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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 21, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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this is not a ssofy: they alor debby dingell is a democrat, she made interesting comments about gaps in democratic coalition and brought up two groups, talked about seniors and the union vote. listen to this. >> we still have a union hall problem to be perfectly frank and how close the election is going to be and then the mideast continues to play out. new area that i'm paying attention to is seniors, i heard sen seniors, 89th birthday of social security, do we not matter, do they think we're irrelevant? >> carley: day three of the democratic national convention we have work to do. >> carley: what do you think kicks off in a matter of hours about that warning, tudor? after barack obama and michele >> it is very important, i steal the show urging americans talked to a union member to unite behind kamala harris yesterday who said in a who was noticeably absent. whispered tone, my union members are not with the democratic >> todd: it was all about unity, party. silent majority is going to be
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very strong this year. but there are rips in the what she said about seniors is democratic party. interesting and take heed of joe biden forced out of the that, seniors are on fixed race. you are watching second hour of income, inflation is hurting them. what are you going to do make "fox and friends first." sure i get to end of my savings, >> carley: there was not a lot of joy outside. i'm worried i'm running through anti-israel protesters burned everything and will have to go back to work. american flags and dozens got this is opportunity to say, we're going to make sure your arrested. we have griff jenkins standing fixed income lasts as long as by with more of the chaos at the you need and you are not going to see more inflation. if you look at kamala harris dnc. live to brooke singman with the latest on the convention. good morning. policies giving out more and >> brooke: good morning, guys. more money and give out people the third day of the democratic down payments for homes, these national convention in chicago people are not first-time home and yesterday vice president buyers they don't want to see inflation rise. harris received ceremonial. >> carley: it is about the economy and people's bottom line. not before del bill gateses got thank you for joining us. it is now been 31 days since low with rapper lil, watch this. she's held any formal press conference. >> ladies and gentlemen, we are >> todd: or interview, that is what kamala harris is dealing here today to nominate kamala
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with. other side of the aisle, sort harris for president. of, r.f.k. jr. running mate respond to reports that i may [ra [rapping] ♪ drop out and team up with donald ♪ trump. what a tangled web we weave. >> brooke: harris wasn't there, she was holding a rally in danielle alvarez will react milwaukee where republicans held their convention last month. next. the obamas were here speaking as good to go off the grid. if the biden-harris good to go nonstop. administration has not been in with cabenuva, there's no pausing for daily hiv pills. control for 3-1/2 years. for adults who are undetectable, >> we do not need chaos, we have cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting seen that movie before and we hiv treatment you can get every other month. know the sequel is usually it's two injections from a healthcare provider. worse. just 6 times a year. america is ready for a new don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients chapter. or if you're taking certain medicines >> we love a familiar feeling buried too deep for far too which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, long. hope is making a comeback. liver problems, and depression. >> the crowd chanting, do if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms,
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something. stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. trump campaign saying, are they tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, aware they have been in office mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or considering pregnancy. for 3-1/2 years? some of the most common side effects include injection-site >> i heard someone compare trump reactions, fever, and tiredness. to the neighbor who keeps run with cabenuva, you're good to go. being ing his leaf blower ask your doctor about switching. outside your window every minute of everyday. that is off thing. from a president, it is dangerous. the truth is donald trump sees power as nothing more than a means to his ends. >> brooke: today we will hear from bill clinton, nancy pelosi and pete buttigieg leading up to hea headliner of the night, running mate tim walz, who will accept the democratic presidential nomination. >> todd: i don't understand the leaf blower analogy.
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if my neighbor is going to get rid of illegal leaves, i'm all for it. an analogy donald trump may want to use in his campaign. fox news alert, protesters arrested at the israeli consulate in chicago as demonstrations rage. >> carley: griff jenkins has details. >> griff: for the crowd president biden says has a point, too, their point is violence and chaos and it is just day two of the dnc. thousands of protesters found out chicago pd are not messing around. this is the scene outside of the israeli consulate. the protesters, clad in black with faces covered clashing with nypd. many of them in full riot gear had to form a line and push ththe agitators back from the
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consulate. a durbing moment, protesters setting the american flag on fire. no one near by to stop it. more than 70 arrested, adding to the ones arrested on monday night. police superintendent sneling praising the officers calling the response proportional. swat officers had to respond after a man barricaded himself in a building for hours in northwest suburb of chicago. here is what is known about the suspect. he escaped from custody, had a warrant for murder in houston and mississippi. rape and armed robbery with 25,000 reward on his head was taken into custody after the standoff. this comes as the windy city continues to see more crime.
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14 people have been shot throughout the city and five killed since the start of the dnc, following weekend that saw five people shot and five dead. more protesters today, coalition for justice in palestine plan to pete g. writes, “my tween wants a new phone." "how do i not break the bank?" gather and continue to march on we gotcha, pete. the dnc. xfinity mobile was designed to save you money >> carley: thank you so much. and gives you access to wifi speeds up to a gig. former president trump delivering remarks in michigan so you get high speeds for low prices. as part of the dnc counter better than getting low speeds for high prices. -right, bruce? programming, addressing the jealous? crime crisis in united states and breaking down vice president yeah, look at that. -honestly. someone get a helmet on this guy. kamala harris liberal policies. get a free unlimited line for a year when you add one unlimited line. >> we want to be safe. plus, get a new google pixel 9 on us. let's review kamala a pro-crime, bring on the good stuff. anti-police record. she repeatedly endorsed de defunding the police at level that never goes away. when you are a defunder or a
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politician, your first thought is usually the thought you go with. if she had a chance, she would >> carley: back with a fox do what she could to defund the weather alerts. a home in connecticut collapsing police, that is where her heart is. >> carley: host of tudor dixon podcast joins me now. into a river. good morning. a mom and her son were able to michigan is a very important swing state. get out. what do you think of donald trump bringing his message on >> todd: she says she doesn't crime to the state. have flood insurance. will voters be receptive? janice dean here with the fox >> we were just listed as second weather forecast. most violent state. >> janice: flood insurance is a it has been a tragic year in big deal, in northeast and gulf michigan and we continue to see coast and florida. rise in crime, whether c we have a half of hurricane season to get through. carjackings, drug deals or cold front that produced that violent crime in the city. largest mass shooting in heavyin ramoved off shore, look michigan a month ago in detroit, at temperatures behind it. largest mass shooting in talking about 40s. history. we want to make sure law 58 in new york. enforcement is on the ground and it will be spectacular.
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your communities are safe is a lot of times, big storm comes resonating with michigan right now. through and you have spectacular politicians in michigan won't even acknowledge it, neither beautiful weather behind it. live raider, scattered storms will reporters, who are making fun of him for coming to this for upstate new york and front the state and talking about this. when you talk to people on the moving across midwest. ground and law enforcement, they not a bad day. are desperate to have somebody potential for storms across that has your back and will make northern plains. the community safe. otherwise fairly quiet. >> carley: going back to dnc, it we have warm temperatures for is remarkable kamala harris was texas. from corpus christi, to abilene, not in chicago yesterday, she was at an event in milwaukee. look at forecast highs above we are hearing the reason is 100, not even factoring in the because the obamas were in the building and there was effort to humidity. we have stationary front make sure kamala harris was not overflorida going to bring seen with barack obama and potential for scattered storms michele obama because joe biden and that could add up and bring is still not happy with the potential for flooding. obamas and how barack obama may look at this atlantic basin. have had behind the scenes dealing with getting him to drop
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out of the race. looking at the long-range the quote is, we are in a tricky forecast models, things are territory. going to perk up. what do yothk about that? enjoy the quiet, we have second >> we keep hearinghe word half of hurricane season. carley and todd, over to you. unprecedented in this race, everything on the democratic >> todd: sandy arrived in side continual ly changes. october, nowhere near the end. vice president kamala harris kamala harris not being there is f skipping out on day two of the d dnc. fi former president barack obama fiure hipart and former first lady michele daunting for somnehaare obama closing out convention night and did not hold back to windle and need to wi about former president trump, arab american vote. watch. >> his same old con. the same old con. doubling down on ugly mi misogynistic racist lies as substitute for solutions that will make people's lives better. >> i heard someone compare trump to the neighbor who keeps
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running your leaf blower outside your neighbor's window every morning. for a neighbor, exhausting. from a president, it's dangerous. >> todd: trump 2024 senior advisor danielle alvarez join us now. former president and first lady attacking donald trump? >> it was unhinged. even kamala harris couldn't stand to be in chicago and listen to the lies. she was elsewhere. you can only spew untrue attacks because you can't talk about kamala's winning record or biden's winning record. they would try and pivot to gosh, the economy is terrible, we need more housing that is affordable, bring down grocery
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prices and that is reality of what americans are facing. kamala harris is currently in office and failing. there is no day one for kamala, she does not deserve promotion she is looking for. americans were tired of last ni night. i did not want to end my night with barack obama at the dnc, i'm grateful to start my morning with you. retire that awful rhetoric, retire failures, weakness of kamala harris and go back to president trump strength and success. >> todd: kind words, i saw carley make a heart. r.f.k. jr. running mate suggesting ticket may drop out of the race to support former president trump and prevent a
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kamala harris presidency. >> only one party obstructed fair election for us, democratic party have done everything including creating pacs to p prevent ballot access. idea of unity party and fighting for liberty and fighting for our children's health, we are willing to work with anyone who is sincere in their endeavor to fix and address this issue. >> todd: you are part of the campaign, will r.f.k. jr. be joining forces with donald trump to defeat kamala harris? >> words of the president yesterday, he brought together support because of his record of success in the white house and he said he would be open to such an endorsement. president trump is bringing together americans from all walks of life.
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he can deliver on core issues that they care about, whether the economy, whether closing the border, whether bringing peace through strength, at home and abroad, it is something kamala harris has not delivered on while in the white house for last 3-1/2 years. they are not the party of democrats, they have tried to keep folks off will ballot and weaponize the doj system and they are spewing falsehood and lies to remain in power. it is a disgrace, this week has been unhinged and in stark contrast to republican national convention issue where president trump was there everyday, we high highlighted everyday americans, that is what this election is and that is what donald j trump is fighting for. >> todd: i take that as maybe. we appreciate it, thank you. we'll be watching that
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rfk-trump. obamas and democrats preaching unity and joy, there is not a lot of joy outside the convention center. anti-israel protesters burning american flags. >> carley: absolutely en infuriating. doug collins is here to react next. a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? talk to your doctor. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection.
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>> todd: idf recovering body of six israeli hostages in what is called a rescue operation. secretary blinken leaving without a ceasefire in place. >> carley: alex hogan is in tel aviv with more. >> u.s. secretary of state blinken left but made stops in qatar, egypt and held conversation with u.k. foreign minister trying to push this ball forward. >> we're engaged every single
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day with israel and our qatari and egyptian partners are engaged with hamas and over the coming days, we'll do everything possible to one, get hamas on board with the bridging proposal and then to make sure both parties work on and agree to necessary details of implementation. >> until a ceasefire is reached idf is conducting ground operations along the gaza strip this week in khan yunis several new tunnels were found and troops discovered the body of six hostages, these are six found ranging from 35 to 80 years old. several funerals will take place today. 109 hostages remain in gaza. overnight tensions, rockets fired from lebanon set these
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israeli homes on fire. one person wounded in the attack. given the threat, u.s. military forces are ready to respond and protect israel in a larger attack. >> we're going to be ready for that wide variety of con contingencies of what may come. you have to have capability and capacity. that is what we've done. >> as far as ongoing negotiations for ceasefire, there has been back and forth between israel and hamas mainly pertaining to when the idf would leave gaza but blinken did comment on that last night stressing that washington does not support a long-term occupation of gaza and within this new bridge proposal there are specifics on timelines and locations of those withdrawals. >> thank you, alex.
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at home, anti-israel protests raging outside democratic national convention, but inside senate majority leader chuck schumer took time yesterday to address antisemitism while also slamming former president donald trump. listen to what he said. >> donald trump, this is a guy who pedals antisemitic st stereotypes. he invite a white supremacist to mar-a-lago. unfortunately, his prejudice goes in all directions, he fuels islamaphobia and issued a muslim ban as president. tonight, folks, i am wearing this blue square to stand up to antisemitism. to stand up to all hate. >> carley: doug collins joins me
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now. donald trump's daughter ivanka converted to judicaism. does that sound like somebody who pedals antisemitism? >> doug: no, good morning, it is time to unpack fantasy land of chicago. what they want you to believe is what they say, not what they do. only thing they have determined they can go after is donald trump personally. they attack him personally and try to make him out to be a monster. not only what you said with donald trump's family, moving the ambassador and abraham ac accord. work done in middle east, no doubt where america stood. i wish chuck schumer would acknowledge what is going on outside. they are burning our flag and cal
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calling for pain inside dnc convention. has he ever met the squad? again, it is -- i don't understand how they can stand up there and say that with a straight face. something about that clip, when he was speaking, the convention was silent. >> carley: it is a controversial topic among people within the democratic party right now. the sister of rashida tlaib is for the movement, some are outside the convention center. 70 arrested so far. they are trying to force kamala harris' hand and say, if you don't do what we want, we will not spoke to you. she spoke to politico saying kamala harris is at risk of losing key swing states,
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especially michigan, largest population of arab americans and muslim americans, people who know effect of bombing, majority of michigan voters cannot support vice president harris. what we need right now is a policy change. she's trying to push kamala harris radically to the left when it comes to foreign policy. do you think protesters have the power to do that? >> doug: we saw results in the uncommitted vote earlier. this is not grassroots, it is well funded group that is trying to take american foreign policy away from israel to a far left position. vice president harris has shown this.
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josh shapiro was on top of the list until you started hearing groups weighing in because of his two pro-israel. when you have to dig deeper to find out this is not position they are looking at, saying up front and loud, we are not supportive of harris if she will not bend to our position. this puts them in a bad position with other parts of the democratic party. you can bring obama out and rush joe biden off the stage, they have a problem internally in their own party on radical ideology of pro-hamas groups influencing position of this administration. >> carley: donald trump, j.d. vance, will be in north carolina today talking about national security at time when isis on
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the rise in afghanistan, wide open border and iran any moment going to have their hands on a nuclear weapon. no shortage of things to talk about. >> thanks, carley. >> carley: final thought to you? >> doug: interest ing part you mentioned, this is same administration that funded the rise of iran, let's not forget that. israel is told biggest fear is nuclearized iran and hamas and hezbollah, we are seeing the houthis in yemen. this administration gave them money and tearing down america's energy independence. for chuck schumer to get up and say what he said about donald trump shows they don't want to run on policy or record, but on personality. >> carley: thank you so much.
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senator bernie sanders addressed dnc yesterday praising kamala harris price control plan, which has been widely panned by economists. cheryl casone has more coming up next. >> todd: honeymoon in moscow. several vulnerable democrats are avoiding the convention, ohio senator brown is one of them, his republican opponent bernie moreno joins us next.
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>> todd: dnc had lil jon to obamas, three of the senate's vulnerable democrats distanced themselves from the liberal agenda. one of the three is ohio's brown with challenger bernie moreno. what are the inkcumbents so afra afraid of? >> sherod brown votes with joe biden and kamala harris. he wanted to be vice president kamala harris vice president. he knows the two are tied at the hip. >> todd: dems are preaching
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unity, what does it say about unity when three prominent senators decide not to show up? >> well, it is a complete hollywood production, no base in reality. they are trying to create a new narrative. we have seen their policies innac, open border, high prices instability all over the world, assault of american energy and china that is taking over farm land and auto industry if we let these people stay in charge. >> todd: currently, you are down four points. when the american people see kamala harris' policy proposal and if they prove to be as far left as expected to be, will
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kamala's record drag down your opponent and boost you up, bernie? >> his own record will dral him down. this guy is reliable vote for extreme in democratic party. he's at 46% after being in office for 50 years. this guy is known well around ohio. i've been a business guy, never thought i would run for office. his high watermark is 46. we will make it about his policy and rubber stamp for joe biden and kamala harris. that is how we'll defeat sherrod brown. >> todd: we'll be watching, big senate race could determine b balance of power in d.c.
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>> carley: praising kamala harris economic policies. >> todd: cheryl casone here with details. >> cheryl: good morning. senator sanders addressing the dnc last night, repeating an attack he's made for years, that billionaires are the enemy. watch this. >> how many of our fellow americans are struggling everyday to just get by and put food on the table, to pay the rent and get healthcare they need. >> cheryl: said harris and the party are ready to move forward with price control. >> oligarchs tell us not to take on price gouging and do not cover dental, hearing and vision and
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we shouldn't increase social security benefits for struggling seniors. i've got some bad news for them. that is pretransitionally what we are going to do. >> cheryl: vice president harris blamed high prices at the grocery store on businesses. prices are 26% higher than 2019. not much price gouging going on in this industry, they have 1-2% profit margin, talking about grocery stores. it is input cost, knowledge of gasoline, rent, labor cost and that broken supply chain that has to be -- during the pandemic and after, getting back on track there. main drivers we've seen since 2019 with prices folks are
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paying. >> carley: what is latest when it comes to planned parenthood? >> cheryl: closing four health centers in new york due to financial problems, citing financial and political challenges. pro-life group says in one of the most pro-abortion states in the country, they close up shop. they offer options without p profiting for misery of women and children. now this as the abortion issue is taking centerstage at the dnc. planned parenthood and pro-abortion groups on the ground in chicago. here is a post talking about what they're doing. we're here with chicago abortion fund to bring you free v
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vasectomies and emergency c contraception. remember the vice president has been going to college campuses for almost a year now talking about overturning of roe v. wade. >> todd: yet republicans are weird, we don't have visuals like that. don't miss cheryl in the mornings. michael what theley will join us next. carol >> carley: lawrence jones is here. >> lawrence: we'll bring you i goos details of obama's speech. day three of the dnc. lookings like there is party in-fighting. the obamas tried to unite democratic, but kamala harris skipped the dnc. the choice is made to avoid tricky optics. how many times main speaker
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spent on issues versus trump. former president named more than economy, more than border, inflation and crime combined. i decided to visit chicago barber shops to see how voters feel. this is what they say, watch. >> everything you are hearing from democrats are already things they failed at over 30 years. blacks are struggling, we have highest prison rate, highest murder rate. what's in it for us? >> most of us vote democrats, that is what we were brought up to do. you go to the poll, vote democrats democrat. i don't see a change. >> lawrence: when diners and barber shops say the same thing, people should be concerned. we have j.d. vance here live before the rally in north carolina with donald trump stressing national security.
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andrew yang will stop by, dana perino and rob snyder. we have a busy morning, see you in a bit. (♪) (♪) (♪) relax, you booked a vrbo. she grew up in a middle class home. she was the daughter of a working mom. and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree. kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle class. it's why she's determined to lower health care costs and make housing more affordable. donald trump has no plan to help the middle class, just more tax cuts for billionaires. being president is about who you fight for. and she's fighting for people like you. i'm kamala harris and i approve this message.
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>> carley: a recent poll shows kamala harris with a comfortable lead over donald trump among women in several key swing states a group that could help shape the race. >> todd: meantime the center for american women in politics say
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women have voted higher rates than men in every presidential election since 1980. with the gap between women and men growing slightly larger with each successive election. michael whatley joins you now. to that original graphic that we showed, donald trump losing to kamala harris by 21 points amongst swing state voters that are women. one, do you agree with that assessment and, two, if so, how do you close that gap? >> well, i think the way we close that gap is by talking about the issues that women care about, the issues that american voter cares about. and those are jobs, the economy, inflation, safety, and security. and on every one of those issues, donald trump has a commanding lead over kamala harris. it is remarkable to me that two nights into the convention, the one thing that's really notice being is they refuse to talk about any of these issues. they want to focus on ritz and glitz. they do not want to talk about the issues that americans care
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about that are pressing them every single day at home in every one of the battleground states. >> carley: you mentioned the issues. fox news has actually kept track of everything, all of the speakers at the dnc have said. and the speakers last night mentioned donald trump much more than those very issues you mentioned. donald trump 24 mentions. the economy got 6. the border 4. inflation just one mention. and crime zero. what do you think about that? >> i think it shows you that they are trying to figure out whether kamala harris is going to double down on her stance on every one of these issues, which is completely out of step with the american people or is she going to run away from them. right now on every single issue, donald trump is able to talk about them. he is able to go press conferences. he is able to communicate directly with the american people while the democrats are keeping kamala away from the press. they are keeping their convention away from these issues. in fact, they were just last night keeping kamala away from
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the obamas. so, i think that, you know, what they are looking at right now is trying to figure out how to cope with a radical, progressive ticket the most radical dangerous ticket that we have ever seen while the republicans and donald trump are unified and talking to the american people about the issues they care about. >> todd: michael, if you can't get women to the degree that you want. how will you increase turnout by men? i read that stat in the introduction to you that said since 19 # 0, men have not turned out in same numbers as women to presidential elections, the gap is growing. how do you change that? how do you get men to turn out because the stats show men seem to like donald trump a lot more than the other side, if you will. >> well, this election is going to be decided around a family dinner table. it's going to be decided on home economic issues. and it's going to be about the issues that matter for american families. and american communities. so we are going to continue to talk to every american family. we're going to go out and talk to them where they are.
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you saw president trump this week already in pennsylvania, in michigan. today he is going to be in north carolina. then he is going to be in arizona and nevada. we are seeing j.d. vance on the road throughout talking to american voters in swing states. that is an issue we're going to take directly to the american people and we are going to talk to them about the issues that really effect their families. >> carley: we say that election day is november 5th. that's actually not true anymore. because next month early voting starts in north carolina, pennsylvania, we are talking about important swing states here, minnesota, south dakota, virginia, mississippi, and illinois. democrats are typical more comfortable voting early than republicans party that is usually weary of voting early. what is your message when it comes to that in this election? >> our message is pretty simple. it's great if you want to vote early. it's great if you want to vote by mail. it's great if you want to vote on election day. what you need to do is make a plan and execute that plan to deliver that vote.
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>> carley: for people to say it's unsafe to vote early they are worried about their vote counting what do you say. >> we are working right now across the country on protect the vote tour. lara trump and i have been in every single battle ground state. we are traveling around the country recruiting and training volunteers to serve as ballot observers and workers in every one of the states across the country. already got 165,000 people who have signed up to help make sure that it's easy to vote and hard to cheat. >> carley: you said that you believe 50% of americans will vote before election day. so we went from election day to election -- two months and two days. that's just the nature of the game right now. michael what thely, thank you very much for joining us septemr is my. get ready for it. "fox & friends" starts now. >> carley: have a great day. ♪ ♪
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>> brian: all ri


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