 56% for harris as women. 's she seems to win women of all ages but is specifically gen z
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women. how should trump win over the gen z women? >> it will be a hard pull for him because the media has done a fantastic job as befitting a bully. and many rays during the era of saying no to being rude to people. if trump wants the gen z women, he needs to hit hard on the issues truly affecting them and women sports is a big thing. the media has fought to make transgender men in sports or biological men in sports and particularly women sports a more normal thing. but there is a good amount of women, particularly traditional households and those that don't live in inner cities that see through the madness of biological men and women sports and think that if they really wanted to push this further, it could completely destroy what has been carved out for young women as a path for success. >> todd: if you can't get the women so, get the men.
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as for gen z, chandler, do you know any guys with the vasectomy bus outside of the dnc and say, you know, that is a party for me? >> i know not a single person that is voting for kamala harris and supporting democrats at this point. but that might be because liberals are the most toxic people particularly gen z once when it comes to excepting people and their political beliefs. they are not tolerant at all. what i can say but certainly, the kamala harris campaign and walz campaign operating things. they watched how the biden-harris administration has been running the country for the past four years and said, okay, wait a minute trump have lowest unemployment for black americans in lewis employment as a whole but built a fantastic economy we are about to inherit but what will we do with biden administration or speedy administration that's done nothing that made us broke and r the pandemic i had nothing to look forward to?
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>> todd: you speak the truth and i think you really speak the truth with your first answer, the republican specifically trump campaign and all republicans need to reach the gen z voter where they are, and they need to do it soon. because election day november 5th but early voting starts a matter of weeks. i have to leave it there but thank you for your time. speaking of younger generation, former president trump is not in that generation but his son baron going to college in the fall telling "new york post," "he is all set at a certain school that is good. it is always in new york and he's very smart. trump will announce specific school soon and baron graduated high school from oxford academy west palm beach in may. we will be watching. >> carley: very cool stuff. the dnc will be a fight for our freedom. >> todd: how does their push for item square up with mandy to the gender from electric vehicles to covid lockdowns? we will take a deeper dive next.
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five! -i'm in a call... it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. ♪ ♪ >> todd: an 11-year-old transgender student in virginia will be allowed to play on a girls middle school tennis team. the district court judge said the school board and for china cannot block the student from playing. that student is clue gnomic suing the school board for
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discrimination. medical aggression, social isolation and stigma and the dignitary harms of having her as transgender or communicating that transgender students are not welcome are encouraged to participate in school athletics at all. shinto has made more than a clear showing that the discrimination has harmed her. planned parenthood closing new york state due to financial and political challenges. vp of communications susan b. anthony pro-life america telling fox news dig digital, "the most pro-abortion states in the country, when they are not making enough money from abortions, they close up shop's. we offer real options without profiteering from the women and children. if they succeed while fighting back against the democrats efforts to shut them down through lawfare." those proposed to shut down goshen, amsterdam,
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staten island. >> carley: today's theme at democratic national convention is "a fight for our freedom." that message doesn't line up with democrat policies including mandates on electric vehicles, appliances, how we live during covid-19 pandemic. we all remember that, right? a former navy seal joins me now, jesse, good morning to you. democrats will be talking about right for freedom today. what do you think about that? would you feel free under kamala harris-1ten tim walz administration? >> a former military member, the first thing i have to say is we serve under the command of the commander-in-chief. that would be the first thing. secondly, i'm not sure exactly what all the policies are because everything keeps changing. so in that focus, i really like -- i would really like to see something solid before --
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before i agree with or condemn anything that is going on. speech of that is a really good point, jesse, even if you go to kamala harris' website a big donation page and no policies included. if you remember back in the day, tim walz was selected as kamala harris' vice presidential speech. he made a speech in philadelphia and he talked about the freedom in the context of abortion rights. take a look at what he said. >> in minnesota, with respect neighbors and personal choices that they make. [cheers and applause] even if we wouldn't make the same choice for ourselves, there is a golden rule: mind your own damn business! beach without line stands out because during covid-19 pandemic joey had a hot line in his state where people could tell on their neighbors when they broke his own covid-19 policies. is that respecting peoples
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personal choices? >> obviously not because, you know, what happened to everybody having the right to make their own decisions in the country that i love and have fought for? first of all, that is not exactly what i agree with, but you've got to call it like to see it. if something is not working, you need to say hey, this is not working and this is the reason why. speed to you mentioned the country that we love and we thank you for your service as a former navy seal. yesterday, outside the convention center, there was pro-palestinian protesters who burned the american flag and said the only way that they like to view the american flag is when it is charred. considering all you have done for our country, the country that you love, how do you feel about that taking place outside of the dnc? >> well, this is not the first time that we have experienced this in this country mojo that
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is number one. number two is, we really need to -- i mean, enforce the rules of law. that seems to be the biggest problem. really concerned about the security and the lack thereof security at this event. i don't care if republ republican, democrat, or whoever, we need to protect the people making rules of law in the country. there should be some sort of distance control. you have to be so far away from a facility that is hosting either the republican or democrat -- democratic event just to keep this kind of nonsense away. if you don't like the country, get the hell out! >> carley: yeah, you hear you there. i want to ask you something else. another topic entirely and it's about harley-davidson. they released a statement that caught our attention because they say they are completely scrapping their di policies. it is not something you hear
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often from company based these days but this is the company quoted saying, "it is critical to hire and retain the best talent and all employees feel welcome. with that said, we have not operated di function since 2024, and we don't have a dei function today. we don't have hiring quotas and supplier diversity spend goals. as a consumer brand, we will focus on motorcycling and retaining our loyal writing community. in addition to the support we provide for first responders, active military members, and members. you have brought since that '70s but how do you feel about this, first of all? >> i think it is wonderful. i think it is perfect. i think you need to look at your customer base to make a decision on how you are going to continue marketing. yes, harley-davidson's core writers are getting older, but there is a lot of kids or younger adults getting into
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motorcycling that want to support america. look at harley-davidson was literally built onto "outlaw motorcycles" from angels to sonny burger to the comanches to whatever other group of motorcycle outlaws or you want to use. this is the genre or the group that is built up to harley to speak. so granted, it is not cool to be a outlaw or criminal, but these organizations are working very well in society, and let's go ahead and make it what it is. let's make harley-davidson what it's always been. i love harleys and i've been with harley since the '70s. >> carley: they reversed hiring practice which shows the power of the consumer. we will see if they stick to it.
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jesse, thank you for joining us with politics and motorcycles, love it, have a great day. >> have a great day. >> todd: panama hearing out u.s. migrant deportation flights with 29 illegal migrants with criminal records. >> carley: griff jenkins with the details, hi, griff. >> panama is 20 the fight to stop the border crisis coming across our border, which are originates far south and the dangerous. and calf and i traveled there with fox team. get this, 2023 last year more than a half dome icap a million migrants crass them across theory and gap into panama and made their way to u.s. southern border and this is a new president jose who signed an agreement with the u.s. and sworn in at the beginning of july and now signing an agreement to have u.s. funded flights sending
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migrants, colombians back in all colombians and many with a criminal record and sent back under this agreement and we understand there might be another flight by the end of the week, but one catch here, only colombians going back because i can't send them back to venezuela. many venezuelans have made their way up south america through that dangerous darien gap and what we learned, todd and carley come as soon as they cross the gap, many lives, many migrants are raped and robbed in treacherous journey they make. once i get to panama, they had to close to rica north. this is no significant president trying to slow the flow to southern border. meanwhile in chicago it's worth noting not just migrants coming across the border, it is also the deadly drug fentanyl which claims 100,000 lives a year.
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today august 21st, fentanyl awareness day and according to the dea we have a brand-new special dropped on fox nation where exclusive interview with the dea administrator. you are looking at the billboards, 60 billboards on fentanyl awareness day all throughout chicago paid for by the families again fentanyl, hoping to get bipartisan support to try to tackle what dea administrator calls the deadliest drug threat the country has ever faced. because just 2 mill 2 milligrams, equivalent ten grains of salt, is enough for a lethal dose. fentanyl is cheap. it is potent. it is addictive and ripping our nation apart in every town in every state in the city. that is something that this group hope on awareness day to date to somehow find its way into the discussion at the dnc among those speakers because of
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the crisis that the country is facing. again, check out our special on fox nation, fentanyl is a quiet killer. it is migrants, is drugs, and while the administration say the numbers are down, the consequences continue mojo harley and todd. >> todd: the american taxpayer, why can't panama pay for this? griff, thank you, we appreciate it appear as featured don't go doug collins and rnc chair michael whatley will join us live. >> todd: we need you to keep it here for another hour of "fox & friends first" on your wednesday morning straight-ahead. ♪ ♪
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>> carley: day three of the democratic national convention kicks off in a matter of hours after barack obama and michele steal the show urging americans to unite behind kamala harris who was noticeably absent. >> todd: it wa


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