Hannity FOX News September 4, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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will show you a movement have to pay the bills. hutch from twin falls, idaho i am unburdened by what has been with these russian collusion hoaxes. dan from tinley illinois. why didn't biden just tell the russians don't, don't don't don't. laura i had a dream about you last night and text me tomorrow and tell me more. we have sean hannity next with donald trump out of town hall 9:00 the whole hour it's going to be great. dvr the show always remember i'm waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> sean: a welcome to hannity we are in beautiful harrisburg, pennsylvania. [ cheering and applause ] >> sean: in a moment donald trump will join us as he will be here for an hour answering your questions. and just 13 days early voting gets underway across of the keystone state in a few days mail-in ballots will go out in other states with 61 days from what i believe is a inflection point for the country less than 2 months away which is the 2024 election. the race is close in 7 states the latest trafalgar pole as trump up by 2 in this state such as in pennsylvania which could decide.
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real clear politics has a close to the states while left-leaning statistician nate silver gave trumpet 58% chance of winning the electoral college. trump is trending up in his model and multiple polling after her long-lived honeymoon phase which finally appears to be over her only whopping -- interview we will talk time. i've done many interviews with trump not 1 has gone under an hour. yet to hold a single press conference in 45 days after coronation she won't take unscripted questions from voters at a town hall. later on we will take questions from this audience and apparently pretended to be a phone call to avoid reporters on the tarmac yesterday she doesn't
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have a good answer for her radical beliefs the flipping and flopping and flailing or her horrible record in the biden harris administration keep saying i will deal with inflation on day 1 and the border on day 1. day 1 was january 20th, 2021. so her and her far left emotional support governor are hiding behind their teleprompter it short scripted events hoping harris wins on vibes and proclamations of joy and phony proclamations of freedom but in reality the vibes haven't been the same since donald trump left office under the former president america has said more money and less debt, housing is more affordable, food clothing insurance and gas and everything more affordable interest rates at record lows the world a more
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peaceful place in the border of the country secure with americans more safe and secure in their towns and cities so what happened to the country in the last 4 years under joe biden and harris. i ask the audience and harrisburg are you better off than you were 4 years ago. here to answer that question and many more let's give a warm harrisburg pennsylvania welcome to the 45th president of the united states donald j trump. [ cheering and applause ]
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been doing town halls and interviews in public with you all these years since you got into the political arena and i told this audience never before have restrictions been so tight obviously after the assassination attempt and the director said the frick level has never been this bad sing at 5 consecutive times before congressman. what's going on? >> it's a sick and angry world for a lot of reasons and we are going to make it better and heal the world and get rid of all these wars starting all over the place. this is with competent american leadership and make it better. victor orban made a statement that said bring trump back and we won't have any problem's. so we will do very well. we have an election coming up and delaware north carolina and
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been enthusiasm like we have now. and to i hear that the polling is close we have a little lead and that i find it hard to believe because they've been so bad they did such a bad job but that's why the enthusiasm is there because they never had anything to compare it by. when i ran i didn't have anything at all i was just a successful businessman but the next time we had something special but we never can imagine we had 20 million people coming into the country with many criminals all over the world coming into the country coming from jails and not just south america but all over the world they come in at levels nobody has ever seen from prisons allowing prisoners to come out of all countries almost a 180
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countries represented over the last number of months 180. most people don't know we have that many countries. they are emptying mental institutions and insane asylums. they are emptying the second asked people all into the unitas states and use it a better than anybody more terrorists coming in the united states in the last 3 years then probably the last 50 years as there's never been anything like it these people are so bad and so dangerous what they've gone to -- done to the country is destroying our country and we can't let this happen. if they want you to they would of 20 million you would have 100 million people you won't have social security or medicare you won't have anything already if you take a look at the numbers filling up and loading up social security and medicare with illegal immigrants coming into the country many from jails
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many of them from bad places and we are not going to let them destroy our country sean. i'm going to play the common she's made about the border because i think it's important i want to play her words about this is you are right we have almost 11 million we don't know how many got a ways there are hundreds of known terrorists who entered the country we don't know where they've come from allowing -- lying people coming in from iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, china, tens of thousands, russia, venezuela i don't think they are coming here because they want a better life as other people are high see the names often on this show of people who been murdered and raped and victims of violent crime all happening by a
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unvented legal immigrants. and what are the reactions and here at the beginning and that they want open borders and all of a sudden she says i think we will close the borders. she was borders are whether you like it or not even if you don't want to use that term she was in charge of the border the worst border in the history of the world not just here there's never been a country that allowed 21 million to come in over a three-year period many of whom are from prisons drug dealers and murderers and women trafficking is the biggest and there are traffickers and women and they are coming now putting in our social security accounts
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putting in medicare and just 1 thing you take a look over the last week i said it was going to happen and it's happening as they're nice people by comparison we are showing how nice are criminals are we had so many from the congo and africa and that they say we are letting everybody in take a look at aurora in colorado where venezuelans are taking over the whole town taking over buildings we can blame them they have ak-47s knocking down doors and people are petrified and you look in new york chicago los angeles and all over the place
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we take a look at idaho places that never had the problem or pouring in. 21 million that's bigger than new york and we need to stop and do the largest deportation in the history. >> let me play for you as this is a prompter the campaign in my view as early voting is about to start and i don't how many americans are familiar with positions of the criminalizing illegal immigration and free housing healthcare and education at tim wants legal drivers licenses. >> his brother endorsed me and his whole family and
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nice-looking family as let me say there is something weird with that guy. jd isn't weird he is a solid rock i happen to be a solid rock, we are not weird we are other things perhaps but we aren't weird and he called me weird and the fake news media picks it up and we are not weird and they wanted then to be great again. [ cheering and applause ] this whole thing about the border and i have been to europe
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and use forgiving healthcare for all the people in the country even those illegally. >> i'm opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being the public safety our public health period we have to have a secure border is there a document to the cross the borders as criminals. >> the border is secure i think there's no question we have to critically re-examine its role in the way being administered in the work it's doing so now she wants to offer a path to citizenship by any definition would be amnesty before you even start with that it's ridiculous you can't do it no country could sustain this she wants no
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fracking in pennsylvania and she said it 100 times they'll be no fracking. and look and that this is a woman who is dangerous and she lives her train of thought a lot doesn't want to do interviews. you imagine doing an interview like this or any of them. she didn't interview with dana bash on cnn and i have to tell you dana bash did the debate with joe biden. i used to call him fake tapper and i don't do that because he was very honourable and so is she and i thought she would give a fair interview based on the debate because she was fair i
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was surprised to be honest with you but she was fair. i don't think biden did too well although a friend of mine said you shouldn't of done the interview is not going to make and you know what he didn't make it. it's very unfair in a lot of ways i complained about it but she ran against him in the primary got no votes was the first to leave 22 people or something like that and that she dropped never even met iowa with 14 million votes free them out. they were going to when i don't think as we had good debate and it was a fair debate and down 18 or 19 points after the debate and i hate mosquitoes and running around and they had
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nothing to do with bad politicians the country as well. they went to him and as a coup and you think about it as she was the first 1 out of all those people and it was in south carolina and by the way new hampshire was so badly treated by the democrats and joe biden and her i can't imagine new hampshire voting from anybody in new hampshire they are watching right now and anybody in new hampshire the votes for biden and her i called her comrade to call allah and she did something after decades and decades after decades it was iowa first it was
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iowa new hampshire he didn't want to go to new hampshire as a great state i won by a lilo that state and he jumped new hampshire as he change the whole primary system he took them out of the order i've done well there that i really want to win new hampshire it's the state of pennsylvania and you mentioned it limit just tell the audience as tonight as fox offered a debate opportunity between you and harris and i was not going to be here it was going to be brett and martha. >> this was supposed to be a debate i would prefer to debate
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but this is the best we could do sean. so you're stuck with me as it's a big issue explain his issue abandoning fracking so and a horribleness opportunity speaking he is 36 interview press conference we -- he supports that as i would cost 93 trillion we don't she supports medicare for all we don't know if they would ban. in the cnn interview she said well i said in 2020 would not
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ban fracking they had to fact checker and say no, she never said it this is what she really said. >> lee you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking first day in office there's no question. [ cheering and applause ] >> i worked on banning that. you're better businessman than i am but isn't energy and fracking and oil the lifeblood of the world's economy. the commonwealth of pennsylvania cannot take a chance because that's the real opinion from her and you could do all sorts of things and there but a coal
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plant every sing a week they're doing a lot of these things it never has worked and never will work but pennsylvania can take the chance that answer is true. as there is no chance and 500,000 jobs is your biggest business and you get as you can't take the chance. even if you don't like it. and as you have to have fracking
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you 2 the biggest sites in the world she will not allow fracking and she's got a lot of other problem's to but for your particular and if i may 60 minutes and 30 seconds are up thank you for being with us. the president is total -- is spoken for a total of 60 minutes and 30 seconds. >> i'll say something else view she knew the questions she had notes she kept looking down if that serrated people know this
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so after questions she looks down she had 2 oats meaning she knew the questions when they want to change the rules they agree to did they ask for notes. and they wanted a desk. and they wanted a desk from the beginning sleepy joe wanted that. we'll take a break more with president trump we are in harrisburg for a town hall audience questions when we come back. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle.
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you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. raising twins and as a single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i'm going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor's meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four
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that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established as our, our daily life and our new normal. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, you know, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. the timing was just incredible. with everything that i'm going through with my treatments for metastatic breast cancer. having our biggest bill being taken care of by tunnel to towers, i'm able to on my children and my health. people should give to tunnel to towers, because it really helps family members of fallen service members know, first responders who
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they wake up one day and it's a normal day and then their world can just be turned upside down. to know that there is an organization that can step in irreplaceable. please contribute $11 a month. to help families like mine please visit t2t dot org. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot
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com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 bass pro shops and cabela's stands tall in our unwavering commitment to honoring our heroes. we extend our gratitude... beyond words... by proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms. our dedication to those who selflessly serve us runs deep within our dna. it's not just a discount... it's a commitment to making a difference. because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. bass pro shops and cabela's... your adventure starts here. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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he also have the courage to get rid of the term illegal alien i have seen the worst of crime and undocumented immigrant is not a criminal and were broadcasting front of a massive crowd we have the republican challenger to aidan 96-point 6% biden harris voting supporter dave mccormick joining us senator thank you. a very important race. you just heard our failed the borders are talking about a
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commitment as you need courage to never say the word radical islamic terrorism more illegal alien. president trump is back with us she wants to be politically correct and we can't be politically correct anywhere but look. we have october 7th and people in the world are now with the middle east blowing up and that would never happen and if i was the president it would never had happened and everybody knew it they do have the money for anybody i was only looking to make a fair deal with then as we
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went for years without any blowups as we don't we didn't have any radical islamic terror. we were tough at the borders and top of our statements the whole world was a safe place as he said he's a strong man and he is the prime minister of hungary he said you bring back trump everybody i'm not saying this but he said it said rather say respect but he said everybody was afraid of trump you bring him back at you won't have any problem's all of it will go away. the world is blowing up. and 1 thing the world is blowing up and when you hit ukraine and
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russia you look at all the things happening we are getting ready i'm telling you made a lot of addictions which i didn't because it's so bad i don't want to make berdych and we're heading to world war iii territory with nuclear weapons in particular other weapons also i know the weapons better than anybody because i'm the 1 who bought them we build our entire military. upgrading our entire program. 1 program i hated it was the nuclear program i understand might be better than it than anybody my uncle said their longest serving professor very smart guy leave a smart family as they do but i understood nuclear for a long time the power of nuclear weapons you
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need a president who won't be taking you into war we won't have world war iii when i'm elected but these clowns you end up having world war iii there is going to be a war like no other. let me ask you another personal question as you paid a big price for getting into the political arena and to obviously you been a victim of law therapy will weapon ice department of justice and may not abide by it when talking to the borders without dangerous the situation is talking about the economy and i hear you and i ask you okay why is this different.
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has forgot about just about the forgotten man and forgotten woman what's to a 24 about it's not that different it's about people being treated horribly in the country a country that was left out all over the world and joe biden was a great president i'd be happier than being the west president in the history of the country and with very nice places this isn't easy i got shot at right and i got hit. and it starts with make america great again. it makes me think if you look at
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everything we discussed it tonight. and you look at your platform what infuriates me being a member of the press a talkshow host with conservative and people know where i stand and they have that agenda. and those radical statements and extreme statements and dangerous statements. and when talking about the border was all preventable and on the economy if he had sound economic policy you handed off 1 point 4% inflation doing better in the economy and being energy development by now and i ran was in check and russia having a relationship with them in north korea. >> nobody was tougher with russia than me i shut down the
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biggest pipeline in the world russia was building nord stream to and i said no way i said to germany there is no way we will protect you had nato and spend billions protecting this while you are buying oil from the group we are protecting you from and i shut it down it was 100% shut down and this pathetic person comes in and immediately approves it but shut down the keystone xl pipeline and at the head of the union and the pipeline union the head of the union it was a big deal in the biden campaign where he endorsed him as 48,000 people lost their jobs and obama rejected it i approved and it was starting and it would've been fantastic for
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us and you let russia and it was totally stopped and we protect them from russia and they pay russia billions of dollars i was the toughest on a russia if you are the toughest on a russia and i hate to see if it was really tough. this is the biggest thing they've ever had and i stopped. russia would have been fine, china would've been fine. china paid us hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes and tariffs under me under no other president and right from the beginning did they pay. >> we will get to audience questions as we go to break they
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>> fighting inflation is 1 of our administration top economic priorities. >> was it wrong to consider inflation transitory they seem like they will be with us for a while. >> we need to address the fact that folks are paying for gas and groceries and we need solutions to it. >> will you implement a federal ban on fracking your first day in office adding the united states to the list of countries that it banned the devastating practice? >> i'm in favour of it. >> groceries is gonna cost of gas has gone up and has that this has happened in the context of 2 years of a pandemic it's 1
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of the highest priorities for the president and myself. >> that is biden's economics. [ cheering and applause ] we are very proud of it she's very proud of it. harrisburg pennsylvania that was served toting radical beliefs of the economy in her own words her values have not changed. we don't know where she stands she's only done an interview 16 minutes and 29 seconds on the issue of the economy and many of you in this room you can close your eyes you're looking at your neighbour have struggled economically in the last number of years. wow. and to when i started my adult life i struggled to pay my rent
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i listed my jaws 100 times i was bartending and cooking and washing ditch it -- a dishes and construction. and didn't she work at mcdonald's? >> no evidence. >> she wants to raise corporate taxes small business taxes capitol gain taxes estate taxes the international corporate minimum tax to the point where america won't be competitive and to your tax cuts will expire in 2025 what does it mean for everybody struggling. >> i give you the biggest tax-cut sin the history of the country if you at the trump tax cuts expire which she wants to
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do and terminate them if you do that you will suffer the biggest tax increase in history there's never been 1 like this on top of this she wants to add taxes this country will end up as i've said a lot and i mean it it will end up in a depression if she becomes president like in 1929 if she becomes president she doesn't know what she's doing and if that can happen go up in appraisal company will make a fortune like them and accountants it's the craziest ada and remember there are very rich people and international corporations that don't have to stay in the united states and they will be forced to leave for other countries if they can't
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afford to do it. they might have great wealth and no cash they will have to pay cash where do they get their cash if they do that the unrealized capitol gains it's been talked about for a few years by ultraleft marxists and her father is a marxist teacher and thinking about that i think the 11 depression with 1929 style depression. that's what will happen to the country they were ready set us on a path. >> sean: what about price gauging or gouging as she calls it what if the implement that and price controls that is been tried in the former soviet union venezuela this country in the seventies it was a disaster.
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>> it's been tried over hundreds of years not just here you end up with no product massive inflation and the destruction of the country. >> sean: how does it impact their buddy here? >> they can't buy a home they can't do anything businesses are stuffed up you can't borrow money and by the way i had interest rates at 2% now they are 10% but you can't get the money there is no money available so 10% rate if you can't get the money 10% is not the right number needs to be more than that you can't borrow money to buy a house now so we have all of this. in 6 days you will have probably your only opportunity to debate harris right so instead of
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george stephanopoulos network i should be the moderator personally abc is not obsessed. >> abc is the worst network and for terms of fairness they had pulling where i was 17 points down a couple of days prior to the election i was 17 points down in wisconsin and they do that so people don't vote because a i love trump but he 17 points down i'm not going to go vote. i was 17 down and i 1 i called the best poster and said why wouldn't they say 5 or 4 or 3 because at 3 you go and vote and at 17 your people say i want to vote but i'm busy i have other things to do let's go see a movie and will watch the results later they are the most honest -- dishonest network that's what i was presented with and you
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know nasty guy let me tell you bad kind of a guy was a sophist interview of ever seen and it was softer they are very nasty they will see how unfair they are i wouldn't do she wouldn't agree to do any other network her best friend is also the head of the network her husband's best friend is married to the head of the network they are going to get the questions in advance of already heard they of donna brazil she's a real beauty
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, a donna brazil and she gave her the questions and she works for abc at the roundtable talking about the debate. we will watch very closely and they can give my questions it's not going to help her that much. give her the questions and the answers with the questions i'm not sure it will help. and unlike harris our time is actually up we will let dave mccormick ask first question mb layer that tonight been out tomorrow night you know what what's make 2 shows out of it
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off with former president trump as we continue here we are in as we continue here we are in harrisburg thanks for being with us we believe at newday usa [ cheering and applause ] as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service.
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and that's what we're all about. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. it's pods biggest sale of the summer. save up to 25% on moving and storage for a limited time. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, use promo code big25 to save. visit today. [♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it
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with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. raising twins and as a single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i'm going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor's meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day
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to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established as our, our daily life and our new normal. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, you know, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. the timing was just incredible. with everything that i'm going through with my treatments for metastatic breast cancer. having our biggest bill being taken care of by tunnel to towers, i'm able to on my children and my health. people should give to tunnel to towers, because it really helps family members of fallen service members know, first responders who they wake up one day and it's a normal day and then their world can just be turned upside down. to know that there is an organization that can step in irreplaceable.
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