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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 29, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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right direction. she was the one that cast the lone deciding vote on the inflation reproduction act. it increased inflation significantly. this is the largest government hand-out of taxpayer dollars to companies, the most inefficient use of our dollars and increasing inflation and cost for gasoline vehicles and increasing cost for electric vehicles. dagen mcdowell was right yesterday when she said mark my word, the taxpayer will have to bail out these automobile manufacturers again. that's what -- now we're bribing them and forcing them to go down a path consumers don't want. >> steve: let's see how she explains it tonight. thank you very much. join us tomorrow. >> keep playing pickel ball. >> steve: justin moore and houser on the american concert series. see you then. >> dana: armed men roaming the hallways of a colorado come flex
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in aurora, colorado, a community where fears of migrant gang violence are taking hold. bill is off today. i'm lucky to have sandra with me. >> sandra: good to be with you. i'm sandra smith and this is "america's newsroom." incredible new video footage coming out of aurora outside denver. a council member says this is evidence of a venezuelan gang flexing its muscle in that community. law enforcement has formed a special task force to deal with the growing presence of that gang. people in aurora say they're living in fear. >> every day when we come home, we have to do this every time we go outside to take out the garbage. every time we try to go to bed at night we have to keep it like this so nobody can kick in the door. >> dana: chaos in colorado comes as the migrant crisis plagues cities across the country. southwest border encounters are up more than 237% under this
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administration. just last year the crisis cost taxpayers around $150 billion. we have team fox coverage. nate foye how the chaos is impacting massachusetts. let's get to denver right now. we have a report about what's going on in aurora. >> good morning. aurora police tell me they're in possession of this video and seized evidence. we have two pieces to show you. watch. first this doorbell video shared with fox showing a group of men walking up a stairwell at an apartment building in aurora, colorado. one man has a long gun. three others with handguns and then there is this. okay. you can see two men forcing their way into that same apartment. edward and cindy moved out of the building yesterday saying because it felt too dangerous to
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stay after this incident and a shoot-out earlier this month that left their car with bullet holes. they say things changed in the building when migrants started moving in. aurora city council member says this building and others have been taken over by the venezuelan gang tren de aragua. last month the u.s. treasury department called them a trans national criminal organization. people say they're scared and believe it is a problem. however, aurora police are not confirming this incident is connected to tda. in a statement we're aware that components of tda are operating in aurora, we have been increasingly collecting evidence to show the gang is connected to crimes in the area. however, it would be improper at this time for the city aapd to make statements about specific incidents or provide details about law enforcement strategy and operations. a couple of things, dana and
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sandra. yesterday denver police released a statement acknowledging tda's presence in neighboring aurora. aurora pd says that reports are insulated but right now we can't get a confirmation if anyone has been arrested or where these men are. back to you. >> dana: all right. this comes at an interesting time before kamala harris takes questions in her first interview tonight. thank you. >> sandra: a migrant crisis is rocking one of the most blue states, massachusetts. republicans are accusing the democratic governor of spending $1 billion on migrants in secret leaving residents in the dark. nate foye is following the story closely for us. what do we know, nate? >> massachusetts republicans are demanding a detailed cost breakdown of the sta migrant crisis. they are accusing the governor's administration of secretly spending $1 billion and suppressing information about
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public safety concerns. the state's republican party chair filed a freedom of information request. this happened after massachusetts republicans accused democrats of blocking a proposed amendment to the senate budget requiring transparency and competitive bidding for migrant shelter services. more than that, sandra, governor healey's administration is accused of covering up incident involving migrants. according to the chair, they have withheld critical information on 600 incidents involving police, fire and emts blocking journalists at every turn. the administration has obstructed the flow of information to the public. we have reached out to the governor's office for a response. we have not heard back. also in massachusetts a school district north of boston is refusing to change a key policy after receiving pressure from immigration activists. here it is. the policy reads it is the policy of the town to require that all children who are registered and attend the public
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schools here at the expense of the citizens here be legal residents whose actual residence is in the city. the district implemented the policy after healey declared a state of emergency in massachusetts because of the state's migrant crisis. the policies clarifies no student will be denied access to schooling because of their immigration status or because of their parents' immigration status. we'll send it back to you. >> sandra: nate foye with those details. thank you. >> dana: bring in josh school. let's get your initial thoughts about what we saw in aurora and hearing out of massachusetts. we know this is all across a country. why would the aurora police department be reluctant to say this is a gang typical from tren de aragua? >> i think they are looking to substantiate proof in a law enforcement setting for a judicial proceeding.
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you can highly suspect that it is a gang from venezuela. until you can prove it they will be reluctant to put out a statement. we don't know whether or not there is a process underway to disrupt conspiracies which would then be public in court documents. >> dana: i see. >> sandra: how bad do you think this is. we're waiting for confirmation of ties to the gang. you look at the video, wow, is there something happening in that city, in that town. aurora outside of denver, people are terrified about what they are seeing. they are ransacking the target stores. businesses feel targeted and i've worked the phones this week trying to get people to come on to talk about it. no one wants to talk about it. why? they fear they will be targeted by these gangs. >> gangs rely on that fear to keep communities quiet. i saw that aurora is creating a special task force. there is already a gang task
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forces oriented with federal dollars towards these gangs and to disrupt them. this is hugely concerning when you see the level of violence and intimidation that's going on. if law enforcement at large which will be required to disrupt this gang doesn't focus on them, they will continue to grow. >> dana: there was a chance for the vice presidential nominee on the republican side, j.d. vance, to hit the democrat nominee, kamala harris on this. watch here. >> kamala harris let in people who shouldn't be in this country to begin with. kamala harris opened the border, suspended deportations on day one and stopped donald trump's remain in mexico policy. when donald trump is president we'll reimplement deportations and remain i channels. >> dana: we know from polling the economy is the number one issue. immigration is right below it. from your experience looking across the nation, colorado is
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not the only place dealing with this. what are you hearing from other entities? >> other entities you are seeing violence. we saw in new york, louisiana, miami, the most recent reporting has sex trafficking rings going all the way through virginia and other states. so again, criminals will exploit the border. in order to do that they have to have relationships with mexican cartels that are popular. venezuela gangs is very concerning for u.s. law enforcement. when they go into these smaller towns, aurora is large but not a major metropolitan city like new york, there has to be federal resources directed in order to disrupt this and dismantle this gang before it continues to grow in power. >> sandra: with your experience with working with gangs and fighting against them, you look at what is happening there in denver and reportedly this gang has green lighted their members
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to attack police. the worst kind of criminal is one who has no fear of repercussions, no fear of breaking the law, and no fear of police even confronting them. how do you fight this when you are law enforcement? how do you show up and take care of these guys? >> well, first of all you work in a joint environment where you have state, local and federal law enforcement working together. you are aware of the threat so you take huge precautions. but it is concerning that an armed gang would think they could operate the same way in our country that they did in other countries where we have reporting of them killing law enforcement that weren't cooperating with a gang. the way you do this is you create the task force and you operate with task forces. dismantle at the highest level and that transcends from the start and how they get in to when they are here dismantling them. putting them in jail and
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deporting them. >> sandra: we know the top is cookie monster with a lengthy rap sheet. he is the guy at the top. >> dana: thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate you. >> thank you. >> sandra: san diego officials say migrants have repeatedly try to board school buses carrying children. none have made it on board but parents are alarmed. >> 20 illegal migrants tried to get on the bus today out of one of our bus stops. it is scary that these kids are put into this situation. >> we don't know who these people are. we don't know if they have any criminal history, what their background is. >> sandra: the school superintendent says the incidents were reported to border patrol. all right. a california crime ring is facing a mountain of felony charges laundering millions of dollars. the crime tourism spree flew
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south america theft groups into the united states providing them with rental cars where they burglarized and shoplift across the country. u.s. attorney warning they're seeing a sharp rise in these sorts of crimes. this case acting as a blueprint for future investigations. >> dana: it's 39 days and a lot of -- finally vice president kamala harris agrees to her first down interview of the campaign reaching out to voters in the battleground of georgia. all this and new polls next. [shouting and chanting] >> these protestors are causing chaos at the university of michigan. >> dana: the why bryon kohberger is asking for a change of venue and whether the judge would even consider it. inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button.
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[shouting and chanting] >> sandra: that all happening at the university of michigan. four anti-israel protestors arrested after trying to disrupt a campus event. a school official says they ignored multiple warnings to leave. three of those arrested are not connected with the university and the fourth is a temporary employee. >> dana: after 39 days vice president kamala harris is finally sitting down for a formal interview today. it comes as the campaign continues its peach state press tour courting voters in the battleground of georgia. for good reason. it is close there. mark meredith is live in savannah where she and tim walz
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will be later today. >> the vice president's first sit down tv interview is unlikely to silence critics who claim the vice president has been less than forthright explaining positions from the economy to foreign policy. this morning the harris campaign has a reason to celebrate. they're gaining in the battleground state of georgia. we saw the vice president and her running mate tim walz on the tumbles making two stops in savannah. they say it's an effort to reach out to voters in areas that democrats don't often work to win over. speaking of the race here in georgia is all but deadlocked. what we're seeing in multiple sun belt states. the poll out of georgia. fox survey finding harris leading by two percentage points. it shows you how close the race is in georgia. the state is increasingly in play. voters appear to be fired up across the board. 68% of people telling us they're extremely motivated to vote. a whirl wind of a few weeks for
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democrats. harris has some momentum, there is the report out this morning that there is some confusion at biden now harris campaign headquarters about who is in charge. axios writes the harris team has been wary of making the biden people feel set aside. it led to internal confusion about who is in charge. meantime tonight here in georgia brian kemp will headline a fundraiser for former president trump. they were once close political allies and have a rocky relationship now. kemp is urging the trump team to keep things focused on the economy above all else. >> people are getting hit in their wallet every single day. that's what this race needs to be about. needs to be about the economy, costs, 40 year high inflation that really joe biden and kamala harris created. they are taking credit now for inflation going down. hell, they created it to start with. >> we'll listen to see if the vice president has any direct
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response to the governor's comments and rallying supporters around me here later tonight. >> sandra: let's bring in noah rothman. big day. what are your expectations for this? >> i expect kamala harris will be peppered with some pretty hard questions about her shifts in policy, about her new policy proposals which aren't very distinct from the liberal image she tried to craft for herself in 2019 and a fair amount of character questions that will that is the wheel house for the harris and the walz campaign. i expect the two of them will do their best to emphasize joy and their happiness being there and music and our mutual love of dance and all sort of things they like to talk about. i expect dana bash is a serious reporter and try to keep them on point and get them on the record with some of the stuff that americans are really curious about given her evolution.
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>> dana: dan -- he says the democrats long -- recognize the utility of this obsession with the new and created kamala. the new kamala is central, joy, freedom and middle class and j.d. vance called out harris for a copycat campaign. watch here. >> kamala harris is pretending she agrees with us on everything. and if you look at her campaign the past week and a half, she pretends that she agrees with donald trump on every issue. she is running a copycat campaign. >> dana: what do you think of that? >> i have sympathy for the trump/vance team they say they're lift ping our policies. the tax on tips thing was egregious. however, not really a broad based income tax relief proposal. it was a stop to culinary service and hospitality workers in nevada. democrats will do that better
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than republicans. you can't outbid democrats in giveaways to organized the labor groups. the second issue is the e.v. mandate. now they don't support it. they no longer support gun con -- a suite of policy proposals. the challenge for the trump campaign is not to communicate to voters they're moving to you. they are moving to the center, they're moving to moderation. you want to convey for inauthenticity and insincerity and you can't trust these people to get in office and implement the promises they are using to appeal to you as a voter. j.d. vance is emotion -- >> sandra: had a chat with rich lowry his suggestion the trump team focus on character. the defense of the kamala ticket can be our views evolve and
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change as things change. they can certainly make that case. if the attack is more centered on character it might be more of a strength for the trump campaign. >> that achieves what they really want to achieve, to say all this evolution that this they are going through in public is hard to believe and for a reason. you shouldn't believe it. trust your gut. that's a winning message for the trump campaign. harris team and democrats want to run on character and run against donald trump as a character, as a person who is ill suited to the office he seeks on those grounds. so we will have a very light policy debate. >> dana: i want to show you this. fox poll from last night who do you trust to do a better job on immigration, the border, economy, those are both trump. healthcare and abortion both her. but this is the one i want to ask you about and end on. israel/hamas war was trump plus eight that he would be able to handle that better. i think she will get asked about that tonight and how do you think that will go? >> i hope they are asked about
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that. i hope they are also asked about iran and their efforts to destabilize the region and attack american troops. asked about taiwan. will they defend militarily taiwan and russia and would her administration -- i hope a lot of things come up. >> dana: she has a left wing that has one thing and jewish americans saying excuse me, what about us? >> she wants to straddle the fence and probably will do that and make nobody happy in the process. but she doesn't own the issues. she doesn't own the economy, immigration or most foreign poll cismd issues are not her strong suit. she will have to shift the conversation so what is. she is a change candidate and not an incumbent administration. that's what people believe now. >> dana: even though it's in the title. >> sandra: she walked back one of her only economic pitches to
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the american voters, price controls. the attack on corporations and price gouging. while i'm listening to you i keep thinking will she be asked about this, how will she respond? remember, she is bringing along walz. this is not just kamala harris in this interview today. >> that's the other thing to watch for. whether he is on a hair trigger to jump in and save her from herself if she is floundering or attempting to craft a sentence going nowhere. walz will help her and that will be a big tell. >> dana: thank you for being in studio and everything. the gun that almost ripped america apart. the f.b.i. releasing photos of the weapon used in the trump assassination attempt. new details from the investigation are coming up.
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assassination of donald trump. they held a call with reporters yesterday saying investigators are piecing together the shooter's mindset but still a lot we don't know. >> at this time the f.b.i. is not identified a motive nor any co-conspirators or associates of crooks with advance knowledge of the attack. i want to be clear, we have not seen any indication to suggest crooks was directed by a foreign entity to conduct the attack. >> sandra: former f.b.i. agent bobby chacon was on that call. what did you take away from the calls and details provided to you? >> there was some confirmation on some things we already knew and some things that we don't know yet. it is a little unsettling we still don't know them but now we're thinking we may never know them. >> sandra: want to put up on the screen some new images and pictures they have now released.
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we had not seen these before involves the rifle as it was recovered at the shooting site. some of the other things like the backpack that was involved appears that various tools that he used to carry this out. there was also the improv iced explosive devices initially discovered in the trunk of his car and an air conditioning unit on the side of the building that thomas crooks used to access the roof of the building. did any of these new images tell you more about how he managed to carry this out and his intentions? >> well yeah, the air conditioning unit shows he didn't use a ladder. he didn't need one to get up there. he shimmied onto the unit and the roof. it tells us how he got up there definitively. the rifle, importance of the rifle was operational. fully operational. f.b.i. test fired it and
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confirmed the eight shell casings on the roof matched that rifle. there was some rumor a couple of weeks ago when a congressman visited a local officer had shot crooks or disabled his rifle. that appears not to be true. the rifle was fully operational and there was only one shot that killed crooks. he died from a single gunshot wound to the head fired by the secret service sniper. >> sandra: we show the video we've seen that shows crooks walking the streets prior to the rally happening. this is mike kelly the republican from pennsylvania on saying he feels stonewalled by federal investigators about this details emerging from this. >> one of the things was the proximity. you hear all the members saying the same thing. it was so close. it was so close. then the next question becomes if it was that close and that many people that were aware of somebody on a roof with a gun and with a range finder, the question then comes down to why in the world did we leave president trump out on the platform? there was enough warning ahead of time.
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>> sandra: that really still is the core question. now that we know the heads-up that they had, the things people were seeing, the moment he was spotted, why was the former president allowed to remain speaking on that platform? final thought to you, bobby. >> people should remember this is not part of the f.b.i. investigation. how and why this happened, how it happened is the purview of the secret service. many investigations by the ieg and homeland security to look into the failure and planning and the failure in execution of the safety plan that day. that is not part of the f.b.i. investigation, that's part of secret service. internal homeland security investigation. that still needs to be determined. that needs to be transparent. they need to come out with the planning document for that event, who wrote it, who approved it and why it lacked so many basic security functions of an event like this. >> sandra: if it was revealed by these pictures there was no way for him to access the roof without bringing a substantial ladder it would have been one
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thing. boy, does that image with the air conditioning unit show how easy it was for this person to get on the roof. that's something. we'll see if we learn more. thank you nor joining us on that. all right. dana. >> dana: dana reads sports. you won't believe it. not stealing bases but hearts. l.a. dodgers pitcher playing catcher as his dog named decoy delivers the first pitch. >> we have a new entry for best first pitch ever. watch this. decoy delivers the ball to shohei at home plate and gives him a high five. this is amazing. >> yeah. they were talking about him being part of the first pitch. we didn't know exactly what was going to happen. that was impressive. once again, shohei. >> dana: there they are. >> sandra: no stage fright
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whatsoever. >> dana: as they continue on. they shared a spotlight on bobblehead night to try to clinch the exclusive give away. we should have had dana reads sport on the tennis moment. a.i. screwed up. >> sandra: during the ladies single match. the judge looked like it was a shocker because the ball was so clearly in and called out. >> dana: did the judge say siri, what do we do now? good tennis player, by the way. >> sandra: you, too. president biden may be relaxing at the beach. one of his major programs is at risk. the latest blow to his student loan bail-out will be next. new fox polling showing the economy is the sun belt's number one issue. voters trust one candidate far more than the other on that.
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our panel will weigh in. >> you hear from people every day in georgia the sugar high on this economy is wearing off. all the money that biden and harris have doled out to really buy votes in a lot of different ways is starting to wear out. dun engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. best thing i've ever done. that's what freddie told me. to change my life, it was the best thing i've ever done. really? yes, without a doubt. i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. great people. different people that's for sure
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>> sandra: the supreme court shutting down a biden administration to revive its latest student debt hand-out. several states are suing to block the bail-out. the justices ruled yesterday the program cannot run while it is being litigated. fox business's edward lawrence is live on this from the white house. it is getting interesting, edward. >> very interesting. the biden-harris administration wanted the supreme court to allow the student loan bail-out to go forward so forgiveness could happen before the election and continue to happen as the
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lower courts look at the merits of this case. it was an effort by president biden and vice president kamala harris to get around the lower court ruling that blocked student loan forgiveness while the case moves along. a statement from the white house says our administration will continue to aggressively defend this that happened borrowers who have a $0 payment each month and won't stop fighting against republican elected officials efforts to raise costs on millions of their own constituents student loan payments. at every turn the courts have ruled for the states led by missouri saying only congress has the right under the constitution to appropriate the amount of money needed to forgive student loan debt. taxpayers have paid $168 billion so far. >> it's not a forgiveness program. it is a transfer program. the biden-harris administration wants to transfer the payment of
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these loans, because somebody has to pay for it, to americans who have already paid off their loans, americans hard working americans who did not go to college that don't have loans. >> so if the biden -- vice president harris and president biden have their way, the rule changes to the safe plan would cost taxpayers a total of $536 billion over ten years according to the penn wharton budget model. the biden-harris administration has been changing the rules on existing plans to piece together his student loan forgiveness and what he has been trying to do. >> sandra: edward lawrence live at the white house. thank you. >> we will create what i call an opportunity economy, an opportunity economy where everyone has the chance to compete and a chance to succeed. >> under kamala, it has been one
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disaster after another. promising communist price controls on food, her plan will cause catastrophic inflation. kamala is also pledging the largest tax hikes in american history. >> dana: former president trump and vice president harris sparring over the economy for good reason. fox polling shows the economy is far and away the most important issue to voters in the sun belt and issue where the former president enjoys an eight-point advantage. our panel. taylor riggs and mark temper. here they are. great to have you both. let's put this on the board here. in georgia, nevada, north carolina, arizona, the economy is the number one issue. this is not a surprise. what is different in those states that might be different from the rust belt states, these are the sun belt. what about the rust belt? >> i think harris is doing a really good job of distancing herself from bidenomics. but there is something different
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going on where the right really wants to talk and you've heard from trump about the bottom-up creator economy. get regulation out of the way and let people, businesses create, flourish, entrepreneur, competition will bring down prices versus the left wants to talk about price controls. big bad evil corporations. that sounds good. if you are a voter who doesn't quite know all the way economics works, that can be tempting. but if you know the way economics works, you know that price controls do not work. grocery stores we know are not making money. you know who is making money? apple. so you will do price controls on your apple phones. they are the ones growing margins, not grocery stores. i don't know the way this works. >> cost of living is the issue. sun belt is in high demand. cost of living is a little more there than maybe cleveland, ohio where i'm from. and consumers are struggling. the consumer is very fragile
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right now. we're losing full-time jobs while adding part-time jobs. multiple job holders. that number is at an all-time high. just to put food on your table you now have to drive uber in the evenings or become a door dash delivery person. consumers are struggling. you look at mcdonalds. they had a $5 value meal and couldn't get people to walk into a restaurant to buying something they were giving away for free. consumer is in a tough spot. >> dana: if you do decide to take on another job that has to do with driving you are paying really high car insurance rates. get this. the cost of full coverage auto insurance, taylor, is going up. you can see here on the screen. 2 1/2 thousand a year. three states are expected to see increases of more than 50% in 2024, california, minnesota, missouri. why? >> high regulation states, right? california we know that. and here is my thing is if that
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keeps up with inflation or wages that's fine. those rates are growing faster than inflation. so if you are a senior citizen living on a fixed income, and all of that is going up. we were talking with art laffer yesterday. the property taxes are going up faster than his income. if you are on a fixed wage. that's why then you need that second job because it's the maintenance cost, the car insurance. not just the gas, right, or the home price is up. everything else around you and the insurance is going up that makes that unsustainable. the federal reserve did a great study that people older than 65 or making less than $45,000 a year are the biggest job seekers right now. that vulnerable population right now is desperate. >> dana: we had a man out of georgia. >> sandra: part of this is lawlessness running up car prices and auto insurance. >> car prices are up 30% since biden-harris took office. crime. whether it's vandalism of a
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vehicle or theft of a vehicle, that is certainly driving up insurance costs. you look at tiktok as an example. there were videos six to 12 months ago teaching kids how to teal kias and hyundai. >> dana: there are fewer traffic stops now because of defund the police and pullback and more speeding which leads to more accidents and the car insurance piece is one of the reasons that young people don't want to get their license. right? you don't have the money to pay for it. get uber instead. great to have you both. thank you so much as we talk politics and the economy. >> sandra: both campaigns hitting battleground states in a blitz. houthis attack an oil tanker in the red sea setting the stage for a massive spill. any outrage from far left
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climate activists on that? >> the mv delta sits immobilized in the red sea on fire and appears to be leaking oil. both navigational hazard and potential environmental catastrophe. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit i'd like to take a moment to
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>> dana: a possible environmental disaser unfolding in the red sea following a houthi attack on all oil tanker carrying crude. we aren't hearing any outrage from far left climate activists rarely shy about speaking out. the attack happened near yemen where the proxy group is based. daniel turner is here from power the future. environmentalists are hot and heavy on a lot of things but not this. what's going on? >> a huge environmental disaster and not surprising the groups
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are playing politics. it's an election year. greenpeace, sierra club. they are all in on the biden-harris administration that has punished fossil fuels and unleashed trillions of dollars in green spending. they want kamala harris. if they were to bring attention to this disaster it opens up a can of worms. why do the houthis have this money? from iran. why does iran have money? the biden-harris administration got rid of the sanctions imposed on them. they're now flush with cash. israelis know this better than anybody. it opens up an enormous can of worms that the biden-harris administration and terrible energy poll seals aren't just bad domestically but unleashed chaos around the world and they need to be held to account. so to avoid that, the green groups just forget about the climate, forget about the environment and keep their heads down. >> dana: do you think any of the young people who think they are so clever by gluing hands to a
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van gogh in a museum have any idea what's going on? four times the size of exxon valdez that nearly brought this country to its knees. >> it is great point to remember. those of us who remember the spill in 1989 know it was a national story for months and months. the reason why is because it made the energy industry look bad. the energy industry did a great job cleaning it up. it was a terrible tragedy but we got through it. this tragedy that's happening makes the biden-harris administration look bad because they are ignoring it and shameful that important issues like the environment are only weaponized for political gain. these groups don't really care about the environment, they care about power. >> dana: where do we go from here? the houthis are more sophisticated than people originally thought. it was a rag tag group but because they have the backing of iran they are more sophisticated and hard to take things out.
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what has this done also to the oil market? the prices people are paying and the restrictions on trying to get crude from one place to the next? >> oil has been persistently high for the last couple of years. we've seen it trickle down across the price of everything that we pay. oil historically should be 45, 50 a barrel and been in the high 70s and 80s for years because of the biden-harris administration's terrible energy policies. this has been bad for the economy domestically but great for actors like russia, who has invaded ukraine with their wealth. like iran, etc. energy prices and energy policies are world peace, the world economics and harris has none. she has none on her website. >> dana: one last question. tonight she will do her first interview. with her vice presidential nominee tim walz. she has said she is now not against fracking. what question would you want her
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to answer tonight? >> she hasn't said anything. her campaign has put out statements by anonymous staffers. that's not the same. that is giving her plausible deniability to say i never said i reversed my ban on fracking. these green groups are being quiet because they know she is playing coy because they are in her pocket. an honest question would be ma'am, why did you reverse your fracking ban? do you really disagree with your fracking ban? was biden wrong to have a ban on fracking or cancel keystone pipeline? these are honest, easy questions. she won't get asked any of them today. >> dana: maybe the answers should be easy but might not be. thank you for joining us. we'll keep an eye on this oil spill in the red sea. appreciate you. >> thanks. >> democrats are now trying to make donald trump the incumbent. they want donald trump is for all these bad. the polling today, right


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