tv Fox News at Night FOX News September 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, in moments our exclusive sitdown interview with former president donald trump who brought his fight to kamala harris backyard. not to win california mind you, that won't happen. he came to issue a cautionary tale to not let america become california, using an hour-long news conference to remind residents about harris max california legacy. >> with harris max support, god has unleashed hell on the residents of los angeles. >> trace: while trump answered questions for an hour, kamala harris took 1 question from the media and did an 11 minute interview with a local station in philadelphia. abc affiliate no less. with answers that sound eerily familiar. spee when we talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people, water one
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or two specific things you have in mind for that? >> i will start with this. i grew up a middle-class kid. >> you believe americans are better off than four years ago? >> so i was raised as a middle-class kid. >> trace: by now americans certainly know kamala harris was a middle-class kid. what they don't know is how she plans to bring down sky high prices. the reason they don't know is because she won't tell them. meantime donald trump is ending his day with a rally in las vegas. we will take you there live in moments but first a marianne rafferty with more on donald trump entering enemy territory. >> reporter: former president donald trump came out swinging on the vps home turf. >> as the san francisco district attorney, kamala was the godmother of sanctuary cities. she was right out there at the forefront. also the movement of defunding the police. >> reporter: and the harris team firing back saying in part, donald trump took his train
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wreck on the debate stage straight to california. an often incoherent event to promote his golf course, he showed the country how he's melting down. in her first interview since the debate, harris was asked how she would bring down prices. after two minutes talking about her background, she eventually promised to help young families, first-time homebuyers and startups with tax benefits. meanwhile the former president saying the golden state is a glimpse of what's to come under a harris administration. >> california has the highest inflation, the highest taxes, the highest gas prices, the most illegal aliens, the most regulations, the most expensive utilities, edit ranks as the third worst state to start a business. it also has the most people leaving it. >> reporter: and after saying yesterday there would be no third debate, president trump told fox news today he could change his mind if he gets in the right mood. >> trace: we will see. thank you. let's bring in board-certified
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medical doctor and california justice senator attorney. welcome to you both. dr, you first, i want to play some sound. this is the former president on kamala harris making california a mess. we don't have it. wait a minute, we do. do we have it? >> i'm here today in california with a very simple message for the american people. we cannot allow comrade kamala harris and the communist left to do to america what they did to california. the state of california is a mess with people leaving and nothing is going to stop them. they are going to other states. >> trace: important to play that because we've been talking about this doctor hemmati for months. >> because california has had policies that have consistently caused people to want to leave one of the most beautiful places in the world.
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and why? because of all the reasons he stated. the high taxes, the inflation, homelessness, high energy costs that are going even higher, and the lack of any government support for business. i think if california wants it's budget to be better and if they want the nation to use california as a model, they need to be friendly to business, from late to people who live there, and improve public safety rather than taking steps like prop 47 and bringing in people like the da of la who ended up turning the place into hell. >> trace: in your town, julie, which is where the president was today, a coastal enclave of los angeles county, it's interesting because they are losing homes because of landslides. the governor has not addressed it, the congressman in your area hasn't addressed it, but the former president addressed it. watch. >> i want to express my support for all of the families affected by the landslides. i just met with the mayor, and especially want to salute all
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the public safety and emergency personnel who are working down the road, as well as the utility workers who are fighting to restore service to local residents. >> trace: which is why there were 1000 people outside when he was talking and they are saying go donald trump. >> i'm really grateful for what the harris campaign calls his meltdown today. the governor has not visited, our congressman has not done anything, that president trump coming and holding this press conference has brought national attention to the issue. i have friends who are literally living and throat world conditions. they have no power, they have no gas, they are going to the bathroom in buckets. they need help, individual rental assistance, mortgage relief, property tax relief, the government is not helping. >> trace: it's interesting doctor because you talk about elon musk today, when he was pulling his companies out of california nobody picked up the phone to say what can we do back
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nobody. >> exactly. that points out the biggest problem here, that someone like elon musk has companies like space x, x, tesla, so many other things located in the state, he's employing a very large number of people, people who end up becoming very rich and pay a lot of tax. for him to be driven out of the state means it's not just his income tax that's gone, it's all the income tax and all the income tax paid by the people, those people, that is gone for good from the state. none of it will come back unless something dramatic changes. >> trace: people feel that if you are in the state illegally, you get whatever you want, but if you are a legal resident, good luck. >> unfortunately that seems to be the case. i'm wondering if my friends should just go down south of the border and then come back across and pretend they are new to the country, they might get better treatment. >> trace: they might. standby if you well. former president trump speaking now at the rally in las vegas got getting to the good stuff, watch.
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>> lies that have been debunked as they say. that's a lot of press we have back there, a lot of fake news. that's a lot of fake news. meanwhile, every time they interfere to fact check me, it turned out that they were wrong and trump was right. [ cheering ] >> for example, a big one, i said that crime was up massively i did not want to go into details. but crime was up massively and david muir, you know,...he's another one who doesn't have a clue. and his hair was much better five years ago, i can tell you. but david muir barged in to claim that, sir, crime was down. and he said "president trump, as
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you know, the fbi...says overall violent crime is coming down in this country." you don't have to see this. you see what the hell is happening with crime? who would say it was down. even without looking. so he reprimanded me for saying that crime is up and somebody in our government at a very high level likes me and they released the real numbers. it said breaking news, just yesterday night the premier statistical agency at the department of justice, the bureau of justice statistics released brand-new data showing that since kamala harris took office, violent crime nationwide is up 40%, rape is up 42%, car theft is up 42%, robberies are
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up 67%, aggravated assaults are up much more than 55%, and violent crime with a weapon is up 56%. violent attacks on strangers, i never heard of that 1, is up 61 plus percent. so david muir owes me an apology, do you agree? [ cheering ] she lies about everything. >> trace: we are still listening in. we will bring it back to you live. let's bring in former los angeles county gop vice chair and america first works executive director, thank you for coming on here. kamala harris was asked to give specifics on bringing down prices and she instead said this... >> when we talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people, what are one or two specific things you
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have in mind for that? >> i will start with this, i grew up a middle-class kid, my mother raised my sister and me, she worked very hard. i grew up in a neighborhood of folks who are proud of their lawn. >> trace: the bottom line is, she gave the middle class thing, she got it twice. not one specific did she offer us. >> what we are seeing here is the most dangerous woman in american history. she's selling and dealing people political fentanyl right now. i'm afraid if she gets in the oval office we won't know what we get, what we have, until it's too late. we have to be very careful. >> trace: and we are now hearing from cnn stayed a guy that apparently the big bump that everyone was expecting kamala harris to get, after the debate, did not quite materialize. watch. >> at least in the first polling that we are getting post this debate between donald trump and kamala harris, may be slight
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movement and harris' direction but not overwhelmingly so which i don't think is really much of a surprise given the nation we are right now. >> trace: not a surprise because she did not answer any questions. >> that's exactly right. as she talks about her life story being so personal, this election is personal. americans are having conversations at their kitchen table about being able to pay for groceries, filling their gas tanks, even thing able to keep their homes. on top of that there's a division division amongst the democrat base that is absolutely undeniable. we saw that monday night as well, whether it's her energy policy, flip-flopping on fracking or if it's israel, whether she's pro-israel or pro- hamas. americans want bold leadership, they don't want these political games that they don't want to empty promises and they are tired of watching the country they love so much lip away from them. that's what we are hearing on the ground, especially when you look at the policies. >> trace: and you want to know
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where they stand. what do you stand on, what do you believe in? let's put this up on the screen, boy siaka, it could not be closer. you look at that across-the-board and i think the biggest lead trump has is 1.3%, the biggest lead -- kamala has, this is a dead heat. >> that's why it's important for us to get the word out, important for everyone to get out and vote. for what she wants, i see her as the three-headed leviathan. she has the attack on the womb, the marxism, she has the radical behaviors of hillary clinton. if that is something the american people want, stay home, but if you don't you need to get out and vote because you don't vote your way out of totalitarianism and i don't want anyone to be on the other side of that. >> trace: reuters comes out and says some undecided voters not convinced by harris after debate with reuters interviewing ten people who were still unsure before they watch the debate,
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six said afterward they would now either vote for trump or were leaning toward backing him. three said they would now back harris and one was still unsure how he would vote. when six in ten are going to or leaning toward the former president, bad news for the vice president. >> that's right. [ simultaneous talking ] >> that's okay. it's breaking through into communities that democrats have long taken for granted. these are people, these are the forgotten men and women that trump appeals to. >> trace: ashley, siaka, thank you. go ahead, siaka, very quick. >> i was going to say is actually mentioned, the black community especially, they are being replaced in places like new york, chicago, oakland, los angeles. you don't get a camera in their faces and if someone like myself says anything we are attacked by a lot of their surrogates that tell them you are not seeing
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what's happening. but they have a rude awakening coming. people are sick of it, the black community is done and we will see that. >> trace: some but he has to speak the truth. small-town springfield, ohio getting attention because of the tension between residents and thousands of patients that arrived under the biden-harris administration. now some in the mainstream media say the migrants are actually revitalizing the community. senior national correspondent kevin corke live with more on that controversy. >> reporter: evening, trace. if you live in springfield or anywhere else in the buckeye state, naturally you would hope to defend your city or state against unjust, unfounded or loosely sourced accusations, even if they might turn out to be true, which might well explain the vigourous pushback that many there have against the idea that haitian immigrants are taking and consuming animals like dogs and cats and wild geese and the like. but here's a question, is bringing it up racist or just an opinion?
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to hear the view tell it, it's a former. >> these baseless racist attacks against the haitian community must stop. haitians are a dignified people, haitians are a hard-working people and they are people fleeing a corrupt country and government. haitians, which now i think are about 50% of the springfield, ohio population, have been credited with revitalizing that city. >> reporter: many of the town's residents disagree with that, noted that you can't just add 15,000 haitians to a small town. it's been a main are -- major strain on hospitals, schools, housing and traffic. this is happening as some governments, buildings and schools were apparently evacuated for a second day after a so-called e-mailed bomb threat. it's not known if the threats were authenticated but out of an abundance of caution, they were
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emptied for a while. >> trace: on it goes. thank you. let's bring in washington editor for the spectator amber duke and elections correspondent for the federalist, thank you for coming on. i want to play a sound, this is tim walz in grand rapids where the crowd was chanting "we don't eat cats." watch. >> you tell me you had this on your bingo card, they are eating cats. >> trace: they are laughing at people who literally are seeing their city overrun with migrants. >> exactly. i think the important thing to remember is that these residents are seeing daily car crashes from haitian migrants who don't have drivers licenses, including a 71-year-old woman who was just killed, the haitian responsible apparently will not be charged by the local prosecutors there. they also have adults and -- in
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children's classrooms and high schools and the haitian migrants are getting refugee cash assistance, refugee housing assistance, as well as eight months of free healthcare. i would also say that if you have a slate of residents reporting people stealing keys from local parks, the proper media response is to go in to investigate what's been happening. but instead they took the lazy way out because they don't want it to be true. they called and e-mailed city officials who said don't worry guys, we promise this is not happening. instead of taking seriously the concerns of residents. trump is the only person that is willing to actually listen to people who are on the ground who are reporting these atrocities that are happening because of this influx of migrants. >> trace: and you have the view saying that blaming the people of springfield, saying they are the ones to blame and they are the ones who are racist >> yeah, you know, she says that
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they are revitalizing the community. i would say well then why don't they go and revitalize haiti? the fact remains, the mayor told pbs on monday that their hospital services, their schools, their safety services are being overwhelmed. there are four times as many students who need english-language translators, hospital and local health centers have longer wait times, domestic workers are being displaced by haitian workers. the people being revitalized are the haitians but not springfield residents. amber, you touched on a great point, the reason we are having this conversation tonight is because donald trump elevated this to a national level. does it springfield residents who spoke out at the city council meeting, it wasn't this week or last week, it was last month. they were screaming into a void for relief and it wasn't until donald trump remember to the forgotten men and women of this country that we are talking about this. >> trace: i wonder amber if you can tell me quickly, in fact both of you, why is that that kamala harris won't answer a question about the economy, why
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won't she answer if we are better off today than four years ago? instead she keeps saying she was from a middle-class family. >> because there is no answer. the obvious answer is that people are not better off than they were four years ago. inflation is skyrocketing and instead of allowing american workers to reap growing wages, they have imported people who will undercut american wages and work for fewer benefits and for lower wages that are displacing american workers. they don't want to admit the reality of their plan is to implement cheap labor for corporations as opposed to making sure that american citizens and the working-class are well taken care of. >> trace: very quickly, 20 seconds, your thoughts on the same answer and no content? >> to steal a phrase from biden, it would paint kamala as a pony face lawyer because for years she told us bidenomics is great and working and now she's trying to separate herself from it because it's not working. americans know it's not.
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it's an indictment of her failure as vice president and it's indicative of what another four years of her an office could be. >> trace: brianna lyman, amber duke, thank you. straight to the source, springfield, ohio resident witnessing the issue firsthand. diana daniels. great to have you on the show, i'm wondering if your friends and neighbors and fellow residents of springfield are losing their minds or is bad stuff actually happening in your town? >> i don't know where to start. i am completely incensed listening to sunny hostin. the chaos that has been concocted by kamala harris and her open border policy. this place is a disaster. every day it's like waking up to groundhog day, the same thing over and over again. it's not only a top-down issue, our city government has failed us. despite what they say, they have not helped us. we have been coming to city
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council not for a month or two months or four months, it's been a year. concerned citizens have been bringing up issues to city council, city commission, and we are met with nothing and our concerns are labeled racist. we have nothing to do with race, it has to do with culture. we have not been allowed to voice our concerns, come up with viable solutions, which we have. >> trace: i want to know what would you tell people like the sunny hostin's of the world and others who don't believe you, and then tim walz holding rallies saying they are eating cats. what would you tell people that do not believe that you guys are having a tough time? >> get down here, come see it. see it, what are veterans are putting up with, what are underserved or putting up with, the people being put out of their homes, living on the street. recently we had 213 people line up at the soup kitchen, they were hungry. come down here and take a look.
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take a real look. as far as the bomb threats go, we had media everywhere. they were parked at the welfare office, the dmv, they were ready but the offices were closed. surprise, surprise. >> trace: thank you very much for coming on. come down and take a look. we appreciate your time. coming up, our sitdown interview with former president trump including what he says about the migrant crisis no affecting small town usa. and later in the nightcap, trump giving the biggest indication since tuesday that he might be open to a second debate with kamala harris. do you think trump should agree to another debate if the rules are fair? why, why not? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses coming up in the nightcap. we will also take you back to vegas, add more of the trump rally. [♪♪] n! no wonder i don't feel as clean! here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved!
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(man) this whale is unaware it's being exploited for financial advertising. look at this silly little sailboat... these men of means with their silver spoons, eating up the financial favors of the 1%. what would become of them when they discover robinhood gold allows others to earn their very liberal rates on idle cash and unlimited deposit bonuses?
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>> trace: breaking now, we will give you a macro and micro look at the former president donald trump. first, the macro. his rally in las vegas, let's listen for a minute. >> they go through snake mountain, running through an american hero named sam brown. sam brown, sam brown. his wife is fantastic also, a me. but sam brown has given up more than anybody who has ever run for the united states senate. remember that. he's given up more, he's given up more than anybody who's ever run for the united states senate. he's a hero too, a real brave person. sam is a fearless patriot and
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purple heart recipient who served our country as a u.s. army captain, totally respected in afghanistan where he was very severely wounded. but sam survived got persevered, came back and is stronger than ever, a great guy, i've gotten to know him well. i said to him tonight, sam, i'm going to be the border president , you should be the border senator and he said im, i actually am. and he's the border, think of him when you vote. he's going to close up the borders. she wants to leave your border open. he became a small businessman and a leader in nevada and now he's going to fight for this state like nobody has ever fought before. sam brown will vote to secure our border, stop inflation, strengthen our military, defend religious liberty and cut taxes like you have never heard because sam brown thinks of one
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thing and one thing alone. >> trace: while the former president campaigns, we will shift to give you the micro. today i along with my exceptional team at "fox news @ night" sat down with former president donald trump at his golf club in los angeles. we talked about everything from springfield, ohio being overrun by migrants to what we are learning about the security failures during the attempt to assassinate him. >> reporter: as you know, we report on this every night and i'm wondering, because there's been this debate about the docks and cats in springfield and, you know, you have the people who live there who call 911 zanker animal is missing, the governor of ohio, the city manager says we don't see the evidence, but isn't the greater issue here the fact that these towns are being overrun by haitian migrants? isn't that the issue? why is kamala harris smiling and saying you are extreme present animals are missing and forgetting that this is a city
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that has been overrun by people who are not here illegally. >> in aurora they have a small area and they have hundreds and hundreds of people coming in. if you go to ohio, you know, there they are talking about 25-30,000 people coming in from haiti. this is a town that is small, beautiful, no problems, no crime, no nothing. >> trace: 58,000. >> and i heard this morning it was 31,000 people coming in. nobody can do that. it's a bad criminal element too, a bad criminal element. this is a town with no crime at all, springfield. it's got no crime, it's got no problems and now they have 31,000 people just came down on them. this is not survivable. we will have the largest deportation effort in the history of our country.
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dwight eisenhower, people think of him as a moderate guy, but he has the all-time record. he hated to sea people coming into our country illegally and that's what we have. i will say it here first, you are going to call me someday the border president because i fixed the border in 2016, did such a good job i did not mention it and could not mention it because nobody cared in 2020. in 2020 we had a much better election than in 2016. i got like 12 million more votes. think of that. millions more votes. but i don't think that's going to compare to this because the level of enthusiasm for this is far greater. that's why we had a very good debate the other night and i think we exposed her for what she is, she's a radical left marxist. >> trace: bernie sanders said the quiet part out loud when he said that kamala harris is going to the right to get into office, and that he believes she will still -- that she is still a progressive at heart.
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>> but she's left of bernie sanders, she's more liberal, they don't like that term, they like progressive, but to me it's liberal. but she's far more liberal than bernie sanders. elizabeth warren, commonly referred to as pocahontas, is more conservative than this woman that's running for president who got no votes, who was the first one to lose in the primaries, the same primary, to biden, and i guess 22 people running, she was the first one to drop out, she never got to iowa and she's now running. i don't know. is she a threat to democracy? they call me a threat to democracy, i'm the least threat to democracy. >> trace: what about assassination? the secret service, the head of the secret service briefed the house and senate, your wife has come out saying we need more information, we need to know answers about this, we are not getting them. >> the secret service, these are great people, they were very brave.
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when i was hit and i went down, within seconds and there were bullets flying all over the place, they were all on top of me. i had six or seven very large people on top of me. to protect me. where their mistakes made? yes there was. there should have been somebody at the building, et cetera, but i have to say their bravery cannot be questioned. those bullets were flying and i heard them going over my head. i got down fast which was lucky i did. more lucky that i dropped at that particular time. it was a chart that showed great numbers for us on the illegal immigration of people coming into our country and had i not drop that chart at that particular time, within a second i probably -- i definitely would not have been here talking to you, which is my great honor by the way. >> trace: coming up, much more
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of our interview with former president donald trump and what he thought of president biden putting on a maga hat. that's next. plus, we will dip back in live in las vegas. [♪♪] a spectator in your own life with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? talk to your doctor. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. chronic migraine may still keep you from being there.
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nicest things about me and really a celebrity and just a great guy, wayne alan. good man. a good man. and a brilliant young man who has always been with me no matter what, the good times, the bad times, you see him on television a lot, he's always talking about the border. it's a passion because he knows our country is being destroyed. stephen miller. he's here someplace. he's a great guy. knows more about illegal immigration i think than anybody in history. he gets it. a man whose also been with me just about from the beginning, he's tough, smart, he loves our country and he's a warrior. kash patel.
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and rick harrison, where's rick? rick, thank you. thank you very much. we have another person here, i said you have to get up there. i love warriors and this guy is really a warrior. do not fight him under any circumstances. he won the olympic gold-medal and he's the ufc and was the ufc champion numerous times actually. and i wonder if i can take him. i'm a little larger than him. i wonder if i can take him in a fight. could i take him in a fight? henry, you know who i'm talking about? henry, come here. henry cejudo. who thinks i could take henry in a fight?
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i've got a little height on him but he's got everything else. this guy is a winner. here, say something. >> mister president, i'm just honored. i think i would have bent the knee, i would never fight you. what you do for our country and the fact that you are willing to risk your life. you have no reason to do this but you are doing this for the people and it means a lot. as i told you before, president, i love this country so much, mister president, that i named my first daughter america. i appreciate what you've done and i appreciate what you are doing. let's continue to keep making america great again. [ cheering and applause ] >> and he's got good hair too. look at that hair.
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got no hair problem, right henry? a great guy. gold-medal winner. latin music superstar, nikki, where's nikki? thank you, great to have you here. i'm glad he came up. >> it's an honor for me to meet you, mister president. people that come from where i come from, they don't meet the president, so i'm lucky. we need you, we need you back, right? we need you to be the president. and apart from that, i have to say this in spanish. [ speaking alternate language ]
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>> let's make america great again. >> trace: we will dip back in as soon as the president speaks again. president biden surprised everyone where he briefly wore a maga hat at a 9/11 event this week. even though he has called the movement extreme and a threat to democracy over and over. former president trump had a little something to say about that in part two of our exclusive interview. watch. it's interesting because we were talking about this and i've never seen anything like it. you went into the firehouse. actually you did not because joe biden and kamala harris entered first and it was crickets. i mean literally joe biden had to kind of wave to tell people he was there. they were continuing their conversations. you walk in a few moments later and the place erupts. [ cheering and applause ] >> trace: i'm wondering one,
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how you feel, and two, what do you attribute that to? >> i've just had a great relationship with pennsylvania, with those people, and they asked me if i could come. i did not know biden would be there, he was there earlier. more "primetime" in a sense because i got there later, i went to the world trade center and then to shanksville. we stopped at the firehouse but he was there a couple of hours earlier. i saw it on your show, actually. nobody said anything, except they demanded he put on a trump cap. he had to put on the make america great again hat. and he did. it was very interesting. they said put on the hat and he said i can't do that. they said put on the hat and he put it on. that's not very nice when you think about it. but then i came in and the placement crazy. it was a very nice feeling. >> trace: really amazing. when kamala harris says things like, you know, former president trump disparages people in the military -- >> it's a light. >> trace: and you point out
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you met with the gold star families from afghanistan, and you meet with the people, the people whose families are hurt and killed by these illegal immigrants. >> they are liars. when she went over those points, all of those points, like the bloodshed, that was referring to the car industry as going to, you know, a bloodbath i guess is the word. that was a term i used for the car industry because the united auto workers has done a great a service to their members. i'm going to bring the car industry back into this country. it's all going to go to china and other countries. i called it a bloodbath. they made it sound like it's in the middle of the streets and it has nothing to do with cars. i was talking about the car industry and so many other things. every one of them should have been questioned by david muir who have lost a lot of respect for, everyone has because it was such a one-sided -- it was one against three. i had a great debate because my poll numbers are up very
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substantially after the debate. but look, these are lining people. i watched her, she said she worked at mcdonald's on the way up. her parents had money. she worked at mcdonald's on the way up. and then it was found out that she never worked at mcdonald's. it was a total lie. that's a big lie. to me that's a big lie, you know, for a chunk of her life she had to work and mcdonald's. over the french fries, with the grease and all the fire and flame. i know people that have had that job and they say it was not a pleasant job. but she said she worked at mcdonald's and unless she can prove differently, which she can't -- >> trace: we said listen, if there's anybody -- if you can prove it, let us know, but the word is that there's no evidence she worked at mcdonald's so just give us the evidence but we still have not heard. you talked about the polls and i want to get this right. a bc's tiktok account, a closing
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statement you gave, that kamala harris gave, as of this morning, minutes ago we looked, she got 222,000 likes and 4.4 million views. you got 1.6 million likes and 23.6 million views. it's significant because these are young people on tiktok. >> that's very nice, thank you, i did not know that. i always like to show -- that's why i like it, tells the facts. thank you trace. >> trace: we were going to bring you a commonsense mug because i know it's part of your thing. >> you sent me one, okay? i want one of those. >> trace: we of course will have the rest of our interview with the former president on monday night. he was very gracious to me and our team. meantime, trump giving the biggest clue yet that he might be open to a second debate with kamala harris saying he does not think he needs to but he might if he got in the right mood. do you think trump should agree to another debate if the rules are fair? why? why not?
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let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses next. [♪♪] hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference.
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massaquoi, amber duke. tonight's topic, debate gate. trump giving the biggest inclination yet since tuesday's debate that he might be open to a second one with kamala harris saying he does not think he needs to but he might if he got in the right mood. so should he agree to a another debate if the rules are fair and of course if it's right here on fox? kevin corke, what do you think? >> if it's on fox, absolutely. just do it. forget about it. >> trace: move on. let's see, julie. >> it's a good question. the moderators need to be fare. the rules can be fair but if the moderators are biased it's not going to go well. but there were a lot of policy points that need to be hit on that nbc viewers and abc viewers and msnbc viewers need to see. >> trace: yeah. i think if you are going to fact check, you had better be very good. you had better be very fair and you better be right. siaka massaquoi.
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>> like you said, as prize fighters do, it's usually the ones that get knocked out the want the rematch. he does not have to do it but if he does i say he does it with you as the moderator, trace, because you will be fair and balanced. i love it. >> trace: i love that but we have actually two better and more prepared people in bret and martha who are the best at this kind of thing. houman hemmati. >> the trump diet -- biden debate prove how consequential debates can be. after that i think we need more debates not fewer. as long as it's here, as long as it's with anyone, i vote for you and kevin corke, but whoever. >> trace: me and kevin. >> you guys would do great together. >> trace: we could hold it next door at the dubliner, i think that's the best place. amber duke. >> i don't think he has to. the polls have mostly stabilized, there hasn't big postdebate bumper either candidate and a survey of 800 independent voters and immediately following the debate
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found that trump won on the two issues that matter most to voters, immigration and the economy so if he really wants to put the nail in the coffin, he can go for it. i think the american people would love to hear more but it's not necessary for his campaign. >> trace: marianne rafferty. >> i agree. i think you should do another one right here on fox and trace, i vote for you. >> trace: check it out, x, yes, 50/50. instagram yes, 58/42. christopher says, as they say in spanish, no. as long as it is with fox, otherwise no. chuck, yes, it would show how much better a leader and visionary he is. mandy, he's done debates and won, move on. dianne, yes. what does he have to lose? karen, harris doesn't deserve another, she's done. we are done. thank you all for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night". i'm trace gallagher, have a great weekend and we will see you back here on monday. [♪♪] that's why you need zevo traps. zevo goes wherever bugs do—
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