tv Hannity FOX News August 30, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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and every time they got knocked down, they said, that's okay, we've been setwe've be back a fw months. we set back a few years, but we're going to go and do it. sointoand do i that that sensel enthusiasm and knowing that it didn'tat matter what some big gy in dc was doing as a community, they were going to do and theyom were going to pull through. >> because in america, when the government gets out of the way and yoen nd you hspace u have the space, you can get it done. benjamin hall watch it on fox nation hall wation, m. american exceptionalism. congratulations. congxoreries right now on fo nation. all right. well, that's all we have for tonight. two things. don't forget don't forgeto save to save the e for fox nation's annual patriot awards. ti it's on decembe patr in new york. >> tickets go on sale soon. go to foxnews.coets go on sam sh of words to be the first to know about it. and we'll see it tomorrow and sunday abou morning from 6 torn 10 a.m. eastern on fox and friends weekend. one of the two of them will be there tomorrow. i won't tell you which one. i'm no ou wt. jesse watters this is not my world, but this is my flag. we'll senoe you.
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welcome to this special edition of "hannity". "hanz in for chaffet sean. in just a moment, we'll get full reaction and analysism kamala's disastrous interview on cnn. . tht first, we'll take you live to the annual gathering of moms for liberty, where formere id president trump is speaking. let'ent tris speaks listen in fd i've heard you talk about yourt mom in interviews she was obviously a very strong woman. warys she hard on you with school? >> tell us about your mom. a little bit. no, she wa no.s a she was greaty >> i had a great mother, great father, very different people. dmy mother came from scotlandce and she came over to this country. >> other people from scotland, you know, actually, that's hidden. >> do you know that some of the biggeshet, smartest, mostin brilliant leaders in come from scotland and nobody knows it, ro or at least, you know, their parents came from scotland, but it scotland.
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>> scotland did very well in this country out. it's very g we have people and i know that one group there a very successful group. >> no, she came from scotlan gre great place. >> and she came over just for the summer and she was 19,t i guess. >> and she metmy my father f and they had a very long marriage. i said, i'll never tap you that litt you always wantittl b to be a little bit better than your father if you can moree. e mor and my father loved that. you know, some fathers don't whena t when you have a fathers that doesn't want his son to be a success. >> you've gohuckles]t a problema father. >> but there are plenty of them. i've seen plenty i've of them. they make it actually hard for their son. but no, i had the opposite. i han.had th d a father that lovedni what was happening. >> but they met. they fell in love.e >> they got married and they were married for six and a half decades. >> how a long time? to i said, i'm not going to i be able to bea bt here with that
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>> but anyway, and they had a just a great marriage, very different people. but they had a great marriage, very, very stron a ong marriage. >> so i want to talk to you m a little bit about the apprentice. and we talk a lot at mums for liberty that we'res fo we're i b of a cultural revolution in america. people like to be dismissivee dm and say it's a culture war. >> but all right, that's former president trump at thep at the l moms for liberty gathering. and we'll go back to his h in ao few minutes. >> but now we turn to our attention to trump's opponent tonight kamala's first and only sit down interview-dow of the entire presidential campaign is now in the books.s, but most. americans still have more questions than answers per usual. most of carmel's responses were filled with ramblingrambling platitudes. but the vice president did makev one thing clear her values have not changednot ch. >> watch.e let's be clear. my values have not changedcleare i believe it is very important that we take seriouslyseri whate
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must do to guard against what is a clear crisis in terms of the climate. dan i thin k the the the mostsignif important and most significant aspectt of my policy perspectie and decisions is my values not g changed. my values have not changed. so the that is the reality of i. >> and four years of being vice president, we've been warned for decades kamala's valuesut have been radical and extreme. but don't take tak word for it. >> take a look at this. is the state going to be betterd if you're the attorney generalno and not mr.. crowley? well, i know that i read thatea the republicanat convention. s h he called me a radical. soat i guess that's one difference between us. >> and i am radica.l. nee >> i do believe that we need to get radical about what we are doing and take it seriously, . ka kamala called immisolishetion and custom
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enforcement ice to be abolished. she called for illegald.ed fore immigration to be decriminalized. she referred to trump's bordera. wall as a medieval vanity project. she supporte d defunding t the police. she co-sponsored the socialist green new deal. she called for an end to fossil fuels. shlse supported the electric vehicle mandate. she co-sponsored for all and promised to ban private health insuranco e. she wanted to end cash bailmote and even promoted a bailnders ou fund to get violent offenders out of jail in 2020. e also proposed a mandatory federal gun confiscation program. she promised to ban plasti tc straws and reduce red meat consumption. >> and she even once proclaimed that there is, quote, no question that she supports a ban on fracking and offshoregh drilling. last night, here's what she said about her recent planein to ban fracking. >> watch.wa when you wertch.e in congresyoui
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supported the green new deal and in 2019, you said, quote,r f there is no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. fracking, as you know, is a pretty big issue, particularly in your must winpennsy of pennsylvania. do you still want to ban fracking? do y banno, and i made that cler on the debate stage in 2020 that i would not ban frackingesn as vice president. >> i did not ban fracking. as president, i will not ban frackingt,ba. >> one problem in 2020 kamala t clear about her position on fracking. she said, quote, the american know that joe biden will notjo ban fracking. >> that was her quote on it.ala that's her quote. joe biden, not kamala harris. but remember, if you have any doubt where kamala standsts on n issue, just remember that her values as a far left california politician, they have not changed. >> here's a there'there's a reay kamala harris was rated
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the most far left senator in all of congress. here's how both trump and vance reacted to the interview earlier today. >> have a look . >> we're going to winwe pennsylvania. we're going to defeat come read kamala harris. did you see her here last night? did you see her last night? i don't know. >> i think she's going to be able to handle a president. she had no , i don't think so. china, north korea, russia. the n'.t know. but we're going to win back the white house. >> we're going to make it' this country greater than it's ever been. foayink it's important fort us not to buy this. if you look at the way that kamala harris has governeds ha,, she's actually governed as a far left person. she's just trying to pretend that she's not far left now because, of course, she wants to win the american people's votes over the nexricat couple of months. but if she does, she's going to do the same thing that she's been for the last fewarder years. she's going to try to make it harder to get american energy from american territory, and she's going to make it harder forshe's go us to drive n
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the cost of everything from food to housing. she's going to make itgoing toig for us to enforce our border laws and she's going to make more chaos mak and more instabiy around the world. , on >> here now with reaction, one of her favorites, louisiana senator john kennedy. .senator, thanks so much for joining us on hannity. >> are you buying it? the people of louisian oa, a pretty important energy state, the people of louisiana buying what she's sellina buyig- well, john, i, i listen to thei' vice president's interview. i'm biased. m i suppose, because i know her well. she'she's a nice person. i just don't agree with her. i had to reactions to herinte interview. >> i'm surprisedrv. unimpressed. i'm a pretty simple guy and i eat breakfast, food and straight answers. >> i didn't hear any answersat a
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from the vice president. what i heard her say basically was i do too have values. >> and if you don't like them, i i have others. e en >> i thought shega engagedin in interior one level pandering. it was sor-ot of like a wolf promising to be a vegan if the if the sheep will just vote fort vote it now. talkow look and poverty as in life and you know this situation talk is cheap. what you do is what you believe, what yowhu it's what you believe. and everything else is just cottage cheese.the vi >> as i said, i know the vice president well. lf >> i've served with her for seven and a half y years. i know what she will do as president. esident.she is a san francisco t . >> she is a card carrying
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member of the loon wing of the democratic party. t perf well, republicans are notec perfect, but the loon wing of the democratic part py is. >> i described ms.. harris as aoasc without the bartending experience and.'e i think that's accurate. that's how she'll govern. and i'll be glad to talkrd. about specifics and her record. she has one, but you did a pretty good job of it yourself. >> therepretty good jo. >> well, let's talk a little bit more about energy'a ,because it's an issuearou all around the country. ndit's one of the top issues for for donald trump and putting this country back on the right track. >> she says that shesays that sr opposed to fracking. i mean, i'm so confusedeotape what she's saying, as if there's no videotape to show exactlo shexactly what she saidn fracking and energy. yo you saw her.
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>> she cast the deciding vote on many of these issues right there in the senate. >> well, i watched the vice president cash, the the tie breaking vote in favor f, for example, of the inflation reduction act, which was which is just the green new deal. >> i think most americans areal- of the above energy type people. >> they are for everof le.y form of energy that is that ise affordable, accessible, but that includes fossil fuels . i think the vice president does not supporest fuels. she sued all the oil companiesil when she was the attorney general of californi ia. as i said before, i support fossr forms of energy, but i also support fossil fuels because have to have them. >> i think i said time. off
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my car doesn't run off of adust very dust and unicorn. and that's true. hink and i think i think that fossilo fuels are going to be partf of our of our energy satisfying our energy needs for our for a long, long time, probably forever. doesn't mean w we shouldn't pursue others. the problem is that the part fro the democratic party that ms.. >> harris is from, they don't believe in fossil fuels. >> they just don't. they believe went into wind,sh solar and wishful thinking. . >> yeah, i really do wish somebody would ask the vice president to define inflatioe t because i'm fairly convinced she doesn't know what inflation is. haiois, lealone hot alone how t. and she acts as if they haven't been in a positionven a po to w' and that she'll get around to it if she's elected sometimse in january. >> wel
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l, ms..0 ye >> harris helped createar the worst inflation in 40 years on america when she and president biden took over 2021, a house that costs $304,000 cost $423,000 today. >> her plan to try to prices looks like it was put together with vodka and darts. she wants price controls. >> she wants to raise the top federal income tax bracket. she wants to tax unrealized capital gains. >> it will make higher prices even higher. heir it will cause a lot of people and othersir jobs to see their wages lowered at a time when they when they need that latte and gone. i don't know where she came up with her plan, but i know the the result will be and bad nomics to me is very simple.
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>> as much as as i've bef said before, bad nomics is easy . >> it's defining, it's easy. it's paying more to getting worsit'se. >> now the great senator kenny, we always appreciate your perspective. sena joining us onoining u this friday night. >> do appreciate it. all right. a quic ick programming note. sean hannity will be in harrisburg, pennsylvania, next wednesday for an exclusiv eto town hall with former president trump. you can go over to hannity .com and to find out how you can get your free tickett s. h for >> now to a giant inconvenient truth for kamala harris.-har she played a critical roleri in the biden-harris administrationadmini, which mosa americans view as an abject failur ae according to real clear politics average. pothe vast majority of american, more than 63%, believe our d in the wrongde direction. >> joining us now with analysi
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s is america editor for the washington examiner. ditokaylee mcgee white, along with fox news contributor joe concha. thanks so much both for s joining us. kayleigho much joining, kayleig, i want to go to you first here, because the countrey knowswron it's on the wrong track and somehow, some way she wantge to gaslight us into the idea that she's the fresh, new persona he that's going to come along and make some changes. >> but she's beetroln the onepen in control. >> she was the number two person for the last nearly four years fhe l.. failure >> and this is actually one of her failures from last night's intervie w with cnn. jason is. listen, it didn't go ait didn'sa as joe biden's meltdown in his debate against trump. but as far as we knote but aw, ' doesn't have dementia. so i would hope that she'd be able to clear that veryd be l low bar. however, she failed to do two very important thingvery ist night. the first is she failed to distance herself from biden, both personally and policy wise. as you mentioned, she there and said that she has no regrets about lying to the
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american publican joec about joi biden's mental acuity. and when asked multiple times wh ay, she as the number two in this administration, has not already take,n on the issues vom that voters care about most. >> she vomitedited the up the ul word salad. and listen, i say this as someonmeone e with and family ie of these very critical crgm amontes, this is goin to be a problem among those voters. for kamala harris, they care very mucg those votersla harrihd the biden administration's failed policiecies ands, and shs not done that, joe. jason 63% know we're going inth the wrong direction. i think that number might even be a little biink th numbett lot from the people i'm i've been talking with with the issueses a they're really matter. but she wants us to believe that, you know, you kn, she's made the tough decisions and she's a tough prosecutora . she'll enforce the border and be great for energ ey. wrote >> but you watched that interview. i saw what you wrote about it. tell us what you think itat you. al >> well, jason, it's as if
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kamala harris is trying to make donald trump the incumbent insteahe id ofd of the biden-has administration that's been there for the last three andneed a half years. >> like, boy, we have to turn the page. we really need changhange atchan point. change from your own administration. arsonist ttelling an arsonis to put out the fire that they started. and what we learned last night about kamalala harris is that se never says what she means and never meanyss what, she say. for example, harris said that she is now not for banningl fracking, as you just said earlier, and she claimsaias made that statement on a 2020 debate stage, which was laughably easy for anybody 2020. to fact check. for starters, she wasn't even a candidate in 2020. she dropped out before then, t and no one can find any proof that she supported frackin g four years ago. and i guess she said this t duringhi the debate with mike there when she was vice president in october of 2016. again, look at the transcript. riere is no mentio n than of tht whatsoever. she lied. and if you're in pennsylvania right noghnow,w, how do you feel about that exactly that she says that she was fos for bannig
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fracking and now she's not for banning fracking. that's a big issuethat's a in tt state. ministrasthe biden-harri administration on day one banned fracking on federal lands. what'sallands.. a ba that's a big problem. but, of course, dana bash, cnn, didn't bother to bring that up. and by the way, during a campaign event in 2019, kamala harris said, quote, i'm 100% against fracking. she is trying to dance throughan a thunderstormde getting wet. the bottom line is that sheng is for decriminalizing border crossings. she wants to abolish private health insurance. shthshe wante ev mandates. whoa. how do you feel about that in michigan? she wants to bane ban frackin d we just said. she opposes more police. the bottom line is herle and i'll leave it here, jason.r nate silver, fivethirtyeight says the winne53r of pennsylvanh has a 95% chance of winningon a this electiond sn. and she just really hurt whe herself last night with that statemenowt where now not w she's proven to have lied about it. and if she loses pennsylvania, she doesin th not win this election. >> that is certainly for sure,
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jason, real quick, exit question for both you. >> we've got a short amount of time. start with you, kaylee. tim walz was also sitting in on. that interview. how did he come off that he was he did he add to the equation for kamala harris in that sit ? wn >> he did. he certainly did not help her. he came across as sleazier thans kamala did. the question that he was asked about wh ady he made comments.ying it's about serving on a battlefield and carrying weaponweapons s of war. and his excuse was that he has poor grammar. xcuse iswhat kind of excuses tho one is buying, that it would be so much more respectablectabf he would just come out and admit that he lied about that and apologizedtoervie service members that he offended when he lied about itmn ? joe yeah, just bad grammar. i mean, consistent con bad gram, consistent bad grammar on, i don't know, the challenggrmare coin exactly. >> you owe bad grammar led your to lie about your rank. the fact that you left your unit when they werit when ployea into a war zone. >> that's bad grammar. people lov.e authenticity.
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this guy comes across as a phony and looked like a parent teacher conference there last night. with that said, tim wallac e there. kamala harris slouched over two feet below. tim at that point. just bad optics. and it was a a net negative fore both the vice president and her running mate. ques question about it. d things changed going forward after that disastrous debate d and i'm sorry, interview last night. not much of a debate, certainly ebrtainly for surefor sure, jase >> yeah. kayleigh mcgee, white, . joe concha, thank you for joining us. all right. coming up, trump held a massivpd rally in pennsylvania today where the race is neck and neck. >>ayrace is neck. the state's e candidate, dave mccormick, he'll join us. plus, heus doug schoen and lisa boothe will be here to analyze the latest polls as this special edition of "hannity" rolls on.
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>>we welcome back to this speciv edition of "hannity". pennsylvania may very weller be the most important swing state of the entire election, and it could decidep the entire race. >> president trump spent today in the keystone state with multiple stops, including a rally in johnstown. >> have a look. >> andand now she's changed everything. in fact, i think she is going to soo goingn apply for give mec application foour joining megano in. she's going to be wearing a maga cap. now that'sthat'ser her. pol and she can't do anything about it because that's where she is or with the politiciaityp when they come out with something. that's where they end up. shoy tiawill destroy the commonwealth of pennsylvania. just remembe. st rememr that.
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and we should win a blowout. we shoul d blow them out.hole >> you know, we win the state, we win the whole thing. nnsylvan >> and trump will be back in pennsylvania next week, an exclusive town hall with sean hannity and a live audience in harrisburg. head to hannity .com to geto your free tickets. clear >> join the show. the current real clear politics pollin ng ag average shows harris up ps by less than one point in pennsylvaniyle moa. and the most recent poll says the race is a tie. pennsylvania will also helped decide which party controls the united states senate s. >> a critical race. there is a very competitive race therece there. and incumbent democrat bob casey and republican dave mccormack. >> a recent poll showsic mccormack down just slightly by two points. and pennsylvaniad ia senate's candidate dave mccormack, well, he's with us right now w rig. sn >> david carr, thanks so muchlok for joining us, son,y po on "hannity". ne look, every poll, they're going
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to be up down by one point ther a point there. >> from your vantage point,o what'smake going to maket th the difference? because this is going to continue to get the spotlight all thspotli e way through the finish line. >> hey, jason, how are you?are o u?you're right. it's -- it's ground zero. and i was just got back fromctr. that rally with president trump and it was electric. incredible energy in the room.k it and i think it's because pennsylvania has realizese d the future of the commonwealth and the country really depend on what happens there. and it'sd on whahappen a contesn strength and common sense rad policies and weakness and a libel agenda. ic and what we have wit ahob kamala harris and bob casey is an agenda that's completely out of touchs ing with pennsylvanians banning fracking, giving amnestybenefits to illegal immigrants, benefits to illegal immigrants, mandatory buybacks of yours guns. these positions might work in san francisco. they're completelyguns out of th with pennsylvanians. so that's the path to victorthys
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is. making sure pennsylvanians know how big a choice this is. and they can g growe the economic vitality and growth, the energy dominance, the secure borders of a trump administratioofn, th which is what we experienced, or the calamity of, sky high inflation, 4000 fentanyl deaths, crime in our cities and our adversaries around the world challenging us and testinr g under biden-harris. casey that's the choice. and i thinrris cask it's -- it'g in the direction of of common sense and leadership and strength and that's what we felt tonight at the at the rally. interv very, very quicklyie, you saws a the interview with kamalsta harris last night and tim walz. >> any quick reaction to that? ' yeah, i mean, listen, it wasn't an interview. i mean, this wasn't she wasn't pressed on any of the enormousei contradictions. how could anyone possibly believe? you know, the beauty kno the of this campaign, we don't have to runwe on what we say. we can we ca e n show what she w said. and so i don't think that was an interview. i thinasinterviek that was essen
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opportunity for her to try to begin to waffle and change her positiontrle andns ands. noh and pennsylvanians aren't buying it. they know that this is a radical liberal. atradical they know that that's the agenda. >> they know bob casey is a sure vote.sey -- >> yeah, bob casey, he's a senator, been a senator for far too long. i can't think of anythinlogimpat that he's actually done to impact the nation and better pennsylvanianation just i just . >> but david cormack, 19 and thi one of the most critical senate races that there is. i appreciate you joining us. thanks apprecia for joining us tonight. >> a great. all right. former president donald trump is still ll speakin speaking at the moms for liberty convention in washington, d.c.. let's listen in for a bit where he's talking about his administration's right to tryw policy to come because, you know, they'd fly to asia f, they'd fly to europe, they'd fly it. most of them didn't have money. they'd go home and the ed thiy die.situatio it was a hopeless situation. but if they had money, they'd go thad mo'do asia.we h they go to europe. we have much better technologytb . and what happened is they got everybody in a room. i said i , there's not going to t be any liability.
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people are going to sign a document that they're not going to sue the country, they're not going to sue the state, they're not e not go t going sue the doctors or the medical platforms. they're not going to sue anybody. they just want the drug. it and we have saved thousands >>d thousands of lives. it's amazing. actually worked out differently. the drug companies nowg likenit it to a certain extent because it's the ultimate test. ulti and allterminally of a sudden they get better and it's happening thousands. r >> i got that done. they've beenyear tryins tog for 60 years to get it done and we got it done. they don'tave toly have to fly l >> and it's really had the reverse. y hapeople are finding cures to things that when a terminally ill perso a terminr person that's almost ready to die goes in and starts taki a something and now all of a sudden that person gets betterit, it's an amazing thing. and we saved thousands of lives. so we did it. we've done a lot of we've done a lot of things, a lot of. talk about parental rights, if
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we could for a little bit. : >> we're a parental rights organization. and whatd trump donald trump is talking about there at the moms of liberty conference is important . >> i can tell you, having had family members, you give them them ho try whenon the other side of the equations is dying. is >> it was one of the best things that president trump dide in his four years in office. and i hope we all look at that issue a little bitright. more.wc >> all right. labor day weekend is here, which means this summer travel season is coming to an end. and the home stretch of thes! presidential election is about to begin in just two weeksst to weeks. >> the first ballots will start to be cast. so who i. eas? emel >> nationwide, polls show an extremely tight race. k "t >> so let's bring in our ownpols experts, the author of the new book, the politics of life, democrat pollster doug schoen, and fox news contributor lisa boothe. >> these are two of my favorites. >> you know what i love about doug? doug, you call it and strikes
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the way you see them. tht happenr that interview night and what happened? it lhat going tohat goin make a difference? is that push people one direction other or does it lock them in a little bitthem ile b ? >> i think it has no impact at all. this was a check the box interview for kamala harris. he c could say, yeah, no, i did an interview. to me, the reaall question in a race that is effectively tied and deadlocked is cans and the republicans and donald trump make the case that you've been makin g and others on fox have been making that she has flip floinp and she doesn'tons, have consistent positions becaus paue e what she did last nightcentri was say that she's a centrist,st moderate which obviously goes against the record. but so far, the republicane have not compellingly made that case. and hence she, she is tied in bd the swing states and nationallyl . >> lisa, at least foear mest fhe personally, she sayse same
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my principles have not changed. i'm the same person,n i believe her. i just think that what she's spewing right no spw is a complete fabrication and lie and a deception of how liberal san francisco oriented her herre positions are. >> but what's your take on it? >> well, she has no principles. but beyondbut be that what thise really comes down to, in mys tht opinion, is that donald and k trump is ready to do this job. and kamala harris is d and why do we know that she's not ready to do this job? becaus?cause ite it took her 39e to do a basic television intervieviw, something that we'e doing right now that politicianss do on a daily basis. >> she turned this into a main evenig event event. she spoke for 16 minutes during that propaganda style interview that she had of taped that she had of tim walthz sitting next to a guy who wants to put tampons in the boy's bathroout i so she is not ready fors this job. and this matters
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, jason. d it's a matter of life and death. and we kno w that because donaldhe trump was at arlington cemetery with the familiess, 13 service members who died because of the botched decision to withdrawania from afghanistan, that she said she was the last voice in the roon saim to and she's not ready for the job. she she could hardly even doe je interview. it's terrifyinrvg. >> all right.t quickly to both of you, we have just a short amountst of time, but what's going to be the biggest difference in these last days of the election? >> doug, first, two thingses in how she does in the debate.tion can she sustain the positionssh' she's takes n visibly, donald trump and the gains she's made with youngerde wit people and people of color? can she maintain them in the face of donald trump havinged aa gained against joe biden in thoseinn constituencies? >> those to me are the big questions.
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lisa. runni >> well, just i just wanto to point out that donald10d trump is running 7 to 10 points ahead of where he was in 2020, and that election came down k to about 44,000 votes in a handful of key states. >> and we sa w those polls. and historically, donald trump under they underperformel they underestimate his level of support. so i don't really know if weof >>ve a firm grasp of where this race truly stands. i think it's all about who can >>t out the vote, the people that will make the decision or the people that show up. dougk, lisa, thank you again. all right. up next, alina habba will be here alinhe with an important up ca update on lawfare. plus, an insane new billli in california that would give illegal immigrants up hea to $150,000 to buy homes. it's now headed to governor newsom's desk to sign. and don't forget to head overs to hannity .com for tickets to next wednesday's town hallo with sean and president trump. >> it's going to be must-see tv
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and you might want to be in the audience. go to hannity .com. >> we'll be right back. show when you havofe moderate tonty f severe eczema it's okay to show t. show off your clearer skin and less itch because you havey plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists thn ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation, the body that can cause eczema to help that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within many adults saw 90% clear skinoh ,some even achieved long lasting clearer skin and fast itch after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur. they can be severe. tell your doctor about or worsening eye problems such worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision change including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infectio n. a spec
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>> alec, you've been the tip of the spear on many of thesn ml issues. ka i don't see any slowdowdonwn by kamala harris in weaponizingr the department of justice to go afte hisr trump his family. >> but what what how do you see it? that oh, it's obvious that this has been their m.o. and i want to personally thank them. pat of ourbeen paro be our election integrity and interference storyline rea here. thate people don't realize what they're doing is only rallying americans that see that they're turning t turnf president into something that he is not because they are that bece will winstupid because they can't. the american people are not stupid. we've talked his of about this off the cuff, you know, at the rncag and the truth of the matter is this they will not stop at anything. they are so afraid of trump.g. they are so afraid that they will keep going. and jackmithn partic smith in p' has not stopped. thg now what we're askin the to do in the hush money case, as it's called, is another rigged triais anothlt
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that never should have happened. but then the supreme court said it shouldn'id it shhappened . and we're now saying, look, you want recuse yourselft recuo you will not get rid of all these sham cases like you should. ow we' goingso now we're going i you not a first time, but a toe this twoto remov federal court judges, where we have dignity, where we have civilitity,y and we have do process, and let us have faith in the american system againt uh they will stop at nothing. that's the truth, jason. they're desperatjason.e. they know that these policies are going to come out. right now. becae's a little honeymoon happening. it will stop because the minute president trump starts speaking about hithe mi g abs policies that are winner policies, the whole honeymoon is over. >> yeah, i think that's thindistraction they try to say, oh, things are going well. let's go over and try to distracg t people and scaret people who maybe don't watch campaigns in electionscamn 24/7 like a lot of people do. elena but i could spenith you dn hour chatting with you, but i can't right now. but what i would encouragerage ast. people do is go visit my podcast. it's jason's in the house, save
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a podcast up where elena and i get to spenda an, gosh, 30,out h 40 minutes talking about the issues. just type in jason. , the house, wherever you listen to podcasts near here, a lot more from alinall rie. e ka >> all right. kamala's home stateofrnia of californi's ra. liabil is radical policies a political liability? it the legislature has passed legislation that would give illegals up to 100 and $50,000 towards purchasing a home. herere with tion with reaction 1 chairman horace cooper anpodcast kira davis. all right, kara, we know california is nuts.. they've already passed this out of the legislature. what do you think the governoruh is going to do and how in the o world can they justify that override? >> don't know. maybe american citizens. er jason, listen, here in california, there is no more and is no entity, community or individual more hated than the taxpayer. >> so this is just another assault anott, unsurprising asst
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on us. i was actually surprised that it passedtually both bodies in the legislature. >> i find it hard to believe that newsom's actually going to sign this because he's running for president. rur presid'tt. so we're definitely going to see a newsom run in the nextn t? presidential cycle. and how is he going to run with this? he's already out thereht right now with the grants pass decision. lect alreadywith t out there lecturing california cities. why haven't you cleaned upur your encampments? >> and he's out there in blue jeans. he put blue jeans on jason. so he's very serious. he's been out there cleaning ups homeless p encampments becausewh he knows he cannot run fort is president based on the state of california as it is today. i find it really hard to believe that he would sign this legislation and give that ammo to whoever he'll be running against. and pres the add to your point, i remember president g and president bishowedt biden sp in town. boy, they cleaned that place up in a hurry. but thenyo ba they let it go ba. to, you know, the that it was. >> horsehe are they are they nus
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enough? >> i mean, you've got homelesswt veterans who don't get these benefits. how in the world canhe the governor say that this is a good public policy? >> when people talkl about francisco radical values, this is exacthist actually ans example of that. you know, there was a jacka ano with gold as good as it gets. of mymy favorite lines ,he slammed the door in the face after saying go sell crazy somewhere else. we'rwhere ele all stuck to the d that taxpayersea would subsidizo people that are not supposed to be in the country legally is nothing short of crazy. , yo' >> yeah, that that. first of all, you're right. that's. great a great movie. mil >> second part is you let ten plus million people in, gues and then use it to this country
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illegally. we have hinkyou say, oh, guess we have a housing shortage. surprise, surprise. why do you think that happens? s and you know what? it's going to drive upyou the pricknowe housing, because u suddenly you start handing out $150,000 bills. and guess what? that makes i andt more inflationary. horace cooper, kira davis, thanks so much foro joining us on hannity tonight. >> all right. liberal politicianmuch for js io are telling residents don't believe they're lyincolorag. vin eyes after violent venezuelan gang members have taken up shop in one colorado town. coming up, former ice-t director tom homan and congressman corey mills are here with the latest fallout from the biden-harris border disaste br. >> after the break. stay with us. we've been searching across america for a special with a
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shipping. don't wait any longer. use discount code flash during kamala's devastating reign as border czar. every state has become a border state. in colorado, a new viral video shows what appears to armed members of a venezuelan gang taking over an apartment in aurora. meanwhile, the press office of democratic governor jared polis is dismissing that disturbing video just saw is largely part of a city council woman's, quote, image the nation, but added that it was ready to assist with law enforcement to take back buildings. here now with reaction, former acting ice director tom homan and florida corey mills. governor polis could get rid saa of his sanctuary state status and maybe coordinate and work with ice. >> tom homan used to be able to do that, but they won't communicate with the fed't
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s. >> so, you know what? in january, you need to get the hell out of the way, because when president comes b back in the white house, ice isg going to be operating in that city. there were wrestle to operatinl aliens and deport them because president trump's going to take the handcuff s, ice thatation the biden-harris administration put on ice that let them dput oo their job and they're going to put the handcuffs on that bad guy and run the biggest deportatio guyn, an operationis, in the history of the country. >> and let me add this to all those who wantll those kamala ha to be president, who also wants, her to be presiden t. these criminal aliens cannot keep coming in on the open borderopen bor and they won't. be deported. >> ice can't do the job. yainal c, i'll watch kamal harris be president. the cruel cartels in mexico keep running pena acrossar ng wit border, kill americans along with every terrorist organization in the world. h terroris oaccuse the southwesr the entry point to do us harm. and finally, mexic do uso wants kamala harris to be president. could even continue the gravy train or takintinue g from remi the cartels and getting billions of remittances from illegal aliens illegal aliens ie united states. that sends money
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back to mexico. g lockgcongra tons durino mexico step for the worst of the worsta . >> congressman, when you see this video and you hear the horror storiesnd hearhorrors through your mind? >> well, again, you know, to tom's point, the biden-harris administratiobn has become the employee of thent month every month for the drug cartels. h everor the dthey watch where 8 they were seeing a figuren of roughly 500 million in revenue in 2021, where they had over 13 plus billion dollars in revenue. ynue. youeement tact that they repealed the remain in mexico agreement that president trump put in place, that was veryt trump . aled t they repealed title 42, whichit i would argu e isn't so muchmic, b just about a pandemic, but also a national securituty, a health and humanitarian crisis that is going on in our border goins. sa when you look at the factteen that they still the senate, which is controlleate, w d by, the twoonnell democrats, mitch mcconnell and chuck schumer, refused to take ou achuckt the safe act to prevent illegals from voting in our election and or evevotint adding the additional question on a census survey, are yohe y, are yu in american citizen to prevent from some of
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the redistricting goes on. you see that the ten plusplus million people and the 90 plus d terrorists who had crossed the border in fiscal year 24 is all part of a design plan, is not just fecklessnessesign o ineptitude. instead, we need president trump back in te house.return we need to return remain in mexico. we need to ensure that ice, ha the authority and the power necessary to go in regardles s of any of these blue states, sanctuary governors or their local sheriffs. she refuse local d, as you know, unconstitutional sheriffs to work with ice and leadand the deportation and then look at real immigration. formin look at reforming the anchorg baby scenario where one or both parents need to be american citizens for it t and stop to be incentivizing them to come here illegally. as governor newsom has with their $150,000 housing bail out. and let's get to prioritizing america, americans and america firs t. >> yeah, in brooklyn, new york, there's a new immigrant center that's all male, right? just feeet awayt from a school.
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>> tom, i mean, this is,a harris i believe, kamala harris when she says her principles her psed have not changed. no. and mercury is a so imperative that president trump wint s nextbe get election because these ngos won't be getting billions of dollarstillars in new peoplel be sitting in ice bed and ice facility at abou icet one hundred and $7 a night rather than 500 bucks a night. and they'l l be deported. so, you know, president trump w, i worked foridents six presidents that were ronald reagan. president trump, success, on the borders. and it was unprecedented what he did in immigration. gan. prea 45 year low.atio illegal immigration was down 83 to 90%. n haear low. joe biden and kamala harris are the first administration th who came in office in unsecured, the most secure border in my lifetime. trump's call when december we're going to secure that bordeto r. lives >> immigrant americans have saved lives. . knowyou know what? >> just enforce the law, for goodness sake. that's . what this administration will not has not do.
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and a change make at the top, it's just not going to happen. and it's sad. this is a choice. >> and they're choosing illegal immigrants over american.over a >> and they should live in peace and safety. they shouldn't have to put up n they arelike in aurora and brooklyn and everywhere across this country. all righ brooklyrywhere t. t, a >> coming up next, a special programming alert. you don't want to miss as this ogram al special edition of "hannity" continues. stay with us. >> new i see you hot perot massaging boom easy to grip the massage and the power of two max strength pain relievers. nice fast heat makes it less new. i see hot pro massaging bone. i've spent my career working in tech and today i run my own software company. >> i'm excited about the future of american innovation, especially with artificial intelligence where the u.s. currently leads the world. american researchers are making exciting new discoveries and u.s. companies are investing billions in ai
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