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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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>> welcome back. we plan to end the show with matt, unfortunately, we ran out of time. i am going to post it on instagram and social media so you can see it. trump and robert kennedy jr. are both in arizona amid rumors of a possible alliance. plus, join us tonight, 10:00 p.m. eastern for special coverage of the convention. this will wrap it up tonight for kamala harris. fair, balanced, and still unafraid. here is laura. >> good evening. this is the ingram angle from
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the fourth and final night of the democratic national convention. after playing some of their golden oldies, the democrats will introduce the woman they hope will be the new star. we have a fox news alert before we get into that. the manhunt is finally over. police have arrested the man who threatened to kill former president trump. we are alive with all of the details. >> we can give you a look here. that man is 66-year-old ronald lee. he is wanted on warrants in wisconsin and arizona for crimes ranging from dui to failing to register as a sex offender. he has been taken into custody without incident in the county. we appreciate the information received and the efforts of public safety partners.
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news of the manhunt broke this afternoon. i talked to the former president shortly after. >> it is for a man who the sheriff's department says was threatening to kill you. does that make you want to change the way you do events or anything? >> it makes me want to get away from this interview because we are standing out here. i said i could not keep you waiting. i have heard about that. i have to do my job. it is a job, it is a dangerous job, but i have to do my job. it is sad. this border is so dangerous, so bad, so horrible. it is a horrible thing. we can stop it and kamala
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kamala harris, she wants them to flow right through. >> he will be in las vegas. >> lets go live to the convention floor where the senior correspondent is having a lot of fun. he is standing by. >> the headliner on the fourth day has to be the democratic nominee, but there is so much speculation about big celebrities who are going to come. front row of south carolina, do you have any idea who the celebrities are? >> how do you get seats in the front row.
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>> what do you want to hear from the vice president tonight? >> everything. i am so excited. it has been a great week. i want to hear what her plan is going to be for our future and how we are going to get out the envelope for her. >> you guys saved joe biden in 2020. is it hard to see him out the way he went? >> the move is gone. history will judge him favo favorably. >> beyond the front row, does anyone know about the celebrities? she said beyonce.
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>> if it is taylor swift, i will freak out. >> there might be a freak out in the second row of south carolina if it is taylor swift. >> my daughter would be happy about that as well. thanks. the democrats are building up to this moment for the last month, the national debut of the new kamala harris. with the help of consultants, she has been repackaged into somebody they hope seems more likable and experienced than the old kamala harris. months ago she was recognized as an annoying problem for biden, not a substitute for him. to overcome her talent deficit, did she and her of visors unveiled policies or is she reconsidering the budget busting
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climate change policies? >> that would be a no. they want you to know she is really happy. >> we need kamala harris, the president of joy. >> thoughtful, loving, compassionate. >> thank you for bringing the joy to this fight. >> this could be the lamest attempt at a political rebranding i have ever seen because it requires america to live in an alternate reality where they deny their own lived experience and finances and what they see with their own eyes. illegals pouring into the country, into gangs terrorizing urban america. we have to pretend the past 3.5 years did not exist as well. right now, 65% of americans think the country is on the wrong track.
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where is the joy in that? >> since one was roundly panned, no one should expect a lot of substance tonight. talking solutions is too dangerous because when she does, we remember the real kamala harris, and unimpressive san francisco extremists. imagine the cabinet should pick or someone would pick for her. big on the dei factor, small on the brain factor. >> the new numbers could be a liability. >> i don't believe it. i have never heard donald trump say anything truthful. >> it is from the bureau of labor. >> i am not familiar with that. >> in any other profession she would be fired for that comment. she is either pretending she doesn't know what the statistics are in the department of labor
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or she is incompetent. despite what platitudes you here, she cannot erase who she is and what she believes. on every issue she believes the opposite of what will make lives better. think she is going to secure the border? >> will you be committing to close the immigration detention centers? >> absolutely, on day one. >> of the business is people are property. >> i wouldn't expect to see new medical innovations. >> for any drug where they fail to play by our rules and if that drug came about because of federal funding for research and development, i will snatch their
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patents. we will take over. yes, we can do that. yes. the question is, do we have the will to do it? i have the will to do it. >> at least one group will be better off. >> the california department of corrections were standing in the way of surgery >> for prisoners. >> i made sure they change the policy so every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care. that they desired and need. at its core, it is a civil rights issue, a justice issue, and an issue of humanity. >> it is humanity. is this joyful? you will have to be the judge. a harris administration wouldn't be either, except for the
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elites, the ones we will hear from tonight, who fly over the chaos and suffering of the policies they create on their way to vacation home surrounded by fences, walls, and private security. she was a bumbling number two to a bumbling number one. joining us now, the former presidential candidate. the supreme court just ruled, giving -- when voting in arizona. they did not grant a stay and that law will go into effect. >> that is obvious but the fact it was controversial tells you where we are. the fact for liberal justices went the other way shows you have a supreme court that looks at the end and works backwards. it is a good development
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especially in a state like arizona. citizens should vote and noncitizens should not. >> the joy, are you feeling it tonight? joy is what they are selling and they are trying to draw this contrast or comparison to trump, who have been characterized as unhappy and kamala harris and tim walz always doing this weird thing, bowing to people. too much time in china. how fun is this economy for most people? >> this is a vibe. they are trying to run on style over substance. she was trained. she said she doesn't want to touch policy anymore. can she get through the selection naturally without touching policy? it is possible she can, which has our work cut out for us.
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press her on the actual policies she stood for. in 2020, she stood for a health care system and uncapitalized gains. >> what would that -- explain it very simply. >> it would trigger a market crash. if you own business or land, you have to pay taxes to the government with cash you don't have. you have to sell assets to do it but when you sell the assets, the price goes down in the next person has to do the same thing. that drives it further so the person after has to do the same thing. it is called -- forced selling. they have put this in their budget. bernie sanders and elizabeth warren have supported it. the response isn't that this is a good policy. it is why are you bringing this
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up because it cannot happen. if this does happen and she is president, it is an economic catastrophe in the waiting. >> you had a run-in with some protesters. we have video, no audio, they were surrounding you. >> i believe in practicing what we preach. i heard about the protest and i wanted to check it out. i brought some communist literature. they charged me $5 apiece for each of these. they also accept then mow. >> they have a little capitalist. >> there is still a capitalist tent. there are tensions out there. they are critical of what is happening in here. a lot of those people want peace. if you want peace, go for the guy who kept us out of world war iii and out of wars.
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i hope we changed a couple of minds and open some eyes. for the rest of them it was wild by the end of it. the reality is we are not in this to lead one party. the republican party is the party of free speech. if the democrats do a good job of keeping their protesters out, that would have the border crisis behind us. >> i know we are going to hold you up from going -- you are desperate to get your seat. they even edit the band names. thank you so much for joining us. remember, you should be joyful about the democratic ticket. that is the message. joyful, even when their agenda will make you poorer and the country less secure. as the press want you to
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understand, republicans should be demoralized. >> this is a dangerous ticket. if he can just do this for the next 70 days, you add that to what the obama's can do, what the clintons can do, this is unbelievable. >> he has a point. it is a dangerous ticket for the entire country. bands on your gas-powered cars and stoves. radically transforming cities and towns with millions more migrants. what is insidious about this agenda is how they couch it in terms of freedom. >> this is a big part about what this election is about. freedom. >> when we talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people you love. >> he is suffering from a terrible disease.
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diarrhea of the mouth. freedom, from the governor who established the covid snitch line. why are so many leaving the state to escape the high taxes and high crime. the only freedom they care about, the freedom to abort up until birth, the freedom for biological men to use women's bathrooms and to smoke weed whenever and wherever and to harass, surveilled, and prosecute anyone standing in their way. this is a dark vision of america. this is what they sell as joyful, their freedom agenda. >> they are doubling down on negativity and grievance. committing to a concept of campaigning summed up in one word. darkness is what they are selling.
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>> doesn't he have a day job? joining us now, d dana perino, cohost of "the five." do democrats believe joy is going to satisfy the concerns of americans? >> i don't think they do. david axelrod is trying to add caution, saying it is great and fun but, everything is going to be difficult from here on out. they know it but they are having a great time. they are happy. this would have been a quarter full if joe biden were the nominee. i don't know if it is joy as it is relief. >> relief for them. they are having a good time but that new server that just came out, 65% of the country believes we are on the wrong track. it's not really the real world.
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the real world is when you go into the streets and talk to people doing working day jobs. >> it is like the administration never existed. they are trying to pretend trump is the incumbent because that is who they want to blame for all the things. if you had to go back to work because gas prices are so high and grocery prices are so high, kamala harris is the person for you. the reason the retirees are going back to work is because of inflation. if the democrats would say inflation did happen on our watch and here is what we need to do about it. they don't do that and they pretend it is donald trump's fault. >> we talked about how she has a few policies. bret baier asked gavin newsom
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about this. >> you go to the website, there is no policy listed. >> the policy coming from the trump campaign. this is a convention. this is about why and what. >> i don't know what that meant. >> i would love to have some answers on the why. why do you think fracking is okay now? if you change your mind, tell us. trump has his work cut out for him. the media is not going to help. they raised $500 million in the last month for her. 62% of it is from people who never gave a dime to joe biden. a lot of women here wearing white tonight. the freedom they want to talk about is the freedom to choose to have an abortion.
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>> that is all it is. >> they say donald trump wants a federal ban on abortion, he never said that. >> the same thing with project 2025. even cnn had to fact-check the speaker who said he wrote the book. he did not. he has repeatedly said these key parts of project 25 he does not agree with and they keep saying it. >> for what they needed to accomplish at this convention, they have done it. the people are enthusiastic. they are going to do the thing but it is still a tight race. >> the betting markets are interesting. she may still be a little ahead. >> great to see you. democrats showing less than genuine empathy at the dnc. we are going to explain, next.
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>> of the dumb things tim walz has said this month, this was one of the dumbest. >> i grew up in butte, nebraska, a town of 400 people.
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i had 24 kids in my high school class. none of them went to yale. >> now it is a badge of honor? none of your fellow students go to a top-tier school? i don't get this argument. poor and middle-class students shouldn't try for the ivy league? nobody bothered telling him bill and hillary clinton went to yale. they don't brief him on that stuff, or that barack obama went to harvard law and michelle went to princeton? these attacks show how vacuous this man is. much like when sanders trashed the billionaire class before j.b. pritzker gloated about how rich he is. >> bernie sanders is not a big
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fan of billionaires. >> it was interesting planning. they had to cut out things and it happened i was coming right after him. >> michelle obama spoke about how her family was always wary of the wealthy. >> my mom, in her study, quiet way, lived out that striving sense of hope every day. she and my father did not inspire to be wealthy. they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed. they understood it wasn't enough for their kids to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning. >> does this mean we can be suspicious of michelle and barack since they are close to 200 millions dollars. their kids are millionaires too.
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>> even with the fact that has been established. >> he served 24 years in the national guard, rising to command sergeant major. >> cute. he rose to the rank but he never finished his training and he did not retain that title when he retired. rising to command sergeant major sounds more impressive. joining us, ben. jessica, the thing about the wealthy makes me laugh. you look up here and there are 500,000, 750,000, $1 million to buy the best suites and the obama's are the wealthiest people to retire from the presidency who came in with not much money at all.
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>> good for them. they are capitalists. michelle's point and the line was good about affirmative action for generational wealth is that people like her and kamala harris, black people don't have the opportunity to fail and then succeed. they aren't given $1 million to go out and see what you are made of. donald trump was not a good student but still going to the university of pennsylvania. that is what she is talking about. there are opportunities afforded to people who come from money. sasha and malia will take advantage of. >> are they napa babies? >> by definition if they were doing something they were qualified for. >> i have no idea. we don't really know. your last name is obama,
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kennedy, or clinton, that is the way it is. >> she is pointing out black women don't get the second chance that a white guy. >> she grew up wealthier than i did and she went to princeton, had the best education. she is probably the most revered female politician in the world. it shows that anything is possible. they are terrific speakers and they are hard to beat as far as political showmanship. they are talented people this billionaire dance they are doing seems disingenuous. >> i don't know. i'm just a drop out from jackson, mississippi. when i hear this message from michelle obama, i think she is trying to shift things in a way that doesn't work. this is an election about
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fundamentals, the economy, immigration, security at home and abroad and this convention has been about everything else. vibes, culture war, abortion, all of these other things democrats would rather be talking about than the fundamental issues affecting everyday americans on a daily basis. when i hear you talk about the success they have had, one of the things that is sad about this moment is, at what point is michelle obama going to be okay with the united states of america? >> how many more houses does she need to own for the country to not be racist? >> this is the problem republicans are facing. >> elizabeth warren just walked out on stage. she is a darling of the left and fully supports kamala plan. she is getting a thunderous
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response here. trump famously called her pocahontas. they love her. this is where the party is. >> it is. unfortunately for democrats h here, and every kind of convention, you want to reach out, cross lines, bring in independence and that is not what they are doing. >> she is crying on stage. >> it is emotional. i have never spoken in front of people like that. >> i am just narrating. it is okay. i am not criticizing at all. it is an emotional moment. she is now quieting down the crowd. are we going to listening? we are going to listen in for a
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little bit. >> do you know what i love best about kamala harris? she cannot be bought, and she can't be bossed around. i first met her in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash. the banks had broken laws, cheated people, and stolen homes. millions of americans have lost jobs, their savings, their ho homes. i was setting up the consumer financial protection bureau. kamala was protecting families
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and donald was scamming students at trump university and trying to make money off of people losing their homes. kamala harris stepped up. she enforced the law, fought the banks and delivered billions of dollars of help for families. that is the difference between a criminal and a prosecutor. [cheers and applause] you know what else i love? she gets it. we need to make life more affordable for working people. donald trump, the felon, has no plans to lower costs for families. he doesn't know how. basically, he doesn't care.
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when did he ever fill up a gas tank or worry about a grocery bill? the only bills he worries about are from his criminal defense lawyers. pomelo cares, deep down, and she will take on the giant corporations that are squeezing american families. in fact, it is something she has done before. during the california wildfires, she went after the price gaucher's. during the pandemic, we worked together in the senate to stop price gouging. as president, she will lower costs for your family. she will take on the wall street firms that buy up millions of houses and apartments and jack up the rent.
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she will take on drug companies that charge an arm and a leg for prescriptions. she will take on corporate monopolies that rip off consumers and billionaires who don't pay taxes. and she will take on right wing extremists who think they should decide who has access to abortion or ivf. there it is. groceries, gas, housing, health care, taxes, abortion. >> no mention of inflation, no mention of the border.
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donald trump and his legal bills, like that is relevant. >> i am going to do something that is going to disturb you. elizabeth warren represents the kind of coalition the democrats could have had if they wanted it. in many ways, the arguments she was making in the wake of the financial crisis and everything we saw come out of that were things that could have appealed to the same people forgotten and left behind that donald trump ended up appealing to. that message was not accepted by the democratic party. they went with the big banks. frankly it is out of step with this current effort to anoint a senator from blackrock and netflix and disney and these other corporations that kamala harris represents and has represented. she has nothing in common with
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the populist message elizabeth warren has, even if i disagree with her solutions, she does identify real problems. >> an interesting point. silicon valley on wall street, she is getting a lot of donations as well. most of those billionaire classes going with the walz-harris ticket. that is the yin and yang, tried to get those aoc, maybe elizabeth warren types to come in. it's a bit of a motley crew but they are holding it together. >> 60% of her donations are grassroots but everybody goes after billionaires because if they can get hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars that is something, peter teal is one of the biggest backers of the trump side. >> trump doesn't shy away from thinking they are fine.
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>> you do these culture war things to gloss over the fact you are accepting money or engaging in a back and forth with the same entities being criticized. >> the roster of people giving to bernie sanders is different than the roster giving to democrats. he ran a campaign in's and am not taking big donor money. >> some of the more centrist skipped out on this convention. >> she is not a populace like bernie sanders and would never pretend to be. >> that is the big thing going on, a problem for democrats. they haven't embraced the messages they need to.
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>> the polls have tightened. i don't think you can look at what is going on and say we have a big problem. i am not saying we win the election. >> after five weeks of joy, it shouldn't be a problem. >> when the balloons come down and they are deflated, there will be a lot of other things deflated. people are going to wonder how i am going to pay off my credit card debt because i have been putting my rent on it. those issues they did not discuss. the dixie chicks -- the chicks. i'm sorry. in and of itself it is stupid. i love their music. great to see both of you. >> since democrats can't let americans know what the real plan is to fight inflation, they
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have to create illusions, magic tricks. making her past radical statements disappear and making traditional views on masculinity and patriotism disappear. >> there has been a lot of talk about masculinity and trying to own masculinity in the most regressive, misogynist way possible. >> watch the men model and a masculinity is 21st century masculinity. >> men who might not be the testosterone-latin gun toting guy who wants to listen to hulk hogan and the players who came out at the rnc. >> joining us now, clay travis. i cannot believe you are not here having fun with us. next time you have to hang with us.
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>> i know. i should have been watching them burn the american flag. i was busy but i will try to be there in four years. >> they are talking about a guy who puts tampons in boys bathrooms. cnn reacted to that. is this a way to redefine what a true man is? >> the women talking about how much they like the new poll for men don't date men who are low in testosterone because most of the time that is not what women want. it is a fascinating story. you have, in many ways, the republican party, which has become the party of men and you have the democrat party, which is going after women and the question is, are republicans going to win men by more than
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the democrats when women and how is this gender divide going to go? i believe this is 100% correct. the last year in a presidential election cycle democrats won the overall male vote? the answer is 1964. lyndon johnson was the last democrat presidential candidate to win men out right. that is unbelievable when you sit back and think about it and i don't think kamala harris is going to make a play. this race will come down to pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan and i think blue-collar men are not going to vote for kamala harris at a higher rate than they did joe biden. that is the miscalculation of demogdemocrats. >> tried to pay my bills one
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month. i heard the story time and again over the past five days here and it was not pretty and i don't think elizabeth warren jabbering on about abortion and donald trump's legal bills, i don't think that resonates with a single working-class person in this country. it works with the crowd here because they are activists types and having fun. but to regular people trying to make ends meet, i don't think it works. i don't. >> it doesn't work with men. they are giving away vasectomies at the united center from a mobile van. it may be a perfect metaphor but i don't think there are many men who want to get balls snipped and then go watch kamala harris. if they are doing that, they are not voting republican. >> do you have a theory on tim
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walz? when they do this, this chest thump thing, am i the only person who finds that annoying because it seems fake when he does it. and then he does the bowing thing. can we show it? >> he is pro-family and authentic. i am from nashville, tennessee, red states. this idea of if you wear camouflage hat or you walk around and boots, suddenly everybody thinks you are similar to them. this is not a reality. tim walls is awful as a governor. he failed on the two biggest tests he had. they picked him out, he is a communist pretending to be a normal guy.
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>> unbelievable. i am going to do the bowing motion and go like this. thanks so much. we will be right back with peter welch. what is the vermont temperature on what's happening?
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>> remember nancy pelosi said congress needs to pass obamacare to find what is in it? they are trying the same strategy for kamala harris. democrats have done a good job showing everyone how angry they are and how much joy they have. they talk about how wonderful abortion is. her agenda is pretty much m.i.a. joining me now, peter welch. we -- it is great to have you on the show. we have been here for four days and they mentioned trump 175 times in the border like 30 times and inflation like 40 times. what is the deal with the
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imbalance of the issues people care about? >> the joy here is because we have a new nominee. president biden made a courageous decision to step aside. >> he was forced out. >> it was his decision. >> you are from vermont, you are smarter than that. >> however you want to characterize her, he made the decision and we had $100 million raised in a day and all the potential candidates endorsed kamala harris. there is an enormous amount of excitement. the rnc had -- now we have a fighting chance. >> trump spoke at the southern border and brought out patty and
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alex. their daughters were killed by illegal immigrants. let's listen. >> they found my daughter's body and when they found it, it has recently come out that she was brutally beaten,, she was 12, she had dreams to be famous. she wanted to be a famous actor. she was left with no clothing from the waist down, was thrown in a bye you, left, strangled to death. he needs to be in office. we need to stop this. we need to stop losing our littles. >> you signed a letter back in 2021 with other members of the house saying it is time to end the incarceration approach to
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immigration including deportation, democrats agree with you on that. what about those women and other victims of crime committed by people who shouldn't be here in the first place? >> that is heartbreaking and devastating. we half to do a strong commitment on border enforcement. >> why have they let 10 million people into this country? >> it was in reaction to trump. we have to have a policy that is about controlling the border and having immigration be legal. we support controlling the border. >> are you going to make your voice heard to kamala harris because she doesn't believe that. >> she is talking about having
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legal enforcement. we had the agreement that was -- >> i know that bill inside and out. illegal immigrants would still be allowed to come in across that border every year in the ports of entry. that doesn't include people coming not in the ports of entry. that is not border enforcement. >> the question is, are you in control of who is coming in. are they vetted. we don't want criminals. there is pressure. >> a huge problem, manchester, new hampshire, vermont, maine. we have got to go. >> democrats are committed to having enforceable --
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>> they could have done trump's plan and that worked. >> we also want to have legal and justice and opportunity for a lot of these dreamers that came over here. >> how about americans first. you are smart. you are going to set kamala harris straight. i appreciate you coming on. great to see you. for a party who wants to bring down the temperature, they are bringing out al sharpton. he is not about love and joy. maybe. joining us now, katie. love and joy and al sharpton. >> the democratic nominee who is going to try to be born again, everything she stood for in the past, she wants to be new and fresh and undefined. she now wants to tell the
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american people nothing about her future plans for the country. it has been a fun week for democrats. they are having a good time but it is going to be if what translate inside works for the working voters outside. they are trying to blame it on trump even though harris was responsible for the bidenomics agenda. >> what is the issue you are finding the folks on the convention floor are most excited about? >> they are excited to see whatever democratic politician walks out on the stage. this has been a politician parade. you look at this lineup, one after the other. it's a long way from the everyday americans we saw with the republicans. there will be a conference on
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gun violence. there are all kinds of rumors about beyonce and taylor swift. the only thing i can tell you is pink is on the menu. there will also be a bio about kamala harris. remember the introduction? we haven't gotten there. there is a real good chance based on the paper i have that she could finish well after midnight. we will see how that goes. elizabeth warren came out about 10 minutes ago. a huge reception for her. some of the biggest applause reserved for some of the more progressive members of congress but it has been a politician parade and not so much the everyday american. >> just what americans want to see. more politicians. >> we mentioned the term freedom
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and they perverted the definition of freedom. they are arguing that they want more freedom for the government to interfere in your life. the only freedom they are offering two individuals are freedom to abortion. everything else, whether you have a gas stove or electric stove, where you travel, when you travel. they are arguing for more freedom for government. >> pot, abortion, gambling, more illegals. and the freedom of the government to harass you, surveilling you, and put you in jail. >> freedom for illegal immigrants to do all kinds of things. >> so great to see you. thank you. >> i saw him earlier today.
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what is on your hand? >> laura did it, too. laura is insane. she did more setups than we did. >> first of all, sean hannity is scary strong. this guy is scary strong. >> he might have broken something. i have bruises. he is an animal. i just barely survive. >> the woman with a yoga mat just wanted to do her yoga and it was twisting her neck and your arm and at one point i think you cried. >> that was not a cry. it was a high pitched squeal. >> that >> jesse: fox news alert it is finally here. the last night of the dn


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