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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 23, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> at least five secret service
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agents have been put on leave over the trump assassination attempt five weeks ago. it's the first sign of accountability as the investigation into the shooting continues. i am emily campagna, this is "outnumbered." joining us today -- fox news contributor and host of -- tomi lahren, and fox news contributor and former white house press secretary ari fleischer. we begin with david spunt, who has the latest on the development of the secret service. >> we know that five secret service agents have been placed on administrative leave. we don't know how long that will last. we could tell you that of the five, one of people was an agent on former president trump's personal protective detail, the former president's security bubble.
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the other four were from the pittsburgh field office including to special agent in charge of the office, which is significant, for those who have been calling for accountability for those that were involved in the colossal failure july 11. they have this now to point to. i want to be clear that the numbers from earlier this week, specifically monday, but secret service has not -- we are told by a source close to the investigation -- likely would go up. in charge of the justice department, and because the fbi as part of the doj was just asked about this. >> there is both an internal and external independent investigation of what happened that the secretary of transportation has set up, and there is a congressional task force on the same subject.
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i hope they will provide lessons learned. to prevent this from happening in the future. >> there is a parallel investigation going on that's being conducted by the fbi. there are some doj components as part of that investigation. emily and everybody there -- the actual secret service investigation is an internal probe. >> thank so much. ari fleischer, the question is is this a sign portending things to come that we will in fact see ultimate accountability, or is this a little bit too late? >> it is a sack, essential that the person be held responsible. at the present goes into any area, a sack of that area is in charge of that visit.
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this is good to hear. two, the secret service needs to handle this differently from everything they have done be before. where is the secret service taking charge and announcing things themselves? i say that as one of the biggest fans and supporters of the secret service, having worked with them up close? they need to -- not let others make the news for them. they need to take responsibility for what they are doing and explain it. >> greater accountability after sports team loss. by just a few and why not have people come out and say it is a failure and yes congress --
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>> vice kamala harris has been given her sugar high of being the nominee for the democratic party. i don't think people wanted to talk about the assassination attempt on donald trump because they gave him a boost. when he came out with the "fight fight fight" in that photo, people came out of the woodwork and their support of donald trump that maybe had not been vocal before. everyone at that hearing, bipartisan outrage over the failures of the secret service. yesterday, another threat on the president's life.
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and i think they want to talk about that much because it distracts from kamala harris. >> i think the democrats recognize sometimes -- taking actions into their own hands. given the democrats -- unfortunately yesterday at the convention, they are ramping the rhetoric back up. could maybe pump the little dolomite breaks a little bit around the apocalypse roderick brown donald trump. >> that was before the terrible manhunt.
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>> when you say you and my social security and medicare -- these tip people over. the lies that republicans would kill obamacare, wanted to change health care. that compel that older man. this is a guy who was known to the police, multiple warrants in different states, including sexual assault on a child, dui eric trump learned about it from a reporter that there was no transparencies or the secret service is not alerting the candidate, the person who
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was the target of the threat. it clearly speaks, no matter how many people have been put on leave. internally, there is a rotten framework that has to be addressed. >> julie, and that is the point -- we have been hearing this for years. jason chaffetz was part of a congressional investigation. leadership has failed over and over again to the risk of those brave men and women and that's where to protect these incredible people. i don't know about you, but the most united i've ever seen congress was the day after the attempt when they demanded answers and said "we need to have accountability. can we get that back, do you think?" >> supposed to feel better -- paid leave. tommy burke this up. there was a manhunt for this man who was a sex offender, a pedophile, has a former dwi
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where he did not show up to court. is a manhunt for him because he threatened to shoot the former president of the united states. it was the daily mail who actually asked him a question about the current manhunt for the man who was talking about potentially shooting the president. why didn't they tell president trump -- there was no bullet proof at the time. somebody needs to investigate that. why wasn't his detail informed that there was a manhunt for someone threatening to kill the president? 's yesterday -- and there was no talk about it today. i am blown away that there is not more talk about it. >> i'm sure you have been amongst people with these details so far, the notion that you do not distract the towns by advising them of any risks is
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outdated. >> especially since he has already been shot at. there's always going to be potential risks. there will always be potential risks. he is at risk because he just got shot at, a failed assassination attempts. if there is another one out there potentially, i think the president should know about it. >> that's the way of the secret service. they don't inform the principal. inform people around the president. our job is to protect them. if it gets to the point where there is a threat, we will withdraw the president. i think that's what the secret service would answer to. not uncommon for the secret service to -- there are threats that exist for all presidents that they go in and find these people, assign an agent to them or they will take
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them into protective custody prior to the president arriving or while the president is on the scene. >> how about canceled a news conference until they find the guy? it seems reckless. >> so many more questions this raises. well, former president trump is holding two campaign events this afternoon. we are going to bring those to you live when they begin, and we are also awaiting remarks from robert f. kennedy jr., who is expected to drop out of the presidential race today and to throw his support behind trump. how will that impact and already very tight race? letter breaking news. keep it right here, fox news. trust claritin to keep you in the game. (♪) nothing is proven more effective for 24-hour, non-drowsy allergy relief in 1 pill. live claritin clear. (♪)
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after vice president kamala harris officially accepted the democratic nomination last night. she packed more than a few jabs at trump into her speech, more than a dozen i should be saying. the former president called her out on his truth social platform for all the detailn ways, befor0 balloons fell from the ceiling at the united center, the vice president's remarks aims to frame the race as though donald trump is the current president. >> with this election, our nation, our nation witthis election has a precious, fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past, a chance to chart a new way forward.
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>> harris did not talk about how she will pay for her plans. she never touched on the proposal we confirmed earlier this week: raising the corporate tax rate to 28% appeared she did go over broad outlines of an economic platform. >> instead of a trump tax hike, we will pass a middle-class tax cut that will benefit more than 100 million americans. we will create what i call an opportunity economy, an opportunity economy where everyone has the chance to compete, and a chance to suc succeed. >> the dnc did not cave to pressure from outsiders, including the uaw to include a pro-palestinian speaker on stage. the harris team can look ahead to a debate with trump mid-september. her next big nationally televised event should be the interview she promised to do by the end of this month.
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>> meta vice president, congratulations. are you ready for your fox news interview? [laughter] >> we will work on it. >> harris is still in chicago. the campaign is not tipping their hand about electoral strategy. they have not yet announced which battleground states she will visit next. >> think you. she talked about how she is going to lower taxes for the middle class, rather than what she claims trump will do which was raise taxes. i don't believe that's part of terms plan, but we don't know what kamala harris' plan is picked she did not mention inflation. you know the white house never utters the word "inflation," never. she's got no plan but is attacking terms plan. where is her plan? >> i would love to know. number one, she is proposing tax hikes on unrealized capital gains which is ridiculous. number two, inflation itself is
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a massive form of tax, especially on the lower class and middle class. number three, she has not defined the middle class. part of the issue throughout the biden/harris presidency is that there has been no definition of the middle class. that's why people who have jobs and assets are still unable to pay their bills. and the president and vice president, nothing to see here. i note that in all of this amorphous policies, this is somebody who ran for president years ago, so if anything, shouldn't there have been a plan or policy back then? there clearly wasn't picked she calls president trump an unserious man, yet this is the candidate that is unserious altogether, that relies on vibes and hyena laughing to persuade us that what we see in our bank accounts and on the streets and the safety that we feel and the drugs infiltrating our families and everything, there is nothing to see here. i call to them when they say president trump is darkness and the threat of the future of
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democracy is at stake >> i love that trump basically said that she is not in a position where she could possibly change now. she could make change. he points out that she's got months to actually enact some sort of policy such as the immigration mess that she has done nothing as those are of the border. she's got months to prove that. like "why she complaining about things she has had the power to change, and she has not done any change? she has done nothing. >> in the first few seconds of her speech, i noticed that she thanked joe biden, the obligatory thinking, but she was careful to talk about his record. his record will be remembered in history and his legacy. that's the biden/harris administration. it is strategic for her campaign to place everything bad on joe biden, throw him out like yesterday's trash, and she is this new candidate, she has been rebranded, repackaged.
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very careful to say "your record, joe." she has, to this point, been able to make yourself appear like she is this new person. democrats, as many have said, have been charged for the better part of the last 20 years, so why have they not enacted all these great things they have talked about. there is a reason again that donald trump won in 2016: people were sick of the obama years. i understand that they are still popular figures in the democratic party and they get a lot of applause lines, but people will tell mike were looking for a change in 2016 which is why they elected donald trump. if they're given that same decision in 2024, they will elect donald trump again. >> this tweet. "come alaris becomes a first candidate to become a major party presidential nominee without receiving a single vote, without putting a single policy on a website -- which remains, no policies on her website -- and with outstanding for a single conference or even sitting for a single interview. this is unprecedented.
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she is making history. she is the first female nominee for president. what she's making history for is she's not voted to be that person. >> this is where i will disagree with lee. the fact that she didn't receive a vote does not matter. with republicans like to think it matters. the people who will vote and decide the selection recognize her as the legitimate democratic nominee. the policy part is legitimate and real. i've never seen a more scripted candidate because she flops and fails without it. if you ever see her say "hello, how are you" there was probably a teleprompter telling her to say it. [laughter] but think she has done is extent radius, spontaneous. we know that results in word salad appeared she gets to win this race, and donald trump in his campaign better get better and better get serious. stop with the communist stuff, marxist stuff. it's great for the base but it won't win the middle.
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>> the first female presidential nominee, hillary clinton, did have policy. she has got kamala there. a source or policy, she talked about the border which is almost a shame, almost laughable that she can talk about the border when she was assigned to fix it. she also talked about being tough on crime which is also laughable considering her work in california and her policies and laws that allowed illegal immigrants back out on the street to reoffending and potentially kill people. crime and border are her soft spots. >> everything is a soft spot. she has to do this because she cannot deal with the reality, literally. it's not that she is dumb. this is a decision. this is a choice. the word salad are distractions because it means you don't have to deal with the reality. the crowd in that building, throughout the convention, obviously not the average voter, are before and willing to lift
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any kind of disbelief, to suspend the disbelief of what's happening. they have such a low regard for the american people. they feel they can guess what you in this manner and you will believe it. this is where the republicans' responsibility is, on the issues. make sure she is held to that. the media is in her pocket, but make sure they will republicans stand and what she is responsible for. she is the incumbent. last night and the entire convention was to erase that administration, make it as though trump never left, and that she is the challenger. it's the ultimate fraud. >> the families of victims of horrific migrant crimes like i just mentioned joined former president trump at the southern border yesterday. emotional pleas to you and every american if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know
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>> former president trump gave a voice to the victims of violent migrant crime during his visit to the southern border yesterday periods mother spoke about her 12-year-old daughter. jocelyn's body was found in a shallow creek in houston back in june for two immigrants who crossed the border -- arrested and charged with her brutal murder. one suspect was even wearing an ankle monitor at the time of the killing which did not stop him. the devastating mother of rachel moran, who was found raped and murdered on a maryland hiking trail. the man charged in her death illegally enter the country from el salvador and in part was found after he broke into a home and assaulted a child in her bed. yesterday, her emotional mother braved the spotlight in hopes no one else would experience her heartbreak.
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>> when i got a phone call from my son and he said "mom, somebody here that would like to speak to you," and when i said hello, the person on the other end said "hello, this is detective" so am so. "i am the lead detective on this case. there is no easy way to tell you this, but we found your daughter's body," and if they find the body, you know that she is dead. i hope you will take my words to heart, because it's devastating to lose a child but even more devastating when you see the pictures or the body and you really understand what has happened to that person. please take to heart, this is a very important issue and one that's either going to make or break our country.
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it's about america. it's about americans. it's about taking and protecting ourselves and looking out for each other. it's about protecting our families. >> tomi, such visceral words and emotion from a devastated mother who had to go through a preventable tragedy. >> and former president trump cares about these angel families. i've talked to a number of them. he specifically calls them, talk to them, spends time with them, remembers them which is also very important, but going back to kamala's speech last night, she did mention the border and the bipartisan border bill. for every democrat, that's the low-hanging fruit. they can say bipartisan border bill and it's supposed to be a nod they are going to do something about the border. what i think is going to be an important challenge for donald trump kamala harris enter campaign is we've got 1
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10-15000000 illegal immigrants in this country now. at least a percentage will be bad actors and bad people who are going to rape and murder. you talk about this current pathway to citizenship. how will we make sure that the millions you have laid in are these good dreamers you talk about? how are we going to protect the marking people from from all these people you have let him come a largely unvented? that's a question i would like to see the trump campaign posed to kamala and i hope he does during the first debate. >> amanda keefer had questions as well for kamala harris. she was a victim in san francisco during the time kamala harris was district attorney. >> i seem to have gotten off easy with just a fractured skull. i did not lose loved ones, but the night was walking to dinner in pacific heights, it was a nice neighborhood, you would not expect broad daylight for something violence to happen to you on the way to dinner.
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my purse was stolen. i stepped into the streets. the car he jumped into came at me. i jumped on the hood to avoid getting run over, he floored it and hit the brakes. they were laughing as they fractured my skull. what was the worst part about it all was when i found out that taxpayer money was paying for job training for this guy who avoided going to prison for the first felony committed for jobs he could not legally hold. it was a wake up moment for me. i moved out of san francisco. >> that is the reality of living under kamala's watch. but apparently -- dixie chicks on stage, nothing to see here. >> we are seeing the hypocrisy, the lies. the silver lining is that it confirms the fraud, but it also
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reminds us, like we saw in 2020, joe biden will be the uniter. he was a normal guy. everything would be better, calmer. we have multiple wars and things are going wrong of course at home. at the same time, it tells you -- you don't want to ignore what they say, but watch what they've done to. look at the results. women especially know that you have someone who will sound great to friends, superficially turning, and then there is the reality of what happens when you are alone with them, and that is the reality. i think that's what trump has to move. of course they lie about the border. they lie about everything. you've got to remind them that this is the result of the years that they have worked in what's happening to the american pe people. >> president trump said "you have time to close the border. why don't you close that?"
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as president he close the border. still had millions of illegal immigrants. it was better than open borders. when she was d.a., part of that law that enabled that woman to get her skull cracked by these former illegals, that was because they were released because there were nonviolent offenders. under her law, not only were they basically given on-the-job training to get jobs, but the records were expunged. part of the policy that she put into place was that if you commit a crime and you are here illegally, "we are going to wipe the record clean." in other words, if you don't get arrested again, there are no priors on this person. she just wants to let them into the country and allow them to commit crimes and recommit crimes because the records are expunged. how do you defend that? she says there was loopholes in 2009 and a policy that may be didn't quite work out. that is an understatement. speak of those undecideds, will they fall for this? it comes down to that. >> this is a legitimate issue,
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and i think president trump for bringing its front and center. the three issues that should be focused on are the economy, the border, and crime. they all go together. one of the reasons we have crime is because of illegal immigration. one of the reasons we have a weak economy is because we have let so many people in. they are hurting blue income and lto -- low income and blue-collar workers. especially african markets. kamala harris 'has policies saying that even if you come in illegal you should get free health care. in minnesota can you get drivers licenses, college tuition if you come here illegally. the democratic policy is to put up a giant neon sign that says "come illegally." the republican policy under president trump especially is "we are a nation of laws. come illegally or don't come at all." which one to the american people want? it's a winning issue for president trump. >> coming up, we are less than two hours away from a major announcement from independent presidential candidate robert f.
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kennedy jr. that could have a major impact on the presidential race.
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it's an idea whose time has come. >> we are 90 minutes away from independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr.'s address to the nation from phoenix. reports claim he will suspend his campaign and potentially offer an endorsement to former president trump. we may even see the two on stage together later tonight. trump is set to hold an event in the nearby city of glendale. the campaign says a special guest will be joining him. arizona secretary of state says the kennedy campaign has artie filed paperwork to withdraw from the states ballot. political analysts from both sides are weighing how it can be exit would impact the race, with
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one democratic strategist saying it may give trump a small boost in a razor ty grace. >> small boost in a razor ty grace. this also would appear to be, if it happens, the first breakdown trump has gotten since the day before joe biden dropped out. it's been a steady drumbeat of good news for the democrats, at least politically speaking, good news. this, politically speaking, if it happens, would be on the margins, good news for president trump. >> reports were that robert f. kennedy jr. reached out to the campaign, uninterested in him. >> what a stupid thing to do! that's crazy. "this is helping the betterment of the country, let me step out, give it to charm." >> when the middleman drops out, both teams should be fighting for that middleman because that middleman will come with votes. whoever gets them will get his votes. while he did not pull well, he
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has followers and supporters. they will go into trump's column. trump is going to be, benefit from that. the other thing is that come november, people are going to look at the selection, they will see two nominees but also will have a debate. one set happens and she starts talking, watch what happens with the poll numbers. >> this candidacy, at least from the narratives only, does this add one arrow to the quiver of kamala in that they branded rfk jr. as crazy, like "here is another person supporting tr trump," and doesn't fold into their false narrative that the media has championed? >> it would've kennedy doesn't fix that, there isn't enough by the trump campaign. if he plays any kind of role. i think what it speaks more to is that kamala said she will be a president for everybody. i think that is not true. may be to ruin everybody's financial future, yes, but this
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is about the country that has been divided. we have the pandemic, had horrible things happen. i think there is a real desire for people to genuinely come together. we saw a convention based on death and lies with the democrats. that needs to be highlighted. there is no joy for the women at the border who lost their daughters or their family members, no joy for the military and those who have been lost in the forever war is. i think this is an opportunity. >> no joy in mudville under that watch. tomi, through a reporter's questions, trump has said "maybe there's a spot for him in my administration." we don't want to put the cart before the horse, but what do you see happening? >> rfk jr. comes with a fan base. a lot of the viewers and watchers of people like joe rogan who has an enormous fan base. there are people who are independents who do follow rfk jr. and they like his style,
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some of his policies. they're generally distrustful of the government. i think him advocating for donald trump would make an impact, not just for media's sake. maybe it doesn't bring in a lot of voters but it brings in media, it brings the attention, to your point, which he needs to do something to get the wind back in his sails and i think rfk jr. could do it. i'm a fan of his running mate who comes from silicon valley, may be more from the left but is very reasonable. i don't think you have anything to lose from an rfk endorsement. speak i think the real issue is trump needs something to change. he just needs some political good fortune and two mounts that campaign that we talked about before. that disciplined campaign that goes after her on her true vulnerabilities, not the things that are base only. >> you heard it here. about that special musical guest, where was beyonce for the dnc's final night?
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>> here we go. robert f. kennedy jr. will be addressing the nation has many predict his exit from the presidential race and a potential endorsement of donald trump -- so what does it mean for the election landscape? meanwhile, donald trump is set to speak at a campaign event in las vegas. additionally, the federal reserve chair jerome powell is providing insights to the timing and size of upcoming cuts. stay with us. that and more coming up on "america reports" top of the hour. speak of the dnc teased a special guest at last night's finale. rumors swirled a could be taylor swift or the queen bee, beyonce herself. speak of the question is, they're going to be celebrities here, but are we going to see the one that matters the most: beyonce, or in the minds of some of the people, taylor swift? >> my only bet is that our celebrities will be a slightly higher degree of celebrity fan kid rock. >> cnn taking a shot at the rnc for having kid rock perform at their convention.
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if hollywood mattered, hillary would be president. the dnc special guest was vice president kamala harris. not really a surprise. >> for all of the talk and anticipation here and elsewhere that there may space might be a special guest, i'm told by democrats that kamala harris was there guest. they did not want a celebrity at the end of this convention to essentially compete with her. one advisor telling her this was a deadly serious election, and if you look at the end of this program, having the former defense secretary come on, really presenting vice president harris as a plausible commander in chief, that's one of the reasons i'm told that there was not a celebrity performance at the end. >> who is behind the bait and switch for the plausible situation? clearly, they didn't want to be associated, tomi, with beyonce. too much of a celebrity, so they lied about her instead. you have a theory about this,
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don't you? >> tmz reported early in the night that beyonce was going to be the special guest, and tmz gets it right. tmz does a great job on their reporting. that tells me that someone from the dnc, the democratic party, somebody leaks that somewhere. they didn't pull us out of thin air. this was somewhat widely reported that she somewhat widely reported that beyonce would be there. somebody high up lead to this. i think they leaked it to get people to watch because they wanted people that maybe he wouldn't normally tune a political speech, they wanted them to tune in to see beyonce or taylor swift, the two biggest names in music right now. then there was none of that. then they got to see kamala harris. i think this was purposeful. i don't think either were ever going to show up. i think this was to get eyes and ears of folks that would have normally not watched this. if so, a big lie and big
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manipulation. >> we know that it was not meant and it was not real because her representative told the hollywood reporter she was never planned, there was never unattended's plan, she was never set for this. do you think people were disappointed they did not get beyonce? >> i'm sure they were. the mount this was built up -- i'm sure everyone was devastated, which is ridiculous. first of all, i love conspiracy theories. [laughter] i feel like you blew my mind. i did not think about the insidious undercurrent. i thought they just got it wrong. they didn't. if this was part of a larger master nation, it makes me want to hide under the bed more than i already do. the cnn pond and saying "we have bigger celebrities." you have the american people. i would rather have someone who lives real life -- i would listen to beyonce on the radio. >> hillary clinton knows that all too welcome of the american people know trump, hollywood. do you think trump's special surprise guest might be beyonce tonight? [laughter]
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>> first of all, i was tuned in looking for either dwight yocum or robert feeney. [laughter] putting that on the table. of even taking recordings of johnny cash or merle haggard. that would have made me a happy viewer. it would have made me happier than watching kamala. will trump have beyonce? >> what do you think? >> may be tailored. [laughter] >> greenwood all over again. >> it will be the american people as we have been seeing, the celebrity, the people that matter. it's great to be a celebrity and in hollywood, but don't you think there might be a disconnect from what's going on in the country? >> listening to them say they wouldn't want a celebrity at the dnc because they wouldn't want to outshine kamala harris. when do democrats not one hollywood a part of their campaign? that's how they get elected: hollywood. about you nobody wanted to show up. about they didn't want to admit the fact that they were not asked out on a date so their hot date for the night was kamala harris. >> there was one point where don
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woman was saying george bush was going to show up. it's all about gaslighting, about fakery, even to the guest is going to be. >> totally. to those of us who have been seeing it for so long, it's par for the course. i feel for those people who are falling in, and i employ you to fall for the truth. that's donald trump. >> if you were disappointed last night, boy she's disappointed will you have a mess on your hands for the next four years. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. (restaurant noise) allison! (restaurant noise) ♪ [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky, gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required.
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>> we are a little over an hour away from independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr.'s address to the nation from arizona. now, he's already reportedly withdrawn his name from the arizona ballot. that has fueled speculation that he will drop out of the race and endorse former president trump.
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his campaign is teasing a special guest at this arizona rally tonight. probably not beyonce. before that rally, trump will be at a las vegas restaurant today to promote his no tax on tips proposal. trump then wraps his week of dnc counter programming at that arizona rally. ari, i come to you for final analysis. >> republicans are from mars, democrats are from venus, and we should never forget that. democrats are energized. they watch that convention, they loved it, and they've fallen in love with kamala harris. republicans look at it and go, she is devoid, she has no ideas, no policies, so republicans think it was a bomb and a failure. that's not necessarily the case. republicans have to up their game, the trump campaign, especially president trump. she can win otherwise. >> optimistic final message. >> thank you for joining us, and now here is "america reports." >> sandra: emi


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