tv Media Buzz FOX News September 1, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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obvious line of attack. to answer more than a couple of questions into a single interview? as she rose in the polls until the star-studded connection most of the nation media didn't care but as the pressure built harris agreed agreed to sit down and not with opera or gayle king but "cnn" anchor and a dash of interviewed her several times. much of the bans criticism focused on her decision to include her running mate, tim walz. >> she hasn't answered a single hard question they finally signed up for some and she asked to bring along an emotional support animal. she should disabuse every notion that mainstream media gets to dictate when you get to interview and how you get to interview. >> others assess the interview in advance. >> this interview isn't going to reveal anything we don't all ready know about her. expect this to be purely
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about-face. don't compass out there almost every day and presidential candidates to tell voters find out what you are made up of the vice president should do more of these so the public can see how she handles unscripted questions away from the teleprompter. i am howard kurtz and this is "mediabuzz." how did harris tim walz and denault -- handle the big interview? >> you have been vice president for 2.5 years. the steps you are talking about now why haven't you done them already? >> first of all we had to recover as an economy and we have done that. >> do you still want to ban fracking? >> know when i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 that i would not ban fracking. >> what made you change that
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position at the time? >> let's be clear values of not change. >> you raised your hand when asked whether or not the border should be decriminalized. do you still believe that? >> i believe there should be consequences. >> and asked about donald trump. >> he suggested you happen to turn for political purposes. questioning your identity. >> the same old tired playbook. next question please. >> they knew knew that -- would ask about the in the gun business and all that stuff so we had answers. but they didn't always square with reality. she is doing this move that i think -- did. just diminish him. she's a vapid posterboard salad
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and that's what she did last night. the interview was mildly challenging but not really challenging in the fact that a reporter can drill in on questions. joining us now to enlist the coverage for senior editor at reason magazine and lucy caldwell and adviser to olquin core. it's striking to me even the pundits who are on kamala harris' side says she did okay. she didn't do any harm. she didn't up but it also made news. >> right, she was asked to explain the policy changes that have taken place and she was just made a candidate by the elites and their party and never had to campaign for it. it was folly to the media and even mainstream media. dan identified job and we are finding out what her policy positions are instead of having a campaign where she debates people and argues me find it out that way but the consequences she's running from the thing she
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ran on very unsuccessfully in 2020 and she is proposing policies that are being panned economically and all that but you know i'm not sure if i would do any more interviews because the bible, is enough and the media is letting her have that although they did get. >> you are endorsing the idea that from now on she should the press and. >> it's terrible for democracy. politically. >> lucy kamala spoke for 50 minutes and obviously they set time limits on it. they've been asked for lot of policy details on the opportunity economy a day when questioned. she was subdued and cautious so after all the media buildup that was a missed opportunity. >> i think she did exactly what she needed to do and i think there's a lot of nonstarter about the idea that she brought tim walz people say incredibly
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and people say he was her emotional support animal. they have teed her up for this moment. she is on social media every day. every time i open instagram there's a live feed of kamala harris but there's no shortage of kamala harris to be had. i think your interview went absolutely fine and i think the way she brushed off the of trump was exactly right. >> will the interview may have been fine but as i said i like more detailed i think she should have spoken longer. let's take you back in the way back machine to a couple of things that candidate harris five years ago said. >> we are banning fracking. >> we helped have to drive electric cars? >> bite 2045 will have zero-emission vehicles 100%.
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>> kamala harris rejected fracking and then she flipped and yet she tried to minimize that particular by saying things that were untrue. >> the border comment was the most of all. when she ran on these things against biden for the democratic nomination last time she went nowhere because they take out these ideas or popular so it makes than she's not actually changing her mind but she doesn't stand by them anymore and i would have liked to have seen that pressed harder from the unabashed. but why have you abandoned these and do you understand you are banding them and you should just say i figured out the american people don't want soft on crime and don't want green energy mandates. >> she would have to admit she was wrong. >> some media critics are saying kamala harris is moving to the center as if it's some kind of an indictable offense. what do you think trump is doing
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by criticizing florida's six week of abortion ban and promising to provide free idea. i think the next thing as he says he will bring it to your house so moving to the center is what candidates do. >> that's what candidates do. we are 65 days away from november 5 in the selection will be decided by 6% of voters in six states. >> 10 voters in each state. >> we will split hairs on that one. the point is if your walk-in for a candidate both parties will be on the margins to try to make sure that you show up and you are enthused and you have the kamala five and the trump whatever the five-star but it's not appealing to the center but if you're a person with tightly held views and you feel strongly about one or the other you aren't their audience. kamala harris gave an answer on fracking that was completely legitimate. she said this is what i said in
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2020 and this is what i've whipped out my politics to my values around climate are the same. i think we have to give candidates the benefit of the doubt of in that nuance and interviews like this. >> sorry but i double checked what she said in 2020 and she said biden would not and fracking so that was a misrepresentation. meanwhile trump came out for legalizing marijuana so this is a series of things. now, you said you thought subnineteen did a good job and she is a soft-spoken style. how did you feel when joe biden feel when joe biden called you with the news that the press kamala sufficiently on these flip-flops and lack of accomplishments? you clearly are limited in the amount of time and after all this buildup, the she hasn't done it before it was a mistake.
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>> it's difficult to press kamala harris. she's kind of vague vague and should talk slowly and she doesn't say a lot of concrete things. obviously she is a better grasp of the english language and is better able to answer questions than joe biden is that that's a low bar to clear so it's hard to pin her down. she is proposing policies and the first thing she was asked in the interview what are you going to do on day one and kamala went to values and philosophy. well what is the plan? the economy is not what americans wanted to be. the immigration problem is a disaster. on the issues they prefer trump but there's temperament and there's policy and whatever, because he has moved to the center in terms of policy. you brought up a couple of things. my libertarian heart loves it, yes great but in terms of the rhetoric you don't always get moderation. >> i was surprised that she didn't have three ebola points prepared so when subnineteen
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asked the vice president if she regrets at sharing the country that joe biden was fine she said no but cannot be true and doesn't she have to say that because obviously she was in a position much more than any of us. i think many people who have loved ones get to an advanced age know that every day is different and there are lot of people who we can trust who have high integrity who are open about the fact that the debate engine was a disaster and have said they have had a lot of interactions with joe biden over the months and think of the state again and that was a different joe biden than the joe biden engine. people who have talked a lot about seeing joe biden being taken aback by the debate because he was so wet that at other times so that's an unfortunate aspect of aging but
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the pending carol -- kamala harris on what she was turning round to say. >> she has a level of access that she claimed to have had throughout his presidency. john the press secretary who was denouncing and asking questions for weeks saying it was and if you believe this video showing him not with all his faculties like he felt manipulated then that lie was exposed in the debate. >> of the question you are posing was not exactly did she or didn't she know but what is she doing with that? how should she show up in public around that issue and that's a different question. standing by a person you have confidence in is a different thing. >> i want to get to tim walz because he was asked about lying about when he was in the national guard of drunk driving charge in the 90s involving ivf with a different technique.
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he said i'm proud of my service and sometimes they use bad grammar. >> he didn't address this at all. as a series of exaggerations not any specific one the most frankly i've seen from a political figure but it's a pattern of misrepresentations. his military record and what he went through with ivf and the media has been right to call them out. there's no way to address it. >> i think if people on team trump want to go in an tim walz about what the particulars were at the infertility challenges that he and his wife at the time faced knock yourself out. that's going to be a losing battle for them. if you've never had infertility god bless you but the idea that people will try to pin tim walz on the particulars of whether it's ivf good luck. >> there are some social conservative who object to one but not the other.
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mark zuckerberg says he's sorry for suppressing stories under pressure from the light administration. the facebook founder and ceo of meta has gone this route before on capitol hill. >> it's clear now that we didn't do enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm as well. that goes for news foreign interference in elections in hate speech and that was a big mistake. it was my mistake and i'm sorry.
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>> and an extraordinary letter to judiciary chairman jim jordan burke said after the pandemic hit senior biden administration and white house officials had repeatedly pressured our teams are months to censor certain covid 19 content including humor and satire next on still lot of frustration with our teams when we didn't agree. that pressure so burglar is wrong. admitting facebook had shuttle banned the hunter biden laptop story. just go to the 2020 election that he says was mistake. joining us now the "fox news" national correspondent and anchor. i've never seen marker burgh so apologetic as he says the pressure from the administration was wrong. >> it's not every day by the way he's the one of those powerful ceos on the planet come out and say multiple levels i was wrong and i'm just clearing the air. i think you point out the two important things went with pressure from the white house
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and the other the laptop story which they demoted. they didn't fully say they buried it. >> let me clarify and i know you know this but nobody can find it and it's not here. i love the word demoted. >> at the end of the letter he said also that piece of news that garnered the zucker box remains neutral and he won't make any inclinations to anyone because he wants to appear to not have any influence in it. >> is the repositioning because he may be facing a second trump administration? possibly at this calculation i tried to reach out to meta. i think he is positioning itself to appear to have no influence and should there be a future administration he doesn't want it as history will go. you are about to mention jim jordan. >> jim jordan spoke out earlier
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today and he called this good news and says it's less likely you will see censorship in this election cycle. you think it's interesting to when i was reporting on it this week how michael shellenberger tech expert he thinks we are unquote the beginning of a reckoning and uncovering just how much government influence, government involvement whatever you want to call it in social media censorship happened during the cove in time. >> i want to point out it's not a censor for this reason. in some cases and this is from the they spoke resisted the pressure and said we are taking down this particular story and that upset the biden administration officials so they have the ability as a private company to say no but in these cases they said yes. >> the white house put out a statement is as well saying that they encouraged companies to be responsible and make decisions on their own but obviously as we now know they were pressuring
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facebook and meta. what is the other side to this coin is we may never know how useful that information that was in many cases the press might have been. representative lorelei on the judiciary committee this week said there was actual data that she knows was censored or not allowed to be out there that later proved to be helpful to the public. >> that's what this is more than internal technology but in fairness i want to bring up the twitter files that set in 2024 trump and the biden administration's pressure facebook to take on stories they didn't like so at least for some period of time there was a bipartisan link to this. >> there was and senator schmidt is calling for him on the senate side to have meta and google's ceo to respond to a letter he sent last week asking for how are you now taking measures and
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what are your policies, what are your guardrails to make sure something like this never happens again and we will see where that goes. >> just briefly has this gotten personal because in one of his many tweets and truth social post to donald trump said if he wins he will jail a election fraudsters instead the zucker box, be careful. >> well the zucker box is gone so we don't have that to worry about. maybe it's become personal for trump but jim jordan said today that this is the reason you saw people like tulsi gabbard like rfk jr. join the trump campaign because of specific censorship and those two are believers first and foremost in the truth and this brought posey and rfk jr. to trump on this issue. >> will talk about rfk later. thanks so much. up next the trump harris debate
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is finally on and why the microphones will be muted higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee.
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♪ austedo xr ♪ after some heavily covered squabbling on september 10 the trump harris debate is back on. after 36 hour meltdown of his own making over whether he will in fact beat vp harris trump will in fact participate. >> they swapped out their entire candidate so i don't think that's too much to ask. >> lucy caldwell for donald trump threatened to pull out at the abc debate i said don't worry he'll be there. this last-minute renegotiation is a signature move. so now we get to build this up even more. >> i think the detail around the microphones is interesting
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because i think it really hurt biden engine. the biden had a night but there were moments where you could hear trump squabbling the whole time. >> even though his microphone was off. >> you could catch it. we learned about about joe biden's that night it was consequential but he was sitting around having trump the whole time so i get why harris won some mics turned on. she wants people to hear that. >> why is kamala harris' team pushing so hard to have life microphones which basically every other debate of the presidential level has. they negotiated this when they thought joe biden would be on the air. abc said stick to the rules and trump says he doesn't really care but but this continues to n the eyes of the harris campaign this is not a done deal because of the microphone issue. >> she wants him to interrupt her because she thinks it will
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look bad and that's the ability to to speak on their. the media fires around this trump threatening to pull out and she should change the rules. it's not the rule she agreed to because she wasn't candidate and substituting yet but the way it worked on the "cnn" debate was good. it was good that they couldn't interrupt each other and we learned a lot about joe biden and there's no reason to change those rules but she's trying to manufacture this man is interrupting me and i'm speaking kind of moment or it i think that's what she's going for. >> i completely disagree. that was a strategic gambit on the part of her campaign to get trump to show up as donald trump the person who will not let a one -- let anyone else get a word in. >> it's fine. >> we don't need the microphones here.
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the huge media buildup that you know was is coming because this is robby soave days from today will the debate be treated by the press as a make or break event in the short campaign? >> it should be because again this is an unprecedented situation where she was chosen to be the candidate of the democratic party without doing primary. >> nobody ran against her. >> many voters in many states went to the polls in the democratic primaries and voted for joe knowing that harris was the running mate and she was waiting in the wings. we had to dispense with this idea that this is anti-democratic. >> i think there's a difference of opinion here. a heavy stick around and next on "mediabuzz" donald trump taking on the quote dishonest media and tying, live and joe biden to the failed assassination. g allison! allison's plaque psoriasis.
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an interview with dr. phil donald trump blamed his opponents on the attempted assassination. >> i think to a certain extent it's biden's fault and "mediabuzz"'" fall to robby soae the opponent. they were making it very difficult to have proper staffing in terms of secret service. i also took a bullet but maybe that will it is because of their rhetoric. former president blamed the dishonest media for misrepresenting things he said likely. >> all straighten everything out in less than four years by a lot. then you don't come it doesn't matter another words i'm saying you don't have the vote. doesn't mean we won't have elections. >> what do you make of donald trump saying the media takes comments like dictator on day one?
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>> i think that's a fair point and again he's been the president and his dwelling keeping with typical republican policies and the things he says are sometimes a little and i don't think it helps to blame biden or kamala for the assassination attempt but that doesn't mean we don't have serious questions about security failures questions democrats have the secret service called congress giving utterly not a satisfactory answer and great questioning from democrats who said it's the failure of the bureaucracy the technocracy in the federal government is a bipartisan issue but that's different. >> everybody agrees it's a catastrophic failure by the secret service and how much is the white house to blame for that but the rhetoric echoes the call of the danger and democracy as the saying that encourage possible assassins and the guy did this as a.
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>> he said he think we have something that's fairly regular about how donald trump covered that there's nothing regular about january 6 and nothing regular about using language like american carnage talking about a bloodbath telling the proud boys to stand by and stand back telling for january 6 riders i love you you are very whatever. donald trump is at the center of the political violence problem we have in this country. yes it's a thing. >> now you are turning it around by the way the bloodbath has been confirmed. but now you were doing with the questions he unfairly blaming biden/harris and now you are saying he's the reason that political violence and often these people are just mass shooter's. >> 100%. he attempted to assassinate donald trump no question and extremely unwell person and we
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know he also considered assassinating joe biden and he was looking at both conventions. but it's a very dangerous of donald trump to insinuate that kamala harris and joe biden incited a shooter for the problem we have with rhetoric -- rhetoric in this country comes from donald trump and people like cory learned askey said the problem is you don't take donald trump literally but he literally says a lot of things that suggest and put in the minds of people that will undertake violent acts. >> i want to get to the arlington cemetery the trump campaign violating the rules. you were not supposed to bring cameras and for purposes of the turned it into a tik-tok at but will they keep it going by releasing pictures and trump
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keep talking about they clearly want to keep it in the news. >> i won't defend everything that trump does but the rhetoric he uses people and the staff feuding at arlington cemetery is a bad look and i think he should die let down. you talk about the political violence, we have a violence problem in this country and political violence is not the main problem and thankfully we are free from that but we have crime and allowed for cities. americans are living with the reality of violence in their cities but it's because of failed policies and he's talking about the ways to address that. this is under failed democratic leadership in many cities. >> i don't want to go through the trump presidency but i wonder find the viewers the army criticize the trump campaign defending the female staffer who tried to stop him from bringing in cameras and trump called the woman and said she had a mental health problem. it's been going on from most a
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week now kamala harris putting up tweets saying he disrespected sacred ground ball for the sake of a political stunt. >> i think the way the donald trump's campaign behaved towards at arlington national staff member is stuff and we can look at how his campaign staffer behaved and think this may be a sign of things to come in the second trump term so it's reasonable for people to want answers and want scrutiny over what happened at arlington. that's reasonable to do. >> one of the side effects and i think this is an important part of it, is that it keeps in the news the reason trump the third anniversary of the disastrous pullout from afghanistan 13 u.s. servicemembers died in that suicide bombing but based on my reporting the trump campaign says no one was talking about kamala harris in afghanistan when she made a point of being
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the last person in the room and now she's tied herself to it and she's part of the conversation about that tragic day. >> that's what we have defined application running on the fact that it's been a biden/harris administration for four years or running unchanged? what are her thoughts about foreign-policy and u.s. presence in afghanistan quickly don't know her in terms of her policy. we know it she ran on in 2020 but every time she's asked about the policy she runs away from them so i would like to know what her foreign-policy vision is and how it might differ from donald trump or joe biden so this upcoming debate will be important that but we haven't had the normal process. it's counter to the health of democracy when it candidate was sprung on us without a bidding process. >> they are going to have to get over it. donald trump mrs. joe biden because he wanted to run against biden. trump has posted and reposted
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some -- stuff about kamala harris. this is a way of ringing up very openly in the 1990s before he was san francisco mayor. it seems like people don't want to talk about this because it's uncomfortable. >> it is uncomfortable for example on a show like this. we won't go into details about the post i presume because it would be totally uncomfortable and and grows for us to talk about the details of a act he's describing not just about kamala harris but hillary clinton and that's one post this week. everybody knows the suburban women women voters trump fans to get not doing well with them but it's really important that we at least did knowledge of the existence of these posts because they are completely outrageous and an affront to not only by men but anyone who wants to live
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in a country where we respect decency towards american women. >> robbie just briefly jason miller was here last week and says things thrown at trump were far worse than this. >> trump romantic history has been litigated by the media and i think that's fair. do i think going down this line of attack of kamala harris is a good idea for the trump campaign? a course that he should spend more time as he's doing thinking about how ivf abortion and the mayor won i'd love to hear about that. talk about foreign-policy and immigration and not personal attacks on kamala harris. >> on that note nice to have you both in the studio and after the break trump to announce a special counsel jack smith for filing a new indictment of the january 6 case. jonathan turley is here.
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election. stick a letter people here noise and they see the legal system extension at the political system. joining us jonathan turley of "fox news" contributor and author the new book the indispensable right free speech in an age of rage. a two-point question any evidence kamala harris is pushing this and could jack smith strategy succeed? >> i don't think there's evidence of a connection to vice president harris but i do think this is vintage jack smith. many of us expected the he would pare down this indictment. he really didn't. this is the ultimate sort of larger package saying -- same content type of problem that is the forcing counts including counts involving vice president which are presumptively barred an official acts.
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also there's another case called fischer which really challenges the use of obstruction of legal proceedings. he kept those and so he's always played it up to the line and it's gotten him in trouble in the past. >> is the violating the oj practice and you say there's no rule about bringing a re-indictment or an existing one in the final six days. >> he made it clear earlier he didn't feel he was bound by that and some of the people will litigate all the way up to inauguration day. it's hard to enforce that policy. >> is donald trump justified in attacking jack smith and wouldn't any prosecutor tried to salvage the case? in most of the expect them to salvage a poor the criticism is valid i don't think this is a good-faith response to the supreme court decision. a lot of justices will have problems with what he came up with.
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>> assuming he gets it back to the supreme court you are saying. and if donald trump wins the election this is all moot. >> he may never see the inside of a courtroom. and your new book is about advocacy journalism. >> we see that allow particularly in so-called j schools allowed professors today that tell young journalists that tell young journalist with a half tell young journalist with a half to dispense with objectivity and neutrality and the result has been a new media that many people have walked away from. as you know many media outlets are suffering in terms of losing readership and losing viewership in their lot of reasons for that but one of the reasons is media is at its lowest level of trust in the polls. what this book tries to look at is where the media lost its way on this and the media now is this book goes into it might be the most dangerous anti-free-speech movement in our history. we have never seen this alliance
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including members of the media against free speech. >> that is troubling and one recent example is a panel just revive sarah palin suit against "the new york times." this is where they blamed her for the shooting in phoenix that injured gabbi giffords and injured six others. >> she is the typical target symbol for districts they were trying to target politically. "the new york times" just use that one district and suggested it was singling out this congressional person and recently the second circuit said look she did not get a fair trial in new york city. she asked to go back and she'll have a new york jersey -- jury which won't be easy for sarah palin. >> it turns out whether she can when legally it is a question. >> still to calm its kind of
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like moby dick rfk jr. and the great whale story. you have got to hear this. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so i wear a lot of hats. my restaurants, my tattoo shop... and i also have a non-profit. but no matter what business i'm in... my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you, verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (woman) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life.
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rfk jr. has been named to donald trump's transition team along with former democrat tulsi gabbard and that's what happens when he endorsed a candidate to who has admitted covering up putting a dead bear in his car faces a tale told by his daughter about how he used a chainsaw to cut off the head of the dead whale and strapped it to the roof of his car. every time we accelerated on the highway whale juice would pour into the windows of the car. it was the rankest thing on the planet. we have plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out.
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people on the highway were giving us the finger but that was normal day-to-day stuff for us. rfk, listen i don't know what to say about this. what is it with rfk? mitt romney should ask for recount after what he got about putting his dog on the rep to release the dog was still alive. and now we know the corleone saga which opens up a new can of orange that but it's a different warmth and the that was an rfk jr. said. ted kennedy says this was, this is not normal. do you know who else collected roadkill? jeffrey dahmer and this tale is not one of clark griswold and the family vacation. this is bizarre stuff. >> i can see the headline now. >> by the way if i could point this out this is resurfaced as you pointed out from the article in 2012 but it prompted this
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week the "washington post" reported an environmental group is actually calling for an investigation to see if that incident violated some sort of mammal marine protection act. he could face some sort of an investigation. >> a course he used a chainsaw to cut off the head. i keep one in my car for such contingency. >> who has a whale head chainsaws lying around at the ready in case you find a carcass? >> he's always thinking about what can we use and what can i have for dinner tonight and other people use the supermarket. there are obviously fishermen but of whale head? can you imagine? i wish we had a photo of this. >> in today's culture going down the highway there would have been 40 cell videos all over the internet. i can tell you one thing that's certain about this and that is well-heeled can get elected to the culture culture club which is what they call people that collect roadkill.
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he could be the president forever to this club. he tried to get ahead of it how we when he was telling a group of reporters at few weeks ago well you know i have a freezer full of this stuff reads that didn't do anything other than pique people's interest even more. >> as the story ends tmz reported an interview of rfk talking about his actress wife cheryl heinz on "curb your enthusiasm" not being happy with this. >> he's a lifelong democrat and the idea of supporting donald trump like i said it's something she would have never imagined that she ever that causes her discomfort. >> that test to be a tough position for her. >> absolutely. for everyone observing the kennedy name is most famous and most synonymous with the democratic party back to the days of camelot and now she's
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the person frankly so upset because she's going to get past the cocktail parties out to dinner about this and particularly he continues to support trump. there has been a lot of on line questions. of whale of a story. that's it for this edition of "mediabuzz" and i'm howard kurtz and you can subscribe to "mediabuzz" meter. the day's top stories and i get to ramble a bit. also i hope you're enjoying this labor day weekend if you have a three-day weekend which we celebrate the nation's labors. we are back here sunday at 11 eastern.
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