tv Outnumbered FOX News September 3, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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♪ ♪ this >> emily: hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i'm emily compagno. joining me today, a host of american home, cheryl casone. gerri willis. fox news contributor and president of american spirit enterprises, tammy bruce. fox news contributor and former utah congressman jason chaffetz. vice president kamala harris is launching an attack at former president trump over his visit to arlington national cemetery last week. she wrote "donald trump's team chose to film a video they're resulting in an altercation with cemetery staff.
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let me be clear. the former president disrespected sacred ground all for the sake of a political stunt. that's what she wrote but the former president and his team were there for the wreath laying for the 13 service members killed in the disastrous afghanistan withdrawal three years ago at the invitation of the gold star families. those families say the only one playing politics with arlington national cemetery is the vice president. >> i am the father of the lance corporal. your administration killed my son. >> it's been three years. my cell, my family, other gold star families have not seen support from you or your administration. >> your recent remarks related to trump's visit to arlington or are filled with nothing but lies and deceit. >> president trump and his team were respectful, they listen to our stories, and didn't talk much at all. we welcome them that day and
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they were a comfort to our family. >> why did we want trump there? it wasn't doubt this political campaign. we wanted a leader. that explains why you and joe didn't get a call. >> we invited president trump. let me be clear. there was no politics discussed, none whatsoever. there was also not an assault that we observed take place. or did we hear it. i don't know where this is coming from but it's disgusting and gross. >> emily: we received an explanation as to why those families filmed that video. all-star mother kelly barnett, the mother of staff sergeant taylor hoover explain why the families posted those videos. >> why was it important for these families to put out the videos they did over the wee weekend. >> because we were just so
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tired. we have been disrespected so much in the last three years. it's been three years, no response from them. no "i'm sorry." no "we stand with you." we know mistakes happen in war. this wasn't supposed to be a war but it turned out to be and it was just important that we let donald trump know. he has been there for us. he has been our rock and he's been there to give us a little bit of peace and that's what he did that day. he carried that grief with us, gave us a little bit of peace, little bit of happiness on that day. all the families. that's my family, the 13. they were all -- we are all family now and we had to do this because he has been there for us and it makes no sense that they throw daggers at us. makes no sense they throw daggers at him except for the fact that they were there and they felt ashamed or that they were angry that he was with us.
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>> emily: congressman, it was a powerful video by those family members and the explanation. it underscores their english. >> jason: yeah, your heart breaks for these families. three years. it didn't have to be this way. they invited president trump. it was not about making some political video. why is kamala harris doing this? she had three years. she said she was the last one in the room that was with donald trump -- or with joe biden when they made the decision that cost these marines their lives. and so for her to now politicize that by trying to say donald trump did something wrong, really? are you kidding me? that is so fundamentally wrong. i have a great opportunity and honor of knowing donald trump. he does this a lot. he does it from his heart. doesn't do it with political fanfare and everything else. he does it for all the right reasons. that's why the families know this and they invited him and it was a solemn moment they didn't just go for 10 minutes and they left.
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this went on for hours with these families. hats off to donald trump but these families, maybe we should believe them. >> emily: tammy, the vice president is correct and that it is indeed sacred ground and that's why it makes the criticism of her politicize investment questions around it all the more troubling because the reference and sanctity with which we should be addressing these families, the heart and the root of the matter, the lost time of the last three years with this administration was absent from acknowledging responsibility or true condolences, that's -- that should be the focus. >> tammy: you heard that in some of the videos, the english, the pain of not hearing their loved ones names, never being contacted. it's horrible in that it is sacred ground because people are dead because of political decisions. those people are buried in those locations, those generally young people who should never have been there in the first place, not just from afghanistan and iraq in section 60 but all over
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the place. you also have the revolutionary war, the civil war, all of that. i have to say all of these families had been quiet over these three years. can anyone remember someone coming out and saying anything? no. it's an indication of the chaos within the harris campaign not anticipating the reaction, not thinking about the next day. maybe not even knowing the history of her ignoring and the democrats ignoring these families. and this now is what's happening. it tells you the nature of what people have complained about her and her teams, or general approach which is really winging it and not knowing what the next day will bring. >> emily: such a great point. the argument is that the media carries the ball forward ball forward thoughtlessly or knee-jerk supporting atkinson we have nbc's kristen welker getting criticized for falsely claiming vice president harris did indeed meet with those gold star families when she did not.
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>> they wanted president trump there. they wanted those photos. you know they also invited? joe biden kamala harris. where were they? joe biden was at a beach and kamala harris was at her mansion in washington, d.c., 10 minutes she could have gone to the cemetery and honor the sacrifice of those young men and women but she hasn't. she never has spoken to them or take in a meeting. >> they did meet with him during the dignified transfer. >> her and joe biden's incompetence of those 13 americans were killed in afghanistan. >> emily: crucially, vice president harris never met with those families and therefore nbc had to issue a correction, writing on x "on our broadcast this when we incorrectly implied -- i argue exquisitely stated -- that president biden and vice president harris attended the dignified transfer. biden was in attendance but harris was not."
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>> gerri: you can hardly blame kristin welker for saying this. she was called out by her own show, she was corrected. it defies decency that they have not responded to these families, they have had nothing to say and it's been three years if you have not seen this video of the families talking, look it up on twitter. it will make you cry. i can tell you everybody on this couch right now has tears in their eyes watching this, listening to the families describe their pain and how they are so desirous of the white house to say something, to acknowledge them in some way. three years. what have we got? we've got a press release from kamala harris and i think that's the most surprising thing about this because i didn't expect one of her deficiencies here to be that she's not compassionate. but this is the story that te tells. >> cheryl: no political party should politicize arlington national cemetery. it is sacred ground. this whole thing has been hard
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to watch. i appreciate she put out her statement, sure. he was on the beach vacation. let's be clear. they are trying and making sure they can distance themselves from that disastrous withdrawal of afghanistan. that is why they stayed away. they say "we weren't invited." former president trump was invited and i have seen him without cameras, with people, regular people. he's very gracious, very generous. it was not for any payoff whatsoever. i witness that myself. i will say also at the end of the day, she politicize to it. it was her. by going after the events that happened in the cemetery. that trump campaign could put up the video. let's see the video put this whole thing to rest. for these families, they understand why they are heartbroken. they have been dismissed by president biden, in particular they don't want to talk about 2021 in afghanistan. they want it gone. >> emily: our prayers remain
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with those gold star families put up next, he is really prime mr. netanyahu is not letting president biden get away with his wife at the israel leader. over the cease-fire deal. that's next. and struggle wit. even with statins and a healthy diet... listen to your heart. talk to your doctor about repatha. repatha plus a statin lowers ldl-c (bad cholesterol) by 63%, and drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price.
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>> emily: tensions escalating between president biden and israeli prime mr. benjamin netanyahu following the murder of six hostages including one israeli american, by hamas. president biden accusing netanyahu of not doing enough while the prime minister call -- out the white house. peter doocy is live at the white house with the latest. >> president biden says he will eventually talk to benjamin netanyahu but until
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that phone call happens, he's just going to put them down through the press incentive privately. >> mr. president, if you think it's time for prime minister netanyahu to do more on this issue, do you think he's doing enough. >> no. >> in the situation room yesterday, labor day, president biden vice president harris met and discussed next steps in the ongoing effort to secure the release of hostages including continuing consultations with cold mediators in qatar and egypt. that deal according to "the washington post" could be a take it or leave it proposal. if doesn't work out the years negotiators could close up shop and move on. but republican critics believe this whole approach is backwards and president biden is going to be putting more pressure on 19 yahoo! than the leaders of ha hamas. >> hamas is a brutal terrorist organization and going to do whatever they can to get the rise of the people to look for a deal. hamas is fighting for survival
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and if you allow them to survive they're going to do this again at some point. >> this afternoon president biden is going to give her marks on his in america agenda. this cease-fire proposal has been the last big ticket item that officials have been tracking before president biden leaves office. the lack of progress on that could explain some of his apparent frustration. emily. >> emily: peter doocy, thank you. thousands gathered yesterday for the funeral of hirsch goldberg polin. during the october 7th vicious attack, goldberg-polin was forced to hide in a bomb shelter with his friends. he rushed to throw the grenades out before his arm was blown off, according to his friend. he was shown in a hostage video released by hamas six months after his capture tell his parents to stay strong.
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this weekend, his body was among the six found in the underground tunnel in gaza. they were murdered just a short while before it israeli troops were able to reach them. and as his family and so many others mourn his loss, thousands of protesters in new york city came out against israel, many of whom waved hamas flags in support of the terror group responsible for the death of goldberg-polin and so many others. cheryl, a despicable slap in the face of the globe who should be mourning the loss of these incredible wives of the hands of a vicious terror group. >> cheryl: these protesters don't understand that and they don't seem to understand what is at stake right now. what they should do is read an op-ed by the parents of idan alexander. they wrote "our son is serving with the idf, they took him captive on the seventh.
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are we going to get our son? is he going to be next? is he going to follow in the steps of goldberg-polin?" what these protesters need to understand is you are carrying hamas flags. hamas is what committed october 7th. that is what netanyahu spoke about yesterday. they are the enemy. why is israel becoming the enemy of these protesters when it is israel that was attacked on october 7th. it confounds me. i think these protesters, first day of school today at columbia university, right there at the gate ready to go. do they even know what they are protesting? i'm not so sure. >> emily: i saw three walking down fifth avenue adorned in their hateful garb. it was despicable. the privilege was so palpable and so too was the abject ignorance and not apparently knowing the hateful stance they are representing in that moment.
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>> gerri: colombia has lost control. i don't understand what's going on and why and why they don't crack down on this more. i wanted to talk a little bit more about hirsch goldberg-polin. we need to say the names of these people. these people were murdered. shot in the back of the head. this young man. let's say you're a protester and you're walking down from the side. your against this guy? this guy offends you question like you think it's okay to murder someone in cold blood? this is what you stand for? i find it astonishing. my heart goes out to these families who have been fighting so hard to get these hostages free. i'm just overwhelmed by the lack of concern with these folks and their families. >> emily: i agree. the policy. to gerri's point, this is a clear issue. you are on the side of humanity or you're not so why does our president continue to roast
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benjamin netanyahu in the press and also seem tepid with his support, his conditional support. >> jason: if you have problems and challenges, you pick up the phone and call somebody but joe biden and kamala harris, they don't know how to negotiate anything. on day one, the president of the united states with the vice president should have made it real clear not to israel who was attacked and their people killed and kidnapped. they should've made it really clear to hamas, you touch these people, which you have, if you kill them or maim them, you're going to p pay a price that is unfathomable. if you're going to take on the united states of america, there will be a price to pay. instead, you've got kamala harris and joe biden, they practice the politics of appeasement. let's just be nice. you know who they should be focusing on? in iran. they are the state sponsors of terror. they have been enriched by this administration and given the money and this is the result. >> tammy: if you go to
9:22 am, you're going to see the list of the seven americans that remain hostage. it's amazing. a lot of people won't know their names. we are behaving as though the biden administration is, just like with the gold star families, that nothing happened. that they don't exist. this is not our issue. and yet when you've got hostages murdered, as rescue is approaching, as negotiations are going on that hamas said no to two cease-fire offers, that they are so emboldened by the weakness of the united states that they are willing to execute hostages in the midst of everything that they are saying that they'll do, like release the hostages for negotiation. it means that they know that the worst things they do will be rewarded by the biden administration and joe biden's attack on netanyahu proved that end moves that narrative along so nothing is going to change. >> emily: thank you all. coming up, we are days away from
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early voting in some states and we still have no idea what vice president harris' policies actually are. stay with us. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestrydna. see which unique traits you inherited, the places where they started, and the people you share them with. get movin' and try ancestrydna you might learn what makes you legendary, too.
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call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. >> tammy: we are 63 days away from election day and in some crucial swing states, early voting begins in the matter of days. recent polls say former president trump and vice president harris locked in a razor tight race, for some reason, many within the margin of error of her still don't have a clear idea of the vice president's policies. harris' official website still lacks any section about her platform and she's only held one interview since august 6, the day she named tim walz was her running mate, in comparison trump and his running mate j.d. vance has sat for at least 34 interviews in that time. harris is being accused of using a new tactic to avoid the press.
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the vice president was spotted wearing headphones as she walked by a group of reporters yesterday. she didn't stop to take questions. she just waved. because she couldn't hear them, supposedly. she adjusted her earbuds like "look, i'm on the phone" and boarded a flight. it's like an alternate universe. what i think about the policy issue, americans are realizing finally that policies have a direct impact on the quality of their lives. it's not some amorphous thing. they realize school is starting, you're driving the kid to work -- go to school. gas prices, sitting at the table in the morning, thinking what contender be? did i put enough in the lunch box? am i going to be able to pay the rent next month? as kids are going back-and-forth. isn't this the dynamic that americans care about? or do you think they are going to notice she has not given them any specifics? >> that is the problem, "it's the economy, stupid."
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she's not talking about it in any way. when she does it's completely divorced from how the economy actually works and that's what americans really understand. i understand the price of bread has gone up so much. eggs, steak. i tried to buy a steak the other day, forget about it. i thought the funny thing about her speech to the union and i just have to say this because i am from north carolina. i am a southerner. she did that really funky southern accent. i found it so strange. >> i want people to hear this. it was comparative foghorn leghorn. north carolina early voting starts in three days so the more she waits -- let's listen to that state, that tape. >> you better think a union member for paid leave. you better think a union member for vacation time. thank unions for sick leave. thank unions for paid family leave. thank unions for your vacation
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time. >> tammy: it's very strange -- she was born in canada, i'm sorry. this is not a woman who was a southerner. it just doesn't make sense. >> gerri: doesn't ring true and that's the problem. she feels false when she does it and every time i hear somebody who's not from there do that i think we way in the back of their head what they are thinking is "she's hanging on to her guns and her bible" and at the end of the day, they think less of us. not that they think more -- >> tammy: speaking of avoiding situations, the headphones thing. if the media was serious, they wouldn't think, what's happening? they know what's happening. if they roast her for that fraud, maybe we could get her to say a few things. >> we have all use the headphone trick. speak i can't hear you. i'm sorry. i'm on the phone. >> that's obvious to anybody but you brought up north carolina.
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let's talk about the calendar. september 6, north carolina absentee ballots sent to voters. on the 16th, pennsylvania mail-in ballots are going to be sent out. georgia, absentee ballots sent out to a military overseas. this is election season and i want to make a quick point, they are doing this on purpose. this is a campaign strategy. the reason the policies are not out there is because they want to basically not talk about specifics just to get you to fall in love with the idea of kamala harris and then you vote for her may be in a week. >> that speaks to this nature of what do parents do? what does a single mom do as she is struggling each day when she's wondering, kamala harris is new. it's a new way forward. what is that way? and yet we know trump and his policies. what is this woman going to do? she might want to vote for harris. what's going through her mind?
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>> emily: i'm not sure but every american needs to vote g.o.p. because the opportunity economy vice president harris put out there, to me that would be capitalism. that would be the g.o.p. anyone who is suffering or anyone who wants a common sense approach to anything, you should be voting g.o.p. because the alternative is disastrous. first of all, or second of all, who has wires still? who is an wireless? we have to correct. kamala harris was born in berkeley. raised in canada, to your point. she is like the lamest x-men possible. she morphs into whoever she's talking to. >> tammy: berkeley is like at other countries we will take that. it's like someone sitting down asking for a job at telling you they'll tell you what they'll do after you hire them. would you feel safe hiring that person? >> jason: nancy pelosi. we're going to have to pass this bill in order to find out what's in it. she was the most liberal senator in the united states senate. she has been the vice president for the last three and a half
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years. don't tell me that on day one you're suddenly going to take on a new position. she's a san francisco liberal. she wants us to be like california. she has taken positions -- the american people, if you just look at issue by issue what she has done over these years, she is on the wrong side of the issues. don't tell her she is day one brand-new, new direction. she is there right now. >> tammy: we are going to get more of the same policies. my values haven't changed is a wink to her left flank. coming up. experts think vice president harris' idea for the economy and housing market may be devastating but one top democrats thinks her proposals are incredible. that's next. can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength.
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>> emily: vice president, harris is vowing to fix the country's housing crisis by handing out $25,000 to home buyers -- first-time home buyers. experts say the market needs more supplies and harrison's proposal -- harris' proposal would inflate prices more. >> this issue of her position on price gouging and lowering housing costs is pretty incredible. about 90% of people probably want to see the cost of housing lowered, they want to see the cost of groceries lower. as soon as she says i have a
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plan to take on price gouging, the republicans, and say you can't do that. that's price controls. they said the same thing about perception drug costs. again, 90% of americans want to lower perception drug costs. biden and harris got it done. i think she'll get this done. also speaks to her biography that she is the prosecutor wanting to take on people like corporate grocery stores and speculators on the real estate market. >> spare me, cheryl. >> cheryl: her plan is going to be adding and adding and adding more debt. what did that do? caused inflation despite 9.1%. i don't want to see more money spent. it's fiscally irresponsible. i'm glad we are talking about it. glad to hear it's going to be a campaign issue because we do have a housing crunch and supply crunch but the answer is not to throw more money at it.
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we need first-time home buyer should jump into the market? yes. please, if you're young, get in there. try to buy a house. you can't because of interest rates. this the thigh shouting the emperor has no clothes. >> this is what the left always does, creating such a problem and then coming up with a solution which involves more government inevitably. of course you want more people and homes to be able to rent or buy and you do that by lowering the interest rate. we have that during the trump years. we best economy in literally human history. so we know that decisions and policy make a difference. this isn't just some weird blip the just got delivered to us from martians. this is a result of policy.
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we know the next president can issue some policy that makes the difference. >> emily: maybe a martian. >> jason: who is running for president that knows about, i don't know, building things? like homes. [laughter] that might be donald trump. may be. i'm just guessing. kamala harris have an open borders policy. there are 10 million plus people that come into this country illegally. guess what. those people now need homes. they want shelter. they want to go to school, they want all these things, right? then you go back and say we are short about 10 million homes. there is a correlation here. when you open the borders, guess what? that's not going to affect middle america cur. it affects the low income people, people in the inner cities. she doesn't understand inflation. i would love to have her define inflation. she does not understand supply and demand. >> emily: let's be clear, she could indeed not defined a
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pretty know who else needs homes? americans and veterans and everything else so get in line. >> what's the solution? that's where this conversation is going. is it giving americans money? people coming into this country for the first time $25,000? no because next year you're going to have to give 50,000 in the year after that 75,000 and then 100,000. there is no end. we need to do is reduce regulation because 20% of the cost of the home is a regulatory burden. to cheryl's point, you have to bring down interest rates. interest rates are keeping boomers in their homes. therefore they are not selling. there is no inventory. it's a circle, people. i agree, the administration needs to understand economics just a little bit better. >> emily: that is astronomical that almost a quarter of the homes price, not value, price, because of being saddled by regulations by the government. >> it is 50% in california. >> emily: it kills me, all of
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it. more "outnumbered" just a moment. stay with us. ♪ ♪ if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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president biden for the first time since the dnc and the white house with its first press briefing in a long, long time. we'll be watching both heard israel pushing that after criticism from the biden-harris administration over the execution of six hostages. former israeli ambassador to the u.s., michael oren, joins us. we'll talk to a columbia student is anti-israel protests erupted new on campus. voting in the presidential election starts this friday. the republicans have a plan to match the democrats' typical advantage? the political panelist here. one of the weird noises on the boeing starliner questionnaire will talk to a former commander of the international space station. i am john roberts. come join gillian turner and me at the top of the hour for "america reports" you then. >> tammy: we returned with some breaking news. you are looking at live pictures of columbia university. protesters are fighting with the nypd at columbia university. this is here in new york city. today is the first day of
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classes at columbia. the protesters. we are seeing arrests under way as you can see on your screen. this is at the gate, the entrance. protesters showed up this morning, at least 70 began. the situation has escalated here in new york city. emily, obviously this is what we expected to see these anti-israel protesters told us they were going to create chaos today at universities and here we go with columbia university. we should say once again, this is not new. we are back to where we started in the spring. >> emily: unsurprising but equally despicable. as a reminder for nypd to arrive and respond, at the behest of columbia university that calls them unless it's on public ground so it's significant if indeed it's columbia university taking a proactive step to protect the safety of their jewish members of the school and to stand up against anti-semitism and pro-hamas movement as indicated by these
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people here. >> tammy: we are getting new video we just took in a few moments ago. the escalation of what's been happening here at columbia university. as you can see, it has gotten chaotic and it is starting to turn unfortunately violent once again. a lot of these children, these kids, some of these are freshman. this is their first day on campus at columbia. many just trying to get to cl class. our team on the ground is telling us there are signs that say "long live hind hall." "there are no universities left in gaza." >> jason: no student should have to go through that. nobody of the jewish faith have to go through this. the terrorism they are trying to invoke is working in many ways. you have a right in this country to peacefully protest. you don't have the right to
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intimidate to the point where you're causing violence or look at these pictures. the problem is we have seen this movie before. there may be arrests but they don't prosecute these people. until they are actually prosecuted and there's consequences, they're going to keep doing it. they have to do this. where is the department of justice? if there were other groups, other races going on, guaranteed the department of justice would be there. where is the money flowing? guarantee there's a lot of money flowing into this. where is the department of justice? where is chuck schumer? >> tammy: chuck schumer probably hasn't woken up yet. these protesters, some of them are pro-israel groups that knew this was coming. very well telegraphed. we saw protests over the weekend, tammy, here in new york city. holiday weekend, labor day weekend. pro-hamas protesters on the streets of new york causing havoc and we knew this was going to happen and it is underway right now. >> tammy: it looks especially
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when you're looking at it, the indoctrination about occupiers, right? the nature of who can be the enemy and it seems now we were shocked with this first half, after october 7, what is this? it's a notion that if the around the world, the opening me of occupiers, that's the excuse but they don't think about it. they might not know history or the nature of what they are standing for. i was approached, subway platform, a guy in the palestinian scarf asking me if i was jewish. how is this, all of this, not a hate crime? bible reading intimidating or directly attempting to intimidate either jewish people or those who they think are jewish or just everybody question mike this is for the doj comes in. if this was about any other race we would see the government move in. especially with the funding, federal funding with these
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universities. none of that has been discussed which implies to these people and whoever's organizing it that this is acceptable and will be allowed. it is the wink-wink style we see emerging from the democrats. >> we are getting notes from our producers in the field. protesters have broken through some barricades on scene at columbia university. >> i went to school up there, the business school, it's a urban campus. people are smashed against the local community. it's a tight area. if you are jewish and you live in that community, you are under threat. if you were approached by someone, what did you feel like? >> even just the dress. it implies that there would be violence. this is about a mosque. they exist to do violence.
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the platform was empty. if there were more people there, i would have responded. i am not someone who is intimidated easily, if at all. the choice was to walk away. just to smile and walk away. but you know what it does to everyone. >> we are going to monitor these life pictures. we are watching protests erupting. it is the first day of school at colcolumbia university here in new york city. more "outnumbered" in a moment.
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>> we continue to follow breaking news. we just showed you those live pictures from columbia university. now for a live look at tel aviv. more protests are breaking out in the streets there tonight. demonstrators calling on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to secure a hostage deal. meanwhile, we are awaiting today's white house press briefing. that's going to be at 2:30 p.m. eastern time. it's been over two weeks since
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karine jean-pierre has held a briefing. emily, there's going to be a lot of questions asked of her today. >> i hope among them, what work was the president giving during his two weeks on vacation in delaware? i hope among them is, what is the status of the relationship with benjamin netanyahu? what support are we going to show for israel, and more specifically those who are under the gun? that phrase just slipped out, but it is terrific. i want him also to respond to and condemned the violence. we got that statement yesterday about it, but i think we need a little bit more, because there are continued americans being held hostage by hamas, continued under risk, and yet he's applying that additional pressure. all those information. he is the commander-in-chief even if he's not the candidate for president. >> jason, obviously we have not heard much from joe biden. we do know there was a meeting in the situation room and that kamala harris was there. look, maybe netanyahu was very strong yesterday. he has no interest in letting up the gas on hamas. >> i want to know why the
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president and vice president haven't picked up the phone and spoke into bibi netanyahu. why not have the discussion? if this is an ironclad relationship, why haven't actually done that? i have a lot of questions that should be asked along the way. as the president going to support the save act, for instance, requiring signatures? >> and i want to let our viewers know that there's been two arrest at columbia university. >> you saw the pictures. we showed them, of how many people are erupting in violence, yelling, screaming, going after people, throwing punches. two arrest, that's all we got so far. it is shocking how this is playing out. but i, for one, would love to see the temperature come down. >> it isn't so far. we will continue to follow this breaking news right here on the fox news channel. thank you to everybody. now, here is "america reports." ♪ ♪
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