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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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bed at 11:00, wake up at 7:00, good to go. >> you are seeing a naked guy at 7:00 in the morning, brandishing a machete -- >> you don't know. >> you've got to get over it. >> if he is just naked it's okay. it's what he's doing naked. like this morning. bad day, hit my head on an open cabinet because you turn around, and then i lock myself out of my apartment barefooted. because i was going to a trash suit. >> dang. those are good ones. those are good ones. >> 8:36 in the morning and picking about lunch, like brian is, probably, but of the same time -- by the way, go to bed at 7:00, that's the best. no day for me as a bad day. i wake up, i'm alive, i'm breathing, i got my health, i'm working with all of you lovely spirits people on that note, we have you watching us today, that's a perfect and a good day. "america reports" now. >> the excitement has been incredible. every day that kamala harris has
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been the candidate, we have won the election every day. >> nobody has any idea where kamala harris stands on anything. >> i read a story this morning that her advisors are considering just copying all of donald trump's policies. >> he really believes she is going to build a wall? that's just [bleep]. she said for years to build a wall and she has done nothing. >> sometimes i think it is getting so ridiculous, this lying from the harris campaign that they are just fooling us. >> john: 2024 candidates hitting the campaign trail today as vice president harris takes flack for yet another policy flip flop. critics zeroing in on her change of heart when it comes to a border wall that she once called a vanity project for former president trump beer hello, i'm john roberts in washington. we've made it to the top of the mountain, the middle of the week, long slide into the weekend. >> sandra: halfway through. john, good to be with you. sandor smith in new york. this is "america reports." the harris campaign reversing another issue. divide and administration once championed. her campaign now says she does
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not support an ev mandate, despite her cosigning a bill in 2019 to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles. the you "new york post" calling out harris' latest hit it today's cover, reading harris for trump. how her positions look more and more like the policies of her republican rival. >> john: richard fowler and doug collins during us and moments to talk about harris' flip-flops and what might happen in georgia. first, though, fox news team coverage, aisha has knee in michigan i had a former trump's visit. and in savannah following the harris-walz campaign. mark? >> john, good afternoon to you. the vice president should be wheels up for georgia within the hour, this will be her seventh visit to the state just this year, indication that her campaign knows is going to have to put more time and resources if they want to do well in this battleground state. the harris events today are going to be happening a little smaller than we have seen at
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rallies before. the idea they want to reach out to some of the rural voters that may not feel they are getting the attention. the camping spinning a lot of time opening upfield office, 24 across the state, and deploying 190 different staffers. the campaign trying to turn out the rural voters and doing all they can. beco in order to win a state like georgia and states across the country you have to make sure you are playing the field within the entire state and that is exactly what we're going to continue to do, and i am very proud of the infrastructure we have put on the ground there. >> "the new york times" reports the campaign is aware it needs to win over democrats who may live outside of places like savannah, atlanta, those major cities in the state, and may also feel ignored by the political elite, the times writing, like south georgia, democrats and western pennsylvania have also said theg unwisely ignored by presidential campaigns. a "new york times" poll of likely voters in the state of georgia chose the former president still leading harris by about four points in this state. democrats only won georgia four
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years ago by less than 12,000 votes. her event today not going to have huge crowds. we are going to have a rally tomorrow evening in savannah but while she is also down here, josh, she will be taping an interview with cnn, and critics say she is taking an easy way out. >> this isn't even a tough interview. this is cnn, one of their media allies. she should take this opportunity to show the american people that she can handle hard questions. >> now the bus tour today is only going to feature a small number of reporters and what is called the pool, a smokable journalist allowed to go with her. we are helping more access tomorrow because the campaign still facing questions about when they are to talk more in the meeting. >> john: mark meredith enjoying a lovely day at one of the most beautiful places in the country. sandra? >> sandra: can't stop at one. while the democrats campaign in the sun belt, the republican ticket targeting the rust belt. vice presidential nominee j.d. vance campaigned in pennsylvania and wisconsin today, while former president trump visit michigan as well as wisconsin
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tomorrow. it is full on. aishah hosni is live in grand rapids, michigan, with the very latest from there. hey, aishah. >> hello from beautiful michigan here in the midwest. my home sweet home midwest. and i'll tell you what, the trump vance campaign are all in on these rust belt states. they are targeting and going after these hardworking middle-class midwestern voters who are struggling with inflation and putting food on the table, while they are also attacking the biden-harris administrations and vice president kamala harris' policies on energy and everything else to basically woo those independent voters in states like michigan, and that continues on in a stately pennsylvania today where senator j.d. vance is headed right now to the headquarters of team harding are appeared it is a trucking company in pennsylvania. you are going to hear him lastly biden-harris administrations energy policy and harasses
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recent flip-flop on fracking. vance was in big rapids yesterday to oppose the construction of huge ev battery plant run by a country owned by china. they are going to go after a really important voting bloc for them and that is suburban women. >> i think our pitch to suburban women is actually pretty straightforward. are you mad you are paying too much for groceries? are you mad you can't afford rent, that young americans can't afford to buy a house? >> so the harris campaign is taking note of this strategy. a spokesperson writing this today: donald trump's campaign they want to mute donald trump on the debate stage but they can't mute our strong economy and trump's disastrous agenda that will explode the deficit, increase costs on the middle class by nearly 4,000 a year and sent our economy hurtling into a recession by mid next year. vance has also been down with a
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barrage of attacks on everything from his personality to what he says. for example here in this politic oh headline reads "vance tries to tether harris to biden during michigan rally," while twitter users had to add contacts immediately to that tweet, that harris is in fact biden's vp peer another reason to watch wisconsin and michigan, rfk jr. is struggling to remove his name from the ballot in those states as he and tulsa gabbard now join trump's transition team and some developing news right now, sandra, georgia governor brian kim and first lady marty kemp will be headlining a fundraiser for trump in atlanta tomorrow appeared a huge win for the campaign and for the former president, after their dustup just a few short weeks ago, a big one for them because georgia is a most win for this campaign. >> sandra: all eyes on that state, for sure appeared aishah, thank you very much. john? >> john: our panel of
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richard fowler, fox news contributor doug collins is a former republik in georgia congressman. it's like kamala harris has more flip-flops than. here's a list of them. the ev mandate has gone the other way, the border wall she once called a medieval vanity project, decriminalizing mandatory gun buybacks, fracking, offshore drilling, and richard, with zero explanation from her on why she has changed on all of these. what do you say? >> a couple of things pure i think we will probably get some expo nations in her interview tomorrow with dana bash on another network, but beyond that every politician that we know, john, i think we have been watching a long time so we know a lot of them, flip flop on a lot of issues including the g.o.p. nominee for president. he has flip-flops on abortion, flip-flopped on taxes, flip flopped on -- >> john: some would call it an evolution. but he usually ask planes at. >> i think she will. once you are in the role of vice president, uc policy and you see the impact on those
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policies and able to change your mind and voters respect someone who can change their mind overtime an end expand why i made the decision to do that. vice president harris and speech after speech after speech is a maturing of a candidate, right, and i think the polls reflect that. i see she has made some changes, made some steps in the right direction, and that is why she is up in most of the major polls including the battleground polls. >> john: put doug, it would be nice to hear the evolution or the flip-flop or whatever you want to call it out of the lips of kamala harris herself. she is doing this interview of dana bash of cnn tomorrow, who i've known for years, whether spector journalist come i am sure she will ask tough questions. walz will be there along with harris. to jump in and go come on, dana, you don't want to go down that road. >> at this point in time, harris campaign makes john kerry's campaign looks principled. she has flipped on everything we are seeing. i agree, we have both been in
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washington for a long time but understand something, none of these changed except for about 40 days ago, 45 days ago when that changed. that is what people are noticing here, that all of a sudden, when you see the economy is going toward trump, immigration toward trump come all of these issues, crime and safety are toward trump, it just doesn't ring true. if somebody comes out and has a true moment, i'm changing, that's a different thing and they can explain it. the problem is vice president harris can't explain it and they keep sending this out i think the actual interview is probably not going to go the way they want it to go because people are looking for the commander in chief, the person who wants to be commander in chief, actually says, and having walz with her and going to cnn is probably not the best move, but it's all they can do right now because they can't bring a teleprompter to an interview. >> john: get something from the interview tomorrow. let's hope they also get something in terms of policy and comparisons from that debate coming up on september the 10th. the date is set.
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both have agreed to it, though it seems, richard, that the harris campaign is still trying to goad donald trump into having open mics. i'm wondering if this is the reason. watch this flashback to october 7th, 2020. >> susan, this is important. mr. vice president, i'm speaking. he will not raise taxes on anyone who makes less than $400,000 -- >> repeal -- >> mr. vice president come i'm speaking. >> answer -- >> i'm speaking. >> john: i'm speaking, i'm speaking. is she trying to get a moment by goading trump into having open mics? >> i think one of washington, d.c.'s, favorite pastimes is the debate, and this is what we're doing right now. those are some very famous lines from that debate. more famous from that debate is the fly on mike pence's head. but i do think that open mic is an opportunity for us to one, really it to see who
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donald trump is purely remember 2016 when he went on hillary clinton with lie, weird, you are a nasty woman. there is a moment where the harris campaign a string to show the american people possibly how unhinged donald trump could be but once again we'll have to see what happens here. i think we'll figure out, some solvency before they hit the stage onset habitats. >> john: doug, to finish off, another policy i'm kamala harris as we dug up in 2019, has not rendered an opinion in 2024 on it but wondering if she still sticks with what she said five years ago. listen to this. >> what we need to do about dean militarizing our schools. and taking police officers out of schools. we need to deal with their reality and speak the truth about the inequities around school discipline. >> john: i don't want to speak for other parents but when we first took our kids to middle school last year we were awfully happy to meet the school resource officer.
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>> this one, again, you do not want pandering. this was back at a time, dean militarizing our schools? what she is saying, again, not really, she flip-flops on this one, as well, sort of taking this idea that cops were bad, that police in schools were bad come and try to tie it to we need to have better schools and more access. i am for school choice. a child shouldn't be trapped by is it code into terrible schools. but you also have to have safety in schools. school resource officers, by the way, mostly funded by localities and states that actually keep our students safe. again, she's changed on so many things. i don't even think she recognizes her policy. that is why her website is pretty blank. >> john: quick final word, richard. >> i don't think so. universe to chicago school consortium did research, in chicago there taken school resource out of schools, understanding there should be police officers to protect
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schools because it is a soft target, so protecting the exterior of the school, but both teachers and students have a higher sense of safety when the police officer is not in the school. also they found there isn't an increase of discipline and disciplinary issues inside the school and when the police officer is in the school. data proves having the officer roaming the halls doesn't necessarily make teachers or students feel safer and this is from the university of chicago. >> john: all right, richard, doug, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thanks, see you. >> john: research from the universe to chicago richard cited shows that, but again, which camera are we on here? again i know an awful lot of parents were awfully happy to see schools that have police officers designated to that school, and there during the entire school day. >> sandra: and rich lowry will join us the next hour, and he is writing about how donald trump, he believes could more effectively take on harris in these flip-flops, and that is to talk about her character. and whether or not she is lying
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or changing her stance on these issues because it is the more popular thought in that moment. or she just doesn't care at all. he's going to explain, in the national review, getting a lot of attention, some policy changes are complete 180's. you have to ask the question why. >> john: 180s are fine but with no expiration is a horse of a different color. >> sandra: we will have that coming up. ♪ ♪ >> that wall ain't going to stop them. [applause] no, no. >> sandra: vice president harris ones bashing the idea of a border wall and pushing immigration policies that help lead till laken riley's murder. retired border patrol chief will join us on that. >> john: plus minnesota business owners warning voters about the democrats vice presidential pick.
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mike tobin live in minneapolis with more on this. mike? >> hey, john. those minnesota business owners point to the same problem during the tim walz years. i'll tell you what it is coming up. ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone."
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craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop.
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meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. >> john: minnesota businesses are sounding the alarm on the democratic pick for vice president governor tim walz. the states chamber of commerce slamming his progressive policies for hurting their growth. some shop owners blame walz and other leaders for letting crime and homelessness run rampant and driving away customers. mike tobin is live in minneapolis and has been looking at this. mike, what did you find out? >> well, john, the small business owners we talked to, restaurant and retail come all say they have the same obstacle to turning a profit and that is crime. they also they hit during covid
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and then came the george floyd riots. the town that pioneered the defund the police movement, saw the homeless population explode, open-air drug use, petty crime and violent crime flourished, so the suburbanites who once pumped money into downtown businesses stopped coming downtown. the business owners still have a high tax burden and now they've got repair bills for all the vandalism. >> you need a stronger police presence. somehow you have to make these people feel safe, they can come to the grocery store, come shopping, up and down the streets without being worried about being assaulted and being robbed. >> it makes it tough to run businesses because of vandalism. you know, vandalism, when you get doors kicked in. you know your whole establishment torn up.
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>> with all the mandates and everything coming down on us, as a restaurant, a small business, the states make it impossible for a small business or a restaurant to make it. >> as far as big business, overall business, and employers outside the city, there have been missed opportunities during walz's tenure to make minnesota more competitive. many progressive policies passed by the legislature and signed by the governor have limited the private sector from reaching its economic potential. minnesota has the highest corporate tax rate in 9.8%. gdp 46th. john? >> john: mike tobin in minneapolis, thank you. now this. >> sandra: lakin hope riley was found dead along a jogging path on campus after she never returned home from a run. the suspected killer jose
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antonio ibarra is in jail without bond and facing a long list of charges like felony murder, kidnapping, and hindering a 911 call. >> john: the suspect in laken riley's murder, named jose ibarra, apparently has ties to a nestorius venezuelan gang. >> sandra: the murder of georgia nursing student laken riley casting a shadow over vice president, harris as she campaigns in the state. riley was killed by an illegal immigrant who crossed into the u.s. on her policies on the biden-harris administration. now harris is trying to flip the script by promising a tougher approach to secure the border. but can voters trust her? let's bring in former border patrol chief chris clem. chris, you give us exactly how you see it, so she is now running on policies that would indicate she believes that we should get tougher at our southern border. that's a bit of a different tune she is singing then what we have seen from her as vice president harris. >> we are seeing more
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flip-flopping from her than we did and john kerry in 2004 when he favored the war come against the war. go back to when she was attorney general and senator, vice president, everything she has done has been to diminish and put up barriers against law enforcement that are trying to do their job, not barriers on the border, but actually just inhibiting our ability to do our job. these examples, they are not fun to talk about, but they are the reality of what is happening when you defund i.c.e., when you reduce detention capacity, when you do not authorize criminal prosecutions for those that cross illegally. these type of situations happen, and we see them play out, whether it is laken, joslin, rachel morin, all of the ones who have come before her, continue to commit crimes across the country, it is just unbelievable. and i don't think it is going to work. i think the american people are going to see she is not serious about this border security. >> sandra: yeah, to be clear,
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this is where she has stood in the past with some of her perceived far left border policies. watch and listen. >> you're confident this border is secure? >> we have a secure border. >> raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the board or without documentation. can we keep the hands up so we can see them? >> i think there is no question winter quickly re-examine i.c.e. i'm in favor of saying we are not going to treat people who are undocumented across borders criminals. >> sandra: not a criminal, not here illegally if you cross illegally. i.c.e., she said in a previous interview, go back to 2022 where she insisted our border is secure. tell that to laken riley's family, who over that period of time, this man who was able to walk over the border, entered the country, to then murder their daughter, their loved one, and then we learned he had ties
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to this dangerous, brutal gang that is now popping up in american cities, trendy aragua, we had a councilwoman out of a suburb outside of denver yesterday talking about how brutal it is getting for residents there. here is that councilwoman on america reports yesterday. >> this gang are marking their territory, putting up their gang-related graffiti on the blocks and the areas they have taken over appeared one time i stepped out of my vehicle and an alert with so, this is how they are communicating, by whistling, and alert whistle happened and i very quickly had to get back in my car, they had people posted all around different properties in different blocks. >> sandra: so to your point, harris can promise and vowed to be tougher on the border considering all that has happened, but all that has happened has happened under her and biden's watch, so will the american public, the voter, by it, chris?
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>> i sure hope not because everything they are doing, this is a comp complete gaslighting d misrepresentation of fact on the ground. it is not just localized to one area of the country, they are making their presence known all around america and that is a threat to all americans. that is why i continue to say border security is national security and public safety for these reasons. we have an immigration issue we have to deal with and we cannot conflate those and that is what harris has been doing and they are trying to spin everything to a softer tone about immigration as opposed to being really tough on the border. not only do the victims families, go talk to them, go talk to the border communities that had to deal with this on the front end. yuma, arizona, appeared el paso. eagle pass. now san diego. they have been hit with a large amount of people, the tax burden, the amount of money we are spending to handle this
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problem that could have been fixed on day one if they just left things alone and built off of what we had started and listen to the men and women of border patrol and i.c.e. as opposed to demonizing them. >> sandra: she has run away from ever having been the border czar but in all of those interviews she never refuted that claim and it wasn't until she is running for president, we will see how this question, hopefully questions come up on the border in this sitdown interview that is now highly anticipated. chris, thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: john, she called the border secure in 2022. it absolutely was not. you got this brutal gang popping up in these american cities where residents have their hands tied, i.c.e. is in some cases not even acknowledging it is a real thing. we have to re-examine i.c.e. this was all on the record is vice president kamala harris leading up to this now flip-flop on the issue. >> john: a lot of things on the record, for example the harris campaign said in an email
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yesterday vice president harris does not support an electric vehicle mandate. she was a cosponsor of the zero emissions vehicle app in 2019 at an early cosponsor of aoc's green new deal, both of which were to transition away from gas-powered vehicles toward electric vehicles. it is one thing to flip-flop on an idea or an articulated policy, but it is quite another to flip-flop on legislation that you actually sponsored. >> sandra: the question is why is that happening and we are going to have more on that coming up, john. >> john: why is it happening with xerox by nation, is also. being investigated for manslaughter, why cross gators are looking at the captain. >> sandra: former president trump faces a new election interference indictment but will the charges hold up? jonathan turley joins us with his thoughts next. >> the court said that civil cases can be brought against a president appeared presumptively in his official capacity after he leaves office.
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>> sandra: italian prosecutors are investigating a luxury yacht captain for possible manslaughter charges. the boat sank during a storm off the coast of sicily last week, killing british tech mobile, his daughter, and five others. madison scarpino is live in london on this. madison, what are prosecutors hoping to find out? >> sandra, they want to know if anything could have prevented this. we are also learning it is not just the captain prosecutors are investigating. a judicial shores tells reuters also the ships engineer and a sailor. all three men under investigation for possible manslaughter and shipwrecked. part of the 15 people on board who survived. under italian laws come investigation does not necessarily lead to criminal charges, nor imply guilt, but the judicial source said the
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engineer is investigated for failing to protect the yachts operating systems and the sailor was on watch duty the night of the wreck. the captain's lawyer tells us he is remaining silent for now, citing his mental and physical exhaustion. all seven bodies were recovered days after the sinking, including that of british tech mobile mike lynch, his 18-year-old daughter, and a prominent american lawyer. italian officials say based on where the bodies were found, some passengers were likely searching for any remaining air bubbles before they died. just a few days ago, locals and porticello were paying tribute to the victims. >> [speaking another language] >> interpreter: at night, when it was raining come our first thought were for those sailors were just outside the port. then we heard the news and we all sank into deep sorrow and profound sadness. [end of interpretation] >> now the yawning void was reportedly a part of the celebration of lynch's recent acquittal in a u.s. fraud trial, and now this sinking is
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confusing a lot of marine experts come in clued in the manufacturer, who calls the ship unsinkable. sandra? >> sandra: at the kill was down there is a lot of talk about whether the retractable keel was in the proper positioning. so many questions and just so tragic. thank you very much for the latest details on that, madison, thank you. john? >> john: sandra, special counsel jack smith trend to salvage his election interference case against former president donald trump. he has secured a second indictment with narrower allegations in response to a supreme court ruling that gives presidents broad immunity for prosecution. joining us now as jonathan turley, constitutional law professor at a fox news contributor. professor, jack smith new argument, divorces trump from the office of the president. smith insist that trump's actions with the election were taken as a "candidate." this comes as after smith elaborately made the case in his previous indictment that trump use the powers of the presidency to further his aims. so which is it?
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>> that's a good question. this is vintage jack smith. he has always played a right up to the margin in cases. at times, he has crossed over. he was reversed by the u.s. supreme court on probably his most famous previous case because he stretched the law, and that has been a signature of his, and i think he is still doing it. i mean, this is -- many of us expected, for example, that he would drop the allegation concerning vice president pence. at one seems to fall fairly squarely within the presumptively protected areas of the opinion. he didn't. what he did is just took out lines that referred to official conduct. individuals who were obviously part of the government. otherwise he left at the same. it reminded me, my favorite italian beef stand in chicago, a
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woman asked for a locale option and the owner cut the sandwich in half and charge her the full amount. that is basically i think what this is. he is basically charging the full amount but there is just less product. >> john: [laughs] i love that metaphor. here's former federal prosecutor katie church ascii on "fox & friends" talking about this. listen. >> there is almost no legitimate legal purpose to jack smith bringing this superseding indictment at this point because the issues that were raised by the supreme court with the immunity ruling needed to be litigated by the trial judge anyway and they could have certainly done that with the existing indictment, so this seems like a pure headline grab. >> john: what do you say to that? >> well i think that jack smith strategy here is not necessarily a bad one pure what he is doing is a complete different grand jury. this grand jury wasn't tainted by any evidence that might now be viewed as constitutionally protected.
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they came out with the same charges. the indictment itself removes those references. the problem is you have the pence allegation and also an allegation of his relationship with members of congress. those are two of his forming theories. i think the supreme court is going to have a lot of trouble with those beer the remaining two are state issues, including the slate of electors his team was putting forward. i don't think he has really gotten himself out of the woods on this one. i think he is going to face a very skeptical reaction if he gets a conviction, but he's counting on the fact that he has a very favorable judge, and he's likely to have a very favorable jury. >> john: in terms of the new grand jury, critics might say he brought another ham sandwich to them. trump claims that smith violated doj policy. here is what he on truth social. doj policy that the department of justice should not take any action that will influence an election within 60 days of that election, but they have just taken such action.
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voting starts on septem september the 6th. therefore the doj has violated its own policy. election interference. real quick answer, if you could, what do you say to that? >> well, first of all, jack smith said earlier he didn't feel he was bound by that rule, it is really just a policy. he is calculating this is ten days out from what he think is the election. either way, i don't think it matters. it's clear that the attorney general himself is going to do nothing to rein in this prosecutor, so he is going to go forward. >> john: all right, we will keep watching that case. professor, good to have you alongside with us. appreciate it. >> thanks, john. >> john: sandra? >> sandra: american farmers are bracing for in some cases massive losses this year despite bumper crops. we are going to ask one of those farmers why when he joins us live next. >> john: wow, looks positively verdant behind him. plus kamala harris reversing course on another liberal policy, this time shifting gears
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on ev mandates, which she clearly supported as a senator. the national reviews rich lowry joins us to discuss the impact on her campaign. stay with us. >> it's not easy being green. us♪ having to spend each day the color of the leaves ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 150,000 lives with dental implants. because a clearchoice day changes every day. finance your new smile for as low as $148 a month per arch for qualified patients. schedule a free consultation.
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he decided to target the republican presidential candidate at that rally in pennsylvania. he had been looking into both trump events and biden events but decided that the trump attempt was probably the more easy one to go to. also the fact that he tried to obtain explosives several times since 2019, conducting online searches. our cb cotton is up and ready to go on this. cb, what have we been learning? >> the fbi says quite plain after this conference call it is not ready for any conclusive statements about the shooters motive for the fbi said it is continuing to pour over all of the shooters, on the shooters online presence, conducted nearly 1,000 interviews, issued dozens of subpoenas, and poured over hundreds of hours of video footage. investigators say they are also still following up on leads. we are told kamala he once family is being cooperative but
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investigators wouldn't say on this conference call whether they are trying crooks' family and a significant way, wouldn't answer whether any of s family members are the target of the investigation, and as you said, john, what we are learning is it appears crooks was particularly interested in political figures. the fbi saying that it has poured over his online searches between the spring of 2019, 2019, through the spring of this year, and they found he had a particular interest in political events, political figures. they say more than 60 searches made by the shooter were related to trump or biden. we were also told that right now investigators aren't confident in a political ideology that the 20-year-old may have had. they say they have found evidence of left-leaning ideologies but also right-leaning ideologies, so that was interesting tidbit. but i think the primary thing people are really wanting to know was what was the motive here? and the fbi says it is still not ready to make a conclusive
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statement. they did also say that right now there is no evidence of a second shooter. there were some conspiracy theories about this but the fbi telling us today they have confirmed there was no second shooter, they say a total ten rounds were fired, eight from crooks, one from a local law enforcement officer, and one from a secret service sniper. >> john: cb, we want sandra to come in. >> sandra: obviously this is the first time we have focused in on details like this, that the suspected shooter sought to target any major event, becoming hyper focused on this trump pennsylvania rally. also in this fbi conference call, which by the way has now concluded, saying that he showed a mix of ideologies. he did not appear right-leaning or left-leaning, just some of what we are learning came out of this call. cb, anything else? >> i thought, sandra, one thing i want to mention, is some of the searches the fbi says crooks
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made leading up to that july 13th at raleigh are pretty telling. investigators told us today that on july 18th he searched agr international, july 9th ballistic calculator, july 10th, whether in butler, so you can see based on these search histories, these searches, that crooks appeared to be zeroing in on his target closer to, as he got closer to that july 13th date. the fbi also told us they have successfully fired crooks' rifle, it is still operational. they also talked about the encrypted accounts. they say investigators say the accounts were encrypted, some of them were, but the level of encryption wasn't any more sophisticated than a standard email service, so i thought that was interesting. we are also pouring over and out of more details that came out of this call. >> sandra: cb, we learned a lot in that call, and we will likely learn more.
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thank you very much with the breaking details on that. our farmer will be joining us on the other side of the break. ste! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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>> john: the u.s. farm belt is heading for a bumper crop but under the biden-harris economy very few farmers are actually benefiting from it. "the wall street journal"
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finding this year's corn crop, it's doing great, i just saw it firsthand, but the farmer's finances, it's a tough situation with inflation, so when you do adjust for inflation, farm incomes are expected to be down by as much as 27% this year, marking the largest year-to-year drop in history. ron wiggin is joining us now, a corn and soybean farmer in illinois. thank you very much for joining us. we like to tell this story because, i mean, i was just out in wisconsin, and wow, do these crops look beautiful! sky high corn, soybeans behind you look terrific. and then you see the headline in "the wall street journal" that it's a tough time for farmers. why? welcome to you, ron. >> thank you for having us come and thank you for just giving us the opportunity to just explain to the people what's going on. the input prices have went probably 30% up, and the commodities went to 30% down,
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and you've got 60% in there that you need to try overcoming, that is a very large hill to climb. we have interest rates that are going up, a lot of farmers that are borrowing money just to put in a crop, 1300 acres, you have to bar around a million dollars to get it in and harvested and done so you have time understanding bankers or a large bank account. but it just inflation and interest rates, fuel, fertilizer, everything. it's just going up, and the commodities are going down. >> sandra: this is the impact of inflation on farmers. for so many of us we think farmers, you are the producers, right, but you are also consumers because guess what it takes to make those crops happen? it takes a lot of fuel, right, a lot of seed, a lot of fertilizer come a lot of feed, you have enormous input costs, let alone the cost of machinery and rent. have you ever experienced a time like this is a farmer, ron? >> not in my lifetime. my dad went through the '80s,
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that took away some farms. i'm hoping we don't see that. there is a lot of risk management we are trying to do, marketing is very hard this year. we are doing diversification. guys are looking at a non-gmo organics, seed beans, anything they can do to get an extra little bit, and of course everybody is looking at production efficiency. if they can streamline anything, they are going to try doing it. >> sandra: we love our farmers and we want you guys to thrive, we need you out there producing for the country. final quick thought? i used to watch this so closely and could tell you what the break-even point was for farmers especially with corn, right, used to be -- what are you at now? i see corn prices are $3.91 a bushel. where do you breakeven? >> well, everybody's spreadsheet is totally different because everybody runs their farm differently but it seems like we always get somewhat certain meals that are good and this year is a bumper crop so if we get a lot more bushels, it is going to take a lot less price, but we would definitely do have it on $4.50, that would deftly
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make our spreadsheets look a lot better, and then our only goal usually is i want a farm next year. >> sandra: we really appreciate you coming on, ron, and telling your story and the story of the farmers peered we are rooting for you. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> sandra: all right. john? >> john: vice president, harris just took off from andrews air force base headed for the peach state. we will have reaction on the economy, her flip-flops, and what's going on in georgia. democrats may be able to defend her changes in position but what does it say about her character? rich lowry on that ahead and a brand-new hour ofke "america reports." stay with us. d your rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve.
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