tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News September 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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>> that's what i remember. when he first asked that in 2016, what do you have to lose? well here i am many years later finally saying goodbye, i would welcome donald trump. i'm not alone, there are some massive changes going on in the city of oakland, they are trying to recall the mayor, there's a massive crime problem, a lot of it due to unmitigated migration, and so i would hope that he would come. blue california maybe blue but people are ready to vote for change to make america great again and i take pride in saying that today. >> laura: gloria, that's a big one. former democrat senate leader here on the angle from california. thank you for speaking out, speaking truth to power, we appreciate it. that is it for us tonight, follow me on x and instagram, thank you for watching and jesse watters is next. [♪♪] >> jesse: fox news alert, we are expecting a press conference
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any moment from the george or bureau of investigations as we learn tonight the father of 14-year-old suspect it school shooter has been arrested. steve harrigan is on the ground with the latest. >> reporter: the state law enforcement officials are just walking up to the microphones now, but quickly i can tell you, georgia bureau investigation has arrested the father, 54-year-old colin gray, the father of the suspected 14-year-old shooter, colt gray. he's facing multiple charges, murder, manslaughter, cruelty to children. this is really something new. we saw it a few years ago at a school shooting in michigan, that's when the parents were held responsible for the school shooting carried out by a minor child. those parents in michigan facing ten years, the father here could be facing a long time in jail if his son is found guilty and he is found guilty, murder, manslaughter, cruelty to children, and he's under arrest now. >> jesse: thank you steve, let's listen in. [♪♪]
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>> four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children. these charges stem from mister gray knowingly allowing his son to possess a weapon. this is a very difficult time as we know for students and parents and so many students and parents here in this county and around the state are afraid. you all have likely seen reports of incidents of other students making threats today at various schools around our state. in each of these incidents, police, law enforcement took charges, they made arrests, acted very swiftly as we take incidents like this very seriously across this state. this is a time for all of us as a community and a state to come
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together and remain vigilant. students must be supported and encouraged here in this community and across the state to contact a member of their school faculty with any and all concerns of suspicious activity that they may see. local state -- local, state and federal law enforcement will continue to work together around the clock in relation to this incident here and any other incidents that come up around the state that raise concern to the safety of our students, faculty and citizens here in the state of georgia. additionally, colt gray, arrested yesterday for this incident, has now been charged with four counts of felony murder and again we will continue to work tirelessly to finish -- complete this investigation as we move forward. i will go ahead and mentioned to you, and as i say sometimes, i will go ahead and apologize to you because you all know that this is a murder investigation,
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it's a serious investigation, one that we take serious, one that we will continue to diligently work on and be very thorough with it, with our local partners here. so you will have to forgive us if we don't ask a lot of the questions that you asked. i know you have many and we wish we could answer many of them for you but we still obviously want to maintain the integrity of this investigation because it has a long way to go for it to be finished. again, i also want to remind everyone that we need to continue to prey and support the victims that were involved here. the school, teachers, the faculty, the students, obviously those that lost their lives, their families, and those that were injured. so i would like to call on the sheriff to come and give you a brief update on the status of those injured in yesterday's event. thank you. >> thank you, director.
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>> jesse: thank you. colin gray, the dad, charged, he will be facing a long time for what his son did. four dead in that horrific school shooting in georgia. we will go back to that if any more news breaks. day one of debate camp for kamala and the camp counselors are tormenting her. for the last five days and nights, harris will be locked down in a cabin in pittsburgh. insiders say her prep will be again to biden's weeklong session at camp david. for low mock debates but they will start earlier than biden's and there will be fewer naps. she will have no brakes, harris asked to hold it. back to back 90 minute mock sessions with no interruption. the clintons are telling her what to say. watch. >> my hero, my pal, my former boss bill clinton had it right, don't count allies, account the i's. the back half of kamala answer to you is right, yes, he's a
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fighter but he fights for himself. >> it should be one of the lines for harris, on for the people, trump is for himself. >> jesse: she's for the people, is not the american people. they are even assigning -- assigning harris homework but already running into problems. kamala keeps wanting to talk through all of the policies with her handlers at her handlers are saying no, here's the briefing binder, you study it, then we will do the mock debate. we are not going to spend hours telling you what your policies are. you are going to have to read the binder. we are hearing that harris has been pouring over briefing binders for two months because she's just learning for the first time what her policies are. now insiders say she's careening sideways. kamala has been derailing her prep by focusing too narrowly on minute details, according to two people behind the scenes. kamala is having a hard time learning what happened last four years, and this debate is not going to be about her favorite topics like electric school busses and outer space.
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she's like the girl who skipped class all semester and then pulls an all-nighter before the final. democrats already lowering expectations. after abc confirmed the microphones will be muted, the harris campaign is whining. >> i think what's really challenging and unfortunate about this debate format is that it limits the vice president's ability to prosecute the political case against president trump. >> jesse: she's complaining that she's at a disadvantage because trump won't be able to interrupt her. remember what she pulled with pence? >> joe biden has been very clear, he will not raise taxes on anybody who makes less than $400,000 a year -- mister vice president, i'm speaking. i'm speaking. mister vice president, i'm speaking, i'm speaking. >> jesse: kamala wants to snap her fingers and say excuse me, don't you dare speak to me like that, i don't care who you are.
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kamala wants to be a karen but the muted microphones that old man biden agreed to won't let her. it's like joe is still sabotaging the democrats from the grave. but the muted microphones was just one of kamala's demands. her handlers had been trying to micromanage next tuesday night like helicopter parents on a play date. >> did they ask for notes, did they ask -- >> they wanted notes. >> they wanted to be seeded under microphone hot. >> they wanted a desk. i said you have to do a standup. >> after they'd already agreed to the other? >> yes, but they wanted to desk from the beginning. so did sleepy joe. >> jesse: last night would have been the fox debate but kamala chickened out. she's only committing to one debate. the first potential female president will only do one debate. even the clintons are saying you have to be kidding me. ready? one interview, one debate, some stump speech you read over and
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over and voilà you have a 50% chance of being president. good gig if you can get it. no three debates, no two years of primaries, coalition building, no detailed policy development and no daily press briefings or tests of leadership. it's only the most important job in the world with a 6 trillion-dollar budget and thousands of nuclear weapons. the right thing would be three debates, real detailed policy briefings and full availability to answer questions so the electorate could vote on an informed basis. that is what real democracy demands. but kamala is not the only one complaining. trump is playing the expectation came too and working the refs. >> they are the most dishonest network, the meanest, the nastiest, but that was what i was presented with. i was presented with abc, george
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slopadopolous. is a nasty guy, i've had him up to here. but let me tell you, he's a very bad kind of a guy and i think a lot of people will be watching to see how nasty they are, how unfair they are. i agreed to do it because they would not do any other network. the other thing is, her best friend is the head of the network. her husband's best friend is married to the head of the network. and they are going to get to questions. i've already heard they are going to get the questions in advance. >> jesse: if the moderators and the media won't ask harris the hard questions, trump has to do it himself. she's going to come in with rehearsed punchlines back know you did nuts, but trump can to rail the whole production by turning to her directly and saying the moderators and the media won't ask you this question so i will. what exactly do you disagree with about joe biden's economic
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policy? or i handed you inflation at 1.9% and it went and 9%. what happened there? or kamala, you say you want to do all of these things, you are in power now, why haven't you done any of them? or madam vice president, you said you would tell us of joe biden was declining, why did you not keep your word? or miss harris, you were for this, now you are for that, why should the american people trust anything you say? it's a 1-2 punch because it embarrasses the moderators were not doing their jobs and it puts harris back on her heels. he has to define her because no one else will. this debate could be the only opportunity he has because she's only committed to this one. there are two risks to drop next tuesday. one is kamala jews up time with her slow syrupy delivery, eating up the clock with vague platitudes, values, fives, a
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couple of head turns and semi rolls -- chews up time -- and she can escape scrutiny. so trump has to pin her down on specifics without being disrespectful and that's his second risk. he could be sharp with hillary because she projected toughness and was hated for years. kamala is unknown and more feminine, so trump can be aggressive, not argumentative. trust me, debating with a woman, and i do it all the time on "the 5" with jessica, is an art. that i have yet to perfect. if trump performs well, the race is over. but if kamala holds her own or has a few moments, she's back in the driver seat and will avoid another debate. as of now she's lost her momentum because the manufactured enthusiasm evaporated. once voters evaluated her without the pomp and pageantry. the more voters see kamala, the less they like. they campaign is spending more time bussing people into her rallies and telling us what she
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believes in. this was in new hampshire just yesterday. a state by the way that hasn't gone red in 24 years, kamala was there for some reason. she's so unpopular that she had to bus people in. she peeked and now her support is baiting. democrat numbers guru nate silver every day puts out an election forecast and for a week straight, trump's odds of winning have gone up. he now is a 60% chance of winning the election. and this is a synth -- then this is of all the polls. see this trend? besides her race, age and gender, she hasn't explained why she's that different than biden. let's not pretend like we don't know what her plans will be if she's elected, we do, we lived it, it's scary. >> listening to her talk about her tax policy, she's like joe biden's tax policy will only kill you as much as jason voorhees but i more like mike myers, is in that better? >> no, they are both scary and
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either weight you will be dead. >> jesse: kamala is not looking out for you, she just focused on getting the job, not doing the job. if kamala could do the job, she would have done it on the border and on the economy. trump already knows how to do the job, he did it for how long? >> for four straight years i fought for american workers like i would fight for my own family. i took care of our economy like i would take care of my own company. in every decision i asked will i create jobs here or will i be sending jobs overseas? will it make america richer and stronger or will it make our country weaker and poorer? i always put america first, every single time. >> jesse: democrats love to talk about lived experiences. well, we lived through both trump and harris. don't overthink it. trump senior advisor jason miller is here.
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so he debated hillary clinton three times. he's now debating a woman, kamala harris, next tuesday night. how is his posture going to be different, if at all, and how he debated hillary, because they are different women? >> yes, but kamala harris is the incumbent right now. kamala harris has been running the country the last three and a half years. we know it hasn't been biden so when you think about the inflation crisis, the border crisis, kamala harris is actually there at the white house. when you talked earlier about the campaign debate prep drama that kamala harris is going through, it's not just because she has to think of how she's going to defend herself over the last three and a half years, she also was the attorney general of california before that in the district attorney from san francisco even earlier. remember the names, edwin ramos, sean michael tillman, two names i think will come up next tuesday. kamala has a lot to study up on. >> jesse: she has to then defend her entire career.
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and she's going to be pegged as a san francisco radical that hurt the state of california, she's are the country now, you can't trust her. how do you prepare for kamala doing those things like pants? excuse me, excuse me, i'm speaking. because the media grabs onto that and they say wow, she really got him. >> this is why the harris campaign was trying to change the rules. keep in mind, they wrote the rules. it was if they wrote the rules they force them and for cnn, in for a bc, president trump agreed because he's fearless and will go anywhere, we saw what he did to joe biden, but then the harris campaign realized that there one trick pony was to try to do the fall winter, but you can't change the rules, they were agreed to, no notes, no sitting down, you can't have -- show up and hand you the questions to get you ready. you have to stand and answer for all the damage you've done. that's a real problem for harris and especially when you talk about the economy. people are upset, two thirds or
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three quarters of the country think we are going in the wrong direction. they want to get back to that trump economy so harris really has two challenges, has to defend her record but then you can't go in say i'm going to turn the page when you created the nightmare that we are living in. >> jesse: and if trump just brings it back to the economy, abortion, economy, landed there. immigration, economy, i think he wins and it will be hard to come back from that. stephen miller, just kidding, jason, we love you. >> much better hair. >> jesse: thank you very much. kamala harris losing on the issues. so she's campaigning on joy and change while the media tells you trump isn't a capitalist or conservative don't and if you vote for him you are in a cold. >> he doesn't talk like a conservative, he's a banded conservatives on the issues that matter to them the most. so at this point are you for personality cults or do you want
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the republic to endure? that's what it comes down to as far as the republicans with checks and balances. i will say it, are they being programmed by certain cable news network's that twist the truth or by certain websites that twist the truth? is that their reality? >> jesse: being an occult means you unquestionably follow the leader to your own death and never speak ill of them. is that how the republican party treats trump? the republican party sabotaged him. legislatively. they primary at him last year. dozens of officials resigned or switched parties because of trump and a lot of republicans hold their knows and vote for him. this has to be the worst cult ever. millions of republicans vote for trump not for his personality but for his policy. we are not voting for trump because we want him to be our
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valentine. >> you can't take the chance. you have no choice. you have to vote trump. you've got a vote for me. [ cheering and applause ] >> even if you don't like me, you know,. [ cheering and applause ] >> even if you don't like me, you can sit there and say i can't stand that guy, but there's no way i'm going to vote for her. >> jesse: the democrats marched behind harris with the senseless passion of the manson girls. we love harris, we hate trump and we will do whatever you tell us to do. so this election is a battle between reason and emotion. which one will win. author of the parasitic mind and visiting professor and global ambassador at northwood university, doctor gad saad. so which will win, emotion or reason? >> in my lectures on psychology and advertising, i talk about advertisers using either the central route of processing
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which is substantive arguments, here is why you should invest in my reverse mortgage, versus affective processing, emotional based processing, a gorgeous girl on horse when you are trying to sell perfume. you would like to think that for the most important job in the world, people would be invoking their cognitive system, but of course the calm a lot -- kamala campaign knows that she's not doing well on policy so she's going to try to hijack your emotional system. vibes, fun, excitement and so on >> jesse: so this will be a campaign about you are at the beach, you've got some cocktails , the music is playing, everybody is having a good time, but no one is thinking. you just want to be at the beach with a drink. you woke up the next morning and you've got a hangover and no money left. how do the american people process that because there is a fight between the emotion and the reason.
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>> exactly. look, what does horton's me is that i see my own colleagues who are supposed to be trained thinkers succumbing to that emotional hijacking. so in a sense i'm feeling quite pessimistic because if i can't inoculate i own colleagues against that type of affective based processing, than what is the rest of the folks to do? so i keep speaking out, please think carefully, look at the issues, don't look at positive vibes. but it's a tough sell. >> jesse: why do you think people don't think? millions of americans just walk around, they look at the phone, they don't even have news on the phone, they just go around and life just happens to them. they are not looking at the policy on the border, taxes, they might not even vote for the person that they know anything about. why would that be? >> people are cognitive misers
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which is a fancy way of saying intellectually lazy. thinking is hard, thinking is effortful so if i can invoke an autonomic response, my emotions, to cut through the informational overload and come to the decision, then i will use that. so obama is tall, lanky and a mellifluous voice, i'm sold. it's too hard to think about his policies, i will just by into his radiant smile and i will get to the finish line. >> jesse: mellifluous. that's the word i can't even pronounce. when someone though things with reason, you see cause and effect. there's consequences, there's logic involved. if i save my money today i will have more later or if i work out every day of the week for six weeks straight, i will lose weight. shouldn't that be the same way people approach politics, if i vote for this guy my life will be better later? >> if you are a rational voter,
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that's what you would do. but as i said, people don't like -- i mean i've been teaching courses on psychology of decision-making for 30 plus years and yes, the textbook says that that is how you should engage a decision, normatively, but again emotions are easy to employee, fast and frugal, go with joy and positive vibes. >> jesse: maybe trump just add joy to his mix and we can have logic and joy. that's a winning ticket, like reagan. thank you for coming back to "primetime". >> thank you. >> jesse: fox news alert, hunter biden just pled guilty to all nine counts in his federal tax trial. but in the true hunter fashion, he had to jerk everybody around a little first. this morning, half an hour before jury selection was set to begin, hunter changed his plea to guilty for stiffing the irs out of one and a half million dollars. his team wanted a plea which
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would let him take a deal while maintaining his innocence, but the doj said no way, can't do it. so hunter made everybody wait hours and hours before biting the bullet and saying all right, i will enter a guilty plea. his team says he did it for his family. and they would be appealing the case. >> like millions of americans, hunter was late in filing and paying his taxes. unlike those millions of americans, he was charged criminally for his failures that occurred during the depths of his addiction to drugs and alcohol. and which he has rectified by paying his overdue taxes in full with interest and penalties. in fact hunter actually overpaid his taxes in the year he was charged with tax evasion. >> jesse: he wasn't late paying his taxes, he was six years delinquent.
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and he did not pay his back taxes, the sugar brothers protected by the cia paid him. hate to break it to you, lots of people go to jail for tax a patient. the real question is, why now? he could've asked for a deal year ago, why change your mind the night before the trial was set to begin? hunter just put out a statement that reads, i went to trial in delaware not realizing the anguish it would cause my family and i will not put them through it again. when it became clear to me that the same prosecutors were focused not on justice but on dehumanizing me for my actions during my addiction, there was only one path left for me. he's not to shielding his family from anguish, he's shielding them from potential legal trouble of their own. it would be bad for the big guy if the feds tied boatloads of chinese cash to him in open court. but now that hunter has taken a deal, not going to happen. such a selfless gesture from a loving son.
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will joe return the favor and pardon hunter on his way out the door? the white house says no. hunter's sentencing hearing is scheduled for december 16th, a week before christmas. it's going to be on awfully cold and awkward weekend if joe is telling the truth. by then the election will be over, maybe kamala will be mrs claus and have apart and wrapped up for hunter under the biden family tree. fox news contributor and constitutional law attorney jonathan turley joins me now. i mean they have to have a deal with joe and kamala. of kamala wins, she's the one that pardons hunter. because of trump wins, joe is going to have to do it himself and no one wants that to happen. >> well it's interesting because if they wanted to maximize the chances that his father would reverse his decision, this would do it. the scheduling date for the hearing was put in the sweet
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spot, if you are looking for a pardon, because this would come after the election with weeks before his father left office. and if the sentence turns out to be a harsh one, that will add pressure to his father, that maybe i will give myself this liberty of working for the interest of my own family. that is what bill clinton did, he waited until the very end and then gave his brother a pardon. i mean what's really striking about today is that this is the party that often talks about privilege. but this maybe the single most privileged individual you could find. i mean at least since marie antoinette. if you look at what happened in that hearing, he wanted to plead guilty without admitting guilt. it was such a vintage hunter biden moment. this is how he was raised. he's had this army of enablers around him that have allowed him
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to evade that type of responsibility. but he was doing it in a case where his guilt was not just established, it was screaming from the pages. they knew that if they went into that courtroom, the jury would not take kindly to this argument, because those jurors pay their taxes. having some really wealthy privileged guy say that i paid them six years late and it's because i had an addiction, would not likely go over well with the jury. >> jesse: do you see why the country thinks the justice system is rigged? this is a guy who had escorts, diamonds, he was losing from the chinese. smoking crack, porches from overseas, he's showing his client's dad's office of the white house. i mean this guy is facing 17 years. he's got gun charges. felonies. and this guy is not going to serve any time because he's
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going to get pardoned. don't you see why people don't trust the entire system here? 's payment will the interesting aspect of all this is that it is his entitlement that produced his undoing. for all of this chaos that the biden legal team is -- has created, from holding that bizarre press conference outside of congress, to the reaction when the first plea deal fell through, to that actual first plea deal which was so obscene, so over-the-top that even the prosecutor admitted he had never seen anyone given that type of deal. all of that was because of a sense of entitlement, that he expected that. and it -- in each case it's led to a spectacular failure through this entire series of events. >> jesse: he's been filming a documentary about himself at the last year and i just hope they include the scene where joe has the little stocking stuffer and hands him the pardon on christmas eve, because that is going to be a classic.
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professor, great to see you as always. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: yesterday the justice department tried to resuscitate the russia hoax but today vladimir putin came out and told the world he's a white dude for harris. [ speaking alternate language ] >> voice of interpreter: as for the favorites, there's no need to define that. it's a choice for the people of america in the end. i've said are favorite is the acting president mister biden. he's been taken out of the race but advised his supporters to support harris and that is what we will do, support her as well. that's the first thing. secondly, her laugh is so expressive and infectious, that means she's doing well. >> jesse: oh, no, kamala did not see that one coming. so she sent out stephen miller to try to clean it up. >> i think everybody knows who dictators and bullies around the world prefer in this election, they prefer president trump. i'm not going to play too much sy ops with a russian president on your show this morning. >> jesse: the sy ops are
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happening but it's coming from inside the democrat party. >> russian intelligence service clearly thinks that donald trump would be more sympathetic to their aims in ukraine then president harris would be. they could literally just listen , been clear about that, acquiescent to putin's war against ukraine. donald trump is putin fan boy. >> this is a stunning indictment and it really shows potentially how deeply integrated russia is with the maga media environment. >> jesse: yeah, we are watching the deep state operate in realtime. this time we all know the playbook, all the same faces from 16 and 20 are back. instead of working at the doj, now they are just on msnbc. >> it's an overt strategy by russia to have donald trump elected and to denigrate the democratic nominee. >> donald trump is willing to
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take assistance from russia, from china, wherever it may come as long as that's his perspective, that will be the perspective of the republican party. >> donald trump has turned this into the party of him and whatever is best for him is therefore best for the party and best for the country. >> jesse: the even dusted off their favorite media spook to tell us how serious the indictment is. >> what's very clear from the indictment, despite as you said people calling this part of the russia hoax, you read the indictment it's very clear there's a mountain of evidence that rt and these russian executives were funneling money secretly to these american conservatives. >> jesse: the thing agent delanie sheehan won't admit is that the hoax is not whether russia back channeled money to podcasters and internet trolls but that the left will use this invite -- indictment to say trump's reelection is a legitimate. already got in their excuse and they've already got the insurance policy. they will use it to go after him
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again and again. it's already starting. john bolton says putin is licking his chops thinking about a trump presidency. >> they do want to donald to be president because unlike trump's opinion of his relationship with putin, putin thinks trump is an easy mark so he would be happy to deal with him. >> jesse: putin invaded ukraine under obama and biden but trump is the easy mark. got it. fox news correspondent charlie hurt is here. we just saw -- who was the other guy? we've got lisa page, all the same people from the 16 hoax, it's like a reunion tour. >> well, you know, it worked is the thing. we all sit around and laugh about it now because we know what a joke at all was, but for their purposes it actually worked. of course the biggest putin stooges there are or all the media that have been sort of promoting, you know, they
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literally took all of the kremlin talking points and spent years bashing our president at the behest of the kremlin. the interview there, i mean the putin interview with that lady is classic. i mean when i look at putin i don't think of a comedian, but that is so funny. he gives donald trump a run for his money for being hilarious. >> jesse: a little sarcastic when he says he wants harris. >> in terms of, like, wanting to be against a crazy adversary, a loser adversary, i'm sure he's being honest about it. but it also makes you kind of wonder, they have been so successful at feeding crazy pills to the american press and to democrats and they have so successfully gotten them to peddle all their stuff, it almost, like, it's almost like there -- they are maybe worried they've given too many crazy pills and it's like backfiring a little bit. maybe they want somebody who's slightly rational. >> jesse: do you think that the public, who doesn't pay that
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much attention, generally,. >> nor should they. >> jesse: is going to hear this stuff about trump russia again and say oh, no, not another russia hoax, are they going to be like, wait a second, is trump in bed with the russians again? we can't have this guy, we have to vote kamala? >> i think they were onto this a long time ago. i think the only people who are left, even the democrats i don't think actually believed it at the end. i think the only people who were still believing in their beloved russia hoax was the press. because it was a security blanket. they had to believe. they had to -- >> jesse: there little russian binky. if she loses they will take their little binky and say you stole the election, i feel better. >> and trump will end the ukraine war and everyone will be happy about it and then they are going to claim that he gave away the -- you know, even though i mean they want war.
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>> jesse: internal war over there. if trump makes peace that's a bad thing. >> they can't make money any other way. >> jesse: that's true, that's where they hide the money. thank you so much. the new plot to kill trump. plus, johnny. >> how many genders are there? >> that's a tough question to be honest. [♪♪] israel is under attack. israel has been attacked like never before. our skies are filled with rockets and drones. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently needs your help
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to send out emergency teams across the holy land. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift to rush emergency aid to the people of israel who are still devastated from the massacres of october 7. we are bringing food. we are bringing emergency resources to save lives. but we can't do it alone. we need you to stand with israel now. with terrorist attacks across every part of israel, tens of thousands of families desperately need emergency life-saving aid today. please don't wait. now is the time to act. call, scan, or go online now.
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[♪♪] >> jesse: fox news alert, new details about an iranian plot to kill president trump. senior national correspondent kevin corke has the blueprint. >> reporter: evening. you will remember four deuce after former president trump came inches from death after that assassination attempt on his life in pennsylvania, federal investigators interviewed a man charged in an iranian backed plot to potentially assassinate him are two of his political rivals, president biden or nikki haley. that according to an fbi document released to the public today. a man, a 46-year-old pakistani, planned to assassinate mister trump at her rally. he considered doing it two different ways, up close in a
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crowd with a pistol, which he referred to as the indoor plan, or at a distance by a sniper, known as the outdoor plan. that according to a proper released by iowa gop senator who got it from whistleblowers in law enforcement. this is really concerning especially given the fact that he was arrested just the day before the former president was shot in butler by a sniper at a distance. he's been charged with a single count of murder for hire and scouted mister trump are watching video feeds of his rallies to determine the level of security. this is all thought to have been revenge for the death of iranian by the way he says he's contacted the fbi, dhs, secret service and the tsa about steps they've taken to investigate the alleged iranian plot. we don't know a lot about that yet, nor do we have all the answers about cooks' attempt on the former precedence life. >> jesse: we sure don't, thank you.
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kamala can't define who she really is so like a videogame she's creating her own character now she's the michael jordan of prosecutors. >> kamala harris has spent decades fighting violent crime. as a border state prosecutor, she took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border. >> jesse: that's weird because if you look at her record, kamala is not really a cop. she's more like a criminal defense attorney. a former police chief in san francisco says that when kamala was da she proposed letting drug dealers go until their third defense, even if they were dealing in a school zone. when kamala failed up to the ag's office, she gutted the oldest drug task force in the country. the bureau of narcotic enforcement. it targeted gangs, traffickers, violent criminals. but in 2011, kamala and then governor jerry brown liquidated it. 400 agents gone.
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many were fired and the best agents were delegated to trash duty. investigating things like the illegal smuggling of aluminum recyclable cans. what happened next? the year before kamala began -- became attorney general, california made over 120,000 drug arrests. the year she left, just 29,000. they did not stop selling drugs, they just stopped prosecuting the sale. cartels thrived in callow -- and californians died. one former agent speaking out for the very first time, telling chris hansen it was all part of kamala's vision to reimagine policing. >> it was the beginning of fentanyl, we were just starting to see it. it had been around for many years but it had started to increase. and we warmed her, this is going to get out of control if you abolish the agents that are tackling it.
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and it went on deaf ears. >> the motivation behind it was political. her words were policing reimagined. >> jesse: kamala did not care act attorney general just a pit stop, she had her eyes on something bigger. >> sometimes it appears that she's treating you like you know nothing and then other times it's very controlling. we were told that when she took office, by some of the people that were on her team, that this was just a stopping point, the attorney general's position was just a stopping point for her on her way to the white house. that she had eyes on the white house way back in 2011. >> jesse: host of takedown on true blue, chris hansen. this appeared to be a very aggressive dismantling of the police department. >> it was. the real problem, by dismantling the be any is that they had 50
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taskforces around the state of california -- bne -- each one worked with different police departments, different sheriffs departments. we are talking about dozens and dozens and dozens of investigations and potential arrests thwarted. all this happened in the very early stages of fentanyl. what happens in california, because of it's proximity to mexico, affects the rest of the nation. >> jesse: did she ever explain why she wanted to just obliterate these antidrug sale taskforces? >> there were different answers to different questions. in one would hear this is the reimagination of policing. two, it was the thought that we need to do more for treatment and addiction. but here's the thing, you know who did a lot for treatment and addiction? law enforcement who arrested people for drug charges who were then forced by the court to get treatment, who then came back and told law enforcement thank
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you for cleaning up my life as opposed to being released and continuing to walk around the streets of san francisco like zombies because they are addicted to fentanyl. >> jesse: you have to hit rock bottom sometime to bounce back up. you also spoke to the former la da, luke olson to that. >> some people say she's failed up. she was a lousy deputy district attorney and alameda county, she was no great shakes as a deputy district attorney in san francisco county or when she got there all she wanted to do was run against the incumbent. nothing impressive about her as a san francisco district attorney. that's when things started deteriorating in san francisco, with her as the da. as attorney general, i've heard are described by many people who know the system, know the players, as being the worst attorney general in their lifetime. >> jesse: the worst in their lifetime. >> well, you see the statistics. what happened when she was in office and afterwards. again, as you know because we reported on this here on the show, jesse, san francisco, when
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it comes to fentanyl, is ground zero for every crime facing america today. a legal immigrants, hondurans running the heroin and fentanyl trade, shipping the money back to honduras, building mansions and then when they are arrested because it's a sanctuary city, nothing happens. >> jesse: chris hansen, the only one really digging around kamala in california. you don't seem -- see any other mainstream media reporters out there, to you? >> you will see more of this because is just the beginning of some of the reporting we are doing and all this comes from our initial investigation into the merchants of death at the fentanyl trade. >> jesse: and it does connect to her in power there as fentanyl was beginning to hit the american streets. thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. chris hansen, true blue, check him out. so what's america sorry for? >> if you need to apologize to anyone, now is the time to do so >> i apologize to kamala harris because you know what, i won't
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[♪♪] >> jesse: >> and no one could tell us if she spent her law school years flipping big macs or not. prime time again reached out to mcdonald's in the harris campaign asking for any proof, nothing. but an anonymous harris official did get back to "the daily beast", basically telling kamala was the mick flory messiah. no actual proof, we will follow up though. every day until someone comes with young kamala working the drive-through. recent studies show 24% of americans apologized for something outside of their control at least wants a day. what are these thanks people are apologizing for? johnny hit the streets to find out.
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♪ ♪ >> what is the worst thing you've ever had to apologize for? >> i slapped a kid in sunday school. >> i stole my neighbor's cat one-time. >> you tried to milk him too didn't and you you sick son of a [bleep] >> i took a boy girlfriend from him. [bleep] >> being honest. >> i would never apologize because i didn't do anything wrong. >> are you kidding me? >> i think so. >> only if you're being washed -- watched. today say that? >> 100%. >> does apologizing make you weak? >> i don't think so. >> if you say i'm sorry, i'm sorry, that's too much. >> i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> what do you think of people who don't apologize? >> clowns. >> they are democrats. >> there is a simply no time for that kind of foolishness. ♪ ♪
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>> people say that being a man is toxic. do i have to apologize for being born a man? >> no. >> doesn't have to apologize. and i get a kiss? >> that's how we are born. what mice most of the, a woman? >> nobody has any say of the gender or whoever they're born as. >> how many genders are there? >> is a tough question. >> somewhere between 700 billion and a trillion 300 million. >> the media also says people like me and you should also experience white guilt. do we have to apologize for being born white? >> that's a tough question for me. >> to be honest i don't even know what's going on with this world these days. there's a lot of weird stuff. >> is it weird? absolutely. >> tell me about a time you apologize but didn't mean it. >> i over exaggerate the results i've been bringing an. >> sometimes the overpromise but don't deliver?
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>> yes. >> i stole an electric scooter. >> you know joe biden was giving away free electric scooter charges and grounds built? >> leap leap i should have been there. only a couple stops away. >> he spent millions of dollars on it. >> what the [bleep] is wrong with this man? >> i have a list. >> who owes you an apology? >> kamala harris, joe biden, eminem. >> joe biden owes me an apology. >> iou an apology? >> that's what... >> why is it so scary? >> what should donald trump apologize for? >> keeping people inside the border which i think is a little [bleep] up. >> he's a great president. he's not apologize to anybody but himself. >> i will absolutely apologize sometime in the hopefully distant future if i'm never wrong. >> what about kamala harris,
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tissue anybody in apology? >> she goes all the black people and apology. >> for lying about the border. >> for ignoring people. >> how is the debate prep going? >> we're on national television so now is the time to apologize to someone if you want so you have the floor. >> to my mother to being on national tv and abroad. >> to america for being so awesome. >> i apologize to kamala harris because i will be voting for you. >> are you kidding me? [laughter] ♪ ♪ >> do you watch jesse watters prime time? >> yes. >> what's her name? >> johnny. >> here's johnny! ♪ ♪ >> more back-to-school picks. we had jesse jr.'s first day-to-day. he was a little upset there because emma tried to put hair product in his hair and then he got a lot happier and let us
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take this picture. so first day, a very big day congratulations. let's do some tax. i skip the first quarter the football game for you jesse, you're welcome. hopefully you have a nielsen b box. gary from nebraska, if kamala has the binder now how is kj p going to do her job? she is going to hurt tomorrow. jean from california, another debate conundrum for kamala, which accent will she use? can't wait to tune in on tuesday. steve from canon city colorado jesse your right, merry christmas to hunter from dad. us talking filled with two pardons. 17 years, that's the best christmas gift ever. dave from washington, should take his own advice and changes
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name. scott from telford pennsylvania, mcdonald's gate is the october surprise that we all need. keep drilling. every day they will be getting a call from us. gary from mobile, alabama. wrong color tonight, why did you flip-flop? liam still in the process of shirt shopping. don't hold it against me. bernie from melbourne, florida, did you notice chris hansen's collar and tie the knot? think about it. okay guys i get my collar is to spread. patty cake from huntersville, north carolina. you need to apologize for never reading my tax. sorry not sorry patty-cake. dvr the show and always remember i'm waters and this is my world. ♪ ♪
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