tv Hannity FOX News August 29, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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i was see it over the labor day weekend. holly from arizona guy don't shame your stopper for wearing lifts, men are just insecure. you know i think it's important if a man is insecurity and where lifts to shame them so they can stand at their normal height of brick shape from south carolina, sc you are my screensaver, is that weird? my husband is no, not weird at all! stare into that screen and basking my glow. watch the show to, we don't get a rating if he just stared that's going. that is all for us tonight, i will be going on a small assignment soon so just prepare, but i will have something to back when i return for my assignment. i'm watters, and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: welcome to the
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special addition of "hannity", m. judge jeanine pirro intimate for shauna. denied with just 67 days until the election, kamala harris finally sat down for her very first tv interview of the campaign where the cnn, so-called news network, over rooting for harris to win the election. kamala harris also was joined by her running away who was apparently there for emotional support and steal from what we have seen so far, the interview did not go well. watch this... >> dana the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions as my values have not changed very you mentioned the green deal. i have always believed and i have worked on at, that the climate crisis is real, is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that included
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holding ourselves to deadlines around time. we did that with the inflation reduction act, we have set goals for the united states of america and by extension to the globe around when we should meet certain standards forward actions of greenhouse gas emissions, as an example, that valley has not changed. my valley around what we need to do to secure our border, that valley has not changed. as been taught what terms is the attorney general of california prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, violations of american laws regarding the passage that legal passage of drugs, guns in human beings across our border. my values have not changed. >> judge jeanine: the importance take away from that rambling answer? kamala harris values have not have not changed! she went discussed the greening new deal which he cosponsored in the senate. that's be clear about what the green new deal really is. this truly insane piece of legislation similar calls on
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capitalism to be replaced with socialism in order to save the planet from climate change. it calls for an shanda to all fossil fuels, no more oil, no more gas, no more gas stoves. so according to a cnn summary, it also tries to phase out cattle reduction -- production in the united states, at least as much as is closed -- "feasible". eventually no more cows, no more burgers. their mandates renovations for every single building and home in the united states that is not a sufficiently energy efficient. it calls for a government guaranteed job, government guaranteed food and government guaranteed housing for every resident of the united states, legal and illegal. it also calls in the government to take over over the energy industry and parts of late financial industry, similar to
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what happened in venezuela, cuba and the soviet union. this is full-blown eating out of dumpsters, delivering babies on the street socialism. so trump's new nickname for the vise president seemed particularly fitting, take a listen... >> mr. trump: i'm here today with a simple message for the american autoworkers, for the american worker, your loan economic nightmare will very soon be over, it'll be over, i will turn it around. with your vote we will defeat comrade kamala harris and we will bring a bag of the american dream bigger, biter to get stronger and just better. the love of the american dream, you don't care about the american dream! [ cheering and applause ] when was ostomy heart about the american dream? they don't talk about it, the copy everything else i do. they will be saying the american dream... >> judge jeanine: joining us now with reaction, fox news can
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jupiter and former house speaker nathan kai gray to have you here tonight of brick i don't understand it, she says her values have not changed, then she started talking about metrics, about what we need to do, i have no idea, had do your values change? if she is doing amnesty for undivided illegals, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, free taxpayer funded healthcare for illegals, abolishing i.c.e and making sure that ev be billed on a particular year, what the heck do her values have to do with any of that? >> look, actually was confident that she was honest. she is a san francisco radical, as she believes deeply in big government socialism. i watched her staff the last couple of weeks trying to move her towards a more moderate
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position, and i think when she finally got a chance to be on tv she decided baloney. i will not do all of those things, this is who i really am here who she really is is a hard-line left-wing san francisco radical, totally committed to make a government socialism and you can tell because likud higher vise president or candidate is! the most radical governor in american history, to the left of bernie sanders, and he is the person she feels comfortable with. so i thought it was a refreshingly honest moment. >> judge jeanine: and must tell you, neat pictures that we have seen, she does not look very presidential. she had to bring along her security blanket, tim walz, but she looks almost minuscule, dana bash, and this is all pretaped and this was all dictated by her. did she resolve the issues of
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the americans have in terms of what she stands for? >> look at hear is her problem, she has been joe biden's vice president for almost five years. the price of groceries has gone up, millions of immigrants have illegally crossed the border. crime has gone up. you go through item after item after item, this terrible story today from colorado about a venezuelan gang who was now beginning to genuinely threatened citizens in colorado, all of these things are coming together in her problem is, they are all the real. whatever she says on cnn or whatever she says in a debate with trump, in vienna, americans are going to go back to the grocery store, they look look at how much everything costs, they will think a lot of the evening news and whatever terrible thing
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it tells us about illegal immigrants killing are reaping or kidnapping americans, and she cannot overcome all that! so what you have right now is somebody who will shrink every week from now until election day. she has had her peek moment out of the news media did aid -- doing all it could to build her up, she got to her convention as a stage-managed with hollywood help, and now she's out in the real world. and i think as a you saw with parts of the cnn interview, is just not going to go very well. >> judge jeanine: what's interesting, even in this latest interview, it appears that she talks about her prosecution of transnational gangs for so she goes back to that when in truth, sheet is basically admitting that all of these millions of people who have crossed the border and committing crimes, the latest, a prison gang from venezuela making reference, she knows that a prosecutor them
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again she was again at the second highest office in the land, vice president, she did nothing. americans have to be able to see that it is all talk! >> look, the amazing to think to me as she could not control the border so millions of immigrants come and, she is channeling after comment under law, we have two astronauts no stock at the space station, they went over a days, it was a raid wants, she hasn't got a clue, so she can bring the astronauts down educated give the immigrants out of, and she wants is to promote her to president. you know, it's nuts! and i think the average american will conclude that it's nearly crazy and i suspect she will lose by dramatically bigger margin than any of the current polls indicated. people will gradually get to know who she is, watch her and think about it. say one quick think, which is
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trump tonight is in la crosse, wisconsin, which is 35 miles out for my wife caresses hometown, she's so thrilled to show that he is in western wisconsin. he will take more questions tonight from people out in an open environment with no protection, he will take more questions than she has taken in the last five weeks, and that will tell you something about the confidence of the two candidates. >> judge jeanine: for sure. the year that this interview is 18 minutes may be? anyways, thank you so much for being with as. water partisan now very worried about kamala harris' ability to explain away her record or answering questions at all, is it democratic strategist james carville, watch those... >> it's an absolute truism of american politics at anybody whoever listens to a single think that it the left says is
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left to regret her to pick is just the fact. and she said some things and she's going to have to answer for them. and think she can, i don't think it's fatal. >> judge jeanine: tonight at, or james carbo's fears have come true. what appears to be a disastrous first interview for kamala harris. behind the scenes things are not much better as kamala's campaign descends into chaos, with "internal worries about --" kamala harris' biggest fans in hollywood are completely oblivious to reality, listen to ben stiller refer to the sitting vice president as a candidate for change, watch... >> 20th like about it kamala's platform? >> a very excited about moving forward, all the energy and excitement of around this movement right now. that is why i am here, it is time for change and it seems i
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get happening. >> do you think that she will maintain the momentum post convention? >> for sure. it will be closed but everybody is motivated to work to make it happen, she and tim walz are encoded what candidates. >> judge jeanine: here now with more, florida governor nunavut, and fox news contributor, miranda divine. all right, we will start with the congressman nunavut, james carville was probably right when he said that kamala harris has to really answer for her left messaging could, everything that she said, basically said that preachy females were to blame for the messaging problem. has cremated taken away those concerns that james carville had a? >> no, she hasn't pick looking at that first club, she's only amplified them. they had a campaign, weeks out -- leak out to the press saying
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that she's changing all of these positions, then when she's finally asked about it after 40 days of having to being able to crack an answer, she comes out of that her values have not changed? this is not good for the hair's campaign, number 1 to the imagery did not look good, she did not look strong, she did not look like the mental a president. number 2 she backtracks all of the leaks that her campaign was using to backtrack off of her of radical, progressive, liberal agenda. it or not go well, i am pretty sure it is the rest of this interview did not go well, although see. the bigger issue is, kamala harris has hidden from the press because she cannot actually go toe to toe with reporters and of the american people to question and go through her record. it is a radical record, it's a bad record for the american people. i think your sink the beginning of the end for this campaign. >> judge jeanine: and you know, the whole idea that she is
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a candidate for changing according to ben stiller's standing to me because it is no change, she has been in the white house for three years and nine months. what is wrong with these people? >> there is a change in the vibes, judge! change as a totem pole! energy that told him underneath the totem pole is the same policies, like the congressman, i find it very notable, important, she's at her values have not changed. i think every worthy follow-up would be would you please explain, would you articulate your values? we could explain and we could show a montage right now of her saying, for example,, we need to fight for equity. then she explains equity catches as not everybody starts at the same place but everybody should end up at the same place, in order to do so assumption to get more than others. that might not be an exact repetition but it is pretty rhythmic with the popular marxist sanga a according to his
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ability, to each according to his needs. it sounds to me like she's doubling down on values that are overtly marxist see-through they are overtly marxist, when they talk about even walz had brothers and sisters, and the marxism, we look forward, we never look back, it is almost like pre-world war ii! >> yes, it is judge, looked, in the entire way they are running her campaign is very communistic. it is very top down control. a lot of brainwashing and lying guy pretending that there is joy out there. when really, in the news that his filtering through from the campaign headquarters is that it is just full of confusion, there is competing priorities, you have people from her old loyalists, disastrous 2019 campaign, you have the biden
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campaign loyalists, and then you have this new obama team kamminga in, in the old obama 22 crew, and they are not a mission get-together period you have completely different priorities. in the real problem is you have a candidate who cannot make up her mind. she is insecure and indecisive, and it took her 40 days to decide which media outlets she was going to give this prerecorded interview, i am sure it will be her only one of her campaign, even to than she to have her wee man, her emotional support partner, tim walz by her side of. and as byron said, of the objects were shocking. she was dwarfed by them, she was looking for the ceo in command look but it did not work. >> judge jeanine: not at all. congressman, i will go back to you. it is not just the obama campaign, at the biden campaign, the harris campaign, most of the
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people who worked on her office lobby, but he also have a this, it's almost as if her campaign is reflecting in terms of being chaotic and disorderly, is a candidate or herself as a person who is not doing follow-ups. it is not clear what she believes in. >> what we are witnessing is what happens when you have a machine candidates, somebody that is picked by the democratic machine, every aspect of that machine needs to have their hands in this campaign, into miranda's point, it is not look like she has the confidence within herself or the ability to take a charge of and leave this campaign. if she can't do that at, how will she leave the united states of america? contrast that with the donald trump, i can assure you, he is in charge of that campaign. everybody has a job, but of the
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buck stops with him, he makes the decisions and they move forward. that is all we were so successful as a country, because he's taking a charge, he is a leader. this interview already demonstrated she is not a. dana bash might be 5 feet tall, and she looked bigger than kamala harris tonight. >> judge jeanine: she looked much bigger. well, i think that is something like a 67 days, 40 days, in the desert for 40 days trying to figure out a, oh my gosh, who should i do the interview and i will bring my wing command with me and they won't be enough time, we can edited. is there an f. time to overcome this joy and lunacy of change? >> so much pressure is going to come down to that debate, i don't have much faith that all that the press will be able to pull her out of that of manufactured ai candidate
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stage-managed version of kamala harris. the real version we saw got glimpses up for the past four years. someone who does not think on their feet and does not have depth when it comes to the issues. if i can count on the press to give is that authenticity, the only opportunity comes down to that debated for donald trump hopefully we're not limited to one debated. that is the best chance to see the real kamala harris work. >> judge jeanine: miranda karki talked yesterday, he was speaking about mark is correct, he made the decision he will not give 400 million of in the soccer box and one to be subject to any intimidation like the one from the biden harris campaigning. or anything that is signals in terms of this election? >> think it shows that coburg is seeing what side of the road he needs to be on, he suspects that donald trump will win the next election and he knows that he is
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in bad order with donald trump and his supporters because he what he did to help lead the 2020 election. think it is too little too late, is very disingenuous. but i guess it is a good design, at least the powerful sensorial people from the 2020 election are losing because if you have some of the lake joining forces with elon musk or at least trying to get on that side of the post -- zuckerberg -- >> judge jeanine: congressman byron donalds very quickly, kamala harris right now is riding this joy balloon, at some point it has to start leaking appear, there are leaks coming out of the campaign but how long will she be able to withstand the kind of pressure she's going to be under, not so much from the presbyter in terms of the campaign itself? >> not a bunch longer. the demands and the expectations are only going to rise, as he
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watched his full interview, of this think it is not a global, there will be because for her to step out and do more. the debate, all the pressure is on kamala harris not donald trump, we know who he is, she has to demonstrate the stature, the competency and the ideas to be president of the united states. i think he was seen more out of this campaign as the things trend downwards for kamala harris. >> judge jeanine: and quickly, it's kind of tight way now, what he think is going on? >> i cannot explain the imaginal public embracing kamala harris. i truly cannot. [ laughter ] i really cannot! i don't understand how you can accept what is this candidate as a potential president of the united states. but to go back, it will go back to that clip you played, it'll be an american public that rides along the wave of the news, doesn't dig deeper or care but understanding kamala harris but
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rides the vibes. >> judge jeanine: miranda de think in pennsylvania where she says you know, she hasn't talked about fracking, she hasn't talked about explaining away, this 18 minute interview, why did you change your mind? and senior values are the same. but he values in the values of the people of pennsylvania, estate he have to win. she just rely on the surrogates to say it or will she just run mad and say we need to fracking in pennsylvania? >> out of think we can rely as we have just been to saying and will just mentioned on the media to actual hold her feet to the fire. but i do have faith in the american people, if this is a fair vote that they will see through kamala harris. i think it's a fakery that is her intrinsic quality is going to be more and more evident jessica was in 2019 when everything fell apart.
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>> judge jeanine: all right, congressman, miranda, well, great to see all. thank you it. coming out of, of island villas 19 gang is terrorizing communities across the country, after pouring across america's wide-open southern border. involving illegals in california. it will have the latest in the special addition of "hannity" continues.
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(♪♪) [ ♪♪ ] >> judge jeanine: welcome back to the special addition "hannity". this disturbing annuity from colorado shows what appears to be armed members of a notorious venezuelan gained terrorizing an apartment building, believed to have been taken over by illegals. now police have said that while the gang is operating in the
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area, they are unable to actually confirm they are the ones in the video and called their influence isolated. member last month home security member warned this particular gang gave its members the green light to shoot a police officers and the problem is not just in colorado. the city of el paso is on high alert as members of the same gained continued to flog our wide open border, a thank you kamala harris. back in june to the nypd warned about the growing presence in new york city. meanwhile a shocking situation in california where according to officials, a group of 20 alleged illegals attempted to enter a school bus that was picking up students at the time. here with reaction former for learning attorney and fox news contributor david webb. all right, you and i did the same thing for a lot of years, that we tell you something, if
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you've gone to those gained and by the way, i don't buy isolated by the local police, they can say is isolated but they have identified the gang tats and the behavior of these individuals and people not wanting to come forward saying they are tren de aragua witches ms 13 on steroids, okay,, now what they're saying is they are taking over apartment buildings pick we see them taking breaking down doors in apartment buildings, who gets the help? not the americans trying to get out of the apartment buildings, but the illegals getting all of the help. what is going on and how do you stop at? >> you have to arrest them, how can they say they can identify them after watching that video? it's absurd. in 22, 2022, dhs issued a report saying that maduro was releasing
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all of these murderers, rapists from venezuelan prisoners come straight into our country, you have over 700,000 known violence willens coming and, what about the 1.8 million got a ways? who are they? they have infiltrated our country, the worst of the worst and they are saying it's isolated? no, they're coming to a town near you, edges scare and terrify everybody in this country and you have to have good prosecutors, you have to go after them and it is absurd, it is crazy they i'm not sure that border. especially after that school bus, come on! what is happening in this country should terrify everybody >> judge jeanine: it should and common mike is running around saying my values are the same, what to me as he values are the same you want open borders, decriminalize crossings, one medical care to all illegals. california they want to give a hundred $50,000 to buy a house. david webb, chime in here.
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>> i have been watching those for about export eight weeks now. the aurora police department today issued a statement, what are they concerned about it? the migrant community, of right of the statement on air on my show, we covered it intensively speaking to people out of there in aurora and denver. you write this has been going on in new york, tech devices phones and more being a stolen. this goes further, you know this. i have covered gang units over the years to report on these issues. they are making deals with ms 13, territorial deals according to many of my sources into these cities and when they do that to a carve of the communities and they carve up the poor communities and the democrats do not care because those poor communities don't have a voice, all that matters is they are unwashed masses as democrats see them to keep them in power. this is very real, it was never
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just one apartment building in aurora, and denver is central to the united states. from the south ego up by 35, in chicago, you get to denver, you make your way through the states and you spread out. that is very important to see here, and in california let me put it in simple terms, they superintendent told bus drivers they can pass the stop if they see, because you can tell what -- while you're driving, illegal aliens. so if you get there at that bus stop they can bus that bus stop and leave your kid with those illegal aliens. that could likely be a scenario. >> judge jeanine: the sad part about it, apologist say, they are illegals, they may have not have known it was a school bus, hogwash! it is a yellow bus, kamala harris told us about all those yellow busses, and now we're going to integrated them and allow this kind of think in america? what kamala harris is -- wen
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kwan. >> everyone: is asked to follow a question, that would bite my house she will not, you must say you are advertising, you were border prosecutor, you took down cartels which is nonsense, even to the cops in the commercial say it was nonsense, she walked in for the prospect widened and she do wood as vice president? doesn't she care about us or our children? americans, woman's rate? >> she called the border wall and medieval vanity project. saying she would not close our border. look at lake in the riley, venezuelan immigrant big illegal aliens, not immigrant, illegal alien. 12-year-old in virginia. it is on and on and on, they won't do anything! talking about austin smotherman as well as still, the merging 22 year low! low! what does that tell you! >> and they are all coming into our country!
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to a town near you! every state is a border state right now with millions of illegal aliens flowing into our country and the only one that will stop that is donald trump. and people are crazy if they think kamala harris into multiple closer border. >> of the interesting thing is when president donald trump was in the oval office he made a decision about ms 13, you know how you get indoctrinated into ms 13? you kill somebody in front of a gang of other people, okay? they take their life away from them. and when donald trump got involved, he came to the east coast, he came to the northeast and you got everybody involved and took out ms 13. now we got tren de aragua, kamala harris is not doing anything! joe biden is asleep at the beach which i don't think we have time to get into our americans save? a. >> know, your not safe.
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and not just in these poor communities because once they have robbed them clean and taken whatever little they had, what do they do? they spread out. we have seen this for decades, they spread out in the suburban areas, ms 13 went out into longer island, babylon, other areas. they go out so when you talk about aurora, let's look at what potentially happens in colorado springs. in other cities around the country. and then again, beyond the deals they begin to take territory, treated as territory. we have bigger than again the problem, we have domestic terrorists in the form of illegal aliens in this country, and they should be working with dea, they should be involved, they should be a part of this. i checked, they have not done much yet. it is all platitudes to appease the left. their policies did this, if your sons, daughters, parents any of your relatives or harm, it is
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the fault of the democratic party. all of the elitists and the harris, biden, walz will leave you at the mercy of the gangs. >> judge jeanine: and you know it's interesting, they won't even tell you the names of the terrorists who cross the border that we know are terrorists due to privacy reasons. thank you so much for being with us tonight. tonight, trump continues to press his message on the economy , and the autoworkers in michigan earlier today. it will show you some of what he said, brian grande prairie will join us and later, reaction to come. >> everyone: first interview as a democrat nominee. stay with us.
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to the special addition of "hannity". the latest fox news poll shows the economy is that the number 1 most important issue for voters in several key swing states, and on that issue trump is trusted significantly more than harris. so it is no surprise that trump is focusing on the economy, highlighting harrises failed job record in a recent truth social post and holding an economy focused event and the key swing state of michigan earlier today. where he also got to comment on the harris walz see in an interview, take a look. >> mr. trump: i will also stop chinese owned electric vehicle battery companies from coming to michigan and stealing our intellectual property, and then sending it back to communist china. we will not let that happen. you will not let that happen. every part of conrad kamala's economic plan looks like it was written for her by a chinese communist party. it looks -- in all fairness, she
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did an interview today, she did not want to go in alone... how do you think she will do as president? he is just savoring it. she went in with her vice president guy, that nobody ever heard of, and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter. what she friendly? not only to a lot of other people. >> judge jeanine: sadly, kamala harris now using economy to buy votes. this includes eliminating student loan debt for millions of americans. but the courts have blog that scheme and yesterday, one of the department of justice as the supreme court to unblock it up, the high court said no. here with reaction, of the founder of the committee to unleash prosperity steve moore, and the big money show host. i will start with you steve, you know what, here we go. the supreme court said twice,
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you cannot make american taxpayers who already paid off their loans, who chose not to go to college or are in a mess themselves to pay for people who got a college education and contract pay of data. it cannot force us to pay for their loan. who thinks like that? [ chuckling ] it to have a trillion dollar program. basically this is what we call graft where you tried to buy books by passing out free money to people -- buy votes. by the way you are a judge, that he is to be illegal, right. [ laughter ] so here's the thing. you have a situation right now where the colleges are costing us so much money, charging family so much money, yet the supreme court has said, i think you said twice, i thought it was three times, know you can do this joe biden. by the way, congress which as i read the constitution says the power to appropriate money comes
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from congress but congress was never appropriated this money per one of saying this is a power grab, it's a legal and judge, this is the same campaign that say donald trump is the one in danger of democracy? this is completely illegal and one last point. think about people like my dear wife who paid off her college student loan, it was a real sacrifice, she took 15 or 20 percent of every paycheck and she paid off. that she feels a good child, what i paid us? how many people in the future won't have to repay their student loans? >> judge jeanine: the amazing part of this whole thing is that they did not go to congress. they could have gone to congress and tried to get a law passed, i'm sure they had discussions whether it's a don't ask me to be online for those, you want to, you getting the benefit from it, i'm not in my district. it is no surprise he never tried to do with the legal way. but luck, you of the big-money show. money is a real problem these
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days. and it seems that it is totally out of the grasp of the americans, why? >> it is, homes are too expensive, interest is too high, and common mike has the worst answer ever honor the books for this! she wants to throw people $25,000 to buy their first home, which is going to do what? it will inflate home prices by $25,000, making the problem worse. here's the thing she says in her interview, she keeps saying my values have not changed. judge, the one thing that has to change or her values, values are awful! she does not value the american worker, the american family, she does on valley economic growth, and she does not value physical responsibility, please, kamala harris, if you're going to change anything, start by changing your values. >> judge jeanine: and you know by not changing her values it's almost as though she is doubling down and all she does is talk
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about when she was da and attorney general, which is an embarrassment because she knows exactly how to handle the problems at the border that are causing the dent in our economy and medicare and the question whether or not it'll be be around for the rest of us. in addition to all of this, she's not going to explain it! i truly believe that unless this happens in the debate on september the 10th, it will go unanswered! >> i think after this interview tonight, what i've seen what a disaster this has been, maybe they will do with kamala harris joe biden, border in the basement for the next three months. she is having a hard time explaining her positions, which seemed to change almost every few weeks now. member the old grouch, these are my principles! i have other ones if you like these ones. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: it's weird. have to tell you brian, the
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disappointment among the younger people should be with kamala harris and the biden calm. >> everyone: team. >> that is why young people have said we don't think we're going to have a secure retirement, we don't think we can buy a house, you think we can put money away for an emergency. they do not see a path forward with her cat and the reason is she is and capable of laying one out and she proved it again. >> judge jeanine: she approved it with price gaging, never heard that one. steve, bryan, thank you so much for being with as. still ahead,. [ playing of o canada, instrumental ] finest after her first interview since biden dropped or was pushed out of the race, and it went about as well as expected. you have more reaction to her disasters sit down as you continue with the special addition of "hannity". [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> judge jeanine: will come back to the special addition of "hannity", we continue to monitor calm. >> everyone: 's interview on cnn, her first time sitting down with the presence joe biden dropped out of the race. here's what she told the network about how her position on fracking has changed. >> in 2019 you said on monday there is no question i am in favor of banning fracking, as you know a pretty big issue particularly in your must win a state of pennsylvania. do still want to ban fracking? >> no, i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 that i would not abandon fracking as vise president i do not abandon fracking, as president i will not ban fracking. >> in 2019 i believe it in a town hall you said you were asked would you commend to implanting a federal ban on fracking you first day of office and he said no question in favor so yes, so it changed in that
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campaign? >> in 2020 and made it clear where i stand, we are in 2024 and i have not changed that nor will i going forward. >> judge jeanine: harris was also asked about a flip-flop on an issue include in the border. she said she suddenly believes that people should be prosecuted for illegally crossing the border, in the south and border. she said she and biden did good work on the economy and she is proud of her record. even claiming to joe biden was very clear from the beginning he would endorse her after dropping out. and harrises when nick made tim walz admitted his grammar was incorrect when he claimed he carried weapons of war in war which he never did. here with reaction fox news contributor. good evening joe. >> hello, how are you? >> i am not well! first of all she said that she
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wants to ban fracking, she was asked to follow up by dana bash, while i made clear on of the debate stage that was against fracking and i have not done anything since 2020. didn't she... what is she talking about joe? >> she is lying, no question. we think we found a reason why. >> everyone: avoided speaking to the press for nearly six weeks since becoming the democratic nominee. you take away the teleprompter and it's a hot mess a dumpster fire. a few things to unpack, for starters the opening to the interview, and you're on there but i watched, looked more like a campaign commercial produced by the common mike campaign itself, many of the questions that dana bash asks, rhetorical version of a hot stone massage and the lies, comic with hers support -- emotion support code by the way, the lies that she told were on baghdad levels.
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to your point, she says she is now not for banning fracking and she said she made it clear in 2020 when she ran for president at the debate stage she was not for banning fracking? is one problem, she wasn't even a candidate in 2020, she dropped out, i can't find any proof. >> judge jeanine: she dropped out! >> i looked for it, she said she supported fracking four years ago. it does not exist. the biden it here is administration banded fracking on federal land, so there goes out argument. of course it dana bosch did not bother to bring that part out. by the way during a town hall into a 19, kamala harris said she was "100 percent against banning fracking. the big picture here, we talked about this before, when he take away the teleprompter in the prescript or remarks from kamala harris, she becomes a human sure noble. that's where this money quote again from this interview, i have read it 10 times and still don't know what she's talking about, "you mentioned the green
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new deal, i always believed and i worked on at that climate change is real, it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that included holding ourselves to deadlines around time. yes, it deadlines should apply to time, how utterly profound. this did not go well at all, it's a big turning point in the selection no question about it. >> judge jeanine: talking about metrics around time, she cannot say she is against the ev mandated, when she is the one that i believe sponsored the bill and in addition to that, the bill had time filled and after 2030 had to have only 15 percent of the car as it could be fossil fuel or gas fueled, by 2040 -- i mean, these are not flip-flops, these are lies. already. want to call for -- three was something on the border, let's hear those... >> one other question about something that you said in 2019 when you first ran, there was a debate he raised a hand when
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asked whether or not the border should be decriminalized, do you still believe that? >> i believe there should be consequences for laws that have to be followed and enforced, that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally and there should be consequences, let's be clear, in this race, i am the only person who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for trafficking guns, guns and human beings. am the only person in this race who actually served a border state as attorney general to enforce our laws. and i will enforce our laws as president going forward. i recognize a problem. >> judge jeanine: this woman is lying. the fact that she said to the laws have to be followed and enforced, so there should be consequences, transnational criminal organizations? what the hell of you done? for the past 3.5 years?
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>> precisely. and this was so hardly produced by the way by cnn. when i used to watch the press because i was a dork in college and thought it was cool to watch be the press and start of sportscenter. [ laughter ] go ahead. >> used to play those clips for politicians he was interviewing and, he would play the literal words of that person and then have that person react to it. why cnn specifically disposed at it, it was a package table presentation, it was pretaped, why did they play her words for her and had her react to it, that would be so much more effective. then she talked about how she's maintaining her values, okay,, i guess it means she does want to abolish i.c.e., she does believe that illegal border crossings should be illegal. she wants to provide health insurance to all those who entered this country illegally, for free mind you, she wants to
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change the private health industry, she things as >> it will result in higher prices for consumers or anything but we can go on here but we have finite time here pick the bottom line is we will not see kamala harris do another interview before that debate with donald trump on september 10th if tonight is any indication, if donald trump is disciplined and ready like he was on june 27th against biden it will be the beginning of the end of the kamala harris, payment walz candyland candidacy because this got exposed tonight to be one also it would be... do you want to prosecute them and let them out of jail? we've got some sound here i think on walz, her emotional support guy. >> the idea you said you were in war,. >> i said we were talking about in this case after a school
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shooting the ideas of carrying these weapons of war and my... if it's not this it's an attack on my children for showing love for me or it's an attack on my dog. not going to do that and the one thing about never do is demean and other members service. >> this isn't about grammar, this is about ally. >> he's playing the victim here. they are attacking me because i misspoke you didn't misspeak powell. you left your unit when they were deployed to a war zone because you didn't want to fight anymore. they are so phony and inauthentic. this is a train wreck. >> unfortunately that's all the time that we have left this evening, be sure to catch me on the five tomorrow 5:00 pm eastern thanks for being with us. greg gutfeld's next. have a great night everybody. [ ♪♪
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