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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 27, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> brian: it's 8:00 on the east coast, tuesday, august 27th. this is "fox and friends."
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>> lawrence: mark zuckerberg says he regrets not speaking out more about censoring americaning. peter doocy will have that coming up. >> steve: and opening the door about talks about iran's nuclear program. that is interesting, we'll talk to former secretary of state mike pompeo in about 15 minutes. >> ainsley: a exte mom about parenting. >> i don't want to be room mom, team mom, if the room mom needs money for everyone to participate, i am a venmo mom. >> ainsley: we'll share thoughts when jimmy failla joins us live. >> brian: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. your morning is better with friends. white house responds to mark zuckerberg's letter saying meta
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ceo gave in to the biden-harris administration. >> lawrence: peter doocy live from the white house. >> peter: jim jordan posted this, mark zuckerberg wrote senior officials of biden administration, including the white house pressure sd our tea to censor humor and satire. i believe the government pressure was wrong and i regret we were not outspoken about it. white house official told us when confronted when the deadly pandemic, this administration protected public health and safety, our position has been clear and consistent.
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we believe tech companies should take into account the effect of their platform -- information they present. zuckerberg is writing about hunter biden censorship. he says when we saw a new"new y post" story reporting on corruption allegations involving joe biden's family, we sent that story to fact checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply. it has been made clear the reporting was not russian disinformation and in retrospect we should not have demoted the story. i asked president biden about this at the time his team was trying to censor the hunter content. >> do you still think the stories from the fall about your son hunter were russian disinf disinformation -- said? >> yes, yes, yes, god love you,
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man. you're a one-horse pony. >> peter: we never heard anybody from the white house come out to admit what we all now know that it was not russian disinformation despite what president biden said in 2020 and what his team told us when they took office in 2021. back to you. >> steve: mr. one horse pony -- >> ainsley: remind us of those sound bites. >> steve: over a year in office, you asked jen psaki about the same thing and they stuck to their guns and said absolutely, it was russian disinformation. that was just their line? >> peter: yes. they continued to treat that letter signed by couple dozen intel agents talking about their opinion of russ ian disinformation, that remained gospel here. again, we know this is not
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ruzian disinformation. we never heard anybody correct that the way mark zuckerberg did with that letter. >> brian: here is the other thing, it affected the debate. >> lawrence: of course it did. >> brian: what are you doing with the biden family doing with investments and they stopped it. that laptop? 51 intel agents. joe biden knew it was his laptop. you know if someone is that comfortable lying to 50 million people. >> ainsley: it affected the election, too. people were asked if you knew about the laptop story, would you have voted for biden? a lot of people said no. >> brian: trump put the fbi director there, cia director there, director of national intelligence said this laptop is real, john ratcliffe.
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>> lawrence: what do we say to zuckerberg 3-1/2 years later? like thank you? every major scandal, we report when people are late. we've been talking from the beginning, we have reporters to to source this stuff and talk about political pressure and intel agencies, people trying to do the job. he comes around 3-1/2 years later saying we've got it wrong. the election is over now. what are they going to do different? are they hands off? >> steve: last thing you would say to him is thank you. he said in this letter, the administration pressured us, but it was our decision, we own that decision. the fbi said look out for disinformation and facebook screwed this up completely. why do it now?
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house judiciary committee is looking into it and talking about regulating his company, that is last thing he wants. he wants to be able to make the decisions that led to ill-fated choices they made in 2020, he w wants to continue to make them. he should have said we're -- jump ball, throw that out. >> ainsley: social media platforms should not be able to compromise standarded being pressured by administration, whether republican or democrat. >> ainsley: at time of covid, facebook had a stated goal to push people to get the covid-19 vaccine. why push that message? why not allow lawrence and steve to comment on facebook. it is a public forum, as long as it is not putting anyone in danger or threatening.
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>> brian: this is what they would say, if you say ivermekt me/* mectin is bad. that is why they went after joe rogan. >> ainsley: why did they allow fauci to say, if you get the vaccine, you will not get covid, they allowed that. >> brian: a lot of stuff is wrong, they think it is right. if they think it is right matters. >> ainsley: who is they? >> brian: cdc were the ones calling the shots. >> steve: comes down to what the house judiciary committee has been suggesting is content moderation. every big company, what they put on social media platform, they should be responsible for it. they got protections they have
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had for decades. big question, where do they draw the line? the fbi, federal government said there is you have it is, it is up to you, you have to decide, they decided. now he says we wouldn't make the same decision. it is too late. >> ainsley: you know what they did. the seeds is saying, take this vaccine if you don't want covid. that was false information. fbi is saying and intelligence officials saying the laptop is not real, and now learning from r.f.k. jr., fda, 75% of funding comes from fpharmaceutical companies. they will approve drugs that might not be the best for you. that is what we've learned over course of last four years. >> lawrence: can we trust the fact checkers at facebook? or in general.
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emseems like to me secret people in secret rooms that networks rely on. they want to determine debate. will these be same people that got stuff wrong be fact checking next debate? putting the hand on the scale and i don't like it. >> steve: big story we'll be talking about all day long. let's talk about the election. trump and harris campaign battling over debate rules as candidates head to key swing states. >> brian: harris and tim walz will kickoff bus tour in georgia tomorrow. they must be really getting along, they are never apart now. former president donald trump and j.d. vance hitting stops in wisconsin and michigan. former president will take a couple days off.
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>> ainsley: team trump looking to keep up with their momentum after landing the endorsement of tulsi gabbard. >> brian: you have r.f.k. jr., which was a big move, four or five points in every battleground states and tulsi gabbard, not a rumor she is disenbe chanted with democrats. >> ainsley: she became an independent, she is not a republican, she is just end endorsing donald trump. >> lawrence: democrats wanted to have spirited debate within their party, the parties, we're not welcome. you have to believe what we believe or get out. >> brian: when trump said, my deal is with joe biden, not with you. no, you did a deal with the nominee, see you september 10. trump said what about september 4 on fox. no, only september 10. we're changing the rules, those
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were biden rules and now we'll do our rules now. no way, kill the mics, it seemed that was for biden. trump thrived when joe biden couldn't finish a sentence. kamala harris wanted that unscripted moment when donald trump will intrup and she will say, this is my time and everybody will clap. >> lawrence: had is hipom -- hypocrisy. they wanted to honor last contract, they don't want to honor the rules. i think she is trying to find some way out of this debate. to that point, also, giving them what they want, should be all three abc, nbc and cnn all. >> ainsley: he wanted a f fox
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debate, she said no. she said let's do abc debate. i will agree even though you did not agree with me. i will go with abc. now she's saying, i want to change the rule. when does anything go in his favor? >> lawrence: nothing. >> steve: here is what happened, used to be a commission on presidential debates that had rules. we knew what was going to happen, live mics and audience. trump and rnc walked away from that. >> brian: it was joe biden that said forget that, these are rules, see you in june. >> steve: talking about years ago, in 2020, rnc said this did not work out, we're going to unhook ourselves from that. >> brian: with ron jona mcdanie.
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>> steve: correct. in meantime, there are only two things we know for sure we'll see them square off and that is the vice president and presidential debate this week we're waiting for her to sit down with major news out fit. >> ainsley: what style do you like better? it was not good for democrats, i thought it was more pleasant to watch, they were not intruping each other. >> steve: don't cut the mic. >> ainsley: i like it. >> lawrence: i like the fact of asking the questions. >> ainsley: each get equal amount of time, you cut after two minutes. >> lawrence: is kamala harris going to use all her time? her former boss, current boss, did not use all the time.
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>> brian: she can lengthen a point. >> ainsley: talk about everything she does not agree with trump and never talk about her own policy. >> steve: jake tapper would say, you have 75 seconds left. >> brian: do you like school buses? i love school buses and venn diagrams, we're being fair >> >> steve: that will be september 10, stay tuned. switching gears. anti- anti-israeli protesters swarming cornell university and causing chaos as the ivy league school began fall semester yesterday. look at that. >> brian: griff jenkins has the story. >> griff: anti-israel protesters are picking up where they left off at cornell, take a look, graffiti and vandalism, glass shattered and dozens of protesters turning out hold ing
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assigns, free palestine and the like. it comes as no surprise to cornell who issued guidelines saying this, not to punish individuals or suppress individuals, to protect rights of all in our community. it comes after chaos we saw last semester. a returning cornell junior says they are not protecting jewish students. >> as we're starting a new school year, it is imperative administration members keep in mind these antisemitism and illegal actions will continue on the campus so long as they go unissue approximated. >> griff: cornell law professor william jacobsson says this goes beyond first amendment
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protection. >> they don't seem to recognize that when you use bull horns inside the library and set up an encampment in the quad, you are not doing it to express yourself, you're doing it as act of dominance, saying we defy the administration. >> griff: cornell is not alone, here locally in d.c., gw university, small number of protesters marched to the gw president's house, unclear whether the tent encampments will come back. >> steve: do parents have to pay tuition if your kid is in a tent all year? >> griff: for students returning or going for their first year to cornell or ivy league schools, your student have to pay tuition and protests will start up
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again. >> ainsley: don't need housing. >> brian: last week, iran is behind this. they are financing this. this is no organic protest for vietnam war where kids were going to be drafted, that was organic. this came out of nowhere. there is no passion in the palestinian cause prior to october 7. this is financed from the outside >> . when ayatollah is praising, you are on the wrong side. >> ainsley: a professor at cornell described this as exhilarating and the former president had to step down. >> lawrence: we had the president on, he said the faculty backs this stuff, by and large they are teaching the kids. no one says free palestinians
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from hamas. how about not stand with hamas. >> ainsley: vice president said people are up for suspension and criminal charges. >> steve: for parents and students who decide to go to college, that is a factor. >> brian: speaking of iron iran's supreme leader open to negotiations with the u.s. over nuclear program. isn't that nice? we'll ask former secretary of state mike pompeo about that n next.
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>> brian: fox news alert. iran supreme leader is reportedly opening the door to optionion with the u.s. over their rogue nuclear program on the heels of hezbollah and idf trading heavy rocket fire with israel. chief correspondent trey yingst is in tel aviv. set the table, trey. >> trey: good morning. we're tracking comments from iran's supreme leader indicating iran republic would be open to discussions about the country's nuclear program. reality is iran continuing provocative activity across the region and no evidence to
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support the statement they are open to deesqcalating the program. they are close to weapons grade material and pursuing a nuclear weapon. we are following discussions out of cairo, egypt today, continuing discussion of possibility of ceasefire between israel and hamas. the conversation, according to the biden administration moving forward with minor details being discussed such as name of palestinian prisoners that will be exchanged for hostages. hamas says the terms have changed. new evacuation orders were given to palestinians yesterday, evacuation orders include a hospital that houses wounded gaza ans. new videos targeted hezbollah.
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return of fire is daily event with fresh israeli strikes with r rocket and drone alerts in northern israel. they do try to avoid broader war, that has been unsuccessful. major developments expected today, not ready to report that news out of gaza yet. >> brian: back to brand new reporting that iran supreme leader saying there is no barrier to engaging in negotiations with the u.s. over their nuclear program. bring in fox news contributor, former secretary of state mike pompeo. what do you think the grandiate ygrandiate ayatollah is up to? >> i suspect he wants to return to talks with the biden administration.
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the irans have walked away after they were given everything they wanted. they now have enough enriched to build a weapon. president biden refused to enforce sanctions, when they say they want to reengage, probably with president biden or if lucky president harris, where they can have a scharade of agreement, which they will not comply with. they cheated the nuclear agreement and will cheat again. they are intent to be the world's largest state terror of sponsor. >> brian: good news from reuters, israeli military says hostage kidnapped october 7 was rescued in gaza. it has been hard getting them
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out, got a few out through great intelligence. good news. fa fast-forward to three years ago, explosion at abbey gate. president trump played role of president yesterday, not a president or vice president showed up to lay a wreath. he talked about what he would do if he wins in november. >> we'll get resignation of every senior official who touched the afghanistan calamity to be on my desk at noon on inauguration day. you have to fire people when they do a bad job. >> brian: never found out who is responsible, we killed the wrong person loading water jugs into his car and the president never read the after action report. do you back up the former president with that statement? >> that is sfot spot on, abs
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sense of accountability with the death of the 13 that day, all the injuries, those who were injured and american equipment and people left behind, this was indecent and there has been no accountability. folks most accountable that day were joe biden and kamala harris. she said she was the last person in the room with him. she is deeply responsible for the decision they knew would result in what resulted, they knew it would be a calamity and chose to do it for political decisions. >> brian: joe biden was nowhere to be found, went from one beach to the next. vice president said president biden made the decision, our
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administration demonstrated we can eliminate terrorists without troop deployment in combat zones. talk to any intel experts, we lost our eyes and ears on the ground with these terror networks. she isim claing because they took out one terrorist we h have -- what is reality as former cia director? >> vice president harris has no idea what she's talking about. it is more dangerous there today for united states of america let alone women there. terrorists in afghanistan and central asia is much greater because of what biden and harris did. we lost baghram. president trump and i understood what needed to be done. the biden administration threw
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up their hands and ran aways and it created enormous risk and vice president harris' statement is not true. >> brian: she is trying to divorce herself from it. this is not the deal you cut when you left, anything like that. thank you, appreciate seeing you. >> thank you, have a good morning. >> brian: 30 minutes before the top of the hour. the clock is ticking, the vice president vows to do an interview before the end of the month. what are they hiding? to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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charge of this country. votes are earned, not given, through you going out and explaining yourself. vice president kamala harris has to go out and explain her agenda and former president trump should explain his agenda without us asking. >> lawrence: he's not wrong. kamala harris' supporters are calling for her to do an interview. not one since becoming her party's nominee. byron york joins us now. nothing profound about what charlamagne said, this is basic politics. go out, make your case to the american people, why is it so hard? >> he does interviews, too, do one with him. i think that vice president harris is staying away from the press for a couple reasons. one, she's really not a very
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good extemporaneous speaker, we've all seen that. that would give her a lot of opportunities to make trouble for herself. the other reason, the press is doing her work for her right now, portraying her as centrist and moving to the center. and harris not saying anything about that. she's getting that done for her without doing an interview or a press conference, which i think would be better. there is a huge internal debate about who to do the interview with, only a few days left. we should focus, this is one interview, she should be doing interviews and press conferences with groups of reporters and offering daily access to reporters traveling with her. she is not doing that.
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>> lawrence: doesn't she risk waiting too long and making a cat caa stroph ic mistake? >> exactly, if you wait, the interview is like the super bowl with everything on the line and what you want to do is have a lot of interaction with reporters give them information they said need and use reporters to get the message out. she's missed that boat, that opportunity has come and gone. there is a big build up and we're waiting to see who gets the interview. it should be fox news, maybe they have different thoughts. we'll see when it will be in next few days. >> lawrence: administration called joe biden press conference big boy press
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conference, i'm waiting for the big girl press conference. we'll stand by. >> still waiting. >> lawrence: fox news alert, learning more about the israeli hostage rescued from gaza. we'll check back in with trey yingst coming up. with chase freedom unlimited, you can cashback 3% on dining including take-out. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that. earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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>> new information, fox news alert with israeli hostage rescued from hamas captivity in gaza. >> ainsley: trey yingst is in tel aviv with the latest. trey. >> trey: good morning, rare, breaking news for you, good news gaza strip. israeli special forces rescued a 52-year-old bedwin man taken hostage on october 7. we're learning more about the operation that took place this morning. navy special forces entered a tunnel in southern part of gaza strip rescuing this 52-year-old alive, taking him to a hospital in southern israel. israeli channels are airing video of his family rushing to the hospital.
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this man has 11 children, he will be reunited with them shortly. a hostage has been held in a tunnel since october 7. they were able to rescue the man in a join operation between special forces, army and intelligence agencies. >> ainsley: great news? >> brian: how many are left in >> trey: more than 100, dead and alive being held by hamas. >> lawrence: three americans free from russia in a prisoner swap are staring down a new -- >> ainsley: held as prisoners. >> brian: we got to crack down on them, they had it too good for too long. madeleine rivera has details. >> madeleine: ooanother roadblo
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for americans held hostage abroad, the three are dealing with thousands of fines and fees from irs for not paying taxes while held in russia. folks owe 5% for each month they are late and the penalty will continue up to max of 25% of unpaid tax. the agency is on note us to s sus suspend collection, the i.r.s. cannot forgive it. stop tax penalty on american hostage act spear headed by mike rouse and chris kuhns.
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mike johnsons they are looking at the senate bill. >> ainsley: check in with janice dean for the fox weather forecast. >> janice: where you from is this >> australia. >> alabama. >> very nice. >> connecticut. >> montreal. >> another canadian. >> poland. >> international here on "fox and friends." take a look, thank you for being here today. in new york, 70, but humanitarian creeping up. heat alerts, it will feel over 100 from chicago to louisville. severe storm threat continues for midwest along gulf coast and southwest, also watching the pacific, could impact hawaii and the atlantic. we will watch this over the weekend. br breakfast is always better with --
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>> friends. >> janice: i think that is the tag line, right? >> brian: not really. >> breakfast. >> mornings. >> lawrence: created a new slogan. we'll take it. >> ainsley: we eat breakfast in the morning. >> lawrence: in the diners, we'll take it. cell phone use in the classroom is first issue teachers are forced to confront in school. >> ainsley: average teen receives 270 phone notifications per day. >> bryan: should cell phones be banned from classrooms? doos on the loose to find out. >> steve: i'm talking to americans, it is back to school season. 11 states have banned school use of cell phones. you're on your phone. what is your name? >> katie.
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>> steve: are you late? >> little bit late. >> steve: should children be able to take smartphones into school? >> my answer would be no. i understand safety part, it is dangerous having smartphone, instagram, facebook, as mom of three boys, i get nervous about them having their own phones. probably wait until 16 or 18 to have a smartphone. >> steve: their friends will have phones. >> life is not easy. >> steve: go to work. good morning, how are you? where are you from? >> central illinois, farmers from central illinois. >> steve: look at these skyscrapers, we grow them tall. >>ic mas a difference. sgls should they have them in school? >> i don't believe so, no. >> steve: why? >> they need to focus on
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studies, pay attention to teachers and teachers should have their cell phones put away during class. >> definitely not, school is for learning, my kids did not have cell phones until later in high school, it is not necessary. >> steve: nice to meet you. have a nice visit to new york. people are stopping. where you from? >> tuscaloosa, alabama. >> steve: my son-in-law is from alabama. what do you think about having kids with cell phones in school? >> i don't mind them having cell phones, technology for education, leave your cell phone in your backpack and use your tablet. >> steve: doing a selfie, who you talking to on the phone? >> my husband. >> steve: what are you telling him? >> telling him i am meeting you
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and janice dean. >> steve: what do you think about phones in school? >> my daughter should answer that, she does not think it should be in school. >> steve: this is peter doocy's actual flip phone. i got to see who is in it. dana perino is coming up next in nine minutes. word on the street, people think it is good idea for kids not have have them, maybe they need them for safety? >> dana: i'm obsessed with this topic. by and large, 90% of adults say no, if teachers are asked to do that, parents have to back them up and talk about that on "the five." deep tease. thank you. mark zuckerberg tells congress biden-harris administration pressured meta to censor information. and harris and trump are neck in neck and karl rove will analyze
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and california could approve housing loans for illegal immigrants. and a baseball story that will take me a while to understand. see you at 9:00. >> doos on the loose is sponsored by "reagan." let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose?
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>> i don't want to be on pto, pta, room mom, team mom. i don't want to do any of that. i started getting stressed when they start asking for volunteers. no, i know they're judging me because i'm not raising my hand. if the room mom needs money for everyone to participate fine i'll convenient mow money over. i told the coaches today i'm a venmo mom. >> ainsley: ducking out of volunteering and more than happy to send over the money to help out instead. jimmy failla, what do you think? >> i'm not a venmo mom but a miller lite dad. i contribute in my own way. i get tanked in the parking lot with the other dads. i like this woman because she is being forward with the fact she doesn't want to be there. at the same time she does want
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to help. she is telling coaches hey i will send money. one of the reasons women like her don't want to go, the opposite of this woman which is the mom who wants to do everything because she also considers herself like a senior in high school and goes to every event and wants to be the face of the whole thing. in the mascot costume. nobody likes that mom. venmo mom is honest and cutting you a check. >> ainsley: giving the money to someone to the mascot mom willing to do it all. >> tiktok is a portable insane asylum. everybody needs to declare their positions and that's the only thing i criticize. >> ainsley: she has four kids, a busy life and schedule. this wedding guest that many guests are left fuming because they are invited to the wedding. have a dinner afterwards and told to leave at 9:00 because there is no music but then they are told go to the nightclub and pay your way and we'll call that the reception.
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this is what was on reddit. to save money they aren't having any music at all. instead of dancing and socializing after dinner the couple is asking the guests to leave by nine and join them at a crud crowded nightclub for dancing and drink. they are calling this plan their reception. >> it is a win for the guests. these are not fun people. the fact they are switching you venues is giving you on out. i couldn't find the place. for my money it's a win if you are a guest at that wedding that you don't want to be at. >> i like going to the ceremony, then i like the dancing after, too. >> i heard that about you. >> ainsley: i love a wedding. i would be disappointed. i don't like a nightclub anymore. those days are done. watch jimmy's joe saturday night at 10:00 p.m. see you tomorrow. >> dana: biden-harris administration bearing down on facebook. mark zuckerberg admitting th


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