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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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judge jeanine pirro, >> jesse: it is 5 o'clock in new york city, and this is the five. fox news alert, rfk jr. dropping the biggest bombshell yet of the 2024 race, he is suspending his campaign for president and endorsing donald trump. much more on that coming up later. but first to this. hammering the dnc speech back on the campaign trail in las vegas. watch. >> last night, the speech, she made 26 different things that were lice. she lied. she didn't mention the border. she didn't mention inflation. the bad economy, she didn't mention crime. she didn't mention any of the things that she is supposed to be mentioning but trump 21 times or some crazy thing. did you see it? thank you, thank you, thank you,
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thank you, thank you, thank you. i said what the hell is wrong with her? >> jesse: here is what trump was talking about. all style, no substance in the dnc speech. vp harris bathing the roaring applause lines, and glowing adoration from democrats. going light on what she is going to do for america, but heavy on how bad she thinks the former president is. >> donald trump is an unserious man. but the consequences of putting donald trump back in the whitehouse are extremely serious. he would use the immense powers of the presidency of the united states to serve the only client he has ever had, himself. our nation, with this election has a precious fleeting
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opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past, a chance to chart a new way forward. >> jesse: judge jeanene be fair, you are always fair. what did you think of her speech. >> jeanine: do you want me to be the judge or the prosecutor. we have had the first bait and switch person run for president. we finally hear from her. and she is basically, whomever you want her to be. i was impressed she talked about prosecuting cases on behalf of the people, against the individual defendant. i mean everyone in the country does that, we have been doing that for years. she asked like, i came up with that, i said it was the people and not just you against the defendant. but other than her telling us what a great prosecutor she was,
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my concern is that she in all her prosecution experience, she didn't bring it to the office of the vice president. and for the last three and a half years, we have had 10 million people come into this country, at least 2 million unknown, most of them unveted. what percentage do you think are criminals? okay, this is the crime-fighting prosecutors. if it is 1%, it is 100,000 people. if it is 10%, it is a million people. unveted criminals coming out of jails like el salvador and venezuela. what is amazing about all of this, she never made it clear what her job was as the border czar. she had the opportunity, as a prosecutor to come out and say, i am going to handle the border. i am going to bring all the united states attorneys in this country and everyone from dea and atf and we are going down to
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the border and stop the crime, and the fentanyl that is killing americans, and stop the human trafficking and the child abuse, including the more than a quarter of a million children that we have lost during this administration. and we are going to make sure we find these kids and they are not being trafficked and sexually abused and not being used in child labour. any prosecutor worth her salt would have been talking about those kind of things, and she is the huberous to talk about being on the border and being a prosecutor. she is everything put a prosecutor. no one that has been a prosecutor would allow what has been going on in this country for the last three and a half years. this country has been invaded by criminals and we have suffered as a result of it. >> jesse: happy friday. >> jeanine: thank you. >> jesse: so we heard from michelle obama, we heard from barack obama. we heard from oprah winfrey.
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was this speech better than those speeches? >> jessica: yeah, i think it was. >> jesse: it really was? >> jessica: why ask me a question -- they were all fantastic speakers. i had never heard michelle obama speak live and it was one of the most incredible things i have seen in my life. hands down. she did exactly what she needed to do. and you can judge the strength of the speech by the strength of donald trump's melt down. >> jesse: that was a melt down? >> jessica: it talks on his platform are they talking about me. they have to get him off the phone. he calls gregg halfway through the show. >> it was the happiest moments of gregg's life, and i am afraid he won't come back.
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it was a walk off home run in the world series. he had nothing left to prove. >> jessica: the evidence of how well she did was in cold hard facts. in ratings, 22% up from donald trump's acceptance speech. 7.2 raised between 11:00 p.m. and midnight over the course of the week. over $100 million came in for democratic candidates. and there was undecided democrats and they are now going with kamala harris. those are hard facts that show she did a good job. the polls are going in her direction. the thing that was most effective was she didn't give a partisan speech. and this was tracked online, bill crystal put it up, it was fascinating. she said america or americans many times. country or nation 20 times. democrat or the democratic party
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zero times. opportunity she talked about 6 times. she knew if we put the coalition together from 2020, moderate republicans and you saw stephanie grisham and more, speaking to those people, making the case that this is an america issue. that donald trump is undemocratic and he is not representative of the old republican party. and if you believe in democracy, kamala harris is the only option. i feel good, even without beyoncé, which we will talk about later in the show. >> the democrats have never loved the republican party. >> democrats love republicans after they betray their own party. but going to the dnc this week, it was fun. hollywood came to play. and there was a lot of fake fantasy, that's what you saw last week. starting with the send off of
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the sitting president from the campaign trail. everyone says good-bye, joe. we love you. all the democrats on tv are saying that he was a patriot and courageously gave up power. that's not true. he was forced out of the race and kamala harris was inserted in an undemocratic way into the top of the ticket and they wanted everyone to believe that somehow she was part of the democratic process where she earned that spot. she didn't. she was put into place by donors, by the rules in terms of transferring money to her because she was a vice presidential candidate from the biden campaign. >> jessica: she was on the ticket. >> did she earn any primary votes, did the democrats have a primary? no. in terms of what she said during her speech, the reason why she gave a -- not a partisan speech is because she is engaging in this fakery that she is continuing, by claiming she is a moderate who cares about the border. and they tried last night to
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turn her into the commander and chief. so you had leon speaking before her. her speech from west point and they inserted foreign policy into the speech, completely ignoring that none of the wars she talked about existed under donald trump. they are trying to portray she was not part of the last 3 and a half years. and all of the pain that has been inreflected on the american people, somehow is trump's fault, and she has not been part of the biden harris administration. and by the way, the whitehouse has been very specific about including her on all big projects that she has gone around the country and touted. so it was fun. it was a good show. lots of great music. but it was very, very fake and not genuine in terms of the substance. >> jesse: tyrus? >> i thought it was huberous, is that the word? i thought that the writers strike showed its ugly face. i was watching two different movies on the same channel. whenever the old guys talked,
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bernie and the president, they would include her in all their successes. talk about her being doing things keeping their wonderful position going on, so during her speech, i was waiting here. it was me who was the deciding vote to tax tips. it was me, the deciding vote. she didn't talk about any of her accomplishments. they want to have their cake and eat it too, but again, it was a feelings, yes, it was a feelings -- it looked like a wonderful place to be. everyone was having a good time. the cat ladies were represented. it was a beautiful thing. but there was no substance. biden is saying one thing. bernie saying one thing, she was saying one thing. they all agreed on -- it was good to have a vasectomy van and an abortion bus outside. and the police department stood out. they were defending the group that wants to demoralize them. and they kept them safe from their own party. so my hats off to them.
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>> jessica: there were tons of law enforcement on the stage talking about how the communities are safer and crime is down. >> so they couldn't open the doors and let the palestinian supporters in. >> jessica: there were more american flags there than at the republican meeting. >> they like to burn the american flag and raise the palestinian flag. >> and her on israel, was that good enough for you? >> no, it was not. >> jessica: how is that possible? >> how is that possible? >> jessica: yeah. because she dignified palestinian people. >> she said actions speak louder than words. you can tell me it is raining, but when it is pee, it still smells like pee. >> jesse: jessica, we have more show left. >> jessica: great. >> jesse: rfk dropped a political nuke on kamala.
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[ ♪♪ ]
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♪ ♪ . >> jeanine: rfk spoiling the post dnc party. he is dropping out of the race for president and endorsing donald trump for president. >> in my heart, i don't believe that i have a realistic path to the presidency. i wanted to end the censorship in the ukraine war. it is the reason that i have made the heart wrenching decision to suspend my campaign
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and to support president trump. we are aligned on many key issues and those meetings, he suggested that we join forces as a unity party. >> jeanine: rfk is in arizona and the former president was teasing that a special guest will be joining him in a rally in phoenix. trump offering nothing but praise for rfk. >> we just had a very nice endorsement from rfk jr., bobby. we are going to be going to arizona. we will be talking about that, and a lot of other things too. but i just want to thank everyone, and i want to thank bobby. that was very nice. that was really very nice. that's big. he was a great guy, respected by everyone. >> jeanine: all right jesse, what was most interesting about rfk's speech was how he literally took down the democratic party as the party of censorship, the party that did
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everything to, you know, negate free speech that sued him, that fought him. that ridiculed him and engaged in lawfare. he makes a decision to drop out only in the primary states, it seems. so will that little bit help donald trump. >> jesse: the trump campaign saying he was pulling between 3 and 5% in battlegrounds. if those votes now go away, they say trump gets about 60% of those compared to what harris would have gotten and that translates to this judge, and this is big. in arizona that means 41,000 additional votes towards donald trump. that's like a lot, huge. bigger than the margin last time. in georgia, almost 20,000 more votes for trump. you remember how tight the margins are. these little shifts can play a big role. apparently he went to the harris
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campaign and said, do you want an endorsement, maybe i could get a cabinet position, and she went dark. he went to the trump campaign, i don't know if he gets a cabinet position, he may dangle something and never give it or give him something. trump likes the action. that could be interesting to see. rfk jr. in a trump administration. but harris is saying, this is no big deal. that's not true, the numbers speak for themselves. >> jeanine: harris refused to meet with him. and rfk was clear, there is a lot of things he disagrees with donald trump on. so it kind of speaks to this idea that the democrats are so full of joy and unity, and yet harris wouldn't even meet with him. and yet donald trump who is supposed to be this hater was willing to sit down with him, apparently several times, where they hashed out some issues. it speaks more for donald trump than the democrats. >> katie: it is a reflection of the republican side of the
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political isle, willing to at least have a conversation about issues they disagree with. democrats put up the stiff arm and don't talk about anything about it. kamala harris doesn't really meet with anybody. we will talk about that later in the show. but jesse is right, if you look at the swing states, endorsements don't necessarily turn into votes. there are a lot of third party candidates getting votes from people that don't want to vote at all now because they don't want to vote for either party. and that's fine. but in terms of swing states where elections are decided by slim margins, thousands of votes, maybe tens of thousands of votes he is looking good. georgia, michigan, wisconsin, virginia is an interesting one, he was taking up 8% of the vote there. and if he gets some voters to donald trump, he could win virginia, which is a popular state in terms of who the governor is. but the most important thing is everyone has been trying to frame him like some cooky third
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party candidate. listen to what he actually has to say. listen to nicole shanahan, his vice presidential candidate about the censorship and why they left the democratic party and why they were so afraid to have him on the ballot, why they were suing to keep his name off the ballot. that doesn't seem democratic. that's not how you should operate as a party that claims to be standing up for democracy. >> jeanine: jessica, he was not just talking about being sued but real censorship in a portal set up with the whitehouse, with the fbi, the dhs, the cia with all the information about him came in. the fact that the democrats wouldn't give him secret service protection when his father and uncle were assassinated. i mean really he took down the democratic party. talk about the complex and the wars that didn't go on. >> jessica: he didn't take down the democratic party.
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it was a coin flip and probably advantage harris. we seem to be doing okay without him. and his values do not co-- coincide with our values. he cares about saving the planet from climate change, and someone that cares about a woman's right to choose. donald trump sent it back to the states, there are women bleeding out. >> jeanine: okay. >> jessica: i get -- >> jeanine: that's not -- >> jessica: it is. that's why harris wouldn't meet with him. >> jeanine: why. oh, you know why she didn't meet with him? she doesn't talk to anybody, who are you kidding. >> jessica: i am not kidding. he is antivax, which is dangerous. >> jeanine: he is not completely antivax. >> jessica: oh, just 90% antivax. >> jeanine: i mean, were you getting the vaccine from covid19? >> jessica: i was. i got it one time. >> jeanine: great, force everyone to do what you want
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them to do. >> jessica: he extended an olive branch, yeah, he did it because kamala harris said he has only served one client, himself. he said, i would take biden over jr. his views on vaccines are fake, as well as everything else about his candidacy. let them have rfk junior. >> jesse: people do that in politics. >> jessica: he knows that we can have a better shot at winning by taking him on. there is nothing genuine about this. it is not because he is good hearted. >> jeanine: good thing you know what donald trump thinks. what do you think, tyrus. >> tyrus: all he wants to talk about is policy and she doesn't want to talk about that. they have had a couple of meetings and aired out differences how the political process used to be. two people that see things differently, they sit down and find commonalty. do i think there needs to be
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more candidates, i would love to see a three party system or four party system. he didn't want to be a deciding factor in the swing states because he wants to recognize that he can challenge the status quo. he has done things, he has the idea of being a third candidate in the americans -- we are all thinking about it now. it might have not served him in terms of what he is going to do as far as being the president and that, but it has people thinking, maybe we should form a party and stuff like that. so he has done a lot of good. and it was a mistake not to meet with him. if they would have met with him, they could have come up with the same thing. ask hilary about the green vote. >> jessica: yeah. >> tyrus: you lose arizona, and you have no one to blame but yourself. trump did what democrats won't do, because she won't talk to anybody. >> jeanine: up next, hiding kamala harris, all of a sudden
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♪ ♪ >> she did it. joe and kamala finally answering a single question. after 33 days of dodging and hiding from the press and refusing to do interviews, kamala says she is ready to go toe to toe with fox news. >> madam vice president, congratulations. >> are you ready for your fox news exclusive?
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jesse she has been on the job doing interviews for her entire career. >> jesse: yeah. >> tyrus: what is the getting ready for. >> jesse: she is getting ready for the debate. and we hear she is cramming. because she has never done a presidential debate. and she is nervous, and it has to go well. because if it doesn't go well, her momentum is shot. jessica just said if the election was held today, she would win, she would lose. the rcp battlegrounds trump is ahead and ahead in the but thing market. >> jessica: no, he is not. it is a tight race. >> jesse: no. everyone said that the honey moon wouldn't last, mine did with emma, but not everyone has that special relationship. she is not taking questions from voters or the media or trump. so there is going to be a collision at some point, with democracy and kamala harris. one of these days she will get around to it.
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right now she is playing scared. and you know what happens when you play scared, you get hurt. >> tyrus: and you make comments and say people take cialis. >> jesse: is that going to get me hurt. >> tyrus: yeah. >> jesse: okay, jessica and i are going to trade seats. >> tyrus: i can reach you from there. are the interviews at the tarmac good enough? that to me doesn't count. >> katie: it doesn't count. especially when you say, i am walking up the stairs. that's what they are there, and that's what they are for. obviously you are going somewhere else. but why would she answer questions for the debate, the media is doing the work for her. journalists and reporters are doing anonymous statements. and her strategy is not to get nailed down on specifics. she can't run on what she wanted to in 2019, 2020 because she had to drop out of the race because
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they were so far left, even the democrats were not buying them. and joe biden dropped out of the race because the policies were unpopular among the country, and he was losing to donald trump. so she doesn't have a lot of places to go, unless she is trying to redefine herself, which is what we saw at the dnc and in her speech. she wants the media to defend her, and she doesn't have to say anything. it is embarrassing to be the first female nominee and not speak for yourself, but that's up to her. >> jesse: i also think that is embarrassing as someone that thinks about women. >> tyrus: it is not your turn, jesse that's rude. jessica, take your time. >> jessica: i have been saying you are rude for years. and tyrus says it and you are quiet. >> tyrus: the media has been showing grace. what do you think they mean by "grace." what are we supposed to be patiently waiting for. >> jessica: what he was talking
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about was that this campaign is just a month old in this iteration. and it is different from the campaign that they were running with joe biden at the top of the ticket. the emotions are different. the way that it is polling is different. the candidate is vastly different. and she is figuring out exactly what policies she wants to lead with, she did give her economic proposals i understand that the price gouging one was panned by democrats and republicans. but she needed to get through the convention. she is preparing for this debate. and she will do it when she is ready to do it. but you know, you guys being upset about this doesn't affect the outcome of the election. the people who are supporting kamala harris, or might support kamala harris, i am told that a lot of independent voters are not mad she is not sat down with lesley. they want to get to know her and see how the campaign unfolds. they want the policy positions. they are looking forward to the debate. this is something that is really only getting right wingers upset or conservatives. >> tyrus: i don't care.
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i am not voting for her anyway. but no one is upset. they want to throw feelings in, when you are asking just a question. when are you going to speak. >> jeanine: it is interesting. the woman who has held the highest office in the land, in the history of the united states of america, who has been the vice president for the last three and a half years, who has been touted as "fierce," and "fearless" just last night, can't talk. it is not that we are upset, we are just kind of shocked. >> jessica: you are bothered. >> jeanine: it is what bobby kennedy talks about. it is a sham, rigged primary, the woman didn't earn one vote. she got to be vice president in spite of the fact that she believed that the president was a racist, and she says "i am working toward it." you get the sense that she is trying to get her courage up, but i really believe that she --
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and this is what is disappointing, she is more concerned about the media thinking she doesn't know the answer than not knowing the answer. because anyone who was in that position of power would be saying to herself, i need to know what the issues are, i need to be comfortable with them. she is not. she is just worried about how she appears. that's the whole thing in chicago. it was a hollywood show, and in the end, you have donald trump, they hate him. they can't talk about anything without talking about him. he goes to the black journalists. he goes to the bodega in harl dhs -- harlem, go and do fox like obama did. >> tyrus: at long last, the
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disgraced secret service might be holding people accountable for the assassination attempt of president trump. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] harlple m bo dega dega bow dega
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okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) ♪ ♪ >> katie: well, is . >> katie: is accountability coming to the secret service. five secret service members put on leave after the investigation into the attempted assassination of president trump. six weeks after that horrific day. trump reacting to the decision to discipline the agents. >> i have complete confidence in the secret service. a lesson learned. they will make it safer. we never had the number of people that were necessary to protect somebody, and that's including the people themselves.
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so i think they should probably look at that. and that came out -- i complained about that for a long time. >> katie: the case and investigation are coming together with new and awful facts, including that the local law enforcement which is initially blamed for this left a number of radios that were never picked up by the secret service, and those radios were then, you know, left there. so the calls over the radio, there was a man over the roof never made it to the proper people that could have taken this seriously. >> jeanine: what happened, the local da provided the radios for everyone to have. so they would all be on the same waive length. and they didn't pick it up. also we found out that they allowed flags on the stage that would make it difficult for the guys on the stage to see what was coming at them. everything that was done -- and i have used this term before and i am tired of it, but it was so negligent and reckless it borders on intentional.
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and fox news is reporting that the threat to trump from iran was communicated internally prior to the butler pennsylvania event. so they are looking at why the event was allowed to go forward given the threat and the fact they knew it. the fact this took 41 days is an embarrassment. and i have former secret service agency members telling me they can bring more man power to any event. and this is just, as a result of the public outcry and the congressional outcry. >> katie: jesse, the secret service has not adopted tools that were supposed to be put in every agency after 9/11 to communicate on these issues. aren't we lucky nothing more serious has happened since 2001. >> jesse: we are very, very lucky. the site agent was in charge of devicing the security plan. he was on trump's detail.
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he has now been placed on administrative leave. but the lead agent in charge of the overall security posture, they were from pittsburgh, and they have been suspended. but it really falls on upper management at secret service. they didn't give the additional two counter sniper teams. they didn't provide the counter surveillance team, acting 20% cut in counter surveillance, these are the guys that roam around the premesis, if they saw a guy with a range finder, you pick him up immediately. those guys were not on the ground, and i can't add more to what the judge said. if you have an iranian threat 24 hours before this thing, it is not communicated and nothing is done, that is borderline negligent/intentional. >> katie: we had a threat when trump was visiting the border tyrus. >> tyrus: they want to go on the
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ground for people on the ground. they did the best they could. the guys on the ground. but the people making the calls to jesse's point, they should be held accountable. the one that resigned, you don't get to resigned. you have to be fired, and held accountable. the more you are seeing from people on the ground, and the more witnesses coming forward, we are getting a pretty good picture of what the american people saw and what they don't want us to see. first it was the local police and they said, hell no. and there were guys sticking their heads on roofs when there was a guy up there. so now it was the field agents who were the problem. no. just a couple more notches up on the board, let's see those heads role and put those people on leave. but it is the people with the boots on the ground being screwed by the feds, covering up for negligence. >> katie: the suits versus the boots problem that is permeated.
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>> tyrus: boots ain't the problem. >> katie: they are not the problem. this is an issue that has been bipartisan, and we are seeing it, all be it, late. >> jessica: still, and i realize we are repeating the same thought about this, we are still not getting enough information to stop the conspiracy theorists about what happened here. no matter what side of the isle you are on, and there are plenty on the blue side and the red side about this. and i think the secret service will have a tough time building confidence in the agency unless they give more precise answers about these kind of things, not just so and so was put on leave, not even fired. and i am glad that the radio frequency question was answered that no one picked up the radios, but what about the drone that was offered, it would have seen a kid sitting on top of the roof. >> katie: for sure. >> jeanine: there is another piece to it. who gave permission for the body to be kreamated.
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it was done quickly. >> jessica: how do we not know about the kids. >> katie: it is strange. more on that, but we will not be talking about it. the democrats lie about the beyoncé dnc performance to jack up the ratings of kamala's speech. [ ♪♪ ] rotein, complete nutrition you need, and the flavor you love. so, here's to now... now available: boost max! ok limu! you set it, and as i spike it, i'll tell them how liberty mutual customizes car insurance, so they only pay for what they need. got it? [squawks] did you get that? only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪ enjoy your risk-free trial. ♪ hello, can you hear me?
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: it >> it wasn't meant to be. beyoncé did not show up at the dnc last night despite some reports that she would. cnn suggests it is just a employ. >> for all the talk and anticipation that there may be a special guest, i am told by democrats that kamala harris was their guest. >> jessica: jesse, you and i were hit strongly by bay fever yesterday. >> jesse: me? >> jessica: you were asking everyone that you saw -- >> jesse: i thought she was going to come in my hour. that's why i cared. >> jessica: you didn't care a little. >> jesse: of course i wanted to see beyoncé. this is like saying that the hottest girl is coming to my
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birthday party and she never shows up. >> jessica: sad. >> jesse: it is like everyone shows and she doesn't show. i feel bad for kamala she has to do this. >> jessica: sounds like you have trauma there. katie, there was a rumour that she was there and they yanked the performance for timing. >> katie: um... >> jesse: they bumped beyoncé. >> jessica: that they bumped her because they didn't want her to overshadow kamala. >> katie: james tailer gets people out to vote. very exciting. how does pink feel? pink performed. >> jessica: the campaign was telling journalists and media that she was coming. so they lied in order to get support. >> jesse: you lied. >> jessica: i did not. >> katie: her representatives
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said she was never planning on being there and there was never anything going to happen. but the campaign was telling the media it was going to happen. everyone was tuning in and she didn't show up. so it was a lie. >> tyrus: but pink was there. >> jessica: she was great. >> jeanine: her daughter was there too. but here is the thing. get used to it because the democrats lie. >> tyrus: so no bay bay. >> katie: are you going to keep going with that? >> tyrus: no. i don't have a horse in this race or not. i am good. i don't care who it is. >> katie: there was speculation that it was taylor swift, dropping bracelets, so there was a rumour maybe taylor as well. >> tyrus: they got pink. >> jessica: they got kamala. >> jesse: everyone thought they were waiting for bey.
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>> jesse: time now for "one mor" amazing week in chicago. thanks to my staff. we had all the producers out there. some of them stayed back here. just a great team we had and very, very blessed to have all that kind of support also we want to talk about my special guest tonight. a surprise guest: a very, very high profile surprise guest. some would say at the level of beyonce will be coming on at 8:00. i don't want to tell you who it is. definitely tune in. it's definitely not me. >> it's johnny. >> jessica: johnny did such a great job with that package. so many democratic speakers.
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>> judge jeanine: it's time for -- >> judge jeanine: krispy kreme and dr. pepper launched a collection of doughnuts for football season and we're going to put this delicious collaboration to the test in the studio. we have the dr. pepper kick-off doughnut. butter cream goals doughnut and cream filled football doughnut. let's see if dr. pepper and doughnuts actually go together. take one, tyrus. >> tyrus: it's good. >> jesse: try the dr. pepper one. >> judge jeanine: it is dr. pepper. >> jesse: you have to try it. >> jessica: it's in all of them. >> jesse: see what i mean? it tastes like dr. pepper. >> tyrus: dr. pepper and doughnuts should never breed. it's a match made in hell. >> jesse: it's good. try that one, too. >> tyrus: this is good. >> jessica: that's the one i have. >> katie: jelly doughnut. >> jessica: cream and dr. pepper
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flavor. >> tyrus: my sweet daughter georgey cooking the equestrian thing at the highest level went to land safe where thee learned how to fall off a shores and stole the show. oh this kid has a future in whatever she wants to do. very excited this one is the one i was worried about watching, her mom did this one with her. roll through it. there was no vape o videotape. >> judge jeanine: she is a super star ms. georgey. >> tyrus: check out my comedy tours dates all over don't say a word, jesse. >> jesse: ill noise. >> katie: asked mississippi students beer cans after a truck lost no, it's very good. real quickly, cops in oxford, mississipp itsivery,i, were a tl buzzkill this week after they ask university of mississippi student ly we has to stay. away from a street covered in beer cans after a truck lost its delivery. >> that said, no fun for you. all right.


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