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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 22, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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klobuchar. there's pete buttigieg among others with ivy league graduate degrees or regular degrees. speakers had serious wealth including j.b. pritzker, a billion any heir to the hyatt fortune, nancy pelosi and don't forget oprah. back to you. >> dana: thanks, rich. thank you so much. >> bill: making money, dana. >> dana: indeed. that was an interesting thing the other day. they had bernie sanders. he introduced j.b. pritzker, the governor of illinois who is a billionaire and spent $350 million across two statewide campaigns in order to get elected. maybe they have a big tent. they're stuffing money in it. >> bill: they can afford it. >> we'll see you on "the five." you'll see him on all the shows. "faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. former president donald trump is
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going to the southern border today. his campaign says he's in route right now to cochise, arizona. we know trump will tour the border, highlighting an issue voters across america as filed as affecting their lives. it's a vulnerability for democrats. meanwhile, their candidate, vice president kamala harris, is set to close out the dnc convention tonight and officially accept her party's nomination for president. she hasn't been here at the convention in two days. interesting. i'm harris faulkner. you're in "faulkner focus." the democratic party appears united behind kamala harris despite serious concerns about her v.p. pick just a few months ago. and about her as v.p., i should say. many of the party's biggest names showed support last night. >> kamala harris will work to solve our problems, seize our opportunities, ease our fear and
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make sure every single american, however they vote, has a chance to chase their dreams. >> she's a leader of strength and wisdom and eloquence on policy. >> no matter who you are, kamala harris is going to stand up and fight for your freedom to live the life that you want to lead. >> harris: there's some fighting going on. axios is reporting behind the scenes democrats are divided on some tough issues such as israel and immigration. many on the far left, lawmakers reportedly saying they're uncomfortable with how the party has moved toward the center. moderate democrats aren't liking that. they're firing back. jared moskowitz said this. do they want to be right or do they want to win? so does that mean they're lying when they tact to the middle? i don't know. v.p. kamala harris has pulled a 180 on most of her past far left
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positions. she previously suggested reimagining immigrations and customs enforcement expanding the u.s. supreme court and banning fracking among other things. one opinion piece argues -- this is a quote -- they're trying to get by with a faux centrism and hope the voters won't notice the commitments. there's a chance that that might work. but trump, still doesn't buy the flip-flops. watch. >> she's actually a radical left marxist. that's what she is. she will ban fracking, she will ban all energy production coming out of the ground. she's going to ban everything that is good. she's going to go to like the all-electric car mandate. if she got elected, the next day she'd have no drilling and she'd have open borders. >> harris: jacqui heinrich is in chicago with us here.
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our fox team. jacqui, take it away. >> harris, democrats are framing this election as a contest between harris, a prosecutor and trump, a convicted felon. it is a piece of her resume that she certainly didn't lean in to and even sought to down play when she ran for president in 2020 in the after math of the george floyd riots. this election is happening after 8.1 million people illegally crossed the southern border under this administration's watch. there's been a 9.6% increase in total violent crime across 66 major cities according to the coalition of law, order and safety even as the white house often cites the fib's quarterly crime data from local police agencies showing homicides specifically are down. thepicture is more nuanced. these are major concerns that the democratic party is trying to act tough about. >> i saw donald trump go to
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michigan of all places to give a speech on crime as if we were going to forget that he's a convicted criminal running against a prosecutor. and he seems to want us to forget that crime was actually higher when he was president. why would we want to go back to if higher crime of the donald trump years? >> now the campaign is trying to frame the sitting vice president as an agent of change. the way the campaign sees it, harris has an opportunity to introd introducer is herself to the country tonight. she wants to tell the story of she's the product of a middle class family that stood up as a prosecutor. harris reportedly wants to tell her story before the republicans do. that also glosses over the fact that the democrats just a couple weeks ago were saying that she
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is the most well-vetted democrat on the bench because she's been vice presidentto take over this campaign for joe biden, harris. >> harris: it's interesting. i'd want to dig down in brand new polling and see what they see. they see something. she's been reintroduced so many times. jacqui, thanks very much. kellyanne conway, fox news contributor, president of k.a. consulting. host of "here's the deal" with kellyanne on fox news, our new hit. go see it. let's start there actually. so another introduction of kamala harris. she'll do it herself this time. what do we anticipate that to move? does that move the needle at all? >> well, it's going to be more of the same. we've heard certain themes coming out this week. harris freedom is on the ballot's. it's not financial freedom, kids for trapped in failing schools here in chicago and across the
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country. it's not relief for your rent or mortgage or gas. it's their brand of freedom. she will amplify that. i think she will be a big let-down. she's been introduced by oprah and michelle obama and the clintons. there's a reason that tim walz spoke for 16 minutes as opposed to joe biden an hour and hillary clinton 20 minutes or barack obama lengthy. they're going to hide right in front of our eyes. vice presidents usually go for the third term of the vice president and president. george walker bush in 1992 got ragan's third term. al gore was running for the clinton-gore third team. these are the facts. she's pretending she's not part of this. americans are smart. if you don't believe what we're saying about kamala harris, believe her. all you have to do is roll the tape. she's the one saying i will ban fracking, i will defund the
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police. >> harris: true. >> i -- border patrol is a bunch of racist and xenophobics. a big lie that was never true. now she's running ads saying she was a border state prosecutor. so she's trying to show her in her own voice. she's trying to run as the insurgent. she is the incumbent. so the question is, when you're running against an incumbent -- she's the incumbent. this is the harris administration. she's not the best that we know. but she's -- she's an incumbent. we have to look at the record as it unfolds now. people are up set about gaza, inflation, upset about the border. >> harris: she can go outside to find that out. the protests. >> will that happen this week? not a single swing voter in the house? when she has to face the voters, it's a different story. >> harris: interesting.
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oprah talked about the independents. where are they here? "wall street journal" calls the vice president's rise the selling of kamala harris. they point out she's the least known presidential nominee in modern times. adding so far that she's a vessel for the triumph of hope over experience. americans are expected to embrace her mainly because she's not donald trump. a senior editor calls this week's party festivities, convention about nothing and jokes the vibes have been spectacular and yet it's unclear what these people are pedalling. we talked with voters on the ground. i've been walking around chicago and really wanting to talk with people about their lives and what they think about this campaign and donald trump's. here's more of that. >> i think that trump has a very strong support system in the republican party. i'm a little bit concerned that a lot of americans might want to vote anybody other than trump or biden. that might be my only bit of a
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concern. >> is that an age thing you think? >> i don't know if it's an age thing. i think it's been trump and biden for so many years. from what i hear, people just want a new face up there. >> harris: how do you stand on what's going on with donald trump versus kamala harris right now? >> i'm a left wing liberal. does that answer your question? >> harris: doesn't tell me anything about her. do you know much about her policies? >> yes. i think in large measure, there would be overlap with president biden's policies. >> harris: so it's donald trump versus kamala harris. call it. >> it's a great question. i have no idea. i think kamala has a good chance of winning. i think she has a base of people who are working on her behalf. so does the trump campaign. i don't know. i'm not an expert in it. i fear that trump being a divisive character could push
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away many of the mainstream republicans who are scared because they don't know if what he says is really what he's going to do. >> harris: i just want to know what you think. >> i think that kamala harris cannot ultimately escape weakness and wokeness, which are really the twin pillars of her vice presidency, of her failed presidential campaign in 2019 which ended without a single vote cast. i think she can't outrun her lack of work. this is somebody that turned the vice presidency? to a no-show job -- >> bill: and he's at the border today. >> harris, nine years after donald trump elevated the border crisis in to the national cons consciousness, it's the number 2 issue in all swing states. for kamala harris and tim walz, when people see what they have done, they have gone all the way to the left and some now they
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want to be centrist and moderate. >> harris: that one voter said he was a left wing liberal. i want to tell our audience now. you said she's trying to pretend like she's moderate. >> you can't outrun the hamas caucus. the 31 delicates that voted against her. she has to be for the cease fire in israel. >> harris: there are reports that independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. could drop out of the race as early as tomorrow and potentially endorse former president trump. r.f.k. jr. is scheduled to speak tomorrow from phoenix where there will be a rally and the former president will be in arizona today. he said this about a possible endorsement from r.f.k. jr. >> if he endorsed me, i would be honored by it. very honored. he really has his heart in the
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right place. he is a respected person. >> harris: a d.n.c. senior adviser with this. desperate men do desperate things. r.f.k. jr. was recruited by maga, funded by maga and parroted maga talking points. nobody should be talked if he formalizes his relationship to maintain relevance. >> wow. all of his siblings endorsed joe biden, made a big deal five months ago. people can pull the picture. they're against their brother and for joe biden. not a single one that said we got behind barack obama over hillary clinton 16 years ago. we're here to tell you, you should step aside and let kamala harris rise? said no single kennedy. it wasn't that long ago that people were worried about kamala harris' competence and her disability to do the job. why is this important? you have a kennedy endorsing a trump potentially.
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joining him on the trail and with him will come his voters. ever since kamala swapped out for joe biden who s pushed, he didn't jump ouble doubters have shrunk in numbers. i think the kennedy people are now hurting trump a little bit more. so if he comes and says, we have to stop kamala harris, this is key. remember, 44,000 votes in 2020 separated trump and biden. 77,000 votes in 2016. the third party candidates hurt the major party candidates. i think r.f.k. going to arizona tomorrow and talking about the border and inflation and school choice, which he's a fan. kamala harris and tim walz are not. >> harris: we don't have confirmation that this would happen, that he would drop out and rally and see president trump. but they are in the same state. trump is at the border. he will talk about the border, kennedy will. it's an interesting day to watch. kellyanne, great to have you in person.
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>> thank you. >> harris: we've seen anti-israel chaos throughout the dnc convention and tonight police say they're expecting more. they were out in full force last night doing their jobs. thousands of protesters expected to march as kamala harris will be formally accepting the nomination of her party. plus, just this week at the convention, joe biden gave himself a pat on the back for the failing economy. >> from an economic crisis to the strongest economy in the entire world. record 16 million new jobs. with every new job, with every new factory, pride and hope is being brought back to communities. >> harris: that's the metric. he compares the united states to the rest of the world. not to what people were feeling before he was president. that's an easy metric. many of them were way behind us before the behind, after the pandemic. that's an interesting way to sell it. we'll see if it works.
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days later, a stunning revision shows the economy actually created 818,000 fewer jobs than previously reported. it's raising some serious questions about the biden-harris economy. host of "sunday night in america" trey gowdy in focus next. -you the man! cologuard is for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪
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hundreds of chicago police officers and we've have homeland security, everybody is here. they were up last night in order to prevent protesters from entering the same park where they breached anti-scale fencing earlier this week. i don't want to down play that fencing. it's heavy duty. it's like body weight-type stuff. they take it down with sledge hammers. now they have three parallel rows of it. if they knock one down, they redundancy. these people are relentless. look at this from last night. [chanting]. >> harris: okay. i don't think we have a problem understanding any of that. who had the pleasure of talking
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while that was going on near here? governor tim walz. uncommitted democrats stages a sit-in to call on the dnc to allow palestinians to speak at the convention. they're protesting, too. the daily caller reports 44 delegates from 13 states including michigan and illinois snubbed kamala harris voting present during the symbolic roll call. brad sherman said this yesterday on the focus. >> they know they can't build an extreme socialist party in this country unless they destroy the democratic party. they're looking for any issue they can do to do that. some of their followers see the pictures and say that's terrible. i want it to stop. >> harris: the "wall street journal" editorial board said "the protests we've watched are
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designed to get the attention of the public and democrats inside the hall. on that points, they're succeeding. they're not rioting in such a way that they would require democratic denunciations but they're playing to the crowd to turn more democrats against israel. we wish we could say it wasn't working." all of that a quote. trey gowdy, "sunday night in america" host, former south carolina republican congressman and former federal prosecutor. great to see you. i have a couple of questions. you think it requires denunciation when a presidential candidate's name is next to the word "killer?" i don't know what they could say from the stage that would make that stop. they could let it be known that they have some strength and intestinal fortitude. >> they could. it's a big part of their base. a big part of their base is anti-israel. i'm reluctant to say pro hamas but there's member of congress that see more pro hamas than they are pro american. >> harris: do you know any of
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them? >> sure. rasheeda talib that doesn't bring in prison. get your head around that dylann roof shouldn't be in prison. republicans if they're smart would buy air time and show all of these protesters. it reminds people not just of this week by cities burning. while democrat leaders did absolutely nothing about it. >> harris: minnesota governor tim walz would absolutely know something about that after the george floyd -- >> the nominee herself help bond out violent protesters. i wonder how many victims of crime she's called or how much money she's given them. she bonded out violent protesters. >> harris: college students are about to head back to school. some have done that. they're doing this for their fall semester campuses right now bracing for the continuation of hate that we saw before they broke for summer. seven anti-israel jewish hate campus groups talked to the
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washington examiner about their plans. they're protesting against killer kamala. others talked about a renewed energy and said the backlash has strengthened the movement. what the movement? they could raise money to hem people in gaza or number of the other number of catastrophes around the world. but they don't. >> they want attention. but the democrat party has a problem. so they talk about liberty and they talk about the protection of rights. one that they tent to skip over sometimes is the right to stay alive. i mean, republicans cannot talk enough about what happened on october the 7th. you are actually protesting by proxy and support of a group that raped women as a weapon of war and killed children. so just so there's no misunderstanding of what group you support, you don't like the only democracy in the middle
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east and you are sympathetic to a group of terrorists that butcher children. >> harris: were you in the convention hall when the parents of a current hostage -- and there's not many left alive. we've got some back. i say we, i don't mean us. i mean the world. >> i watched it. >> harris: you could have heard a pin drop. there was no discussion after that points. they spoke at both conventions. what are your thoughts? >> it's a bipartisan issue and should be. support for israel is the lone democracy, repudiating terrorism should be an apolitical issue. but so should the police be. i'm sure they'll have a -- >> harris: so should food prices. >> pardon me? >> harris: we don't know how kamala harris stands on anything. >> we know this. she's the most liberal member of the u.s. senate. we also know that she bonded out violent protesters.
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my question for you is, how many parents of dead children killed by people that cross the border have you called? that to me is a fair -- she says she's a prosecutor. harris, i don't want to like break news, but prosecutors put people in prison. they don't bond them out. >> harris: meanwhile, trump is in cochise county. great to see you. democratic vice presidential candidate, tim walz, governor of minnesota, referenced his military record last night despite all of the criticism about some of his past comments. saying he was in combat. he wasn't. at least not in iraq or any of the places he has spoken of. that's not all that he has misspoken about. republicans continue to call out v.p. harris for failing on the border as vice president. >> she's been the border czar for heaven's sakes.
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she's run from that monicker. here's the deal. kamala harris was in fact designated to deal with the border and she botched it in a horrible way. >> former president trump as you know headed to the southern border today in arizona expected to put kamala harris on defense over one of her biggest political vulnerabilities. as kellyanne pointed out, it's in the top three at all times during this election season for americans across the country. marsha blackburn from tennessee in focus next. (vo) when the internet said “red lobster's going away...” your boy, flavor flav, said “not today!” crabfest is here, boy. and they got two flavors: roasted garlic and new cajun butter. when you gotta have seafood, you gotta have red lobster. leo! [whistling] ever since we introduced him to the farmer's dog, it's changed his quality of life. leo's number 2's are really getting better. better poo, better you! that's a good boy, leo!
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she's here. while she's doing that, her biggest political vulnerability is the border. donald trump is going to the border. trump's campaign blames vice president harris for the country's worst border crisis. remember, she was in charge. biden put her in charge of that. a recent fox news poll shows trump with a 19-point edge over kamala harris on border security. there's a reason for that. and a 14-point edge on immigration. retired border patrol chief chris clem with this. >> she's not done anything tough on the border. she's tough on the border patrol and tough on ice an law enforcement trying to do their jobs. look at the policies, her track record and it will prove the opposite of what she's said on the trail and what these ads have been saying. >> harris: aishah hasnie recording right now. >> when i'm on the campaign trail, the border is something a lot of voters are telling me is their number 1 or number 2
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priority. the polling matches that. take a look at this recent fox news poll. 44% of americans describe the situation at the border as an emergency. another 43% say it's a major problem. so president trump is promising to seal the border day one. he wants to activate a historic deportation effort if he's elected. meanwhile, vice president harris' campaign is referring to her as a border state prosecutor that went after the cartels while slamming trump over the failed bipartisan border bill. here's his response to that this morning. >> if they want to fix the border, they don't need a bill. the president of the united states, which is what i did, i didn't have a bill to close the border. i closed the border. i had the safest border. the least drugs coming into our country in 38 years. >> still no real policies from harris. the democratic party's new platform is endorsing a bill that would allow millions of illegal immigrants to become
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basically lawful perspective immigrants. that means, harris, is that it would pave the way for them to achieve citizenship and gain voting rights. he will begin this tour this afternoon near tucson and continue his arizona swing with a rally in glendale tomorrow. harris? >> harris: thanks very much. in focus now, marsha blackburn of the great state of tennessee. she's a member of the senate judiciary committee and the finance committee. you coined the term every state is a border state. feels like that now. now you have one presidential candidate going to where you need to be to see it all and another one running away from it. >> yes, indeed. what we know is that kamala harris was named the border czar march 24, 2021. she made one trip to that border at el paso. she didn't go to the rio grande
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valley. what we understand, harris, she never even contacted the border patrol chiefs and said what can we do to help you. now, as aishah was saying, this is issue number 1. or number 2, with the american people. they are living this. they see the fentanyl, the drugs, the poisoning. they see the crime that is coming from gangs in communities that have never had crime. they see the human trafficking, the sex trafficking. and people are learning that hhs has tens of thousands of migrant children they cannot locate. they do not know if they're dead or alive. they do not know if they're being trafficked. they do not know where they are because they cannot contact these sponsors. so this is a humanitarian crisis
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of epic proportions. it's a national security crisis of epic proportions. because we have the known terrorists that now we know are in the country and they cannot find them. >> harris: just to step back a bit on people coming in to the country and we can't find them. do we have any idea the numbers of people that they brought in for months if not a year on planes out of sight? right at the beginning, just a few days in to the announcement that kamala was kicking her boss off of the top of the ticket and taking that for the democrats, the presidential ticket to the white house, it was announced they would stop some if not all of the flights. do we know which countries they're from? you stay on this issue. if you don't know, who do we call? we need the answers. i know it's not secretary mayorkas. >> well, it is supposed to be secretary mayorkas. >> harris: good luck with that. >> these parolees, when they're paroled in to the country,
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they're given a work permit and they're given benefits. harris, the american people are saying, hey, wait a minute. you know, we've got veterans that can't get care and now you're bringing these parolees in. we need to know these numbers. we need to know why we have had tens of thousands of chinese nationals come in to the country. you don't get out of china unless the ccp tells you you can get out of china. we don't know the exact number of the got-aways and how many gangs really violent criminals may be in these numbers. how many terrorists. we don't know. >> harris: if you know you're on a terror watch list or should be, why are you breaking into our country? i have so many questions. let's get to this. the left's vice president pick, tim walz, leaned in hard on his military record yet again during his dnc speech last night. let's watch.
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>> everybody belongs. everybody has a responsibility to contribute. for me, it was serving in the army national guard. i joined up two days after my 17th birthday. i proudly wore our nation's uniform for 24 years. eventually like the rest of my family, i fell in love with teaching. >> harris: always had mad respect for someone that serves especially 23 years. walz has faced big criticism over the national guard. there's confusion over his rank and anger about what he said about serving in a combat zone. four military veterans that specialize in cases of deception, they say they do not believe that governor walz is guilty of stolen valor, however, that he did misrepresent his
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record. if you can't nail down your rank, there's a problem. critics say walz's military miss step is only the tip of the iceberg. >> it's a reflection that he went out and misstated his record intentionally deliberately. not just a misstatement to the press but that he created thousands of coins that he gave to people over years and years that misrepresented who he was. his terrible record on things like crime during the summer of 2020 and how he treated his own citizens with covid restrictions. >> harris: real quick before i go back to the senator. axios did a deep dive on his gaffe factory. his military service aside. walz has misspoken on his family's fertility story, his 1995 dui arrest, covid school closure stats and looting during the 2020 george floyd riots in his state of minnesota. senator blackburn, your reaction. >> yes, indeed.
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we do have great respect for all of our veterans. harris, to you and your family and for your dad's service, thank you. what we do know is with tim walz, he had the opportunity last night to look in the camera and say i did not retire out as a command sergeant major. i retired out as a master sergeant. he chose not to do that. he should have clarified that record and have stepped forward on that. it would have been an honor to the men and women he served with to have clarified that record. now, when you see someone who is constantly making these gaffes and the gaffes deal with misrepresentations and embellishments, it's not a gaffe. it's a trend. it's continuing to push falsehoods. he should clarify that record
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also. >> harris: wow, senator, thank you very much. always great to have you on the focus. you gave us a lot to think about there. democrats at the dnc are going all in attacking donald trump and blaming trump for the issues facing our nation that they have been in charge of for 12 of the last 16 years. >> they can't run on their record. they can't run on the economy. they can't run on jobs. trump, trump, trump is all your hearing from these people. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free and gentle liquid is epa safer choice certified. it's gotta be tide.
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>> you know, they always say, sure, please stick to policy. don't get personal. yet they get personal all night long. do i still have to stick to policy? >> harris: former president trump calling out the people to telling him to focus on policy over personal attacks and pointing at democrats. they have been attacking him throughout the democratic convention. >> we're going to defeat donald trump, the career criminal. an recividist conman. he's a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining
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about his problems since he wrote down his golden escalator nine years ago. >> trump is rich in only one thing, stupidity. >> donald trump, fell asleep at his own trial. >> donald trump would sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing the palms of his wall street friends. >> what you talk about when you don't have policy. trump has been mentioned 314 times over the first three nights of the dnc this week. and conservative commentator scott jennings says this. >> the gap that i still see in all of these speeches as good as they were is that she's in the white house right now. how do you explain all of the problems that will be solved by the person who is currently in there for the last 3 1/2 years who is supposed to already be working on solving it? >> harris: the kamala harris campaign does not have a policy page on the website, so the
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trump team created one of their own about her policies. there are nine policies listed including more bidenomics, more taxes. abolish border and bringing back the green new deal. 32 days and counting since vice president harris announced her candidacy and has not held a formal news conference or sit down for an interview. power panel now, guy benson, fox news contributor and david carlucci. great to see you. we have a lot to get to. let's start with 32 days and we haven't seen some of now is kamala harris. she's been gone for two days from her very own convention. your thoughts? >> in 32 days, kamala harris has accomplished more than it took donald trump to do for three years. we saw the platform that they put out attacking kamala harris. they're spending more time on kamala harris's platform than they are their own.
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donald trump, it's still ambiguous on many issues. >> harris: like what? >> abortion, for example. >> harris: he's at the border today. we're clear on that. abortion he says there's exceptions. >> all donald trump has said the biden harris overdid it. and title 42. remain in mexico. >> harris: you think mexico is helping us now? no. >> biden and harris got rid of remain in mexico. >> that is with mexico's decision. we were paying them billions to do it. >> biden got rid of it on day one. trump has a bunch of policies. you can disagree with them. >> what are they? >> how many time do you have? reinstate remain in mexico. >> it takes mexico's agreement. title 42. the courts have said you can't do that. that is a covid era restriction.
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>> harris: it says you can't bail out student loans. biden is doing that. >> look, he tried and -- >> he did it. he put his thumb on it. >> he said no. >> here's what i want to remind you. donald trump was president for four years. >> he may have for gotten but he was president. he has a record and policies. you may these he's being strategic ambiguous on his policies right now, fine. but something he does do is takes lots of questions on all sorts of policies. >> he takes them from the audience. he excluded pbs from his recent press conference. >> he talks to everyone. >> he goes to his country club that takes hunts of thousands to join and says he's relating to the american people? >> it's irrelevant detail. >> it's not irrelevant. >> you're deflecting to
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something different. >> i'm not deflecting -- >> harris: let me jump in here, gentlemen. if you want to show tickets about who is rich or -- j.b. pritzker going after trump? all of that as guy is trying to say, that has nothing to do -- america knows who these men are. they know they have gotten -- trump is the american -- >> that's why trump is falling in to the trap again. they are saying don't make the person attacks. he won't do it. he wants to be nasty and mean -- >> harris: he did not say that yesterday. >> he said things like that. >> harris: he took a hands in the air poll of what people wanted him to talk about. my advicers say stay on policy -- >> i home he listened -- >> harris: he saw a woman and
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got her a doctor. he turned around and got back on message. if you're going -- >> his message is attack kamala harris -- >> harris: he's in battle grounds states. you should care. guy? >> my point was that he takes questions regularly. he does interviews regularly. she has not done a single one -- >> she's had 32 days -- >> let me make one point. she's been in this race a month. zero interviews. that's the point i'm making. second point is, i wish he did some things differently. a lot of republicans are saying that he should be more disciplined, focus on the issues in which he had polling leads instead of this other stuff that you're talking about. that's fair. as for the attacks against him here, look, it's a political season. you go after your opponents. what i have not heard -- >> harris: i have to wrap you both. two seconds to hear this. this is the end of the star spangled banner. they are rehearsing.
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