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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 29, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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the spanish throw tomatoes at each other. it's a hundred and 50 tons of tomatoes just chucking it as hard as possible. 22,000 people just doing this. that tom martina festival. that's my spanglish. >> tom mattina and fun facts. greg o's, a.k.a.. you know how they get rid of it. they just hose it down, they hose it all down. >> that's how they get rid of it, because it's natural acidity. and then they put it into pot and boil it. that's right. tonight, "jesse watters primetime". nice try, judge. i have to promote my investigation. did carmelo really work at mcdonald's? turns out she didn't. >> okay, dana maybe made bread on a flight. she was a baking influencer she went to. she's going to spain, and then she made this video. and it's something that like viral or something and something that got what happened to the bread. >> i think they ate oh, okay. that's it for us. editi hey, welcome to "jesse watters prime"
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. >> tonight, urgent matter to which we should applylude metrics that include holding ourselves to deadliness around time. >> now we know why they've been> hiding. and nbeenharris. i worked in mcdonald's. i did the french fries and ice cream. i worked in mcdonald's . >> i was a student when i was working at mcdonald's. did kamala lie about working at mcdonald's? th. nds weme investigation >> hello. welcome to mcdonald's magic. your order. your. my friends, we did it.t. we weren't just marking time. >> we made a difference. dennis quaid joins primetime. mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> plus, kamala harris finally doing an interview. >> will you be watching? ,n youo. >> the biggest bubble in american history. call what the wallt bubble stret
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journal is calling the harris campaign. >> quote, who doesn't love soapi bubbles, especially those giant ones that seem to get impossiblyal big? so impressive. but the question is, can so ie p it from popping forping two months? >> democrats have one job.ep keep the harris bubble from hitting any hard surface s. e pops >> if it does, she pops. and today that hard surface was cnn. after a month of running scared , kamala did an interviewba and brought her baby sitter and the media gavebysitt her questions ahead of time. a combined list of 38 questionst that kamala might want rehee before hitting hard surfaces. >> the campaign picked the lowest rated cable news channel to do the interview th weekend s a holiday . and on the same night as the college football season kicks off. am theollegeootbalthey don't wao what we're about to show you. >>ne why isn't it live? liv it's not a live interview. it's an interview that'st'then going to be taped and then edited and then put out. so
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that's not even an interview. then she's doing it with her vice president sittingt wi there. so she's not very smart when they ask her a question that she can't answer, she'll just look at him. >> the trump ill look campaign says the interview only lasted 18 minutesinutes. we'll see. but the shot was a mess. th wasl and hunched over on a table from office. n danauished in betwee bash and her chaperon, who towers over her inside a backr chap lit cafe with her . looming out the window. >> not esidenti presidential. and and with a month to prepare,e bt this is the best kamala could do. >> how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made, that you've explained some of here in your policy? is it because you have you'v more experience now and you've learned more about infon? ormatiod more a is it because you were running for president in a democratirec primary? and should they feel comfortable and confidentw that what you're saying now is going to be your policy
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moving forwarde your? dan, i think the the the most t important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. you mentionecisions d the green new deal. wohave always believed and i've worked on it, that the climate crisis is reale , that it is an urgent matter to which we should applyr metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. we did that with the inflation t reduction act. we have set goals for the united states of america and by extensionunited, the globe around when we should arou certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as an example. that valueof has not changedue my value around what we need to do to secur we our border. no that value is not change. i spent two terms as the attorney generalo term of califa prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, american violations of american laws regarding the passage, illegal passage of guns, drugs
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and human beings acrose sings a our border. cr >> my values have not changed. cnn askerderd kamala why she fll flop on everything, and she said, no, i didn'topn. gave >> cnn even gave her options. maybe it waspt becauseions of t. >> maybe it was because of that. hint. hint. no. ng kamala denied changing her position on everything, even on on ev though her campaign spt the last month saying she changed her position on everythin g she just said. i'm the same california socialist who ran foras the president as the most liberal member of the senate. her values haven't changed. >> first, she said sherst sh prosecuted humane beings crossing the border. then, when she was running for president, she said,he it's notr illegal to cross the border. then when she was the border thar, she didn't prosecutede anybody crossing the border. >> and now that she's running for president, she wants to build a wal presl. and her values haven't changed . >> okay, look, this is what she said on the greethis in new dea. >> she sponsored a bill, sou you won't be able to buy a gas
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powered car in 20 years. ev and then her campaign says she doesn't believe that anymore, even though that's what she did in theh that biden administrati. then she makes a huge mistake and admits the inflationus reduction act was really just the green new deal and sayeest t this. it is an urgent matter to whichr we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time, deadlines around time. what other kind of deadlines are there? >> and yeah, biden's green new d deal, which shine cast the deciding vote to pass, which jacked up inflation, time creates deadlines around time for gas powered cars to be phased out. so she values getting rid of thehed of car you drive, eveg though her campaign literally said yesterdayr she didn't want to do that. >> i think the narrative city of some the question that she may have changed on some thing s they comparing something that may have been four years
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ago with somethingthat maye beee four years later, the situation changeation chd right.mple. let's keep it simple for al and happy thursday, by the way. >> the situation changedd becausbee of what biden harris h did to the country. biden. harris, open thes di border. >> it backfired. and now harris wants to build a wall to get elected. >> isn't it amazing?he they go three years and nowo ths they say, oh, we're going to do this. we're going to do that. that.the only good thing that ss a flip flopping, she's the greatest flip flopper. things that she never even thought of. she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she get has to say because she's a marxist. she's a fashion. jesse >> the harris campaign's starting to leak. the biden campaign: gn never led because it was just a bunch of old friends from delaware who never talk od to anybody. tr >> but harris inherited the biden campaignis, brought in her loyalists, and then obama parachuted his people on topts athen oba. thre so there's three warring camps inside the harris campaigne s
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and none of them trust each other. >> axios reporting they're serious tensions between obama world and biden world. the feeling insideworld an of ta frankenstein harris campaign. >> nobody knows who's the bossmp ,and the staff's confusedf is and frustrated by havingreco to defend. common was flip flops and radical record kamala'rds just as confused as her staff. >> he even called forr termination of the united stateination s supreme cu the the supreme landpr of our nation. uni the united states constitution. thinte k about what that means.i do >> i don't know what that means, and neither does shn' whr >> she's been cramming too hard for the debate and can't get her line straighte can'tt. >> she went from barack obama o to joe biden. the democrat numbers guru nate silver, says the odds have shifted back to trump as the favorite. >> imagine getting a monthr of adoring press coverage and you're fresh off your convention with oprah and michellef yourn wi . s sa and the numbers say
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you're going to lose. if trump got a month of th lose? e coverage kamala got, he'd win new york, california, and hawaii. d >> the fundamentals of this race haven't changed. e their ticket just got a facelift. americans now more than everam believe the american dream is out of reacsh. h and harris, who presided overar the disappearance of hope prese , is running against herself, trying to fool you into thinking she had nothing to do with the last four years. ars.the kamala campaign's ann illusion of change that only bamboozlangee people focused on race and gender. >> a quickrace and question on s and what do you like about harris platform? mod about theitet record and all the energyenergy and excitement that's around this movement right now. so aat that's why i'm here, because it's time for change. ite it seems lik it's happening. >> what's the difference between joe biden and kamalag.>s harris besides race and gender? that's the only change that happenegend onld here. >> sticking with the woman
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who crushed the american dreameo isn't change. >> we will bring back theac american dream. bigger, better, stronger usrm.ust better, bigger, bette . >> we love the american dream. you don't hear about the american dream you doheam. when's the last time you heard about the american dream? u hearthey don't talk about it.c they copy everything else i do. so i guess that'llope i be thaa they'll be campaigning. they'll be saying, oh, the american dream. therican dt know what the american dream is. >> a house, a family, a safe neighborhood : , and a good salaryhat le that leaves you comfortable. and retirement is out of reach n for millions of americans after four years of biden-harris. when barack obama was a young student at harvard, he said many americans aspire to be donald trump, euphemistically quoting the averagei american who thinks i may not be donald trump. no dond trumw, but just you wai. now, if i don't make it my children will. kamala harris is running against the american dream. >> the american dream is donald trump. here now, national press
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secretary for the trump campaignhere nl pres, carolyn l. so it's been a month. they decided on cnn then and hl all month to think about how they were going to answer the flip flopping. >> what did you think of the interview? >> well, i think it's pitiful that the democrat nominee for president of the united states dodges the press for si days, goes into a safe space for her first big sit down interview. can't do it alone. has to bring her mail.e running mate with her, by the way, when she's trying to bepred the first woman president of the united states. youn message doe united s that d to young women and girls across this great country? >> and shes ss takes questions r less than 20 minutes. president trump is going to take more questions tonight from voters at his town hall in wisconsinvo than kamala harrs took today. but kamala harris did sayat one thing, jesse, that we agree with, and you nailed it. wthouher values haven't change. kamala harris is a radicalshe , dangerously liberal from san francisco who cannotis
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be trusted to lead this country. she has been responsible fort ha the failures that have created an inflation crisis, a border crisis, foreigve cn policy criss all around this world, and a future with kamala harris. well, we have a bann frac on fracking, a ban on gasoline immired vehicleski, free health care for illegal immigrants, an open border where criminal opes are allowed to run free out of prison. and she wants to take away our guns a. she wi kamala harris will turn this great country into anlln tf american nightmare. and she confirmed that with this disastrous interview todadw . >> you mentioned the trump town hall that's going on any minute now and primetimen hall primetim is going to dip into t that momentarily. if if we think it's necessary. we talked about kamala harris saying she didn't change her values. her values have stayed the same. >> well, she's basically denying she's changed her positions at all. >> why wouldn't you just say, listen, i'm a california lady. i did the california politics thing. and then whernia politics thn ie
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a national person, i realized california was a little out therzed e, you know, and make people laugh. it's a little, little nuts. dand, you know, maybe i evolved- and i saw things maybe the wayw most people in the country see things instead of the way people in san francisco see things. ttle m >>or people would have believed that a little more than just this focus group values answer well, cornell has been tryingn to do that with her staftryingfs she's been sending anonymous staffers to speak to publicationstaffe agents whoe so gullible in this country, in the mainstream media that were saying she aam media p flopping on her positions. and we called out their bluff. and we wer positione right to do that. kamala harris hasn't flip flopped on anything. she is the s same radical liberal from san francisco that she's always been. look at her record. she's not going to suddenly secure the border like she's saying adveher advertisements. she voted against the construction of president the s border wall when she was a senator. she halted construction of the borderalted wall when she became vice president. and she has always supported weak on crime policies that allow criminals to run
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free. she's still going to supportthrs her elimination of cash bail. and when it comes to our economy, kamala harrisn it doese even know how it works. she never has. she wants the government to taks e want e over our economy. the economy. she's anti-corporate against capitalism. she's a socialist, for goodness sake. look at her communist price lol plan. erty it would lead to poverty and famine and homelessness in this country. fa andsness the likes of which seen. this election is literally bi a fight betweenh pres freedom, which president trump stands for. reviveid trump the american dreams,tectn protecting good paying jobs here at home, putting more money back into the pockets of hardworking americans versus communisminto and a full blown government takeover. and with four years of that and kamala harris in the in the reins, if we're not in a world war three, we will look a lot like venezuela, cuba and the former soviet union. >> all right. caroline levin, thank you so much. have a great weekend. >> thanks. and by the way, you should stay tuned into president trump's town hall. we will. we will. michael larosa, a former press
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secretary for jill biden, how do you think she did >> that interview? she spun very well for her bosss and that she did and she got a nice plul foss.g in there forn for her, for his event. >> so she's doing her job very well. esse: what about kamala, the cnn thing we just saw? >> she simply said, i haven't changed after her whole staffnt spent a whole month saying she changed everything. chn, your point is that they didn't get caught changing their positiot theyn. e they actually came out and said this is how she feels about x, y and z, right. it wasn't like she got caughtina in a flip flop. they were ahead of it. that's actually the politically smaropped,weret thing to do. >> but what i would have advised. >> jesse, that they were ahead of that? well, they came out. [ sis the campaign? >> their campaign came out and said that they no longer are supporting a ban on fracking. that's great. actually, that helps her in pennsylvania. mayb r are a little bit. i don't think any election le bit beendetermas ever determined by fracking. >> right. but so sy frackio what changed y did she change? is that she even in frackingad d
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banning anymore? >> had i been advising her, i would have said, look, you joined bn the biden administration, you joined the biden ticket. what did the biden-harri s administration do? oh, wewe 1.7 mil unleashed 1.7 n acres of the gulf for drilling. we greenlight the willow project in alaska. we are creating more. we are producing more crude oili every day than the record hit 2 by donald trump in 2019. they have done an incredible hable jog. linan so it doesn't surprise me that she supports fracking now because we've been doing it for four years. >> but they also put a lot of land out of thers. way so you can drill on it. and then they basically said, we want to get rid of the internald t combustion engine in 20 years. >> so, i mean, we're not you and i are not here to arguyo about that, about substance. but she doesn't explain whesy. >> maybe she will later tonight on cnn. let's see what she says. m yes, i mean, i don't have awi s problem with what you said she shouldaild say say is when i'm a senator from california, i'm representing, you know, however many people are from california. but as the vice president, as thepeia, president, you were representing red, blue, purple, all over blu the place.>> jes
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>>se you shouldn't even be sayig these common sense things sayiy sathey're going to watch the show agree with you. they're going to say what we said. i agree with you because i don' we sa >>t think this ever should be a subject of discussion. it's a processscussion story, wh is the worst thing you could do. and one of the things that unfortunatelyone of t the,n team did was they ignored the press and the problem the p with that is when you need the press, you lose goodwillre. you lose trust. he had none of it by the end, which is what really didwhich m in. and every little thing you say y is amplified and your mistakes are scrutinizeou d even more. >> and the pressure is really hard for her. so she's following hd fo the big playbook of hiding it. and then and the aenn losing the trust they have with the press and then making every interviendw that they do.from huge, because you never hear from comes that more importantt ,every little thing you say will be scrutinized and amplified. and that's unfair to do to her, frankly, she should be establishing a cadence p
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of talking to the press off the cuff. actually, people connect voterrs connects when you do makemist mistakes and mistakes are forgiven. >> the morakre forgiven.e presiv does is forgiven because he does engage in the medien ist much. that was always the problem that i had wit w alwaym thath tn approach to scorning the media. >> now, look, they have two months left. don't fix what's not broken. they're winnin nog. >> you think they're winning? i think all the polls say m they're i don't think all the polls. >> did you see my brilliant mike silver says the trump's going to win. >> i saw the predictive mail. than themonolok you very all right, mike, talk to you soon. thanks for having me. tup, we will take you to trumpu town hall in wisconsin. it just got starte td with tulsi gabbard moderating. plus, what do voters want? to ask kamala? >> you know, kamala doesn't >> yoesn't questions,. but if you could ask a question, you come face to face with kamal cou hera, whd you ask her? >> i would ask kamala harris, how do you get your hair so nice a how what'say.? keep y
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and download the prize piece after day. it's $5 and get $50 instantly. >> cross peaks, run your game. >> primetime is not satisfiedh with the information that's been trickling out about the trump assassination attempt. we ais is one of the biggest stories of our lifetimes and we're being shut out. >>hut out. the fbi put out a coe of photos hoping we'd be satisfied, but we want to know everything. why is thehing fbi so confident crooks was working alone. >> if they don't know wa, they've interviewed a thousand people and scrubbed his accounts and so they have no idea why he shot trump. sounds like they're going to black it like the las vegasters shooter's motive. remember? or hide the motive ve remem. ey incin >> the trans shooters. why they incinerate crooks. his body and ho's off the roof days after the shooting. >> and why is ththe shooe secree service and the fbi stonewalling congressional investigatort serv s? aren't we all on the same side? why would the fbhei make it
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harder for congress to find out how a formero find president was almost assassinated? wisconsin senator ron johnson's been investigating the shooting. senator,s been inves first of an you for doing this investigation. no one else is. g this maybe a couple of people in theb senate and the house. but what have you founhad that r need to hear? well, jesse.>> well, first of all, you laid fir out the obstruction. i've been doing oversight, investigating federal agenciesoe for almost ten years now. and i know the tricks of the trade. si knowhei know exactly how they stonewall you and how they slow walk the investigation. so example we've been requesting transcribed interviews that we've done less than 12. again, the fbi has done over a thousand. in that hearing about a month ago, i asked about then fbi depy director paul abbate. when can we see the the transcriptions? the three photos from thosean interviews? he said, well, look into it and get into, you knowd, very soon. we haven't gotwe h one of
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their three photos from that. the people that we've asked'v interview again, we've done less than 12 interviews. they're nosthan 1t at the top rt yet. we have yet to tal.k to the sniper who actually took out crooks. i think it's incredibly hit to talk to that individual and what we've been doing and we realle been dy start updated timeline. that's the way you do investigation. , that's theyou put things intoe and ours now is down to secondsn and it really turns out in 2 seconds, right around caseshooting timdst around shoot is how you build the case. that's how you find out exactly is this person, is his memory foggy? is he telling us the truth on these things? >> and so let me ask you, because you just mentioned something pretty suspicious. the biden-harris administration is preventing you guys fromminit interviewing the sniper that took out crooksrang you. he >> we haven't talked to him yet. yet we've had less than 12 interviews now. these interviews take hours. okay
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. so they are involved. but one thing you need is you you e you doe been te the interviews. they've been turning the documents over to us literally minuteurnings over tse you conduct the interviews. heavily redacted. e beforso watching the documene immediately. yeah. and then it would be again, it'd be really nice to have the three or choose from the fbi interviews. why aren't they turn those things oves from therviewsr so f you were designing an investigation to create suspicion and drivecion a in conspiracy theories, this is exactl iy how you do it. >> the way the secret service and the fbi, what are they trying to hide? ying because it's worse when they don't cooperate. it hide? something was wrong. and i know something was wrongei . i know it was wrong. but now i think it's really wrong. ifg buw you know what i mean. >> senator ron johnson, thank you so much. please keep up the good work th >> a vicious venezuelan migrant gang took over an apartment complex in colorado. ur calsapartmrmed thug are just going door to door terrorizing americans. >>en
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christina coleman has the story. >> hey. hey, jesse. yeah, disturbingy. video shows d a group of armed men going upstairs in an apartment complex, including one carrying. a long gun. residents say men roam arounthed this building, brandishing guns and breaking into apartments. and last guns an month, a bunchs were riddled with bullets there. tone resident who moved out yesterday showed how she uses multiple locks to keep these guys out. >> every day when we come home, ga have to do this every time we go outside to take out the garbage. >>e. every time we try to go to bed at night, we have to keep it like this. tand nobody can kick in the door. >> gosh, it looked like she had five locks there. some of the apartment residents say the crimy the started after migrants moved in. fox news has an independentlye e confirmed who the men are in this video. today, aurora, colorado's mayor, weighed in. >> there are several buildingsuh actually under the same ownership, out of state ownership that have fallenshipln
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to these venezuelan gangs. so i'm not going to surrender any part of this city to aa crim criminal element. >> the city nonprofits have lined u p to helpha the migrants that have come here, but nobody is helping r the american citizens, thatresidents that are trapped in apartment complexes. >> and in southern california, some migrants try to board school buses at two different bus stopo bos two days in a rows >> upsetting parents, 20 illegal migrants tried to get on the bus todaedy at a one of our bus stops. we don't know who these people are. >> w who they haveinal his a criminal history, what their or w is.nd >> the local sheriff's department is investigating the the situation and working with the school district to try and keep all those kid s>> jes safe jesse. >> thanks,se christina. >> fox news alert. trump holding a town hall hal in wisconsin. it's moderated by former presidential candidatel and colleague of ours, tulsi gabbard. >> i believe he's answering a questions... from a motherimmt
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about illegal immigration. let's listen. et'sby illegal immigrants, therb been no job creation from them . >> the jobs were filled by illegal immigrant s. with all of that being said, i want to give you a veryi positivewant we're going to win this election. we're going to turn this country around. elecg toe going to become an unbelievable growth country. and your boy is going to have. the greatest job and you want to have a lot of choice with jobs. o ha ayou know, you want them to up and they get up and theyy... it's hard to believe i have that the way i get treated. but i look i look forwardoing to every day because we're going to make america great again. so i really do. i look forward to. >> right. do ld to ibut -- but we're goine going to create lot of but it does. you want to stay here? does he want to go to arent different state or anything? >> yeah, some place in the midwes t. >> but this is a good place to stay, right? wisconsin. sconsin. we'll be creating trems jobs for our country. and we'ril creatine also turnin,
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you know, we're going to be closing the border, really closing ite clborder. >> by the way, did you see so kamala was for defunding the police. she was for open borders. she was for everythingin that you're not against. pothat ygo through 14 different. >> she's changed on every single one of them anst. in. fact, i think we should make she the man in the red hair and the beautiful woman in the red hat says make america great thn. n perhaps we should give kamala make america great again hat kal right? but the problem is, that's not her belief. >>r belief is open borders. her beliefs belief is getting rid of socialistic not her belief is doing all of these plans, like for health insurance, where you haveer one big government run mess. and if you havhavee plans, a lol of the people in this room have private plans, are incredible planse privat. they worked hard to get those plans and that's what they want. but with her wants to haverealla it's really a communist type
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of government. >> and i just saw her chelsea on. she was sitting behind a deski doing this interview and i said, dana bash, you could make yourself mak big tonight. all you have to do is be fair.n' i haven't seen the questionst sd but they gave out a sample. in fact, she's going to be on later on tonighe ont with a taped. >> it was a taped. we're doing it live. >> why are we doing it live?g it and she's doing it taped. d? but -- but that's right.ttin >> he's right. she was sitting behind tha that desk, this massive desk, m and she didn't look liked sh a leader to me. se be honest, i don't see herg wi negotiating with president xthir of china. i don't see her with kim jong un like we did chie here with kg un. so we're going to have to see what happens. i'll tel havee l you what. november 5th is going to be the most important day in theorf history of this country. >> s to. mr. president, there are a lot>
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of people who want to feel hopefue arl about our future. >> i want to introduce you to luke, who is one of thos to e people. >> hi. well, this president. >>good looking guy. thank you. a g my name is luke pulaskood-i, m and i'm a junior here at the university of wisconsin lacrosse. i'll be voting fora junior the t time in november, and i'm researching each candidate, i'. i have two questions for you. first, as i've been living on my owe been mn and by my owns and groceries, i have noticed that everything has become more expensive not for met he personally. i try to eat healthy and stay leanalth. m a pound of meat has gone from $4 to almost $7. i alsogone would like to buy a e someday, but that seems just impossible now. >> what's your plan to make life more affordable and bring down inflation for someone likms ed brin me? >> very good. thank you.ion for good. it's the question i get most. you know, they say you're going to vote with your stomach. i don't know if you've heardn it, but it's a little bit true. and groceries, foo
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d has gone up at levels that nobody's ever seen before. we've never seen anything like it you've h. a 50, 60, 70%. you take a look at bacons ever and some these products bac and some people don't eat bacon anymore. n soand we are going to geto ge the energy prices down when we s get energy down. >> you know, this was causedy th by their horrible energy wheny. they went wind all over we hplacey won'te. but when it doesn't blow, we have a little problem. this was cause problem.d by enei this was really caused by energy. and also thereally cause, unbele spending. they're spending us out of outte of wealth. actually, they're taking our wealth away. but it was cause takinr we awade and what they've done is they started cutting way back. we were in third place whenft, e i left. we wer were by far in first plae being russia, beating saudi arabia. and wed saudi were going to dome to a level that we've never seen beforore. w and then we had a bad election. i'll be very nice. supposed to be nice when i talk about the election, because everybody's afraid
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to talkplease about, oh, please, or don't talk about the election. pleaset the. you know, if you can't ifou you can't talk about a bad election, you really don'tdemocc have a democracy. >> if you think about it y righ. but -- but what they did me is they took they took the oild production. the oil started going crazisy. that started the inflation. then they went back. they said, go back to wheree trm trump was. the problem is that we wouldp e have been three times that level right now. we would have been so dominant over russi sa and saudi arabia. look, saudi arabia, russia, we d a lot of oil. we would have had more you know, we had something in alask in alasa, anwar, that . that i created. i mean, ronald reagan wanted it. you remember ronald reagan wanted it. they all wanted it. and i got it approved. nobody was able to get itd. approved. i got it approved. >> and they the first week in office, they turned it back. they said, no, it's the biggest site possibly in the world.d be
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could be bigger than saudi arabia. well, we're going to start that than s. we're going to become the energy capital of the world. we're going to pay ey downrthe our debt and we're going to reduce your taxes still furthero and your groceries are going to come tumbling down. and your interesling dowt ratest are going to be tumbling down. and then you're going to go out, you're going to buy g a beautiful house, okay? you're going to buy a beautifulm house that's called the american dream. the americandream. dream. thank you, mr. president. i i want to ask you ational question about national security. but first, i think it's important to point ou sy b. what luke is talking about, the cost of groceries, the cost of gasst o the, the cost of hou, mortgages, rent, everything has goned up. h kamala harris' plan that she's announced is government price controls. and i think it's important to touchi think o touc on you j, your plan. what's going to happen if kamala harri happen is institutes priceinstit controls? >> so that's a communist plauten
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it's never worked and it's been tried by others, believe it or not, richard nixon s. tried a lot of people tried it. it's been tried many times.. and it always leads to the same failure, tremendous inflation, lack of product. you don't have anything. the stores are not stocked, has never worked. it's called control. they want contro. wanl and, you know, it just it's been so, often and everybody that comes in, they say it it sort of sounds great. we're going to go price control . actually, when she announced that she got absolutely slaughtere td by even democratsn de because it doesn't work. it's -- it's a knownmocre it lo. so now she doesn't talk about it. you notice she doesn't talke chn about climate change anymore. she's not talking about it. you know, wh?t talkiny? because people don't want to hear it. pe don't wd they want to live a good life. they want to live a life. they don't want to stop here.tea industry with climate change. they used to call it differentno things. global warming. remember, that wasn't working because it was getting a little bit coolethat wasinget >> so they said, what are we
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going to do? we'll call it global cooling. no. so they came up with the word words climate change because that takes care of everything. it's climate change. the climate is changing. a >> but according to them, we're all going to be gone. and abou t what do we have three years left at 12 years, remember? so in about three years, let mea tell you, we do have a problem now. >> it's climat proble change, ba different kind of climate change. it's called nuclead a nuclear gy warming. we can say that's global warming. prd if tha we don't have a smart president, you know, you have five nations nowe five with prey massive nuclear power. some have very massive, including us and russia. china is behinchind way behind.t but within four or five years they'll catch up and whin e dono want them to catch up. look, we the biggest problem, in my opinion, the biggest problem our country has, has the biggest problem the world has is nuclear weapons. they are a destructive force, the likes of which nobody has ever, th seen before. and we have to make sure
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they're never used. we have to make sure it's not going to happen. you're you're exactly right. and you brought up ronald reagan already. ronald reagan famously said ad g nuclear war can never be won rona. ould never be fought >> and i think it's interesting you talked about climate change, mr. president. the democrattinglk abouts and k harris, they were quick to talk about how climate change is an axis ential t threat. ing but what they're not talking about is the existential threatd of nuclear war and world war iii three, which is exactly where we sit today because the war mongers and their puppets, joe biden and kamala harris,it and they don't want to talk about it because the the consequence of where they have taken all of us is the american people in the world is economic hardship around the world. the destruction of our economic well-being and an annihilation of humanity. >> our families, our kids are okay. that was donal od trump doingtrm
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a town hall in wisconsin with our former colleague there, tulsiwn gabbard, answerig questions about inflation. g questihouse prices. n >> we even got a little global warming. at one point, he said. we'rl warminat onee going to gih harris a maga hat because she keeps stealing all of our policies we're. k to >> we'll go back to that later. if newifs breaks. ever since tiananmen, tim got busted for lying about beingou a head coach, inflatinga his militaryhead service and telling kamala he can't handle spice after winning a spicy taco competition, there's been growing doubts about the harris-walz campaigndoubts a to >> one of carmela's key elements to her biography hass come into question, and it's a big one. >> i wanone.t to ask a question about a topic that really unites america. here' >> fast food. okay, so here's the deal. i heard a rumoe der that you wod at mcdonald's. >> i did. >>know that about. i was in school. me, too. i worked registered drive thrudh and grill. >> is known as a triple threatrg
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. >> okay. just for the record, i did frie friess. just that surprise. i did fries. and then i did the cashier?>> a >> okay, i'm impressed. fries are hard. a producer at prime timesays who used to work the kitchen says fries aren't hard. kardhey're the easiest aren' and commonly didn't even start talking about cooking fries until she decidet even stn for president. there was no mention of mcdonald's in both of her memoire's nof mcand bos. and so far, all reporters looking into it have foundnc no evidence. >> andrew kerr is a reporter at the washington free beacon who's been investigating this story. >> so what did inve you find? ? >> right. well, kamala story about her job at mcdonald'>> her ss has st dramatically over the past couple of weeks. at first, her campaign cam le of wee out and said that this was a job she worked to pay her way through college, but noway they say that she worked there for one summer just to earn a little extra spending money. she here, yeah, we looked into . did she actually work at mcdonald's? well, she didn't mention it. er throughout the first several decades of work, a political career made no mention of it. politimadementioand both of her including her 2019 memoir in which she devotedhe an entirh
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chapter to the struggles of service industry workers. servhere's beed an entirn severl biographies published about her in the past couple of years, none of whic seveh mention her job at mcdonald's. donald'sthe author of one of thh biographies told us that he was not aware of the claim. se ofwe obtained a job applicatn that kamala filled out for a law clerk position in 1987strd that instructed her to list every joisb that she had for the past ten years. mcdonald's is not mentioned in that job application orime. in her resume at that time. we reached out to mcdonald's corporate several times asking, hey, can you confirm her employment? no response. if you c con reached out to mcds in the alameda area. none would say if carmel worked at her at their location. whwe reached out to the harris campaign asking, hey, can you specify which locationey in alameda county that she worked at? thatd at andand they won't answ' >> so it's possible that she did work at mcdonald'st sh for
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a few weeks in the summer of 1983. but, you know, when you put all this together, it just raises some very serious questions about what s has becoe a foundational narrative that democrats are relyingbecoma on to connect kamala harris to the working class t. >> so mcdonald's keeps pretty s a fulcords of their employee . right. weey have a full timmee archivit on file. yeah, we we pestered them foter weeks and never got it. >> so they know everybody who's ever worked at a mcdonald' knos and you gave them a month or a couple of weeks and maybe future president of the unitedne states, something you'd want to brag about if you were mcdonald's,u want. you >> they didn't get back to you with anything. that is. not you're right, andrew, for not saying she never worked wor at mcdonald'kes. we're just saying it doesn't smell right. there's no evidence anywhere. anything else you'd like a to add? >> you do a really good job with this investigative reporting. rea wit thank you. yeah. you know, i think a great
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comparison is the 28 campaign. it was a big storyline. obama'n iss first job as ann ice cream scooper at baskin robbins. the differencee with then tha and now is that there is no mystery at all surrounding obama'was first job. news outlets published the address of his baskin robbins santa in honolulu their on their websites. photographers posted photos websn baskin robbins proudly touts on its website anat obama used to scoop ice cream for them. and the manager of thatmanage location joked to the somes in 2009 that she turned into somewhat of a media professional after dealing med with so many reporters during the 2008 campaign. the same just can't be said about harris. >> there's nothing but mystery surrounding her claim to work at mcdonald's. very but nding her clai mysterious.t wa maybe it was burger king and she forgot. it's been a long time. g d. andrew kerr, thanks as always.e >> keep up the great work. >> kamala finally sat down for an interview. but voters are still left with t questions, burning questions. burniso what does america realy want to ask kamala that dana di'
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didn't or wouldn't johnny wantjw to find out? kamala harris finally doing an interview. will you be watching? d,no. >> she hasn't done one. can't wow. i can't wait to see what she wat has to say. i don't think she's going to bring anything to the table tonight that's any different than the nonsens ng tble we're hearingar day in and day out. i'm very excited because she's been missing for a whilega now, working since kamala started running for president. and what have you heard? she swhat have i heard about ka harris? i'll have to get back to that. >> she's the emotionally damaged, the wannabe. >> she'sshe's obama pop. >> she's against guns. you know that. she's pro-abortion tion. for now. >> yes. for now. she flip flops on allp-flop the issuess . y. >> okay. membership in the cheese of the month clubbership and the steao month club and a copynty of vegetarian timeofs. >> she >> i'm a flip flopper. hnt she hasn't done an interviewervw in over a monter a monh. e pres why is she so afraid of the thik press?
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i think she's afraid of the press so muc she'sd ofh as liket prepared and her handlers are afraid of what's going to come out of her mouth.mouth. she's a liar. i don't think that she's not sharing her platform. >> what is your platform, then? i don't know that you talk about that. >> i don't know. oh, this interview is taking d place on cnn. do you think they'll ask for the tough questionyothey ws? she's a female, soso they're going to go easy on her? yes, because i'm a journalist myselfhey wion her. >> since you're a journalist. if you were to come face to face with cosmo, what would m you ask her? what would i ask? >> kamala. the question has to be, where are you been and what are youd t going to do? >> what are you goinoug to do fr the hood? >> i'm like, can you please go into detail early on any of your policies? i would ask kamala harris, how do you get your hair so nice? howu gekamala what do youo about being married to a jewish man? >> bucklh man?e up. i'm a really bad driver. see's bringing her vp pick to
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sit on the interview with her. when was the last time you brough i t someone to sit on aa job interview with you? >> never. never. they're on the same ticketb ints >> they have the same views. they're going to work together. we will work togethe havr and continue to work together. >> she needs a man to help her out becauslpe i love kamala harris. and she's a smart lady. i thinshe's , k that there's a k there's a method behind it. >> mr. harris. mr. gina is ready for your interview. >> actually, we'll be interviewing as a team . >> we're here dancing to kamalaa ,do a fox news interview. she better be prepared. sure, why not? yeah, why not? she should do an interview on fox news, but definitely come super prepared because you guys are. >> you guys are you guys are straight to it. fair, balanced, and still unafraid. >> if you can't handle questions from fox news, how is she going to face vladimir putin? it is a good point. and in? like yoi like you. >> she has a whole what's that word? the, you know, the goal
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you know, the, you know, the thing. >> so kamala might not do fox news, but yo t nou just did.what >> so what do you want to tell jesse watters? that was fine. so maybewant t j kamala should fox news after all. yeah, that was great. hey, jesse, watee shouo r that o the film. >> i'm your girl. jesse, i'm not with her. >> trump's in the final battle, and he's channeling his inner ronald reagan to fix kamala's mess. >> one of you will go to the polls. i you stand there in the polling place and make a decisiopln. i think when you make that decision, it might be one of you would ask yourself, are you better offare yo than you were four years ago? if you don't think that thison course that we've been on for the last four years is what you woulhefour yd like to see uu over the next four years, then i would suggest another choice that you have. >> president trump he'll make america great. both washington outsiders, trump and reagan, strong communicators with a little
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splash of charisma by didn't have those qualities.. >> so we got ship to the beach. kamala has got the crown now, and she's copying trump any chance you get. it started with those camodes fo hats. then white dudes for harris was created. insert coach walharrisz and a ce of plays later, the games changed. the diversity driven democratsft have transitioned into freedom loving football, watching flag wavingd patriots, and the media is helping them. >> colin campbell, dmc, the new party of reagan. >> are people going to buy this? dennis quaid playsd ronald reagan in his new movie and he is here here.. what did you learn by playingy y ronald reagainn that makes you understand why so many politicians, republicans sm? and now democrats want to emulate him? >> well, for one thing, i found that reagan was actually a humble man. he wasn't het a rich man either. the great communicator, he transcended politics.
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actually, he was a democrat for 40 years and he was a republicanward 4 the next 40 . but he governed and he lived his life by principles which transcend politics. difficu and sometimes you make difficult decisions, but baseddt on those principles, they're going to get you through. >> and you wanyou tht to transct politics. you never want to be a politician. liticianyou want to be an ameri right. and he was an american in soican manyn so ways, wasn't he?>> he >> yeah, he he really was,re you know, indeed devoue devotetm and fighting communism here. you knowmu, he was a i would cal a hawk or but it took a coldt it warrior like him to be ablee to come to the negotiating table with the soviets and theon he could be pragmatic. he could have a relationship with the hm instead of me. we were kind of made fun of, i think, a little bit. we were a little too come kumbaya duringe to carter and ha administration giving away
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the b-1 bomberti, giving awayca this. can't we just be friends type of thing? we j type ofand carter did a gra with egypt and israel, but the soviets not so good. >> you mentioned him being a, he cold warrior. here's a little taste for the audience of yo a taste fu a. >> watch general secretary gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek liberal legislation and change, come here to this day. mr. gorbachev, open this. gates and see mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall right. >> jo that forceful delivery
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and direct, not a threat, but it was it was almostlmos in order. er >> you have that. almothere's so much optimism.hae there. >> yeah. and you can almost see donald trump in the last week or sost n being more optimistic. >> have you noticed that? yeg ic, haves i can, because tha he's talking about. but the issues really and whereh we where we're going te o go wih ,that, you know, the issuesd around this election are so similathis r to the 1980 election as being carter and reagan, you know, inflation was out of control. we had hostageinflation s, the e east, we have hostages in know gaza strip. nobody talks them.uld appe i wish they would. we were being told that we weree a nation in decline. carter even mentioner d that we were at malaise and reaganoing said, no, we're not. we're going this way.d weand followed him. and, you know, look what happened.
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we won the cold war. our economy came roaring back. a people felt good about america. and that'san that optimism thats infectious. and, you know, they they talk about joy and everything, but where's the platform behind it. you know, it's not a plan really. >> it's not a is not a platform. no. well, the american? dream is ae platform. we've just heard donald trump mention that several times in thejust hdtrump last . >> so go out if you want to be infected by optimism and real joy. go see reagan. >> and that's out tomorrow. tomorrow at a theate ar near yo. at a theater near you. dennis quaid, everybody, thank you so muc h. se >> you bet. president reagan. thank you, jesse. all right. more prime time ahead. streaming now, fox nation. there's a new twist in the murdoch trial.
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happy anniversary to my amazing parents and in steve, dr. waters and mr. waters. h oh, they love each other soot 5 much. 54 years togethe4r. what a spectacular feat. keep it up. love, guys. d >> let's do some text. gail from salem, massachusetts. i was going to watch the kamala harrirom mas interviewal tonight, but i changed my positiointen. >> tim from hudson, north carolina if kamala worked the ice cream machineal at mcdonald's, that explains why it's always brokena harrke. >> yeah. you think the fries are hard, d? that ice cream machine. nancy from monroe, michiganew km i hope kamala wasn't serving uncle bo's patties at mcdonald'alas nots. russ from oklahoma city. i saw reagan today with a fellow veteran. thanr rak to dennis quaid for an emotional ride. >>d yeah, that's going to may
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be good. and maybe i'll see it over labowar day weekend. >> holly from mesa, arizona, don't shame your staffer fromppr wearing lips. some menor are just insecure. >> no, i think it's important. if a man is insecure and wears lists to shame them so they can just stand at their normal t height. >> sherry from rock hillhe, sou, carolina. jessi, you are my screensaver. my that weird? >> my husband does. no, not weird at all h, no to se into that screen and just bask in glow. watch the show, too. you know, we don't get a ratingt if you just stare at that screen. >> that is all for us tonigh's. i will be going on ag smallassn assignment soon, so just prepare, but i'll have somethingt i back when i return from my assignment. mortars. >> and this is my world.


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