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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> make america great again! >> mr. trump: i learned vietnamese mack-- >> we will fight for you, sir. >> we need you for the next four years. >> judge jeanine: you know what donald trump is willing to go anywhere anytime. >> and it's not scripted and there are no tiktok dances. it's authentic. that's what people want to see. >> judge jeanine: raymond, thank you. that's it for us tonight. i'm judge jeanine pirro and four laura ingraham. make sure catch us every monday through friday "the five" and follow me on instagram at... [ text on screen ] thanks for watching, jesse watters takes it from here. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: welcome to jesse
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watters "primetime." tonight... >> mr. trump: there trying to get out of it because she doesn't want to debate. she's not a debater, not a smart person. she doesn't want to debate. >> jesse: is kamala harris ducking out of the debate? >> it doesn't matter how we look at his mom is about bb winning. >> mr. trump: to collect what happened. -- >> jesse: whistleblowers, suspensions, investigations. and the trump assassin. >> we're making sure we have people everywhere, boats are being cast and counted to have our eyes on everything. >> jesse: democrats already playing games with republican paul watters. is special report... plus... >> what have you heard about -- the way he -- and then high-five, high-five. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: party is over in chicago and democrats woke up
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this morning with a harris hangover. still one i shut down the rolled over in bed and opened up the paper to this head headline. joy is not a strategy. the new york times saying they cringe when kamala was called the president of joy, "democrats are bent on making the word happen but joy is not a political strategy, and god is not a political strategy. being our joyful mom i is not going to win the election. and the raging patient had a number bucket of ice cold water on their heads. >> she has to begin in november. and -- first of all, most -- we have to win by three. in the popular vote to win the electoral college so when you see it whole that says where to hartwell is actually -- if the pull was correct. other thing is that trump traditionally when he's on the ballot chronically under paul's. democrats -- what he talking
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about understand you have to win by three. >> jesse: the honeymoon is over. no more fake beyoncé teases to jews enthusiasm. trump is already wrapping up his schedule and bring his foot on the gas mack one from advisor says get ready for trump on steroids. friday's rfk endorsement and today's observance of biden's discretion -- this wasteful afghan withdrawal were -- in arlington has stolen harris' convention momentum. meanwhile, we haven't seen kamala since thursday night. after spending last week inside a hotel room rehearsing every light of her speech, she's now pulling a -- pulling a biden and going awol for the bee prep. four days straight of the debate prep. the last time a democrat over prepared for innovate they got knocked out with one punch. and debate prep might not be going very well.
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because suddenly her handlers want to change the rules. they want harris to be able to sit down at a table and want her to be able to bring notes. know if i was come out i would want to forget the last four years too. but she can bring chi-chi to a debate. even hillary didn't need to be sitting. and i also want to unmute the might -- mics. teemak weeks ago said the debate over the debate was over and it was time for trump to man up. now she's throwing last-second curveballs wrapping up the rules. is she trying to weasel her way out of this? >> mr. trump: we agree to the same rules. i don't know that it is a matter to me. but the agreement was that it would be the same as it was last time and in that case it was muted. i like phishing and elected the first time but it worked out fine. asked biden how it worked out, it was fine. and i think it should be the same. we agreed with the same ru rules. same rules as.
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[laughter] anything is probably what it should be there trying to change it -- the truth is there trying to get out of it because she doesn't want to debate. she's not a good debater, she's not a smart person. she doesn't want to debate. >> jesse: kamala wants to mike's heart because she wants to be interrupted. mendel look good when the interrupt woman are argue with women. that's why i try not to interrupt jessica so much on the -- "the five." i try. and shall probably snapback something sassy in medial package and that she won. the stakes are high because the debate will be a first-time democrats lose control over there anointed one. she's on her own for 90 minutes, live in front of the whole country. no script, no notes, no oprah, obama. no excuses. kamala will have to defend a biden record while explaining how she's different. defend her own record and explain how that changed and
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what it's changed into. defend her role in the cover-up in the coup, and at the same time, trump's record on the economy, immigration and crime, which everybody knows is better. and she will have to do it with joy. in her first presidential debate against the guy who's done six. now you know why she needs to bring notes. you think you'd want to do some interviews first, you know, test out some lines, see how you react when you being challenged before you debate trump cold. but apparently even that is too risky. the only way kamala can win it if you don't know anything about her. >> there's no -- before the election but i can actually see -- >> yes there is because i speak to the exact voters she needs of the person who isn't -- is in the middle. basically this -- the msnbc crowd is already voting for her. >> i think they're just --
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all about winning the bp election. something is just about winning and it doesn't matter how we look at this moment is about bb winning. >> right. >> it's about bb winning. >> yeah, it's a mad bleak bleak dash and she is running it, she's not stopping to stumble
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to a woman who won't due interviews. and they'll just like to you about what they're doing and call it fair. >> how are you feeling about the switch? >> i mean -- the switch. it went through a very open process. it was bottom of. i don't know if you know th that. >> is what i've been told. >> it was in blitz primary i believe is what they call it. >> very, very last blood. >> jesse: that's what i've been told to say. they're lying to you and laughing about it. matter has never won's name -- single marie vote ever nah and the one debate she committed to, she's trying to wiggle out of. camille did her first sitdown interview with her running mate without a reporter. >> i have white guy tacos and -- >> like mayonnaise -- what do you do? >> premar she ground beef and cheese. >> that's okay greg you put any labor on it? >> no. they seem to be careful and let -- black pepper in the top of the spice level in
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minnesota you know? >> on the first vice president i believe who was ever grown chile peppers. >> jesse: a country where the democratic presidential nominee refuses to do interviews is and if we country. you don't have a free press in the press isn't free to interview presidential nominees. put in does more interviews than kamala. >> you want to put a residency in the united states of america, what are you hiding for? and. [laughter] somebody has to say it. somebody has to say. now, you can't be running for the presidency of the united states, not wanting a press conference not one single one on one sitdown interview somebody gets the question you about the question that we have nah that's not fair. that's not fair. >> they don't care if it's not fair. if there's a risk molecular expose herself to negative publicity by answering
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questions, and his guitar proposed, is handlers don't think it's worth it. if winning is everything, like take any risks at all? why not just campaign from a safe space? the continue to do that until the risks of not talking outweigh the risks of talking. meeting if the press starts giving her a really hard time and she starts looking like a chicken, then she'll talk, and the press is calling her smart for not talking to th them. they're saying she's brave for not doing interviews. the press, to this point, is enjoying being benched in an election year. because they would rather lose their jobs and self-respect than lose an election. only a few reporters are looking around seeing guys, we don't have jobs if we just let kamala ignore us for the sake of winning. >> what you think about the fact that kamala doesn't talk to the press? in no way i feel like it's more insulting than what
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trump does and from accessory or the enemy, of the people, which is pretty bad. but she is kind of saying is i don't need you. i'm not talking to you, you don't matter, you're not relevant anymore. to me, that's even worse. >> there's nothing oppressed hates more than feeling irrelevant. in the media doesn't have access to come i have in the media is just what a bunch of campaign interns arguing with republicans? >> -- she wants to eliminate private health insurance on the job -- 170 million -- >> that is not her position now -- >> how do you know that's not her position? >> she said she no longer supports smart. >> she has not said that. maybe anonymous aids on a friday -- >> when she campaign for president in her own right, she did in fact promise things like decriminalizing illegal immigration taking a way -- >> but that! she's clearly change -- >> know she hasn't. >> yes, she has she has not said that.
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>> millions upon millions of illegal immigrants smacks became the border czar a few years ago. >> she wasn't put in charge of the causes of migration. >> the coup -- the kamala harris refuses to do her job as border -- border czar. >> jesse: know these people have any dignity? that emma greco many for president won't even talk to you think you're useless and you still go out and show for her. whether to say about a candidate who steals our nomination, lying about record and then won't show her face? elections drill down to one thing, character. trump has an opportunity to turn this election into are going to work for someone who is real or a phony? which lohry national review writes this in the times for presidential races in this sense are deeply personal reminder usually involve qualifying the opposing candidates rather than convincing voters that his or her platform is wrongheaded. everything has to be connected to the deeper case that mr harris is a week at a
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phony app and eventually care about the country or the middle class. the scattershot traumatic attack on harris need to be refocused on these character attributes. politics, not that hard. [chanting] have to do the democrats have been trying not to do, tell us who the real kamala harris is, a week fraud fixated on being exposed. instead of fixated on you, the voter. did you know that kamala harris didn't grow up in oakland as she always said she did? >> this daughter of middle-class oakland -- >> kamala harris grew up in brooklyn -- the people's republic of berkeley. berkeley. the most insanely liberal present in america. her birth certificate lists an apartment right next to berkeley's canvas. is a half block south of people's park which is basically ground zero for every single radical protest movement.
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come i attended berkeley public schools and was even bused to berkeley public schools, remember the little girl was me? if you lie about where you grew up which is at the core of who you are, people can't trust you. maybe one day she'll be asked about it. or maybe not. investigative journalist glenn greenwald is here. glenn at the media now basically sidelines in an election year usually a pretty big year for the press in this country, is where they get the ratings, it's where people participate in the democratic process but they don't care. when i tell you about the media? >> if you have any the but all as a journalist number 1 job you have is to demand accountability and transparency from people who are seeking political power. and the idea that she's not sitting down for any interviews, is not just media strategy. i think we have to remember that kamala harris was
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basically a national joke until there was this excludes -- on her behalf about 34, five days ago when the democrats impose her on the party in a country without having a single vote in one of the reasons is because every time she's spoken autographed as much president it was a gigantic embarrassment in the 2019 when she ran for president in a democratic primary that her campaign was such a disaster that she had to drop out before the first vote was cast even though she had every strategic advantage in the world, they were petrified of letting her speak without a teleprompter, without a script because they know that she has no mastery of any of these issues and she has proven over and over and more so no soul, no real believe catholics believe of any kind. >> jesse: you would think the media after covering for joe biden four years and ruining what the local ability they had left would feel a little embarrassed about basically pivoting in three weeks and going right back to another kind of corrupt cover-up. and they have no qualms about it.
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>> i think is systemic of him on the part of the media like to the country and conceal joe biden's to mental state is one of the biggest journalistic scandals in the last several decades. i mean everybody knew, you know, those of us who were willing to state were all speaking openly about it. it was an open secret in washington and in the media presented in a know and they were so shocked in the debate and you are right there was a gigantic scandal rejecting and again their desperation gathering is to do anything to help the democrats defeat donald trump and you are right if they cared at all about their credit ability, they would be leading the way condominium that kamala harris it down for an interview and yet that only are they not doing that on -- >> jesse: what city were you born in? >> in new york city. >> jesse: and were -- where were you raised? >> i was raised in south florida -- >> jesse: so is it that -- okay. that's not that hard. you didn't like to me about it. maybe someone can ask her. >> jesse:
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>> i think that's the point. she had no consistency, she changes every time and is white doesn't want to interview. >> jesse: thanks, plan. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: from advisor similar, what's going on with this debate? all of a sudden i think this is locked in abc has got it, the tenth we have the ground rules are set in stone. what's happening now? there's notes calendar going to sit down at the mics might be on. what's going on? >> yes, he angers a little something more sinister in play here i think the reason were -- is because today is the third anniversary of a disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan on the perfect attack in abbey gate that left 13 servicemembers that. is the president trump at arlington cemetery earlier today laying the reason and spinning time with gold star families. and has campaign, keep in mind kelly wrote these rules, the agree to these rules. another trying to swap out these rules like the swap out
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their original candidates. but the reason why they picked today to do this is trying to distract attention away from kamala harris. i think this is really cynical. i think this is just disgusting, what they're doing. and keep in mind, kamala harris said that she was the last one in the room when the decision was made. those debts are on her and it's shameful that typically belong -- launch this attack. >> jesse: is definitely a distraction. tell me about this negotiation. so she agrees that make it down, she agreed to standing and she agrees to know notes. and now she comes out with all these other demands. is the -- do you think she's trying to wiggle her way out? >> what i think kamala harris is looking for an offer on. i think there several days in tournament prep and you realize that they're in trouble. even mind the last time someone got in the political ring with president drunk it ended their career. joe biden went from a sitting president to basically an afterthought. and so i think the harris, is really starting to freak out here but also there's another
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issue, it's been over 36 days since kamala harris has done an interview or a press conference or anything of the sort. i think she's pete. think president trump had all the momentum after our junior came onboard -- >> jesse: let's see if she can stand or sit. it should be fun to watch. i can't wait. thank you so much come jason miller. >> ♪ ♪ a new secret service whistleblower straight ahead.. >> ♪ ♪ did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit chase really knows how to put the hart in your local community.
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. >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert the congressional task force just surveyed the site where trump was almost assass assassinated. at the same time another group of congressmen in dc held a separate forum investigating the shooting. other than a few congressmen that everyone has given up on
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the story. your former president's head was almost blown up on live tv and we still don't know anything about the shooter. the media should be knocking on doors every day. but is just fox and the new york post doing the legwork. the post talk to a neighbor who said the shooter's family is an enigma. "everybody around here knows each other but no one knows them. you can ask anybody on the street i barely know these people. i didn't even know their names." and the police aren't even stationed in the shooter's neighborhood anymore nah has been weeks since police were here. there's nothing happening, no police activity. that same neighbor who wants to remain anonymous says she doesn't think the shooter acted alone. what went on in that house? why didn't know -- they know their son was going through whatever that they were going through or that the sun thought the way that he thought? i don't think he acted alone. that would be my best guess. today we are finding out the
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shooter's father hired a powerhouse criminal lawyer, mr crookes hired john quinn and matthew loach out of the pittsburgh firm, when loach. these debuggers are some of the -- there superlawyers. how does the assassin's that have the money to higher lawyers like this? and why they have the higher defense lawyers if you had no idea what your son was up to? and who recommended that hire these lawyers? and did you know that thomas matthew crooks the assassin, was cremated just days after july 13th? the fbi didn't want to hold onto the body. why not? and why are the authorities not cooperating with investigators? >> all i can really tell you is the secret service at the fbi busily dragging their feet calendar stonewalling out and we've gotten some transcribed interviews but the documents we request are heavily redacted.
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delivered the day of the investigation -- interview so you really can't use documents to conduct interviews ineffectively -- were not getting squat from my standpoint from the secret service or the fbi. >> jesse: you have to rely on leaks to hear the truth. one whistleblower senator josh holley that the top brass as secret service headquarters told agents do not request extra manpower for the rally where trump was shot. why would he do that? why not just deny the request? why make a point of telling them not to ask? was it because he didn't want denial of extra manpower for trump in writing? the allegation predicts the secret service director's testimony. he said trump wasn't denied resources for the rally. were also finding out that at least five secret service agents were placed on leave after the shooting. including the head of the pittsburgh field office who was in charge of the security at that for probably in the psych agent who was in charge
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of devising the security pl plan. that agent was actually on trump's detail. we don't know if they were placed on leave for disciplinary reasons or something else. but it's also been reported that the day before trump was shot that local police set aside radios for the secret service. but the secret service never pick them up. so when local police were radioing that there was a man on the roof, the secret service never heard it. apparently didn't know. [crowd groans] -- crooks was up there and he fired shots. the story isn't adding up. over the secret service be that incompetent? was crooks working alone? congressmen mike waltz says this "i find that hard to believe and i want to see where's the proof." how did he learn to build those ied's? how did you learn to install remote detonators? how did he conduct those searches and not get caught? crooks was using three for encrypted apps to send messages.
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the fbi cracked into two of the three they say but they won't tell us what's in them. they also spaun 700 messages sent on social media but a source says to the poster that it's possible they weren't written by crooks, maybe by an older family member. "some of the comments were years old, they didn't think the language matched what would be expected from a 15 or 16-year-old. so there was some discussion over whether it could've been his dad or shirt account." just like with the jfk assassination, the intel agencies are going to try to hide the full story from us. but a lot of people inside those agencies are not happy. we expect to see a lot more leaks from whistleblowers. which gives us hope that we might one day find out what really happened in butler. congressmen cory mills is here. congressmen, a lot has happened in the last 72 hours with this story. what are you seeing now? >> look, we had our very first hearing today if you
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will, our forum where we had been cheaper who is one of the actual kinds of snipers that was on around there. he confirms not only what type of a sophisticated explosive device that thomas crooks had as well as for the multichannel detonator, but he also confirmed two he thanks. wonder that the secret service refused the offer after mitigation platforms to be able to ensure that everyone has a call him to channel that can utilize. and two, that they were offered a surveillance job by local law enforcement and once again the secret service refused utilize it so now we have three things, jesse. we have no columns plan and look at medications which is refused we have no increase of presence by the secret service as they claim they didn't want to make the offer that was refused. we had no surveillance going to be wealthy or we did a be able to get views on the edr building because it was refused. the question now becomes why was the secret service setting this up for failure may not going forward and
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utilizing all the available assets or resources to ensure the safety and security of former president donald j. trump? >> jesse: what could are possible explanation be for refusing all of this stuff? >> again i think they're going to try to run this whole idea of negligence or the fact that they're going to try and say that it was the fault of three or four -- the bottom line stops at the director themselves and i can tell you, we asked dan bongino today, former secret service officer, whether or not he feel safer with ronald rowe at the seat and he said absolutely not. look, this is a culture of a fostered dei society whereby they are not trying to send their best. i went through a plethora of lessons 2023 to 2024 of all the failed and missteps that has been taken by the secret service. so i can tell you it is a culture issue, is dei at heart but this is either criminal was negligent or person snack. >> jesse: i hope you find out what happens. thank you so much, congressman.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: did i mark three years in the field of guest and withdrawal down the beginning of the end for the biden-harris demonstration. president. >> was in arlington national cemetery honoring the service members who were killed meeting with the fallen soldiers families and laying a wreath during the ceremony. >> jesse: these are the start and ceremonial duties that we expect presidents to perform. consoling victims families, laying reads, honoring sacrifices payment so where is the actual president? joe biden. since dropping out of the race, biden has spent over half of his days on vacation. after spending five days a donors vacation home in california, biden the screw
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back for a seven day vacation at beach in delaware. >> mr. trump: america's future is under threat like never before, right at this moment in my opinion, our country is that the most dangerous level we've ever been. and i hate to say this but we have a president who went on vacation or week ago and now he came back and he went on vacation again. >> jesse: 20 days on vacation. more than me. but i'm not the president. kamala harris has been awol for four straight days too. the thing we have president barack obama running the country. i'm not sure why biden isn't celebrating the afghan withdrawal since he call it a great success nah. >> judge jeanine: pack-mac. >> president joe biden: last night in kabul the united states ended 20 years of war of big mac in afghanistan. extraordinary success of this mission due to the incredible skill, briefly and selfless courage of the united states military. >> jesse: kamala harris as
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the debacle at the kabul airport and a paradigm is going down was laughing. >> jesse: the vice president tried to take some credit for joe biden's withdrawal plans too, watched me what i think he made a really big decision, afghanistan. were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> and you feel comfortable? >> i do. and i'm going to add to that. this is a president who has an extraordinary amount of courage. >> jesse: so brave. out,.com on their covers clay, we cava later this 20 out of the 37 days, joe biden has been on vacation and he has just started the two of a seven-week vacation in rehoboth beach.
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wouldn't you want to show you had a low muscle after just getting whacked? like you still are president instead of basically admitting you were never president? >> i think he's pouting. he is like the kid who's losing a kickball game or a woeful ballgame and takes the ball and goes home. we've never seen anything like this in the history of the american presidency, since the force joe biden out at an event is monday after midnight address in chicago in the over office address how he basically has been completely absent. and i think he is trying to show democrats how angry with them he is by not doing the job of president of interstates and it's scary, frankly, that certainly iran sees it, russia sees it, china sees it. this guy is an office until
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january and theory and he is clearly not interested in doing the job. we don't think he's mentally and physically able but at least he tried to pretend before. know that he's not running for reelection, he's dialed out at a level that none of us alive today have ever seen in american presidents. >> jesse: do you think the people responsible for the coup told him to take the rest of the presidency off? so it doesn't look like you still there so kamala doesn't have to be seen with him and people just forget he is the incumbent? >> in all honesty i think this one a part of the negotiated settlement. i think that he said if i'm stepping down, you're not going to richard nixon me. i'm not going to throughout the peace signs as i get onto the helicopter on the south lawn. i get to finish, you're not pulling up the moving vans. i get to finish my term, you get to run kamala, but this is the price. in addition, and that, to millions of millions of dollars and not tens of millions of dollars to some sort of joe biden foundation to build a library. this is embarrassing. and tamika this, this is the only way to explain exactly what's going on right now. just getting from one
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billionaire's house to another and if we ever talk about how in the world he has -- i think it's a 7000 square food beach house. i mean the fact that he owns this property and nobody said wait a minute he never made more than $175,000 a year during the entire ten year of his 50 years in the government, somehow he's got a multi- million-dollar beach house and we just pretend that it's normal. >> anything yet another beach house after november we are going to know exactly how much they paid him to step down. >> that's very true. >> jesse: clay, good to see you. >> ♪ ♪ fox news alert, dr anthony volpe was hospitalized with the west nile virus. and is now recovering at home. he was sent to the hospital in mid-august after apparently coming down with the virus from a mosquito bite he got his backyard. the former chief white house medical advisor spent a week in the hospital before getting discharged. now while they're currently not any specific cures or
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treatments for the west nile virus, dr crans eight is expected to make a full recovery. dr fauci is expected to make a full recovery. >> ♪ ♪ johnny hits the beach. johnny hits the beach. >> how about that dnc convention? >> everyone was waiting forfl beyoncé sobolev down by kamala. h ba you should use it every wash, otherwise the flakes will come back. he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head & shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here. i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. make every wash count! and for stubborn dandruff, try head & shoulders clinical strength.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert aerobic and national committee suing detroit after learning the city hired seven times more democrats than republicans as poll workers for the election. of the rnc claims detroit's election commission appointed about 300 republican poll watchers compared to well over 2000 democrat poll watchers. breaking a state law that says there should be equal representation from both parties. rnc culture lara trump said the committee will do everything in its power to ensure blue states play by the rules. >> if you are a person who was attempting to cheat in our elections or an illegal citizen attempted to illegally vote in our elections, we will find you and we will track you down and we'll prosecute you to the full extent of the law. we are watching everything hour filing lawsuits when
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necessary and we are making sure we have people everywhere about her being cast and counted to have eyes on everything. >> jesse: much different story indexes were governor greg abbott just announced he's removed over 1 million ineligible voters from the state's boater rolls ahead of november. nearly half a million of them were dead. and several thousand were noncitizens. how are thousands of foreign nationals able to register to vote in dated states? to keep saying its illegal and it doesn't happen. but now virginia and texas have just found thousands of them. primetime hopes that more governors will follow the lead set by glenn youngkin and greg abbott. >> ♪ ♪ so kamala and tim walz hrebik convention last week and then a day later rfk junior shook up the race and endorsed trump. so what's everybody thinking? johnny hit rockaway beach to find out. >> ♪ ♪
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>> how about that dnc convention? >> the worst. >> i feel like they pay people to go there. >> everyone was waiting for beyoncé so i'm a little let down. thanks, kamala. >> you're welcome. >> kamala says she's going to bring back joy nah why has your life lack joy? >> the supermarket, all right. see the prices of everything. >> our taxes, that really -- really high gas prices. >> you think kamala will be able to fix that? >> she hasn't done it now. >> have plenty of joy. joy joy, joy. >> joy! >> -- what is she talking about? >> i think i fell out of a coconut tree. >> that means nothing. >> a coconut tree -- never heard of a coconut tree -- what does that even mean? >> i think it's whatever she thinks that that means is means. she doesn't know what she's saying. >> some kind of riddle.
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>> it makes no sense but -- in that her slogan? >> folks, i thought about it and i don't know what to say. >> is kamala even make sense? >> no. >> she doesn't. trump knows what she sort -- keep saying. >> if you're with her you're not with me so you get. >> mr. trump: i'm very concerned about this. i'm not really. >> kamala harrindon and interviewing over a month. what is she afraid of? >> she's afraid of the truth. >> sounding like joe biden. >> she might be ask something like she might -- she's been in office for x one of years while you promising all these years and you haven't done them yet? were using you going to do that in the future when he condemned them now? >> ♪ ♪ >> what have you heard about tim walz? >> how he in the deacy was a little weird. >> we can about how he -- >> and then high-five, high-five. >> ♪ ♪ >> a guy who she was to be
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her vice president tampons in the laboy's bathrooms. gave illegal immigrants drivers licenses and let writers destroy his city. you sound like a nice guy gathered and he? >> new york was being righted not to many years and it was great. >> were opening temples in -- for them on the ceiling and play with them. >> i was born in sicily and i work every day, till now, nobody gave me anything. >> you don't even ought to drive energy over our roads. >> ♪ ♪ >> he also lied about his military service. is not an honorable thing to do? >> lying is not an honorable thing. >> my father was in world war ii. that's no good. >> mind your own damn business. >> .com is running against you guys but now he's got rfk junior on his side and megan are going to help him? you and i think there a good move. >> for democrats who -- this going to be the key. >> and he's got a lot on his side too. >> i think if rfk junior -- element of curve
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>> will see. >> rfk junior want to make america healthy again. are you a happy guy? >> i like to eat. you know, elected ring a little bit. >> unflexing. >> i work out every day. >> let me see her muscles. >> that me see you hit my hand. oh! >> ♪ ♪ >> you're going to be on fox news what you want to tell jesse? >> hi, jesse. >> this is anthony, this is my will. >> trump 2024. >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: a little update about my weekend. that's next. >> ♪ ♪ ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: great weekend at the beach his grandfather celebrated 90 at everybody in the family there, here's a look. >> ♪ ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: just want to clear up a little misinformation there that was not swept under my armpit going down the side of my torso. that was the shadow from my big muscular arm. i was not sweating. i just want to make sure that there is no hoax. let's do some tax. >> ♪ ♪
6:00 pm
voters get nothing from hearing candidates yell over each other." peter from st. paul, minnesota, "not only is kamala not from oakland, she spent most of her teen years in montréal, canada." woman is from berkeley in canada and never talks about it. we will. jake from collegeville, pennsylvania, "biden did an extra week of vacation to heal his wounds from all of pelosi's backstabbing." probably getting a little plastic surgery on the back. mark from nunavut act, connecticut, "instead of a presidential library maybe biden get a presidential sandcastle." [laughter] i'm just thinking him struggling to pick up that beach chair. that was stuff dvr the show, john is next. always remember, i am watters, and this is "my world." >> ♪ ♪


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