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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 29, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> lawrence: 7:00 a.m. on the east coast and thursday, august the 29th and this is "fox & friends." >> brian: it's about time. after 40 days harris finally has a sit-down for first interview tonight in georgia. but she won't do it solo. the burning question she and walz need to answer about their own records. we're going to talk to governor brian kemp about georgia and so much more. he will be live with us this hour. >> steve: terrifying video shows -- come to your tv. look at this. armed men taking over a colorado apartment heavily armed. residents say this is evidence of venezuelan street gangs taking over their community. can you imagine if you looked out your door and saw that? >> rachel: the solution is move the residents out. that was the solution they h a after months n the run a murder suspect falls through the ceiling and into custody. >> steve: what? that's like a movie. >> rachel: i know.
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>> lawrence: that's a good from god right there. >> brian: from police academy the series. that's about it. >> lawrence: second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now and remember mornings are better with friends. >> steve: and ostriches all right. today is a very busy day on the campaign trail. the vice president is going to sit down at 1:45 this afternoon for her first interview in over a month alongside her running made governor tim walz. >> lawrence: so meanwhile axios is calling on harris saying there are burning questions that the vice president needs to answer on her growing number of policy flip-flops. >> brian: you think? lucas tomlinson joins us live. hey, lucas. good morning, gentlemen and rachel, vice president harris sitting down for first interview in a many have been long waiting for thatline taped alongside running mate tim walz weeks of dodging since biden dropped. show trump and harris neck and neck in the sun belt states as harris leads trump 45-41
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nationalfully a new rioters ipsos poll. has 13 point lead among women and hispanic voters. and here's that new fox news poll showing harris with a slight lead over donald trump in arizona, georgia, and nevada. states trump lost 4 years ago. in north carolina, trump is up 1 point in a state he won in 2020. and axios, as you mentioned, lawrence, out with what he calls the burning questions, harris needs to answer about her record and her policy flip-flops. here are some of them. price gouging. could you define price gouging for the american public? taxes when you say only the wealthy will see their taxes increase, how high should they go? and immigration. what changed from your shift from calling a border wall unnorthwestern 2018 to now saying you would sign a bill that ensures more of the wall is built? inflation? what was the inflation rate when you took office? she could probably google that one. the supreme court reform. will you ask any supreme court justices appointed by democrats to resign after 18 years? >> here is a woman who is trying to break the ultimate glass
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ceiling and she needs to drag walz with her? even the "wall street journal" says she needs a crutch. this is absurd. woman in this race for 38 days, she should be able to do a solo press interview that's not edited. >> just a few minutes, georgia governor brian kemp joins us to discuss the fundraiser he is holding today with donald trump. guys? >> steve: this is a perfect plug. lucas. thank you very much. >> lawrence: thanks, lucas. >> steve: what is interesting in the brand new rioters poll that's come out first of all it's with registered voters where it shows that harris is up by 4 over donald trump. the margin of error is 2. that's beyond the margin of error. here's the interesting thing. in the seven states in 2020 that were the closest, wisconsin, pennsylvania, georgia, arizona, and north carolina, michigan and
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nevada trump is leading 45-43. >> brian: so trump is up with men. he is up with whites with no degrees, one rural voters. white evangelicals, key, what you brought up first last hour is key, too. he is trailing with independents by 6. that's a gap that can close. when you show that you have an answer to the top three things in this country, concern the american people. that's immigration, inflation, and the economy. and not asking you to believe in my plans, i'm asking you to believe in my last four years. >> rachel: yeah, i think there is no question about it. by the way, look at those numbers where trump is doing better with white voters. this is why you see this. you know, suddenly embracing of white men by the harris campaign and now camo hats and everything they are doing. it's all very superficial what people want to know about is the economy. they want to know about the border. they want to know about what you are going to do to make this country safe. issues of war and peace. a lot of working class
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americans, their children are the ones in the military. >> lawrence: that's right. they want to know where the candidate stands. kamala harris has the opportunity to do that in her big interview today. on another network. this is how the "new york times" paints it know. the challenge of interviewing kamala harris. and this is what they said. she didn't break eye contact. it was intense. you feel like you are on trial. some of the tone of the interviews feels like the senate version of harris something lots of democrats love. you as an interviewer just have to be prepared to play the role of jeff sessions or brett kavanaugh. the problem is the american public is not jeff sessions or brett kavanaugh. that is the issue with kamala harris. i have said it all along. she has one speed, prosecutor, prosecutor, prosecutor. she can only go on an offensive position in that sense when she is attack someone. american public doesn't want to be attacked. they want a policy and agenda and loved.
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it's the thing that she doesn't have that donald trump has, bill clinton has is it, of being able to talk with people, have the vibe and relate to them. >> steve: lawrence, that quote was from when she was still vice president and joe biden was still at the top of the ticket. >> brian: interviewed with as you stein herndon from the "new york times." >> steve: other thing that has changed i know we are giving you a lot of polls, that came out in the last half hour, the key for her right now is democratic enthusiasm when joe was at the top of the ticket this is the best we can do. enthusiasm 61%. it's now at 73% people are energized that went up 12 points in just two months. >> this guy said i think she is someone who doesn't like feeling known doesn't like you assuming you have figured her out.
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politically and personally. she is a mystery. that's not what we want. they asked him on 60 minutes why do you want to be president i know when trump wanted to be president from day one. you know george w. bush saw up close and personal reagan in action. his dad in action. no exactly his vision. bill clinton famously at the white house astounding youth jfk in famous picture. he has had visions of what his presidency would look like. i don't know why she wants to be president. what exactly do you want to do? where is your core? where is your core? >> because she doesn't talk to people. and when she does. >> brian: she doesn't know. >> lawrence: when she does talk to people she talks down to them. talks to them like they are children. lecturing and phrasing or as the
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former president says she speaks in riddle and rhyme you can't talk to people. have a general conversation. ask them how their day was going. what issue matters to them? give some type of fire in your belly that represents the average day person. she just doesn't deliver that she wants to be a girl boss and break the glass ceiling. if you ask her supporters the ones with her especially young women because she will be the first woman president. like it's like this identity politics this idea of breaking the glass ceiling is the reason. country in shambles right now. >> brian: went out of their way to not talk about first woman president and glass ceiling. hillary clinton did. even though she would if he she became president. if you look at that convention they never talked about i will be a woman that transforms things. they kind of limited that they just made her a candidate. >> lawrence: do you know what? when i was out there talking -- they may not have said it on the stage.
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>> rachel: exactly. >> lawrence: when i was talking to the people from that's all they talked about. when i asked about the issues? what has she accomplished? well she is going to be a great female president. it's time it's her moment. >> brian: remember, vice presidents don't do much. >> steve: one final tid bit reuters poll, all americans voting for her say that they are voting to support her as a candidate rather than to oppose donald trump. so, it's for whatever reason, would he are voting for her rather than to beat donald trump. >> rachel: that's half. that's what gutfeld does writes with a marker. >> steve: i have been doing this on this show for 30 years. i stole it from mike jerrick. mike jerrick used to do it. >> brian: really? is he a funny guy. >> steve: is he a very funny guy. >> rachel: new report highlights growing tension on team harris made up with faction from the obama and biden campaign. >> brian: meanwhile the president is spotted lounging on
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the sand, beach boy biden in delaware on his second week of vacation as he engages in beach diplomacy. >> lawrence: senior white house correspondent peter doocy joins us now. >> steve: hey, watch it. >> peter: good morning. we are seeing now what happens when a candidate in this case kamala harris is not surrounded by a team of long time loyalists and that is leaks start to come out. this is something we almost never saw from candidate biden or president biden but now there is an axios item with the title the tension in the harris frankenstein team the problem appears to be obama operatives jammed into an office in wilmington biden people and nobody knows the i can tanglement of these different entities has led to many people feeling a real act of clarity. the source is one person involved in the campaign.
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one of the first harris hires was eric holder, the obama era attorney general who wound up vetting running mates and his good buddy marc elias the lawyer got squeezed out of wilmington by the biden team last year is back to help the team get back for legal challenges in november. until january, joe biden is still the president and we just heard a few minutes ago he has got some big trips still coming up, including peru and brazil. >> it is likely that both president biden and president xi will be at apec and the g-20 later this year. i don't have any announcements to make on either president biden's travel or a potential meeting but the likelihood is they will both be there and if they are it would only be natural for them to have the chance to sit down with one another. >> peter: we saw president biden on the beach in delaware for hours yesterday. there is very, very little going on here and very well placed source who works inside told me that the general feeling among
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staff right now is one of seniorites. back to you. >> steve: seniorites? the story about frankenstein team part of it is the harris people. part of it is the wilmington, joe campaign. part the white house people and then the obama people coming in. they don't know who is in charge just the fact that axios spoke to six people on the inside this means they are leaking which the biden team never did. >> peter: no. president biden was surrounded with people who have been with him for decades and decades. vice president hairs doesn't have that except for her husband and her sister and her brother-in-law. as far as we know. she doesn't have a small tight-knit circle of political advisers who have been with her the whole time from horizon california to washington to now the executive office building. it was very frustrating in 2019 and 2020 trying to get anything out of these biden people
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because he treats at love his close staff like they are family. he had two staffers living with him du during covid. it was just him and jill and two staffers. you are never going to get anything out of those people. and if you go back and look. no leaks like this about the biden campaign until the bitter end. >> brian: only a laptop but it's not real. so too bad. >> steve: so joe was on the beach for hours. how many times did he apply sunscreen? do we know? you got a pool report, right? >> peter: i don't know about the sunscreen but we will figure out if he is using the spray or just putting it directly on and we will have that for you later. >> rachel: this as the country is falling apart and ukraine, zelenskyy says is he going to -- he wants a peace accord and he is proposing that. >> steve: day at the beach. >> rachel: the president refuses to answer any questions about it. >> brian: i heard you say zelenskyy. ains. >> rachel: you perked up. >> brian: whole frankenstein play this out.
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young frankenstein they grabbed the wrong brain abby normal. went in never right remember gene wilder when this brain comes together and they put it in the head, is it going to be right? >> steve: okay. >> brian: did it help you at all. >> steve: known put a new brain in kamala harris. >> brian: frankenstein staff of obama, of harris, and biden, when they put it together, will it be abby normal. >> steve: they don't know who is running the show. >> rachel: not that they just don't know who is running the show these teams hate each other. as soon as kamala stumbles and she is stumbling right now. the biden people who wanted to keep biden in place see we should have kept biden. there's a lot. >> brian: a problem when you pressure the team. >> lawrence: the problem is, and peter aloot included to this about the same people being with joe biden from day one. if you read articles, prehoneymoon phase, she can't keep people working for her.
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she can't keep people working for her. that's why she needs other people's teams right now because all the rest of them that used to work for her, they quit. this he don't want to have anything to do with her. >> rachel: she has been adopted by team obama. but team biden is angry that this whole thing happened. >> steve: number one guy on team biden aside jill biden, person. mike donlin message maker for decades was one of the first ones to go. he is gone. >> brian: for the record my analogy did not work on this couch at all. >> lawrence: not at all. >> brian: no one has seen young frankenstein. >> steve: young frankenstein is one of the greatest comedy movies of all time. >> brian: abby. >> steve: marty went in and got the wrong. >> brian: brian abby normal. >> rachel: lawrence is sitting over there going boomer. >> brian: everyone rejected my analogy. >> steve: you got see it. it's great. >> brian: going to call me over the weekend and say now i get
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it. >> lawrence: it's good? >> steve: great moe. >> lawrence: heavily armed men taking over apartment complex in denver, colorado. >> rachel: some residents are moving out out of fear. one city lawmaker says it's evidence of the growing threat of the venezuelan street gang tren de aragua. >> steve: chanley painter is here with more on this. it's terrifying. you look through the little view finder of the door and there are people with guns. >> really scary. the police are not actually confirming any of the details surrounding the video or the specifics of gang violence but take look at this video. doorbell video though was shared with fox by a now former resident of this apartment complex in aurora. a group of men can be seen walking up the stairwell carrying handguns and a rifle as they gather around the door before going inside an apartment. now, the owner of this video sews it was taken shortly before a shootout at the complex that left one person seriously injured and several vehicles riddled with bullets. another clip shows what appears
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to be two men forcing a cure open. now, some of the residents like the romeros say the fear of gang violence forced them to move. >> been a nightmare and i can't wait to get out of here. >> every day when we come home we have to do this. every time we go outside to take the garbage. every time we try to go to bed at night we have to keep it like this so nobody can kick in the door. >> we tried reaching out to the resources but they told us since it actually was a condemned building we would have to wait until it's a' issue we don't want to have to wait for that. >> migrants moving into aurora just east of the sanctuary city of denver that welcomed over 42,000 migrants since 2022. one aurora city council member believed the individual grow is evidence of a growing threat from tren de aragua, a violent venezuelan street gang. the aurora police department announced wednesday it has established a special task force to specifically address the concerns of venezuelan gangs or
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any other criminal activity and they say they seized the evidence seen in those videos we just showed in an ongoing investigation. guys? >> lawrence: task force as if we don't have ice. we don't need a special task force. let ice go in and deport them. >> brian: talk to the cops. >> rachel: dirty little secret of this story is that two years ago a congressman in your state of texas, congressman troy nehls of texas' 22nd district. he was a former sheriff. he had people in the border patrol give him a letter from homeland security saying that they received a letter from homeland security saying there are gang members, prisons have been -- maduro released the prisoners, prisoners are coming up. keep an eye out for it. congressman nelson went with a group of other republican congressman to homeland security and said hey, we need more information of this. if you have intel that maduro has emptied his jails and those people are coming up here, the
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american people need to know. they never responded. they knew that those prisoners were being released and they didn't close the border. now they are all the way up in denver and taking over an apartment complex and the solution is to remove the residents. not the gangs. it's crazy. >> brian: absolutely. that he was why trump says venezuelans are emptying their prisons, it's based on fact. >> lawrence: true. >> steve: not just colorado. they are here. >> rachel: yes, absolutely. now to one more crazy story we are about to tell you a fugitive murder suspect in memphis nearly kneel officer's arms when the kreiger of the addict he was hiding out in gave out. officers with the u.s. marshal service say they traced the suspect to a home with the help of the local sheriffs and police officers. he had been on the run since april over his suspected ties to daddily shooting. and he was one of the last of the three suspects wanted in connection with to the crime. and those are your headlines. >> steve: so he was just -- he -- obviously he knew they were coming. he got up in the ceiling and didn't realize that that
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probably can't support me. and, boom, just like in a movie, down he came. >> rachel: or cartoon. >> lawrence: serves him right. >> steve: i was going to mention another mel brooks movie. young frankenstein. >> lawrence: the last one didn't go so well. >> steve: i decided not. to say didn't go so well. >> brian: straight ahead peach state showdown trump and harris in battleground georgia. g.o.p. needs to stay focused on the issues. governor brian kemp is next. ♪ ♪
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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>> steve: okay. a peach state show down. trump and harris. trump holding a 2 point lead inside the margin of error. >> rachel: in order to hold on to fire wall the former president will need governor kemp out on the campaign trail. >> lawrence: taking part in atlanta fundraiser tonight and he joins us now. governor, thanks so much for getting up this morning.
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>> hey, good morning, guys. >> steve: good morning. >> lawrence: you are familiar with sugar highs in the democratic party. the last one was stacey abrams and you defeated her. how did you do that in georgia and how will you be able to do the same when this documents trump vs. harris in georgia? >> yeah. great point, lawrence. i think we saw a preview of that last night. poetic justice momentum happenstance, whatever you want to call it. but the atlanta braves swept the minnesota twins. so that's how we are welcoming governor walz to the state of georgia. that's what is going to happen the rest of the way here in our state. i agree with you, look, the democrat convention no, doubt, they got a sugar high off of that i think the republicans did the same. but you are starting to see all that settle out now. but the other thing i'm seeing and hearing from elm auto every day in the georgia. is the sugar high on this economy is wearing off. all the money that biden and harris have dolled out to really buy votes in a lot of different ways is starting to wear out unemployment is going up.
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the people that are getting laid off, even if they are in a state like georgia or other red states where there is job opportunities the wages might not be as high as the one that they just lost. when people go to the grocery store, the gas pump, the rent and other things, the affordability and cost, i mean, the joy of buying a happy meal at mcdonald's has worn off. but there is people getting hit in their wallet every single day. and that's what this race needs to be about. it needs to be about the economy, cost, the 40-year high inflation that really joe biden and kamala harris created. they are taking credit now for inflation going down. hell, they created it to start with you can't take credit for that. and the point is, costs are staying up even though inflation is going down. and when you let, you know, almost 10 million people or whatever the number is now, into our country illegally, i have been watching your reports this morning in california, i mean, what do you think is going to happen to housing costs?
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you know, these people that are here are getting free healthcare, you know, they are competing for living spaces which is driving rents up and it's screwing the american people. >> steve: sure. governor, let me ask you this, as recently as a couple of weeks ago it. seemed like donald trump was having a feud with you. and now he is thanking you for helping he and the republicans win in georgia. what happened? >> well, look, there was a little distraction, obviously, on their side when it came to georgia. to me, that's in the past. i have been saying that guys, literally for over a year now that i was going to support our nominee. that we had to win georgia, the road to the white house runs through georgia. and i still believe today, we cannot afford four more years of kamala harris and joe biden. it's not about me. and as former president trump says a lot. it's not about him. it's about our country. it's about the american people. i will be with mike pompeo
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tonight. i'm reading his book right now. and if you look at foreign policy, you know, under president trump with people like mike pompeo and a lot of other folks that were serving in his administration, completely different than the biden-harris administration and what we're seeing in the mideast and in europe right now and over in ukraine. so those are the things that really matter to people. the economy here matters. standing up to china matters. our standing in the world, you look at the anniversary -- three year anniversary of afghanistan. we cannot let people forget what their real record is. they are trying to rewrite history right now. you know, they are on the so-called historic bus tour in georgia, i have been to hundreds of counties on a bus tour. and after every one of them i did a media gaggle, have they done that here? no. this campaign is all scripted because they don't want to talk about their record. they want to talk about, you know, trying to convince people that they are going to be different if they win this time. and the fact is they won't.
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they will reverse back to the same policies of old in the first days of the biden-harris administration where you had open borders. they immediately spent too much money at the wrong time and created 40-year high inflation. and we got high rent, high groceries, high gas and high mortgage costs because of it. >> rachel: i' want to give you some numbers here. this is how much the harris campaign is invest not guilty peach state, 400,000 volunteers. 174 staffers. they have 24 campaign offices. can you tell us what the trump team has in georgia in comparison because, sometimes these things matter whether you have a close race. >> steve: ground game. kemp kemp absolutely it's going to matter. our team on the ground working hard. i worked spoke to reed faith and freedom yesterday. i know they are spending a lot of money voters of faith out to the polls, other groups are doing that but it's imperative that we are combating them on
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the ground. i don't -- you know, i can't verify, you know, what the trump campaign is doing or the harris campaign is doing. they are saying a lot of things, but, i would say that operation here that they once had back in 2018, i don't think is as intact as it was. but they definitely have a lot of momentum coming out of the convention. and we got to fight through that. get the race to stabilize which i think you are seeing now in the national polls, and after labor day, going into the debate, the race is going to reset. and we need to be laser focused on her record and what donald trump did when he was president. let people decide do they want four more years of this high cost or do they want a different direction in our country? >> brian: you know, what's interesting is one thing president trump was doing is going into the cities. he is going into philadelphia, is he going into -- went to new york. he goes into chicago. to try to win the state. would you recommend that he go
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into atlanta and see what he can get from the urban vote rather than just maximize the suburbs and rural vote? >> no, i mean, i think that has been very effective from what i have seen around the country. i think what he has done in the last few days and what the campaign has been doing, talking about specific messages like he did with our veterans, with national guard, honoring heroes that we have lost. specific things on the economy. his visit to the border. i mean, those all draw a direct contrast with the kamala harris record. and that is what i think we need to do. this isn't about personalities and to me who is more likeable. it's about who is going to be better for our wallet? who is going to secure our border. >> rachel: governor kemp what brian is saying president trump went into the bronx for example and very well received. you know atlanta better than anybody, will donald trump, president trump be well-received
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in atlanta if he does a rally or some sort of event there? and should he go? >> yeah. i think he would. and, look, even if is he not well-received those things are good to do. i was the only republican that went to a forum with black radio in our campaign. >> lawrence: you did it. >> rachel: right. >> you got go to place you are not comfortable and show people you are going to be a leader for all the people not just your party. >> lawrence: part of the reason you were successful though, governor, you tapped into the black business folks. and they supported you because they knew you were better for their pocketbook. do you think they are going to have the same reception to donald trump as well because, you mobilized. you have people even like people like kilauea mike who is progressive. brian kemp is there is he talking with us that's the thing that i think former president trump has been doing and continue k. continue to do.
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whatever green. you got less of it now than you got four years ago. that's where the race is going to be about. >> brian: lastly real quick, do you think make appearances with president trump? do you think that's coming up? >> we will see how that plays out. i know they have got a busy schedule. we're going to continue to work hard for the whole ticket here in georgia. we got win. we got to win. that's the bottom line. >> steve: governor brian kemp from the peach state. when is peach season we're getting close, right? >> rachel: we're in it. >> it's already started. >> rachel: come on future farmer of america. >> steve: man, time for a pie. thank you, governor kemp. >> brian: how peaches ended up furry i do not know. >> rachel: i love peach pie. and. >> lawrence: peach cobbler. ains. >> rachel: weekends a lot of food maybe peach by.
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>> steve: i will have my wife make one. >> brian: what is this 140 have my wife make one? >> steve: it will be better than store-bought. >> brian: hand you a lunch box with an apron? father knows best? >> lawrence: i'm not complaining about it. >> rachel: i'm not complaining. >> steve: he is the biden-harris administration reportedly set to resume a migrant program that had been paused over potential fraud. >> brian: tom homan says hundreds of thousands of new migrants with no way to vet them, he's next. make me a by. ♪ just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. we have a few scattered showers in the area. it's dry now. take a look at it. temperatures around 74 here in new york city. might see some delays at the
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airport. call ahead. >> we have potential for showers and thunderstorms parts of the midwest. even severe weather. including hail, damaging winds, maybe isolated tornadoes, heavy rainfall as well. here is the airport delay forecast. of course we are going into the long holiday weekend along the gulf coast. could see a lot of rain. i am concerned with flooding especially for the houston area and in towards louisiana. u.s. will be dealing with that front that moves through. here is your labor day weekend. your monday, september 2nd, looking good in new york. looking good for much of the country, except for the gulf coast states, including texas, louisiana, towards arkansas and the southeast. can you believe it? we are in to peak hurricane season and there is really nothing out there. a lot of saharan dust that is choking off these storms. and we love it. but we do have a very robust storm off of africa we will have to watch. the bottom line is we still have hurricane season to go through. we will keep you up to date. rachel, i'm so excited to say hi to you.
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>> rachel: oh, thanks, janice. >> janice: good to see you. >> rachel: good to see you and thanks for the great weather. >> janice: you got it. >> rachel: despite massive fraud, harris may soon letting thousands of illegal immigrants apply from entry from their home countries. the program that lets cuban, haitian, nicaraguan and venezuelan migrants apply for entry was paused after internal audit found potential fraud with over 100,000 applications. having just over 3,000 sponsors. that's definitely curious. here to react fox news contributor and retired acting ice director tom homan. tom, can we just start from the beginning. we have a legal way to apply to enter into our country and we're restarting a program where we know people come to this program have come in here fraudulently have killed and raped americans. and they are restarting it. why? what is happening?
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>> it's just another way of them bringing illegal alien notice country. they can put them in a bucket of chnv program or put thousands into the cbp 1 app. >> they are talking about the same illegal alien population. they create programs for what they call legal pathways which they aren't. they are illegal. creating buckets to say illegal entries are down when they are not. if you add what border patrol still catching and entering illegally, what is coming through the port of entries and coming through this program we are still at historic highs. this recent program, i wrote an op-ed in february when they announced this program. before they even start testified. i said in that fox news op-ed, this program would result in massive fraud and massive child trafficking. and it has. you mentioned possible -- give me -- i will give you one example of the fraud of this program. this is coming from inside source, who was managing the program, very good friend of mine. one dead man sponsored 1800 people. he has been dead for years. and he is the sponsor of 1800 people.
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that's the type of fraud. i'm telling you, there are thousands of children are in sex trafficking because they were sponsored by sex traffickers and criminal cartels are already in the united states. this is a terrible program that put a lot of children at risk. >> rachel: i want to get to the children but i want to make very clear to our viewers. you are saying that this program was set up because if you're registered or processed in a foreign country, which is what this program does, you get processed by an ngo in peru and some other country and then you are flown over here. then you are not actually counted in the numbers crossing the border without paperwork. so. this is a way for our gov to mae look like they have done something. let's get to the children. >> this is the most tragic thing i have ever seen. i cannot believe that our government is complicit in losing track of 300,000 children who have you said have fallen
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into slave labor many of them and sex trafficking. >> absolutely. i notice the interview with j.d. vance the other day the reporters beating him up saying hey, during the trump's mass deportation operation going to separate families like you did before? let me make something clear. it wasn't family separation it was zero tolerance. while 2500 separations happened because the parents were prosecuted for entering the country illegally, u.s. citizen parents get separated every day, thousands of times across this country when a parent gets arrested. the child can't go to jail with them. talking about 2500. meanwhile 300,000 missing children. you tell me what is worse. based on three and a half decades of investigative experience in alien trafficking and human smuggling i guarantee you, rachel many are living with predators. and some are in forced sex trade and forced labor. no one is even looking for them. my sources at ice, no one is even looking for them. i will make you this promise. when president trump is
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president again, we will go rescue these children. >> rachel: i asked donald trump in my interview with him that i had with pete and will at bedminster asked him directly would you locate these children? will you promise to find the children that the biden administration has lost? and he told me straight up that's easy. absolutely. yes. one last thing i want to know, when you were in charge of -- in charge of homeland security and border patrol, there was a letter sent by hillary clinton, michelle obama. and -- oh, and laura bush, all three of them saying we're so upset. weir writing this letter to defend the children, to fight for the children that donald trump has separated at the border. where are they now? shame on them. i appreciate you joining us, tom, it's really great to have you and thank you for bringing attention to this very important topping. thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> rachel: you got it. telegram's founder criminally charged being held liable for
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elicit activity on his messaging app. what it means for the free speech movement. plus, the high court blocks biden-harris' student loan bailout o. our next guest says it's all an attempt to buy votes. ♪
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telegram ceo barred from leaving france as prosecutors charge him with multiple crimes in connection with messaging app. includes managing online platform includes elicit transactions and enabling the distribution of child sexual material drug trafficking and fraud. what does this case mean for the future of free speech and censorship? here to discuss is constitutional attorney mark smith. mark, why do you think that he was detained to begin with. they hold him responsible for what users are doing on his site? exactly right that's the game they play. either cooperate with us and be part of the government apparatus and control and monitor things or find a way to make your life uncomfortable. what's happened here, brian, historically the way governments would do this they would threaten the companies. the companies with civil actions like antitrust companies. what's different about the durov
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case here that makes it so scary they targeted the actual individual owner of the company and they have elevated from civil concerns all the way up to criminal concerns. can go to prison under french law for years. i think that's a big difference than what we have seen for the past few years, brian. >> brian: had you are elon musk, mark zuckerberg obviously you don't control your users good and bad. should you worry if you are traveling to another country get arrested like this because of what user on your site? absolutely, if i were advising a founder of mark zuckerberg or elon musk, i would be very, very careful about traveling to europe now. you get over there, somebody comes after you, you may be stuck there for years. and you may go to prison. you just don't know, it's too big of a risk as far as i'm concerned and again, if they can do it to one social media founder and owner, they can do it to anybody else. the other story i would like to weigh in on, prosecutors in paris, getting a comment. we he have not heard back yet.
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the other area i want you to weigh in on what is happening with student loans. it turns it out that the supreme court has denied biden harris administration request to allow the temporary enforcement of student loan handouts. they are going to stop it for now, the forgiveness of these student loans. your thoughts on this? >> brian, look, this is constitutional law 101. obviously the power of the purse lies with the congress and not with the presidency. and harris and biden's administration know exactly this. but what they're really concerned about, brian, they wants to keep the student loan forgiveness issue alive because they want to be able to say to their base and the voters, look, the only reason why we're not giving you $20,000 in student loan forgiveness is because of that very mean supreme court and thus vote for us we will fix the mean supreme court and give you the 20 grand. it's pretty straightforward the president doesn't have the power to give amoney like this without congress' approval.
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>> brian: 4 a $55 billion. absolutely ridiculous. more people are not effected than are effected. already forgiven $4.8 million, 168 billion. he has been going around the supreme court anyway. is that going to stand? >> no the supreme court has already said that the -- you cannot forgive these loans without going back to congress. but this does illustrate the point of the harris-biden administration. they really want to run this country like they are kings. they want a pen and phone and done this not only with student loans. they have done this with housing moratorium. done it with the atf and assessment. they want to be kings they don't want to have to consult with congress. >> brian: i thought it was the other guy who wanted to be king. mark smith, thank you so much. don't move. dana perino is coming up next. that's all we need for a whole hour. ♪ arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients.
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