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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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underway. before we go we have to do this happy national dog day. to all america's dogs and owners we have pictures of percy and cocoa. this is percy, e.t. also known as percy and he has been having the best summer. he has had a great summer for sure. >> bret: cocoa is a diva. amy is surrounded by guys with two boys and a husband so that's the female. >> dana: does cocoa have pink ears? >> that's pink feathers on the top of the ears. i don't have anything to do with that. >> dana: my grandmother had a dog named mo. they put ribbons in his air after he got groomed and my grandfather would say he would find the biggest manure pile to get into. >> cocoa likes them. >> dana: thank you so much. sandra smith is in for harris on the "focus." she is next.
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>> sandra: shout-out to my winston on dog day. a group of house lawmakers picked to lead the investigation into the assassination attempt against former president donald trump are back at the shooting site in butler, pennsylvania today. they are now second visit is part of the ongoing demand for answers and accountability over the massive security failure that happened 44 days ago. welcome, everyone. this is "the faulkner focus." i'm sandra smith in for harris today. house speaker mike johnson appointed a subpoena power bipartisan task force in the weeks after the shooting. its chair, mike kelly at the july 13th rally and ranking member jason crowe are leading today's tour. johnson joined fox earlier this morning to weigh in on their progress. >> the task force is doing extraordinary work and working around the clock since we named that several weeks ago. they have been digging in getting the answers and requesting documents. they have been slow walked. that's the concern. we're pressing go.
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we have to get the answers to the american people. i'm confident our task force will get that done. >> sandra: the visit comes after five secret service agencies involved in the planning of the butler rally were placed on add min is -- administrative leave. the assassin was spotted on thener buy rooftop 20 minutes before the shot rang out. president trump vowed to return to the shooting site himself. >> we are going back to butler and we will go back in october. we are all set up. we're going back to butler and i think i will probably start by saying as i was saying prior to being so horribly interrupted. >> sandra: cb cotton is on the ground in butler where it will go down today. set it up for us.
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welcome. >> nice to sigh. today local law enforcement will have another clans to share their side of what went wrong that day. the task force says one of its goals is accountability after a 20-year-old gunman essentially duped the secret service. at the end of the investigation lawmakers could make recommendations for agency reform or new laws. the task force is expected to issue a final report on its findings no later than december 13th. four of the group's republican members including the chairman mike kelly will be here today alongside all six of the group's democratic lawmakers. jason crowe says so far the group is getting what it needs. >> we have now received two briefings from government agencies. they started to produce documents to us. so i have seen no indication that there is any type of stonewalling or foot dragging. >> so as you mentioned, former
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president donald trump told musk earlier this month he plans to return here to butler, pennsylvania, sometime in october. but there is anxiety among some local leaders about his return. >> i think the concerns that i have really are that amongst law enforcement right now, you know. i think there is a trust level that has to be rebuilt. >> sandra, as you mentioned, at least five secret service agents who were involved in the rally's security preparations are on administrative leave. a source tells me more agents may be caught up in all of this. back to you. >> sandra: thank you, cb. a separate group of house republicans vowed a parallel independent investigation into the shooting after they were not chosen as part of the bipartisan task force. they are holding a forum of their own today in washington, d.c. congressman cory mills, eli
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crane, chip roy and andy biggs talking to a secret service special agent. former navy seal officers and swat operator. congressman biggs is here with me now. welcome to you. thanks for joining us at this critical time in this ongoing investigation. what exactly do you want to get to the bottom to hear and what are your biggest questions? >> thanks for having me, sandra. what we're trying to do is provide transparency for the american people. we've had multiple hearings with the former director cheatle, the current interim director rowe and not satisfied with how that is going. i trust my colleagues on the task force. they won't put a report out until december. we don't want the american people to forget what happened just a few weeks back. so we brought together some experts and we will get to the
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bottom of everything from the lack of communication between secret service and local law enforcement. we'll talk about the tactical problems. we have two former snipers and one sniper on this panel today. and we want to show the american people that there are those of us who are actually going to make this as transparent as possible even though the secret service seems to be dragging its feet. the only person right now i trust with the investigation that's going on besides the task force. they are trying to do there and they issue the report. the only person out there that will be independent that's investigating it is the inspector general for dhs. and he has got it by the horns and i trust he will give us a good report to get to the bottom of it. we want to also bring in these experts and aggregate the information in one place for the american people. >> sandra: there is still a lot not answered in all of this.
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the american people are demanding transparency and accountability, congressman. wisconsin senator ron johnson is the leader of the senate bipartisan investigation into the assassination attempt and expressed his own frustrations on fox yesterday. >> the secret service, f.b.i. are basically dragging their feet stonewalling us. we have gotten some transcribed interviews but the documents we requested are heavily redacted and delivered the day of the interview so we really can't use the documents to conduct the interviews effectively. we're not getting squat from my standpoint. >> sandra: what do you make of that the secret service and f.b.i. are stonewalling on this shooting? >> well, it is consistent with why the american people don't trust our institutions anymore. you had the -- everything was cleaned up within three days. you have the shooter's body was cremated. and so we're left with depending on reports where you really
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don't have the opportunity to go through and actually second guess and take a second peek. that is consistent with what senator johnson is talking about is there seems to be a problem with giving us transparent information. it is always we're conducting an investigation. that's the problem that the american people have saying the secret service is investigating itself. the f.b.i. is investigating itself. we need to have outside information, outside investigators. >> sandra: certainly been slow going trying to get more and more information to the american public about all of this, congressman. meanwhile our nation's border security is a top voter issue this november. we know that and it has been for quite some time. vice president harris recently has changed her tune on toughness. now that she is on top of the democrat ticket. the running mate tore into the damage already done. >> what do you make of her transformation on this issue? >> i don't think it's a question
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of transformation. we have a crisis at the border and make sure -- we have to crack down on illegal immigration. what we need is comprehensive immigration reform. >> okay. not exactly the sound bite we were going for but he did downplay this transformation, he called it, on the border when it comes to kamala harris. she has a history of landing far left of immigration and once said and undocumented migrant is not a criminal and re-examine ice and its role. in the 36 days of her current white house bid she has now said she will hire thousands more border agents and be strong on border security. border state residents are not buying this. listen. >> there is no border security. very poor. very poor. >> lousy, non-existent. she never did anything other than open them more. >> it is non-existent. so from a scale of 0 to ten i would give her a 0.
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>> negative 25. she needs to come here and live for a week and see what it is like. >> sandra: a tough sell to the american public dealing with this issue and greatly concerned about it to say she is here to fix the problem when she has been in leadership in the white house all these years. final thought from you, congressman. >> you are exactly right. the border leader, whatever you want to call her. that was her charge. she never went to the border even. i can tell you as a border state resident it is the number one issue and there isn't anybody. you see even the democrats in my state are running away from her because they believe, like i do, that you have to have strong border security because our crime rates are going up, fentanyl deaths, you know, human trafficking. all of it can be laid ott her feet. she has been in office for almost four years. she could have done something. her running mate mr. walz is also very, very soft on border
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issues. they both didn't like the wall. they didn't like the remain in mexico policy. they didn't like anything that president trump did and yet yuma county had fewer than 9,000 people en count erred in the entire last year of president trump and they get that every ten days under the administration now. >> sandra: appreciate you joining us on all that. thank you, sir. democrats may be publicly defending vice president's harris's price control plan. it is reportedly a much different story behind closed doors. israel and iran-backed group hezbollah exchanged intense attacks fueling more fears of a wider growing conflict. some say the biden-harris administration needs to do more and up the pressure on iran. >> iran is the king pin here. they are driving everything. the frustration many of us have with the administration, a lot of emphasis on de-escalation but
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not much emphasis on pinning the rose on iran and enforcing deterrents on them. hina: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) akari: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) (♪) (♪) you were made to chase your passions. we were made to put them in a package.
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angry and a lot less tolerant. i'm just angry about the accountability. there is a long list of people that need to stand up and say we screwed up and apologize to us and the american people what took place. >> sandra: biden released this statement today reading these 13 americans and the many more that were wounded were patriots in the highest sense. today our longest war is over but commitment to preventing attacks on our home land or our people never will be. >> sandra: heavy fire exchanged sunday between israel and hezbollah. it was their most intense confrontation in months. hours later a u.s. official said high level cease-fire and
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hostage deal talks ended without any agreements in egypt. lower level talks are expected to continue in the coming days. israeli prime minister netanyahu says more attacks on iran-backed terrorist groups are coming. >> what happened today is not the end of the story. hezbollah tried to attack the state of israel with rockets and drones early in the morning. we are hitting hezbollah with surprising blows. >> sandra: trey yengst is in tel aviv. hello to you. what's the latest from there? >> good morning. after israel launched preemptive strikes against hezbollah over the weekend, the region now waits to see what comes next. iran-backed group is claiming victory in sunday's exchange of fire but they leave out the fact that they didn't actually hit the military bases in the northern part of this country that they claim. nor did they fire toward tel aviv. hezbollah leader warned of further attacks in the future as he addressed lebanon from an
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undisclosed bunker. reality is that 2/three of the rockets and missiles prepared to launch were destroyed by the israeli military. as the region surveys the after math of the events over the weekend joint chiefs chairman brown was in israel today for meetings speaking with the defense minister. top u.s. general's visits comes with america's assets spread out throughout the region as the israelis remain on high alert. >> we've been fighting this organization for ten months and we know they want to harm oils and waiting for the moment when we aren't prepared or alert. our systems are not high up so we're keeping our alerts up. we're keeping our defense up. >> today israel launched a targeted strikes against a car in southern lebanon as the israeli air force continues to go after hezbollah and multiple alerts sounding in northern israel amid incoming rocket fire. today's cease-fire talks in egypt at a lower level are set
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to resume. this is going to give the region an opportunity for an off ramp. officials here are hopeful they can still get a deal. sandra. >> sandra: trey yengst in tel aviv for us. thank you. democratic lawmakers are defending vice president harris's price control proposal. behind the scenes they are reportedly saying it will never actually become law. "politico" is reporting that democrats are trying to tamp down backlash but in private some lawmakers are telling voters and food industry officials her proposals will never pass through congress. kevin o'leary with this. >> price controls, price fixing doesn't work. it leads to shortages and hyper inflation. the idea that this is anything more than a populous statement to rile up the volunteers. she was successful in doing is ludicrous that it would become policy. it is not going to happen. >> sandra: hillary vaughn is reporting from capitol hill. what are we hearing about all
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that? >> democrats in congress behind the scenes are doing damage control telling skeptics that her plan to tackle provides gouging does not have a shot to get through congress. on tv, the same democrats in congress are you applauding her plan as a real fix to people's pocketbook pain. >> don't understand where this vague re comes from. they released a specific detailed plan on a lot of economic agenda. actual laws to stop price gouging. >> i have been fighting to ban price gouging on food and next year when she is president, kamala harris will sign a bill to do just that. >> but kamala, she cares deep down and she will take on the giant corporations that are squeezing american families. >> what's being -- who are
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concerned that harris's plan would lead to federal price controls. according to multiple democratic lawmakers democrats in congress have privately been telling critics it is part of the harris plan that is not viable. rather they've argued it is a messaging tactic away to show she understands food prices remain an economic burden for many americans and redirect voters' anger about inflation to corporations. republicans are calling that out and that strategy. harris's empty promises are scamming voters. >> you have got to make a decision based on the record and not the rhetoric. they are saying things that are patently untrue. gas lighting the american people and expect that i guess the people are not intelligent enough to figure this out. >> grocery stores are correcting the record. the national grocers association says that this idea that they are cashing in on inflation, reaping in record profits is not true. they say they are dealing with the same price pressures that
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everyone else is rising rent, labor costs, utility costs are experiencing rising costs everywhere. >> sandra: absolutely. hillary vaughn on that for us. thank you. progressive democrats are putting the pressure on vice president harris to move further left as the party remains split on several key issues. plus with just 71 days to go into election day, both former president trump and v.p. harris are stepping up their campaign schedules but republicans wonder when harris will sit down and go on the record with her policy pitches. >> the only baseis they have to conclude what she will be like as president is what she has done for four years in this administration. if she has had such a radical change of heart in the last five years she owes the american people answers.
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for their needs going forward. they were by my side in the hospital, and they're still with me today. through our programs, community and advocacy, we're proving anything is possible. learn more at wounded >> sandra: vice president kamala harris and president trump are picking up the pace on the trail
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with 70 days to go until election day. trump is stepping up his campaigning to counter harris's post dnc boost. they will hold several events each week. trump visited arlington national cemetery this morning. he will be in michigan later today. harris is starting a bus tour in southern georgia this week as we wait for her first sit down interview since jumping into the race. she has now gone 36 days without a formal interview or news conference. republican senator tom cotton says it is time for harris to set the record straight on her policies. >> if she has changed her position she owes it to the american people to come out and say in her own words when she changed and why she changed. these are not like college essays, john. this is what she said when she was campaigning for president as a 54-year-old woman. if she has had such a radical change of heart in the last five
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years she owes the american people answers. >> sandra: peter doocy has more. it is something a lot of people are talking about, peter. we're left wondering if it will happen. >> by the end of this week apparently. the harris campaign saying two different things at the same time. first that donald trump has to debate her on abc on september 10th because that's one of the most basic ground rules he agreed to when joe biden was candidate and want to change some of the basic ground rules. >> i think it's a huge disappointment for the american people because they want to see these two folks on the debate stage talking about the issues that are important to the american people. but i guess if i had his positions, i would be scared to let the american people know what they were as well. >> the harris campaign is telling fox in statement unlike the biden trump debate we have told abc and other networks seeking to host a possible october debate we believe both
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candidates mics should be live throughout the full broadcast. trump's handlers want the muted microphone because they don't think he can act presidential on his own. trump said the harris camp after having already agreed to the cnn rules asked for a ceded debate with notes and opening statements. we said no changes to the agreed-upon rules. something that is going to happen apparently. a long-promised sit-down interview with harris within the next five days. >> she has been out talking to voters and taking questions from reporters on a number of issues. so i know the vice president looks forward to sitting down for an interview. she looks forward to doing it before the end of this month. >> vice president harris is here in washington today. her official schedule says she will receive briefings and conduct internal meetings with staff. they will be closed to the press.
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>> sandra: okay. thank you very much peter doocy. matt gorman former tim scott campaign advisor and david carlucci former democratic state senator from new york are here. david, do you first. isn't it about time she sits down and not only answers some questions but at least put your policies out there? there is not a single policy on her campaign website. >> well, the kamala harris team is on a roll. we're coming off of the democratic national convention. it was an awesome time. i was there. there wasn't a room to stand, it was so packed full of energy. they are talking about policies. that's not the place to get into the nitty-gritty details. just as the previous reporter said look, the opportunity is to debate kamala harris. what i have been reading is donald trump is now second guessing talking about how he might not show up to that planned debate and kamala harris has said nothing about not showing up.
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she is saying look, we should have live mics during the whole time. if donald trump doesn't agree to that she will still show up and debate. that's what we want to see. have the opportunity to ask your opponent those questions. get into it. but donald trump looks like he is running away and i think that would be devastating to his campaign. she is already leading in many of the polls. >> david, before i go to matt you don't think she doesn't owe it to the american voter to sit down, take questions, put policies out there in an interview, news conference? >> she has a short campaign. 36 days and the campaign said she is going to do it. she will sit down and have. >> sandra: isn't it about time voters hear what her plan is, matt? this is one democratic pollster saying that harris should continue to avoid sit-down interviews with the press. it is working for her. listen. >> i will just say having been with vice president harris in unscripted sen arab yosemite there are policy command there that can come out in these kinds of interviews. >> can i say i love you and i
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love you? as a campaign hack, no. she should be talking to the voters and barnstorming the way to do it. i love you all but i don't want her talking to you all right now. talking to voters and going across the country. >> sandra: matt, does he have a point? if she is doing well why stop the momentum by giving an interview? >> here is if other reason, right? because interview prep and interviews is also debate prep. every candidate i worked forgot better by sitting for interviews and preparing for those interviews. you have to answer tough questions and refine arguments and questions and attacks or arguments against you pierce through the bubble a little bit and you get better at it. in advance of this debate when she changed the rules now, she should sit down. look, the hot mic debate is very transparent what she wants. she wants to create one of her i
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am speaking moments that she used for vice president pence and she can put out a t-shirt and press. that's why she wants hot mics. >> sandra: i will let you respond to that. final response before i move on. >> we all know that donald trump has no discipline. he won't be able to look presidential for 90 minutes and i think that really benefited him in that debate against joe biden that he was not able to hear him muttering under his breath and calling people names. that's donald trump's strong point is being the bully in chief thinking of all the names he can call people and for some reason the american public, the overall majority has not called him out on it yet. i think they will come election day. >> sandra: vice president harris has accepted the democratic nomination for president and attempted to paint herself as a more moderate candidate despite her past support for far left policies. this could expose some division within her party ahead of the
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election. progressive congresswoman lee said this. >> i know you are a progressive democrat. do you think that this pivot to the center particularly on issues like the border and immigration and crime, are they going to hurt support for the harris-walz ticket or is it what's required? >> i have to disagree. we have evidence from americans all over the country but especially in pennsylvania in a swing state where we're not actually asking for our candidates to run away from progressive ideals. we're asking them for them to run to them. that's what the average american wants. >> sandra: so we have seen vp harris pull a 180 on many past liberal positions. gone back on her support for a fracking ban, federal jobs guarantee and medicare for all and also toughened her position on border security started campaigning as a pragmatic prosecutor and went back on her push for a mandatory assault buy
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back program. with this division in the party, which way should 14e be going and which way will she lean? >> she is going to do everything. in my mind the biggest flip-flop of them all is what she has been doing for four years. if you saw her at the convention, saw her when she rolled out her economic claim you would think she was sitting on her couch for the last four years. she was the president. she has done it for the last four years and very far left. inflation spiked, immigration piked. housing crisis, and to add on as you put very well all of those flip-flops which she hasn't addressed. running from the press and has been for over a month now because she doesn't want to answer those things. it is very clear why. >> sandra: matt makes a great point when it comes to the economy. we can roll tape on kamala harris in 2021 saying inflation is a priority. we're going to fix this problem for the american people. and she has been there for all those years and now she is promising to fix it. >> they passed policies like the
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inflation reduction act, the chips act. the list goes on and on of accomplishments from the biden-harris administration. kamala harris has always been a moderate. she was attacked viciously by the left for her moderate stances as a prosecutor, as an assistant district attorney and district attorney. supported by police unions throughout her career and has been -- >> sandra: what's the answer to the question. should she stay to the center or move to the left? >> any politician in office like her career for 20 years you will change and evolve your position. as any good politician should do. that's not a flip-flop. look at donald trump. he was pro-choice, pro-life. now he is ambiguous. you don't know where he stands. >> sandra: a simple question. would you like her to go farther to the left on these issues or stay in the center. >> she is right in the middle where she should be. we have a big tent in the democrat party. we celebrate that. she is the leader. >> she called hers banning fracking, decriminal
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ayer'sing illegal immigration is not moderate. let me tell you. >> sandra: i'm asking she promised take prices coming down was a priority. the prices are still sky high and she says she will fix it now. appreciate the debate both of you. thank you very much for us. the starliner will return to earth without the two astronauts it brought to the international space station. they traveled to space for what was supposed to be an eight-day trip. now they will be stuck there until next year. how nasa plans to now get them home. plus parents of students facing new fears about anti-israel protests as school starts back up. >> today jewish parents have to consider and students themselves whether or not the university they go to no matter how elite is going to keep them safe. >> sandra: many colleges and
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>> sandra: nasa says it does not any the troubled boeing starliner capsule is safe enough to bring two astronauts back from the international space station. they went up in june for an eight-day mission. now they are stuck up there until february when they will hitch a ride back on a spacex rocket. the "new york post" reporting boeing employees are humiliated that upstart rival spacex will rescue astronauts stuck in space. it is shameful says the nasa administrator bill nelson with this. >> space flight is risky, even
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at its safest. and even at its most routine. and a test flight by nature is neither safe nor routine. >> sandra: dana marie mcnicholl has more on that. hello. >> hi, sandra. that eight day mission turns into eight months. after weeks of debate, nasa decided in the name of safety that it is just too risky to send those astronauts down in the boeing starliner after lingering concerns of multiple helium leaks and problems with their thrusters. astronauts have been stuck at the international space station since the beginning of june and will now come back in that spacex capsule in february. nasa awarded boeing with a $4.2 billion contract and musk spacex company with a
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2.6 billion contact to help develop the human space flight serial. spacex has completed multiple crew flights. boeing this was their first-ever crewed mission. >> it is disappointing that they are not coming home on starliner. that's okay. it is a test flight. they knew the risks. >> as for butch and sunny, nasa says they support the decision fully and are even enjoying their extra time in space. they will continue with not only research but help with chores around the international space station. food and water is not a concern. they will have plenty to go around. nasa says they have resupply missions that are very frequent. boeing says the starliner will return back to earth with no one on board sometime in september. sandra. >> sandra: all right, dana marie on that for us. what a story. meanwhile school is back in session for many and for some colleges that means new rules to keep anti-israel protests from getting out of control.
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vanderbilt is holding mandatory meetings with new under grads about the university's approach to free speech saying it will not di vest from israel. issue statements for or against either side and it will not tolerate threats, harassment or protests disrupting the learning environment. other schools are following suit. the university of california schools are banning unapproved encampments and masking to conceal identity. columbia is limiting campus access and northwestern is mandating training on anti-semitism and other forms of hate. students say there is more to be done. >> i think the university is well more prepared for this coming year but i think there is not enough done within the classroom. there is a lot of anti-israel propaganda happening in arts and humanities classes, which is really important to address and
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they have not yet. >> sandra: the hateful protests last spring forced four ivy league presidents to resign you will remember. outkick founder clay travis joins us now. great to have you on this. everything that we just laid out there does it sound like enough like these schools are really preparing to protect their students? >> look, appreciate you having me. i think schools like vanderbilt university, who i happen to be an alum of, went to law school there. are leading the way. if you remember as let's say the columbia's ucla of the world on the east and west coasts fell apart it was schools if red states. the university of florida, university of georgia, university of texas, sec schools in particular southeastern conference that stood up and said you have a right to speech, you don't have a right to put up tents. you don't stère a right to occupy campuses and we're going to reply content neutral speech neutral policies whether you are
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pro-hamas, pro-palestinian, pro-israel, whatever your perspective is on any of these issues. that's what students need. they need steadfast rules that are going to be evenly applied throughout the course of the semester and then i have one other question here. how much of this is organized by left wing groups and given a couple months away from an election does the kamala harris team have an impact over whether these groups take over campuses or not? because i don't think there is any doubt that hurts her immensely in the political sphere. so i'm curious to see whether -- weather will be good on most of these campuses in august and september. whether these kids decide to try to put up campus protests and actually put up tents and take over the quad, for instance, once more. >> sandra: i think the banning of the mask wearing to conceal your identity. there is vagueness in the rules. banning masks to conceal
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identity but somebody could wear a mask if they have been sick and want to prevent the spread. you can have all the rules you want, clay. will the universities enforce them? we know there were some rules in place already while all this chaos was unfolding. but the rules were not enforced by the universities. >> that's right. the rules were not enforced primarily i'm sure you saw the graphic that was very interesting. the more expensive and the more quote elite the university was, the more likely they were to have had disruptive on-campus protests. my alma mater george washington university is one of the most expensive campuses in the entire country. they took over the entire center of the campus and the student body is 28% jewish. they put death to the martyrs on the side of the school library that was purchased and funded to a large extent by a donation of a holocaust survivor. if it can happen at a school
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like george washington 28% jewish, it can happen anywhere if the campus leadership is not committed to stopping it from occurring. i hope that a lot of these schools will take the lead of the southeastern conference and say you can speak but can't take over campus. >> sandra: they've had a lot of time to think about it. california democrats are pushing a controversial bill paving the way for illegal immigrants to qualify for first time home buying assistance. the bill says an applicant who meets the requirements for a loan under the home purchase assistance program shall not be disqualified by the agency solely based on the applicant's immigration status. a top state republican has this warning about the plan. >> what the rest of america needs to be worried about is the kamala harris-walz administration taking these crazy california ideas and taking them to the rest of the country. the country can't afford to buy illegal immigrants homes.
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>> sandra: the bill goes up for a vote in the senate, the state senate this week and would then go to governor newsom's desk for a signature. he hasn't indicated yet if he would sign it. see anything wrong with this, clay? >> yes, it is an insane giveaway to people not citizens of the united states. what it continues to do is provide an incentive structure for people to break our laws and come across the southern border. are you in new york right now, sandra. what percentage right now is it of the overall hotel rooms in new york city that are being given to migrants? it is off the charts. how many people watching us right now can't afford a family vacation to new york city because of how much it costs to stay in a hotel? imagine if you are in venezuela or somewhere in a latin american country and you get a call on free wifi, by the way, from a free hotel room and they say to you living in squall or in those countries hey, america is the land of milk and honey. you come up here and stay with a
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time square area hotel room in mid town manhattan for free. they will give you unlimited meals. you get wifi and they will maybe give you amnesty down the road and you will be able to make a lot more money here than you are back home. why wouldn't you come? now you hear california will help you buy a home? this is absolute insanity when it comes to public policy. california is broken. it is unfortunate what gavin newsom has done to a beautiful, spectacular state. this is what one party rule does. there is virtually no opposition and nobody can check the absolute bonkers nature of some of these policies. >> sandra: always good to talk to you. thank you for joining us today. >> appreciate you. keep up the good work. >> sandra: thank you very much. thank you all for watching "the faulkner focus." i'm sandra smith in for harris. i will be back with john roberts at 1:00 p.m. eastern for america reports. "outnumbered" is after the break. yep, tough day at work,
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