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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 23, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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men had a free for all. one person saying that the frat house could say have cleaned it up before police arrived. others offered help in exchange for a few cases of beer. the roadway had to be closed after the spill since reopened. no word if ole miss coach lane kiffen somehow incorporated this into we'll spill some beer on the roads if you come. >> carley: beer spilled on the road is going to be all shaken up i don't think it will translate well as a good beverage. >> todd: have you been a fraternity brother? i have. >> carley: four nights of the dnc, lay it on me ole miss. >> todd: you need all the booze you can get. it's been great being with you, toddy. "fox & friends first" starts right now 6:00 on the east
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coast, friday, august 23rd, this is "fox & friends." i'll pause. >> i accept your nomination to be president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] and the crowd roars after 33 days president biden's withdrawal kamala harris formally accepts the democratic nomination for president. her speech riding on the theme that was all week long, they big on vibes, light on policy. >> this election is not only the most important of our lives, the consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house are extremely serious. >> ainsley: and donald trump comes out swinging after that, slamming the vice president for complaining instead of leading. >> why didn't she do the things that she is complaining about? all of these things that she
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talked about, we're going to do, this we're going to do that, we're going to do everything. she didn't do any of it. she could have done it three and a half years ago. >> will: lawrence is live having breakfast with friends getting the pulse of the people just 27 days until election day. "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> brian: here we go vice president kamala harris 37-minute long dnc address was filled with trump criticism, lofty and costly promises and some personal stories. >> ainsley: and kamala harris quickly glossing over her record as she has been the vice president for the past three and a half years as the dnc's week of joy came to a close. >> will: madeleine rivera is live in washington with the latest. good morning, madeleine. >> good morning. vice president kamala harris' campaign viewed this speech as an opportunity to reintroduce
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herself to the american public so her remarks lean heavily on her personal story but raise criticism that it lacked substance. >> we are all in this together. aeveryday in the courtroom, i stood proudly before a judge and i said five words. kamala harris for the people. and to be clear, my entire career i have only had one client, the people. >> harris cast herself as a vessel for a fresh spartan despite doubling down and in some cases expanding on some of the key initiatives of the president. she thanked him in the beginning of her speech. >> our nation with this election has a precious fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past, a
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chance to chart a new way forward. >> she didn't dole into too many policy details dedicating much of her time to prosecuting a case against a second trump presidency. she mentioned him several times. >> donald trump. donald trump, donald trump. donald trump. dontrump, trump. donald trump, donald trump. donald trump. >> some of her most force 68 remarks came when she was talking about the war in the middle east. >> president biden and i are working to end this war, such that israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in gaza ends and the palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom and self-determination. >> some pro-palestinian protesters saying they were disappointed in her speech
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saying it doesn't break at all from the status quo. will, ainsley, brian and lawrence. >> ainsley: thank you so much, made. thank goodness this is over, right, lawrence? if you stayed up to watch which i have every single night and wake up early. i know you because you have been there covering and it interviewing pooh people all day long before the convention at night and working the morning show. reading from the teleprompter. powerful speeches. but it's just telling their story and then here we go slamming president trump. the whole convention was slamming president trump. it was more about we hate him so much we hope you hate him more than you hate our radical record. >> lawrence: yeah. we are going to go through the record a little later on in the program. but, guys, i know there has been some people that say it was a great speech. this was great for kamala. but, i don't think so. especially when you set the bar so high for two of the most
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popular people in the democratic party in barack obama and michelle obama. did this speech, you know, reach that metric of inspiration? i don't think so. and i guess the part that i just cannot disconnect from this convention, and i understand spin. both political parties they do spin. they try to, you know, push things in their favor, but there are just blatant lies that the democratic party that's putting out there to the american people to oppress the vote, to change the vote, that i thing needs to be called out. i just wish more people in the media would call out the consistent lies from this party, guys. >> brian: right. you are not criticizing will cain, are you? >> no, no. not will. >> will: thank you for that clarification. i appreciate that because i was wondering, too. i was like lawrence is coming in hot. >> brian: really hot on will. >> will: lawrence is right. we began that process yesterday. we had donald trump on "fox & friends." we asked him balls tim walz
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began the story as just as an example saying donald trump wanted to institute a national abortion ban. he wanted to enact national abortion ban with or without congress that is the exact same line word for word that was repeated last night from the stage by kamala harris. >> can you always trust me to put country above party and self. to hold sacred america's fundamental principles from the rule of law to free and fair elections. we know what a second trump term would look like. it's all laid out in project 2025. written by his closest advisers. and its sum total is to pull our country back to the past. we are not going back. [chanting] >> to when donald trump tried to cut social security and med
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medicare. as a part of his agenda, he and his allies would limit access to birth control, ban medication abortion, and enact a nationwide abortion ban with or without congress. >> lawrence: that's so crazy. >> brian: it is. the thing is donald trump has done a lot over the four years he has been running for president three times now. and he talks almost every day to any outlet, including small local outlets. why make things up. why say that donald trump is looking to jail his opponents? it's actually what you guys are trying to do. why come out and say he is going to use the national guard on his own citizens. he offered the national guard during total civil unrest during the george floyd riots and some other opportunities. so why make stuff up about project 2025? i have news for you. if people work for you and go get another job, it doesn't mean they are still working for you. yes, there are some people at the heritage foundation.
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i think it's the biggest think tank in washington that leave republican administrations and go work there. it doesn't mean they are still working for donald trump. listen. >> they know i have nothing to do with it. i had no idea what it was. a group of people got together. they drew up some conservative values, very conservative values. and, in some case, perhaps they went over-the-line, perhaps they didn't. i have no idea what project 25 is. i'm for compensations for rape, incest and the life of the mother. i'm for exception. >> most people are for exceptions. you have to follow your heart. but, it's being voted on, an issue that's ripped our country apart for 50 years is being solved at the voting booth. and states are voting in what they want. they say -- i want a federal ban. i would never -- they know i have said it. there will not be a federal ban. >> will: this has been fact-checked. this is a lie, a hoax.
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a lie over and over. >> brian: not stopping. >> will: they do not care about the fact-check. the donald trump campaign for president has also laid out his policy on social security and medicare. we have seen his actual policies. we do not know, outside of some incrincreases in capital gains x for example or price controls. what kamala's actual policies might be to, i guess, fix the economy she has been in charge of at least in a partnership for the past three and a half years. here is trump a fight in security and medicare no cuts in changes retirement date. >> ainsley: that's on the website. even though democrats are on stage saying he wants to cut medicare and social security. in fact he is saying the check that you get from social security that you have already paid into and been taxed for once. i'm not going to tax you on that. no tax on tips and no tax on social security. it's interesting to hear all the media afterwards just praising, praising, praising the dnc and kamala harris. when they wanted to replace her a few months ago, remember the media headlines the "new york
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times" says the vice president is still struggling to make the case for herself. they reported tensions between the white house and her office. the environment in her office was dysfunctional and abusive. you not hearing that this morning. >> brian: elizabeth warren -- lawrence, i will let you weigh, in go ahead. >> lawrence: no, no, no. go ahead, bri, i guess i was going to say have they learned nothing? have they learned nothing from the scandal with joe biden and concealing his mental decline for all of these years, all of the stories they got on background from cabinet members, people that were in the room with him and then it blows up in your face? does it take another debate for it to blow up again when she can't deliver a back and forth on policy? she couldn't even handle the pro-hamas crowd. she couldn't even stand on a position there. all she could say is i'm speaking. i'm sorry. that's not a spirited conversation. she could have said hey, i stand with israel in this moment, she says i'm speaking. is that what she is going to do
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when she is on the debate stage with donald trump and he challenges her on some of her positions say madam vice president you keep saying that i want to end medicare. that's not true and i have said this and this and. this why did you steal my idea on no tax on tips? i mean, i just don't understand why they keep letting her get away with it. >> brian: we will see only one voice her voice and the democratic voice. the honeymoon is over starting today because we have 74 days left. elizabeth warren basically called for her replacement. you got have a replacement. then nancy pelosi, when asked, he goes do you think that she is a good running mate for joe biden? anderson cooper says he thinks. so jamie raskin said the same thing. couldn't even endorse her. andrea mitchell basically came out there, who is an icon on the mostly cloudy skies platform, so this is -- we know -- we know that joe biden is failing and you won't admit it. that's why you kicked him out. we know you were not for kamala harris two weeks ago -- three
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weeks ago and you won't admit it. trump also says something else. he also says do you realize you actually have the job now? >> well, the biggest reaction is why didn't she do the things that she is complaining about. all of these things that she talked about, we're going to do, this we are going to do that. we are going to do everything, but she didn't do any of it. she could have done it three and a half years ago. she could do it tonight by leaving the auditorium and going to washington, d.c. and closing the before the. >> will: i want to address a couple things you said, lawrence. i think i humbly disagree with a couple of things you said this morning. first, i would say this, yes, it is going to take donald trump on a debate stage to call out these inconsistencies. it will not be done in the press, and i know we agree on that. it will be gotten away with from the stage of the democratic national convention. earlier you said she didn't achieve a level of inspiration
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to match that of barack or michelle obama. i don't think that's her bar. i actually think that speech last night did the job for kamala. it doesn't mean i think it should have done the job. i think that she told lies that we're highlighting this morning. the question is what does a casual observe his or her might have been sitting out. who didn't want to vote for donald trump, and saw the obvious decline in joe biden think after last night? and i think she came out and told a story about her own life that was appealing enoughgoing to take some real fact check back. my point the bar wasn't obama, it was biden. if she in any way inspired someone who going, you know, that guy is senile. that guy shouldn't be holding office. if she any way cleared the biden bar i think she did the job last night of increasing the chances for the democratic party. >> ainsley: i think too that --
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go ahead, lawrence. >> lawrence: no, no. i was going to say real quickly, ainsley, but does it get people to the polls though? i think what -- it's not just about speeches. it's about the most inspirational person that rallies voters. and i think that's one thing to obama's credit that he had. it was -- you know, it's not just -- you're not in an auditorium or giving some lecture for some average day speech. it has to be inspirational enough where people say because right now -- let's face it. there is a lot of people that are independents that are saying screw it. maybe i just stay at home. i won't vote for any of the parties. those are the people that donald trump and kamala harris have to go after. donald trump at least has the burden of at least things were better under him. and so my life depends on it. so i have to go vote for him with those independent voters. i'm not sure her speech met the metrics of inspiration to say okay. i can disregard my economic state and go vote for kamala
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harris. i guess that's what i was alluding to. go ahead. >> ainsley: she is running on vibes and running on joy. does that translate into votes? it might, some people might have watched this and said i'm invigorated i like what she stands for even though we don't really know but i like her speech and i believe her when she spreads these lies because i don't like trump. but, then when you look at her website, and you -- and there is no policy on there, go to kamala, there is nothing about her policy, what she stands for, zero sit down would you haves since she became the nominee, what is it? it's been a month. primaries won. no one has voted for her to have this position so far. the first vote about will be on november 5th. she has won zero primaries in 2020. she won zero primaries in 2020. she dropped out. she was the first one to drop out that december. and then the next november was the election. so, we watched her on the debate stage. people have said she doesn't
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prepare. remember the interview when they're like why aren't you going to the border? she said you have never been to the border well, i have never been to europe. her answer was -- she wasn't prepared for that. and her staff has complained that she is not working hard. she is not prepared. i think what is going to happen is, when they have this first debate she is going to be so prepared. she has a whole team surrounding her and hates donald trump so much and they want to win so badly that she is going to be prepared at that debate. is that going to carry her into the election? if she becomes the president, then that's when you are going to see her start to fail. but they won't care. because, and that's when she will have to do introduce and she won't be prepared. they will not care. at that point she would have already won. republicans are hoping that doesn't happen. they are hoping that donald trump wins on his record. compare his record to her record, we know what her record is, zero fracking if you live in pennsylvania. that's a problem. open borders, that's a problem for every single state. we're not going to make them illegals. this is not a crime for them to
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cross our border. sanctuary cities, high taxes, her corporate tax rate from 21 to 28%. raise the top income tax rate at the federal level from 37% to 39.6%. this going to hurt companies. highest tax bracket people own these big corporations and companies and hire a bunch of people. >> brian: right. meanwhile peter doocy found his way into the boughs of the united center and found the united states and her husband doug inhofe right before she got on stage. listen. >> peter: madam vice president, congratulations. >> thank you. good see you. >> peter: are you ready for your fox news view? >> i'm working. >> brian: i mean they knew each other for from when she was senator. that was noise of her to give those few words. she did promise. >> ainsley: do you think she dual a fox news interview? >> brian: i don't think it will be a first. and i don't think it will be ever the more i think about it. she said she will do an interview. >> ainsley: the more i think about it in those 30 seconds.
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>> brian: two seconds. she is going to do an interview before the end of the month. so that's next week. >> will: it will be friendly and a little bit surprised she will do it. the thing i'm voicing to you, lawrence and ainsley built upon. i'm afraid there are a lot of people out there that will vote on joy and vibes. and they should not. they will even vote against their own interest. they will vote against inflation hurting their own pocketbook. it is inexplicable and they leaned into it. you can baby into it from a stage. you can't lean into it in an interview. you can't lean into it during a debate and can't lean into it when you are one-on-one with voters. >> brian: i'm going to risk losing ainsley. nothing better than going to a pep rally before a notre dame football game. the whole crowd and alumni is there. got to go on with the eye black on and play. the game starts today. vibes were great. >> ainsley: i followed that you did not lose me. i know what that means. i grew up in college football.
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>> brian: made eye contact and explain it slowly. the game starts today. >> ainsley: actually after labor day. people say after labor day. the northeast is not even back in school. people are taking the last vacations of the summer right now. >> brian: i think you are generalizing. there is a lot of people working. >> ainsley: i think after labor day. >> will: lawrence you have a unique opportunity to find out starting this morning actually how the vibe and joys play versus lack of policy. because you are having breakfast with friends in oswego go. there was a lot of joy and good vibes. there was not thatch policy. do you think voters are going to choose the joy of the convention or the policy? >> well, i hope they are sensible and vote the way they should be for law and order and
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policy, not just because she is a woman. >> lawrence: ma'am, you are a woman, what did you think about the speech and does she do any convincing? do you see some voters buying it? >> i do. >> lawrence: does that worry you? >> it does worry me. i even -- i wonder how this world is going to end up. i have a grandson that's in the military. this is really scary now. 19-year-old not knowing what is going to happen. >> lawrence: you are emotional about this. tell me why. >> this is not the time for the military. and he's really very -- he wants to make the world a better place. but, it's very scary. is he working on drones which hopefully it will be a future for him. but college expenses, you know, he wanted to go be in the military. he is in the air force.
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florida boy stationed at grand forks. >> lawrence: we do don't just tk your grandson for serving but as well. you clearly love him and you know you want a commander-in-chief who is going to support him too. thank you for coming on. >> languages, l.j. >> lawrence: sir, you just heard this young lady right here and her emotional plea, do you think kamala harris is ready on day one to be the commander-in-chief? >> absolutely not. we have gone over 30-something days with her not even, you know, dodging the press and not interviewing. and all she has done yesterday is a lot of hype, smoke in mirrors. it's not going to work this time. the american people have woken up and we see it for what it really is. you can't run a campaign based on emotion, hype and joy. it doesn't work. the american people are suffering regardless of what race, what class you are. i think fundamentally we are on the right track. but we have got a long way to go. i'm going to be a personal
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advocate. i urge everybody watching this to get to the voting booth. talk your neighbors. we need to recruit at least 100 people and educated these people. wake them up and let them know that our democracy, our country, our existence is really at stake. this is historical moment but we have an opportunity to change. >> lawrence: thank you so much, sir. that's the vibe so far guys here at the diner. look, the last thing i would say is this. of course two texas boys are going to disagree a little bit on this. i just wanted to see an authentic movement. as one -- i keep saying it. part of the 2008 campaign. and saw all of the people mobilize. will kamala harris have that type of movement? i'm not sure guys. >> will: i want to be clear on my disagreement. too. i'm not saying that's what i wants it to be. i don't think you win battles unless you understand your opponent. in order to understand your opponent. you have to understand reality. you know? i think when you wake up and go wow, we didn't have a red wave.
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you need to step back and go i wonder how the average person looks up and looked at kamala harris last night and thinks. that's what i'm trying to figure out. not the way that i saw it. but the way i wonder how the average casual voter saw it. >> brian: i got to something to add. carley shimkus has a temper and if you don't get to her right away in the morning the whole show goes off the rails. >> carley: i'm glad could just feel me breathing down your neck. right now. all right. thank you, lawrence. ♪ will, ainsley, and brian. we do have a fox news alert to get. to say arizona police have arrested a man accused of threatening to assassinate former president trump. police say the suspect made posts on social media. trump says he was not aware of a manhunt until a reporter told him about it. and despite threats like that he says he still has a job to do. >> i heard it's dangerous but i also have a job to do. i heard it's very dangerous. the reason is because i want to do things that are very bad for
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the bad guys. i have heard it's very unsafe to make this trip. there were some people that really didn't want me to make it. >> carley: officials in arizona says that suspect has no known ties to the butler, pennsylvania, assassination attempt. >> on to another fox news alert. italian rescue divers have found the body of the last missing perna super yacht disaster off the coast of sicily. that's according to a source to reuters. the vessel capsized on monday during a severe storm. the body is believed to be british tech tycoon mike lynch's 18-year-old daughter. italian authorities are investigating the shipwreck and have launched a manslaughter probe. and those are your headlines, guys. back to you. >> will: thank you so much. >> carley: you are very welcome. >> will: today trump said to voters in arizona after visiting the border. >> ainsley: sheriff mark lamb is visiting president trump today and he's next. ♪
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37-year-old mom of five who was murdered in june. >> we're going to end up gk a third world country if it continues this way. and i hope, i truly i hope that you would just take my words to heart because it's devastating to lose a child. this is a very, very important issue. and it's one that is either going to make or break our country. >> brian: wow. pinal county sheriff and former u.s. senate candidate mark lamb will speak tonight as a special guest at donald trump's rally. he joins us now. how important was trump going to the border yesterday and bringing mrs. morin with him? >> well, i think it's super important, brian. this is going to be the number one issue as we go into november. and i think this is kamala harris' number one weakness as well. and i think bringing these angel moms and parents on there to talk about the reality of what the border crisis is, whether it's fentanyl poisonings but in
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case heinous crimes, horrific crimes against american citizens, rape, murder, i think that people need to hear it. this is what needs to happen for us to be able to get the right person in office and kamala is not the right person. >> brian: people say on average the numbers say that illegal immigrants don't commit more crimes than the average american. what's your reaction to that? >> i don't think -- we're splitting hairs for the wrong reason. the fact is we shouldn't be dealing with any illegal crime in this country. why? because we should have stopped them at the border. this is what they want to do. oh, well americans commit more crimes than illegals do. we shouldn't be talking about any illegal crime, and especially when they were caught and then they were released into our public and not sent back to their respective countries. >> brian: now we have the numbers at the border stunning. over 1200 on the biden administration. under trump, his total four years 246,000-plus. for harris, they are over 392%
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increase under them. they want to say well, we had -- we had bipartisan reform. and donald trump walked away from it. and it was the best reform ever. and the border patrol okayed it. what does sheriff lamb know about that reform? >> you know, i had to sit through clarifies' thing last night because i knew i was doing these interviews. so i took one for the team and listened to that garbage last night. one of the things she brought up is that trump said don't pass that bill. look, ultimately, senators decided not to pass that bill. but i'm glad they didn't because it wasn't a border bill. it was a global assistance bill first and foremost. and the 20 million they did have going to the border was not designed to fix the problem it was designed to fix the systems. ngos, currently aiding and abetsing and funding traffic. 9 plus billion dollars going from the state department to the u.n. for global migration. we don't need to continue to
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finance it. not to mention they wanted to codify into law 2500 people a day for seven days straight before they would do something about it. you know my cohort sheriff judd out in florida said the acceptable number can you stop it at 2500 you can stop it at zero. that's the acceptable number for americans. >> brian: sheriff, you heard about the manhunt yesterday, there was a guy who wanted to kill president trump. he was wanted for dui and child most. you g -- child meteorologist.yo? child molestation.>> they got h. went into action immediately. they almost caught him one point and they were able to track him down not long after president trump's speech there at the border. but they did take that guy into custody. you know, this is the type of people that the left's rhetoric continues to motivate to do heinous things. this is what happened, when we saw in butler, pennsylvania. we're lucky we didn't see it there good job by the sheriff's
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office down there taking this guy into custody. this is what we are going to continue to see if the left continues with this messaging and what we saw from kamala last night. >> brian: all right, sheriff, thank you so much. hopefully you will try to run for office again because you do a great job explaining your side of the story and what you would do. thank you very much. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: one nation saturday night 9:00 join me tony robbins talk about child trafficking. brand new movie coming out. you will not believe it. hugh houthi on what happens next as well as douglas murray who offers awards after the dnc in a ssarcastic tongue in cheek way. are americans better off than they were four years ago. lawrence is asking voters. don't move. [cheers] ♪
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vows to help americans struggling but gives no new details on how. >> opportunity is not available to everyone. that's why we will create what i call an opportunity economy, an opportunity economy where everyone has the chance to compete and a chance to succeed. >> will: seems to be forgetting the nearly four years of failing economic policy she pushed under the biden-harris administration. "fox & friends" co-host lawrence jones is talking to voters in illinois this morning. lawrence, that's one of the great questions we would love to have answered is how have you -- how are you going to recruit something that you helped boot? you know, you were the team that created this. and now you are going to fix it. >> lawrence: brother, it's the perfect set-up. talking about the economy how it impacts people. and kamala is in charge right now. at least she has a weekly meeting with the president. let's go talk with some folks. because i heard this incredible story today.
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i think you guys are going to want to hear it. can you all tell the folks y'all's name? >> joanna. >> tom. >> you all were telling me about your son. is he 19 years old. >> yes. >> he has made one thing clear to you. what is that? >> he is watching the election very carefully for november because he wants to move out. and if kamala gets in he knows is he with us. if trump gets in he knows he has a fighting chance to get out. >> lawrence: why is that? >> because the economy will be better. you know, make more money. everything is so expensive. and everything is a domino effect. my other son just moved out friday. 21 years old. and he had to come up with $7,000 just to move in. that's first month, last month's rent. that's what we're talking about. >> lawrence: let's push this narrative further. let's talk with one of those young folks. one young man right here 20 years old. what is your name? >> my name is ryan potray. they are saying your generation has been impacted most by this
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economy. what's your experience. >> i live at home and good life so far. everything is more expensive and it's concerning as i'm getting older but, yeah, i'm used to that i don't know, kamala harris, some of her policies that she is putting out i'm a business major. i think that they are completely out in left field and she doesn't know what she is talking about i mean, frankly. >> lawrence: like what policy? >> she talks about -- i know joe biden talked about rent controlling and i know that she talked about the price regulation, those have not worked ever. and the reason that the housing control, like the rent control doesn't work is because builders will leave the area and they won't build houses. you have a certain amount of houses 2 million homes we have to build every year and if we don't reach that then housing becomes more scarce and expensive. i think she doesn't understand that trump needs to do a better job explaining why some of those policies are wrong. >> lawrence: she should make it clear to the american people? >> yes, of course. people might say oh, this, this,
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this, but it doesn't add up. i mean, a lot of these idea, they sound good on paper. oh, we are going to lower rent and do this. in reality, none of that stuff will ever pass, ever. >> lawrence: powerful words from this young man. i want to go to this military mom real quick. can you say hello. >> hello from nanna, ha ha ha. >> lawrence: thank you so much, ma'am. we love our military. all right, guys, i will send it back to you on the couch. >> will: great job as always you, lawrence. today could be a big day. r.f.k. jr. is expected to address his path forward. there is speculation swirling he may cro drop out and endorse dod trump. where will his voters end up going? first, the mclemores are smoking barbecue on fox square ahead of the all-american concert series. guys? >> all right, thank you, will, brian and ainsley. we are so excited to listen to war and treaty this morning. we have been serving the barbecue pickles this morning.
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recipe from the pages of "gathering grill" rick's barbecue -- >> speaking of barbecue, we are going down to key west florida at ocean's edge marine and resort for a barbecue invitational. we got 75 of the barbecue's biggest influencers coming down to raise money for the national pediatric cancer foundation calling ambassadors for. great calls all of our sponsors are helping us do that. see new key west. >> and tulsi in two. more "fox & friends" coming up here ♪ that ain't how love is ♪ tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪) did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain.
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i had a serious fall. i called the barnes firm. they got me the best result possible. injured on a job site? call the barnes firm now. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call 1-800 eight million ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: today robert f.k. will address about path forward 2024 race as sources say the independent candidate is expected to drop out today and endorse donald trump. trump told us yesterday he would be honored. >> i've known him for a long time. he's a -- as you know, he is a little different kind of a guy. very smart guy. is he a very good person. if he endorsed me, i would be honored by it. i would be very honored by it. he really has his heart in the right place. >> ainsley: well, joining us now, "boston globe" opinion writer and editorial board
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member covering the dnc, careen pa jar. thank you very much for coming on with us. >> thanks for having me how will that impact the election if he endorses donald trump. >> as it keeps becoming a tighter and tighter race this is important. there isn't a ton of polling now that kamala harris is the democratic nominee. at least we know when biden was still in the race a lot of voters when you brought in r.f.k. they broke more for trump side. pick up more voters if jfk drops out this is decisive 4 # said trump, 37 said kamala harris. 33 percent said they don't know. if you look at registered voters, the "wall street journal" asked the voters if election were held today, who would win? this is before the dnc. 44 percent said donald trump and 445 percent said kamala harris i
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remember after the republican convention they were so worried. they did such a great job. now after the democratic convention they are walking off thinking they did a great job. conservatives are worried. the real test will be starting now, right? >> absolutely. convention speeches usually aren't that significant in the long run in shifting voters' opinions, they kind of see someone and they -- voters decide off of signals. they decide off of vibes for lack of a better word and that's such a big word in this election. i think that yesterday kamala harris, even though speeches usually aren't that important, she is so new to the race. and she really presented a lot of pot ofivity and republicans have to be on guard now about that. >> ainsley: a pollster told me usually after a convention you will see that candidate get a bump 5% in the polls and then you have to wait until that honeymoon phase is over. as far as tim walz is concerned. he was on stage and criticizing j.d. vance for going to yale
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listen to. this now, i grew up in beauty, nebraska. a town of 400 people i had 24 kids in my high school class. and none of them went to yale. >> ainsley: so why, karine, is this an attack? this is a guy who grew up with drug-addicted brother grew up as a hillbilly as he says in his book and movie. went on to serve our country and went to yale law school and now is a vice presidential candidate? >> you know, like his policies or not, j.d. vance is the american dream. is he one of many manifestations of the american dream. i think this is a silly attack from democrats. for one, look at the make-up of ivy league institutions like yale. in 2021, harvard's faculty, 3% were conservative. and the rest were liberal or moderate. that's really telling of the type of folks that come out of these institutions, and then look at the speakers from this week, michelle obama, barack obama, hillary clinton. they all went to -- they all
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went to ivy league institutions, yale law school up there as well. so it's a silly attack and i don't think it's going to land with the american people who, like you said, they know "hillbilly elegy." it's a beloved story. until vance's assent into politics it was appreciated by many americans. >> ainsley: great point. karine, thank you for joining me you made it through the convention week and now you can get some sleep. >> that's right. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley for headlines. >> carley: looking live at volcano in southwest iceland erupting for the sixth time in eight months. lava started shooting out into the air last night following a series of strong earthquakes. thankfully officials say the lava is not heading for a nearby fishing town that was evacuated because of another eruption back in december. this volcano is now active after being dormant for 800 years. and in south florida, twin water spouts swirling after a storm near palm beach yesterday afternoon. they formed just feet away from each other. look at that later a third and
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possibly fourth funnel were also spotted. water spouts are basically tornadoes that form over water. they can be caused by a change in wind direction. but, unlike twisters, they are more common when the weather is nice. fun fact there. mississippi police were flooded with offers for help when an 18-wheel track scattered boxes of beer all over the street in oxford early this week. officials shared these pictures online with the caption and no, you cannot help come clean it up. and the comments -- people had a free for all with this one. one person said the nearby ole miss frat houses could have cleaned it up before the officers arrived. seeing bud light boxes. modello, michelob ultra, do ronna. something for everybody on the street. >> brian: corona in a can is not nearly as good as corona in a bottle. >> ainsley: i would agree. >> brian: number two was it
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refrigerated. ains. >> carley: some are glass bottles contamination station. >> ainsley: any pizzato boxes in there college campus. [laughter] >> week zero. g.e. tech florida state. next week when football starts would have been a better time. >> ainsley: that's true. thank you, carley. don't move the war and treaty will rock our all-american summer concert series. that's coming up. ♪ you can trust me completely ♪ just ask i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had
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