tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News September 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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states. finally, mitch asks has scottie scheffler had the single greatest season ever for a pga golfer? i have looked at this 2,000 tiger woods won nine times including three majors, scotty 8 wins, 20 starts, 17 top tens, second masters, second players. gold medal at the olympics. fedex cup. he was number one every week. won $63 million. he was also jailed during the masters and he became a dad. so, listen, you know, tiger, scotty, it was a great season all over. thanks. tomorrow on "special report." vice president kamala harris returns to new hampshire as we mentioned as fox news hosts the town what former president trump in pennsylvania, sean hannity takes the moderation there in harrisburg, thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. here is lara. ♪ good evening i'm laura ingraham. thanks as always for joining us. we have a really big show for
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you tonight. trump's running mate j.d. vance is here but, first, hide and go freak. that's the focus of tonight's angle. well, here we are. the end of surgeon, at least in the political sense, and as the angle predicted, the state of the race shows us that kamala harris' post dnc bump amounted to kind of a dead cat bounce. in other words, nothing. in fact, if anything, donald trump is now the candidate who has the momentum edge. nate silver, the polling analyst lash guru has done an extensive analysis and as of today, he has trump with a 56.7% chance of winning the presidency versus harris with a 43% chance. now, that is almost a 14 percentage point drop. since his august 14th odds. now, as far as the all important swing states, those odds are
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also in trump's favor, according to silver, again, his trend analysis has harris up only in the battle grounds of wisconsin and in michigan. silver has trump with a far better chance at taking pennsylvania i guess not buying fracking walk back of harris. nevada, arizona and georgia. by the way i love that governor kemp is putting party first there. big event, i think, with trump coming up in the state of georgia. and trump's chances of winning north carolina, check this out. it's up at a whopping 69.9%. according to silver. and that's not all. if this continues by the way. get ready for the never trump heads to blow off the shoulders all across the country, four out of six big betting markets, that's people putting real money on this race. are now favoring trump to wins a well. gamblers were apparently unmoved by harris' performance during her cnn interview last week.
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which did little to impress her naysayers and even earn criticism from democrat voters. well her campaign staff has made or tried make a concerted decision for her to generally steer clear of the economy. keep things kind of soft, by doing so they hope, they really hope that they can win over enough women voters by selling kamala not so much as a tough commander-in-chief but more of a spunky lifestyle influencer. >> i slice up my garlic -- first, i chop up the bacon and get that you will fat going. then i do vinegar. and then i heat -- do a little tabasco. >> laura: well, watching that, all i could think was presidents putin and xi, oh my god they must be terrified. now, the woman is terrified of unscripted moments that involve real policy. that's obvious at this point and by the way you know the tactic
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that sometimes like junior high or high school girls use when they want to avoid talking to a former boyfriend as he approaches maybe in the parking lot? yeah, you pick up the phone and you just pretend that you are talking to someone else and hope that he just keeps walking on? kamala is doing that, too. she has a corded phone. picking it up. well, turns out measure is not dumb. and the democrats had hoped. all you need are eyes and ears to sense that any momentum harris may have had. it was just entire media generated. it was long on social media hype and brat vibes but just short on substance. sorry, i forgot how serious a guy tim walz is. >> thank you.
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thank you. why did they ever think this would work? how arrogant to think they could carry out a coup against their own incumbent only to choose a candidate that they are obviously just embarrassed by. i have been covering -- this is my eighth presidential elections. i cannot remember any political campaign that had a lower opinion of its own candidate than harris'. well, okay, i'm not counting joe biden post debate. now, everything about this woman, and i mean everything comes across as phony. and comes across also as plotted out by overpaid consultants somewhere. and their job, remember, their job it is to round the clock make you forget how much you didn't like kamala ever since she first presented her sanctimonious self-at the kavanaugh nay hearings. >> do you agree that it is
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possible for men to both be friends with some women and treat other women badly? >> laura: she had to read most of those questions. yeah. i forced myself to go back watch that of course it was all scripted. because she cannot be trusted to think or speak for herself. total phoney. now, honestly, when i first dubbed her kamala chameleon back on july 26th. i did not anticipate that she would really go full hillary on the fake accent. who knew kamala was raised with a tennessee twang. >> you better thank a union member for sick leave. you better thank a union member for paid leave. you better thank a union member for vacation time. >> laura: weird accent for a detroit crowd and a gal that grew up in, what, oakland. maybe someone told her how dumb she sounded because later the same day she changed her accent. >> thank unions for sick leave, thank unions for paid family
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leave. thank unions for your vacation time with that verbal range she is missing her calling. she really should consider a career in maybe, i don't know, cartoon voice over work or regional theater. i'm sure summer stock somewhere would love to have her talent. so leave the governance to someone who doesn't spend her days either cackling through recipe descriptions or ducking reporters' questions. this is getting harder to spin. as a senator then a vp, the woman has been on the national political scene since 2017. but the old obama crew is down playing her weaknesses, typical for just -- they are just at this point for a political newcomer. >> the fact is vice presidents are known but they are not known. she has done a very good job in the first phase of filling in information about herself, and
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she has made up a lot of ground. this is a neck and neck race. >> made up a lot of ground. we have known her since 2017, david, come on. i feel bad for him. what else is he going to say? as we enter the fall push, and it's going to be a push. it looks like a neck and neck race for the white house. i realize a lot of you o -- a lot of you came up to me over the weekend i was in new england. you ever stunned that given harris' night mariucci record it could be this tight at all. how could it possibly be? yet, the democrats have a nominee, unscripted. republicans. they are led by a man both members of the ticket. who is already ended the political careers of hillary clinton, joe biden, and who has the most loyal and fervent fan base in american politics. and that's donald trump. and, of course, on the key issues, the economy, inflation, immigration, president trump has a cleared a vantage. of course the democrats have the media. and, of course, they have a lot
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of money. and there are still drop boxes. you are going to worry about and last minute court cases. we will get into that. but they don't have a candidate who can actually do the job. and we know the chaos that such a situation created with biden so for pulling this hide the candidate routine again, it should cost democrats dearly in november. and that's the angle. now cnn just reporting tonight that kamala harris is ignoring the pleas of her attorneys and certain media types and actually will l. take another crack at introducing her economic policy. now recall the first one including price controls and that crashed and burned it's going to shopping you to learn that kamalaomics involves raising taxes and letting the government spend more money on pet projects. of course roll back to the trump 2017 tax cuts.
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one close adviser told cnn harris believes the federal government should use those expiring tax cuts to get at issues that evening the bottom line for the average american joining us now vice presidential nominee senator j.d. vance. senator, i don't know what that means because presumably, they have been trying to get at the the root causes and the really important issues for the last three and a half years. but what of this new kamalaomics the 2.0 that she is going to introduce on the campaign trail to help the average american? >> well, first, laura, let's laugh at the fact that kamala harris is promising to do something that the american people give her promotion that she hasn't been doing for the past three and a half years as vice president. this is the lie at the heart of kamala harris' campaign that if you elect her, she is somehow going to be different than she already has been in office where her policies have caused higher grocery prices. higher food prices and, of course, a wide open southern border. so we have to say that if kamala
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harris thinks these policies are going to do a lot of good and of course most of them are nonsensical if she thinks she are going to do a lot of good. try them out now. currently in power not promise to do something in the future when she is in the office in the present. that's number one. the second thing, laura, we have to remember, kamala harris' entire economic program fundamentally boils down to pro-globalism, and american worker. she wants to raise taxes on american workers and reward companies for shipping jobs overseas. sometimes subsidize them actively from manufacturing in places like china. and what does donald trump want to do? he wants to lower taxes on american workers, penalize china and penalize companies that are manufacturing overseas instead of hiring and building in the united states of america. it's a fundamentally different approach. and i don't think, laura, that you can build a middle class in this country by allowing the chinese to steal our entire industrial base. that's what kamala harris has done. and that's what she wants to double down on.
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>> laura: well, she said yesterday, i believe it was, of course, in a tweet that someone else undoubtedly wrote for her that she is -- she doesn't think u.s. steel, the company u.s. steel, should be bought by a foreign entity. you know, nippon steal wants too buy it american company wants to buy u.s. steel. you know, the government agency that looks at foreign transactions such as these, no movement yet on that. do you believe her when she says she wants to protected u.s. steel from foreign acquisition and if not why haven't they done anything on it? >> yeah, well, laura, if kamala harris wants to protect u.s. steel and keep it u.s. steel, i wonder if she knows anyone in a position of authority like maybe the vice president of the united states? she is currently in a position where cfius could block this transaction if the vice president did something about it. now donald trump and i have been fighting this transaction since it was announced.
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but we have been fighting it me from the united states senate and, of course, donald trump as a citizen, you cannot do anything really except for try to force people like the vice president to act. and, again, it just drives home how absurd her entire argument is, laura, she is trying to say elect me president and i will somehow do all the things i haven't done for the last three and a half years. i just don't think americans buy it. >> laura: senator, she now has a running mate, tim walz, being asked a question about the six israeli hostages killed. watch his response. >> what's your reaction to the six hostages being found dead in gaza? >> thanks, everybody. >> laura: he blatantly egg norsz the question, couldn't even muster a perfunctory response of outrage, shock and obviously prayers for the families? >> it's a softball to offer
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sympathies for people who lost their lives and an american citizen. the reason these people lost their lives is because kamala harris' foreign policy has led to chaos whereas president trump's foreign policy led to peace and stability. i actually think this is one of the most important selling points for president trump's agenda is when you project american strength and when you engage in smart flomsz, can you keep the world from blowing up. kamala harris has us on the brink of world war iii. the innocent people who died in gaza are just the at this point of the iceberg -- tip of the i. if we give her more power. how can we expect her to sit in a room vladimir putin or xi jinping or the leaders of the world. she is terrified to sit for a friendly interview, laura, we cannot trust this person to negotiate on behalf 6 this country and she will blunder us in to a third world war if the american people griff her a promotion that's why we have to bring back donald trump. >> there's a real problem we have right now with military reyiewght, i know you know this
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well, the numbers that they are not hitting off by 10s of thousands so they're basically reducing the number of recruits that they say they need. it's a typical government weevil move. senator, are we not getting ourselves in a position of woke leadership of our needing a military draft because of their policies and their handling of the military affairs in general in our country? >> it's a very important question. and we really are on the brink of serious readiness issues. nobody wants to put on a uniform and serve in kamala harris' military. >> this is a person who wants the united states army to be about gender inclusion, ridiculous diversity politics instead of about serving your country and uniting together as americans to serve on the same team and defend your nation. she is also, by the way, laura, a person who wants to plunder us into world war iii and of course it's not her family that's going
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to be fighting that war. it's going to be working and middle class kids across the state of pennsylvania, michigan and wink. if you are a person thinking about joining the military, you are probably not going to want to sign up if kamala harris is the potential commander-in-chief, we know that we can have a strong military. we just need strong leadership, laura, and i think if we want to fix that recruitment problem, the best thing we can do is reelect donald j. trump, people trust his leadership. they also know that a military led by donald trump is about what unites us as americans and it's not about this ridiculous division of kamala harris. >> laura: senator, people -- i guess they do these polls and say oh your favorability isn't as high as tim walz is. you know, there is a gender gap for your ticket compared to harris and walz. how do you go to the undecideds at this point, the shrinking pool of people and convince them no not only are you serious and seriously smart, but you are a regular person? i have known you for a long
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time. you are really fun, really funny, versus the giggle and vibe show that seems to work for a lot of women voters out there? >> you know, laura, my approach to this is just to get out there and meet as many people as possible. i know this is donald trump's approach, too. we don't do the scripted stuff. we don't only speak in front of the teleprompter. we actually like to get out there and give some unscripted remarks. some press conferences and also just go out there and talk to people. that's what i'm going to keep on doing, laura. i don't put much stock in the polls. even the polls that show us ahead. there are a lot of those these days. what i put stock in is the wisdom of the american people and the fact that if we go out there, make our case, don't hide behind the teleprompter but get out there and meet people. the american people are going to elect me and donald trump. i have no doubt about that. we have to do our work and we have got 65 days to do it. >> we are finding out tonight that jewish students on campus at columbia university are feeling under threat, senator. what will your administration do
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with president trump to protect students of all political beliefs and persuasions on college campuses feeling safe? >> you know, laura, it's very sinch. we're going to enforce the law. nobody gets the right to harass their fellow students nobody gets the right to set up tent encampments and set up college campuses garbage dumps and forbid their fellow students attending class. this is not rocket science, lawyer. you need to enforce the law. whether it's anti-jewish bigotry or any other kind of bigotry. enforce the law. make the crazy people protest within the first amendment and within the legal frame works that are appropriate. so long as you do that, these colleges campuses are going to be fine. what has happened, laura, a lot of administrators in the name of woke politics have allowed these college students to break the law. to say turn the campuses into garbage dumps to harass their fellow students. just stop it. enforce the law. let everybody speak their mind but does it without harassing fellow students.
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it's not hard. >> laura: senator vance before we let you go. ultimate so loan online liberal journal, they are upset with your beard they are prepared prove he occupied with your beard. they are not talking about the g.d.p. and what it means to be a man. vance working man's candidate his performance persuade rugged every man beard is one of his most important props. senator vance, will you clear this up tonight for everyone watching? is your beard your best prop? >> ha ha ha. well, laura, here's what i will say a few years ago my wife and i went on vacation. i didn't shave for a few days and she said you know i like the beard. you should keep it. i, of course, mainly concerned about an audience of one, happy wife, happy life. so long as my wife likes it, the beard is staying and that's that. >> laura: if they shaved your beard they would accuse you of bending to the will. senator vance, i'm glad you
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>> laura: gold star families are fighting back after kamala harris attacked trump over an alleged incident at arlington national cemetery. a solemn place not a place for politics. the former president disrespected sacred ground all for the sake of a political stunt. she can accuse him of paying politics. one thing is clear donald trump showed up for the families, kamala harris never did. >> kamala harris was sitting at mansion in washington, d.c. 10 minutes she could have gone to the cemetery and honored the sacrifice of those young men and women. she hasn't. she hasn't spoken with them or taken a meeting. >> they did meet with them at the dignified transfer. they were with them at the dignified transfer. >> laura: no she didn't. kamala wasn't even there nbc was forced to issue a clarification joining us now and so glad they are with us two members of the gold star family alyssa lopez
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hunter lopez and riley both died during the abbey gate attack in afghanistan. jim, the nation's heart never really healed after what happened to your son at abbey gate. but i want to ask you what is your response to vice president harris saying that donald trump used the death of your son to disrespect sacred ground? >> absolutely hypocritical like you said -- good to see you again by the way. we invited president trump to be there the families that were in arlington asked him to bring his filming crew to capture the moment. my understanding is they didn't want people on their phones. they wanted them to be in the moment and be present.
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trump was gracious enough to be there for one. which i thought was absolutely beautiful thing. i got to watch later that day on monday it made me proud that he was there representation all 13 kids but, more importantly, i got to see darin hoover and kelly barnett standing behind president trump before he laid the wreath and as he went up the stairs i got to see nicole's family. for me much like the rnc where our kids' names were finally recognized. this was recognition that we have been longing for and wanting and it was absolutely beautiful for me to see and then in the blink of an eye, he turned it into political into something it absolutely was not. >> dana bash on cnn discussed the kamala statement. watch this, alyssa. >> my understanding is she
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decided to weigh in over the weekend. they were being asked a lot about it understandably. knowing that this is policy-wise and politically, like we talked about, it is a sore spot for the biden administration, no question about it. >> laura: i didn't hear that until right now. a sore spot, alicia, the death at abbey gate? that's what they think of it? who is politicizing this now? your reaction, alicia? >> a sore spot? well, they murder kentucky derby my son. they murdered the other 12. i don't think that that would be a sore spot. i think they have a lot of explaining to do. and they are choosing not to. and they are choosing to politicize something that was meant to be an experience between a former president and the families and honoring our children and, instead, she is
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turning it into something to get the attention away from her. >> laura: what would you say to her if she were here right now w aalicia? i probably can't saythose words. but i would tell her she did have a speech that she wrote saying that the president -- the president should be respectful to the military and to the veterans and in her words, i don't think that she qualifies to be the commander-in-chief. so i would kindly ask her to step down and to let president trump be our commander-in-chief so that he can take care of our military. >> laura: i know you have another son in the military. so you are always worried about him as well. god bless your family.
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oh my gosh, hunter was a beautiful young man. and riley beautiful as well. but, jim, same question to you. what would you say to vice president harris after her claim that donald trump disrespected hallowed ground? >> again, the hypocrisy is just infuriating. i would ask her -- monday was a week and a day ago. a week and two days ago. have you had ample time. you understand our frustration. you know we are disappointed that she has never reached out to us in three years. not one statement. not a phone call, still hasn't reached out. >> laura: wow. >> the administration or her team. there is still nothing from her. even though knowing how bad we have been hurt and how bad it still hurts. >> just that fact and a lot of people across the country tonight do not know that fact. that's why i'm so blessed to have this program on fox news.
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because people don't know this. kamala harris has not reached out to any of the families whose children were slaughtered. at abbey gate under the watch of joe biden and kamala harris. not once. and who is disrespecting the military now? >> absolutely. >> laura: that's disqualifying. yes, you are right, jim, jim and alecia, thank you for your courage in speaking out. we really appreciate it and the service of your sons. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you very much. >> laura: you are welcome. an armed gang forces a woman to move out of her own home after taking over an apartment building. we're on this, next. ♪
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venezuelan gangs welcomed by lax border czar policy are now brazenly terrorizing once safe neighborhoods. yes that is happening. in places like aurora, colorado. why is anyone surprised? did you think the 10 million or so biden and harris allowed in here are all future nobel prize winners and honor students. my next guest has finally moved out of that apartment complex to somewhere much safer. joining me now cindy romero. cindy, thank you for joining us. now, the video was shocking. the sheriff's down playing saying well they haven't really taken over they are there but they haven't really taken over the apartment complex. this isn't the worst of what you have experienced. tell us about it? >> the guns and gunshots think
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find bullets all down the street. bullet holes in my cars. bullet holes in my husband's car it wasn't just one night. wasn't just one shooting 2 wasn't one occurrence. it was a concentrated effort to run the lease holders out of the building because policies are farrowing the migrants now and dismissing the concerns of native born or legal immigrants? yeah they weren't answering my calls. i get calls back from the police later we are not coming. a crime like this to get them to put boots on the ground and do something. >> laura: i know aurora pretty well i have friends live by in littleton. it is a wonderful place to raise kids. what was it like five years ago?
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compared to today. >> i love this area. i moved my children to this area. encouraged them to come here. just to know that they are by themselves. there is no programs that cover us. we are just working americans that pay our taxes. you know, there just no set for people displaced by immigrants. >> colorado has got to wake up. it's destroying this state, illegal immigration. destroying it. your message to the police chief who said technically they haven't taken over the apartment buildings, they live in the area in the community. but they haven't taken them over that's all media hype. your response? >> i have two questions. where are the lead holders? because there are none and who changed the locks on that building? it wasn't the management. >> laura: wow, cindy, i am so sorry that had you to go through
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this. everyone watching, every voter watching in colorado teenage noted. this is coming to a community near you. senator, thank you very much for joining us sir, promising as she did over the weekend in a tweet i believe turn away from chaos and embrace the rule of law. protect the rule of law. what's going on in the three and a half years. we got a glimpse in aurora, colorado. >> well, the reason i think that ms. harris talks about abstractions like the rule of law. like freedom, like joy. like opportunity, is because she can't talk about her record. unless you do your research on twitter, you know that
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ms. harris' record on inflation and crime and the economy and the border and national security and national defense sucks. that's why she distorts and attempts to distract. i don't think selection will be decided on abstractions like the rule of law. or joy. i don't think most americans think that much about abstractions. they are too busy getting up every day and going to work and obeying the law and paying their taxes and trying to keep their kids' morals. i think this election is going to be decided on the things that moms and dads and voters worry about when they lie down to sleep at night and can't. and if you ask me to summarize other articulate the one thing that most middle class americans find so frustrating today would
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be this. in america today. it is harder than ever to get ahead and it is easier than ever to do nothing. i still think the economy and inflation in this campaign, is going to be the main issue. joe biden and kamala harris have been inflation machines. what is ms. harris' plan to reduce prices? she doesn't have one. i think at the end of the day in is how the american people will analyze this campaign america is -- >> she is going to have a new policy coming out this week. she is going to rescind the trump tax cuts. and use that money to basically rush in to areas that need extra help. the middle class, targeted money drops into deserving
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communities. that's essentially kamalaomics 2.0. your response to that tonight? >> well, i haven't here her new plan. i have seen her old plan. price controls raise the top income tax. raise the inheritance tax. change the law on capital gains. a country cannot become wealthier. people can't become wealthier unless we increase our output. what's her idea of increasing output? it's to regulate every breath we take and take more of our money and send it to washington. and i don't see how that's going to grow the economy. i still think, laura, this is the way the american people will analyze this race. america has a flat.
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>> laura: um-huh. >> america has a flat. the car is okay but the we have a flat. when you have a flat, you fix it. you don't just drive around for four more years and hope it gets better. >> laura: drive into a ditch. we don't need that senator, that's for sure. senator kennedy, always great to see you. thank you very much. all right. kamala panders hard to unions but are american workers really buying it? we will take her on, next. ♪
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>> joe and i talk a lot about the fact that we are so proud to be the most prounion administration in america's history. >> laura: the most prounion administration in history, come on. who is really delivered results for the working class out there? joining me now michigan auto worker founder of auto workers for trump, brian people becker. brian, your dad also worked in the auto industry. you grew up in a democrat household. what's changed my friend? >> well, the democrats over the last 30 or 40 years have become a completely different party. when i was a kid, in the 60's and 70s, our family always said the democrats represented the working men and women. well, that's no longer true ever
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since ronald reagan i have been telling people if you are a working person in the united states, you need to be voting republican because, since reagan was in office they represent people with family values. people that pay taxes. people trying to put food on the table for their families. so, i don't even recognize the democrat party anymore. it's a socialist democrat party. and kamala harris is the most liberal presidential candidate i think that's ever been on a ticket in my lifetime. >> well, as a cautionary tale playing out overseas with volkswagen over the weekend. i don't know if you saw. this it looks like they are going to be closing for the first time in their 87 year history, closing plants in germany because they can't compete with cheap chinese evs that -- you know, they are exporting cars. they have exported them to asia for years. china is just dumping product,
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under cutting, and look, if it weren't for those trump tariffs in place right now, what would be hang to the u.s. auto industry that's almost beginning to happen anyway? it would happen fast, would it not? >> yeah. well, laura, what we are fighting against, my group auto workers for trump is fighting against government sticking its nose into private industry. specifically the auto industry general motor and vice clear put federal man democrats on that industry. they are going to be going bankrupt again. i worked at ford motor company for 25 years. and we only averted going bankrupt because we had a great ceo, allen malawi that came over from boeing and he took a $20 billion loan out and then consolidated the company, sold off a lot of things they had gotten involved in and focused on just ford vehicles and got back to our core product. so, i know that the auto
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industry can go down hill. it goes up and down. cyclically, but, if they force mandates on the auto industry, again, i am telling you a matter of time 2348 they go bankrupt and then depending on china for all the components that go into evs. >> laura: that works out well. that worked out well during covid. brian, we got to roll. we will have you back. the union question, workers out there, pay attention to who is really representing your interest. brian clarified a lot. thank you. now, ahead, how extreme are the democrats? brian was just talking about it. a state rep totally fed up with the way things are moving is switching parties. why? she joins us next. ♪
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and could not support. this is not the party that i grew up with. i'm officially announcing that i'm leaving the ranks of the democratic party. >> laura: sean theory voted for a gop-led bill that barred gender transition for minors. and we know that kamala's running mate believe that gender can be mutilated. ended up losing a primary because of the vote she made. and now crossed to the other side, republican party. representative, what precisely for you was the tipping point to the gop? >> well, when i really began to realize that the democratic party has been hi jacked by radical extremists under the
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guys guise of being progressive, that they no longer care of the safety for women and children, forcing biological men for women to compete in women's sports. placing men, male sex offenders in women's prisons, while women are trying to pay their debt to society. when i realize that the democratic party has made it part of the platform, i knew i had to walk away. >> laura: and you lost your seat probably valuate as a resul. speaking to women across the country. i know you've seen the gender gap, especially with single women, unmarried women under the age of 40, 45 overwhelmingly democratic. what's your message to them tonight? >> they need to understand --
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well, first may i speak to black women? being a democrat is not our birthright. that's not a donkey brand stamped on our butt out of the womb. so i'd like to speak to those moms, and then to all moms, that if you really want to vote on policy, not personality, on what is in the best interests of your children, you need to hold the democrat party accountable, and i don't see how mothers in good conscience to support the democrat party. >> laura: and are you supporting donald trump. >> he is taking -- >> laura: i'm going to take that as a, yes. >> trace: welcome to "jesse watters primetime."
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