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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 31, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ joey: it's the 9 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend start thing with this, we told you about the reported venezuelan gang takeover at a colorado apartment complex, and now local officials are seeking an emergency order. pete: and president trump pushing for parental rights and saying one thing he'll do -- kamala couldn't name what she'd do her first day in office. he named a few. >> give the rights back to parents. >> they called us domestic parents. >> can you believe it? well, we'll change that on the first day. [cheers and applause] rachel: plus, i broke out my bowling shoes just for this. look at that, you guys. yeah. pete: what'd you break 'em out for? rachel: we're going to go welling. >> you know what? why don't we let them decide. [laughter] pete: that's a great one.
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rachel: that is a good movie, actually. love that one. i like anything the that vince vaughn is in. you'll decide how good we are. we're competing live on fox square. the final hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. pete: kids will decide. ♪ ♪ i've been, i've been losing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be ♪ pete: name that airport. this is airport game, not the skyline game. i'm going to the say newark, because it's probably a local shot. that's my guess. rachel: that's a great guess. pete: can we get an answer? nothing. we're glad you're here. joey: philadelphia. pete: all right. fourth and final hour of "fox & friends" weekend. it is august 31st, year of our lord, 2024. it feels like the august that wouldn't end because, you're right, in the south school starts on august 6th. school's already started, so it feels like a mulligan month.
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is it school? is it summer? i don't know. rachel: my kids don't start til next week, and i feel like august went like that, and i don't want it to end. i love the summer. it's my faith season. i love -- favorite season. i love being on the lake, i love being back in wisconsin. i love new jersey in the summer, it's beautiful. i'm just not ready for it to end. joey: you've got football, cross country, all these sports that are outside practicing. my son's had to run twice in the gym because of the heat advisory. makes 'em tough. rachel: things are starting to cool down a little out here in new york, but we'll see. pete: by the way, you did e-mail in photos of you smoking the meats outside, you know? it's labor day weekend, a lot of people -- but we couldn't get them up in time. so maybe by tomorrow we'll deliver for you, but thank you for delivering for us. rachel: yeah. do appreciate those e-mails. pete: you know why joey and i's
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favorite season is fall? in part, because it's football season. adam klotz is live today at the penn state/west virginia game on fox. adam: hey, guys, college football is back, how happy are we about that? they're some of the best dressed people around here. look at these outfits. who do you like today? how much are you going to win by? >> win by 20. adam: what are you going to win by? >> at minimum, 20. are you kidding me? adam: you know what i love about this place? they're eating bacon in a bag and drinking white claus -- claws, the breakfast of champions. >> bacon! adam: come this way with me. can i get a high-five? let's go this way. here we're coming, here we're coming. look at this. here's a family, who's going to win today? >> wvu! adam: how much are they going to win by? >> 24. adam: what's the sign say? >> psu's going to have to take
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the longest country road home. guys, it is an absolute party out here. we're having a blast, and it continues for a little while. the game's at noon. it's penn state, it's west virginia, and i think i'm going to go over there and yet me a white claw and bacon out of a bag. i'll throw it back over to you guys. pete: i can see you now, adam a,out there in west virginia just slurping down some white claws and bacon in a bag. that sounds about right. adam: that's breakfast. joey: breakfast of champion, yeah. pete: he's out there because fox's big noon kickoff airs hive from morgantown today starting at so a.m. a -- 10 a.m. a. we'll check back later this hour. it's just the sound. turn your tv on at 10:00 just to hear football. see, this is just where it's -- joey: hopefully, you turned it on as 6 a.m. pete: it doesn't start until 10. joey: i'm just saying, we're here -- pat: so --
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pete: so watch us until 10. if you were watching the channel last night, you would have seen at least in part president trump on stage in washington, d.c. with moms for liberty, their third annual convention. by the way, they were patriot award recipients here at fox nation. but the other side of the aisle, they've been called domestic terrorists for standing up to school boards. donald trump showing squarely where he is, and that's on the side of parents and parental rights, a big issue for everybody, but independents as well whose kids are in school and they're inundated by this. he talked about how much he'll sport support parents and those rights last night. >> i'm for parental rights all the way. i don't even understand the concept of not being. the parents truly love the kids, okay? some of these people on the boards, i think they don't like the kids very much, what they're doing. so we've got to give the rights back to the parents. >> they called us domestic
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parents, president trump, for speak out at the school board meetings -- >> you believe it? well, we'll change that on the first day -- [cheers and applause] rachel: pete just saying off camera here like, it's so true, nobody loves your kids as much as you do. pete: it's the not even close. hay get this wrong every -- oh, it's the kids, it's the community. shut your mouth. you meet the neighbor kid and he's ticking you off, get away from me, i don't care about you. but your own kid you love and want to encourage and develop. that's the foundation, many in many ways, of how conservatives think of the family unit. they think of the collective. rachel: i remember touring a public school once making that decision where i wanted to send my kids, and the school official said we love these kids so much, we call them our kids. i was, like, okay, not sending them here. [laughter] i'll tell you another truism that we've learned, a lot of this exposed after covid through zoom, classroom teaching we got
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to see what was happening, it's the gender and sex ideology that's being pushed on kids, it's the racism and crt. but if you have a teacher who wants or a system that wants to talk about sex with elementary kids, weirdoes, that's not normal. i don't know when that this became normal, but that's the kind of stuff that moms for liberty is fighting for every single day. we had a great interview with tiffany, one of the cofounders of it. these women have been vilified, they've been attacked, they've had the fbi sicced on them as a well, lawsuits launched against them. and there's two choices in this election, people like tim walz and kamala harris who are for that kind of treatment of parents who want parental rights and then there's donald trump who will show up and have a free-flowing conversation with them the without it being prerecorded and massaged by the media. joey: groups like this exist because our government especially in states like california and places like that thought they could tell parents
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what their kids were going to become. really, like what sex they'll become, what political beliefs they'll have. they indoctrinate. there's a difference. i want my son -- i should be putting the tools in my son that the he can go to school and hear an opposing view and be able to take the it in and dissect it and decide if it fits his convictions or not. i warrant my son to have healtho have healthy debate. but what i will not allow is for a teacher to tell my if son he has to the believe what -- pete: or she believes. >> exactly. i'm very lucky he's at a public school that doesn't happen, but those are more and more rare. that's why these organizations exist. rachel: the public school your kids go to, joey, it's very rare. joey: well, come on down to georgia. the school should be a reflection of your community. rachel: right. pete: we had the oklahoma superintendent of schools on the program earlier. they've mandated the bible in the classroom and the ten
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commandments along with the pledge of allegiance. that used to be the way our public schools operated. they're a long ways from that. you can do something about it. the supreme court has stood up for freedom of religion, not from religion. some states are taking it back. joey: oklahoma is very base. the state of oklahoma, they're doing things right. pete: they are. one of the things affecting oklahoma and every -- well, probably not as much oklahoma, but definitely oklahoma and every state in our country is illegal immigration and the ram by occasions of the crime that has come with it. and in some cases it's extremism. like here in new york city you can see migrants and illegals all across the city in hotels. well, in awe roar pro, colorado -- aurora, colorado, an entire venezuelan gang has taken over an entire apartment complex, effectively saying we're in charge now, we're collecting rent, and this staggering new video displays the way in which they enforce
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their control over this apartment building. the mayor of aurora, his name is mike kaufman, posted on facebook saying this: the our aurora city attorney's office is requesting an emergency court order to clear the apartment buildings where venezuelan gang activity the has been occurring by declaring the properties a criminal nuisance. in the meantime, the law enforcement task force set up to disrupt and arrest venezuelan gang members in these buildings will continue its operation. so now we're clearing buildings of illegal venezuelan gangs because they came here -- joey: in awe roar pro-- aurora, colorado. rachel: they're commandeering these, they're actually collecting rent -- pete: extortion. rachel: exactly. we got this on footage. here is one of the residents whose ring camera took this footage. she explains what it's like to live in this building. >> on this particular date, it was the really bad. and, but it is not by any means
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an isolated occurrence, unfortunately. if i have -- i have months, almost a year and a half worth of footage from six separate cameras. they don't want to admit that they're part of the problem. it's the administration who we count on to make the rules for us to the make the guidelines that we go by. i call 91 is -- 91 is, no help comes for me. nobody showed up to help me. i didn't have a bulletproof vest. i didn't have five officers showing up with me whenever there was a problem. we were on our own, and we were left to die. these people have no, no registration in this cup. in this country. rachel: shortly after joe biden took office, his homeland security got intel that venezuela was releasing prisoners from their prisons, and they can't tell the american people, and they didn't change their policies on that either. they just told border patrol keep an eye out for it, but they
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didn't tell the the people. [laughter] that's really what happened, and congressman nells from texas -- neils, i'm sorry, he's the one who reported that, and he sent a letter to homeland security getting, asking for more information. they never got a response. pete: it's almost like they wanted it to happen. rachel: welsh, they don't love their citizens. pete: both can be true. they wanted it to happen, they want to import future voters, so they look the other way. and then kamala harris has the gall to say i'm for enforcing the border, i'm going to the maintain criminality. everything you're talking about is a sham. and so people in colorado, this isn't just texas, this isn't just border states, colorado affected by this kind of complete lawlessness. speaking of south america, other developments there, we talked about it a little bit earlier in the program, but a brazilian judge, a judge many brazil, has now ordered the banning or suspension of x in brazil amid a feud with elon musk. they're fighting over representation in brazil and all that, but that's all a smoke screen for saying we can't
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control what people say on x in brazil, and as a result, we want it shut down. here's the brazilian supreme court justice calling out musk, ironically, on x. [laughter] rachel: which is now off. it's not on in brazil anymore. pete: elon musk showed total disrespect for brazilian sovereignty and in particular for the judiciary setting himself up as immune to the laws of each country. so, rachel, you'll have to -- so they're saying because elon musk, x is owned by someone outside of brazil and they can't control it, therefore, they're going to ban it, i guess. rachel: that's exactly right. by the way, it was not posted on x, because x is gone -- pete: my bad. rachel: elon musk did say free speech is the cornerstone of democracy, they are shutting down the number one source of in brazil. it's true. listen, there's a lot of discord in brazil. there was a lot of questions
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around the election about, frankly, state department and cia influence in that election. and so people are unhappy, and they want to squash the opposition. i would just say this to everybody, because i think this is coming here, think thinks -- i think this is a precursor for what people want -- joey: if pete gets his way with of banning tiktok -- rachel: pete talks about the dangers of misinformation and who gets to be the judge. think about just for a second what's happening right here in america. imagine if at this moment for the last year we did not have x, that elon musk did not -- joey: yeah. rachel: a lot of people are putting their hopes in donald trump, but truly the person who actually saves this election or at least the process -- pete: gave us a fair shake, yea- rachel: it's elon musk. and that's what they want to shut down in brazil. anytime you hear somebody say threats to democracy --
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pete: that's another one. rachel: -- i challenge you, it's really threats to my power. pete: democracy's been code for that for a long time. joey: it may be a decade yet before we understand the true impact of elon musk buying twitter. rachel: agreed. joey: the zuckerberg letter, that doesn't happen if -- pete: because none of it gets exposed. joey: exactly. pete: now zuckerberg's saying i won't spend zucker bucks and donald trump was really courageous when he stood up and said fight, fight, fight. i don't think zuckerberg's swallowing a giant red pill, i think he realize -- rachel: he's next. pete: i want out. rachel: ray by the way, people think everyone's right of center. we have disagreements on tiktok. he would ban it, i would not. i say let's get it all out there. pete: she wants pro-chicom speech.
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[laughter] honest discourse right here. pro-chi-com, anti-chi-com. [laughter] my favorite communist. there's no one more anti-communist than her. rachel: no, there isn't. i don't want even pete censoring my speech. [laughter] pete: i'm going to do that a right now by turning to the other topics. by the way, this is the a sad topic as well. hockey fans paying tribute to nhl star johnny gaudreau and his brother matthew. joey: the two killed by a suspected drunk driver just hours before their sister's wedding. rachel: and chanley painter joins us with more. good morning, chanley. this story is so tragic. >> reporter: it happened thursday evening, guys. johnny and matthew were cycling together in their hometown. johnny hockey, as fans called him, was a 7-time nhl all-star and father of two. his brother matthew, a former professional player and a dad to be, expecting his first child
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with his wife in december. now, police say 43-year-old sean higgins -- who admitted to having 5-6 beers -- was behind the wheel when he attempted to the pass another vehicle before striking the brothers from behind. hiking givens made his first court appearance friday. >> i'm here til thursday? >> yes, sir. once the state files a motion for your pretile detention, statute and court rules require me to hold you over for a minimum 72 hours. because we have a weekend and a monday holiday, 722 hours becomes thursday -- 7 the hours becomes thursday. >> the brothers were set to be groomsmen at their sister's wedding, an event now canceled in light of this tragedy. and this morning the brothers' former hockey coach shared how special they were on and off the ice. >> right after the first shift on the ice, everybody knew exactly what a special hockey player was. we found out later what a special person he was as he treated everybody so kindly and
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fairly and just became a boston college hockey player that we all envisioned. >> reporter: and johnny's wife posting a moving tribute thank thing him for, quote, the best years of my life. guys. pete: chanley, thank you. all right. turning now to a few additional headlines including this, the dallas police department says an officer was executed and two officers were hurt in a targeted attack. the suspect struck the up a conversation with officer darren burkes on thursday night while recording with his cell phone. he then pulled out a hand gun and shot burkes. he also fired at officers when they arrived at the scene. the suspect was killed in a shootout with police after a highway chase. hundreds mourning the father-in-law officer. fallen officer during a vigil last night. god bless our best. this just in, vice president kamala harris pushing back on the rules for the september 10th debate on ark bc.
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this is the first i'm reading this -- abc. harris posting on, quote,: donald trump is surrendering to his advisers. let's debate in a transparent way with the microphones on the whole time. trump has said he doesn't mind leaving the microphones on but did agree to muting them which is how it was done in the june debate with joe biden. mean, they're just trying to muddy the waters and make it look like he doesn't want to debate. trump definitely wants to debat- rachel: why does she want the mic so bad? pete: i think it's a parlor game. they think he's going to the say something to try to make her look bad. i think that's plan. labor day travel is off to a rocky start as hundreds of flights are delayed or canceled this morning. the tsa racing to screen more than 17 million american, and they're going to really screen tulsi gabbard, because she's a threat. this holiday weekend the busy summer season comes to an end, and those are your headlines.
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you heard that story, tulsi gabbard -- rachel: oh, yeah. i suspect you're being followed as well. you might not know that, pete -- pete: i'm going to turn around and go right up to that person. high -- hi, how's it going? rachel: look around when you travel back home to tennessee the. pete: president i will. rachel: she thought it was happening, and then she's like, oh, i must be crazy, and then she got the proof she needed from some whistleblowers. joey: i don't know, that's crazy. all right. donald trump calling out kamala harris' interview as low energy as we learn she only spoke for less than 17 minutes. rachel: our next guest interviewed former president trump yesterday at his pennsylvania rally. her takeaways from the keystone state, an important state, coming up. ♪ ♪
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♪ if ♪ pete: guess who's back? joe biden. fresh off a two consecutive weeks of vacation, he's set to campaign with kamala harris in pittsburgh on labor day. meanwhile, harris catching heat after her recent interview as we learn once you break it down, she only spoke to cnn for less than 17 minutes. here's what president trump had to say about it. >> i think it was not exactly a
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great performance. there was, it was a low energy performance. to the take all of that the time and get ready for that kind of an interview, it was a softball interview. pete: 40 days for 17 minutes. our next guest also spoke to trump at yesterday's rally, national political examiner for washington examiner, selena if zito joins us now -- salena zito. it is staggering when you think one of two presidential nominees takes a month to do one softball interview and then then -- even then looks potential doing so. you contrast that with donald trump who does multiple interviews a day, including with you recently, and is willing the take tough questions. she takes softballs. do you think voters will start to see this contrast as we get closer to the election? >> yeah, i absolutely think that. and you even hear democrats sort of sighing on cable news networks about the hack of meat in that interview.
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finish i think that both a candidate and a campaign actually wants a vibrant exchange between a reporter and themselves because it gives the ability in the -- for the candidate to earn voters that might be skeptical -- pete: that's the point, you're right. >> and that's what i talked to president trump about yesterday. you know, my story will be out in the examiner on tuesday. i'm taking a look at pennsylvania as a whole, been covering it for several decades, kind of know where you need to have a voter -- a vote turn out to win the state. and we talked about that. we talked about harris running as the sort of change and new candidate and, or you know, he calls her out on the fact that she's been in power for four years almost and is responsible for a lot of policies that have been put in place including the
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ban in pennsylvania on the export of liquid natural gas which not only impacts people in the industry, it also a impacts farmers who rely on the royalties that are on their farms. pete: you know pennsylvania as well as anybody. what is the state of the race when it comes to voter registration? i don't believe -- early voting. habit started yet, but who is, who's got the best organization on the ground between the two as far as getting people signed up to vote for their guy? >> well, the republicans have really stepped up their game,9 and the numbers -- i don't have them off the top of my head. however, they have changed dramatically since 20020. 2020. republicans now have the lead in voter registration in cambria county which is where president trump was last night where johnstown is, but also in bucks and beaver county. these are very, very important
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counties. it's almost there in lieu certain -- lu certain county. why are these important? everyone focuses on pittsburgh and philadelphia, and rightly so, they have the largest population. it is the smaller counties, in particular erie where i interviewed j.d. vance on wednesday, that you need to turn out the vote. that is where this vote will be decided. it not be -- it will not be decided in pittsburgh or philadelphia. it will be decided in these smaller counties. that's why you see trump in lucerne and cambria and in butler. and that's why you saw j.d. vance in westmoreland county and you saw him in montgomery county and you saw him in erie. pete: absolutely. ooh, i think we gist lost salena. she was almost done. you got 99 of the way there -- [laughter] thank you so much for breaking it down. you're going to be busy for these 66 days right in the
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middle of pennsylvania. thank you. all right. migrant program reversal? if hmm. dhs is restarting a migrant flight program. they call it migrants, it's illegals, after halting it over fraud concerns. congressman carlos gimenez has been following this from the beginning. he is next. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting...
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♪ ♪ rachel: the biden-harris administration is restarting its migrant flight program which allowed nearly 500,000 cuban, haitian, nicking rag wan and venezuelan migrants to apply for u.s. entry from their home countries. the controversial program was put on pause after an internal audit found possible fraud, finding dead people among the sponsors and over 3,000 serial sponsors. florida congressman carr has
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jimenez -- carlos gimenez joins us now. congressman, it's great to have you. it's really hard for me to understand why the dhs has restarted this program. it was rife with fraud. dead people sponsoring illegals, people sponsoring, you know, 1800 illegals at a time, something which is just impossible to do. and we know from the polling that the american people don't want this, so why are they doing it? it doesn't make any sense to me. >> they're going to keep doing the, you know, the insane immigration policies of the first three and a half years. so, look, there was so much -- the audit that was leaked showed so much fraud, they had to do something about it, so they stopped it. but now they started it again. again, it's all politics. look, it's a bait and switch. if they don't do it this way, then they're going to have more, more haitians and cubans and venezuelans and nicaraguans coming through the the southern border, and they don't want that optic of thousands and thousands of people coming through the southern border. so right now they're being flown
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in, and it's kind of out of sight, out of mind, and that's the reason they're doing it. they didn't really fix the problems with it, like you said. you had people sponsoring 180 to 900 people, that's a pretty big family -- 1800 people. that's a pretty big family, okay? rachel: yeah. [laughter] >> we know here in miami they were selling these sponsorships, you know, in the street and buying sponsorships in the street. so it's fraught with abuse and fraud, and i know that this new start-up -- they're going to get around it, and you're going to still see this massive fraud. but it's just a way to not have that optic at the southern border where you have tens of thousands of people coming through. rachel: well, it's beyond optics. those that are flown over, those numbers won't hit the numbers that they have to report. so it's also a way of hiding how many people that they're bringing over. i know a man who was brought over through that program, the flight program, and he was given four letters sent to him asking
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him to register to vote. so there's always that, that we need to worry about as well. really quick, i want to talk to you about china because turns out that taxpayers are funding patents for chinese investors including in sensitive fields such as biotechnology, semiconductors. so i want to talk to you about why that's happening and if does it put us at risk in terms of our national security. why are we increasing or deepening our reliance on china for sensitive technology. >> we should not be. we should be decoupling from china. i've been can asking for us to decouple from china from day one. i understand the threat that china poses to us, the net they pose to our -- the threat they pose to our freedom. not only to the united states, but around the world. we need to decouple from china -- rachel: so who's doing it though, congressman? >> we're funding the instrument of our demise. that's what's going if on.
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rachel: 100%. how come we can't stop these funds from happening if, as you said, this is funding of our own demise? >> it's not just the government that's funding, we're funding our own demise every time we buy a chinese product. we feed to stop buy -- we need to stop buying chinese products, decouple from china, we need to onshore our manufacturing capability or near shore our manufacturing capability so we're not dependent on china. and, you know, there's some kind of loophole that allows this into la are. -- law. we have to take care of that. no, we shouldn't be funding anything in china and, like i said, decouple from china. rachel: this is taxpayer money that's going to in this. >> yeah. rachel: ultimately, that taxpayer money is, the congress is in control of it. and so -- >> right. rachel: -- there needs to be more. is your committee doing something specifically on this? >> well, i'm sure we're going to be looking into it and seeing how in the world we are funding
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this, these chinese patents, which we should not be. and where it's happening, where it's coming from. and then, and then, you know, put a stop to it so that the funding source dries up. yeah. rachel: all right. well, thank you, congressman, we appreciate your attention to that matter. thanks a lot for joining us. more "fox & friends" comingin uptr. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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pete: ahead of today's big noon kickoff between penn state and
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west virginia, we asked you, our viewers, how you might be celebrating your teams for the big day of college football, and it looks like many of you are at the grill. chris from alabama writes, i have the pork butt in the smoker. there's nothing better than saturdays in sec country. joey, say it with me, war eagle. joey: i don't know about that. pete: and kathy sharing a photo saying our lang smoker and out -- is out and smoking. and andrew has the meats -- [laughter] he has the meats, with pic adding, going on the smoker in about one hour. go, irish. going back to morgantown to check in with adam klotz. i bet the sound of smelling -- the smell of grilling meat and the sound is prevalent. adam. adam: yeah, i'm gets distracted, because i'm tailgating -- [cheers and applause] one of my favorite places, obviously. how happy are we all that football is back? [cheers and applause] we love tailgating out here.
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obviously, let's go -- >> mountaineers! adam: i love saying that. who's going the win today? >> mountaineers! adam: we've got drinks, or but you can't be tailgating if you're not eating. can i get in on this? we got burgers, we got bacon -- pete, i told you i was going to find a drink and some bacon, and that's what i did. this is -- i lo football -- i love football. i love saturdays so much. rick, it's seamy out here -- steamy out here but i can't complain. what can i say? rick: what's in that can? it's a little bit early for that, adam. i don't know what you poured into that can -- uh-huh, yep. i know you, adam. nice work out there, by the way. looks like a great time. you're going to get some storms in west virginia today, all part of a front that's moving through. take a look at the maps, you can see the warm temperatures. it's also humid. anywhere you have that humidity,
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we're going to watch this front interact with that and spark if off some storms, and that includes where you are in west virginia, right up through the ohio valley. that's our storm threat, and you can see the storms beginning to pull off a towards the the east. those will become severe. the other really big story we're going to be talking about for probably the next 4-5 days is this disturbance down across parts of the central gulf. it's going to continue to bring a lot of rain over the next number of days, and it's mostly a coastal event, but all of those beaches, if you have any coastal a plans from parts of east texas all the way towards the panhandle of florida, you've got about 44-5 -- 4-55 inches of rain coming. joey, to you inside. joey: thanks, rec. the economy is hitting low income americans so hard that even discount grocery stores are reporting dismal sales numbers with giants like dollar general taking low, record low dips in the market this week. and with everyday costs like groceries up drastically since biden took office, is there any
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end in sight? here to react, personal finance expert and university of san diego finance professor dan ricatto. dan, welcome to the show. thanks for joining us this morning. when dollar -- i mean, i live in a very rural area, and i'll pass four dollar generals to get to a big town. they're all over the place. when they're saying people aren't coming in shop, that's a bad day, isn't it? >> hi, joe. hanks for having me back. always a good to be with you. the ceo basically said it very clearly. he said our consumers, lower income if consumers, that's our client base for the most part, they're struggle, right? of 600% of those -- 60 of those customers if are cutting back on necessities whether in rural or urban areas. doesn't really matter, they're saying the same thing, joe. joey: is the idea that inflation, year-over-year inflation is compounding and stressing the finances of those that have the least to begin with, is doing that the most to them. >> there's no question. so the good news is inflation as
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you and i have reported on has started to moderate. the bad news is we're now three years plus, over three years, joe, we've been talking about this of higher than target inflation month to month. and as you said, that has a compounding effect. food costs up 25% in the last two years. housing up 13%. car insurance, have you seen your car insurance bill? it's crazy, up 40%. so those are the sort of kitchen table issues, kitchen table expenses that you and i and our families are grab -- grappling with right now. joey: kamala harris wants to give you $25,000 to buy a house, but she doesn't address that it costs literally more than twice as much since she's been vice president. her answer to groceries is to fix the prices and basically tell dollar general you've got to sell it cheaper. does that work? >> well, you know, i've looked through history, and i'm not an economist nor a historian, but i
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have not found the time where government has successfully mandated prices. it just doesn't work, joey. it sounds good. boy, i'd love for the government to lower my car insurance bill, wouldn't you? or the cost of groceries for my family. but it just doesn't work that way. simple economics, if you control the price of something, you going to limit the supply for something and guess what? if folks aren't going to to get what they need. their going to wind -- they're going to wind up paying too much for it. joey: it's tough. i hope there's a better answer out there. dan ricatto, thanks for joining us. >> all right, brother, take care. joey: you too. all right. it's the bowling edition of may the best friend win. you don't want to miss it. there's pete. ♪ ♪ joey: oh, strike. ♪ the final countdown.'a ♪ ll starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up.
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♪ ♪ [applause] joey: already, we've had bowling on fox square all morning, but now it's it's time for our very own bowling battle. i've got the trophy right here. pete: back with us is kevin krause, president of the bowling proprietors' association of america, and he's brought pb if a pro norm duke and youth bowling sensation malia briggs.
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rachel: she's a champion. >> oh, thank you. th. pete: it's all about the form. >> thank you for having us. pete: absolutely. tell us about national bowling day the. >> it was supposed to be who weeks ago, always the the second saturday in august, the hurricane took that a out, but we're trillioned -- thrilled to be here today. appreciate the opportunity to showcase bowling. pete: it's go that's it, pretty easy. >> download a free game for the whole month of september and have a good time. enjoy your bowling center. rachel: give us your best tips. pete: let's go to norm. >> do it exactly like you did it the last time. it was the perfect, rachel. rachel: he liked my form. i'm bowler. pete: and you've got the shoes, you're ready to go. all right. so norm might be your coach, but ma lie ya's my -- malia's my coach. what's the secret? >> stand in the middlemake sure grow follow -- pith president hit it on the seed. -- side. >> and make sure you follow
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through. pete: follow through. >> yep. pete: i can do that. rachel: let's see who's better. pete: rachel, you go first, i'll go next. oh, the same time? >> 3, 2, 1. >> go, rachel! got it. >> you got that. [applause] pete: we got one more. we got one more. >> all right, let's go, let's go. pete: best two out of three? all right, we're feeling good. rachel: i'm going to use the 10 this time, we'll see. >> she's going with the heavier-weighted ball. rachel: should i? do you think 10's okay? pete: let's go. joey: rachel's got it. strike right here. >> it was the 10-pound ball. rachel: i think i need a 9. pete: use the mets' ball,s, that way i'll definitely lose.
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[laughter] here we go. if. >> oh, you almost tied him. pete: i took thed it -- hooked it and i got one. rachel: it really makes you want to -- pete: way too much to not enough. joey: you win, is that what you're saying? i don't know, rachel's going to get a strike. rachel: no, something's wrong with me. pete: let's see the throws. throw it to norm and malia. take it away. >> all right. do as i say, not as i do. rachel: i was so much better in the commercial break. >> yeah, you were. look at that. ooh. wow. amazing. [applause] pete: that was impressive. the spin, the form, it's all this. rachel: great job. you should go bowling with your family. it's a great sport. rainy day, sunny day. pete: it really is. we do it all the time.
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you're talking, you're competing, you're interacting with each other. go -- rachel: bonding. pete: -- across the country. and maybe some tears, if it's like my boys. more "fox & friends" just moments away. don't go anywhere. ♪ respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy.
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♪ ♪ if. joey: oh, that's it. pete: that's a beauty. joey: that's it. pete: very nicely done. rachel: i'm back, guys, i'm back. [laughter] joey: what have we got, pete? oh, there's a strike. rachel: come on, pete! [laughter] you are the champion. joey: we gave the trophy away in this morning. [cheers and applause] see you tomorrow, everybody. have a great saturday. joey: come back tomorrow. rachel: bye, everybody. ♪ ♪


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