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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 22, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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assault, 15% according to lapd, not just passengers, 160 drivers were attacked. city trying to install p protective barriers. the suspect is being held without bond and faces life in prison of attempted murder. >> bill: disturbing stuff. in and out of jail again. william la jeuness, thank you for that. >> dana: nasa facing dilemma as it works to bring home two astronauts due to technical problems with boeing spacecraft. space suits are inkcompatible with space x aircraft. they could be there until february. >> bill: bring them new clothes. >> dana: former president trump addressing foreign policy and
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role it plays in national security and vice president harris is still silent on her plans for diplomacy against foreign adversaries. welcome to new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. almost there. right? >> dana: this is the house -- built, somebody told me that. >> bill: his name was guy benson. grand finale and v.p. will accept her party nomination. string of foreign policy failure casting a dark shadow on the biden-harris administration. former president trump holding a five-point advantage on foreign policy in the power rankings, putting spotlight on global security with a warning as he spoke in north carolina this morning for voters. >> the world is on fire and kamala and biden have marched us
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to the brink of world war iii. we defeated isis, killed the world's top terrorist, we protected israel, closed borders, made peace with abraham accord and more. since afghanistan catastrophe it's been open season on america and our allies -- >> bill: gillian turner reports on that from the state department to figure out how strong foreign policy will play in this november vote. good morning. >> gillian: good morning, bill. trump-vance ticket devoted this day to attacking v.p. harris's foreign policy and touting their own. new trump doctrine is emerging fairly clearly this cycle and it is this. no more fighting in foreign wars. take a listen. >> everybody said he's going to start wars with his attitude.
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my attitude kept us out of wars. >> my life been shaped by presidents who sent america into unwise wars. it was not just democrats, it was sometimes republicans, too. >> gillian: signature trump issues from his first term remain in place, forcing european to pay nato dues and iron-clad support for israel. >> israel, october 7 would have never happened. iran would have never done that, they had little money. now they are rich as hell. >> donald trump prevented nuclear war, if we are not careful kamala harris will walk us into nuclear war. >> gillian: amidnew report ing harris plans to reenter the iran nuclear deal. her campaign says no dice, the
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vice president will never allow iran to have a nuclear weapon. all options are on the table reentering that deal is not our focus. there you have it in writing from the harris campaign. they do not want to reenter iran nuclear deal, as of now. secretary blinken is back at state department today after another trip to middle east to broker a ceasefire deal. he is coming back empty-handed once again. >> bill: gillian turner, thank you. >> dana: r.f.k. jr. could end has preshl bid tomorrow. he will address the nation from arizona, a few miles from where donald trump is campaigning tomorrow. we can do the math. kennedy location is sparking rumors he will endorse the former president. trump says he will gladly accept that support.
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>> i would be very honored by it. he has his heart in the right place. he was a democrat, they treated him badly. >> dana: griff jenkins has the latest. >> griff: kennedy has waged a strong independent campaign polling 10% at one point and nearly making it to the debate stage with biden and trump. his campaign is mired in lawsuits and running short on cash and it may soon be coming to an end. here is what we know, r.f.k. jr. addresses the nation tomorrow. his campaign says kennedy is weighing his next move and his running mate is hinting about the potential path forward. >> one is staying in, forming a new party and run risk of a kamala harris and walz presidency. or we walk away right now and join forces with donald trump.
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>> griff: big question is what might happen if kennedy drops and backs trump. kennedy is on the ballot in 20 states and in that famed blue wall of michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin, latest "new york times" poll suggests 41% of kennedy voters said they would back trump and 27% would vote for harris. kennedy, as you mentioned, is speaking in arizona tomorrow near where trump is holding the rally. the two have been in private conversations and there are rumblings if kennedy endorses trump, he could find himself in a future role. leave you with this teaser. shanahan told dr. drew friday is going to be one of the biggest events in american history.
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see what we get. dana. >> dana: that would be big. we look forward to seeing the biggest thing in history. bring in guy benson, glad you are with us in chicago. you spend a lot of time here. >> went to school here. >> dana: this was on special report last night. watch. >> a lot of people have expressed support for him. it is not as though all supporters walk over and go with president trump. >> you don't think it could be consequential? >> not at all, action of running to harris and now running to trump, makes him almost laughable. more sad than laughable. >> dana: yet, guy, if half people who thought they would vote for r.f.k. jr. do go with trump over harris or maybe stay home, if they go with trump, addition is part of the game here. >> guy: definitely, some feels
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like wishful thinking on democrats part. it is not about him, it is about his supporters. polls nationally, he's in mid-single digits, that is not a ton of people, but significant number in places that will be decided narrowly. if trump has slight advantage over kamala harris in terms of where people might go next, say that translates to one point for donald trump in november, that could be decisive in any number of states. we are projecting out far in the future. i have spoken to r.f.k. jr. supporters that are friends of mine, i asked what they will do and one said trump and one said kamala harris. >> dana: and that guy said i won't vote at all. >> bill: i don't know what it is
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inside, we'll see if he makes the news. a judge in new york said your candidacy is illegitimate, they were living in california when he claimed residency in new york. maybe he will have to explain that. look at minnesota, michigan and north carolina for ballots he's on. here is tomorrow now, just so viewers know on friday. kennedy will be in arizona 2:00 eastern time and trump will be in arizona at 6:00, we will watch that tomorrow. put that aside. i do not know your impression of this convention thus far? i've said more style than s substance, i don't know if you agree. here is what donald trump had to say about his perception of the conference so far. >> they mentioned me 297 times. they mentioned the border wons. she's allowed millions of people
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to come into this country unchecked and vetted. >> bill: if they mentioned trump 297 times, they mentioned abortion 298 times, that is what this has been about. >> it is style, clear where they stand on abortion, one issue they go to over and over again. that being said, been a pretty successful convention so far, they have the energy of this new hope in an election they thought they were going to lose and they were going to lose with their elected nominee. they threw him out and had a month of adulation from the news media and now feel they have a shot and they do. it is wild to watch the democratic party pretending they are challengers to status quo. they are in power, she is sitting vice president and copilot of this thing and they
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are glossing right over that. they love it in the hall. they love the media suites, see if they can sustain that through november. that is clearly their plan. >> dana: in middle school, i learned about an apositive in grammar, if you have a sentence and phrase in between commas, you take it out, the sentence still holds, they are trying to do that to the biden-harris administration, it never existed. >> guy: the harris is kamala harris, who is now nominee for democrats and sitting vice president. >> dana: is it in the title. >> guy: in the name of the administration, it is their play and so far polling wise it is, woing for them. we have a ways to go. >> dana: on immigration, trump is ahead nineteen points on border security and 14% on -- >> guy: he is doing fine on
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issues, head-to-head, competitive. >> bill: hope you get back to northwestern while in town. >> dana: thanks, guy. >> we're leading in the polls and going to continue and going to win. november 5 is most important day in the history of our country. remember that. >> dana: new polling shows former president trump and vice president kamala harris in dead heat. can either move the needle today? >> bill: democrats casting themselves as champions of middle class, why rely on big-time billionaires to pitch their message? good question. also this, coming up. >> conventions normally are about nominating people who win elections. and kamala harris has not won a single vote for the democratic party and they will make her the nominee. >> dana: democrats are set to anoint her tonight.
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never a primary vote. we'll see how it all turns out. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ ♪ when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch.
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>> bill: historic flooding, washing away a home in the state of connecticut. >> bill: rain in connecticut, they got 10 inches, turned that creek into a raging river. swept the home off the foundation. only thing she saved was her
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son's teddy bear. mud slides and water rescues and two people were killed as a result of that storm in the northeast. dana. >> dana: polling shows the election will be decided in seven key swing states. one of the most important is georgia. senior advisor on the harris-walz campaign is here. >> thank you for having me. >> dana: david plath joined the campaign and knows politics. he says there are seven states, she is up in several states. as i've been saying, everything getses harder for the campaign starting tomorrow. how will you maintain the lead? >> this is the excitement we need and my barometer is often my 22-year-old who has been cynical about politics.
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he's been excited this week. i share that because i think he speaks for so many young people who have not been happy about any number of things. this is what we needed to get our message out and get our base enthuz and take momentum through november. >> dana: did you need a different nominee to make that happen? >> it is a different nominee, a different convention. i think president biden would have made his case. certainly with the shift in this election, nothing we have never seen before for most of us, it has given us the momentum you need when you are going into a race. this is a sprint. georgia, no one thought we would flip in 2020 and against, when we sent senator warnoshg ck back to the senate. >> bill: she will have to answer
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questions. put on the screen what spokes people have said for her campaign on issues she had in 2019-2020 and where she is allegely today. immigration, re-examine ice, today talking about strong border security, supported f fracking ban and today does not support this, medicare for all, campaign says she will not push medicare for all as presidential candidate. what is risk in choosing not to define yourself here and allowing others to define you in the public, especially trump and j.d. vance. >> remember she's only been our candidate, our nominee for a few weeks. with each week, you'll get more and more information. she laid out the economic plan last week, we'll hear more getting through the campaign. politics is not only area of profession where people say you can't evolve and change
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position. people evolve, positions change each and everyday. i rather have a candidate looking at their positions, rethinking their position in some cases and then making best decisions on how to best serve people. >> bill: you admit there is risk you are considered a flip flopper moving to places you have not been before. there are risks in that. >> risk is when we attach negative labels to people being thoughtful about policy positions and what they should be. what her positions are will be articulated over next several weeks. this is a great time because people are paying attention now. >> dana: it's been interesting to be here. it is so -- for us, when i hear the conversation like aoc, she said if you are a retiree and had to go back to work because
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gas and grocery prices are so high, kamala harris is for you. that is acting like trump is the incumbent and he's not. 76% of registered voters cut back to afford necessity. 65% of democrats have cut back. job revision number yesterday. this headline about electric suv plans, it is a flop and people are losing jobs because ford yesterday said we'll have to switch gears, this is not working for us. it is in the title, biden-hearrs administration, can she get away with not being a part of that? >> african american community, solid base in georgia, we have record low unemployment rates across the country and the economy is getting better. gas prices are down. grocery prices are going down across the country and people
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have to remember, there was this pandemic that huge economic downturn across the globe we've had to recover from. we've had to reset in a lot of ways and recover from the numbers are looking better. >> dana: larry summers from clinton saying inflation reduction act, she was deciding act, is the issue that caused inflation in first place. as former mayor of atlanta, immi inflation reduction act made a t tremendous difference and gave us flexibility to do things, looking at the crime numbers which spiked during pandemic, we were able to put more officers on the street and put money toward crime-fighting efforts that the general budget did not allow. >> bill: thank you for coming
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by. we will bring you back. a lot of chicken on that bone we can discuss and debate over next 75 days. >> certainly, thank you for having me. >> dana: great to have you. get you to this, lawyers for hunter biden, what is spark ing the courtroom clash. and taylor swift speaking out about the terror plot that forced her to cancel shows and why she waited to break her silence. k-d with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. or 30,000 steps tina in a mountain cabin. ooh! booking.yeah okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> bill: more than two dozen states reporting sudden rise in covid. cdc's jonathan serry is watching that, what have we learned? >> seems like old times, covid activity is highest since last
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winter. viral activity and suesage sample can provide early warning for community trends. not everyone experiences symptoms and much testing is done at home and goes unreported. h highest in western states followed by the south. >> historic temperatures have been forcing people inside in close proximity. family of variants, flirt var iants tend to evade immunity better. >> fda is expected to update a booster available in september. demand has waned. only 22.5% of u.s. adults have received booster that came out
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last fall. with imperfect immunity we have now from previous natural infection and previous vaccinations, hospitalizations and deaths are far below levels they were during previous surges. >> bill: we heard it is going around, back to washing your hands. >> dana: hearing on hunter biden's tax case getting contentious, character assassination by trying to smear him. the president's son indicted is three felony and six misdemeanor charges to avoid paying taxes. joining us is kerry urban. with the financial news happening, you can forget this trial is coming up, it is fast and furious. >> it is. left loves to talk about privilege. they have their poster child, it
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is hunter biden. his father became president and he made money off his father's name, tons of evident for that and spent money on lavish lifestyle, on drugs and prostitutes, anything but taxes. hard to understand why doj took so long to bring this case. here we are, it starts next week in l.a. >> dana: hunter biden's attorney says the doj wants to paint the picture of a guy without a care at all, it is character assassination. what do you think, is that for the judge or court of public opinion? >> it is for both. frankly, hunter does not need help with character assassination. he's brought this on himself. that is why we're here.
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this judge struck me as no n nonsense, he's gotten frustrated over pr shen an began ig ans. this judge indicated he has no t tolerance for that stuff and told hunter's lawyers if they continue to file what he felt were silly filings, he would sanction them. he did also admonish doj and say, you are not supposed to include all this stuff about pay for play and joe biden and lobbying on behalf of foreign governments. this case is did hunter biden paid taxes or did he lie about it. >> dana: special counsel said no matter how many drugs you take, you don't forget when you make 11 million, you don't have to pay taxes. the case calendar, august 28th, next pretrial hearing, that is numbers wednesday, i believe i
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have that right. the hearing is september 5. i said something on "america's newsroom" yesterday, i got to get that assign from fox news to tell me what day is it. i think joe biden with everything that changed maybe he reverses his promise not to pardon his son at this point. what does he have to lose by doing that? >> he has nothing to lose. >> can he do it before the trial? what would happen if he does? >> he has to be sentenced first. on the gun trial, he will sentenced on the gun kwksz november 13th. he could pardon him after that. same for here. of course he can, he probably will. people may be annoyed, end of the day within his prerogative to do so. incoming president could do so, as well. >> dana: if convicted on tax
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case, may not be sentenced until after the an you goera inauguration. >> that is right, he could still pardon him. matter of timing. i thought it was wise of the judge in the gun case to delay sentencing until after the election to take down temperature a bit. i think the judge in the donald trump case in new york would be wise to do the same. >> dana: kerri, today is thursday, august 22, in case anybody is wondering. i do know. >> bill: taylor swift breaking silence after a terror plot forced her to cancel shows in austria. been reading up on this. you ready? swift explaining why she waited until the end of her tour to comment. i'm not going to speak about something publicly if i think doing so might provoke those who
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might want to harm my fans. wait to express your time until you feel it is right to. great relief, i can say we finished up. wimbley arena, half a million. she did five nights, half a million people, that is nuts. swifts she was uplifted by fans singing her songs in the streets of vienna and trading friendship bracelets. >> dana: you never made me a bracelet. >> bill: i don't know. we'll go to youtube and figure that out. >> dana: your last assignment, there you go. >> distributing camo hats with kamala harris' name on them, that is strategy for appealing to rural voters and veterans, camo hat with kamala harris'
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name on it. >> bill: accusing harris team to pandoring and they argue this is only the beginning. ♪ ♪ you don't deserve a country song. ♪ ♪
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>> november, americans are going to tell kamala harris. kamala, we've had enough. we can't take it anymore. you're doing a terrible job. harris, you are fired, get out of here. you're no good. >> bill: we'll hear more of that. republicans and democrats in race to define the v.p. kamala harris. she has a chance to define
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herself tonight when she addresses delegates here in chicago. our 1first rat group of jou journalists are here. what is happening? >> dana: glad to have you. >> bill: we are running on fumes. mollie, piece you wrote in w"wal street journal" out of milwaukee was excellent. very good recap of four days there. a lot of things went on. what are you going to write tomorrow? >> it is interesting to think about what is the mood and what does it mean politically? what is strategy we can understand from seeing this convention? think who they are targeting with thank yous they are talking about. targeting independents and middle america, talking about freedom and patriotism, talking about being normal versus weird. taking a candidate who is a coastal liberal, san francisco
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liberal, and trying to make her relatable to middle america to convince independent voters she can represent them. i think most voters don't know who she is at all. >> dana: interesting, hans, to see it is as if biden-harris administration neverexisted. j.d. vance talked about this a little bit. listen. >> it is shocking to me the entire argument of harris campaign is collective amnesia, trying to convince american people she has not been vice president for 3-1/2 years while she's been a linchpin of the policies, driven up cost of groceries, food and housing. we have to remind people, she's the vice president right now as much as she's running from the record. >> dana: can trump make the
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connection hair has been the vice president? >> what is clear, harris team, administration, campaign, wants this to be about the future. all reelections to some xextent even if you are a sitting president, they wanted to be a choice. >> dana: we called it a new term, not a second tomorrow. >> this is not terribly, there are bad puns about football and play books, this is not necessarily new play. they want this to be about the future and move forward. >> bill: how will that work when you don't put meat on the bone in chicago? >> they don't want to put any meat on the bone, they want to make her undefined, that is entire point of kamala harris. the point about being an incumbent in reeck lais fascinating. this is biden-harris administration and no question there is one person running in this campaign who has been
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president. who is the change candidate? change candidate is the one in the administration or the change candidate has served as president and can only serve one more term? other thing that is fascinating, we need a ticker at the bottom of the screen every time a speaker says the word joy. you can't have a speaker spot unless you say joy three times in a speech. >> bill: or sentence. >> mood of the campaign all year was not joy. it was biden versus trump and people felt like, one major story heading into the election was voter turnout. will people be enthuzed to come out and you are seeing democrats trying to change that dynamic and say here is something to be excite about. >> dana: mollie, the jim mesino was here yesterday saying they
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raised $500,000 since switching. 60% of those people donating never gave a dime to joe biden. finances are not a problem for this campaign. >> these are a lot of donors, including gras-roots small donors. they are coming out of the wood dltd work. you talk to delegates and elected officials that are seeing volunteer assign-ups, it is damning for the biden campaign they were having so little success. talk about that know moy, they dumped on the airwaves trying to pump up joe biden and it was not working. they have to start with advertising effort and grassroots effort machine they are trying to build. >> bill: last answer, mollie ticked off what they are emphasizing, i'm on that platform and i see every speech and every word and every
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teleprompter, they are making case against trump and making case about abortion and women and those are really your major headlines. you do not hear anything at this convention about climate change. >>yia. >> bill: where did that issue go? gave us bicycles, took years to do it, where did climate change run to? >> it does not affect chicago as much, it is cooler than in d.c. bill is turning into my assignment editor. do stories hahave not percolate up, climate change and china should be on there. most of the summer we had a conversation about tariffs, last three to seven years, i am sure china has been mentioned in some speech. there are a lot of topics not being addressed here. that may not matter. you talk to senior, junior,
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mid-level harris officials and they feel they have wind at their backs and think everything they are doing is breaking their way and if they can keep this up and run through the tape, they like their chances. >> dana: we know that is not possible, i call it jenga campaign and it gets harder with every piece. do you think they will run on time tonight and kamala harris will speak in prime time? >> i see a giant red hook and they will drag them off the stage if people go too long. bill has been watching every line, bill clinton, he was ripping for a while. you can't get him to stop. >> bill: everybody was confused. >> he thought, i'm going to do this. >> we will do that in this show right now. >> dana: that happened in the state of the union, too. >> bill: bad news for you, i was sent the schedule and as of now,
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this is not in concrete, just paper. scheduled to come out 10:45 p.m. eastern time. my buddies don't watch football games at midst night anymore. how will they manage this? >> they haven't. i will say, some democrats i've talked to are relatively zen about this, they believe that given decline of linear and people television, a lot of people are not watching in realtime, they get it on social media, memes and clips or watching it later on youtube or something like that. that may be an excuse. >> dana: i'll bet they are reading it online. >> mollie is right. same time, this is a big speech for kamala harris, she's never given a speech to this type of
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audience ever before. >> dana: she's practiced it three times, the things she has to do, this is important. i loved having you. >> bill: you guys are great. >> dana: have a great night, a late one indeed. and wealthy democrats making a splash at dnc in chicago, teaming up with vice president harris to reach out to support from the working clasdz. worn what bernie sanders thinks about that? millionaires and billionaires. we'll be right back. get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> harris: former president donald trump is taking on kamala harris's border failures. he's in arizona today at the border. and this is ahead of kamala harris' coronation and big speech at the dnc. she's trying to flip the script on the ultra liberal border positions. we ask r.f.k. jr., are you dropping out? could it be as soon as tomorrow?
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how would that impact the race and will he endorse donald trump? senator marsha blackburn, former senior adviser to president trump, kellyanne conway and trey gowdy. "faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: all right. there you go. the dnc as we said, the house that jordan and pippen built. >> bill: look at you. >> dana: yes. i'm going to get a picture with the pippen statue. i'm sure there's a jordan statue. i'm going to get one. we'll be here tonight. it will be late. we're having a good time on the panel and you're on the floor. we have a great team here and our producers. all the team has been an incredible group to work with this week. there's been however a potential disconnect at the dnc. democrats are going all in fork working class voters featuring several billionaires to make their case. it's been jarring to see that.
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>> dana: rich edson live with more. >> serious money on stage at the dnc. pretty good coin when you look whose speaking here. last night was the night for the presidential candidate, the governor of minnesota, tim walz. he's trying to contrast himself with his counter part, j.d. vance. walz is worth a few hundred thousand bucks and a government pension. vance is a multimillionaire author and investor and went to yale law school. >> i grew up in butte, nebraska. a town of 400 people. i had 24 kids in my high school class. none of them went to yale. >> plenty of the speakers did, including a yale law degree for clinton and cory booker and amy
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klobuchar. there's pete buttigieg among others with ivy league graduate degrees or regular degrees. speakers had serious wealth including j.b. pritzker, a billion any heir to the hyatt fortune, nancy pelosi and don't forget oprah. back to you. >> dana: thanks, rich. thank you so much. >> bill: making money, dana. >> dana: indeed. that was an interesting thing the other day. they had bernie sanders. he introduced j.b. pritzker, the governor of illinois who is a billionaire and spent $350 million across two statewide campaigns in order to get elected. maybe they have a big tent. they're stuffing money in it. >> bill: they can afford it. >> we'll see you on "the five." you'll see him on all the shows. "faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. former president


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