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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 27, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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the red sox ended up losing theb seven three. so you could say that he had a role in thlu e blue jays win. also, he wore two jerseys form it and he's going to be sendintg them to the baseball hall of fame. >> well, i like it when you have two sports. hey, i like it when guys playh for both teams. for. i like to clarifcly. o all right. e dopes. d of thes these wannabe thieves were caught trying to break into a california jewelry store in broad idaylight daylighteeme with sledgehammers but failed miserably. they seeme gd to get too tireddb after multiple blows and they couldn't break the glass, so they eventually gave up and ran away. t, i will be hostingi the ingram angle, as i did last night. but i forgot to tell you to telt last night. but we can't go back because it's tonightght.. m >> where are you going?se wat calling back? yeah. evertees. >> even though i wish i could have a great night. everybody just welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonight. is ab >> this issue is about a vanity
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project for this president, right? that's that war ain't going to stop the emm. >> no, no. the kamala campaign goes ultra k maga. >> now she wants to builamdalulr the walla ma. >> the wall just got ten feetghr higher. hey woul if bobby kennedy lived in a more humane country, they woulda have him in a nice rubber room. >> rfk, his running materubber, nicole shanahan, joins primetime now. this is what the music industry is all about, so just go crazy. i love this guy. >> diddy strikes back atd he his accusers. we'll tell you exactly what that means. pluste what th, sometimes the u. can happen.. >> politics is like poker when you have no cards, you bluff and hope your opponent folds. kamala doesn't have a good hand, but she's too afraid to bluff herself.
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sogood h the media's doing it fr they tell you what kamala is positions are so that she doesn't have to. and they change them se soo shee doesn't have to. >> at the convention, they went as. in on footballsn hav all campo country music. carmel is from berkeley, grew up in canada and wants to take your guns. she's bluffingin, harris tells us. no tax on tips. just plagiarize is trump's policy. she and biden can cut the taxonp on tips now. >> why don't they? i >> when i wake up this morning, i open the paper and i paper a see kamala wants to build a border wall. >>kamala yeah. >> if she's elected president, yellar harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border. >> wall a project she once opposed and called un-american during the trump administration. >> axios is telling us that kamala i s pledging to build more border wall. but have you heardre borde kamala pledge that? >> i haven't.
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her handlers are justsaying saying she's going to build border wall. border just not as much as trup wanted. >> there's kamala harris. n is >> know what the kamalasa harris campaign'yis saying? >> this administration has decided to vilify them and to prad>> of thn hae on them for te of this president's medievalanit vanity project called a wall. >> i'm not going to vote for a wall under any circumstancojel says it has decided to vilify immigrants>> and put his whole political strength around a vanityl un project called the wall, which would cost taxpayers of america billions of dollars. >> and by the way,t that walz will never get built. >> t that wall aren't] going to stop them. no, no, no, no. kille >> this is what killed john kerry. erryi was for the war before i s against it. kamala was for the wall before she was against it.
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>> can't wait for aobe agac to c on carmel's little wall. someone should ask nancy pelosr- if a wall is racist, if a black woman builds it. >> good thing tim walze investm in that ladder factory. now the more walls are going uzp . does walls even know what is running mates runnindoeseveng o? >> democrats think there's a sense of danger in sending them out ere is to do big solobecaus interviews because he might not have a full commanu mighd of whe harris is on every issue. oh, that's because harris doesn't have a full command of where she is on every issue. dol czars administration stopped building trump's border wall and sold the steel forr scrap, and now she wants to buy new steel at full pricscw sherrs and keep building. >> biden harris sued texas for putting fence up.e >> now she likes fence. l did the border czar tellikes f biden to keep building wall? and biden didn't listen to her. e or is she just going ultra mai to win an election? i read a story this morning that her advisers are considering just copying
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all of donald trump's policies . they're more popular. in fact, i've hear, ind that for her debate in just a couple of weeks, she's going to put on a navy suite of she, a long , and adopt the slogan make and n. jesse agai after plagiarizing, build the wall and no tax on tip: s. he >> is carmelo going to drill, baby, drill? maybe she is becausedrilby her campaign is saying she doesn't support an ev mandate anymor shee. kama kamala harris didn't say that. the kamala harris campaignlat sa said that even though kamala harris co-sponsored a bill mandating that all cars t go electric by 2040, if trump so unpopular, was harris stealin.g his policies? kamala harris is campaigning on trump is right about everything and i'm wrong. at this point, kamala should just debate herself. hers >> watch this new ad everyel day . prices are too high for rent, gas, back to school, clothes cae that is called biodynamics.
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a loaf of bread costs 50% more today. brown beef is up almost 50%.. there is not much left at the end of the month. abiden-nomics is working. the price of housing has gone up a field so hard to just j be able to get ahead. >> and we are very proudust bedd of biodynamics. not democrats haven't decided what kamala harris believes in. decidedt kamalathey haven't de. is she a joe biden democrat or a trump republican? is she joe biden's vice president or just a formersecuto prosecutor? >> is she the border czar or nor?e or nt? kamala, so busy thinkingka about herself, she has no timema to thinklaus about you. n decide who toe do her first interview with. politico says the harris campaign waso asking reporters who they think she should talk to. mping orthey said it definitelys to be a woman or a person of color. woman or, the harrisis c campaign is shopping for the perfect reporterampahoppin l just any reporter will do. it has to be perfect d i.
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>> behind the scenes, tv producers from big name anchorsn have been calling the campaign to pitch their talent as the persong th she has to do it wits in this so exciting. i wonder who it will be. ..t in.. jus >> it took kamala 39 days to decide to give an interviewma to cnn. . that was tough. i thought it was going touoghanb c!be nbc. the the interview will air this thursday night. it will be tapedinir. g dana bash will be asking the questions and coach walzt will sit right next to kamala the whole time. >> we're not going to judge dana a bash on cnn. i >>'m i'm sure the interview the will be fair int and balance. >> kamala spoke to the nation. last harri thursday night and it going to be seen again until this thursday nigh gbet. e took >> she took the whole week off to prepare for a cnn interview with the running mate. do they have some stafferck int playing dana bash and doing mock interviews? probablyer because when she was
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invited to a d.c. dinner party, she was so anxious she had staffers hold a mock dinner party. she even considere marked drinkg wine in the mock prep, but her handlers decided n o, we don'td need a president who isn't prepared to go to a presida dinr party or a democrat president afraid of democrat reporterresidents. >> trump did a live town hall on cnn, and he didn't spenump dd a week worrying about it. cnn was the one worrying ou and trump doesn't need to pretend to go to dinner so that he's ready for dinner. r se fhe knows who he is. you know who he is and you know what he wants to do. kamala harris pretends to bes somebody she's not and doesn't t know what she wants to do untilh her campaigner tells her. when world leaders sit across the poker table fromker tabl kno kamala harris. they smell fear. they know her tellw s. u goin >> are you going to gamble our country away on a frightened woman to insecures to tell us who she is? >> dana loesch, not to be confused with dana bash is a
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nationally syndicated radio host who is kamala harris and why do we need to waits to 39 days to give an interview to cnn? >> that's the million dollar question. and just so you know, whenll hav i heard the news that she was going to have tim walz with her. there was a listener to my radim walzh o prograher,a m that the remark that that's literally a scene from step a. and it is. think about it. and i've seen that movie more times than i would actually. i'm comfortable in admitting ie to. but john c reilly and will ferrell's character remember coeir both of their characterstm . they showed up to their job interviews together and in up to less.ryone: this is kind of like the same thing with kamala harris', her or her goinger and sitting down with cnn. i mean, that's she has to have help. no, reallye help, no r empoweree needs to be hand-held. >> and i think that this project's two things. i don't think that the partyhas has any confidence in her to let loose in a sit downanoose interview with the press, number one. number two, she as a candidate, coesn'a nd shet have any confide in herself to sit down and talk to a member of the pressnf, someone as friendly as dana bash. i mean, she's one of the most
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inoffensive anchores on cnn.ancr i mean, yes, sure, she'll go to bat for democrats, but she's kind of inoffensive compared to some of the other ones. she doesn't even feel comfortablehotdemocrate in that environment. it's -- it's really weird. thatking of weird, i t is weird . and you made mention, too, of her flip flopping on all of these issue s. jesse, this is part of the problem when you're a sub candidate. m wh youyou know, you got four i to basically establish yourself in front of the nation. tsel thethat's why she's not pup any of her policy positions on her website becauseositions she's too terrified to own any of them. so she's going to allow her campaign toadiesong them int them out there in front of the american people. see who bites in the press, see which idea makes it. then she'll come out and publicly endorsee whicmakese that idea. but this is just trial balloon in front of americ.a. that's all she's doing because she lacks the confidence as a candidatce aidate,e, as a leadea politician. and that is why they rejectedhes her. and now they're stuck with her. she was barelyck 1% behind pete buttigieg in 2020, for crying out loud. no paid tow she's their leader. >> that's how bad this is. it's creating a vacuum where
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people are just filling in her policies. and that couldpeople are be goof you're a democrat when the media does it. but the media can't do it ford the next three months and fox is doing it. it's allfosdoing over the medis to axios is saying she's for the border wall now she's come out against she's for the tax cuts on tips. andate >> she's for the ev mandate. now she's not. nod,not. one knows what her pols are. she doesn't know what they are. are oe you think the voters are approaching this except that while i think they're asking some of the same questions we are, if she was for the if she was forns we ar s securing the border, why didn't she show up? i mean, jenks, james lankforford in that axios piece, and he wase one of the co-sponsors of that borderd days bill, which, you k it was garbage. i agree with everything congressman chip roy hasit was said about that, bill. i mean, it wasn't really anything in it would they were anticipating that of trump, abo but they wanted to tie him up so he couldn't do anything about it. that's another story. but she didn't even show up. lankford said she was a vice president of the united states.
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she's president of the senate. she and biden weren't there at allbide when they were debat. any of this h.r. two. she's been mia. she could she could have come coulndorse that. she could have come out and said, you know what, this looks like a good measure to go and strengthend g the borr . she's been mia on all of this stuff, so now she can't comes bn out and say, well, you know, i believe in these things. she called it a medievalbeliev vanity device. that's what she referred to it as, amongst othe r things, when she was slamming it prior. she's been mia on this entirs.e issue. and meanwhile, communities at the border have been struggling. and so you've had thes the hav r state governors have to clean it up. but i don't think people are going to buy it and they loo eva at her on tax cuts. i mean, she's like giddy. she wants to let these tax cuts cut expire from 2017. she's talking about making the middle class pay more. you can't lie to people about what's in their bank account. and when they do the math aftern november, you cannot lie to people about what their totals are. >> r totals i'm sure dana bash is g to ask her all of these detailed questions d. ed oh, i'm sure, jesse, i'm soions sure you're going to just be drowninure,g in clips. drown >> i'm positive i'll be watching hannity at nine and then we'll show you the clipclubs. jesse bs. e will
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>> dana loesch, thank you. trump announcing today he's done debating over the debate annou and has come to ane to agreement with kamala. they will appear on ab ac. the, quote, nastiest and most unfair newscaster in the business. t "nstanding with no notes, noho cheat sheets and the mikes will be muted. th >> john roberts is the co-anchor of america reports. amer this muchseen negotiation over a debate? >>over a d john? >> oh, yeah. and e and even more so, the positioning of the podiuvemw and the microphones and how much time each candidate gets in, whether or not they can wear this or where that. there's a lot of negotiation that goes that. os on.rently and apparently, if you listen to the harris campaign, the negotiatioyon over whether the mikes will be open or closed is still going on. campai her campaign insists saygn trump said he'd be happy to hav e the mikes open, but nowg he's being overruled by his handlers . i think what they're trying to do, jesse, is they're trying
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to goad donaldar trump into saying, okay, the heck with it. let's go with the mikesse open because what's kamala harris really looking for in this debate? she's looking for a moment because articulating her policies in the flip flops that we've seen on all of that is going to be very difficult for her. shso if she gets one of thosemot moments where trump even utters something under his breathwher, but he's heard through the microphone, she ca n do one of those moments where she says, hey, wait a second, i'm talkinwhg here. why are you so rudely interrupting me? which she has done before. so i think that she could justus be on the right track. >> yeah. or she could just. john interrupted. but she doesn't have to wait esse: shto say. she could just go righot g in there and have one of those moments like she had on the view. ain't going to do nothinad og about the wall. >> yeah, she gets all sassy with it. what'se getsith it. going on wi? >> that's possible. but i really think that i pos possib the strength forstrek her, though, is to say, waits a second, you're interrupting meto say. this is my time. right? play the moment, right? tt. be victimized. >> what's going on with her policies?
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whatyou're a hard news guy. you've seen this campaign happen before.vere have you ever covered a campaign like this? >> this is a really a good question as to what's going on with hegoodr policy, jesse, because we don't know right now. we've got media outlet right nos likeculate axios, which are articulating the policy ford her. now, if you have a friendly media and not to say that axiosr is one way or the other, but ifi you have a friendly media interpreting your policies, that'sf yohave good for you.d wi but if you have a media that is willing to dig dow an deepee and compare what you said fiveio years ago with what you're saying now and you allow them to go ahead and run with the ball, that could be very difficult for you as a candidate. a lot of peoplr you ase are lool at this idea that she's now fore fundina g the border wall andec, they're saying, wait a second, in this bill that she says that shen this is going to signt merely extends the deadline for spending all the funds i fortlyy doesn't really dictateo that they have to be spent. and even if they are spent, it's onl iy a fraction of whatwl trump was planning to spend on the wall. ne it really doesn't movano spee
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the needle a whole lot. so if she is flip flopping, it's only to a minor degree, s prob but it's probably more perception than anything. >> all right. well, you know what theyab ception say anythsay, is it's problematic. that's what they say. it's problematiclematic.. ou stick. and you have a new special on fox nation, the godfather hal of fentanyl. >> tell us quickly about that episods e number three isg dropping tomorrow on fox nation. you know, the scourge of fentanyrrow on fol that is rg this country apart every week, it would seem, in effect. and it comespart across the borl from mexico that it could kill every american. this trace com s the originsgins of fentanyl to a guy who's beent dubbed the real walteranyl t wh, remember the character from breaking bad? he started off cooking heroin. he cooked methamphetamine? yes, in a winnebago. also cooked lsd. and then in the early 1990s, graduated to cooking streeraduat fentanyl. fentanyl was initially inventedc in 1959. nobody could crack the code until he did. unleasheou cd havoc on the stree of america. we follow that from the veryy beginning to his death and an
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interview with him that was done by a member of the oklahoma bureau of narcotics. jesse the whole thing is reallyi fascinating. >> it's a great watch. i will check it out. watcse: al, there's a five behir the scenes special on fox nation. we'll tell you abouts also fiv that later, later in the show. john roberts, thank you. hopefully it doesn't involve late. jesse no, it does it?: oh, i can't speak for greg. [ l right. >> democrats are threateningla to institutionalize rfk jr. rfk his running mate. nicole shanahan is next. >> this program is sponsored by museum of the bible. the bible's impact is all around you. >> what impacts you every day? undeniably, there is one influential book that shapes the way we measure create and ignite change. the bible's impact is the bible's impact is all aroundnd rgeted r you discover how at with museum of the bible introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain relieverta with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start fighting ingredients that start working on contact new
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sale of the year, say 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed and free delivery. >> when you add any base, se donald trump's growing his coalition do include: donalr and tulsi gabbard. while union workers and blaculsk americans continue to join the republican party in record numbers, the democratskicans co see their stranglehold over their base slipping away and are lashin basg out.
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>> robert kennedy jr. the jeffrey dahmer of the animal kingdom has horrified his family almost as much as jeffrey dahmer horrified his family his by endorsing the most horrifying republican presidential nominee in history. bobby kennedy was assassinated, which instantly and it seemed permanently created a beatific glow around the name robert kennedy, a name which, an his son has now fully disgracedh . the kennedy dynasty and the maga movement have both been targeted for assassination. >> after rfk jr's trump endorsemen ssinatiot, biden-harris his stripped the secret service protection and continue to stonewall the investigation into trump's insufficient protection. the democrats tried to strip trump and kennedy's names of trf the ballot. we already know the left wants trump incarceratedwe and now, tt they want rfk jr institutionalizeyd. kenn >> i really feel sorry fored
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the kennedy family because i remind them,, you can pick your friends, you can't pick your relatives. and if bobby kennedy lived in aa humane country, they would have him in a nicen rubber room and, you know, three hearts in the car and take care tay. being he has no business being out of the street. the with people. but this is where we are ine this country. we have a mental health crisis . >>is and he's at the top at c rfk jr's former runninount jg me nicole shanahan is here, who really has the mentals craz health crisis. and this is crazy talky . this is wild. i'm asking mysel.f what happened to the party of when they go low, we go higagle hh becausejug right now they're just going lower and lower and loweor and i'm shocked, i'm saddened. i'm worried for them, honestly. they've lost their soul. they've lost their direction ha and, you know, i af you're going to pick a target, you got to pick it a little bit better. robert f. kennedy is one of the
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kindest human beings i've had the pleasure to get to kno w i . he said it the other day. he's like, i don't have a bone of revenge in my body. this is somebody who's been attacked ove this ir years now fromw from all different angles. big pharma has come after him harderllt angles than just abou and i have to say, bobby showseo up with grace every time - he said to me when i joined this campaign, he said shows, you're going to get attacked in ways you would have never expected, but justcked i h reme, every attack is a signal froms god. show ua signp with. hmm, i should take that advice. that sound taks like a good ide. nicole, you had last week big event in arizona and your running mate got on stage and he says we're going to make america healthy again. that tell us what that means. oh, so making america healthy again is admitting the factchroi that we have the highest chronic health disease ratcth dy modern nation. we spend $4.6 trillion
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on health care. it doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere. soealthcart it's really asking the hard ask questions of why is our health care system not delivering quest healthy people? we know that there's a hugewe te amount of collusion and a huge amount of corruption in our agencies. we're going to decouplf corron o we're going to decouple big pharma from our government agencies that arge responsible a for delivering healthy results to people. we're going to stop censoringten scientists that are telling us the causes of these diseases. we're no ot to just whack a mole with these diseases anymore. we're going to get tissueso thee causes of them and we're going to be honest with people and we'rl bee going to help them guide themselves into health. we're going to fix our food and supply chain once and for all. we're going to fix dirty water once and for all.u know you know, robert f. kennedy cleaned up the hudson. he's cleanedrobert. kenned up tr system. and there are many other ris that we know h that if we had an opportunity to, we couldadn clean out all on the p fast and toxins that we know are making us sicek. e he and we're going to see those health results turn around in a
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resuf of i think we could do it in six months. we're going to see a decline in autism, purify the country in six months. that's ambitious: . s but if anybody can do it, then i'm sure bobby can do it. you mentioned censorship cou. anthony fauci was brutal in the censorship regime during the pandemic. and now zuckerberg's come out and said, yeah, we erberg h censor jokessaid during the pandemic even. and he admitte, d that the laptn thing was a hoax. the fbi cooked that up and he censoredfb it.shamed he felt ashamed of it. what are we going to do about that? f're running, mate spoken specifically about censorship during the campaiginn. yeah, i think the call to mark i zuckerberg right now is disclosure. be transparent. t how did this happen?o we who were the fish officialsre t that went to youha and you to censor who was on that list? why were these people on the list? d why didn't you ask the question, why am i censoring these specificyok t accounts? >> you know, there's this whole level of exploration that can
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happen right now. mark has put his first first foot forward to offer it up, and no iw it's our chance to ask him to deliver. >> all right. well, i wish they would censorko . gutfeld that's the only censorship i want. if we can get thatitedcensor g happy, everybody else should have free speech. nicole, thank you foybodr final, joining "jesse watters primetim. i thin tk it was a pleasure. i i'll speak for both of us. it was a pleasure. >> thank you. very nice to have you on. i'll see you soon. so who aree you so? >> the lawyers representing the trump assassins family trum♪ straight ahead. you know what's crazy? that this is better than cooking at home? you know, i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. okay. groceries are expensive, but i was in trouble there for a sec. >> what you are we're going to start blanketing the east coast with fashionable started experimentation with production of street simple. they can sell as a heroin
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the project, you put nothing down at all. eight, three three leaf filter or visit leaf filter .com today . does back pain keep you up at night? it literally keeps me awake, but i found a bed that virtually eliminates pressure points and joint discomfort. they suffer mattress has eight hundred and 84 lumbar zone pocketed coils that adjust to my body's curves and movements. i bought it because it's endorsed by the american chiropractic association, but i'm keeping it because i'm finally getting the healthiest sleep i deserve . >> mark zuckerberg confirming that the biden-harris administration censorede last americans interfered in the last election. >> fox busines es correspondent hilary vaughn has the latest. >> hillary. hey, jesse. well, mark zuckerberg is finally coming clean. house republicans have been investigatin i mezuckerberg's media for over a year, and this moment, it's kind of like
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during an interrogation when a suspect finally breaksurin pu. up their hands and admits they did it. well, mark zuckerberg, in a letter to congress, admits the biden-harris team bullied them into censoring content,in even jokes, writing, quote, senior officials from the biden administration, including the white house, repeatedly pressurederationd our teams fora to censor certain covid-19 content, including humor and satire. i believe the government pressure was wrong, and i regret e th that we were noter more outspoken about it. zuckerberg says they were outs to censor the hunterwrong biden laptop story, writing, quote, it's sincr censore been b clear that the reporting was not russian disinformation. tand in retrospect, we shouldnn have demoted the story. ha zuckerberg, four yearsou later, in 2024 hindsight reallys is 2020. 0. but for the biden-harris white house, it's not. they wouldn' e birris whit do anythinghing different. saying in a statement reacting to zuckerberg, quote, bee our position has been clear and consistent. we believe tech companier ans and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have ors shoulne m
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the american people. we don't know if vice peo president harris will continuept the same social media censorship campaign if she is presidentorshipf , but the i trump advance team says it won't happen under their administration it. >> the leader of one of the l most important social networks in theeade the world just came t and said, i censored donald trump in the run uonald trpe elc the election because there were certain elements within the biden administrationtise thn and the biden campaign that encouraged me to do that. do tthat crazy.y. >> now, jesse, everyone wantsve to know why zuckerbergrybody haa come to moment months before the presidential election. one source tells mece tel that zuckerberg ultimately knew thilserbergs is what house republicans wanted out of the investigation. so user wha he gave it to them.a >> kind of like a plea deal, jesse. all right. thank you, hillary, and great job chasing those people down in d.c. we. wh still don't know anything about the man who shot trump in the head, but we're learning i questio the fbi wants to question the shooter's parents to find oushooters t what they knew and how crooks slipped through
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the net. that's what a familyw member told the daily mail. this could explain why the shooter's parent dais are lawyering up. but they didn't just hire anyt lawyerjust. >> they retained one of the top law firms in pittsburgh, quinn loeschof . how did two parents who were social workers live in a modeste house afford hot shot super lawyers? ordwe're digging into this lawr firm. so far, we found out they've donated to democrat t ice and that they represented a judge who is accused of calling a blacng ak juror, aunt jemima. aue judge ran as both a democrat and as a republican. kind of how crooks wasmocrat registered as a republican,is but donated to democrats. >> none of this makes sense. the more we learn, the more questions we have. we're told a 20 year old kid managed to scale the roof and shoot the former president'leoos ear off. he was lurking around the rally, spotted by law het. cemenr they thought he was suspicious, but nobody stopped him. thousecret service never pickedp the radio, so they didn't heary the localsdi saying, hey, there
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a guy on the roof with a gun and the secret service turneds o down drones to scout the rally ahead of time. >> who does that? a swat operator who was working the trump rally saysor w they we left in the dark. >> listen to the lack of coordination between >> a element leaders and the secret service. left ground elements in the dark and prevented anhe preventive necessary time to prepare for specific venue t considerations and needs prior to that event. all overwatch sniper wiunter sniper positions should have had direct communication with each other that day. >> at that entire ralls that tyt >> that same swat operator said it was odd that the fbi sa washed off the roof the shooter fired from. just days after the assassination. aw eig >> he also said it was strange crookes his body was crematehtdt right after his death. >> don't you think investigators would want to hol his d on to the body just for a little bit? >> there are too many things? t going on here to just chalk it up to pure incompetence. etenceone of crooks is neighbors she doesn't think he was working alonesn'e.
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congressman waltz is skeptical, too. he wants the fbi to show some proof crookes was a lone wolf. proof that, we can't believey tl anything they tell us. >> u missouri senator josh hawl on the judiciary committee whatere now. >> so what are theselebl whistleblowers continuing co senator?,ower >> well, jesse, what new whistleblowers tell me is thate the leadership of the secret service told the agents who were advancing the butler rally not to request additional manpower. >>t to they said the same thing to the campaign. so this directly contradicts, by the wayo th, what the secrets service director told congress. he said, oh, we never denied a manpower request . tol well, what the whistleblowers say, jesse, is they told them ahead of time, don't requestcro more resources, don't request counter snipers, because if you do, webecause will denythii jesse this. this is a lie. i mean, what the director told congressa li is a lie.e th we need to know why are these t guys lying to us and what are they hidino usg? esse >> you know, government and how it works. why would they say governmt ahed of time, don't request this?
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because we're not going toon't give it to you becausewa they didn't want a paper trailnt ? yeah, i think that's right. i think they wanted to be able to say what the director did say to congress misleadingly. oh, we never technically had, formally denied anything. of course, that's because ev, thd them in advance,zy don't request it, because if you do, we won't give it to you. this was an attempl rewantt to d down the resources. >> this was an attempt to denyd, counter snipers. remember, they only finally got counter snipers to come on the day to com. jesse. earlier they had said no counter snipers would be available. car theyountersn you imagine who have happened if there had been no counter snipers at al at all >> i can't. this is i don't want to imagine that. i doand weren't they supposed to get four counter sniper teams? but they only go fout two? >> that's right. and there was supposed to be what's called the counter surveillance division. they're present, jesse. they're the ones llance d who are usually do a site advance. they identify problems. erimeter >> the security perimeter whistleblowers tell me that they didn't get to dowhistr
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the advance because, again, secret service leadership denied it. enied it we need the facts here because the more we learn, the worse this gets. >> dn o you understand why you'd turn down a drone if someone a s offeringn from the locals a free drone? >> you didn't have to pay for it. dronet you just had to say, sug take it. >> why? knowing that there was tas a possible attempt from the iranians, woul ad they say o drone? >> it makes absolutely nooesn't sense. and they know it doesn't, jesse, because on the day after the assassinatio becausenen attn the secret service went right back to the locaright bale provider who offered them the drones and said, oh, please, please, please cans ansu we use them now.n't so it turns out they did needwas them. obviously, they needed the saym >> we can all see that theirfu refusal to put them in the air ahead of time,sal to the it's j. inexplicable. >> it's totally inexplicable. >> fired theactually kill shot that neutralized crooks? was it from a secret service counter sniper rifle, or was it one of the local counter snipesr guys? >> i don't know the answer to that. >> i doner ti don't know the i w
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if we know the answer to that. >> we know that there werew >> eipleesse: ho sniper shots f. >> exactly. at the same reason. we don't know. still, why wasn't there a secret serviceis counter snipo on the roof of the building where quirks was? whagy weren't law enforcement guarding the perimeter of that guslding as their plan called for? none of that happened. and we still don't have any answers. and, jesse, nobody h a has been fired for this. >> all right. well, i hope these whistleblowers continue to talk to your office essei hose because you andu in maybe one or two otherne people are the only one who are getting close to the truth. so thank getlose you. >> thank you. democrats are giving illegals f8 aliens checks for $150,000. and p diddy fights back. >> detect this. living with hiv. craig learned he can stay craig learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to navarro. to navarro. devoto is a complete help kevat. treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses
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for less than $20. go to and see how much you can save. >> sean "diddy" combs and his team are currently doing everything ds they can to get mi rodney little roger jones'ons $0 million lawsuit dismissed. this comes months after little rolawsuid detailed the alleged e he had gone through while working with combs on his love u album. >> senior national correspondent kevin corke with more.
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kevin, jessica, little rod jones suing the bad boy mogul fought ar 30 mil, having previously claimed in federal court documentst he that he was forced to engage in acts. he was drugged and groped whileo working for the tycoon. >> he also said in an amender .e complaint filed back in march that mr. combs, as pard backt os rico enterprise and involved in a sex traffickinged venture.i now, for his part, the hip hop o mogul fired back against the producer and court papers this week, blasting his claims as being legally meaningless allegations and blatant falsehoods. now, according to the post that his latest court papers also say that jones's ricoure claim must be dismissed because his second amended complaints, quote, does not establish standing to sue. fails to plead a pattern of racketeering activity and fails to plead the existenc oe of a rico enterprise. meantime, academy award winning actor cuba gooding jr is also a defendant in this case, alonge with mr. combs. as you probably know a by now,
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combs has already been hit by numerous other sexual assaultnumero claims, including one by long time ex-girlfriend, cassie ventura. late last year, which diddy quickly settled, allegedly lt ys tens of millions of dollars. >> jesse, thank you so much.keep >> we'll keep you guys posted. while karmel is pretending to be moderate or californiacaln comrades or lobbing grenades itto her campaign and fragging her. >> today, california democrats passed a resolution that givesoa illegal aliens a $150,000 to buy house and zero interest loans. taxpayer funded. no credit, no problem. it's how the great recessionrnid started. >> but california doesn't care. mi casa es su casasn't. >> the border czar's home states giving illegals free starter homes, free changes. a and where's glamorous gavindn newsom hiding? >> a spokesperson told fox thatt gavin doesn't typically comment on pending legislation't usual,
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but it's not pending. it's on the way to his desk for signaturpe it't one. the guy who lost 24 billion. helping the homeless. helping now is cutting $150,000l checks for illegals. >> california dreamilen. >> what's what's the money been spent on? l.a. sage is working on finalizin theg its hop annual report and hope to have that published. >> in short order.akin why has it taken three years to get data? the systems was implemented in 2021, so hhs began in 2021.0, it wasn't fully implemented until 2022o , and that's still two years ago. so why is it taking so i mean,ii you're the one that said you're urgent. i don't know. maybe my sense of urgency is different frod your m your sense of urgency. >> you can't tell us an yours,tv many people we've helpede . y no, they can't because they haven't helped any. becar tell newsomwsom to get his cronies in check because any pro migrant legislatio n that gets passed,s pass it's going to get blamed on her. >> maybe newsom's tryingl ge
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sabotage her. >> host of the adam carolla show, adam carollathe ad joins us now. 150 grand corolla. >> that's a lot of dinero. >> well, the goocad news is, in california, you couldn't buy a refrigerator box to live in for i 150 grand. >> so don't worry about it. well, i don't know. $150,000 and you get the changesa and you get the health care and you get the free marijuana, don't you? i mean, everything's for free out there. k >> well, you know, we'reno innovators and leaders here in californiand lea. >> that's what newsom always says, like we do something. and then the natios.n follows. and it's like now we're likee kn the drunk guowy who jumped on t the major league baseball playing fieln tod and ran arouna with his shorts around his ankles. we get tackled. it's notros ankles get like thes stands empty out onto the field. we a ont just get pepper sprayed and zip tied and dragged off the rest. 't
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>> the 49 states go.! don't be that guy that. that guy. look, johnny, don't get so drunk hereget soe like i. that guy. i'm just amazed because, you know, what? are we going to give these migrants free foot massages? you know, they trek through the dairy and gap. it'seastit's the least we could. >> adam. well, i mean, if you really just seriously think about it. how many of these people can you let in without eventuallysoe giving them something? i mean, they can't just live here under the radar. you know, is second class citizens. i mean, it is a basic math issue i. you're going to let a whole group of people in. you're going to have to give som them something at some point. and you also need their vote. d heeed you do need their vote. but they said over and overd again that illegalovers, aliens can't vote yet in virginia and in texasirgini, they keepfrm stripping thousands of illegal the r rolls. he vote >> i'm very confused.
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>> well, look, they said ifk, te you got the coviy d, you couldnt get covid and you couldn't spreadt covid.te >> remember 10 minutes ago when they said that? yeah. saand i just got covered andd i probablyi spread it, but i dd stay home, so i probably just gave i t to family.adam that's fine. adam i look at california and i see gavin. he's sauntering through the convention in chicagtho, and this guy, by the way, didn't even get a convention slot bdidn't speak. >> so everybody hates him, but he's acting like california's fantastic but. >> i've been to california. there are beautiful parts of californi been toa everybodyi that. >> but what about california. >> is there that people don't know? well, there is one nice partrnid of california and that's jay-z'e and beyonce, his house. >> other than that, it's ahter ] dumpster fire. >> it's falling apar t. >> and people are voting with their feet and their u-haul. yeah.
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and beyonce.e >> they haven't put up any any of these illegals at their house. is that correcf thest. hav >> no, but they have 26,000 fee square feet if they chooseif to open a couple of rooms. okay. maybe a wing. can they give up a wing? is it is it toa o much to ask adam corolla not living in a condo to stay in the library? that's right. i'm sure their library is filled with a lot o of voluminous, leather bound books. adam carollavoluminous lea, you, good to see you. be up next, primetime takes you behind the scenes. >> i wish my tv provider let me choose what i pay for. >> something let you do that. >> where are you going? i wish my provider let me choose what i pay for and let me pause my subscription when i want. sling lets you do that. i wish my tv let me choose what i pay for and let me pause my subscription when i want
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weird. jessica. sweet dana perino. >> busy. dana's jokes. here we go. dana is in control. she's in control of the show. you're like, man, who's on the right? greg is completely unpredictable. and then there'sthen tho jesse. i mean, i just leave it at that thinking, how would i look with hair? like jesse? >> brilliant. i don't even remembe r shooting that, but it's good. check it out now. let's see some messages. you got todd from birmingham, alabama. is it just m.e or doesa coun the country seem to be running smoother with biden on vacatiobn ? kamala in hiding? yeah. it's like barack obama's presidency. not as bad. bob from jackson, tennessee trump didn't take a paycheck as president. >> would kamala copy that to be a great question for dana bash on thursday night. also, ask about tampon tip. >> joe from geneseo, illinois,
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watching cole shanahan, i was impressed with her honesty and candor. >> she may be a liberal, but at least she's rational. and that means if you're rational, the liberals want to institutionalize you. wi from snohomish, washington. >> nailed it. jesse, i love your show, but grow up and stop disparaging. gutfeld. says ab >> have you seen what he says about me? watch one. gutfeld exclamation point and you'll understand what i'm doing. chuck from rusdoing.t, texas. so you're saying the underarm sweat photo from yesterday wasgh cheap, fake?in >> i don't think so. yes, yes, it was a cheap fake. i itit was was a a shadow. >> i insist. i wear johnny's deodorant.i we >> caroline from cheryl's foarr north carolina, real men's sweat. yeah, but not when you're bowling.


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