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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 29, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> you still want to go on an ice cream date? >> all right. >> dana: his name is john henry. the moment he found out his new heart was on the way. doctors performed the transplant the following day and now recovering at home and what a joyful spirit, no doubt his new heart will see him on to many great accomplishments in his life. >> sandra: that just made my day. thank god every day for all those doctors out there to make the miracle happen. amazing. thank you for having me today. >> dana: you will have america reports at 1:00. >> 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern time. >> dana: "the faulkner focus" is next. john roberts. >> john: sandra, see you soon. today is the day vice president
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kamala harris will sit down for her first formal interview. she has yet to face any serious questions for 39 days since declaring her candidacy for president of the united states. but there is a caveat to this interview that is whipping up anger and mockery. this is "the faulkner focus." i'm john roberts in for harris, vice president harris will prerecord that interview this afternoon and running mate governor tim walz will be right by her side. let the criticism rip. meghan mccain posting i don't know if democrats fully realize how damaging the image of the possible first woman president being incapable of giving an interview alone without the presence of a man to help her. one national review writer with she simply cannot be left unattended. another user i guess we'll learn what their favorite kind of ice cream is. former trump senior advisor stephen miller with some sarcasm. >> mission control spent less time figuring out how to get a
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man onto the moon than it took to figure out they could do a taped interview with tim walz. what better way to show you are ready to take on putin, isis, than to show that you have the moxie as a liberal democrat to sit down in a taped edited interview with a babysitter. the invasion of normandy wasn't courageous compared to this. >> it's no coincidence that kamala's first interview is scheduled for the thursday night before labor day weekend. they hope it gets lost and hasn't aired yet. scared to do an interview on her own and pre-taped so they can clean it up. the reference to the instances of so many word salads we've been presented by the vice president. >> we've been to the border. we've been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe.
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i don't understand the point that you are making. what else are you going to do to fix this problem with inflation? >> thank you. well, let's start with this. prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of -- of -- that bread costs more and gas costs more. culture is -- it is a reflection of a moment in our time, right? and -- and present culture expresses how we're feeling about the moment. this is just extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy. and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy.
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>> john: harris and walz are set to rally in savannah. a big buzz around all this, mark. >> there sure is. the rally will happen behind me this evening. before that she will sit down for her first taped interview. if there are any major mistakes or embarrassing moments it could reverberate for weeks in this campaign up to election day. the vice president has on the campaign trail quite a bit since becoming the democratic nominee but continued to keep the press at arm's length. she only answered a few questions at a time usually with the press pool traveling with her. harris is likely to face questions today about some of the change in positions she is embraced. now she emotion brailless fracking. now she supports the border wall funding. perhaps it is an attempt to close the gap with the former president in battleground states like georgia because right now they do have her leading but only by two points. within the margin of error. >> would never thought it would
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be a blow-out race. it will be close. organized the campaign around institutional organizations in the battleground states that matter the most. >> harris and running mate are using the bus tour to reach out to voters in areas democrats wouldn't usually spend time, money or effort to attract. they were in a rural part of georgia yesterday and the gop was watching. one republican telling fox democrats in georgia are finally learning an important lesson. there is more to georgia than just atlanta. we're hearing from georgia governor brian kemp urging republicans to focus on issues of the economy if they get the state back compared to what we saw four years ago. >> john: mark meredith have a lovely time with walz and harris this evening. appreciate it. somehow it is still early even though it's after 11. "wall street journal" editorial
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board says harris gets an interview crush. she will have a chaperone. a deliberate attempt to limit the exposures risks for the vice president. sean duffy on fox business is with us now. they could say america gets to meet the ticket for the first time both harris and walz. at the same time is he there to potentially deflect any pointed questions that are directed at her? and then what about this image of the first potential female president of the united states having to sit beside a man? >> it's a bad look. i tell you what if my wife was running no way i would sit by her in an interview. she would kick me out. you want to look strong. the problem with kamala harris has had really bad policy and i think with stephen miller said she is the queen of word salads. we see that who watch her. we watched her for the last multiple years. what this shows is her team feels the same way we do.
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they don't have confidence that she can sit down in an interview without tim walz at her side. that is even with a left wing interviewer like dana bash. that says a lot. i think the campaign is doing her a disservice. i spent ten years in the house. what you see with politicians is metal sharpens metal. you want to take interviews and questions and you want to answer those questions because when you do that you get better at how you answer the incoming fire from the media. and i think the problem here is when she gets to the debate stage without having done interviews by herself taken questions on her own, she will be nervous. she will come in and it is really hard when you are nervous to actually convey the thoughts you have and where you want to take the country. again, i know they are trying to protect her but in the end i think they will look back and think it was a huge mistake on the part of the campaign and harris. >> john: multiple outlets and the trump campaign put out
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topics and questions they think the v.p. should answer. her policy flip-flops. the ban on fracking, mandatory gun buy backs, eliminating private health insurance and lax border security. all of which she has reversed herself on in the last 39 days. they want to know about how she will fix the economy, her position on israel's war with hamas and whether she was complicit in keeping the president's mental decline under wraps. i expect those have to be forefront on dana bash's mind. do you think she will ask all those questions? >> you would hope so. you might have a better idea that i do. i would hope those questions you would ask those questions. i wonder if she is more concerned of propping up and helping kamala harris versus asking questions to the answers we want to know. to hear her answers are important. the american people can judge
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her answers. is she being honest? is this a real change of heart based on the explanation she gave? or is she just telling us she has changed her positions to get elected but go back to the same radical positions of gun grabs and single payer healthcare and open borders? all things the american people don't want. i think to hear her explanation would serve the american people really well. i don't know that dana will ask those questions. i think it will be a lot softer. john, we don't know if it will be edited. will cnn put the full interview on the website. do we get to watch all the laughing and uncomfortable nature of the interview. are they part of the harris campaign are are they a media organization? >> john: given how big this is i hope they do more than put the whole interview on the website. i hope they put it on their channel. we'll see. former president trump fired back at special counsel jack smith's second shot at indictment in his federal
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election case. the new filing has the exact same criminal charges but it looks to by pass any obstacle the supreme court limited presidential immunity ruling may pose. trump posted no presidential candidate or candidate for any office has had to put up with this law fair out of the office of a political opponent. he is far from the only critic. listen here. >> this is clearly an ongoing effort by the kamala harris-joe biden administration department of justice to engage-in-law fare against president trump. >> an attempt to interfere with an election. >> it doesn't do any of us any good to see this kind of weaponization. justice system. >> john: are eyes are on the timing. the "wall street journal" editorial board writes in a case everyone knows won't go to trial before november, before the november ballots are cast, what is to be gained by the urgency now unless smith's aim is to
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remind voter's against trump's misdeeds. if trump wins the federal cases will be dismissed by the next attorney general. is smith hoping to prevent that outcome from slamming the superseding indictment on the table two months before election day? what i find really interesting about this is that in the initial indictment, jack smith went into great detail about how trump misused the levers of power including the d.o.j. to try to interfere in the outcome of the election. now saying forget about all of that. he didn't do it as president. he did it as a candidate. he didn't use the d.o.j. to do it. what do you make of this? >> listen, it wreaks of politics and lawfare. the bottom line is you don't have a statute of limitation issue in this complaint had to be filed. this indictment had to be filed right now. it could have waited until after the election. because it is being filed right now, again i think the interviews you air evidence are
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spot on in that jack smith wants the american people to think about donald trump as a criminal. as an indicted presidential candidate. that is the purpose of this. again we have gone to great lengths to make sure the department of justice doesn't interfere with elections. again i think with the biden-harris administration they have thrown out all kinds of rules to maintain power and use whatever tool they can to make sure that they win. this is one of those tools they are using. john, i think the american people are so beyond the lawfare, so beyond the prosecutions. i think this is going to be an after story, jack smith likes to keep his name in the news and see himself on tv. and he wants to take donald trump down. i have think that's the purpose here. >> john: we shall see if it gets any traction in the court of public opinion or the court itself. great to see you. thank you. another legal smackdown for the biden-harris administration's taxpayer funded hand-outs. why the supreme court is putting the brakes on wiping away date
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for millions of student loan holders. critics say there could be a big conflict of interest at play here in the run-up to the debates. i have dry eye... tired, itchy, burning... my symptoms got worse over time. my eye doctor explained the root was inflammation—so he prescribed xiidra. xiidra works differently. xiidra targets inflammation. over-the-counter drops don't do this. they only hit pause on my symptoms.
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>> john: hundreds of hand-outs on hold again. supreme court won't reinstate the administration's student debt forgiveness programs for millions of borrowers. several republican states challenged the plan that put it on hold while the lawsuits play out. it's also a political issue. >> they want to keep the student loan forgiveness issue alive. they want to say to their base and to voters, look, the only reason why we're not giving you $20,000 in student loan forgiveness is because that very mean supreme court and thus vote
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for us and we'll fix the mean supreme court court. as a matter of law it's straight forward. the president doesn't have the power to give away money like this. >> john:ed lawrence is following this issue through the biden administration and at the white house with the latest. >> president joe biden and vice president kamala harris want to continue forgiving debt before the election. the u.s. supreme court has halted that plan as the lower courts work through the merits of this case here. at every turn the courts have ruled against the biden-harris administration related to the student loan plan saying only congress has the authority to appropriate the amount of money needed for the student loan bail-out. the total cost to taxpayers over ten years would be up to $536 billion for all the rule changes to the existing student assistance plans. $54 billion per year to pay off the loans for some people. already cost taxpayers $168 billion so far.
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>> how many times does the supreme court have to tell them no that they do not have authority under the law? the biden-harris administration wants to transfer the payment of these loans. somebody will pay for it. to americans who have already paid off their loans or americans hard working americans who did not go to college that don't have loans. this is not a forgiveness program, this is a transfer program to the taxpayers as a whole. >> the department of education defends the student loan bail-out. spokesperson saying the biden-harris administration remains committed to supporting borrowers and will continue to fight for the most affordable repayment options for millions of people across the country. white house spokesperson says our administration will continue to aggressively defend the save plan. critics say it amounts to vote buying and adds unnecessary money to the already out of control federal debt. john. >> john:ed lawrence with the update. thank you so much. the trump campaign is calling out a potential conflict of
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interest over vice president kamala harris's debate prep. the lead attorney in the administration's antitrust lawsuit against google is helping harris prepare for next month's debate with former president trump. the trial is expected to begin on september 9th, just one day before that debate is scheduled. david spunt at the department of justice with the latest on this. >> i'm told by several attorneys this is not illegal. however, it does raise some questions and a tough image for some people potentially to digest. kamala harris, the vice president, has made it clear she is no fan of large monopolies. the united states her administration is fighting against google taking google to court. now her reported debate advisor happens to be the lead attorney, karen dunn, respected d.c. attorney who worked in the obama administration and helped prepare them senator harris debate against pence in 2020. now they all report she is back
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helping the harris campaign with debate prep. one former d.o.j. official said to think ofist this way. kamala harris is against monopolies is taking debate advice from one of the lead attorneys for google. here is the head of an agency that tracks ethics issues on both sides of the aisle. watch. >> it is problematic that karen dunn has the ability to potentially get the next president of the country on the phone at a moment's notice and she might also be negotiating on behalf of google with the justice department in a few months. >> reached out to both karen dunn and the harris campaign. have not heard back. john. >> john: david spunt for us. thank you. the illegal immigrant crisis spiraling out of control in california. a group of migrants tried to get on a school bus carrying young kids. the state's plan to include
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illegals to its loan home buyer program is heading to the governor. >> this is hugely concerning when you see the level of violence and intimidation going on. if law enforcement at large which will be required to disrupt this gang doesn't focus on them, they will continue to grow. >> john: families in fear over a migrant gang infiltrating a denver suburb. they blame city policies for fueling the violence. jason rantz joins us to discuss coming up next.
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>> john: heavily armed men storm through an apartment building outside of denver. residents of this building in aurora, colorado say many migrants have moved in and the crisis has been living in fear. officials say those migrants may
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be part of the venezuelan gang tren de aragua. a former f.b.i. official on the threat. >> venezuelan gangs operating in the united states with relationship to mexican cartels is very concerning for u.s. law enforcement. when they go into these smaller towns, aurora is large but not a major metropolitan city like new york there has to be federal resources directed in order to disrupt this and dismantle this gang before it continues to grow in power. >> john: more than 5.6 million illegal aliens are residing inside the united states since biden and harris took office back in january of 2021. americans in communities across the countries are feeling the serious impacts of this especially when it comes to the economy and crime. alicia acuna in denver with more on this. >> right now the aurora police department is not confirming the men in this video are connected to tren de aragua. however, there are folks who live in the denver suburb,
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including a member of the city council, who insist the gang has a large and dangerous presence. another look at the doorbell videos shared with fox. you can see what looks to be a group of five men walking up a stairwell at the edge at lowery apartments in aurora, one has a long gun. three others with guns. we don't know who lives behind that door. watch this second video. it appears they are forcing their way into that apartment. edward and cindy say they felt so unsafe they decided to move out especially after this incident and a shoot-out earlier this month that left their car riddled with bullets. they claim things changed when migrant started to move in and while living there this is how they locked things up. >> every day when we come home, we have to do this. every time we go outside to take out the garbage.
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every time we try to go to bed at night. we have to keep it like this so nobody can kick in the door. >> aurora city councilwoman says a number of apartment buildings have been taken over by the violent and federally designated criminal organization tren de aragua. again aurora p.d. not connecting the video to the gang. they say based on our initial investigative work we believe reports of tda influence in aurora are isolated. in addition to all of this, last week the u.s. attorney's office here announced a federal grand jury indicted four venezuelan nationals for a violent armed robbery of a denver jewelry store. this week, john, neighboring douglas county the sheriff's office announced the left of 11 people in an auto theft ring. none have been confirmed as connected to tda. aurora pd is part of a regional
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task force now investigating the gang. >> john: i'm sure we'll hear a lot more about this in the days and weeks ahead. let's bring in seattle radio host jason rants. when they reports of tda incidents are isolated. i think the people in that apartment building might tend to disagree with them. denver is a sanctuary city and now spilling out to suburbs around there. >> when you are personally impacted you will take all of this extra seriously, right? you know the safety, vulnerability that you have at that moment. giving law enforcement the benefit of the doubt for a bit here, it is possible they just haven't been able to legally prove that kind of connection. and it could get in the way potentially of their investigation. so i'm willing to give them a little bit of leeway here. i think it is important, however, to be public and talk about this constantly and really shine a spotlight on the issue. just so at least the public
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knows that you take this seriously. because obviously you have folks outside of aurora with this council member but a lot of folks who feel they have been let down by the democrat leaders who announced very publicly, very loudly that we are a sanctuary, come to our city and state. every single time we get any of these sanctuary policies on city, county of state level they don't differentiate between the single mom fleeing into the country and someone who is gang member. treated the same and given the same protections. that is backward. >> john: now there are reports the tren de aragua leaders are telling their members go ahead and attack the police and now we hear that after it's been in suspension, that the biden-harris administration will reactivate the chnv program which includes venezuela yeah from whence these people came. >> yeah, why are they waiting so long? there is an election coming up.
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at some point they have to be all called out. we can't ignore the fact it is happening at the same time kamala harris running for o talk about the border and claim it is something she takes seriously. i'm sorry, 3 1/2 years prove otherwise and countless victims that show otherwise. >> john: some scary scenes in california is what we want to talk about next. a town west of san diego -- east of san diego close to the border with mexico. the school superintendent there said groups of migrants attempted to stop two buses, school buses and possibly board them while carrying young students. the sheriff's department is investigating and says that for the safety of students, drivers will bypass stops when there are migrants nearby. parents are scared. >> we don't know who these people are. we don't know if they have any criminal history, what their background is. >> it is scary that these kids
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are put into this situation. if those 20 people would have gotten onto the bus and tried to take over the bus, these kids and bus driver could have been in real danger. >> john: we don't know what is happening. people in this country illegally did they mistake a school bus for a regular bus. the school bus won't stop to pick up students if migrants are nearby. parents are supposed to chase the bus to the next stop? what's that about? >> i can't fault any of these bus drivers who think what they are doing is for the protection of these kids. kudos for them to be aware of this. the fact that parents and kids and bus drivers are put in this situation to begin with is what is absurd. it is now up for the individual communities to say enough is enough, to actually vote like this issue matters to them. these policies weren't just put in place out of nowhere. it is not like a lot of these folks didn't campaign on this very issue when they get put in
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power to implement these policies. for so many communities you're living on borrowed time before you are directly impacted. and hopefully it is not a crime that you are directly impacted by but unfortunately that's what we are seeing more and more and more. kids can't get to and from school safely is just absurd. >> john: the idea of parents chasing buses all over the place to find their students. some california residents are outraged over a bill passed yesterday. it would allow illegal immigrant first time home buyers to qualify for an interest free loan of up to $150,000. the measure is headed to governor newsom's desk. not one republican voted for the plan arguing the bill's passage would continue to incentivize illegal immigration and create competitions to american citizens trying to buy a home. >> what the rest of america
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needs to be worried about is the harris-walz administration taking these crazy california ideas and nationalizing them. the country can't afford to buy illegal immigrants homes. >> john: oregon, a housing support group in portland had an offer to grant $30,000 home buyers in the state only non-u.s. citizens are eligible to apply. can this do anything but increase the pull factor here? if somebody somewhere around the country wants to come to the united states and think why not only will i be allowed to stay in the country but they'll help me buy a home, why wouldn't they come knocking on the door? >> they are making life incredibly easy for folks who come into the country illegally rather than go through a legal route. they're prioritizing the illegal immigrants over any kind of support for their own residents. note these are happening in very
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blue states and very blue cities. they are doing this because people seem to be giving them the thumbs-up especially when we talk about progressives. there is this weird attitude of being in some cases a literal white knight coming to the rescue of people of color, they think about the world through that lens. so they see themselves as helping rather than what they are actually doing is hurting their own communities. >> john: all right. jason rantz, always good to catch up with you. appreciate it, sir. thank you. fox news poll show vice president harris and former president trump are in a dead heat in several key states. the numbers may not paint the full picture. plus president biden is feeling the heat for his long summer vacation. >> the observation that there is a group of people running this without any leadership from joe biden is spot on. it has been my experience for the last two years. there is really nobody in charge. >> john: biden on week two of his latest giveaway.
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>> john: fox news alert. iran's supreme leader signaled he is open to negotiating with
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the u.s. over tehran's nuclear program. some suggest the move could be a way for iran t out of its threats to attack israel in retaliation for the killing of terror leaders tied to iran while in iran. jack keane with this. >> i think it's a bit of political grandstanding and diplomatic diversion. obviously there has been focus on iran in terms of the anger what they represent. this is china waiving a fig leaf. let's see it for what it is. iran is behind what is happening in the middle east and no walking away from that. appalling the administration doesn't confront them directly. >> john: jennifer griffin at the pentagon for us this morning. >> senior u.s. defense officials say iran's missile units remain on the highest state of alert poised to possibly strike israel in retaliation for the killing of the hamas leader in tehran.
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there are also increasing signs that iran may be looking for a way out to avoid a larger war that would draw the u.s. into a direct conflict. iran's supreme leader, appears to have put out an olive branch opening the doors to renewed negotiations with the u.s. over iran's nuclear program. >> shouldn't pin hopes on the enemy or wait for the enemy raise agreement to go ahead with our plans. this doesn't conflict with working with that enemy in some areas. there are no barriers. don't pin hopes on them. don't trust them. >> his comments mirror the ones he made of the time of the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by the obama administration when they agreed to pull back on its nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of sanctions. president trump pulled out of that agreement and now based on the current intelligence the state department estimates that iran is two weeks from the ability to break out and have
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enough material for the nuclear weapon should the supreme leader order his scientists to do so. >> iran continues to be a destabilizing country in the region. diplomacy is also preferred. our focus is on regional security and stability and supporting the u.s. national security interests when it comes to the broader middle ease regions. >> throwing cold water over renewed nuclear talks a spokesperson said we'll judge iran's leadership by their actions, not their words. >> john: jennifer, thank you. president biden seemed to be enjoying himself at the beach yesterday. that was day nine of his two-week vacation. the beachside getaway is coming with plenty of backlash as well. several headlines called out biden for the extended vacation after he vowed to finish his term strong. social media users also tore into the president. one posted biden isn't even pretending to run the country.
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another said are they plan to keep biden hidden on vacation until a new president is elected? the white house defended biden's r & r time earlier this week. >> the questions i'm hearing and put to you is who is running the country? >> president joe biden. you can never unplug in a job like that nor does he try to. he is very much in command of making sure we can continue to protect our national security interests here at home and certainly overseas. >> lisa boothe, fox news contributor joins us now. lisa, the white house is duty i havely defending the president. he is a lame duck and faded from view. to the bigger issue. i covered three presidents and every time bill clinton went on
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vacation, you could say that about bush 41 as well. obama went on vacation, george w. bush went on vacation. people were saying why are they on vacation? the only one who didn't take a dedicated vacation was president trump but he played a lot of golf. >> he is allowed to go on vacation. a little different context than the presidents you mentioned before. this one decided to not seek re-election, dropped out via x. didn't explain why he was dropping out of the race, but we've all seen his cog intive decline and helped lead to him being pushed out by billionaires in his party and party elites. what we forget is kamala harris is also running this country. currently the vice president. if you looked at a lot of media coverage and the way she is positioning herself as a candidate, she is in charge of this thing. she is the co-captain in this. but what does that tell you, john, about how poorly of a job
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joe biden has done that she has done as vice president, that she feels so compelled to run from that agenda to try to represent herself as something new or something forward? >> john: we're also joined by fred hicks. what about the idea of biden being on vacation and being criticized. what is wrong with the president getting a little r & r. >> as you mentioned this is not atypical for presidents at all. nancy reagan said presidents don't go on vacation they just get a change of scenery. the reality is that the president is always the president 24 hours a day, seven days a week and this is part of his scheduled time between 41 and 43 president bush had almost 1,000 days off. this is not atypical. this is something that happens in a normal cycle. what we need to focus in on here is the fact the economy is doing
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well, that matters are still being handled and that the reality is right now president trump, when he was president, took several golf vacations but the world kept ticking. this is what presidents do. they are humans, too. >> john: two points on that. you get debate whether the economy is doing well or not. as i said trump never officially took vacation. he did play a lot of golf but ashooed the idea he was on vacation. >> he took over 200 days off during many of those days he stayed at trump properties which cost taxpayers money and benefited from that. >> john: let's move on to this. brand-new fox news poll show vice president harris closing the gap with former president trump is key sun belt states. the numbers are well within the margin of error putting the two in a dead heat. trump is up in the states on the two top issues for voters, economy and border. fox news contributor guy benson said harris's numbers might not
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be built to last. listen here. >> what i get is game on. the new reality is what it is and she is now closed the gap biden had in the crucial states. democrats are energized. enthusiastic right now and if the republicans can match that and convince independents to come their way, they will win in maybe most or all of those states. has she hit her peak after what, five straight weeks of media worship with no scrutiny whatsoever, does it now go down or level off from here? >> john: new opinion piece says the convention didn't help harris. there is a much stronger case to be made for the notion that harris had an entrance bump that start evidence when she replaced biden on the top of the ticket but the advantage has plateaued to the point where the polling is settling back to a more stable picture. the harris campaign is left wondering what happened to her convention bounce while more troubles brew beneath the surface.
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lisa, this is what happened in 2019. in the early going of that year she was running very closely behind biden and bernie sanders in position number three. then started to fade and by the time the summer hit she was basically an after thought. the longer she stays in a presidential race, the worse she does. what do you think? >> it also doesn't signal strength that it has taken over a month for her to sit down with a friendly interviewer and she has to have a man beside her. a guy who wants to put tampons in the boy's bathroom. americans will view it as she is weak. if you go back to the 2020 election, donald trump is polling seven to ten points ahead of where he was then. that race came down to 44,000 votes and a handful of key states. also those polls at the time underestimated his support and you also have to look at the fact this is still a nail biter race, coin flip race after she has received 84% positive
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coverage from the media and donald trump has received 89% negative. she should be running away with this race at this point. so i do believe that donald trump is strongly positioned heading into november. he is picking up the pace with the states he visit, campaign stops. i believe he is strongly positioned and kamala harris will continue to drop. >> john: at the dnc there was a big push for latino voters. watch. >> in the latino community, in our community we have a saying, it means yes, we can. but tonight i'm here to tell you yes, she can. we'll sashe. so when someone asks you is she ready to lea country forward we'll say she is. when somebody asked will she be the first female president of the united states? we're going to say she.
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>> john: that's what some see a cringe worth ear pandering but others an appealing rallying cry. can democrats win voters by treating them like everyone else. like african-americaners. donald trump is doing better in the past. can kamala harris count on them to pull her out at the end? >> i was at the convention last week and it was inspiring and exciting four-day run there. i want to challenge something just said. the reality is that when kamala harris became the nominee on july 21st she was behind three to six points in all the swing states and national polls. reality is she has closed that gap and has moved ahead. this idea that she is slowing down is really weird to me. because >> john: we have to run. we'll see if it holds true or not. thank you so much. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." i'm john roberts in for harris
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