tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News August 27, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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member sixth we know it will go the other weight and she will play back to her base. is unfortunate, we see her go through this every election season and generally who suffers is people in crime-ridden neighborhoods and it's the police are obviously over there trying to do their job. they have to put so much paperwork on police recently, in new york city for car stops, of course cops ago stop doing them and you can see the results. >> judge jeanine: that they lose their interest, we asked why they took it down by the way and we did not get an answer. paul, appreciate you being on. you are the best. that is it for tonight, i'm judge jeanine pirro again for laura ingram, make sure to catch me every monday through friday on the five and follow me on instagram. thank you for watching and my friend jesse watters takes it from here. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime! tonight... >> of this issue is about a
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vanity project for this. it won't stop them, the wall won't stop them! b3 the kamala campaign goes ultra maga, nash wants to build the wall? >> mr. trump: the waters got 10 feet higher! >> they would have it in a nice rubber room is. >> jesse: rfk's running mate, nicole shanahan, joins primetime >> at this is what the music industry is all about. >> i love this is go. >> jesse: did he strike us back at his accusers, you will tell you exactly what that means plus... >> sometimes the unthinkable can happen. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: politics is like a poker, when you have no cards you bluff and hope your opponents fold. kamala harris it is not have a
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good hand but she's still afraid to bluff herself, so the media's doing it for her, that tell you what kamala's positions are so you don't have to, and they change them so she doesn't have to. as a convention, they went all in on football, camel, country music, for kamala grew up in canada and wants to take your guns. she's bluffing. harris says no tax on tips. plagiarize is trump's policy. she and biden can cut of the tax on tips now, why don't they? when i wake up this morning, i opened the paper and i see... kamala wants to build the border wall. yeah. if she's elected president, she pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a wall along the southern border, a project she once opposed and called un-american during the trump administration. acts uses telling does that kamala harris is bludgeoned to build more border wall, have you heard. >> everyone: pledge not? i haven't.
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her handlers are just saying she will build border wall. just not as much is trump wanted. does kamala harris know what a calm. >> everyone: campaign is saying? >> of this administration has decided to vilify them in trade on them for the sake of this presidents made evil vanity project called a wall. that will not vote for a wall under any circumstances. >> huge decided to vilify immigrants and put his whole political strength around this vanity project would cost taxpayers billions of dollars and by the way that wall would never get built. >> that wall won't stop them! [ cheering and applause ] no! no! [ laughter ] [ cheering and applause ] >> jesse: this is what killed john kerry, i was for the war before it was against it. kamala harris was for the wall before she was against it.
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can wait for them to cry better. somebody should ask nancy pelosi if the ball -- if the wall is racist a black woman build it, good thing tim walz invested in that latter factory not that more walls are going up. does walz even know what his running mate is running god? democrats think there is a sense of danger in sending him much to do big solar interviews because you might not have a full command of where walz is on every issue, is because harris doesn't have a full command of where she is in every issue. the borders are decided to stop building the wall and sold the steal for scrap and now she wants to build a new steel at full price and keep building? byron harris sued texas reporting the fence fence up, nash likes fences? did the borders are tell joe biden to build the wall and he did not listen, or is she going ultra maga to win an election? >> a write a story this morning that her advisors are considering just topping all of
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dancho's policies. [ booing ] the are more popular, in fact i have heard never heard debated just a couple of weeks she will put on a navy suit, long red tie and a slogan, make a make a great again. >> jesse: after plagiarizing built the wall and no tax on tips, will she bit -- drill baby drill? maybe she is because her campaigns as she does not support an ev mandate anymore. kamala harris did not say that, the campaigns at that. even though kamala harris cosponsored a bill mandating that all cars go electric by 2040. if trump is so unpopular -wise she's doing his policies? kamala harris is campaigning on trump's right about everything and i'm wrong per at this point, kamala harris she just debated herself, watch this new added... >> everyday prices are too high. food, rent, gas, back-to-school close, that is called bidenomics , a loaf of bread it
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costs percent more today, ground beef is up almost 50 percent. is not much left at the end of the month. >> a bidenomics is working! >> it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead. we are very proud of bidenomics. [ laughter ] >> jesse: democrats have not have not decided what kamala harris believes in. they haven't decided. "they". issue joe biden's vice president, or e4 prosecutor? issue the borders are or not? kamala harris so busy thinking about herself has her time to think about you, could not even decide who to do her first interview with. political said the hair is that camping or is asking reporters who they think she should talk to. they say definitely has to be a woman or person of color, obviously. a harris campaign is shopping for the perfect reporter, not just any reporter will do, it has to be perfect.
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behind the scenes, tv producers from big-name anchors have been calling the campaign to pitch their talent as the person she has to do it with. 's into this so exciting? i wonder who it will be! but this just in... it took kamala harris 39 days to decide to give an interview to cnn. god! that was tough. i thought it would be an bc! the interview will air this thursday night, it will be taped, dana bash will be asking questions and tim walz will sit next to call among the entire time. we will not do judge it and, i'm sure the interview will be fair and balanced. kamala harris spoke to the nation last thursday night and is not going to be seen again until this thursday night. she took the whole week off to prepare for a cnn interview with the running mate. do they have some staff are playing doing mock interviews? probably because when she was
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invited to a dc dinner party she was so anxious she had to staffers holding a market dinner party. she would consider drinking wine in the mock prep, handlers decided no. we don't need a president who is not prepared to go to a dinner party. why democratic president afraid of democrat reporters. trump did a lot of townhall on cnn and he did not to spend a week worrying about it. cnn was one worrying. trump does not need to pretend to go to dinner sees ready for dinner. he knows who he is, you know who he is. and you know what he wants to do. com onemak part tends be somebody she is not. does not know what she wants to do until her campaign tells her. world leaders stood across the poker table from cole, is a small fear. they know that. are you going to gamble our country away on a frightened woman too insecure to tell is who she is? dana lasch, not to be confused with dana bash, a radio host...
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who is calm "! and it... wad we have 2839 days to give an interview to cnn? >> that's the million-dollar question. jesse when i heard the news she will have tim walz with her, there's a listener on the radio program that made them. that's literally a scene from stepbrothers and it is, is in that movie more than i'm comfortable then admitting to. remember both characters showed up to their job interviews together in it taxes, it's kind of the same think,. >> everyone: , her going and sitting down with cnn. she has to have help, no really empowered candidate has to be handled pick out thing the party has any confidence with hard to be let loose in a sitdown interview, and she has a candidate does not have any confidence in herself to sit down and talk to at member of the press, somebody as from the
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as it dana bash, one of the most inoffensive anchors on cnn. she will go to bagehot for democrats but still, she still doesn't even feel comfortable in that environment. it's weird. you mentioned her flip-flopping on issues, this is part of the problem when you are a sub candidate, you have a file for weeks to establish itself in front of the nation, that is why she's not putting up any policies positions, she's too terrified owning them in. she was her campaign to float them out there in front of the american people, see who bites in the press, see which idea makes it and come out and publicly endorse or embrace the idea. this is trial ballooning in front of america, because she lacks the confidence as a candidate, as a leader, is a politician. that is why they rejected her and others stuck with her. she is barely 1 percent behind it paid to buddha judge it in 2020 for crying out let. >> jesse: it is creating a
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vacuum over people are filling in her policies and that could be good if you are a democrat but the media cannot do it for the next three months and fox's doing it, it's all over the media, axioms is saying issues for the border wall now, she has come out against the tax cuts on tips now, for the ev mandated, now she's not. nobody knows what our policies are his go she does not know what they are! heidi think the voters are processing this? >> i think they are asking the same questions we are, she was -- if she was more -- if she was for securing to the board, why did she not show up? and asked days, one of the cosponsors over that border bill, it was garbage. i agree everything to trip roy said about that bill. they were anticipating trump wanted to tied up so they couldn't do anything about it that's another story. but she did not even show up with. the vice president of the united
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states, she and biden were not there at all when they were debating this, she's been mia. could have endorsed that and say you know what, this exec a good measure to go and strengthened the border. she's been mia on all of this stuff, and she can't come out and say believe in these things. she called it a mid evil vanity device. that is what she referred to it as among other things. she's been mia on this entire issue and communities at the border have been struggling to pick everything people will abide. they look at her on tax cuts, she is a gaiety, she wants to let of these tax cuts expire from 2017, making the middle-class pay more. you can't lie to people what is into their bank account, or whether totals are. >> jesse: i am sure it dana bash will ask her all of these detailed questions. >> sure, i'm so sure. you will just be drowning in clubs. >> jesse: and will be watching
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hannity at nine and then we will show you the clips pick think. [ laughter ] you make trump announcing today he is done debating over the debate has come to an agreement with kamala harris, they will appear on abc, that "nastiest and most unfair newscaster in to the business" standing with no notes, no cheat sheets and the mics will be muted. john roberts is the coanchor of america reports. have you ever seen this much negotiation over a debate? >> yeah, and even more so the positioning of the podiums and the microphones, how much time each candidate gets, whether or not they can wear that is aware that. does a lot of negotiation that goes on and apparently if you listen to the haters campaign, the negotiation whether the mics be open or closed is still going on. her campaign insists trump said he'd be happy to have the mics open but now he's being overruled by his handlers. i think what they're trying to do is are trying to go donald
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trump into saying okay, let's get with the mics open because what kamala harris is looking for in this debate, she's looking for a moment. articulating her policies and flip-flops we see will be very difficult for her. she gets one of those moments where trump utters something under his breath but he soared through the microphone, she could do one of those moments where she says wait a second, i'm talking here, why you so rudely interrupting me when she's done before? >> jesse: or she could just interrupt trump! >> if you could! >> jesse: she doesn't have to wait, she can just go in there and how one of those moments when she had on the view, and gonna do nothing about of the border wall! she gets all sassy with it. what is going on with her policies? >> it's possible but i think the streak for hers to say wait a second year interrupting interrupting me, this is my time >> jesse: play the victim, right. be victimized. what is going on with her
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policies? your hard news guide, you have seen of this campaign happened before. have you ever covered a campaign like this? >> this is a really good question as to what is going on with her policies because we don't know. right now we have media outlets like axioms which are articulated the policy for her. if you have a friendly media not to say that axioms is one way or the other, but if you have a friendly media jumping policies it's good what if you have an media willing to deacon -- dig down a deep and compare what he said five years ago with what you think now and you allow them to go ahead and run with the ball, that can be very difficult for you as a candidate. a lot of people were looking at this idea that she is now for finding the border wall saying wait a second, in this bill she says she will sign, it merely extends the deadline for spending of the funds, it doesn't really say has to be spent and even if they are, is only a fraction of what trump was planning to spend on the wall. it really does not move the
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needle a whole lot. if she is flip-flopping its to a minor degree but it's probably more perception than anything the. >> jesse: you know what they say, is problematic. that is what they say. this problematic and you have a new special on fox nation, the godfather of fentanyl cocktails quickly about that. >> episode number 3 is dropping tomorrow on fox nation, the discourage of fentanyl ripping this country apart, every week it seems more fentanyl comes across the border from mexico, the trace of the origins of fentanyl to a guy dubbed the real walter white, member the character from breaking bad? he started a cookie hair when, methamphetamine, also cooked lsd in early 1990s graduated to cooking street fentanyl. fentanyl was initially invented in 1959, know we could crack the code until he did, unleashed havoc on the streets of america. you follow that from the very beginning to his death.
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and in an interview with him done by a member of the bureau of narcotics, the whole thing is very fascinating, it's a great watch. >> jesse: all right, check it out and there's also five behind the scenes special on fox nations, you will tell you that later in the show. >> hopefully it is not involvement fentanyl. >> jesse: i can't speak for greg but. [ laughter ] democrats are threatening to the -- to institutionalize rfk junior, is wanting to meet, nicole shanahan, is next. [ ♪♪ ] looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. ♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪ mop smarter
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>> robert kennedy junior, the jeffrey dahmer of the animal kingdom, has horrified his family almost as much is it jeffrey dahmer horrified his family by endorsing the most horrifying republican presidential nominee in history, bobby kennedy was as to not -- assassinated which it created apparently eight quilt around the name kennedy, and name which his son has now fully disgraced. >> jesse: the kennedy dynasty and the maga movement have both been targeted for assassination. after rfk junior trump's endorsement, biden-harris stripped his secret service protection and the democrats tried to strip trump and kennedy's name off the ballot, we already know the left wants trump incarcerated, that they want rfk junior institutionalized. when i feel sorry for the kennedy family, you can pick
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your friends, you can pick your relatives. and bobby kennedy, they would have him in a nice rubber room, take care of this guy. he has no business being out on the street mixing and mingling with people. but we have a mental health crisis in this country. >> jesse: rfk junior's former running mate, nicole shanahan is here. really has the mental health crisis! this is crazy talk. >> this is wild. of asking myself what happened to the party of one of the go low weagle hi because right now they're just going lower and lower and lower. and i am shocked, i am saddened, i'm worried for them honestly, they have lost their soul, they have loss or direction, and if you're going to pick a target, you gotta pick it and little bit better. robert f. kennedy is one of the
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kindest human beings i have had the pleasure to get to know. he said it is the other day, i do not have a bone of revenge in my body. this is somebody who has been attacked over years now from all different angles, big pharma has come out for him harder than anybody. will have to say bobby shows up he -- he shows up with grace every time. he told me, you will get attacked in ways he would have never expected but remember, every attack is a signal from god, show up with kindness. >> jesse: i should take that advice! that sounds a good idea. [ chuckling ] nicole, has to you had a big event in arizona. you're running to me got on stage and he says you going to make america healthy again. tell us what that means! >> so making america healthy again is admitting the fact that we have the highest chronic health disease rate of any modern nation, we spent was metaphor points extolling
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dollars on healthcare, it doesn't seem to be getting anywhere. is asking hard questions of wiser healthcare system not delivering healthy people? we know that there is a huge amount of collusion and a huge amount of corruption in our agencies, they going to decouple that, you will decouple big pharma from our government agencies that are responsible for delivering healthy results to people. it will stop censoring scientists that are telling us the causes of these diseases, were not going to just walk him all the issues anymore, we will get to the root cause of them. and we will be honest with people, we will help them garden themselves into health, will fix our food supply chain once and for all, we will figs dirty water once and for all, you know robert f. kennedy cleaned up the hudson, he cleaned up the whole river system and there are many other systems in this country that we know if we had an opportunity to, we could clean out all of the toxins that we know are making to as a second. and we will see those health results turn around matter of i
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think we could do it in six months, we will see a decline in autism. >> jesse: pier far the country in six-month, that is ambitious but i'm sure it if anybody could do it i'm sure bobby could you pick anthony for ouchi was brutal into the censorship regime, now zuckerberg has come out and said yes, we censored jokes during the pandemic, even admitted the laptop thing was a hoax, the fbi made it up and he felt ashamed of covering it up. what will we do about it that it? you running mate spoke very specifically about censorship during the campaign? >> yes, i think the call it right now to mark sucker break is disclosure can be transparent. how does this happen? who were the officials that went to you and asked you to censor? who was on that list? why were these people on the list? white did you ask the question? there's this whole level of exploration that could happen right now, market has put his
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foot forward it to offer it up, now it is our chance to ask for him to deliver. >> jesse: at which they waited censor gutfeld! that is daily censorship i want. everybody else should have free speech. nicole, finally, thank you for joined us. i think it was a pleasure, i will speak for both was. >> it was a pleasure, thank you. >> jesse: see you soon. who are the lawyers representing the trump assassins family? straightahead... [ ♪♪ ] migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp - and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget-you-get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta®. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta®. the forget-you-get migraine medicine™.
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moment is kind of like during an interrogation or suspect to finally break his, puts up their and admits they did. write a zuckerberg a letter to congress admits the biden harrison team bullied them into censoring content, even at jokes writing "senior officials from the biden administration including the white has repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor surgeon covid-19 encoding humor and satire. i believe the government pressure was wrong and i regretted we were not more outspoken about it. zuckerberg said they were also wrong for censoring the hunter biden story saying "it's been made clear to the reporting was not russian disinformation and in retrospect, we should not have demoted the story. for a zuckerberg four years later in 2024, hindsight is really 2020. but for the biden-harris white house it is not. they would not do anything different sagan's statement, reacting to zuckerberg, our position has been clear and consistent, we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account
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the actions of their actions have on the american people. we don't know what vice president harris will continue the same social media censorship campaign if she is president but the trump team it says it not happen under the administration. >> the leader one of the most important social networks in the world just came out and said i censored donald trump in the one of to the election because there were certain elements within the biden administration and biden campaign that encouraged me to do that. that is crazy. >> everybody wants to know why zuckerberg had a come to jesus moment of months before the presidential election, one source tells me zuckerberg ultimately knew this is what houser what wickens wanted out of the investigation, so he gave it to them kind of like a plea deal. >> jesse: thank you, grade job chasing those people down. we still don't know anything about a man who shot trump in the head, we're learning the fbi wants to question the shooters parents. to find out what they knew, and how crooks slipped through the
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net. that is what the family never told the daily mail. this could expand whether shooters parents are lauren gale. they didn't just hire any lawyer, they retained one of the top law firms in pittsburgh. how did two parents who were social workers living in a modest house of ford hot shot super lawyer? we're digging into this law firm, so far we found out that they have donated to democrats, and they represented a was accused of calling a black juror aunt jemima kind was running as a democrat and republican. felt crooks was registered as a republican. none of this makes sense. the more we learn, the more questions we have. we are told in 20-year-old kid managed to scale a roof and shoot the former presidents air off? he was looking around the rally spotted by law enforcement, they thought he was suspicious but nobody stopped him. secret service never picked up the radio, they did not hear the local saying, hey,, there is a
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guy on the roof with a gun. and the secret service turned down a drones to scout of the rally ahead of time. who does that? 's swot operator working at a trump rally says they were left in the dark big lesson. >> at the lack of coordination between targetable and secret service left ground elements into the dark and prevented necessary time to prepare for specific venue considerations pick and needs prior to that event. all over watch,'s neighbor, counter superpositions should have had direct communication with each other's that they at that rally. >> jesse: that same swot operator said it was odd of the fbi washed off the roof, the shooter fire from just days after the assassination. he saw eight -- he also said it was strange that his body was cremated right after his death. don't you think investigators would want to hold onto the body for a little bit? too many things going on here to just chalk it up to pure incompetence. one of crooks' neighbors says she doesn't think that he was working alone.
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congressman walz is skeptical to, wants the fbi to show some proof that it crooks was alone wealth. right now we cannot believe anything they tell us. missouri senator, on the judiciary committee is here now. what are these whistleblowers continuing to tell you senator? >> what new whistleblowers tell me is the leadership of the secret service told the agents advancing the rally not to request additional manpower. he said the same thing to the campaign so it directly contradicts what the secret service director told congress, is that we never denied a manpower request, suggesting they told him ahead of time don't request more resources, door across counters neighbors because if you do we will denied. this is a lie! went to the director told congress is a lie. we need to know why are these guys lying to us? >> jesse: you know government and how it works, what would they say ahead of time don't
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request this because we will not give weight to you? they're not want a paper trail? >> i think that's right, i think they wanted to be able to say what the directors had to congress misleadingly, we never technically formally denied everything -- anything, that is because you told him into van zyl requested, we want to give it to you. this was an attempt to hold down the resources, it was an attempt to deny counters neighbors, remember they got counters neighbors to come on the day, earlier they said no counters neighbors would be available. can you imagine what would have happened if there were no counters neighbors at all? >> jesse: no, i don't want to imagine that. where they supposed to get four counters neighbors teams were the only got two? >> that is right, there was supposed to be the counters surveillance division, their presence, the ones usually do this site advance, the identified problems with the security perimeter, whistleblowers tell me they did not get to do the advance because again secret service
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leadership denied it. we need the faculty because the more we learn the worst is get. >> jesse: you understand why you turn down a drone, a summary was offering you from the locals a free drone, you don't have to pay for it! we just had to say sure i'll take it. why, knowing there was a possible attempt from the irradiance what they say no drone? >> it makes absolutely no sense, they know it doesn't because one of the day after the assassination attempt to, the secret service went right back to the local police provider who offered them the drones and said oh please please can we use of now. so it turns out they didn't need them, always say they need them, we could all see that it. their refusal to put them in the air ahead of time is an explicable, totally. >> jesse: lastly, will ask you fire to the co- shot then neutralized crooks, was it from a secret service counters neighbor rifle or was it one of the local counters neighbor guys? >> i don't know the answer to that.
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i don't know if we know the answer to that. we know -- >> jesse: how do we not know that it? >> exactly! the reason we don't know still why was in that is secret service counters neighbor on the roof of the agr building where crooks was? why weren't law enforcement guarding the perimeter of that building as it plans called for? we still have no answers and nobody has been fired for this. >> jesse: i hope these whistleblowers continue to talk to your office, you in maybe one or two people are the only ones who were getting close to the truth, so thank you. >> thank you. democrats are giving illegal aliens checks for $850,000. [ ♪♪ ] and diddy fights back. [ ♪♪ ] t one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite-
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soo and kamala harris in to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. (♪♪) behind every splenda product is a mission. helping millions of people reduce sugar from their diets. now try a sweetener grown by u.s. farmers.
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introducing zero-calorie splenda stevia. at splenda stevia farms, our plants are sweetened by sunshine. experience how great splenda stevia can be. grown on our farm, enjoyed at your table. (♪♪) [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: sean devine combs and his team currently doing everything they can to get a his a 30 million-dollar lawsuit dismissed,'s coming months after rod detailed the alleged abuse he wanted to while working with diddy. senior national correspondent kevin corke with more.
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>> jessica good evening. bought a jones suing him for 30 million, claiming federal court document that he was forced to engage in sex acts, he was drugged and groped while working for him it. also said filed back in march of that mr. diddy is part of a ringo and apprised involved in a sex trafficking to venture. for his part of the hip-hop mogul farted back against the producer, blasting his it claims as being legally meaningless allegations and blatant falsehoods. agree to the post, in his court papers shows that you claims must be dismissed because his second amendment does not establish standing suit, fails to plead a pattern of racketeering activity and fails to plead of a annemac enterprise. meanwhile, junior is also a defendant in this case along with mr. combs pick as you know
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by now, homes has been hit by numerous other sexual assault claims including one by longtime ex-girlfriend, cassie ventura late last year, which diddy quickly settled allegedly for tens of millions of dollars. >> jesse: siu thank so much, we will keep you guys posted. while kamala harris is pretending to be moderate, pair california comrades are throwing it bombs into the campaign. can find democrats passed a resolution that gives illegal aliens at $150,000 to buy a house, zero interest loans. taxpayer-funded. no credit, no problem. that's how the great recession started but california doesn't care. my house is your house. giving illegals free starter homes and freeze exchanges and where is glamorous gavin newsom? hiding pick a spokesperson told fox that gavin doesn't usually comment on pending legislation
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but it is not a pending, it's on his judgement on the way to his desk for signatures. the guy who lost 44 billion helping the homeless, "helping", cutting checks were illegals. california dreaming. >> what is the body spending on? >> finalizing the report, we will help -- hoping to have that published. >> why is it taking three years to get data, the system was implanted in 2021. >> it began in 2021, it wasn't fully implemented until 2022. >> that still two years ago, why is it taking so longer? you are the one that said your urgent, maybe my sense of urgency is different than yours, you cannot tell us all? how many people we have helped? >> jesse: know they can because they have not helped any. kamala harris better tell newsom to get himself injected because in a pro- migrant legislation that gets passed will get blamed on her, maybe newsom is trying
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to sabotage her. the adam carolla show, joining us now, hundred 50 grand! that is a lot of money! >> the good news is in california you couldn't buy a refrigerator box to live in 450 grand said don't worry about it. >> jesse: i don't know, a hundred $50,000, any get this exchanges, and get the healthcare and get the free marijuana, don't you? everything is for free out there! >> you know, we are innovators and leaders here in california, that is what newsom always says. we do something and the nation follows. it's like know, we're like the drunk guy who jumped on to the major league baseball playing field and ran around with his shorts around his ankles, we get tackled,'s like the rest of the stands are emptied out onto the field, which is good pepper sprayed and subside and dragged off. >> jesse: the rest of the 49
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states go, don't be that guy! [ laughter ] that guy, look at johnny, don't get so drunk you're like i. i'm just amazed because where are we going to give these few migrants ford massages? it's the least we can do! >> i mean if you really just susie think about it, how many of these people can you lead in without eventually giving them something? they can't just live here under the radar, as second-class citizens. it is a basic math issue, if you will a whole group of people in, you can have to give them something at some point and he also need their vote. >> jesse: you do need their vote but they said over and over again that illegal aliens cannot vote, yet in virginia and in texas, they keep stripping thousands of illegal aliens from the voter rolls back very, very confused.
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>> look, they said if you got the covid-19 vaccination you could not get a covid-19 and you couldn't spread covid-19, remember 10 minutes ago and they said that? >> jesse: i just got covid-19 and i probably spread it, but i did stay homes are probably just give it to my family, that's fine. adam, when i see gavin at the convention in chicago, and this guy, by the way didn't even get a convention spot to speak so everybody hates him, but he's acting like california is fantastic. of been to california, there are beautiful parts of california, everybody knows that. what about california is there that people don't know? >> there is one nice part of california and that's jay-z's and beyoncé's house, other than that -- [ laughter ] it's a dumpster via. 's falling apart, before voting with their feet in their u-haul's.
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sweeter jay-z and beyoncé have not put up any of these illegals at their house, is that correct? >> a note but they have 26,000 square feet if they choose to open a couple of rooms. >> jesse: maybe a wing, could they give up a wing? is that too much to ask? adam carolla not living in a cardboard box! sure their library is filled up with a lot of voluminous leather bound books. adam carolla, thank you as always, good to see you. up next, primetime takes you behind the scenes miss j. [ ♪♪ ] did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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jessica, suite. they now, busy. >> dana's and control. she controls the show. greg is unpredictable. and then those addressee. i'll leave it at that. >> jesse: i don't remember it shooting mad but it's good. check it out now. let's see some text messages. todd from birmingham, alabama, is it just me or does a country seem to be running smoother with by then on vacation? is like barack obama's presidency, not as bad. bob from a jackson, tennessee, trump did not take a paycheck as president will kamala harris copy that too? a great question. on thursday night. also ask about tampons. joe from illinois, watching the
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show i was in present there on that cnn can door. you may be a liberal but at least she is rational. that means if your rational they will institutionalize you. rod from washington, jesse i love your show but grow up and stop disparaging gutfeld? have you seen what he says about me? watch one of his shows and you'll see what i'm doing. you're saying the underarm sweat photo from yesterday was a cheap fake. i don't think so. yes, it was a cheap fake. it was a shadow. i insist. i wear johnnie's deodorant. carolina from north carolina rail manas white. -- real men swiped. not when you're bowling.
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