tv FOX and Friends FOX News September 5, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT
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learning about the victims as authorities reveal that the 14-year-old suspect was on the fbi's radar for over a year. >> brian: we showed you alexa's bias, apparently done in error, with the election two months away. how worried should be in election interference involving big tech. the long history of silicon valley left wing agenda coming your way. >> steve: donald trump saying if he is not your cup of tea, that's okay. >> you can sit there and say i can't stand that by guy. but no way vote for her. you got to vote for me. >> hilarious, "fox & friends" starts right now. >> steve: a fox news alert. schools across the united states today are on high alert after the deadly school shooting of a apalachee high school in geo georgia. >> lawrence: police say two 14-year-old students and two teachers killed by 14-year-old
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student who the fbi had interviewed just last year. >> danamarie mcnichol is outside the school in winder, georgia with more on the suspect and the victims. danamarie? >> well, good morning. i do want to start with good news. the nine people hospitalized are all expected to survive. fox news has decided not to name the shooter. they do know ar style weapon. according to the georgia bureau of investigations. the timeline of the day is, of course, still being investigated but police say they got the call about the shooting at 10:30 yesterday morning. >> obviously the shooter was armed. and our school resource officer engaged him. and the shooter quickly realized that if he did not give up. that it would end with an oif, officer involvvolved shooting. he gave up. got on the ground and the deputy took him into custody. >> the weapon that was used in
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this was an ar platform style weapon. >> now last night we learned the names of the four people who lost their lives. mason shimmer horn, a 14-year-old student, christian anglo, a 14-year-old student. and two teachers richard as pin wall and christina irimie. according to the school's website they were both steemps and aspinwall football coach. they waited to be reunited with loved ones after a traumatic day. can you hear the fear and sadness in their voices. >> i just was like. this isn't real. this can't be happening. i would have never thought this would happen like so close to me and that it would happen to people that i cared about. it was just a lot to take in at once. >> now, questions still remain about how the shooter got the gun inside the school. we do know the teenager was on
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the fbi radar since last year. in may 2023, the fbi's national threat operation center received several anonymous tips about onlynn threats to commit a school shooting at unidentified location at time the online threats contained photographs of the guns, the suspect denied making the threats online. and no probable cause for arrest or to take any additional action by law enforcement. now authorities went to the 13-year-old's home then and spoke to his father who said that he had hunts guns in the house, but his son never had unsupervised access to those guns. >> fbi referred this information to the jackson county sheriff's office for action. the jackson county sheriff's office identified and locationed gray who was our suspect in this case. they conducted an investigation that the and there was no probable cause for arrest or to take any additional law enforcement action.
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>> and police say that teenager is in custody, he will be tried as an adult for murder yesterday we know multiple vigils were held around the community to remember the lives of those lost. we also know that school will be closed for the rest of the week. as this investigation continues. >> brian: all right. thanks danamarie. >> kayleigh: thank you. >> brian: 13 years old not enough probable cause for arrest. he was on the fbi radar. the question is when he was wall around evidently quiet kid people must have expected up to something. one heroic officer you wonder if one resource officer in a school like that is enough. one confronted the gunman and he ends up gunman ends up going flat in the stomach and say i don't want to die. he doesn't give himself up. is it possible to stop a gunman who is already in the building.
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>> steve: that school resource officer usually there is a shootout. the shooter starts shooting at the school cop. that did not. happen, as soon as he saw the school resource officer. he immediately surrendered. that was it. just i'm done. >> it makes you think why why every senator in america not supporting marsha blackburn and bill haggerty give $900 million to states to bring school resource officers. to bring retired law enforcement. to train veterans to protect our students. look. >> steve: it worked yesterday. >> kayleigh: shooter warning signs get lost in social media post. that was not about yesterday's shooting. that was about ethan crumbley in 2022. ethan crumbley, the oxford high school shooter posted pictures with guns and said kids be scared. the shooter yesterday posted something concerning and
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threatening enough to be federalled for the fbi, are you sensing a trend? i am. we must figure out how to stop and neutralize these individuals before they kill four people in a high school, two innocent students. >> to your point, cailee and i don't even know the answer to this. because when you look at base on the laws that are on the book currently. they did the interview process. talked to the family. the family then said the guns are secure. >> steve: can't get them. >> what else in the process needs to be done to make sure it doesn't happen? we had paul mauro on, he has done investigations like these before in new york city. this is what he had to say on the process. >> the real issue they they likely ran into he is 13 years old a juvenile and none of the possible charges at the time would have applied in a 13-year-old under georgia law. a murder does. 13 and up you can be charged for murder this case 14-year-old when he committed the crime so
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he can be charged. but the previous thing, he couldn't have been chargeable. as a result there wasn't a whole lot you can do there. >> lawrence: what i would say is there is no sigh of relief today. these are also the worst days as well. not just for the families that have to mourn the loss of their loved one, but, these are when copy cats happen. the day after there will be some kid to try to come into the school with a gun there. so there is going to be police departments on high alert all over the country today. >> kayleigh: start of the school year what an absolute tragedy. >> now to this. two months to election day. and the biden administration is accusing russia of trying to interfere in this year's presidential race. >> steve: mark meredith is live from the white house. mark, tell us more. >> steve, kayleigh, brian and lawrence good morning. multiple trying to effect the upcoming presidential election. the biden administration is pointing most of its fingers at russia as it claims it is taking multiple steps to try to impact america's vote.
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>> the justice department's message is clear. we have no tolzien for attempts by authoritarian regimes to exploit our democrat system, unfortunately, we know that russia is not the only foreign power seeking to interfere in our elections. that includes by iran to compromise former president trump's campaign 32 internet domains used by russian government agents to spread misinformation. the doj writes media outlet russia today was also involved in trying to influence one u.s. company. they write over the past year rt and its employees have employed nearly $10 million laundered through a network of foreign shell entities to overtly fund and directed u.s. company to take actions, meant to drum up outrage from inflation to racial bias. the topics were far and wide meant to get readers fired up. unclear if anyone's actual views
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were impacted by. this some conservatives are outraged after finding out their home amazon voice assistance appeared to favor one candidate in this race over another. >> alexa, why should i vote for donald trump? >> i cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or specific candidate. >> alexa, why should i vote for clarifies? >> while there are many reasons to vote for kamala harris, the most significant may be that she is a woman of color who has overcome numerous obstacles to become a leader in her field. >> interesting video. amazon claims this was simply an error and that it has been addressed. one republican senator is not buying it. he was telling fox he needs amazon to further explain what is going on. friends, back to you. >> steve: marc, in 2016 the department of justice and the fbi were late to tell us about russia influence in the election. now they are two months out and trying to do it and essentially the message is don't believe the
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stuff you hear. >> well, steve, obviously there is going to be a lot of looking at in terms of what kind of content was being pushed out there and whether or not we will see ramp up of this content. prance now the justice department is calling out explicitly that may prevent future plans by russia, iran or anybody else to continue with their disruption operation. however, you have to imagine that these nations don't care. i think it was the russian foreign minister, russian ambassador to the u.n. we don't do this and of course that's simply not the case. >> kayleigh: mark, thank you. >> brian: 71 affidavits. domains, 31 pages of exhibits. and they say that this is kind of a guerrilla marketing effort towards telling everyone how bad this country is now it should focus here not places like ukraine ignore what is happening on social media and ads and all of this and listen directly from the candidates.
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only one candidate that's speaking to the american people and doing the interviews with mainstream media trying to attempt. >> brian: might as well listen to the russians. >> kayleigh: it is a horrible thing for a foreign power to try to influence voters in our country. yes. we all agree with that democrats you have lost all trust on this. when 51 intel officers came together and remember trump had that moment on the debate stage russia, russia, russia. what you are calling the hunter biden laptop. you want us to take you seriously? you have lost faith. you literally called former president trump a russian operative for years. >> lawrence: no apologies. >> kayleigh: want us to take you seriously start acting seriously. >> brian: my message to russia is knock it off as opposed to don't. doesn't get any tougher than that david spunt had great questions for him and essentially saying you lost credibility on this. what do you say to people who say here we go again? ened the russians came back and said ha ha ha ha ha, when they were accused of doing this two
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r.t. guys in particular spent $10 million they say part of this operation. >> steve: they got the proof, they say. apparently the plan was to target voters in swing states, and in particular, and this is odd, to target voters in conservative states like alabama and nebraska and kansas and texas. also to target people of hispanic dissent. jews and video gamers also targeted. and the whole idea is to push americans to support the idea we are spending too much money in ukraine. let's spend it here instead. so, if you have heard that. that message is what's being pushed by russia. >> kayleigh: cnn reporting made clear trying to persuade voters. this isn't actually vote count. ballot rolls. we he found 6,000 in texas and a few thousand in virginia. pass the save act if you want to stop interfere in elections.
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>> lawrence: speaking of persuading voters. the former president is making a new case. one i haven't heard from him. is he telling the american people, look, you may not like my personality. you may not like everything about me, but, one thing can you admit is life was better you can't afford to vote for kamala harris. so this is the former president last night with sean hannity. >> you can't take the chance. you have no choice, you have got to vote for me. you have got to vote for me. even if you don't like me. [cheers and applause] you know? [laughter] , but even if you don't like me, can you sit there and say i can't stand that guy but there is no way i'm going to vote for her. no, you have to have fracking. you know, you are the biggest in the country for this. you have two of the biggest sites in the world. it's a massive business for pennsylvania you can't take a chance. she will not allow fracking.
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it's still about the forgotten man and forgotten woman. people are being treated horribly in this country. we are a country that's being laughed at all over the world. i will be honest. if joe biden would be a great president i would be happier than being the worst president in the history of our country. because i want to see what's good for the country. >> wide ranging. >> yes. he covered a lot of territory. obviously, he is also thinking about the debate which is going to take place just in about a week, it's goings to be on september the 10th. and kamala harris is heading to pittsburgh to so-called debate camp where she is going to be hunkered down. it's going to be televised by abc and then simulcast as well we had heard she was trying to make sure all the mics were
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open. they decided they will be muted. they will be muted except when the candidate is speak something speaking. immediately goes off. no live audience to cheer for either side. there will be a pen, paper, and bottle of water at the lectern. you can't take notes -- >> brian: no prewritten notes but no notes on the fly. >> steve: sure but you can't take any in. two-minute rebuttals and one extra minute for follow-ups and clarifications or responses. pretty much what we have seen in the past. >> kayleigh: politico is reporting because we know kamala wanted open mics. her debate team in upheaval because they haven't gotten that karen dunn more roast. she wants to have this kavanaugh like moment where she is prosecuting the case, she did it to mike pence, let me speak. there may be some nuances to the rule. i'm speaking. m.j. of cnn there have been assurances offered to the campaign how the network would
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handle any moments of significant cross talk. so, the mics are muted. but who is the muter? who is doing the muting? because that guy has got a lot of power if he is giving assurances about cross talk. >> could be a woman. >> women can shut you down, too. i would say couple things. i remember last time that they did bring up the mics, sometime in cross talk. hear a couple words from the other candidate and then the mic would go up. there will be that moment, i'm sure of unscriptedness, other thing was it's going to be i think if we can put up those rules one more time. the abc debate, i think it's going to be key for the follow-ups. it's going to be the two-minute rebuttal and extra clarification. one thing about dana bash and jake tapper, they laid out on the clarification, i'm wondering if abc is going to come in and say, mr. vice president, i think you are wrong here or that's not exactly how it went. that's when you are going to find out. >> steve: fact-check the
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moderators. >> brian: neither one of those anchors did last time. >> lawrence: me personally i appreciated them staying out of the way. >> steve: me too. >> lawrence: when you start putting your -- it would be nice if people could leave the biases behind and just ask the questions do fair back and forth. lost the trust of the american people in that area. i will say this. the former president -- you have to let her talk. much like joe biden he may have had cognitive decline. word salad. if she wants to explain the policy, let her explain that policy. much like the current president, he didn't use a lot of his time. there was moments in that debate they are like mr. president, you still have 90 seconds. >> kayleigh: that's why i loved what he did in the town hall self-deprecating you may not like me or you may hate me i have the best policy in the country. he can do that with kamala harris. i don't say everything right,
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kamala. suburban moms across this country are hurting because of you and joe biden. >> brian: so much harder being trump you have to go -- am i going against kamala harris the senator, the a.g., the vice president you, or the new kamala harris who doesn't say anything anonymous surrogates. >> steve: don't know who is going to show up. >> brian: anonymous surrogates change positions. back of your head you have to study for all four. >> kayleigh: will the real kamala please stand up. wanted to sit. >> steve: both of them waiting yesterday on the big event next week. listen to this. >> how is debate snrep madam vice president, how is debate prep? [inaudible] >> they wanted notes. they wanted seated and mic hot. >> they wanted a desk.
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i said you got to do a stand up. >> sean: after they already agreed to the other. >> they wanted a desk from the beginning. do you know who else wanted a desk? sleepy joe. >> steve: okay. >> kayleigh: sleepy joe wanted a nap. >> steve: he is probably taking one. >> kayleigh: probably is on the beach, maybe. >> brian: 90 minutes long. two commercial breaks, muted mix. so brian fallon came out and said basically okay, you got your way. trump can't be controlled. that indicates that no, this was joe biden's idea. no one even heard of these rules. >> lawrence: these were the ridiculous rules that you guys presented and trump said i will give you anything that you want. all i want to do is be able to stand for the debate. it's pretty unbelievable after they tried to ring trump into doing this debate saying look, you already agreed to it now you want to change the rules. which argue. do you guys want? >> that debate trump won. >> of course he did. >> then again, biden really lost it. >> yes. >> well, here is who we should
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put in charge of the rule setting. carley shimkus. >> i do like one of the rules they can only have water. consumption rule. imagine somebody whips out a sand wish. making sure no eating. only drinking water. >> brian: no mountain dew, no red bull. >> steve: sorry j.d. vance. they both like mountain dew. >> carley: students targeted hillary clinton's classroom yesterday. protesting outside of it. and referring to her as a, quote: israel global propagandist. today is the deadline for universities to respond to law enforcement' request for information on how they are preparing to combat anti-semitism on campus. and how they plan to protect students and discipline those who break campus rules. dallas police are confirming that members of the venezuelan gang tren de aragua are committing crimes in the city. but officials have so far not revealed what the crimes are.
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and in aurora warnings colorado, four more suspects with ties to the street gang have been arrested in connection with a shooting at an apartment complex. two are already out on bond. the others are in ice custody. the gang is accused of taking over apartments in aurora, commviolent attacks and threateg to murder residents. and look at this. newly released body cam video shows fulton county d.a. fani willis showing up to her daughter's arrest and nathan wade. remember those names. began claimed her affair ended with wade a year ago. referred to wade as just a friend. willis' daughter was arrested on a misdemeanor charge for driving with a suspended license. willis is leading trump's 2020 election interference case. the case that wade resigned from over his relationship with her. a lot going on in that story. an american airlines flight is forced to make unexpected
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landing after a passenger refused to stop vaping on board. the flight attendant on the dallas flight warned that vaping was against federal regulation. that's when the person allegedly chased the flight attendant towards the front of the cabin. tulsa airport officials say the customers smelled of alcohol and transferred to a local jail where that person belongs. can't chase down flight attendance or vape on board. >> kayleigh: i'm shocked alcohol was involved. >> kayleigh: crazy plot exist there. >> steve: do you know what they were vaping? you can vape different stuff. >> carley: i have no idea. something out of a pen though. >> kayleigh: brazen. >> brian: border disorder. trump slams harris' wide open border as illegals make up 75% of arrest in midtown manhattan. >> it's the worst border in the history of the world. the people are petrified and it's getting worse and worse. ♪
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♪ >> lawrence: so jury selection begins today for hunter biden's federal tax trial in los angeles. just months after he was convicted on gun charges in a separate case. todd piro has the details. hey, todd. >> todd: lawrence, good morning to you. 100 potential jurors will be whittled down to 12 jurors and
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four alternates with opening statements in hunter biden's trial set to start. the president's son is charged with nine counts of tax fraud, including three felonies, prosecutors are going to try show that hunter biden spent millions of dollars on cars. women, fancy hotels and drugs over several years. instead of paying $1.4 million in federal taxes. the defense expected to argue that hunter's lapse in payment was not intentional but the unfortunate byproduct of drug addiction. if convicted. hunter faces up to 17 years in prison and $750,000 in fines, he also faces up to 25 years in prison for his gun charge conviction in delaware. back in june. president biden was asked if he would rule out a part in relation to that gun case. here's what he said. >> i am satisfied that i'm not going to do anything -- i said i would abide by the jury decision. i will do that and i will not pardon him. >> todd: it remains to be seen if the president will change his
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answer now that he is out of the presidential race. "fox news sunday" host shannon bream will join us next hour to discuss the cases. the president said no pardon. he didn't say anything about commuting the sentence in that answer, we'll see. >> steve: then again, he also thought he was running for re-election and he dropped out. so all bets are off. todd, thank you. >> todd: no problem. last night former president donald trump calling out vice president harris' failing border policies and surging migrant rhyme during the fox news town hall with sean hannity. >> she wants open borders. now she is all of a sudden like oh, i think we will close the borders. it's the worst border in the history of the world. the people are petrified. and it's getting worse and worse. you look at new york, chicago, los angeles and now you look at all over the place. >> steve: this comes as a new report reveals illegal migrants
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are making up to about 75% of the arrest right here in midtown manhattan where i am sitting. former director of new york ice removal tom feeley joins us right now with reaction. tom, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve, thanks for having me. >> steve: we have this perfect storm going on. migrant crisis, tens of thousands of migrants are here in the new york city area at the same time, you know, they had the bail reform. so they know that if they are arrested, it's a resolving door, they will be out in 8 minutes. >> absolutely. you know, it's really sad. i retired in 2021 from ice, just because of this reason. the biden administration came in and was going to order us not to enforce the law. and quite frankly i just wasn't raised that way ant it wasn't going to happen with me. new york city did this to themselves. they could do four things right now this morning, steve that could fix this problem. get rid of the horrible green light law which prohibits law enforcement cooperating with ice in new york state. get rid of your ridiculous
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sanctuary city sufficient to in new york city which isn't isn't working anywhere in this country. take a look at reform. if you go into tent cities or camps or hotels or wherever they are housing these illegal aliens they will flat out tell you they know they are not going to be detained long. the other thing we need to do new york city and law enforcement in new york city, state has to honor ice detainers, all we are asking for is you to hold the bad guy a day or so so we have an opportunity to get there pick them up and interview them all these things would keep our government safe. the mayor in new york city. no mart part of this. when i was attorney general of the california. i prosecuted transnational gangs and as president i'm going to crack down on fentanyl. doesn't address the issue of tens of thousands of migrants coming into the country right now where, as we have seen here
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in new york and have you seen it. some have punched cops. kicked cops. tom, there should be a rule, you pump a cop, you're going hoping. >> yeah. i mean, you know, the biden administration has been the worst administration as far as border security goes. and like president trump said last night. you don't have to like him. i have worked with every president since pappa bush and the reality and the fact is the border was jury under president trump, that is what we need, i was actually on fox news once, you know, when she was first nominated or told or announced as the border czar and she says that never happened and people want to say that never happened, really? i was on "fox & friends" one morning talking about how she is the border czar and never been to the border and how this is a complete failure. you know, you can be fact intolerant all you want. but, you know, the government has a duty to keep us american citizens safe and they are not doing it. >> and you are absolutely right. suddenly it's a safety issue. do you feel safe in your own town. tom feeley we thank you very
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much for getting up early today with your point of view. >> good morning, steve. always nice to see you. >> steve: good morning to you. thank you, sir. yesterday we showed you alexa's bias, the smart speaker. how worried should would he be about election interference from big tech? we're going to take you through the long history of silicon valley's left wing agenda coming up. plus, in the next hour prime minister benjamin netanyahu will join us live.
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donald trump? i cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate. >> alexa, why should i vote for kamala harris? >> while there are many reasons to vote for kamala harris, the most significant may be that she is a woman of color who has overcome numerous obstacles to become a leader in her field. >> brian: all right. someone stole the prompter and gave it to alexa for kamala harris. now, amazon has since denied any bias calling it just an error that has since been fixed. handful of other examples from big tech. take the time, for example, when twitter suspended the counts of marjorie taylor greene and this person named donald j. donald trump. they were calling for the suspension of donald trump when he was president. the "new york post," you heard about the laptop story they suspend people like kellyanne's account when she was press secretary if she retweeted the story about the hunter biden laptop. i have met kayleigh mcenany she is really nice. if you said anything about covid-19 sarcastic comment
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shadow banned or banned in particular. that was apparent when mark zuckerberg came out and said yeah, i was forced to do that. had to go pro-vaccine and the then what about this? anyone pro-life google would pro-move pro-life ads, treatment to reverse abortion pill, calling it unproven so, what could be done to shop bias? people's own agenda when it comes to social media. here to discuss this and so much more is text policy expert research subordinate at the heritage foundation jake denton. jake, this is just the latest example when it documents alexa and, of course the normal apology comes forward it won't happen again. should we believe this was unintentional? >> no. you know, the only thing they are sorry about is that they were caught. you know, this is not an accident by any means. >> this is a reflection of the internal culture at amazon. a culture that, you know, really is a left leaning culture. and values the censorship control that they maintain over the consumer market. they like the ability to be in
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your kitchen with a tool like alexa to tell you, you know, little facts and pieces of history because they can push that world view to every house in america. >> brian: yeah, they can. with this great power. the great technology comes great ability to show your biasness. so here is an example. if you look at what about contributions with places like amazon 73% of the employees of amazon push for -- vote for democrats. 27% for republicans. when it comes to facebook, 87% of facebook employees photo for democrats. there only contributions, 13% contributions go to republicans. google it's at 82-18. if you want to know if there is some biases behind this and honest mistake, it's hard to see those numbers and think honest mistake. >> >> absolutely, you know, these products whether it be alexa or google's barred and whole host of other censorship tools are ultimately a reflect of the internal culture at these companies. when you are staffed almost entirely by far left engineers,
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it's going to come across as a far left product. they are ultimately the ones building these things. you know, personnel's policy, if you are staffing these people inside of these, you know, engineering teams, you going to end up with left leaning tools. time for coorms to wake up and understand just because they come forward and neutral and don't have a political opinion. ultimately a reflection of the engineers cities like san francisco pushing these tools to deployment product shelves. we get the same thing over and over. jake, it's true. is there anything we'll quick we do do about it as americans? either way, what can you do about it? >> absolutely, choose products that don't censor you. go somewhere like x where censorship is off the menu. elon not platforming that brazil line in the sand. we have section 230 that still needs to be sun set. there is a whole host of things we can do. >> brian: all right. jake denton, thanks so much. all right.
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meanwhile demanding answers. today marks the deadline for universities to inform lawmakers how they plan to keep students safe from campus chaos like this ♪ chanting] >> brian: congresswoman virginia fox leads the effort. she will be joining us. and we will get benjamin netanyahu's take. yes, the prime minister live with us coming your way. don't move. ♪ (♪) just 1 aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted joint pain relief. aleve. strength to last 12 hours. you ever try cashbacking? it's earning 3% at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i can save on something special for a first date? wait! that's all for a first date? whoa. alright, c'mon earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback?
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they should be for this time of year. for now a lot of people enjoying the free fall temperatures. along the gulf coast. showers and thunderstorms, a little concerned with flooding. especially for southeast texas in towards louisiana, mississippi, alabama and the florida panhandle, and that's where we have our flash flood risk not only today but friday along a stationary front. heat alerts very warm for the northwest down towards california and in to arizona. look at phoenix. we broke a record. the longest 100-degree day streak. 101 days where we were 100-degree plus. and, the atlantic basin starting to perk up. the good news is nothing imminent, we will continue to monitor everything in the weather department. all right. kayleigh, i'm going to send it back inside. >> kayleigh: beautiful out there. thank you. chaos fall semester starts anti-israel protests college campuses across the country. [chanting]
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>> kayleigh: today marks the deadlines for universities to answer multiple house committees outlining their preparations to end unauthorized encampments and keep jewish students safe. author of the letter and house education workforce committee chair virginia foxx joins us now. congressman, this is a big job. i understand you have asked these schools, nine schools to submit plans to protect jewish students and you have only heard from one, rutgers? is that still the case this hour? >> that is still the case. but, of course, today is early, and thank you for having me, kayleigh. i'm sorry for the issue of having me and that is that these students are still not being safe on these campuses after the schools had the entire summer to come up with plans. what congressman jason spiff and i are asking are for concrete
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plans on how these schools are going to do this. when we held our hearings, and we had the president in and we pressed them on this and told them they would have the whole summer to do this and we expected them to come up with ways to come up with ways to make sure that jewish students, faculty and staff feel safe and are safe. , all students need to be safe, but we particularly want to make sure jewish students are safe because they are the ones who are being threatened. >> you called these presidents in and the congressional oversight appears to have worked. this is what it led to in part. university of pennsylvania. saw the president there resign. harvard university claudine gave resigned. cornell university a. columbia university another resignation. i pulled this up for you, congresswoman, because these schools, i hope they submit flans at the deadline, do they
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not realize there are real repercussions for them should they not address this problem? i just put up the resignations. >> there are but cailee what is happening is they are changing administrators but they are not changing policies. it doesn't really matter who is at the head of the university, if whoever is there is not administering proper policies. we need policies that hold students accountable for bad behavior. you know, all of you but lawrence have children. so you know what it's like to have to teach people good behavior. and these students are not being taught good behavior. and they are not being held accountable for their bad behavior. and until somebody at those universities does that, we're going to continue to see the bad behavior, and that's not what we want, final question. rutgers did submit to you their plan to make changes were, you satisfied with this. we're going over it now. we haven't had time to really
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study it. but we're very pleased at rutgers has come forth with a plan. we will look at it. also see what is happening on the campus. are they implementing their plan. it's one thing to have a plan. another to implement the plan and to have the students be safe and feel safe on the campus. i wish my alma mater would follow suit. thank you, congresswoman fox. >> thank you, kayleigh. >> well, over to carley shimkus,. >> 17-year-old charged with shooting 49ers rookie i didn't care pearsall was arraigned in juvenile criminal court yesterday where he expressed through his attorney that he was, quote, so sorry for a what happened. the high school senior faces multi-hell charges included attempted murder and will remain in custody. the teen shot pearsall in the chest while trying to steal an expensive watch. pearsall is out of the hospital. will miss at least the first
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four games of the upcoming season. espn reporting that security has been increased for the philadelphia eagles and green bay packers game ahead of their week one match judge gorsuch in sao paulo brazil. the hang chase made after some players voiced concerns about safety. that includes darius jr. who said on podcast i don't want to go to brazil. they already told us not to leave the hotel. they told us we can't do too much going on because the crime rate is crazy. wnba star caitlin clark is named eastern conference player of the month for august. it's the first time a rookie has been given that honor. >> clark trying to answer. >> so good. >> carley: the fever clinching a spot in the playoffs for the first time since 2016. those are your headlines. kayleigh, back over to you.
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>> kayleigh: caitlin clark, what a treasure. thank you, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> kayleigh: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu joins "fox & friends" next hour. ♪ guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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