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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 29, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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lined in the air to center. judge racing back over his head. one off the wall. gallow is going to be held up but there is two returns there. now gal low is caught. they have a runner caught between second and third. gallow was watching and now he is heading home. the throw home and now the runner goes back to second. gallow is going to be tagged out. the other runner in a run down. nobody covering second though. two runners in run downs and ends up exexplicable double play. what a mess. despite the base running blunder. nationals went on to beat the yankees 1-2 why did the yankees lose 2 of three to the inferior opponent like the washington nationals we will address on "fox & friends first." >> go out there and have great day. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪
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>> rachel: it's 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, it's thursday, august 29th. this is "fox & friends." i'm in for ainsley this morning. >> steve: good morning. >> rachel: good morning, everybody. terrifying new video shows armed men taking over a colorado apartment complex. residents say this is evidence of venezuelan street gangs taking over their community. >> steve: man, that's terrible. more details coming up. and across the country kamala harris and tim walz taking a break from campaigning in georgia to finally do an interview later this afternoon in the 1:00 hour. republican governor brian kemp of the great state of georgia is shoring up support for his own party and donald trump. and he is going to tell us about his fund raise he for the former president. >> the former president is hitting the trail himself today talking about the economy in michigan and wisconsin. that's a good idea. while experts warn surging sausage sales. >> steve: i knew it. >> brian: could signal economic collapse. we are told to never look at sausage being made but always
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look at the sales. >> lawrence: supposed to enjoy it. >> steve: they're delicious. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" begins right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ so it's a busy day on the campaign trail vice president running mate tim walz: continuing bus tour in georgia today before rallying in savannah, georgia. >> all right. i wonder what they talking about on the bus. they are always together those two. former president donald trump is making stops in michigan and wisconsin. lucas tomlinson told us all and this a he wants to expand all that lucas, take it away. >> good morning, guys. a day many have been waiting for. say it again. kamala harris sitting down for an interview for the first time since president biden dropped out of the race. it will be a taped interview alongside her running mate as you mentioned cnn's danna barb will be conducting it. harris is yet to hold a press conference now. both harris and walls on a bus tour in georgia and hold a rally
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later today in savannah. j.d. vance will address a firefighters convention in boston. former president donald trump will hold a town hall in wisconsin today. first return to the state since the republican national convention in milwaukee last month. it's a state he won in 2016 along with michigan where trump will also be visiting today in potterville outside lansing. trump lost both michigan and wisconsin four years ago. michigan is also where the second gentleman will be today making a campaign stop in grand rapids. inhofe last visited michigan in may alongside first lady jill biden. a different story today, a change of scenery this time around where the president and first lady part two of vacation week after enjoying first week of vacation the movie sideways fame which thanked merlot sales by not actively campaigning with harris the last two weeks
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instead opting for down time at the beach in his home state. as you mentioned, georgia governor brian kemp will host a fundraiser for donald trump later today. he joins the show live at 7:20. guys, he is probably very excited about georgia tech's big win florida state in dublin last weekend. >> steve: hey, you know, lucas, a moment ago you just played some of joe biden at the beach in rocket and people walking by hey, mr. president. how do they get so close? >> it appears this is what the white house wants. as you mentioned, surprise to some people. there's the president hanging out at the beach and people are just walking by, waiving, it all seems very casual. does not seem like there is a perimeter set up but it's not likely those tourists walk through some imagines. >> steve: hey, mr. president, want a funnel cake? thank you very. >> rachel: interesting he was just on the beach pointing out.
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wants to present joe biden and two possible successors, and trump with a peace proposal. peace could break out in ukraine and we could stop shoveling all this money to ukraine and is he on the beach and won't take a question about it? that's remarkable. >> brian: right. he never -- this is kamala harris how she learned. he never about interviews or press conferences. and he was still two or three points away from donald trump before they told him you are too old although they won't admit they told him you are too old. >> lawrence: i'm annoyed by this whole interview. >> rachel: i know. >> lawrence: the fact of the matter they keep trying to make this comparison of donald trump and the one interview that he did with with j.d. vance. everyone knows trump does not like sharing the stage. being disingenuous, the "wall street journal" puts it this way. harris gets in interview crunch. this is what they say in the editorial. it will limit ms. harris' time in answering questions.
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also make it harder for ms. barb to post follow-up questions that bore in on the vice president's contradictions previous positions or get beyond general blather and seek specifics on taxes and foreign policy. mr. walz will be there with a parachute to rescue the presidential candidate if she has a rough go or struggle to answer something. and everyone knows it. she cannot talk off the cuff on the day-to-day basis. the little clips that the campaign putting out where she is visiting people is i don't understand how they are going to be able to do this unless you give them two hours. the second hour with the person that's her nominee. >> listen, the scrutiny is going to be on cnn. they are essentially giving this one chance to the central question of this campaign right now at this point is hey, you were the vice president.
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you became the vice president without an in-depth interview before, without winning any primaries. how are you different from the guy on the beach. why are you different, did you ever tell him? did you ever say joe, we're wrong about the border. we got to do this. we got to do it. now suddenly she is for the bipartisan border bill that would do a lot of that stuff joe biden has stood against. >> rachel: here is another question, when did you realize that joe biden was no longer mentally capable of being president? i say this. i think it's going to be a little trickier than you think on this. it's definitely a crutch, i do believe tim walz is her emotional support animal. >> steve: her co-host. by the way, reading from teleprompter is what it took to be president. we could all be president. we do it pretty well. >> steve: sometimes. >> rachel: we do. but i think if he is caught man explain splaining her too much. it could make her look bad with
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people wondering about her but also particula tick off women. >> brian: one reason why tim walz has not done more one-on-ones. j.d. does one-on-one every day and goes to the local press and takes any question. every weekend is he doing two or three interviews he just sits in his living room or goes to them. tim walz worried about putting him out there because they don't know if he is familiar with all of kamala harris' position. >> steve: right, because they are new. >> brian: do you know she is not familiar with her own issues. we are not familiar with her issues. we don't know where she stands. we have anonymous people talking about how she flip flopped and seems to like donald trump's issues that donald trump made pretty clear dating back to 1991 with larry king. i thought this is how desperate they got. in the "new york times" today they talked to somebody who talked to her. they are interviewing the people that interviewed. what is it like this guy comes out and says the problem is she doesn't break eye contact and you feel like you are on trial. they also said it was really
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hard to get any guess out of it. midway through the interview she said he started to realize i'm not getting anything out of this. she goes in a word or two, how would you describe the 20203 interview? arduous. when we sat down i asked her if she liked her job. and she said she did, but then she said she didn't like doing. this and putting her in a position of self-reflects. she went on to are a cuyahoga county could you late her own story and personal growth. i thought she would want to tell her story out in front and surprised she didn't want to say anything. then when asked about people that wanted you off the ticket, she had nothing to say even to defend herself. just keep in mind. they wanted her off the ticket. as late as june. and ever since that debate, she turned into margaret thatcher and barack obama after that. >> steve: so that interview was done by the "new york times" reporter who recounted that was when joe was still at the top. everybody was saying joe's not there but they put her out to talk. >> brian: because they want to get rid of her. >> rachel: do you guys remember the old dating shows in the 70s
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and 80's? like a mystery person? >> steve: yeah, the dating game. >> rachel: dating game and we are going to figure out what she believes in later on. >> brian: you have to elect her first and find out what she will do. it will be very exciting. >> steve: if it's the dating game. the wedding is going to be on the first ties in november. >> brian: that was temptation island, i think. wasn't that? you have to get married to get off? >> steve: that's the bachelor. everybody gets married on the bachelor it seems like. let's talk a little bit about this. brand new fox news polls came out last night. looking at the sun belt swing states and take alook at this. this just goes to show you. keep in mind, about a month and a half, two months ago, joe biden was so far behind donald trump. and now it is within the margin of error in arizona. and georgia, and nevada. where kamala harris is up 1 or 2. donald trump is up by 2 in north carolina. it just goes to show you how
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quickly joe biden dropping out and her at the top of the ticket suddenly people are going hey, thank goodness, it's not joe. >> lawrence: that's just the thing for me. and i'm not going to criticize the american people that are in these pollings, but what changed? i don't understand how did you go from a lower approval rating than joe biden to being in a dead heat in all of these swing states. i just wonder if has something to do with the manufacture, rebranding of kamala harris when it comes to the media. >> steve: well, it's working. >> lawrence: same media that made fun of her and criticized her said that she talked to all her people on background she says she doesn't read any of the briefings. it's hard to conduct an interview with her are now saying that to brian's credit, she is like barack obama. and there is nothing obamaesque about kamala harris. he was smooth. he could talk, he goes back and forth with people. loved to spar. you're not seeing it in kamala
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harris. is this just the way it's gonna be if the media can rebrand someone that they can be the next president? >> rachel: in campaigns i know this from being a political spouse. money matters. in kind donation to the harris campaign. and so, the glow, the excuses they make. even for her -- they should be angry about the fact that she is not doing an interview or having so many rules around if she does i have to have walz. got to be pretaped. all kinds of stuff angry about. they are on team harris. that is essentially like donating to the campaign. >> brian: i have a totally different take. i was shocked how good this is for trump. she has gotten a major bounce of being 59 years old. not 81. being on the ticket. >> steve: she is just not joe. >> brian: then gets the momentum of tim walz and the momentum of the dnc. people want to say that joe biden was done, he was finished. he was barely trailing.
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he was barely trailing in all these states. that's what his point was, i'm 2 or 3 points off. why can't i make up the gap? trump all these things going on, this is her high point. this is as high she is going to be. our country is very guided. it's not like the 1980s. trump was trailing hillary clinton by 7 points, twalg joe biden by about 6 points. >> steve: 2020. >> brian: he always polls behind what he terms out in terms of the vote, 70 million votes the most in republican history. if you are trump, okay. the momentum has now stop. it's a flat-footed tie. that's all i need. now he goes out, battleground states goes to fight it out. you know where he stands and the issues have come to him. the economy he grades higher, immigration he grabs higher, inflation he grabs higher. what he doesn't have is abortion. so bring it on. in battleground states it's all there. to me, if i'm the trump camp,
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i'm feeling good about this. because it's the bounce that didn't happen. >> rachel: i think you are absolutely right. immigration, economy, trump scores better on them. abortion, harris plus 19. people on both sides. i would rank abortion as high on my list of priorities and i'm definitely not pro-choice. you see where that goes. but, look at the sun belt. this is an important battleground area. harris 56, trump 42%. >> steve: with hispanic voters. >> rachel: with hispanic voters. look at that number. the highest any president has gotten with hispanics george w. bush 45%. this is donald trump with an absolute onslaught of negative press. not just in general. but specifically with hispanics. the media saying he hates you, he's racist. his border policies are about hating you. and, look, he is getting 42%. that's really remarkable. >> steve: it is. when you look at the numbers and go to, because you
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can check them all out and see what the margins are it's interesting. so the good news for donald trump is he is winning with men. he's winning with whites with no degree. that's how it's classified. rural voters, white evangelicals, kamala harris is winning with black voters. she is up by 60. 79-19. hispanic 14 as you were just talking about. voters under 30, voters over 65. and women as well. then, when it comes to independents, and that's where, you know, that really is who picks the president, at this point, given the fact that this number was upside down with joe biden, just two months ago, kamala harris is up by 6 over donald trump. >> lawrence: there is a clear disconnect, how are you up when it comes to the top two issues in the country? it is the economy. he is up 8 points. and then when you -- the number two issue is the border. up 16 points. and there's a dead heat in the race. are voters going to make this
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election about the issues or personality? and i still -- that's the part that really concerns me. >> rachel: yeah. >> lawrence: i have no doubt when this comes to donald trump and the issues. when you look at every single poll whether you go from fox to cnn to all the rest of them. on the issues, he wins. what do voters care about more? do they care about personality or the issues? >> steve: you know, that's a great point. because, you mentioned barack obama a little while ago. remember when barack obama was running, everybody was like how is this guy doing so well. he has never done anything. he was a u.s. senator for 18 minutes, and he wound up winning because it was just one of those things. they liked him. he was smooth. and the message apparently resonated with a lot of young people and same demographics going after here. >> rachel: was this bowl before the r.f.k. endorsement. >> brian: it was after. i don't think you could diminish the fact, steve, john mccain got the nomination because the iraqi surge worked and then the
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whole economy collapsed and senator john mccain had if a famous line where "i'm not really into the economy." barack obama kept calling march paulison what going on here? let me drive a policy. i think obama won it on his ability to understand what happened with the economy and present a coherent plan. >> rachel: it was a movement though. obama was a movement. >> lawrence: it was. ing. >> steve: keep in mind, the country had just had 8 years with republican presidency with george w. bush. >> rachel: democrats truss presidency. >> lawrence: heavily armed men taking over a an apartment complex near denver, colorado. >> steve: obviously a lot of residents moving out. it's evidence of the growing threat of that venezuelan street gang tren de aragua. >> rachel: tren de aragua. i will do it for you next time.
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chanley painter is here with more. you try that word. >> i'm not the only one -- thanks, steve. in the video this group of men, it's scary, guys, they can be seen walking up the stairwell at aurora complex carrying handguns and a rifle. see them gathering around the door before going inside. this doorbell video was shared with fox by now a former residents who says it was taken shortly before a shootout at the complex that left one person seriously injured and several vehicles riddled with bullets. another clip shows what appears to be two men forcing a door open at that complex. some residents like the romeros fear the gang violence forced them to move. >> it's been a nightmare and i can't wait to get out of here. >> every day when we come home, we have to do, this every time we go outside to take out the garbage. every time we try to go to bed at night, we have to keep it like this. so nobody can kick in the door. >> we tried reaching out to the resources, but they told us since it actually was a condemned building we would have to wait until that was the
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issue. we didn't want to wait for that the romeros say it started when a large number of migrants began moving. in aurora east of the sanctuary city of denver. now city officials, like aurora city council member alleges the video is evidence of tren de aragua, a violent venezuelan gang and colorado g.o.p. candidate also is raising the alarm. watch. >> the situation is really starting to get bad. you know, sanctuary jurisdiction protects criminals and not u.s. citizens. and the real issue here is that there's a huge increase in violence in these areas in aurora where newly arrived foreign born many venezuelaen have started to grow. >> the city of aurora police department announced wednesday it established a special task force to specifically address concerns about venezuelan gangs and other criminal activity, guys he should be cracking down
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on denver the number one place for illegal immigrants per cap attachment aurora says i don't want what denver has. you are seeing that happen in aurora. >> lawrence: they don't want ice there. >> brian: that's what they should be cracking down on not defining who kamala harris is. >> steve: just so happens that the people across the hall from where that activity was in the last week or so they had a camera. otherwise we would never see what goes on in some of these apartment buildings, most prominently hotels and sanctuary shelters and stuff as well. if that is a venezuelan gang, no wonder people are leaving venezuela. >> brian: the good news is they put the neck tattoos so we know what gang they are in and bulls jackets. >> lawrence: always the neck tattoo. >> brian: it's true. outside post malone it's usually bad news, neck tattoos. >> steve: next album is out. >> brian: it's good.
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ains rave rach bryan kohberger the suspect of the murder of four idaho university students will be back in court today at 12:00 p.m. eastern. his legal team is still pushing for the trial to take place in boise which is 300 miles away from moscow, idaho. that's where he allegedly stabbed the victims to death at off campus home. kohberger's lawyers say a venue change is needed because the community's quote, mob mentality. if the judge agrees, the trial will begin in june of next year. and prosecutors are expected to seek the death penalty. anti-israel protests disrupting campus events at the university of michigan at least four students getting arrested yesterday it. comes as the school's central student government says it won't distribute it's 1.3 million annual budget unless the university divests from israel. a move that could potentially disrupt student activities campus wide as they begin the new school year.
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>> lawrence: unbelievable. >> rachel: the faa is temporarily grounding spacex rocket 9 rockets after a booster exploded and planned to ride upright. the incident happened after the successful launch of another bad star link satellite. this comes after spacex delays its historic poo lewis-harris dawn mission twice this week because of stormy weather and helium leak that mission will include the first ever civilian spacewalk. the earliest it can launch is tomorrow. and the stars were out in indianapolis last night to watch caitlin clark and the fever took on connected cut sun. clark breaking the rookie record for three pointers made in the season with this shot in the first quarter. she wasn't done there eventually sealing the game for her team in the fourth? >> got to be really sharp right here. no gang slippage. >> clark lays it in.
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>> rachel: clark finishing with 19 points as the fever beats the sun 84-80. and those are your headlines. >> steve: she is amazing. >> lawrence: just cold. just move out of her way. she has done a lot for the wnba. a lot of people weren't watching before. she can play. she can just play basketball. >> steve: that's what she is doing. >> brian: she took a hard foul. we should play that next hour. she like hit a brick wall. you will see it hopefully next hour. >> steve: is she okay? >> brian: i hope so. >> lawrence: edit it and put it in the show. >> brian: working on the video. when you see you will know what i am talking about. ares. >> rachel: the sports i read it word for word. i don't know how to ad-lib on the sports read. >> lawrence: that's okay. >> steve: you would never know. >> rachel: very kama la. >> steve: remember, you don't want to miss a moment of "fox & friends." set your dvr so it goes off every day monday through friday, saturday and sunday at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. all right.
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meanwhile. straight ahead, guy benson is going to reacted to those brand new fox news polls across the sun belt state. so stick around. >> brian: first, update into the telegram founder's arrest now crime on the app. the concerns for everybody, next. ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ when you're ready ♪ when you're ready ♪ when you're ready come and get it ♪ na na na na ♪ now with vitamin d for the dark days of winter. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies
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>> rachel: telegram founder and ceo p&a love durov released on bail. now barred from leaving france as prosecutors charge him with multiple crimes for allegedly allowing criminal activity on messaging app. durov regarded as one of the most influential tech in the world. faces charges complicit in managing online platform to enable tractions. child pornography, drug trafficking and fraud and a refusal to cooperate with law enforcement. durov is faces up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $150,000 for the first preliminary charge. his attorney saying, quote:
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this is totally absurd to think that a person in charge of a social network could be implicated in criminal acts that don't concern him. directly or indirectly. durov's arrest condemned by free speech advocates like x owner elon musk. brian? >> brian: thank you so much, rachel. good to see you again. fox news polls find harris and trump neck and neck. barely edging in georgia nevada. voters trust trump to do a better job on two of the three top issues. economy, factor in there on inflation. harris only leads on abortion. who over to discuss this and what it means in the big picture guy benson. you got to think kamala harris is already at her high water mark with the vp pick. her nomination dnc. what do you get from these polls? >> what i get is game on. when you look at donald trump
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for joe biden in these same states in our most recent pulling when that was the matchup. trump was relatively comfortably leading. he was on a glide path to victory. everything changed, of course, in that debate in june and the switch that the democrats pulled by throwing out nominee and replacing him with her. some republicans have sort of been wallowing in the past. we had this thing won. probably, but the new reality is what it is. and she has now closed that gap that biden had in these crucial states. you see across the board in all four of them those are virtual ties within the margin of error. they can tip either way. the democrats are energized. enthusiastic right now. if the republicans can match that. come their way. they will win in maybe most or all of those states. momentum is with her. the question you posed there is such a key one. has she hit her five straight
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weeks media worship and no scrutiny. does it level or go down from here that's a big, big question mark. >> brian: guy, her surrogates cannot answer questions why all of a sudden are you for fracking? why are you now against ev mandates? so when you put even the surrogates out there, they are caught against it. bill maher says there's no way that she shouldn't be doing interviews. the scripted part of this is over that's the advantage trump. trump has to be forced to the scholarship. she has to be forced from the script. >> within our polling across these states. you see that kamala harris is actually putting as she is get away with that as the sitting vice president in the biden-harris administration. a continuation of those policies, the co-pilot of bidenomics then she will win.
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wide array of arguments made against her where she has to own a record at her statements and see what happens at that interview. >> brian: doesn't seem to have any core beliefs. here's a look at harris unscripted. let's look back. >> we are going to the border. we have been to the border. so this whole -- this whole -- this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border. we've been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. >> a.i. is kind of a fancy thing. first of all, it's two letters it. means artificial intelligence. >> as the name suggests, community banks are in the community. >> you know, every election cycle we talk with this is the most election of our lifetime. lawrence, this one is. >> it's the most election. so it's going to be very even yesterday high school kids. as if they were four or five years old. so that is her off script. >> that was a cringe factor with that high school band talking to them like they are kindergarten
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gartners. that was off the cuff. i saw her speak to a high school football team. very similar tone. they might need to drag the teleprompter into the locker room for her. even to give pep talks because this is who she is. it's who her party knows she has been forever. will voters start to see more of that and get any explanation for the 17 flip-flops and counting that she has already made to try to pretend that she is the change candidate and not as left wing as she actually is. >> she is not running on anything. as if she is running to be the queen of england. and i'm not sure that the queen gets elected every year. guy benson, i'm going to look into that in the break. thanks so much for joining us. look forward to seeing you on the radio today. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: releasing new photos of the trump's shooting suspect ar-15 and the explosives. but, former acting attorney general matthew whitaker says they still aren't answering the biggest questions. we'll explain. ♪
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. your pollen report is here. the weed is especially bad along the southern tier of the country across california in towards the southeast. high to extreme, including you in nashville, tennessee. extreme weed pollen here as we go through the weekend. grass, trees, not so much. but you know what? you got to take your allergy medicine. here is a look at today's forecast. showers and thunderstorms across the midwest. as well as the central u.s. we are concerned with the gulf coast. even though we don't have a named storm. a tropical storm event. we do have a lot of moisture making its way in towards the houston area and new orleans area. over the next few days. we could see upwards of a foot of rain over areas that are saturated from weeks of rainfall. here's your labor day forecast for parts of the mississippi valley in towards the southeast. so we could see some showers and
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thunderstorms. we will continue to keep you up to date. fox for all of your latest weather details. lawrence, over to you. >> lawrence: my allergies have been going nuts. >> janice: iti know. >> lawrence: releasing fraternal order of police crooks firearms explosives found in the back of his car. crooks searched online for information republican and democratic conventions while also revealing that the motive remains a mystery. >> the fbi has not identified a motive. nor any co-conspirator or associates of crooks. with advanced knowledge of the attack. >> when this event was announced, the trump rally was announced early in july, he became hyper focused on that specific event and looked at it as a target of opportunity. >> lawrence: former acting u.s. attorney general matt whitaker joins us now. matt, i'm not really concerned about the motive. we know who the target was. i don't think we need much
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there. what i am curious is they haven't been able to let us know if he was working with someone else. i mean, some of the knowledge that he had to be able to carry out this attempted assassination is next level. an average day teenager wouldn't know this information. so, what's the delay on that information? >> yeah. and it's good to be with you, lawrence. i think the delay is that they are afraid of putting their thumb on the scale of this election. i think the fbi continues to be too sensitive to politics and too involved politics. he was encrypted multiple encrypted apps and they need to tell us who who are the ones communicated with and why was he communicating with them through encrypt the apps. the other thing we need to understand is why in this threat environment, wide open southern border and people on the terrorist watch list being allowed into our country. why was the secret service why
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were additional resources not only provided but request of additional resources was frowned upon within the culture of the secret service. i think it's going to be important fact forward. >> lawrence: matt, are you concerned that there has been zero interest in the fact that them not giving more information creating security failures. don't they have a duty getting rid of conspiracies by giving us the truth? some of the things that happened on that day is particularly egregious. not having people on top of the building. to lie about a slope vs. a non-slope. some of those things textbook security protocol and it didn't happen on that day, you got people all over the web providing their analysis and it doesn't seem like the department of justice is trying to quash
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any of that. >> you are absolutely right. such a great point. they did on this call say there was only one shooter but really that was the only thing they knocked down and to your point, there are a lot of theories and a lot of experts out there that are providing their own analysis. this congressional committee that has been propped up and has requested a tremendous amount of information is going to be finally probably the one that gives us so many of these answers on this investigation, however, you know, and the fbi and secret service aren't willing to participate or be completely transparent with the information they have i think that's going to be really frustrating for the american people there is a real look into all of our agencies because i think part of the conspiracy is also a lack of trust in the institutions that has to be
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restored. matt, thanks so much for breaking up this morning. >> good toe so you, lawrence. >> lawrence: likewise. is the recession indicator on your dinner plate? economists warn of the spike in sausage sales. we'll explain it, next. ♪ money, money, money ♪ must be funny ♪ in the rich mann's world ♪ money, money, money i ♪ always sunday in the rich man's world. ♪ and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue, and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear.
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>> steve: it is the recession indicator on your dinner plated. economists are sounding the alarm over an increase in the amount of sausage that we're buying. the texas manufacturing outlet survey saying we are seeing modest growth in our category of dinner sausage as sausage is a good protein substitute for higher priced proteins and can stretch consumers' food budgets. the popular dinner meat is almost $7 cheaper per pound than steak but you know that. joining us right now is kelly lester, policy analyst for the center for food, power and life. kelly, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: so it is cheaper and it is delicious. and it is why so many people are buying it right now, right?
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>> of course. people at the end of the day are trading down right now. budgets are strained. and people are really feeling the effects of the last few years of inflation when it comes to the grocery store. >> steve: absolutely. i bought a pot roast last weekend that was $30. $30 for a pot roast is about right across the country right now. but, here's the thing. i can't tell you how many times i go into the meat department at my grocery store and i see people -- they're not looking for -- at the quality of the meat. they are trying to read the price. and they are putting stuff down because it's too expensive. >> yeah. i bought bologna for the first time in my life. i'm not going to lie the other day because it was $2.50. and sausages not ---not sausages but ham and turkey was $6. >> steve: no kidding. growing up i used to take a bologna and peanut butter sandwich to school every day it was delicious. here's the thing. if people are making changes, substitutions, when it documents
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just buying food, because we all have to eat, that means they are doing -- they are making major sacrifices elsewhere because it's not like anybody is suddenly getting a great big pay increase. >> no. the reality right now is that everything is up across the board housing and food prices basic necessities are up. up cumulatively for years now. even though the biden administration will tell you inflation is going down that doesn't mean that we are still not feeling the effects of the last few years, this means that companies aren't going to be receiving as much revenue which could lead to a downward spiral that could lead to more layoffs and higher prices. >> steve: kelly, you know, you have heard it was last week that kamala harris said, you know, i'm going to crack down on corporate greed. these farmers -- i was a former future farmer of america. these farmers out there working today. they are largely small and medium sized farmers with not a lot of land. it's not the great big corporate
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outfits. they are barely squeaking by. and, in fact, most of my friends are going into the red to produce food. >> right. at the end of the day, farmers, it's really one of the main industries in which you have to put up collateral in order to get a loan and hope you get yield that can make up for that loan. and hopefully turn a profit. right now small and mid size farmers aren't turning any type of profit and they are having a really hard time and they are struggling. >> steve: usually the collateral is the family farm. if they go under, there goes their -- the legacy. kelly, real quickly, when it comes to sausage, what's your favorite way to make it. >> oh, i like a chili dog, always. >> steve: good. i like the sweet italian sausage on the grill. that's my favorite. >> oh, fancy. >> steve: that could be tonight. all right, kelly lester, thank you very much for joining us today from raleigh, north carolina. >> >> of course. thank you for having me. >> steve: you bet. brian, you're 3 feet away but we have got you in a separate box.
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>> not a far toss but effective one. >> steve: it is indeed. a boat explosion out of a arena in new jersey leaves two men badly hurt. the blast happened yesterday afternoon as a couple of fishermen were getting gas. one man who launched into the water, he was airlifted to the hospital and being treated for burns to his face and his legs. another man hit by flying chards of glass, investigation into the cause of the explosion is ongoing. now this: to the latest in the saga so-called dal tadich territory. mayor tiffany henyard's assistant and town trustee is calling out the embattled illinois democrat. i believe she in graphics has hs engaged in unethical behavior throughout her tenure for the last few years. henyard manipulating employees using her position to influence all creating a false image of success. funded by the hardworking of tax players three dots, closed quotes. the mayor is accused of racking
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up hundreds of thousands of dollars of credit card purchases. she insists she has done nothing wrong. that is her defense. defense rests. >> rachel: what's wrong with just looking fabulous. brian that's true. you're right. now to two wild videos of an ostrich escape that brought traffic to a stand still in sioux falls, south dakota. the birds strutted on to a busy four lane road on tuesday. yes, there are four lane roads in south dakota. some drivers got out of the cars. got guiding the big bird off te road by offering it food. the owner of the ostrich, yes, he has an owner helped capture it and get it back into its trailer unharmed. ostrich use in the house as a pet? do you sale it? do you sell ostrich egg unless what do you do with an ostrich. >> steve: you are reading the story you tell us. >> brian: bring you inside the ostrich purchase, i have no idea. but how about the fearlessness of the sue city residents? >> lawrence: they are crazy. you don't do that you don't go
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out there. >> steve: what are they going to do, lawrence? let it live on the street. [. >> lawrence: you don't go and try to save the day? >> rachel: australopithecus striches mean? >> lawrence: they can be very mean. look how big they are. love. >> brian: i love when they bury their head in the sand. >> rachel: coming up georgia governor brian kemp is not burying his head in the sand. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities.
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