tv Gutfeld FOX News August 30, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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a school shooting, the ideas of carrying these weapons of warting the. and my wife, the english teacher, telling me grammar is not always correct. but again, if it's not,k this is an attack on my children for showing love nor or it's an attack on my dog, i'm not going to do that. and tht e one thino g i'llthat e is i'll never demean another member's servicedemean. >> this isn't about grammar. this is about a lie. >> he's playing the victim here tim walz, isn't he?they like, oh, they're attacking me because i misspoke. it ae e in misspeak, pal. you >> you left your unit when they were deployed to a war zone because you didn't want to fight anymore. >> grammer please. they're so phony, inauthentic, authentic. so this was a driving force, commander, sergeant major, unfortunately, that's all the ti time that we have left this evening. be sure to catch msevening,e on the tomorrow, 5 p.m. eastern. thanks for being with us. tomorrogreg gutfeld is next. have a great night, everybody.
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i hate you. thank you.nk thank you. thank you. y thanouk you.body hel can somebody help that poorr woman who fainted? >> happy thursday, everyone. this fall, chris christie will teach a class at yale on how to ruat en a political campaign. >> oh, there. he'll discuss everything ever done and then say, don't do that. the class will only be opene to ten students because that's the most that will fit in there with himt win th. >> mm-hmm. the class will be inclusive, considering christie is fluent in over eight sandwiches and.t >> any student bringing an apple should be aware he won't accept it unless it's dippeddipd in caramel. he's a frien ind.
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kamala harris has been roundly criticized, bringing tim walz along with her for tonight's cnn intervieh hew. but supporters say america is used to her dragging around a creepy old white guyerg. harris' claim once workedut at mcdonald's. but people are finding it very hard to verify peoing this, alh one former employee says she did put him in jai l, why would she lie anyway? a venezuelan migrant gang was caught on camera taking over an apartment complex in aurora, colorado. authorities are at a losx ins on how to negotiate with people so willing to risk their securityo deposit ris. you know, i like that joker not and i resent you for not laughing. i approve this resentment. thank you. laundry experts may have uncovered wherewhere you're socks have gone. they may have been intoyo they inserted lintimproper
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filters, although some men might have just put them the front of their pants. colorado man a night alone on aa mountain after his coworkers left him behind duringve officef retreat. >>, why didn't we thinfice rk os ? i saw that one coming.on >> see, accordine g to thecomi us surgeon, parenting cans. be hazardous to your health due to high levels of stress . es especially when your kids hate your guts. on th >> yeah. just keep it on there and finally, sources say barron trump will not follow in his father'sn and instead we' will go to school somewhere in new york. >>llo hunter biden, however, stilln plans on following his father's footstepiss by banging jill. all right. well, let's do a monologue now..
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i don't want to get ahead of myself because then all i do is stare at my. but what if trump wins? >> who would he ask to joino his merry pirate ship of radicals ask? what about elon musk? this week, former navy seal sean ryan mentione that mud thak expressed an interest in being part of the second trump administrationexpresse. ni hmm.f i wonder if he and elon have a great relationship. is he great? is he a totally unusual character? do tho we have to cheris our geniuses if we chose? we have a great relationship. he's great. >> he is a totally unusual character. you know, elon and i don't. he's great and he's smar khe's t and we have to cherish our geniuses. you knowo cherh our ge. >> we don't have too many[ of them, right? mm-hmm. he's right. we don't have enough geniuses.
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but this trump musk matchup is like one of those videos where an owl becomes friends t with. a lion. you know, i just love unexpectedd match matchups, yo, like this or this and this.plaue but would trump put musk in thet cabinet? >> i'd put him in the cabinet,au absolutely. but i don't know how he could do that with all the things he's gottely but. e but he can sort of as expression goes, consult with the country and, give you some very good ideas. >> he's right. musk could offer a ton of goods . plus, it would be fun to see how many government workers he gets pregnant. it w sgove >>rn yeah, but if you don't thii musk is qualified, remember he runs nk x and launches rockets. the only thing biden has been knowches rocn to launch is an ur rocket after his metamucil
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smoothiet. >> and have you seen biden's hires? it looks and have like they sentsent a headhunter to the bar in starr wars t. so what's so radical about aide president having smart people in his cabinet? be nicha people change from thei harris white house, which is less a cabinet and moredeis a padded cell. think about it. mayor pete blinkenout it. cardona, garland bay, orcas. it's like they found thesepeople people under the roommate's wanted section of craigslist u. >> but trump you know he should treat his cabinet like ocean's 11. put together the most elitreat m team of brilliant minds across multiple fields get the best ceo are other great thinkers instead of lifelong politicians make ite the opposite of the biden climb. clown clown shown show where thk for diversity instead of brilliance and didn't care about the end result. and it seems like trump's already thinkingit see that way. tulsi gabbard and rfk jr
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have already joined his white house transition team. that's two former dems working trump, which is akin to the dems like maxine waters joining the brotherhood. welcome aboard. appare and apparently the pair have said they'd contribute to the trump lineup in theirntvo fields of expertise. for rfk, it could be chronicf diseases or legal reform orr ho how to get sick abs. >> and for tulsi, why not? foreign policy. be nice to have a secretary of state who can bring us peace without leaving a trail of unfortunate suicidea s. but who else could trump tap? >> joe rogan, mike rowe, dana white, bill ackman, kid rock. how about larry kudlow tr treasury? he's smarter than janet yellen. and his haircut was brougheat you by tupperware. >> judge jeanine could be attorney general.
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finally we could deport geraldo . never over vivek. right. he could be secretary of state. what better way to reflect than outsourcing an important job aou to an indiantsou? >> tyrus could head up homeland security. ,he's big enough to beity. the department of homeland security enough . part time. part time. part part time cat could be the secretary interior because she never leaves her house. kill me. could head up the department of transportation. aftehis careerr all his career r wreck. >> how about pete hegseth, the head of veterans affairs? you know . uphold >> he'll uphold the constitution when he's got it tattooed on his armstitutiow >> then there's me. what should i do? thens a new position for secretary of muscle's. >> yeah.
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you won't get ripped. >> you. you'll just get ripped. look we already got the makings of the most anti-establishment presidency antiest history.e an so let's start there and then create a merry unpredictable, perhaps even eccentric band of rogues with specific talents . make it the perfect pirate ship. and isn' spmake it e perft this how thisy was founded? not by arrogant rentisn't th seg insiders and bureaucrats, but renegades and miscreants. et our founding fathers weren't the establishment. they were rebelsestablishment, n playboys. they make the crew on ocean'selv 11 look like the brats from car brigade. >>en the b so why not model a ct after them? >> you do worse health. we've seen worse up close.. u bottom line, our founding fathers weren't people who got along with others. >> if that were true, we'd still be speaking englis h. let's welcome tonight's guests.
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like diets and taxes he's used to being cheated on. actor, writer, comedia cheatn j. a is young lass will go far with a name like an irishri bar. fox businesssh bar corresponden. kennedy, o'grady. we never thought a twig could get this big new york times editor. timpf.t at his idea. a rest the lunchbox is a restaurant. "new york times" best selling author, comedian and farmer jim r.a. brown. jamie you're familiar with ar dream team. >> your wife had one consisting of lawyersteam. >> when she took everything that you owned. mm-hmm. >> mm-hmm. what do you see trump doing? >> i'm excited about his cabinet. i think i'm sick of the
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you know, i.binet they are in by. do you know biden's cabinet was filled with prescription bottlewa wescriptilines and vas? >> and so, by the way, rfk,t that photo, my. is it normal to be able to see someone's hear tt? >> what does that guy do forwhat heart in the gym? oh, my god. i would like to defend carmelo a a little bit here. she's getting a lot of flak for bringing her buddy with cnk foe is it possible she's just used to watching joe have handlers everywhere, whether it's when he's walking or in the bathroo.m ? right. maybe. by the way, ever since joe moved in, they're calling it the white everthey with brown spots and should i stop there, jamie? >> it might be the right thing to do. >> being honest. i love that you. >> keli. welcome to this show. why do something? i mean, he's his white house is already considered kind of like renegade just by him being there.
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assuming he wins. why >> why not think outside x, so to speak? >> well, i mean, absolutely right. i mean, that's kind of what president trump is known for his whole campaign. people love that about him. i don't love elon musk, though, as a pick, and especially if i'm a tesla shareholder. every tesl a investor is going, dear god, no, not another fortod this man to add to his plate. if you own tesla and you're watching as plat test home sellf he does, because that is going to go down the stock b. io >> i don't love him to be advising on artificial intelligence that's been kind of throw around. i hate when you have people wh oer are in the cabinet or rather advising this stuff and theyes have a financial interest in a certain space. >>certai but i do love imaginint what it would be like in their meetings because both of thed by are known to be talkers. yeah, they're known to be passionateo . own to >> they're known to get sidetracked. you would really need someone to just pull theed. m all and be like, okay, so the question was this. >> yet, let's get back. three
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yeah. they talked for like almost 3 hours. was it? yeah. networks h and yeah, yeah. and it was like they talked, like for one hour on one topic and it was them. yeah. how does he have, how does elons build rockets. he does tesla and then he does he smokes weed and doed ansee hu podcast for 3 hours. i don't get all of the time. i had one show yesterday. rs.i took two naps. and ha ha ha ha. >> kat, would you ever workhe in the white house? like, if you like, if they asked you to do something, wo? ouyou doo so are you so adamant against government you wouldn't work for them? adt governthe only i would do i they would just let me shut things down. yeah, i don't want to. if t to.wantdo i but i think i think that actually what trump need would be somebody like like kelly here to say we need he need somebody to say, i don't love that you can't have all yesyou. people around you. you have to have people who could be honest with youyou hav you have to have people where, you know, you show them the outfit that you're planningave.
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to wear and they say, what else do you have you know, because if you're surrounded by all people who are notren' who are o afraid to disagree with you, that doesn't mean people who hate you. >> obviously, it could be people who you you have to make sure you havean all these people around you becaus peoo hatean e. >> otherwise, people, it is notn going to go well for you. i thinot k that's that's that'st fo very important for for everyone, really . eopl >> yes. i'm a huge proponent of yes. people, right, tyrus? no, thank you.nk you >> not. you would you ever if trump called you up and said, tyrus, i think you're great. >> i think you're awesome. you keep going. yes, i'd like you to be i'd like you to be in my cabinet. >> i'd like to, like, do press secretary part time? secrs. that would be fun. just to justt re to goport at repors ,you know, and insistn on things like follow up questionthingse fos. there'll be no notebooks
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because the one that we saw for the last three and half years had no answers in it. so there's no point in having. yeah f threef year. and the one thing we would dod o is we would push hard to bewe w everybodily had to be vetted. so going back to this,al kamala mcdonald's, you know, issue, yeah, she came from a loving me f right. >> so i'm sure they have a picture of her first day at mcdonald's. yeah picturef he, put that pictt there, everybody. listen, i understand i worked at arby' eve up.t ars. >> 6 minutes. yeah, no, i did. u i showed up 15 minutes late, and they were like, yo, you're late. and i was like, oh, the watch i is the white man's tool. >> and then they said, okay, start on dishes, oh,tart it's because i'm black. you want me to wash dishes, i'm not doing it. and then the black dishes manager said to me, you can go, yeah. >> so did you see i, i saw parto of the interview. kamaasf the in only 8 minutes lg where kamala actually said that we had these we had deadlinesve
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that were boun -d to time. >> and i'm like, trying to think what other deadlines are there that aren't bound to time? >> who was her speechwriter? >> we. llan po ha ha ha. it was the day. it was the first day.t wa yeah, it wass the best day. >> yeah. she's. she looked miserable>> greg: lo >> but anyway, it was cnn. what do you expect? up next, cat ladies, kamala, a gift without consulting taylor swift. swif >> if you'll be in the new york area. would like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio ice . i see.t last. i see.t last. .had i worked fast, he makes it last year. last year. the power of congresy hot.s ther you can rise from pain. >> i see loose lip sync chips
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festooned with sweet love and goons. our video of the day comes to us frommes to u swifties for, a two hour zoom fundraiser with taylor swift fans liz warren and self-proclaimed original cat lady carole king. >> watch, please. and let's elect kamala harris the next president of the united states. unit you can get this done so make the friendship bracelets get out to vote. talk to your fellow swifties about what's at stake in this election. if taylor's music gives you that, that jolt gives you that sense of community, which i know that it does for so many on here channel that i'm excited about kamala>>m because so many people are excited about kamala taylor and inducted me into the rock
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and roll hall of fame and she sang induc i song will you lovel tomorrow? so i have to go play. tomois to play, play, play, pla play, play. hey, there's going to be a pla e a a baby.i' i'm just going to shake, shake, shakm jue, shake, shake it off, shake it all. >> hmm. you know, i sing the same thing at the greg: ig at. >> oh, kelly, that almost compels me to vote specifically to cancel out one of their votes. >> was that persuasive at all to you? >> it was not. i also i mean, first of all, trying to say associate being a single cat lady with taylor swift, she owns cats. >> taylor swift has not been single for more than 5 minutes sh her lifeee. >> she's always got a new boyfriend, which, you know, power to heriend. but i'm curious what she thinks about this record. she has not come out and endors i'm cuse anyone this time. she did endorse biden last time, but if she's smart, she
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you know, back in the day, she started as one of the country artists. i thinback in thk was going to r kenny chesney. at one point, i would dog to a kenny chesney concert. >> two weeks ago, i did not see any common lost borders. s a >> i saw a bunch of maga hat.e and i think she knows, you know ,just as michael jordan say says rather republicans buy sneakers to republicans, do her music. >> there you go. well, kat, do you have tim fees like swift? these are there you have tim fees that like like i don't know do stuff that i don't think that they do stuff like that. >> yeah i do don. people who like me. oh, that's good. yeah. well, that's all i wanted to know. all k you.thaod >> i was worried, you know, di grand. raised 144 i've got to say, $144. that would be bad. but there are 30,000 people. so 144 divided by 30 is about 40 bucks. that's not bad a person.
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>> that's pretty good math, huh? i just the singing i was really i was. i was disturbed by it. yes. 't and i wish she didn't dose that because i kind of liked it. i kindd what she was saying until she did that. yeah, i like that. she said i'm excited about kamala because i'm seeing a lot of people excitexciteddt about kamala. >> yes. i thought that that was very honest. yeah, it's true. kamalai thoui because that's res the reason people are excited is it's this this feeling they have that it's not like, well, what a policy of hers. >> i'm the mosikt for. >> that's not really a question you can answer. so i appreciate the honesty, but one of my favorite things to watch is liz warren tries to be relatably favo te. yes, she started this call saying hi swifties. yes. never in you r have you had someone told you what that was? >> yes had it was like when shee first tried to open up a beer. >> remember that? oh, yeah. i'm going to get remembe a yeah, i'm going to get, what, a beer? >> beer? she asked her husban d if he wanted one. >> he looked at her like, what's happening? i thin sppenink, yeah, she's cr.
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>> tyrus to be fair, the english, her secondh is language, you know, since taylor was not affiliated, should they imprison theser doig people for doing this? >> by the wathisy, can we discus that? >> there were men, male swifties. >> is that masculine? is it the new kind of masculinity at the last kin alpha masculine, toxic meetings you symposium? hurt oh, that hurt my brain. how dobrain. it didn't come up. >> yeah. between weightliftinge up and chugging beer, it never came up. one , the song one of the guys turned the song on. >> he was beaten to submissions. this whole. >> but this is the problem. th grandparents. don't try to be cool to their grandchildren. >> you know, like when. when see people old enough to say they remember when
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jesus christ was walking around telling you that they're hip. tucker. che >> tucker like, check me out. it's the exact turnoff trump should use this. or he should run this. if you don't vote for me, this'te are coming by and then you have her take take too. i mean that was and to be with you i a little i was so scaredtt like i didn't know likle ie i understand now what a dog feels like when the fired up truck drivesi unders by because i we're. >> oh, we can stop. that's. this is what they're running on. feelings. yes. liit's like when you first you meet before you married up and all this stuff when meet for the first time the smile when you see your homeboys, then you married and the the feelings turn into facts. and you go frongm this the like they just what to jamie? >> oh, they just went to jamie. i didn't even like you said jamie has rested sad dad face. >> yes.
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were you just thinking when you you watch that videoneve that you will never be that popular? >> yeah, i wil l actually choose this moment to announce that i will be supporting trump witnoum a fan club of my own. a if he wants to sign up now, you could be the person to sign up. >> and that was horrible even. did you notice even the interpreter during that song was rollineveng her ed going with that's three nights in a row right away. >> t. t know that's three nights in a row. we're on a streak. by the way, wynett n yoe when you do that, when the sign language interpreter does that, does don? mea >> i it means change the channel. my remote's broken. i, i was actually watching the subtitles. btitle it said yahtzee. >> i tried to watch this thing just i try to watch you do research. >> it's like a little survey at the beginning, and it was like, do you have? >> i said, yes, and it logged me out. have haters are going to hate hater haters hate this.
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your haters hate. and by the way, you don't needoa to say a single cat lady. you can just say cat ladsingley is disrespectful to deafassuming assuming they can't read. yeah. can't just have captionsy can'te like they don't read. >> apparentld apparey. >> like it's a lost art. also. it's kind of it's kind of interestingt. that to be a a deaf person who is also a swifty. est ki >> mm-hmm. maybe that's that. maybe that's the cats guy. that's. that's an excellent point. oh, my goodness. you know>> thalent poi. e it >> i feel like swifty should mean when someone kicks in the . i know it's off topi whemeone kh >> way off topic, but that's just how i feel in my house. swifty is what you cleann the fl the floor with. >> yes, swifty. i love those. >> up next, doctors say it's true parenting is killing . >> you know, if you were on everythin...ohbackingg with r chase, freedom unlimited. >> so if you're off the rack or
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thing is hazardous. all right, tires the u.s. surgeon general warns parentingr can be harmful to your health dunse to dangerously high levels of stress. citing data that half of parents reported feeling overwhelmed with its with it most day is. is this kind of like so government. >> oh this is a very toughdon' thing so don'tt do it. yeah, it's stressful. ohessful, when they said it to y dad, he took them to and he disappeared. and so at least he's not d stressed out. that's cooadl. es >> this is the stupidest i ever heard in my life. yeah. i'm sorry. i. i'm sorry. >> every time one of my kids does something cool or i feel it adds years to my life, and every time they mess up, i enjoy getting revenge for all the times i got in trouble when i was a child. rouble >> so parenting is is is a
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tough job. it is a sacrifice. a d you're not their buddies and your friends, not raising your kid and lettintheir frg your kg grod dangerous to your health and your neighbors health. >> yeah. neigh.. so you better real the little in and raise them. ] >> cat, you're going to be greg: a parent, god willing. do you find this to be, i don't know, stupid in the sensn e that it's like, duh. >> yeah. yeah. i actually really, really haten when people tell me how hard how it's going yeah, i it's like, yeah, i'm not 16, right? like i waited.ti >> it's like i waited until i was of the age that it is a geriatric pregnancy because i'm not afraid of this . so, like, i'm already scared to do it. so, like, leave me alone. and i just it's, it's, it's like to see, like, one word in this article that said, there's also some joy. >> g they don't i like.mi
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>> wow. great to know. because it's weird because being pregnant it and it's it' hard, but man, it's i think sometimes it's going to be so weird when the baby lives in my apartment. yeah, that's even weirder and, like, need stuff. then >> yeah. and then it's going to get older and it's going to be like, nsg to g oldero, i'm ge like, what the. >> yeah. you used know right now you think i'm not thinking about this. >> i knoyou think i'w that goino hard, but like, don't be like, oh, your whole life is about to change. yeah, i'm aware of tha >>t. >> yeah. right now your body's a one bedroom. yeahr body, it is. why is that insulting? >> don't think it goes. oh, there's a baby in here. what's why we're having this conversation. >> but you know what? it's okay. so what's interesting is you're seeingre havinnversatig: you'r , and this is a serious question. i'm actually not going to say horrible things about you and your kids, but there is thith anddss overarching vibe that children are a baggage. >> it's as though we should
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all not have them. it's and that it's like it juste falls in line with all of the advicef . they're bad for the climate. we're overpopulated. .re badit's this message don't have them. we already are born. we'rtheme good that's a great point. and it's also like two cats point. like, why are you telling me this? why mee whu ? ? like, why are you telling me? it's not like i can go like, oh, this is bad for me. this i'm going to be healthy. i'm going to cut down on carbs and children. yeah t i'm, >>il like i'm telling my kids, i'm trying to quit. like, it doesn't make any sensep . i, i would like to propose. we don't know if elon muskosso would do this or someone else,ma wet what if we only got information that could help us like a search ot inform engia i don't have to hear the kids cost $500,000 or something. tell00,000 to someone who doesna have kids yet. what if there was a way to cultivate only things an that would help me. >> like maybe every morning i get an article that says, hey, is way better thae that sn >> i just don't think any. and it's weird. it's hard, like terrorism. so right that message shaming
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jet your put a button on akeep jamie oh the greatest you know i and keep it in your pants the greatest the greatest and i've accomplished many things in my i've lived many lives and i've had many whatever the greates..t title in my life is, dad. now i would trade. there's nothing. l you're going to love it. it makes you the best.and makeou you you find out who you are asa a man when you have children. >> you i'm to find out who i am. as a man. >> yeah. t toe was when i was called daddy. okay. oh, it's an hour. hey, you. >> what i find interesting, kelly, is i think about parentst of old and that their parents doing rents of. w >> you think that the word stress even existed. you just existed it life. >> it's like people i thinkk th like the concept of stress waswn only for buildings and sometime in the seventies, all of a sudden they applied it to humano humas. your
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like your parents, your grandparents. they were like, oh, this is s a no. >> they just were like, this is what we do, right? ,i you're exactly right. i think, you know, back in wae day, it was just like, oka>y ,like, this is what we do. >> i am of the opinion. i like that we'r e about this. so that if you are going to have a kid, you go intg tooh this with eyes wide open because there are going to be those moments, tearse ope like, like you said, the work, it's amazing. >> but there are also those times are going to be like, whyd ? >> why did you spill that all over the couch and you ruined it. so youl think you know, it's important to think about that. it's important to think about the fact tabout th like ns versus back when my parents were having mewhen financially, it's so tough to raise a kid, have to plan for it. >> but if you're going to put it, what are you going to spend the money on anyway? oh we vacation a lot more because we don't have kids. spen see those stories likes in the "new york times" or something, it's like, you know, hey, we're living our bestere ie . we're going to malaysia. ysia who?, who cares? yeah. and then six months later, the nanny's pregnant. yeahths lateth, i to that pointt
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point, it's important to think about those things so that when you are ready. >> you are financially ready, ever ready. that's the rightlly. >> i'm certainly not ready, but it's happening. so. but he's ready ready. i'm the king of not being ready. i had three in one year. i shouldg three different uteruses and children trade school where you can trade your kids for a different kid all of us like if it doesn'tt y work out you go like okay,ou say this one didn't work out. you get like a pair. th tywo parents have to be oka with it. >> they trade their kids. my kid asked if there was one for dads t. >> there is, yeah. >> okay.>> tha i mean, that literally happened to you. yes. >> uh huh. yeah. yeah. i don't know why everybody laughed. yone >> coming up, vermont schools. vermont school>> greg:s, they ho there. forbid common nouns for your kidmmon nou. >> this is an election year, unlike any other.
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for the same reason kids. got to be confused. now. it's like i don't have kids. >> idoes this matter >> i just don't also know why there ever needs to bey ther, ll official government pronouncements on these kinds of stuffentts on th. >> like a son or daughter. alw almost alwayays. ld >> fine. yeah. i mean, when i was a child, though, i was. you'veusingphotos seen >> extremely androgynous looking. mm-hmm. so i would get it. my parentsin took a lot of in. this is. oh, this is your child? yes. but people knew they had to do that because i just love flannel and, like, the short hair od flanr in front of you, they just said. >> and i was like, yeah, yeah, sure. it sounds like people can figure this out on their own. except most people are completely fine with son or daughter. >> if not sure., it >> it's funny to look back on. to. e n my situation >> but it's not. we don't this is not what we need the government to be involved. so here'vernment involves my thn kelly o'grady these so called incremental like moments of social progress are there
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in replace of actual improvements in education. so we know billy can't read or do math, but we figured out of h all the preferred pronouns. i don't i totally agree.we are we're focusing on this instead of ensuring that our kids know how to, you know, do math,mmunit read speak well, communicate well. >> that's not what they're focusing on in china. sayin they're saying, okay, how fast can you do your calculus? yeah, we just talkingt what about what drives us to be stressed. this is what drives me driv to be stressed, actually worrying. i'm going to get canceled if st'm goingg whentoin you're just being well-meaning. >> yeah. the parents don't need to worry about this stuff. e wronyou wantwhen to know where this stress comes from? it's this. ress pirate's last word to you. i looked at this differently. i looked at it as an attack on parents because the ones who are callinparents.g ask aboy son or daughter is mom and dad. mm-hmm. so when you callare callin, you, i'm checking on my son. >> oh, no, we don't use that here. sos a wall there's a wall. >> and again, a lot of these, especially we see in californiaf
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,lot of these rules seem to be protecting the groomers, not the childrenea. so now, when you even justyo a call to check on your child, there's a wall in front of youua . mm-hmm. how is my daughter? oh, we don't use thaer uset here. oh, hold on. do you hear the sound? my car walk in. we're out of school. let's go. we're donere o. [ applau right. they're protecting the groomers ,and they're protecting the with these laws that are puttin>> tg alienating the pares apparent. i'm not calling the school because every time i. t i have to use pronoun. so this is an attack on mom pad dad and we should be paying attention to this a lot more closely than just. >> oh, it's justyi how we addres to two cats. great point. no kid calls another kid son or daughter unless you're playing madden and you're like, i own madd son, but that's different. but in that case, it's gender neutral. >> ger neutral? >> yeah. it's just confused. i mean, jamie, you're alwaysou yeah. isn't this even more confusing? it is entire speed. such a great. i'm just picturing. e schoolye school and i go, he
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,is my son there they go. we don't use that. say thgo, okay, is my the is the on her? >> i go, no, no, no. the press proprietor, the ando then i go, you know what? let me is going to have their mom call back. >> oh, not their mom. their mom, my bank account owner. i'll have to. isturbin well, it's very disturbing. ze up next, delay your snooze for up next, delay your snooze for the latest viral news. >> you know, if you get it with cascade platinum. with cascade platinum. plus cl dishwasher watching platinum gives you the highest standardca of clean even in your machinsca clean enough for you. yeah, it's great. load done, cascade platinum, plus your emblem of devotion. >> have your engagement ring custom made by the jewelry exchange. choose a one carat lab grown diamond for 599 or a natural diamond for 599 or a natural gia for 19 9018. okay. mounts art for 99. thousands of choices alwaysleepa the best deal the jewelry
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no phone calls and no wasted time. go to in terrify and save today . should we be concerned tonight on should be concerned. sloth fever has entered the u.s. jamie the oropouche virus otherwise known as sloth fever has been detected in thefr us after travelers returning from cuba and brazil contracst it. it contracted it. sorry. are thes e people sloths? ke yeah. i feel like if you wanted to, you probably could. it's a they're notf yoo ifery fast. they're not fat. let me tell you something. if you get this diseasetase aney if you get bitten by a slot, i have some follow ups. >> i have some. how lazy are you? ha you get what's next, you're going to get tickled by chris christie, like put
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know what it's not easy to bang. >> is life actually. >> because remember that one time we came home so came in the five right? and they had the zoo people. you guys know i love animalsle. >> yeah. so i walked in. i was like, is that a three toed slow? and the lady was a lady. >> yes, it is.d i'm like, yeah, can i hold it? ge and. oldsth sai the sloth. yeah. i was like, wh. y? she's like, they're dangerous. and i was like, i feel like i could move from that. >> and cat laugh to be supportive in the lady was like, yeah, she did think it was funnthe ladye.y. k it no, they're very protective of their sloth. yeah. >> yeah.h he you'd have to get through her if you wanted to do that. yeah. t thakelly what do you think?yo sh you think we should ban all sloths from comingwe to america until we get this thl? contro >> well, okay, so i had to research this because it's transmitted by mosquitoes, and so it's like, okay, okay, if i, i'm put myself it's fine. i'm. well, okay, maybe not, but get
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rid of the mosquitoes. the thing that what they need to totally rebrand this. i was like, oh, was this like sloth fever? o na like you? i don't know. you want a nap? or maybe what's happeninp or wsn with with gen z in the workplace? >> yeah, i don't know. >> should we have sloths? wear masks greg: s? let's make wear masks. >> at least indoors. maybe a six foot rule.a si people would stay away frox-fom the slop. >> why am i talking to myself? yeah . what's going on? well, is this a dream? i'm having again? >> it's that dream i'm trying to answer, but i got bit. >> oh, good. i got him. shn cat is are they slop shaming?
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no, i actually. i don't want to get bitten by mosquito and then contract a related illness. >> is that weird. >> would it be amazing if you got bit by the mosquito and you got the slop and your and baby came out and it was a slot ? that's how works. yeah. did you guys knowu guys moe evolutionary theory? that's how monkeys became people. >> you know, that would make me really, really, really famou th >> but i would, you know, i'd be horrifically disappointed. yeah, you'd be. you'd be the mother. >> i have a one season show on tlc, and that's. yeah, i was lot. >> gre it's every time someone saysg: your kids slow, it would be adorable and. >> you would love it as if itoud were your own. well, it would be. can't get much more of my own than that. yeah, i caore myn. might have a question or two.
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