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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 22, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> todd: final day of the dnc beginning just hours from now and will end with kamala harris formally accepting democratic nomination for president. she was not there last night to watch tim walz take the stage and do not have policy updates from her. she did release another social media video on her phone. she loves her phone. >> carley: rumors swirling about future of r.f.k. jr.'s campaign and who he will endorse if he drops out of the race, we'll tell you everything we know. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: everything, all of our knowledge. i'm todd piro. brooke singman is live in chicago with the latest from the dnc. hi, brooke. >> brooke: governor walz formally accepting nomination for vice president. slamming donald trump and speech filled with football references.
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>> when i was teaching, we would elect a student body president and they could teach donald trump a hell of a lot. i have given pep talks. let me finish with this, team. it's the fourth quarter. we're down a field goal. we're on offense and we've got the ball. we're driving down the field. [cheering] >> and boy, do we have the right team. >> brooke: walz has been under fire for military services with many criticizing his retiring before his unit was deployed to iraq. he faced criticism for m misrepresenting his time. >> everybody has a responsibility to contribute. for me, it was serving in army national guard.
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i joined up two days after my 17th birthday and i proudly wore our nation's uniform for 24 years. >> brooke: several high-profile democrats took the stage including godmoth er nancy pelosi. delegates were wearing these pins, ahead of her speech, she honored joe biden and kamala harris. >> nomination of joe biden and kamala harris, we established one of the most successful presidencies of modern times. i know vice president harris is ready to take us to new heights. >> when she was young, she worked at mcdonald's and greeted every person with that thousand watt smile and said, how can i help you. he did something hard for a politician to do. he voluntarily gave up political power. george washington knew that and he did it. it will enhance joe biden's
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legacy. >> we will choose a better politics, a politics that calls us to our better selves and offers a better everyday. that is what kamala harris and tim walz represents. >> brooke: and billionaire oprah winfrey showing her support. >> choose optimism over cynicism, that is the best of america. and let us choose inclusion over retribution, choose common sense over nonsense because that is the best of america and let us choose the sweet promise of tomorrow over the bitter return to yesterday. we won't go back, let's all choose kamala harris! [cheering] >> brooke: vice president kamala
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harris will address the convention tonight as she formally accepts the party's nomination for president. >> todd: tim walz doubling down on neighborly comments. nothing says neighborly like covid snitch line and shooting your neighbors with paint balls, both of which he did. and tim walz explaining why americans should support kamala harris. >> never hesitated to reach across that aisle if it meant improving your lives and she's always done it with energy, with passion and with joy. we've got a chance to make kamala harris the next president of the united states. we owe it to the american people to tell them exactly what she'd do before we ask for their votes. >> todd: let's win for america, janelle king joins us now.
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wasn't tim walz prime time speech time to go through how kamala harris would improve our country? >> good morning, like you, i'm waiting on details on policies, as well. i read articles and hear promises and pie in the sky messaging they are putting forth we have 6000 child credit and 25,000 housing credit, raising corporate tack from 21% to 28% as if we needed more price hikes. this will be disastrous. they are trying their best to put on rose-colored glasses across the eyes of us in america so we can see them as relief factor when they are the reason we're in the situation that we're in right now. i would love to see her explain how we got to where we are and how she plans to get us out without doing same thing they
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did before. >> todd: axios saying when hillary clinton and biden ran for president in 2016 and 2020, each campaign wrote out dozens of policies, harris's website does not have a policy page. if they are so proud of their vision for america, why won't they tell it to us? >> because they know it is not going to work. kamala knows that by putting these promises out here, she's putting herself between a rock and hard place. choose between if she wants to keep promises and few months later to a year later, we'll see it go off the rail or if we want to protect her legacy she knows none of these things will get us back on the right track and put us in the direction we're heading right now and she will have to choose.
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i'm looking forward to seeing if she's going to take on interviews and allow people to ask her the tough questions. >> todd: when tomorrow morning happens, glow of convention will be over and business begins. before we let you go, one more question on tim walz speech. what do you make of walz going after j.d. vance for pulling 4i himself out of poverty and getting to yale. isn't that what a high school teacher should want for his stu students? >> if they are not helping you pull yourself out of the ditch by your boot straps, they feel like it does not work. it is not good enough. you can't do it on your own, you have to have their help, have to have some form of assistance, it is the liberal way. they would have respect from him
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if he acknowledged how much help he got from the government. they would say good, j.d. he was able to work hard and push forward is not commendable to these progressives. >> todd: it is insane, is what it is. you speak the truth, janelle king, thank you. to the campaign trail, robert f kennedy jr. is expected to address the nation tomorrow on his path forward. his running mate says they could join forces with president trump. >> carley: interesting. griff jenkins joins us. >> griff: kennedy pulled 10% one point and fought hard to make the debate stage. it may come to an end. here is what we know. r.f.k. jr. will address the nation tomorrow, weighing his next move and his running mate, nicole shanahan is hinting about
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potential paths forward. one is staying in and running risk of kamala harris and walz presidency or we walk away right now and join forces with donald trump. >> griff: if kennedy drops and backs trump, it could have impact in 20 states you see here where kennedy got on the ballot. kennedy is speaking friday from arizona, where former president trump will be, as well. the two have reportedly been talking in private conversations. there is talk trump could give him a place in the future trump administration. >> i respect him, i've respected him for a long time. i know where he is coming from, different philosophy. he's a smart guy. i'll be there on friday. if he endorsed me, would i be
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honored? absolutely. >> griff: what could happen if kennedy joins forces with trump? latest "new york times" poll suggesting 41% of kennedy voters would back trump, oge only 27% would vote for harris. kennedy has been logged down in -- and his running mate has been blasting democratic party saying they have obstructed a fair election. trump will be at the border today, we'll see if he has more to say about it. this teaser, late yesterday, shanahan did dr. drew's podcast and said friday is going to be one of the biggest events in election history. >> carley: quite the teaser, we'll be watching to see what that is. thank you. 2000 anti-israel protesters take to the streets of chicago to protest outside the dnc with
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some even staging a sit-in demaning democrats add palestinian speaker to their convention. >> todd: squad members joining in. there is one of them. david webb is here to react next. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur.
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>> todd: rocket sirens sound in northern israel after idf -- >> carley: the israelis expand ground operation in gaza. >> todd: alex hogan has the latest on ceasefire talks. >> u.s. president joe biden held a conversation with prime minister netanyahu stressing u urgency and need for ceasefire. they will be traveling to cairo, egypt later this week. kamala harris was on the call and washington reiterated support for israel and likelihood it would step in and defend israel if needed. uss abraham lincoln has arrive the. it will defend israel from iran
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and proxies if needed. one proxies, israel released this video today. worth noting in last two days in a row, hezbollah fired 200 projectiles toward israel as focus shifts to the situation on northern part of the country. >> air force is our iron fist knows how to hit our enemies. if we have to, we will prove it again and more vigorously. >> now in gaza, the idf is ordering new evacuations, carrying out more ground operations. 100,000 palestinians are displaced, being pushed to find other places to shelter. people are carrying their b belongings.
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ceasefire negotiations are main focus we'll continue to see is conversation over the stretch of land between gaza and egypt and whether both parties can come to an agreement and if idf will remain in that part of land. >> carley: most contentious part of the negotiations. parents of hersh, an american hostage held by hamas addressed the dnc yesterday. >> among the hostages are eight american citizens. one of those americans is our only son. >> a deal that brings this diverse group of 109 hostages home. >> carley: the speech happening as thousands of anti-israel protesters marched through chicago resulting in 55 arrests
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yesterday. group of uncommitted democrats staged a sit-in demanding stage time for a palestinian speaker before end of the convention. >> let's change people's lives, stop killing people in gaza with our money and our bombs. it is simple, this is about winning. >> governor walz, we all do better when we all do better, that includes palestinians. >> carley: squad woman ilhan omar also joining in. david webb is fox news contributor and joins me now. what do you think about both these things, speech by hersh's parents who had his arm blown off and been held in captivity as a hostage for 320 days and outside the convention center, the sit-in with pro-palestinian
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protesters, both groups are calling for a ceasefire. they want kamala harris to get them there. >> i think anybody with a soul can feel the pain of a parent whose child is being held by a brutal terrorist organization like hamas, no dout about that. americans or any hostage, i feel for them. they are making their appeal to the very party, very people, would be-be administration if harris-walz that would leave people like their son to hostage attack, murder, rape and other horrific crimes they carried out and will continue in the future because that is their history and how they achief their goal.
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that said, while attention is being given to the protesters, rioters that are there, by the numbers analysis is needed. who are democrats playing to? are we not paying attention close enough to bigger general election picture? in 2020, carley, roughly 1.1 million muslims voted. this year 34.4 black voters and still maybe growth of .2 to be.3 in the muslim voters. dnc and democrats know that big numbers to win the general come from blacks and latinos and a lot of people pay attention to riot distraction outside. i watch the youtube stream daily. i see the march on dnc 2024,
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they are calling for genocide. i don't hear them saying release the hochstages, they are anti-w when it comes to israel and hamas, not when it comes to russia and ukraine. the dnc and democrats care more about the general than they pretend to care what is going on outside the arena. >> carley: there is this happening tomorrow. r.f.k. jr. is going to address what he is calling his path forward and many are speculating he will announce he is dropping out of the presidential race. a poll found 41% of swing state voters that back r.f.k. jr. said they would support donald trump and 27% would support kamala harris. if he does announce he is dropping out, that move could move the needle in the direction
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of donald trump. what do you think about that? >> there is potential for that, you have many disaffected democrats, unaffiliated voters drawn to r.f.k. jr. the unfairness of not being able to compete with joe biden or fought to keep him off the democratic ballots in many states. however, it is mixed bag. i'm not sure, there are many who hate trump and if your hatred for trump overrides your love for america or freedom or constitution, those voters are likely to stay with democrats or stay home. >> carley: 41 and 27 donald trump add up to 100%, a lot of supporters don't know what they will do. they say not to do math on the spot. >> todd: good point. >> i like the numbers. >> carley: kamala harris will
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address the dnc tonight to formally accept the party nomination. >> todd: she is more focused on vibes. young voter who used to back biden will tell us if the vibes are working, next. now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ (♪) ♪ i feel free ♪ (♪) ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ (♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. (♪) ♪ nothing and me go hand-in-hand, ♪
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>> todd: kamala harris set to take the stage tonight at the dnc. will she put forth or policy or continue to push good vibes, as you see there. the media loves good vibes. what do voters think? columnist for daily caller and u.s. army veteran joins us now. will, do vibes bring down cost of food? >> no, they don't. american voters right now, cost at grocery store, lack of jobs,
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vibes, i don't know what that does. main reason kamala and walz do not want to put forward a record, they know that is what the american people do not want. >> todd: if vibes don't bring down cost of food, maybe joy will. let's listen. >> our nominees, kamala harris and tim walz, they bring the joy. >> kamala harris is the only candidate in this race who has vision, experience, temperament and yes, sheer joy. >> let us choose truth, let us choose honor and let us choose joy! >> todd: put your army hat on, are xi jinping, and iranian leaders shaking in their boots
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with kamala harris coming with joy? >> though no, that is ridiculous. the thing interesting to me, right now, dnc is going on, right outside their gates, they have people who normal ly suppot democratic party against them. you have growing side of african american black men like myself and democratic party, as well. instead of trying to unite the party, they are talking about joy and big words that sound great, does not mean stuff when it comes down to end of the day. >> todd: end of the day is soon, sugar high of dnc ends by this time tomorrow. they need policy and need it fast. election day is november 5, that is soon. new data shows u.s. job growth weaker to the tune of 800,000 jobs. commerce secretaries i don't
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believe that, she says trump said it. >> carley: cheryl casone is here with right details. >> cheryl: bureau of labor statistics issued largest correction to job numbers we have seen since 2009. 818,000 fewer jobs from april of 2023 to march of 2024 than reported. here is commerce secretary's response, watch. >> today bureau of labor saying 800,000 fewer jobs were create said than reported. do you think this number is liability for this campaign? >> no, when i hear that, i don't believe it. i never heard donald trump say anything truthful. >> it is from bureau ever labor. >> i'm not woman with that. >> cheryl: i could watch this clip over and over. that is commerce secretary, everybody. slower job growth will give
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federal reserve another data point ahead of their meeting. rate cut is pricked to be -- predicted to be half a point or -- look at katie pavlich. sgll we will. >> todd: commerce secretary, most updated labor numbers. >> cheryl: i think we're being governored by idiots. >> todd: next governor, ie, president will be, betting m markets showing interesting stuff. another story on illegal migrants. >> cheryl: good old california, democrats and california state legislature of hoping to pass a bill to open up 300 million in home loan to nonlegal migrants in the state. california dream for all shared appreciation loan program was
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introduced in may of 2023 for first-time home buyers. the funds dried up in two weeks. 85% increase in new homes over when president biden and vice president harris took office. early you you spoke to a mom who lives in a hotel because it is ep chaer than apartments in her neighborhood. >> i am focused on myself and my family. i hope that whoever is elected can make real change in both the economy at large and this housing cries for people like me. >> cheryl: these loans are interest free and don't require monthly payments. when the property is sold, borrower pays back the loan and 20%.
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this amended bill will go to senate, if approved, goes to governor newsom's desk. california has a major budget crisis. >> todd: higher for a home, moronic idea from economic perspective. check out katie pavlich's feed. >> cheryl: shout out to katie pavlich. >> todd: cheryl, thank you. next, craziest video you will see all week. a woman hopping the fence and cl climbing inside a zoo enclosure. >> carley: who among us have not done that. police are looking for her. a live report coming up next.
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>> carley: shocking video of a woman trying to touch a full-grown tiger in a zoo enclosure in new jersey. >> todd: chanley painter has details. >> chanley: scary, it happened in bridgeton, new jersey. this unidentified woman climbed over a wooden fence coming f face-to-face with a bengal tiger. she reached through the
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enclosure to touch the animal and the tiger lunges toward her. police say the woman tried to entice the tiger and violated the assign. video officials were left horrified saying the woman tried to do the same thing in the nearby bear exhibit. this zoo, you get to go closer than any other zoo but you can't take liberty with that. these guys get frustrated and could seriously hurt someone, reflecting badly on them. city officials call this careless action. i hope the individual recognizes how lucky they are to have all their limbs. there are tips, they are asking for any information on the
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identity of this unidentified woman to contact police. glad she is okay, glad the tiger is okay, but wow. >> carley: foed god forbid the tiger hurt the woman. >> todd: she is lucky to have her limbs and life. former president trump will visit arizona, illegal migrant encounters sky rocketed 400% under biden-harris administration. >> as president, she will hire thousand more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. fixing the border is tough, so is kamala harris. >> carley: in 2019, former presformer --
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>> deported 3 million people, do you think president obama made mistake? >> there were noncriminals being deported, that was wrong, i disagreed with it. >> carley: joining us now is mike huckabee. governor, good morning. we are dealing with tale of two kamalas, which one should we believe? >> i think you ought to believe the one she's been until she became a presidential candidate. what a person has done in the past is good indicator what you will do in the future. you don't change your stripes. her policies have been open border. she's been the border czar. i know she's run from that, here is the deal. kamala harris was designated to deal with the border and botched it in a horrible way. all the last 3-1/2 years we've
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been told by joe biden, kamala harris, mayorkas, they were doing great on the border, they were secure, they said that under oath in congress. if she's done a great job and administration has, wouldn't she embrace title of border czar instead of run from it. this is a sham and americans shouldn't buy it. if they believe border security is important, kamala harris ain't your gal. >> todd: i love the fact in the commercial she says if elected president, she will hire border agents, crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. she had 3-1/2 years to do it, why not then? from kamala to nancy pelosi takes stage at dnc, thanks joe biden after she stabbed him in the back and orchestrated his ousting. watch. >> democrats deliver. millions of jobs, stronger
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infrastructure on rural broadband, biden child tax credit, rescuing human pension, honoring veterans, all thanks to president biden's vision of fair america doing so with liberty and justice for all. thank you, joe. >> todd: wow, that really hap happened. look at pins people wore. delegates so proud of the coup, they were wearing godmother pins. what won't democrats do to have a death grip on power and have no shame in doing it? >> well, todd, it is pretty evident, they will do anything to keep their grip on power. she went to joe biden and made him an offer he couldn't refuse, high and low of it. i got to tell you, listening to comments of nancy pelosi filled
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my heart with joy for xexuberane knowing she thought joe biden was sup an extraordinary president he ought to be on mount rushmotion. what they say and do are totally different things. will american people buy what they say rather than what they experience and witness? i hope not. we need people who wake up and say, democrats have been in control 3-1/2 years. what has been better in my life or worse in my life? do we want four more years of what we have had for the past almost four. if americans say i love gas prices and grocery prices, you can have them, just elect kamala harris and tim walz. >> carley: nancy pelosi just did an interview and direct quote, many concerned wanted an open process, open process anyone
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could have gotten in. harris had endorsement of the president and she politically took advantage of it and shut down, not shut down, won the nomination. anybody else could have gotten in. what do you think about the fact she said kamala harris shut things down? >> she did not win the nomination, she grabbed the nomination. not a single vote was cast. she rushed in wisely and said, it is mine. they had a hard time telling her she couldn't have it. they got her, i hope they are happy with her once she starts answering questions and taking policy questions. she has to own up to what she's done and said over a long political career having never been in private business other than making milk shakes at
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mcdonald's. >> todd: democrats have wrong definition of open, border is open, democratic process of nominating candidate is not. governor mike huckabee spinning the truth. >> carley: godfath er reference. >> todd: just wait for what joe concha and us will discuss. it will be wild. >> carley: lawrence jones will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: great job holding down the fort. we have one more day and i'll be back. president trump will hold first outdoor rally since his assassination attempt. he heads to arizona where r.f.k. jr. is expected to be amid reports he could drop out and endorse. account we see a possible teamup? donald trump will join us live
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this morning. increased security is not stopping violence in chicago. i talked to family members of victims who share their message to democrats. watch. what have you done successfully to come in and change it before the election? >> get drug dealers off the street and killers off the street to get the vote. as time passes by, they'll will be forgotten. >> lawrence: we have kellyanne conway, rachel campos-duffy, bill hemmer will stop by before his show and jessica tarlov will be here this morning. we'll see you top of the hour, we have a busy show this morning. if you have heart failure, farxiga can help you keep living life with the ones you love. ask your doctor about farxiga today. genocide /* farxiga can cause serious side effects, udin thfatal, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection
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♪ >> the media is fawning over tim walz's speech of the dnc and took note of a different kind of energy in the crowd. >> what's really been fascinating is to watch the men of the democratic party model a kind of masculinity that is simply 21st century 21st century mass c masculinity. very depth political communicator. 10 out of a 10. >> distinction between what i would call a cheaper patriotism and deeper patriotism. this is a deeper patriotism here. it's not just the rah-rah stuff. >> it's okay in 2024 to be man comfortable in his own skin who supports a woman.
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and that's something that they really are trying to work on with male voters. >> todd: fox news contributor joe concha joins me now. this obviously was an attack on what they call toxic masculinity at least that's what they call it sort of a touting of 21st century masculinity. when we interview veterans those who have actually fought wars overseas they worry about 21st century masculinity means for our ability to fight the next war why is the media celebrating it, joe? >> they also are beta males and whatever you call a female that doesn't embrace men who are just being men, right? it's just everything about this convention is just so weird, guys, in general. obviously the media conch just continues to debase themselves as if there is anything left to debase at this point. and there is no getting around it, i mean, tim walz is a weird guy making weird arguments. i mean, for example, he was
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talking about that -- let's put it this way, there was a time in this country if you were poor and worked your way out of poverty that you did so well that you got into one of the top schools in the country like yale, that was something every american, regardless of political ideology would celebrate except for now today's democratic party tim walz who said this last night quote i had 24 kids in my high school class and none of them went to yale, yeah. j.d. vance worked his way out of poverty and went to one of the top schools in the country and somehow that's a bad thing and then obviously j.d. vance also joined the marines as well which apparently, i guess, is also a very toxic masculine things unlike tim walz who ditched his unit before they were deployed. again the dnc's intro tuck tore video for tim walz also said that he was a command sergeant major in the national guard. that is a lie. meanwhile we heard the word joy speaking of masculinity, on day
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one 11 times. day 218 times, day 330 times. >> meanwhile we heard the word trump hundreds of times over the past few days and the word biden by the way the name anyway very few times as if the last three and a half years never existed so, again. this has been a weird convention. it's been a convention where we have heard lie after lie and i don't think this is resonating the way msnbc and cnn and other outlets think it is. this is just some weird stuff we are seeing on our screen and weird stuff we are hearing. >> todd: joe, on the military stuff i did hesitate to ask that question because did i not fight and serve our country. 50 republican when you falsely claim military service that did not happen and abandon your post you diminish the real sacrifices made by veterans who did serve in combat. again, that's coming from 50 republican veterans. >> carley: good thing to read. joe, speeches are so late swing states, pennsylvania, michigan
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all are on east coast time. a lot of people can't show up to watch them. then they rely on the media conch of the speeches and the dnc if you look at "the washington post" and "new york times" it's all glowing conch. how much of an impact might that have when it comes to the next round of polling that we will see? >> well, it may have a little bit, i suppose. we are seeing in the betting markets donald trump was down 10 points before the democratic national convention. now in polymarket, for example, you are up by #. wow, i have never seen a shift before during a convention where it seems to be going in the other direction. and, again. to go back to the weird theme, kamala harris is watching her vp speech last night from her hotel room. she also didn't watch her husband's speech last night because she went to a rally in wisconsin. it's, again, weird that she wouldn't be there to your point, carley, pennsylvania and michigan georgia, north
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carolina, key, key swing states. people aren't up watching this live. they see the media conch instead. i don't think the messenger, as far as "the washington post" and cnn and all these outlets we talked about, everybody knows they are in the tank for democrats. i don't think it has an impact on the voters that matter who know that they are being fed exactly what hard core democrats want to be heard instead of what is actually happening. i think democrats are smart enough to do their own research and clips and make their own conclusion. i don't know if it will have that much impact. >> todd: joy has a book tour in point pleasant, new jersey. we love the point eleventh. >> carley: dana has ties to that book shop. kelly the woman who own is wonderful. you will have great time. go to the book shop and meet the great joe concha. joe, thank you so much for joining us. have great day. >> joe: thanks, guys. >> >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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>> brian: all ri


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