tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News September 9, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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sporting event both hill and scheffler based on the preliminary here. >> bill: the body cam will tell us a lot. if there is audio it might give us a few clues as well and figure it out together. clay, thanks, nice having back on as we get back into the nfl. >> what happened to your bengals? >> i'm in mourning and depressed. >> dana: he went right there. >> we'll get to midnight. >> dana: before we go, connecticut making a new claim putting up a new roadside saying it is the pizza capital of the united states? those are what you call fighting words. you see new york and new jersey. they got to respond to that. >> bill: nice. good p.r. >> dana: sorry about the bengals. how about the broncos do? harris faulkner is up next. >> harris: fox news alert.
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vice president kamala harris is facing questions how to answer on several of her past far left positions. we have not seen her do a news conference in the 50 days that she has been announced as the presidential candidate on the left. and now her positions are waffling in the wind. we didn't really know where they were to begin with except for they were far left. now someone just said the quiet part out loud. the truth about kamala harris. we'll get to it. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." well, here he is, senator bernie sanders, a self-professed democratic socialist may have just told us exactly why kamala harris is flip-flopping. >> i don't think she is abandoning her ideals. i think she is trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election.
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>> do you consider vice president harris to be progressive, senator? >> i do. her views are not mine but i consider her a progressive. >> harris: he would be the expert pretty much on that. he is the most far left person on the hill. and remember who his proteges are? symone sanders now in a different network. and another is alexandria ocasio-cortez, about as left as you get. so he would know. the trump campaign responded to those comments today. >> senator sanders is saying what the harris campaign doesn't want the american people to know. that is kamala harris is a typical career politician who lies to get elected and she is trying to run away from her record over the past four years. >> harris: some of those major policy reversals include a fracking ban, boy, that will get her in trouble in places like pennsylvania. you have to have a straight answer on that. her old answer was she would ban
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it. her new answer is well, she lets the campaign soften it for her. we don't know what her policy is except for the fact that she wanted to ban fracking. that was clear. next medicare for all. and no funding for the border wall. now remember, she is from a state that has a structure along the border that is so big and so awesome it goes into the water past san diego. yeah, she actually knows what it is like to live in a place that has a wall. she doesn't want to fund it for the other states that are suffering with the border crisis right now. you can ask her why if you can catch her. the harris campaign has now added a policy platform to its website finally. it's thin on details but it contrasts her plans with trump's project 2025. we know that is not his and the designer of that project with heritage quit. he is not doing that anymore. so clearly if they could announce his departure, it wasn't trump. i'm just doing the basics here.
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multiple legacy media outlets report project 2025 is not trump's plan. he himself has distanced himself from it many times. "politico" acknowledges how long it took for kamala harris to post a policy page writing, she finally did so and also pointed out that it is far from comprehensive. it is lean. and if you are keeping count, kamala harris has hit 50 days again without a formal news conference. why does that matter? because they're not scripted. she have has a tendency to make things a little word salady, we know that. that means kamala harris will possibly face the toughest questions yet on her flip-flops for the very first time at tomorrow night's debate. >> the day before the debate vice president harris has finally put those policies on
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her campaign website. as you said they are largely big ideas, mostly things she has talked about before that build off of joe biden's policies. but she does not embrace some of the more liberal positions that she held when she ran for president in 2020. senator bernie sanders saying she has done an about face on these issues like medicare for all in order to win the election has given republican critics a lot of fodder. >> you got me to say something i never said before. i agree with bernie sanders. kamala is right. her values haven't changed. her voting record is to the left of bernie and elizabeth warren. kamala happily occupied that space. >> harris needs to define herself according to a "new york times" poll that came out today. 31% of registered voters want
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to learn more. 56% in the poll view her as more of the same while 51% see trump as representative of major change. harris spends considerable time on her website trying to define trump. within each of those tabs of her policy positions she puts her agenda to project 2025, the hard right policy proposals that trump has distanced himself from and disavowed. harris's campaign is trying to cast her as the underdog both in the race and in tomorrow's debate. >> we cannot underestimate the fact that donald trump is a pretty good debater. done it seven times. preparing. he beat president biden in the debate in june. so i think he will be prepared himself. we'll see how it plays out. >> harris briefly spoke to reporters on saturday and said she is ready for the debate tomorrow, harris. >> harris: she has been at debate camp down in
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pennsylvania. we'll see. thank you. jason chaffetz, fox news contributor, former republican congressman from utah. you have done some debates yourself. having been in office for quit some time. i want to dig into what you think tomorrow could look like for her. the policy on the website is lean. not very user friendly. if you want to make points you would put this in a highlight. might change a color. it's website and looks like an entrance exam. >> i have looked at it. they are just platitudes. it is as if some interns got together and said what can we generically say. there is no substance there. i think that's why a lot of people view her as fake. she is just making it up as she goes along. she is following the polls. she says her principles haven't ping changed. you take the major issues of the day. they are running ads about
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supporting the border wall. are you kidding me? everybody knows she doesn't support the border wall. she has been importing people by the millions, by the millions. so you look at these platitudes and you understand she was rated as the most far left person in the united states senate. she spent 3 1/2 years as the vice president. and she doesn't have the political muscle because there is what i call a political muscle. when you are doing town halls and answering questions going to press conferences, guess what? you have that. donald trump has that in spades. kamala harris doesn't do that. she has very low expectations at the debate. but she has to do exceptionally well. the burden is totally on her. i know she will be nervous. she hasn't done this in years. >> harris: let's just stick on the debate for one second since you brought up the point just how different they are, trump and kamala harris. he is out and about right now. one of the things that has been
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asked about with him is does he also prep on policy? that's someplace he will have to be sharp because he can take her down on what is hers with biden and then also on what is nebulous about her, what she says she believes now. >> well look, the thing with donald trump you know exactly what he is thinking. he is authentic to his core. kamala harris will be thinking about all that debate prep. it is not in her dna to do that. kamala harris's problem when she has to speak and think at the same time, that alludes her. if i were donald trump i would just yield her all the time. you just speak. we don't know what in the world she is going to say. >> harris: new national poll shows a slight shift that could mean a big change. former president donald trump now holds a one-point lead over vice president kamala harris going into tomorrow's debate.
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"the new york times" nate cohen says that dead even is -- shows that harris's momentum has stalled after that big exuberant august as he puts it. that same poll shows 44% of voters think that kamala harris is too liberal compared with 32% who say trump is too conservative. nate cohen says this is a positive signal for donald trump arguing the poll finds that he has significant advantages in this election and they might just be enough to put him over the top. he laid out those advantages this way saying trump is more popular than ever before. has the edge on the issues. occupies the center and is seen as the change candidate when the country wants change. fox news contributor mary kathryn hamm with more. >> i think the expansion of the map is real. i think that euphoria can become something that enthusiasm can build back some of those voters.
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those parts are real. she has an opportunity people want to learn more about her. we see the messages they have ope been sendsing. she is a change candidate and different from this administration is not hitting. >> harris: democrats and some in liberal media aren't taking the new polls well. one down played the results calling the election a coin flip. the other says it's depressing and alarming. trump having this level of support is evidence of a profoundly sick society. come on. >> that was disgusting especially that last comment. look, the reality is donald trump speaks common sense. i think people relate to it. they know that life was better under donald trump on every single category. safety, security, border, overseas, we were signing peace accords in the middle east for goodness sakes. kamala harris has to own where she has been. she talks about being a change
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agent. she is in office now. if she wanted to make that change she would have been doing it over the last 3 1/2 years. there is nobody but nobody that can tell you what her plan is to tackle inflation. and there is no body but nobody can tell you what her biggest accomplishment has been over the last 15 years. they can't name a single darn thing and that's why she has the burden over 90 minutes to try to make this case. i don't think anybody will be buying it. >> harris: jason chaffetz. always good to see you. thank you. >> thanks. >> harris: the justice department is taking on google again in another high-profile monopoly case with free speech implications. we're watching it closely. the massive consequences the corporate giant could face this time. the clock is ticking for tomorrow's high-stakes presidential debate. how both candidates are preparing now and just how much is really riding on one single night. >> tomorrow night is a big night. this is probably the most
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consequential day between now and election day. both candidates have a lot to lose. ce hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. book direct at
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>> harris: preparation for tomorrow's high-stakes abc news presidential debate shows perhaps unpredictable things might be because of how they're doing it. vice president kamala harris is hunkering down to prepare in what her team has called debate week or debate camp. it's in pennsylvania where she has been. former president trump is largely staying on the campaign trail. trump ally tulsi gabbard says the former president has to do just one thing. >> i think he did a fantastic job in his debate against joe biden. clearly the results speak for
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themselves. he will do the same in this debate with kamala harris. she cannot run away from her record. president trump looks forward to making sure the american people remember what she has done over these last 3 1/2 years and how she had the opportunity to fix what is broken but she is the one responsible for breaking it. >> harris: and from kamala harris's side it seems to be all about lowering expectations. you mean she can't do this after all that bragging about her? >> it will take almost super human focus and discipline to deal with donald trump in a debate. it is no ordinary proposition. >> donald trump is a skilled debater in the most presidential debates of any candidate in presidential history. this will be the vice president's first presidential debate as the nominee. >> they will do great, of course. donald trump will be good, too. we can all remember he wrecked all of the republicans. he is a good debater and it is
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going to be close. >> harris: super human focus. one bbc correspondent says she is hearing democrats' nerves are frayed. >> i'm picking up quite a lot of nervousness on the state of the race. i get democrats texting me. had a long call yesterday with a strategist. i hear nervousness from some democrats. >> harris: lisa boothe, fox news controversy and anton, great to see you both. antoine. i want to come to you first. super human focus. she was an attorney general and a prosecutor. all the ads say she was tailor made for the moment. what is going on here really with those lower expectations? >> i don't think it's lower expectations. it is all about preparing for perhaps one of the largest interviews she will do in front
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of the american people with her opponent on the other side. i don't think preparing for that should be used as a bad thing. in fact, the job of the presidency requires you to be prepared on a daily basis. >> harris: sure. no one is saying that by the way. the question has to do with why people on your side of the political aisle are lowering expectations from a woman who they built up to be just right for this moment. >> since she has entered the race the expectation has always been that she is punting -- going to have to punt above her weight and she is the underdog and this debate is no different. when given the opportunity i think kamala harris will perform on the big stage and will draw the contrast and i think she will lay out a vision for the american people and talk about both her record and former president trump's record. >> harris: i hope it's clearer than the anemic looking website that they put a little policy on there. it reminded me of that 14-page
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outline the green new deal. it is just an outline. we don't really know where kamala harris stands. alicia, your thoughts. >> we know she supports the green new deal. she was one of the first co-sponsors in the senate. we do know that. she was one of the first co-sponsors. the problem for kamala harris is that you live by the sword and you die by the sword. she has put so much emphasis on this debate because she has only operated in controlled environments and refused to face the public in an unfiltered way. 39 days to do a basic sit-down interview for 16 minutes and she needed tim walz sitting next to her. what that shows to me is lack of confidence in herself and her campaign's lack of confidence in her as well. and the biggest challenge for her she has boxed herself in taking 100 different positions on 100 different issues. antwon doesn't know why she stands. she has taken so many different positions on interviews. she will have to answer that.
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does she know where she is supposed to stand tomorrow night and trying to say she is the change candidate and represents moving forward when she is part of the current administration that failed us on inflation and the border and bringing peace to the world and stability to the world. she has a host of challenges. she brought them all on herself. >> harris: all right. let me get to this. the associated press is being criticized for a headline they had recently. harris turns to her favorite foods in effort to show a more private side and connect with voters. this is just on the eve of the debate. we'll talk about food. conservatives on social media went after it. one was asking why do we know more about kamala's food choices than we know about kamala's policies in another mocked thank god we have the a.p. for hard hitting pieces of journalism like this. a media opinion piece says the associated press was rightly
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called out. david markus wrote a piece. and while harris won't answer questions about domestic or foreign policy at this point, she loves doritos. we know that. her recipe for the bathtub collard greens is right out there. thanks to her press pool that's transparency. all of that from that article. look, i like a little lightness, a little light heartedness. it is time to get serious. when trump was in office we were signing peace accords in the middle east. now two wars have broken out because israel has one on their northern border and also in gaza after being attacked by savages of hamas. what are her policies? you said you could articulate them. i have no doubt you can. you are super bright. why can't she? >> i think she can and has and that's why the american people responded at least intellectually dishonest for you to say i can't articulate her
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policies. >> you said she didn't co-sponsor the green new deal when she did. >> you can talk about former president trump on things that matter to the american people like reproductive freedom. like taking care of our resources and the fact of the matter is when it comes to the climate crisis she has said she supports the largest investment in the climate crisis in the history of the world. the former president does not believe the climate crisis is real. i'm clear about her policies on small business, healthcare, education and so forth. no one can articulate a clear policy agenda for the former president. >> harris: reboutal, lisa. >> i don't know how you say reproductive freedom and mention god. that means killing innocent babies. >> that's not true. >> harris, the thing is the majority of americans in a recent poll look back on the trump administration fondly and
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have -- the majority of americans are living paycheck to paycheck because of the inflation this administration that kamala harris has brought to them. >> we didn't have a global pandemic? >> it is up to donald trump to remind them of that and up to donald trump -- kamala harris says her values haven't changed. she is to the left of bernie sanders. she would be in a commune with bernie sanders not white house. he went on meet to press to say she is a progressive and moderating herself to win the election. incumbent upon donald trump to remind americans economy was better, peace in the world. border was better and it all changed because of kamala harris. >> harris: one thing i would say to both of you is donald trump can do all of that but the american people know what the truth is right now because they are living it and with some of the highest credit debt we have seen in the history of the nation since we've had credit cards, that's where we sit right now under this presidency. great to see you both.
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thank you so much for a great debate. tune in to fox news democracy 24 special coverage of the abc presidential debate. begins on our network at 8:00 p.m. eastern. stay with us for the best analysis in the business. that's all right here on fnc. sanctuary cities are getting crushed under the weight of the very people they were welcoming with open arms. many of them are here illegally, though. all of it is costing us a fortune and citizens are suffering. exploding costs and violent crime. bipartisan push for policy change now. plus former president trump on the campaign trail highlighting the dangers of this very issue. >> crime is down all over the world. our crime is through the roof. you haven't seen the migrant crime yet. it started and it is vicious. you haven't seen the extent of
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it yet. >> harris: well, look, he is not wrong. the latest example, an illegal immigrant charged with grabbing a teenage girl off the streets while walking to school. texas congressman chip roy in "focus" next. with bugs, the struggle-is-real. that's why you need zevo traps. zevo works 24/7 to attract and trap flying insects. for effortless protection. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. ruri: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) ruri: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) hina: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) akari: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) (♪) (♪) you were made to chase your passions. we were made to put them in a package.
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>> harris: thousands of people are on the move escape raging wildfires in southern california. more than 35,000 buildings, that's homes and businesses, farms, we know it's a rural area, affected now. all of that at risk. nearly 2,000 firefighters are already on the front lines of the flames. william la jeunesse is there in san bernardino county. william. >> you are right. we have a state of emergency here in san bernardino county. 0 fatalities. 3% containment. the fire started on friday.
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it is moving up these draws. you can see down there the fire is down below the ridge lines. the concern of firefighters it's running up the chimneys into the resort areas of running springs and lake arrowhead. 70 miles east of los angeles. the bad news as you said, 35,000 commercial structures and homes in threat. 3,000 families evacuated. here is one of those individuals right now. >> we're packing up right now. our little town, most everyone left already. we worked so hard to get this house. and just the thought of coming back to nothing, you know, all in ruins, you know. but like i said, part of life and, you know, we are just going to roll with the punches. >> i will show you very quickly the bridge fire which is about 50 miles west of me. that's in angeles national
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forest. it's 104 degrees yesterday in los angeles, harris, bring you back live. there were 282 lightning strikes over the weekend. we're hoping for a break in the weather tomorrow. good for the fire and firefighters. back to you. >> harris: william la jeunesse, thank you for bringing us the latest from there. this is a situation that we're watching. another incident has happened involving an illegal immigrant. this time in virginia. police say an illegal immigrant from peru tried to kidnap a teenage girl on her way to school last week. somehow she got away and that's a blessing. federal sources tell fox news the suspect was caught at the arizona border last december and then he was let go into the united states. former president donald trump is taking aim at illegal immigration crime in a brand-new ad. here is a bit. >> it is our undocumented immigrants least likely to
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commit a crime. >> harris: i never understand why she finds that funny. and what she is saying, i don't know. illegal crossers have been accused or convicted in a string of brutal murders under president biden and vice president kamala harris. rachel moren, lakin riley and others, donald trump is not the only republican who blames the biden-harris administration. >> lakin riley, rachel moran. it happens all over the country. these crimes are completely preventable and don't have to happen if we have a controlled border. >> kamala's presidential campaign is unburdened by her record. it is unburdened by the deaths that her open borders have caused. it is unburdened by the tragic murder of riley and the murder of moran and unburdened by the
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tragic murder of nungaray. >> it is reprehensible. the heinous, human side of the humanitarian crisis that joe biden's wide open border has created. >> harris: you see senator cruz chipping away at kamala harris. she likes to say that word unburdened herself a lot. in "focus" now chip roy sits on the house rules, budget and judiciary committees. great to have you in "focus." let's start with the focus on the children here. ist has always been that way from the drug cartels to the people who illegally cross into our country. the sex trafficking. now they take american children. what do you know about this that you can tell the american public? >> harris, great to be on. this is one of those things people say we're trying to exploit for political reasons. the fact is we have a choice to make as a country. are we going to live in a safe country or allow our country to become basically a third world dangerous place? what we're seeing right now 30 miles from right here. i'm in the capitol building.
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in virginia you had an individual who pulled a teenage girl into a car posing as a law enforcement officers and abducted her. it is happening in realtime across the country. he was from peru and released in december by this administration into the united states purposefully. this isn't about just open borders. that's almost a misnomeer now. this administration is purposely flying people into the united states or taking people from the border and releasing them into the united states knowing full well that they are dangerous individuals. i was in aurora, colorado thursday and friday and met with the woman who put the video cameras on her doors. this was a woman who needed to secure her own home in the apartment. she put videos up and she went out and called the police. they testified on the ground they didn't have a manager in the apartment complex. radical democrats, the governor of colorado and others who want
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to deny they took over the apartment complex. you have four individuals arrested. they were released into texas, into the united states. you had a peruvian released, caught in buffalo in july, is accused of 23 murders in peru is finally in ice custody. tomorrow in the judiciary committee we'll have jocelyn nungaray's mom testifying. we'll have the mom of kala hamilton, another woman killed in the same county as rachel moran. i think we'll have rachel morin's mom and try to highlight to the american people that they are in danger. a final point. i released a report last week detailing all of the horrors at the hands of radical progressive democrats including kamala harris and 300,000 children that the administration can't even tell us where they are. this is neither pro-migrant nor pro-american and we both knows this, harris.
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>> harris: we also know this. secretary of homeland mayorkas has been before committees on the hill previously and it was 85,000 then. what you are saying is under this administration, they've tripled that number, nearly tripled that number. why isn't even a discussion about whether or not it is happening? clearly it is happening. he admitted it. he couldn't say why and how he would solve it, mayorkas. >> this is a secretary who lied to congress and the american people. knew that his own agents didn't whip the haitian migrants he accused them of whipping. kamala harris extended that lie. purposeful because they know that they are guilty. they are guilty of releasing dangerous people into the united states and doing it because they believe it is politically beneficial for them. that's why they violently oppose the save act that i introduced that we passed in july with
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unanimous republican support. five democrats voted for it. democrats don't want to talk about it. they dismiss it as unnecessary. that's a lie. it is necessary. federal law doesn't allow states to check citizenship when they register to vote. my bill would require we check it. 58% issue. they don't want to do that? they know they are guilty of using these individuals endangering americans and migrants for their crass political purposes. they think it is beneficial to them. it is all about power. it's all about power. >> harris: we've seen some political candidates having people not legal in the country vote in our elections. the mayor of new york city right here where fox news headquarters sits, you know. when mayor adams was running as a candidate, it was one of the things he was talking about on his platform. i think he probably feels differently now that it has been a billion dollars to pay for all of the people the border crossers on the streets here.
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>> the amount of expense for new yorkers and colorado. i was talking to people in aurora. $42 million of expense just for hospitals for illegal immigrants alone. 72 million for all the other stuff. new york saying they had a billion dollars for the entire city what they have to deal with. texas $13 billion. when it comes to elections, it does matter. al franken won his state by 300 some votes. the georgia election for president was less than 10,000. we have an obligation to secure our border and make sure only american citizens vote. republicans are standing up for that. democrats stand up for open borders and don't want to admit only american citizens should vote. >> harris: women have had little more than 100 years to vote in this country, american citizen women. make it make sense. chip roy, appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you, god bless you. >> harris: google is on trial again. the justice department claims
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the tech giant illegally controls the market for online advertising technology. the outcome could put google at risk of being broken up. a new report revealing the administration's failures in the afghanistan withdrawal which cost us dearly. democrats claim it is all politics. republicans say no, no, no, biden and harris have blood on their hands. >> the truth was manipulated and spun out to the american people that everything is going to be just fine. guess what? it wasn't. you know why? because they didn't have a plan. bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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there are no health questions so you can't be turned down for any health reason. the $9.95 plan is colonial penn's number one most popular whole life plan. options start at just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate can never go up. it's locked in for life. call today for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. (soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn?
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>> harris: some good news and a blessing. breaking news from moments ago. the princess of wales announced she completed her chemotherapy treatment after nine long months for cancer. she posted a video a short time ago. let's watch this together. i haven't seen it yet, either. this is from kate middleton. >> as the summer comes to an end i cannot tell you what a relief it is to finally completed my chemotherapy treatment. the last nine months have been incredibly tough for us as a
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family. life as you know it can change in an instant and we have had to find a way to navigate the stormy waters into the unknown. i am, however, looking forward to being back at work and undertaking a few more public engagements in the coming months when i can. >> harris: princess kate says she is focusing on staying cancer free and says her path to healing and full recovery is long and this is a quote. i must continue to take each day as it comes. but for now her treatment has come to an end. that is good news. there is a scathing new report out on the biden-harris administration's disastrous 2021 withdrawal from afghanistan. it is from republicans on the house foreign affairs committee and one of them says vice president kamala harris must answer for the deaths of those 13 u.s. service members in that
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bombing at the kabul airport. that frantic exit that didn't have to happen that way. >> you have to remember she bragged about being the last person in the room with joe before he made the big decision. so she will have to shoulder some of the blame. she can laugh her way through it. the reality is she shares blame in this and there is blood on their hands. >> harris: gillian turner is at the state department now. >> the bottom line according to the republicans on the committee issuing this report they say the biden administration had 0 plan to safely evacuate afghanistan until it was much, much too late in the game. it was this failure, they argue, that led to chaos on the ground and then the deaths of 13 u.s. service members, plus a whole lot of afghan civilians. the report's most scathing accusation is directed at top officials from the white house, state and pentagon. they say quote the
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administration misled and in some instances directly lied to the american people at every stage of the withdrawal. now chairman mccaul says the evacuation was ordered by president biden against the advice of his military and intelligence advisors. >> the fact is every top general, every intelligence community officer warned against this. and yet the white house had rose colored lenses about what is happening on the ground. there was no evacuation plan as required by federal law. the day the plan came out was the day the taliban overran kabul, too little too late. >> the administration to this day insists the withdrawal was actually a historic success and the long-term view proves that. listen. >> i don't think any american today would look at what we're seeing today and say i wish we had thousands of troops back in
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afghanistan. we've been able to take terrorists out. tell them to account without having a large ground force there. >> so chairman mccaul told us this morning he is actually not done with this investigation that's been going on for two years. blinken is in the crosshairs and demanding he appear before congress by the 19th. >> harris: we first politically started to see biden's numbers slip right after. that's where the slide began after the exit from afghanistan. they never rebounded, those polling numbers. gillian turner, thank you. the justice department is taking on google again in another high profile monopoly case. the trial begins today in virginia. d.o.j. is accusing the tech giant of abusing its power to create an advertising monopoly saying they control 91% of the market for advertisers. an attorney general merrick garland announced the lawsuit in january of 2023.
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>> for 15 years, google has pursued a course of anti-competitive conduct that has allowed it to halt the rise of rival technologies, manipulate mechanics to insulate itself from competition and force advertisers and publishers to use its tools. >> harris: a google vice president posted this in a blog yesterday. here is the quote. jonathan turley sitting by to watch this with me. in court we'll show that ad buyers and sellers have many options and when they choose google, they do so because our ad tech is simple, affordable and effective. in short, it works. jonathan turley, george washington university professor and fox news contributor. is it what the d.o.j. says or what google says? >> well, i think the d.o.j. has a strong case here about the degree to which google has a strangle hold on new technology emerging, particularly through
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its control on advertising. for many advertisers, many new start-ups it is like henry ford saying you can have any color car you want as long as it's black. when it comes to google, you know, the view of most people is that you've got to play google's game or you don't have a chance. so this really is what antitrust laws are about, you know, that you have a company that has the ability both vertically and horizontally to sort of control this market and perpetuate itself. now, google's argument here, which is not in any means frivolous. their argument is well, yeah, we may be the biggest dog on the block but there are some smaller dogs. now, they may be chihuahuas but they are competitors and people have a choice to make here. it's not like we're like ma bell where if you didn't choose ma
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bell you didn't have a phone. google says you can choose alternatives. >> harris: 91% of anything seems like a lot. you could say the same thing about some other companies, too, that are big but also the best for consumers according to how they use those companies. i'm thinking of amazon during the pandemic when everything was getting delivered. so really where does the law sit on this? >> that's a really tough question, harris. ohs example would be apple. a lot of complaints about apple's hold on products particularly through the apple store. there have been lawsuits. it is a difficult line to draw because when you are really successful and produce a good product, people flock to you as they did with amazon. with google there is a more sinister aspect to this in the lawsuit. >> harris: we'll cover this. thank you, jonathan. "outnumbered" after the break.
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