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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  August 24, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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just what we love in america. nd i'm going on over here. what do i want? you know what i want.
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i want to see my flag and my country. grea flag t high. >> not the flag. because our countr y. hat wa that was great. exactls y. sho so i shot that video.eo i couldn't get. i couldn't get. i wanted to interview him lateri . l i can say isca, bro, run for mayor of chicago. you. they need you. exactly. well, that's great. >> adam, what were some ofe some your favorite things at the convention? of yourfirst of all, go urkel. because but i mean, the wholefis thing was first to get you got to pass a vasectomy and the abortiond to bus that you're having. right. which you know why even have a vasectomy? any guy there has their nuts chopped off already guy. you know. but okay. i heard they were having a two for one with bill clinton and carmela's husband and they want to get a vasectomy. but it's just there was a lot-- of things. i mean, you know, like tim wal z
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saying, mind your own business, unless you're from minnesota, then your business got burnedn r down. yeah. you know, or him like bragging s about how good of a shot he ast well. you know, who could use that? the guys in iraqhe hasow w. . yeah. that you desertethat youd and l, you know, buy it. biden it was only up theren wap becaustheree his donors pulled t like even the kidney. one for god, though i don't think i got that one. >> but paul did. and so and, you know, nancyi pelosi's speech had more filler that her face and then hillary is up there, you know, a and she's so mad at trump and then come back like she was mad becaus shee. she wa you know, she was mad that, >>u know, basicalld thaty she ws mad. >> consult your notes. go ahead and look at your note s . she was furious. i'm not mad because, you know, hillary deleted emails. and hillary got mad at trump for not telling his tad tu returns. and if i was trump, i would just email her my tax returns. you knowwould juhe, he got out.o
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he gotut it out. he just read it. >> just read it. >> stimes you just got to give the horse little more kicku wrot and brought it home. >> i'll tell you what i like hoe i like the little john little john wrapping. i happen to like that because i actually i likeg beca went to his rap concert and everyone thought i was an undercover cop when. >> i was there and i'm like,i wa no, i'm not a cop. look, i have drugss like. e turns out the guy was a cop, sof his tires, this was there wasths a lot of joy this week at the convention, right? >> yeah. i'm goin w the conve g to stick to the parts that i would i like. i think we got to give johnny from. from watters world. he was. he was in the trenches, man. he was askin asg and he gotoing the leak going about the beyonc thee thing wherennin everyone was running around looking for beyonce. >> yeah. >>o, e start that or nar foré. he just no. the people the people he was interviewing were like, he's here. yes, here. we can't talkshe was he right now. she can't talk right now. so i think that was probably the thing is that there' ts people still probably in the audience going, man, beyonce,
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you know goiné, they're waitinge but you wait for greatness. so that and again, you gotu to talk about the police forcehf ,the chicago police force. they did an amazing job of keeping people safe, whosewhs whole idea whose whole agenda is to take their jobs and dignitday away. and that says a lot because it's amazing when you allow policet beca to do their job hoe they were. yeah, but, you know, it's sad because they don't allow the police to do the job in chicago, where eeeded they're really needed. but they were very safe, too, to talk about ineysafe whatevere they want and say what all the things they want, because the police, the men and womehesn wearing the shield did the job because they have integrity. >> so maybbbecause that oh. w th >> well, and finally, i know bee cameraman was a republican because when she said cat lady, we k like, yep sai, i know just the one. yeah. that, you know, the cameraman'ne to the camera crew. i love how she lookera crew,d a to is like she turned around like, is there a cat?
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looks the the part. she wasn't surprised. yeah, that'swasn't not the firse she's heard that cat. >> you're kind of a cat lady, but a proud one not kind of.d of oh, she's. yeah, my is my world, my. >> i'm about to have a baby. don't you think that's all going to go away, though?e >> you won't once you have the baby. no more cat lady, right? no, i don't think solady i'm gol to. i'm going to make sure that. no, no, i'll breastfeed them both at the same timte. oh, wow. i did just an awesome joke. tickets are on sale. what was your highlights of ther convention so the lady, the women's caucus national anthem? >> i think have the clip right? >> oh say can you see i certainly like was so sad
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when we had twilight's last likely missing or the the womani on the right i love her because she's just like she says see and she's smiling and then she's like, no, no, no, i'm notb going to be any part in this foolishness. i would love to have her like speaking of foolishness, sit in a chair next to greking og the show and see if he can still do the stuff he does. likee ife ca, would you feel to? >> cause she's like, no. yeahe is, i. >> i don't want to be in a clip with this foolishness. nd >> they did it as a round. i've never seen the national anthem done that. wellhehe, to fair patriotism isw to them, so they just learnt the desire. oh, i read your before we go,o, come check me out of my standup tour next month. >> i'lk me l be in philly, new jersey rally richmond, va. richmond, virginia and buffalo in october. go to you're looking for tickets.
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>> up next, rfk changes course and chooses trump to that group . >> i want to be an actor. so why don't you act like a good sister and get me some more of those baby back ribs? i'll be a director now. let's try a scene where you go h get your aunt and cut outav get your aunt and cut outav a dram >> maybe i'll just go get wingws for everybody. effec >> if you have heart failure ors think i can help you keep >> ask your doctor about farxiga today or if it can cause serious side effects, can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosisgar. be fatal dehydration, urinary tract or yeast infectionsur in low blood sugar, a rare life threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking for a second. call your doctori-ga ♪ right awf you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction or ketoacidosi s when you. know where something comes from. you know everything about it. when you discover boll and branch setting, you uncover
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someone get a helmet on this guy. get a free unlimited line for a year when you add one unlimited line. plus, get a new google pixel 9 on us. bring on the good stuff. without a family. learn how you can help a dave thomas foundation, dawg. a story in five words. >> story words.[ chee >> rfk suspends campaignri endorses trump congress. >> what do you think this means? i thinhis means?k there's a strg message that shows that moderate democrats have a lot more in common with republica that sen than the progressive party. so i think this is a good thing cleve . i think it was clever what he did because he still wants to supportdid. the people that arem, i voting for him. i think it's crazy that we it' have to even we should have athr third party and a fourth party. in my opinion, people should have a choicy anae. a cho but what he did was clever wastt
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because the attacks, the dnc and how they went after him w and try to destroy him for jusec a difference of opinion about the same. he was in line with them. he was a democrat, you know, his family's history. so what he did was he took his name off the ballo them,t is swing states. so he will have no bearing, wilv which is a huge blow for the democrats. but is he still runnin impacgl n states in blue states? yeah, to give them another option. states tally what he did wasin was a big giant middle finger to the democratic party. >> s o, paul, this is all they keep talking about democracy. >> this is what they were runnindemocracy, thieyg originae we've got to save democracy. but they iced him oumocrt. and he knows the democratic party now is the most kn. democra of institutionsd simply, this is like democracy by the medicis. but because they're all shovingl each other between this. right. because he says, what can we takevingey sal my off of those t but i'm going to they're all getting revenge. go back to pelosi, right?what s
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>> yeah. t what she did to biden is like a murder in old age home, right? >> i mean, with the twin, it was like she shoved him in a dayroom, so it. no, no. he'd be like, if you like, when' it's like bingo gone wrong. bii that's right. after a few too many cocktails. too much and. sure. it so it really is like i the mask comes off and seeut what politics is really about. demout democratic politics, you know politics particularly because that's a venerated nameb and, he could be the difference here because he is polling at what is it, one, 2%differenht we all know it is going to be a very close election no matter where you stand. so this coulond matter a. but he his bus showed up at the protest field during the dnc. and i think i got a little bit of insight as to why maybe he's pulling out because we have a clip. . the bus pulls up and it's filled with like two orhipste three hipsters who are like
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wearinrsg the wool caps low and everything else. oh, yeah. yeah. everybods.y screaming, yelling.i >> the communists are all there. shut them down. they hey, kennedy,ng h the thess climbed up on top of the bus. >> they started throwing out free t-shirt os. >> all communism went away their but let's, let's see it hasn't far yet. >> this is amazing footage, paul. look, you're writer you're now y you're on air and now you're a cameraman for fox news. . >> i know one of my. yeah, i got to join a different union. yeah ie to, but it was amazingwc to watch communist. and it was a girl. this sellingh. to communist newspaper. she was giving it out. yeah. and i said, i'll read anything ald, you know, i'll, i'll read that. she handed it to me and i figured, you know, she's a communishe it, know she's givin to me on the arm. and i went to walk away and she saidme od , that'll be $5.
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>> yeah, yeah. it's fantastic what do you think of this? this is like, this is big fo ofr trump how much? what percentage of the kennedy vote you think trump is going to get, especiallyercentan in these swing states? >> well, i think that it's not>t surprising to me that a lot of the support for kennedy would go to trump, because i think a lot of it was people who w are and particularly about covid. yeahly upset, and obviously deme were more so pro lockdown, n so especially in some of these states. i mean, like here in new york city, wef thes we were locked di forever. it felt like. >> but i also just one thingus and i disagree with rfk jrenty on plenty of things, but one thing that i really always liked about him is that he was to have conversations convs policy regardles of whose policy it was. so i hope that thatabout that doesn't change about him because i think that there are very few voicee i thins at o point that are willing to do i that in this hyperpartisan climate that we have, especially
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now that there's anbut rega election. but even regardless of an election, it's a hyperpartisan climate. so i hope he doesn'trdless of to the one thing that i really liked about him the most, that ies thes he's too have have conversations about policy regardless of who they are. yeah, he's going to keep it up. adam tions ab, what you think rfk jr, you like him? dom. did like hi i think that it would have been interesting because we had our first black president with obamabecaad. that was our firstmp orange president trump. and then we would have had our first constipated president. we could' because he sounds like a constipated oc his he[ laug but -- but i think things got weird. >> it was getting weird. liket i th got his stories thatm coming out like he had a worm in his brain. yeah. lie haand then kamala harris toh the worm, put it in her tequila ,you know, and it just like the bear that the bear he ranrk over, and then he put it in central park, and it just it just kept getting stranger. and then the bear would survive. but he wasn't vaccinated the be and then some of the thingse --
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that he's like, if you look, they they ask him, did you ever assaultt they nanny?your n and he says he said, listen, i have a lot of skeletons in mym closet so weird answer you knows like are they her skeletons you know oh so i just i don'tso know he's a lot of things i that just i don't know. >> i mean, i thought kno you wet going to do one more. >> that's all right. i was going to give him one more. but we weri wag give youe saying, you know, coming up to a commercial, what do you think got him off the paper? right it right there. that's going ttho helpink, off p next. >> he likeap help trump. that? what next? manly forms of recreation ward off women's infatuatioion. >> i'll be honest, by the end of the day. >> my flaws. yes, but who has the time clean ? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. wetjet. it's a quick my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and logs, grime deep inside. >> look at that swiffer wetjet work play link, relief work,
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perceived by women,d by and much to my dismay, hosting gutfeld is near the bottom "gt. e lis now, we couldn't verifyerif the scientific authenticity of this poll, but when has t that stopped us? >> accordingt st to the chicksto of this chart playing videos of games, the number one fastth track to the friendzone followede nuk to by things liken collecting figurines, doing magic gambling and even building model trains. luckily, luckily quar me, barbershop quartet didn't make the list the. o check it out, ladies, that is. oh,. e >> magnet to the fourth power cat. you are the token women on the panel, right? o dand so what do you thinkk -- of these? these? a lot of these were nerdy hobbies where they stuck up foru you.p >> i couldfo not agree more aboe how much of a turn off it is to
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be a video game guy, which i want to make a distinction between who plays video games and video game guy. what's the difference? the difference is guy who plays video games is think he does sometimes and there's videot to game guy who like will be i can't hang out with you for 9 hours because i have to play the o games.d ther >> i dated a man. g i dated a man a few years that was really into carl callbecaus of dutplayy and. >> he'd have the headset on and i'd be sitting there young and beautifu a l, b being ignored hea as he screams at strangersg online fighting in this pretend war. and i waeing ignored as traumatb that i had to grow up and then marry a ma n who in an actual war. >> huh? yeahn an. he knew the call of duty.he i wonder if the man who fought in the actual war that is much hotter war than the pretend internet war. >> chivers is getting a kick out of this year. were you surprised out that a lh
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of these hobbies were on the nerdy side? >> these dumb things, you know side what? ladies? if your man is doing any i one o those things you do know, that means he has to be at home to do itans he. e is because there's far more troubling hobbies. like, i don't know, day shift at the more i strip club. >> that's a hobby. oh, yeah. hanging ou t with best friend when you're not around ladies, that's also a hobb.y. a h >> going out for cigarettes and not coming back fo r years five years. hobby. so maybe.y!, just maybe, be thankful that he's at home because you can unplug the video gameu ca. t wa yeah. you don't want to be in the bathrobe, in the hair rollers in a strip clu teb going tyrus.i >> tyrus is my hobby. two of my strippers are on their way to college, thanks to me, their home. >> be grateful we're at home, ladies. adam, what do you think? if that gu>> adam,y keep them, k at home. i think these are all. these are attractive until they make money doin t least
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g. and then all of a sudden you go from a loser to influencer. >> yeah, you know, i mean, also a lot of these things, o just like video games personally, like when i was the sitcomy, placated, liked grand theft auto and world of warcraft, like when i was like in a frog at thof wari wae. the pond. yeah, that was that was the whole game. as whoand but i think it's alsoi i think it's laziness. that's really is becauseness even like let's say is your hobby right back in it you can'ta po leave your house, go to a booth and now all you can donowo is, you go on your phone and like and ten years from now a hands in a pocket of screes fn and just take care of you, it wknow, and it'll be an indian had to be outsourced, you know. oh, we can't we can't outsource these guys. right. help to follow that. > and i loomak liken. you are a happily married man. i am. and i don't think you have any nerdy hobbies. in fact, you're all business. in fact, take a look at this photehobbies,
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ss.k ato. >> you wear a suit to the beach. ,always on the job. >>s al he's always on the job. not to hear worswae. t >> that's not my wife. it's my hobby. oh, hobby? >> yeah. look, the only worse hobby than this stuff is whatevers what conducted this poll, all right? i mean, really, that's your livelihood. somebody's actually conducted that poll. >> we always talk about that. but realistically, this is an age issubully, thie, right? doig if you. you're 14 and you're doing this and you're looking for love. all right. you got a fe loow you cakior lovn mess y around on, on video games. but if o you're 35 and lookingg for your life mate and you're excited that you made levelon three and donkey kong. all right. time to reassess. the only thing i would just say real quickly is history has taught us, these guys, that we makeught guy of that we laugh a, you know, these end up being like the bill gates and all of theses and ev guys.fw >> so ten years from now, the kid that's locked in his room playing whatever they platy
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now is going to be a mastere at a university, be polite. you know, it's like adam une, you start makings li the money. >> but cat, the are theske we things. i think this is my theory. tell me if i'm right or wrong. all of these t things are guys focusing on something that's not the woman. so they're focusing on the gam eg on or they're focusing on their miniatures or they're focusing on dungeons dragons, gam w whatever it is so the women they just want to be paid attention to, right? >> it's really not that hardntoe . >> yes, absolutely. that is the problem. yeahe proble. >> so, guys, if if the video game was like me, then no problem. >> and think, hey, happen ity hn may happen. up, >> okay. okay. coming up, can you tell a who'os party of the nflx next smell? i want to know my secret forre l staying fresh in the afterlife. pleaseif use secret whole body(l h deodorant. does it leave? a residue actually goes a residue actually goes on clear with noter) white mark.
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football fans like first downs not partisan clowns video of the day comes to us from morning joe and eponymouo uss ds for context of the mj crew. they just watched a clip watch of tim walz at the dnc spewingmf more football metaphors than al michaels trapped at thein source. >> how did that happen? good. according to a c to senor pompadour, the democratic party is the party of the. >> now tell you why the democratic party really real the sports analogies and everything else really camee tumbling out. they they seem to be the party of the nfl tumblin now. t it's the party of football. nfl i don't know if people appreciate it but thisg is something that i did not think was possible. i didn'tt see it coming. >> i come from the world of sports. you do? in my lifetime, i have world o e considered that the democratic partyre be the party that has the most plausible claim to the mos largest organim in a culture war. right.
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whicorganismh is football crazy right now. but then again, the nfl and theh democratic do have one thing in common. >> they can both cause brain damage in com c. look at them. you conservatives. e -- they they're kind of like they owned the ama world right now. >> that seems like a conservative thing. you thinthat se a conserk the al be able to take football? no, i think at the dncbe kept saying that, you know, where the new vision of thwere thee fe and then their first speaker, our first guest, was stevie wonder. heyou knowir. but i think that likeke the they might be like the nfl because, you know, the jets should have tampons in their locker room. yes, i would. yes. ng the then i'm a jet fan. all right. but -- but but they're calling them, you know, they're callingz
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,you know, tam tampon tam. and i think that's lazy. it should be tampon, you know. yeah, it's right there. but i mean, maybe like it. m the nfl, the democratiaybec, a they've got a couple of billionaires exploiting black people illionai. so i could've left that one out. yeah, but. all right, tyrus, i don't know . >> i mean, you. you used to play football. >> i mean, football. it is. it's the all-american game. listen, we're going to sto.e hap right now. >> just hold on. i want a car wash. ladiesn with and gentlemen, firt of all, okay, they're not taking over camouflage, okay? they're taking over football. they say have more meetings, talking about how the football's.houl and it's, misogynistic men. it'sasn't like you had the nfl in line on the stage right there. there was guys being held ris by theirvewill o wives to go up. and some of the poor had wear je the jerseys that didn't fit anymore. so, you knowysthat did n, not oe guys was fired up or smile becathey all just stood ther sme because in the third row was w
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their wife going. >> yeah. so the football world has nothing playing outside. they have nothing to worry about. itplaytside,ng whounds good. but i'm sorry. when you have one of the dumbest group of nerds ever put together and that morning joe show dumbe talking about whs hip and cool, and none of them can sa y like, well, you know, football, you know, he didn't know what sport. they were even talking about football. he probably thought it was a soccer game in europ. y ee an they have no clue. and if you go to morning joe for anything besides remindinog you how much better your life is, that's it. >> yeah yeah. you are a sports fanatic. >> and do you think the democrats will be will be able to make inroads to theou football crowd?to obviously, they've tried and they tried to politicize it with the kneeling and everything elsitth kneele. >> i got to be honest with you. yeah. i don't really understand that segment don'd that. >> i know very little about football, but i'm trying o
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to learn it because the lions were good last time and i want to be able to ho pime on the bandwagon a little earlier this time if they're good again. yeah, but i'e good m not a sports gal. but i don't like that guy called football an organism. is >> i don't think that's true. oh no, i just i think it's a stretch. >>k it's stretch. i don't everybody likesev football on the whole world, except for me at leasteryo foott what it feels like all fall. so i think that of people of all political persuasions enjoy football. >> nobody has an ownership over a football. yeah, that'sp over it. right pay the they're trying to take right-wing cultureg to think th, they can co-opt it that's how little they think of rightt wingers because they think it's all a pose. the camouflage hats, the hunting the footballootbal everything right? the economic policy yeah bordelr . yeah, right., all of a sudden, you know, when they run. okay, we got to tack to th ges e right, carolina, let's be pretend. let's mime that we're republicans until novembert we sixth, and then we're going back to the party that has done everything they've done. let' ats return to adam's point.ey'r
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they're not the party of the nfl. noy they are the party of the new york jets, which meansd they promise new faces. every year. anings are going to changewever things are going to be so muchep better. >> and then right into the , right out of the box right. thati say that as the new york jets and. all right. that's just how its just how is. but a broader point would be no wonder msnbc scores ratings are what they are because somebody decided that americthea to wake up to that. >> yeah no yeah they they literally had commercial ts was and documentaries saying that the nfl was like the trade thep they we forget all this that they do is joke there's non politics. you don't need it in sports, wrestling, in movies. just enjoy the shoorts, wring ie when you try to do it, at least be authentic. someone should have been theres? . >> i'm like, yeah, what team? yeah, yeah, yeah his right he's trying to like, you know, build his he-man bona fides. of out not a lot of offensive linemen with that haircut. >> yeah,an right, exactly.
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miming with their in theirn what wife's purse either. >> that's the point. i wasn't going to sar.y. up next, we never fail readingue your mail. your mail. someone needs to and save hundreds of liberty mutual. wait there's an elevatorhe takes only pay for what you need every day. >> liberty, baby noh >> sometimes john wrestles with falling, so he takes nyquil, the world's number one sleep aid brand, and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best. with non habit forming, zeke will better days. >> start with zeke will nate what i look for in a contractor is someone who's reliable and skillful. >> that's where angie comes in with top rated certified pros in over 500 categories, angie can connect you with a repro pro for any home for yo project. >> find top rated certified pros in your area at angie aeco someone a greatm.
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>> yes. welcome to. >> mailing it in.n, let's get to the first mail question. stellaget to for asks for which product could you be the best spokesperson in? >> oh, that's good. i bet some of you have been offered things. what? tho you think times? >> what would you like to endorse vasectomies thoug wo oh, gosh. oh my gosh. >> yeah, that's. i mean, that's it. that's it. , onone word, adam.adam, what do you think? probably drugs. and why you shouldn't takeo yo them. i used to be a cocaine problem. i used to have a cocainey. problem, but i overcame it through poverty. >> hey, it's a way out, right? the way out. >> kat, what do you think? i don't know. i would have said nicotine gum, but e saidint i can't that anym. >> the baby doesn't like. yeah, but, i mean, i you would p endorse that, though, because it was a good way to stop smoking. >> i honestly. smokin g. smoking. vaping. i love nicotine. and now, obviously, i cannot touch it. i lo nicotin sly see people talking first like what their first meals can be after pregnancy, everyone's like sushi.
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i just want to pack. >> as inwille full. you end >> what do you endorse? yeah, i wouldn't want to endorse anything. i absolutely cannot figure anly answer for this. cannorethe only thing i can thn of is something i discovered recently, which is, have you seen these little packeti disco that you put in water the next morning? >> if they've had a big nighe nt and you feel better? this little hangover cure thing. hangover cure? yeah, i would endorse themlittl? d endo frome they here to the moon because they have saved so much work. h and have made me a lot more of a productive human being. >> the only thin lot mg can thit it's the same thing is getting a vasectomy. >> s aso. >> okay. sg whose asks what is your most eccentric possession? oh, i'm going to start with this one. this is it is kind of where i have i my cyrus gold record. >> mm. wow. if you have it. ha ha. >> i, i was doing a gig. a i was doing a corporate and they were auctioning thing. yeah, sure. and nobody but. okay things , i'm going to explain.
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it fell in your lap. i'm nice. i'll take it. okay, timer. nobody else want it. i'm just going to hold on to this gold miley cyrus. what do you got? extended possession, platinum. miley cyrus record. oh, oh , , wow. >> i keep it in a glass case. yeah. what do you got? probably my own coffin from when i. for when i saw this. fun >> yeah, when i threw a funeral for myself for my 30th birthday. >> wow. right between that and uncle sam costume for my catme. that's amazing. oh, if you've never looked it e had a birthday party where she literally was in a coffin. yeah, it was it a full a cof siy well, i was in it, so. yeah. wow. t to >> adam, i can't. i don't even want to ask, but i'm going to ask. well, i live in cali b i f. 's >> yeah, so it's a wife centric . i used i used to be a addict, soedo bs i checked myself a marriage. it's good. that's good.
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>> oh, what do you think? eccentric items. you have the gold record. he has the platinu>>old recom rm >> i have miley cyrus. maybe not. i have a one of my detectives when i was working. great guy named fayyaz from the border of pakistan, afghanistan went home and brought me back something called a rabab, which is a version of a pakistani guitar. it's an ancient, ancient instrument. >> and i was messing around with it and i really like it. waitand most unique thing in the world. and i asked him, what dod. i do? to restoring it, and he told me, well, that's going to be a little bit har tol goingd. are a >> the strings are made from cat. oh catgut. >> that's right, catgut strings. >>d ri don't think you can get them here. so i would go with pat, you know, i know you got a few cats ild g, ones getting old. >> i don't know. let's do a rapid fire round for the last. >> steve allen asks what movie from the past do you stillallen watch sometimes? okay, here's my list. casablanca, the great escapeereo
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>> what do you think, cat? any old movies? happy gilmore in flappy in the sense stinkers.. >> oh, my five kids, one seae he lion, no rules. anybodine,y old movies. >> oh, scarface. blazing saddles and stir crazy. >> yeah. three great comedies. stir rocky road house and die hard. >> boom. paul scarface as well because a buddy of mine is in the background and the sting, which is i think, the best, in script to hollywood. >> i love the sting. i always forget the ending. it always surprise the es. t go >> and i've seen it likell 40 times. don't go away. we'll be right back. all right. >> i'm missing out >> i'm missing out on the things you love because-a of asthma get back to better of asthma get back to better breathing with the sentrudden a and add on treatment for eosinophilic asthma. >> this is taken once every eight weeks for sentra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophiliour doctthma conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma a pa your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens, headache and sore fo.
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