tv Gutfeld FOX News September 14, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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and water protection. nobody wants to replace their roof, restore it instead with roof for 80% less. call now for a free inspection. >> i never expected to find anyone alive. we think that all murderers look like a murderer. most look nothing of the sort. >> it was a way for him to be able to put it out there without putting it out there. >> the amazon review killer only on fox nation. unfort all right. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being withy that h thank you for making the show possible. please say a dvrfor making t. . >> you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity monday. 50 days until election day. earl.s 50y voting begins in pennsylvania, then around the country. in the meantim voting e, let not your heart beat trouble this friday night. greg gutfeld standing by to put smile right there on your face. >> have a great weekend.
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all right. stl right. and still, it's never enough. >> it's friday, so you know what that means. let's welcome tonighknow what g. >> he's so white, he chalk, but he's tom shillue. she's so southern. she was baptized raised with mountain dew co-host. the bottom line of us business. .go ladies would love to try his rocky mountain oysters. chef and restaurateuran andrew grilldrew. and although no longer a cheerleader she still commutes by cartwheel co-host
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about never ever think about yo . yeah. all right. >> so before we get to some new stories, let's do this greg's leftovers. >> mm. all right, it's leftovers. t us this is where i read the jokes that we didn't use this week. and as always, it's first time reading them. so if they , we'll dress. joe mackie f up as a goose and send him to springfield, ohioe mott. so today is the 13th. >> oh, yeah. and to celebrate haitians in springfield are only eating black cats. donald trump told the new york post that he is done debating and will not do another.
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we're still waiting on a new offer, however, from his opponent. but. but a cancel debate could be a tough break for nbc, who had just announced their newly chosen moderators. meanwhile, pundits are claiming the vice president had an easy night tuesday by having both moderators clearly on her side. true, i haven't seen a three on one that disturbing since i caught the dixie chicks ravaging a crate of corn dogs. >> given the backlash over their perceived bias, abc denies giving kamala harris the debate questions in advanc.e ,claiming they just gave her the answers. yeah, i know. h i hate them all.
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osama bin laden's supposed deadn son said to be running i al qaida. well, oh, yeah, we got a deadea, guy running this country in your face. in your face. al qaida scientists have created a prosthetic hand that could feel just like your own, whic andh doesn't makc sense. if i had a prosthetic hand, why would i want it to feel like my own a? tom can't laugh at that. catholic, a venezuelan gang has taken over a hote.l in el paso, texas. on the bright side, the continental breakfast now includes a live cockfight. finally, tourists. bute three days spa in miami has debuted a robot table. unfortunately, its idea of a happy ending
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is sticking a usb cable up your . >> actually, this robot messes can simulate the techniques of a real therapist, including a human thumb, a cupped hand and an. an it's also been programed to say i'm not supposed to do this, but taylor swift announced her plans to vote for kamala harri s. apparently, no. apparently the singer wanted to show that she can make bad choices about women, too. in indiana, first responders rescued dozens of pigs from an overturned semi-trailer. the pigs f were safely recapturd and given medical treatment before. >> arriving at the slaughterhouse. r ho abu dhabi will now require couples to get geneticus testing before marriage. great news for those wanting befo but horrible news for those with hot cousins.
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. i know we've all been there. kathy griffin warned that ifgr elected will pick off comedians one by one to protect herself, she'll continue not being funny funny. apparently, millenniall wome are throwing themselves success showers instea d baby or bridalha showers to celebrate professionaln baby achievementse the achievement most cited dying. a study finds that women tendy o to give more money to attractive men. no wonder you're brokeive me, brian brian. in colorado, a woman was arrested after tying up her tinder date, attacking him with a knife and then ordering doordash her t.
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and here we thought kat was on her book tour. g and finally, a study found that women prefer to last around 35 minutes. >> is that over a year?la asst ok one man. yeah. all right, back to the news. so is the medi ia a fact checksy trump reality. facta. ecks the medi case in point, changes for illegal aliens in lockupl al. up tu trump brought it up in tuesday's debate. she went outess debate in minnea and wanted to let criminals that killed people that burned down minneapolis. she went out and raised money to get thes raisetm of jail.anks she did things that nobody would ever think of. no w wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens are in prison. >> mm-hmm. oh, the expression on kamala'sfa face, as he says that she justas can't believe it.
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because as every californian knows, changes aren't for prisoners. olchil >> therefore, schoolchildrendr. >> of course, the left wing lock steppers in the media couldn't believe it either. ot here's the new yorker quote his line about how the vicew president wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison was prettyop onillega. too. what the hell was he talking about? no wa one knows. oh, really?ws new yorker. no one knows. well, if by no one you mean k everyone who livesno outside your bubble, they were. nly on >> and they weren't the only ones who relied on their own ignorancees as prof . >> trump made that up. who claims something doesn't exisbleep t simply becauseus they didn't see it. and that meant we, the peoplt be had to do their job for them. users on x corrected the new yorker. time magazine, the new york times and others pointing out that, yes kamala did support taxpayer funded prisoner changes in an aclu
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questionnaire. at least time their error. but it's no surprise time initially missed the facts. this is a mag that admitted elon musk from their list of influential people in ai. that's like hawaiian tropic leaving me out of a hotteset buns on the beach contess t. fo >> but maybe a little more digging from our nation's fine journalists would have beeour nn covered. this 2019 clip of kamala talking about her time as californicoveri a ag, proudlyurageo defending her courageous efforts on dong'uss four detainees. >> i made sure that they changed the policy in the state of california so that every transgendee ininmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desire to need. >>desired and ne hmm.w th at>> of course, they never saw that clip. or maybe they did and chos e to ignore it. they'd rather focus on the charm of today's kamala. >> he said he said it once of at
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black. oh, you all watched the debate t . now we all know how trump felt when he was shot in.s when ear. i mean, imagine listening to that voice fod imaginr years. >> it's enough to make you wanto to knock up your nanny. now, this story captures, leftism in its full glory. it isn't just paying for other people's changes. it's illegals. and not just illegals. it's inmates. and not just inmates inmates. it's also detained criminals. what's next? wespay for the change of their pooch. i always knew fido was a fiona ,but much like everything the dems, the democrats stand the media chooses to ignore on purpose. >> take cam'e s running mate minnesota governor tim walz under his watch, at least, malev inmates have been transferred to a minnesota women's prison.
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two convicted. so as the media portrays walzme as a defender of women, an example of new masculinity, s sp he's shipping male sexual predators into women only facilitiepi s intos. >> and just take a lookners h at these stunners, huhow? war t if that's female, then wallace is a war veteran. why? >> why is it the media calling this out? because they'd be calling out themselves. the modern journalist actually thinks this is okayrn why not? these journalists aren't in a women's prison. that wouldaren't be cruel and ul punishment for the inmates. >> and if they see it as a problem, whether it's crime, illegals or attacks on women, the problem doesn't exist. the world they live in must be so small to exclude the many things that affect you. the >> leaving us the only choicey of waking that world up, whether they lik oe or not. you know they're going to hate you anyway, so you mightyou vot
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as well vote for the person they hate most . y. m >> i love how, like the new yorker prides on its meticulousc fact checking, and yet it wahecs the yahoos on ax that are factha checking them. it's got to be embarrassintog. but they just you know what? it's not their problem. right. and they haven't seen it. all of>> andven't us have seen g you know, we're on right wing twitter and we're trading all the videos. hasnn't know who hasn't seen that video of kamala saying we are going to have sex change operations fore vi prisoners. >> and trump saw it because he's on, you know, right-wing twitter with everyone else are at the new yorker. >> they are in their bubble. they never see these videos. so i think i they were first fae checking. they really didn't know about this. yeah fac checki, but then her defenderss were trying to qualify it and then they get into eveied te because they're like, she wasn't talking about prisoners. she sh shee she's obviouslyfo she's going to have sex change for people. she's going to let them out of priso itn first and then she's going to give me a tape.e
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>> you know, it's like you can' t get of it.ways s >> but i lovaye how these peopl, they always say the same thing saen they're talking like they say, well, you know what,y man would transition and just to get in a woman's space, that's not going to happen. it's lik's nothappene. >> have you ever met any dude? yeah. so imagine if you lived next to a sorority and they were like, you can live at the sororitye if nex, but there is i >> you're going to have to wear a dress. yeah. and the guy's like wear , oh, ws dress of razorblades. >> and they're lik e, no, just address. address of of barbed wire. what's catch? i mean, has it. i mean, haven't everybody seeneg buddies? i wanted to be that. i even wanted to be that otheroe guy. not tom hanks, but the other guy and guy. tom hanks leftovers. deggans what's interesting is about this bubble thing. it's like they don't they they don't know tn't know about our , but because we're always on the defensive in the media,w we knoouw our side and their sie
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. >> so we we see the right-wing stuff, but we also see the left wing stuff. >> we actually do due- diligence. welle thg stuff we, because we t to understand both sides and what's going on in this country. >> if there was any in politics and in kamala harris , it what her speeches would go like this. >> i'm a champion of women. well convicted pederast who say there are women i believe that incarcerate and peatos o and have every right to the best hormonegh treatments available and the treatment top in just implants out there and then whatever surgery their imaginary uteri desire that is that is their right and it is our is americand
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to provide that and pay for that. s amera toand if she ever had, r have done to say that she would face plant like dukakis because that's what they believe in. >> you know what i'm yes, go ahead it's how ironic that it's the inmates who are saying dukakis you. thank you. that's good. yeah. ometimes i worry sometimes about myself. right, tom? why did i think of that? i don't know. i was going to i was going to sa>> owey i was impressed with kagan's entire speech there. but most impressed by her b correct. >> latin plural of uterus. yeah. all right. i have one.. >> andrew so it is of amazingfa
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that we've come this far that we're actually talking about something like this, and it's like it waseness interesting that defensiveness of the liberals on twitter didn't believe thioferals s was. >> yeah. yeah. that's the funny part is, is that what they did was wentre through trump's debate performance and they tried to pick the craziest things right that no way, this is so out there. so they automaticallway went to this story because they're like, look at how nuts this is. and it turns out to beuts unde yes. and you know what? but this is actually personal to me. not on that level. we're not discussing or any of that. but so i get my news from food websites, right, because everything comes back to food. well i gemys ng, one da comy i'm scrollinges and i see blt unite. i'm like, oh, god, i lovn dae t. who doesn't love a blt? and suddenly this story comesthw in celebration. this was a long time ago. let me telasme agol you. blt is unite is actually bisexual trans who are marrie d . wow. so yeah, it's a it's called a blt. wow. you know, i don't know whether i just ruined the sandwich or i made it a lot better
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. i'm going to look at mayonnaise so differently. exactly. yeah reg: i'm. there you go. there you go. so? >> so i actually i actually came across this storyy came anw about it. so i knew right off the bat that this was true. but thisff tt was is the grasst blue type of situation, right? so what they'ruatheye going to s is one person says the grass is blue. they say, no, it's green. everyone sayons the s, the media said it's blue, it's blue. >> and then within two weeks bli you start saying the grass is green, you're racist, fascist >> geverything else in theu. >> yeah. y what do you saou sy, emily? it seems like it's left to just regular people to do the work pe at this point, like they want this story. >> never would they. they have just been happy to call trump a liar on this. >> absolutel y. and the thin g is, this whole time it's been up to every day ,every american to scream reality because. gas we've been gaslit by this administration this whole time, right? thministrae this entire time, we've been told that what we feel is accurate.
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remember, even when don lemon interviewed people in jersey, peop and they said,ee well, this is how i feel. >> that's not what the statistics show. i don'that'st care what the nums show to you. i care about my family, what my bank e numberar account, what myriene experience is. and this is another example that, yes, we continues to do d the work of journalists and we continue to live the experience the journaliministration and kamala harris says that we don't have and denies what particularly kills me as a former criminal law attorney ise ,that when she talks a about like as a prosecutor, which she pats herself the back for after failing the bar the first time. so we're supposed to believe in herr aftethe ba experience, ? so she talks about the s transgender prisoner experience. what i carhee about thes biological women's experience in prison,perience the 25,000 pa reports of assaults in prisons of biological women. how about that? do you know that your taxpayer dollar.ur taxpas pays for contrn in all women's prisons? whdollars cy is that? w why do we need contraception to be handed outeption t at allm prisons?
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>> you do the math. so the facas that that isizin prioritizing the 1.2 people who wantpeople our tax dollars to px a change operation and doesn't even acknowledge the thousands of women, single mothers in prisondn are suffering meat that's not fit for human consumption, that's suffering abuse in the trauma. and she thinks we're supposed to go down her path, that she's a champion we women, she is anything but. and that's just the tip of the iceberg. the dukakianythingt is ts of th all right. that's good. block it was. up next, liberal scream over.n up next, liberal scream over.n funnx. y meme. . up next, liberal scream over.n funnx. >> meet wi jennifers, gen x and y and gen z, each planning their future through the change mobile app. gen x is planning a summer workr in portugal with some help from jpmorgan. well plan. well plan. let's go whisker >> gen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only ture with chan 30 oncez her credit's golden. >> hello new three gen gettingea ahead with cheap solutions
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ha ha ha. we hope.] we hope. that means never cease as trump protects cats, ducks and, geese. >> a video of the day comes ge donfrom the pumpkin painted protector known as donald trump. his passionate defenseal, america's furry friends, has been meme six ways to sunday and. >> we wanted to share some of our faves. watch eating the dogs, eating the cats, eat the cat and keep the cat. >>, you're eating before eatingt the cats. eat the cat eat the cat eat the cat epic the cat the cat epic. the cat the cat kick theirs, the dogs, their eating the cats eat the cat ea t the cat eat you're eating the because you're eating the cats eat the cat eat your cat. they're eating the cat. they're eatingre dogs. they're eating the dogs. the people that came in,ey are they're eating the cat. they're eating. that's it is the petg the pes rr
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. got no ideiea ifou these storiel about pad eating are false, l but the means are glorious. >> hey, like i say, if the democrat s ignore illegal immigration and all the various horrible crimes stemminggration, then screw them. takeee can't take a jok at least it finally has the media's attention. and as far a s any creature you can get your hands on goes, one man says, don't knock it til you try it. >> iily.t dagen i firmlyt ha believe these means don't have to be factual because they've already ignoreveo be fad the facts. it's like we have we have women getting getting and it's liked the only time you hear about it is on fox. d you don't hear from them.he so it's like you don't want the facts. we'll play with the fictio fe w it's the genius of these memes other than their highly entertaining. they actually make people and investigate what is going on
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specifically in springfield, ohio. yeah, with a popularn th nation of 58,000 people and there have been, what, 20,000 haitian migrants come into this small town in just a matter of years. >> it's a hardship in termss of educationit in terms of financial ratings accidents. speedithere's like 10 hours a d. >> according to the "new york post", i've actually had friends newpost whd this very thing going, oh, my god, i can't believe what's going on in this small town in ohio. i'm like, yeah, this livesn on, on and on. meantime, the only thing anyone will remember about kamalat harris from that debate is that weird study rehearsed hand gesture that she was doing . right. and the more i watched it was, i don't know that putting your hand on your chin causes zit. >> oh, really?
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>> uh, so, andrew, as a connoisseur of cultural cuisine, this is it is it perhaps possible to argue the eating of domesticated animals might have been brought overin here, or is that just absurd? >> well, actually, historicall>y ,these are called roof rabbits. mm. and they are delicious,accord according to many of the recipes that i'vine looked at, you've got to use a lot of acid, a lot of berries to cut through the richness of the back hind the but we don't need to get into the delicacies of cooking roof. rabbit. yes. this this was an interesting thn moment of the debate because on the one hand, i think it's glorious. the teams that have come out of thid ink it'semess mean unbet the content is going to go on for weeks. on the otherhe wilgo hand, we aw it was coming. and i said to my wife before, when wd toe watching tv, i go, t they bring up the roof. rabbits. the cats. the dogs? yeahhe bbits thts he is going to pounc, right, to use their language. and when he does the next day,oe
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that's going to be what everybody talks about. yeah. and it's kin dy talksd this equation that the media uses, right? somebody goes into a storeth or you know, and they rob the restaurant and trump comes out ,he goes, the guy came in and robbed the restaurant and he took money from everybody. and thenaurant rm after that, e a cheeseburger. yeah. it turns out you ordered a chicken sandwich. yeah. yeah. so they're like, fact check. he ordered a chicken sandwich. the robberburgerurne dered icken say never happened. exactly right. or or they'll say, like, the guy came in, robbed the place, took everybody's money, and they'll go, no,ody's he didn't take everybody's money. >> he only took eight. like they'll kill al18 will of r really specific about how many people were robbed, you knowe . this isn't true. so the fact is there probably isn't anybody eating and dogs. but the "new york times" reports says like fatalities fromim, car accidents. >> i didn't know about that. so let me ask you this. do the undermine the seriouso th argument about illegalt immigration or does it a favoryr by drawing eyeballawins to it? >> i think the latter which which i agree with your point, dagen because think about the
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things that go viral that captivate all of a suddent america's attention, right? 99.9% of it is just ridiculous ,right? the one that came to mind when i was watching this was the like finance thought w. finance six five. right? it's nonsense. do you guys even kno sw what i'm talking about. whatever. so. so this, at least to your drpeopleg to thata larger issue because it is based in reality for the most pare it'st is open bors that are overwhelming america's resource s and small towns. >> right. we know that emergency services budgets have been total we hit within one month of an entire fiscal year. people are being forced out of emergency rooms. people are one. the strain is real. and so yet again, the media is playing a shell game. well, nothing to heref li about that. so why don't we focus on this? it's sort of like if you you catch your partner cheatinkeou g, n you're in an argument and they just. well, no, but i was wearing green. thsn., i wasn't speeding then. >> right. it's the forest for the trees and it remains if we'r foreon garnering any attention whatsoever on this issue, then yes, i'm all for it. ye, to your point, pretty funny. yeah. you know, means the means.
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tom, it is interesting how we never see the libs. meaning is there. al rea is there a biological reason for that. they can't mean. well, yeahr it can't m i. mean they're getting. the funny thing is if you go a tick tock you see the videos it's all the girls dancing to this and they're making fun of trump. >> they're like, trump's an idiot. trumpbut they're talking now about springfield, ohio, which was trump's goal about original. and so just look at the googlehe searches of springfield. nobody was talking about it, and now everyone is talking about it and they're talking about other stuff, not just the cats and the dogs and the pets and everything else. although and i love that, you ki i've seen in these memes, you're like, o'm h, i knowam that dog from the other meme. >> like he's like getting lot of work now. you know, his career's going well, you know, he's keeping it alive. so true. doge market way up. >> yes. but you know the john just made a video, he put it out and he said springfield, ohio. >> let the manspring them in.g yeah. and people are back and they're like, how about you leas into your mansion and they're showing pictures of his
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palatial mansion. yeah, it's backfiring and they're going to keep this up. >> they call it the streisand effect streisand eff. appla he should. you know what i bet yeah, he would. i bet he would. and john legend would take in 100 haitian migrants if he could unload chrissy teigenr. . up next, no more waiting. trump's done debating type two diabetes. >> discover the ozempic tri zone. >> oh oh oh zip.intained >> i got the power of three lowered my a-1 c cv risk and lost some weight and studies. the majority of people reached an such a a1c under seven andse. maintained it under seven. maintained it under seven. ozempic lowers cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. t up to 14 pounds. >> i lost some weight. i wasn't big. i wasn't big. isn't for people with type one diabetes. don't share needles or pens or reuse needles. don't take ozempic. iflergic to it.
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the polls. we know that. right? and all it is is just the twoou moderators against trump. so show up at the polls, maybe go to the debater 2 mode right e give one word, answers. that's it. you'llone-wordhat set. have thew what to do or say the iny top for every single question, every topic, just say, well, why didn't you do it? >> yeahyh that's it. can yeah. and see if trump can go an hour and a half without breaking goua character. >> that would be fun. yeah. he asked to do something different. true. emily media research center study found more was 100%0% positive in its coverage of kamala 93% negative about trump. so obviously i mean he knewo he wasn't going to get a fair shake but he knowsa fair s thats could happen again. is it fair to like is hes right just to avoid it or should he seek another venue? >> o ih that's interesting. >> well, if it was this venue,ha then i say yes. and you know, those statistics are from the pre-debate coverage, so correct predeba thr were stacked against them from the get go. i think that it's smart for hiam
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say i will not to. >> a third debate keeps hammering that he alreadythen t joe biden too which was the actual elected candidatehe their side kamala keep saying number two. but no, no, no. it would be numberul. and i think to that to that point, you know, after announced or i don't know that announce her candidacy after she shoved her in, h it's been 54 days. she hasn't even held a news evess or out there every day all day. so i don't see the need for another debate becauseery day t there every day, all day, articulating his policy, interactin outg with, as we sawi as well, that eight year old boy, liam, that he sent that packageth boy lia to, who a a medical condition like trump is spending 24 hours a day, not even justy no campaignincampaig, but communicg to the american people, reminding us what we would get with him as commander in chief. so the debate, if anything, all it does is show what kamalai would do. and i don't need to see another hour of her being a polished't.k >> i would just like to know that it would undenor my tomf pi
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speaking of polished turds, you know, it kills me is that no matter what trump says, he loses. like if he i'll do it again. >> i see. he thinks he needs another try . or if he says no, he's scared. well, that's why he loves to reframe things. d so immediately after the debate, kamala came out and said, i wantately af another debate. >> and he said, when a boxer loses, they always want saysh. c the boxer who wins doesn't wanta a rematch, says, i don't want a rematch. >> so he keeps using that word rematch as iword rs iff he the e and he says everyone says i want like he didn't you could tell everyonhe won because it wr the debate. he had no time to consult any poll. and he's like all the polls say, i wan he time tt i love ite go dig in.g:should s i think he should say, i'm going to do a debate. i'm not going to do it on legacy media. i want to do ite b gacy medt a place where, like the host, the moderator
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didn't go to school with thecand candidatide or that they kid their kids. so go to the same private schools to the they didn't worke same think tank b because that's the problemsame it's all infested. >> yeah shopping on waffleg house. >> yeah just let just like the ask behind the cash you both some questions. yeah. don't do a panel. don't do a panera bread though. >> you'll never, you'll get hit by something you need.need som you always need some like hash browns. >> i think that he will debater again i think that is trying to draw out and go to herhe and play her a little bit ego and inflate her ego and puffer up a little bit because. >> overconfidence is like a bourbon animal there is no faster way for her to fall on her face, then become more and more overcome for that because she's. >> you played that clip of her at the rally just fromu plha
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yesterday where she's like, oh ,in her own awesomeness, hadn't won one vote can answer, are you better off than you were three and a half years ago. >> sa halfo i'm still what i'm l thinking about how, you knowyoun what a bourbon like. like. but we'll talk about that a in the break. yeah. yeah. coming up, would you snub a robot rub? female athletes are not the biggest victims in this story. it's the children who've had their bodies mutilate. there's no way to replace the body parts lost. i call it the biggest medical fraud of our time. there are some people who are doing this work who are not qualified. all scandals. this one has many guilty parties. she looked into my eyes and said, you're a boy. transfixed with riley gaines y'
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interaction. >> the creators claim. >> this is a perfect for people who feel uncomfortable being . g. >> what kind of person is that ? i feel bad for them. yeah, it does. this is this right? >> should we be concerned? i think we should be concerneddn . here's why. because for anyone that has used those little things that you can put on your owny ug head to massage it, nothing feels like the human touch. >> so unless someone human shows meme a statistic or like survey from doctors wher ore they sayys thi this indeed will help medical people heal, then i say no hel to the robots, nothing is like an actual human touch. >> that's why we all have to and givee elderly i people hugs and all of that. so you can't replace you can't replace skint unless are you're buffalo bill. i think maybe give me an idea m about sending robots to olde i people because i don't know what they would do. theytom so emily makes a good pa that like if you look artmusi and music and comedy, what makes attractive is that i
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it's created by a human. >> and if you were like, you know, less, you would think about differently if it came from a computer. >> yes. an computed in food, like if it we a robot chef, it would you need to have some kind of human suffering and effort. suffering i agree. >> right. i agree. that's why i wouldn't want robot chefs or comedians.te he but i think the robot massage is a pretty good idea. goi think it's okay. i mean, the, you know, the chairs, nobody likes to do those chairs in the airport. yeah, the chair. i'm like, put a dollar in on like , hey, yeah. and people see you and they're like, hey, are you tom shilluetc from got on like, yeah,ha i'm getting a massage by this chair. >> i'm not a oh, that's a that's great story. yeah. i think, you know i think itneed works. >> it does. i don't need the human touch. i just nee the touchd the rightu to be. >> but you are also a serial killer. you hate humans. look at that. you
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yeah. there you go. i tell you, you guysi tell, the comedian. you know the thing about being a stand up comedian, expla you explain to the police that you can traveel as acomedin comedian, you can travel around the country, and that's how you cover your track thecountrs kilk the drifters in theer hitchhiker's dig there is some kindf of evolutionary reason forn achv human like like we like human achievement because it tells us ot f our reproductive value. >> you can't have that with a machine. . you can't. i have some questions. >>ns. >> why can't you be ? yeah, with a robot. shane oh, yes.? >> in general, no. with this machine, it says no. why? the danger is in the instructions is a kill switch in case emergency. >> i'm old enough to have seen 2001 a space odyssey. and how ain't your friend. >> yeah, that thing ain't your friend either.
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although i will take that over the hands that have touched me in miami. t yeah, well, that's. that is. that is true. you know, andrew, i bet you the ,the chef component in this could, would you, woul.dal you rather have a, an okay mealm made by a human or likeperfec a perfectly done meal by a robot or a machine. depends on how much i'm paying? right in price the value right there. >> but now is it weird how much we think a about like a meal mah by a machine is like when you're sitting down? >> doesn't it change to the whenn? 's no ar well, yeah, there's there's no art to it. you also can't time the environment so muct youtimen about food as chemistry in the environment. so if the moisture is up or down or the humidity or the altitudemeo t th t, barometric pressure, you see where i went there? yeah. a robot doesn't know anything a robo. p trying to take my job. yeah, but, but theo take thing d the description of this in the
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sales package was that it was cold, it was roboticwa etc.. it sounds exactly like my wife calls me when i give her a massage. she describe my wifs it perfectly. also, since this story has been announced, we found out that wdg 40 is buying out k-y jelly. >> so that's going t o be on the on the business side of this. a good merger there. yes. >> that's disgusting. now, wd 40 gives you a rash, andrew. yeah, yeah. well, you get that's the . yes. all right, kids. up next, we're answering rsv ca up next, we're answering rsv ca your viewer email. rsv can severely affect s, but i'm protected with a rsv. is the vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease fromis ? rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious. for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd and certain other conditions. but i'm protecting rsv effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from lower respiratory disease from rsth condiv and over 94% effecte
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the benefits of our pills. calm down to. >> order. yep. you're watching it in?, ma >> corrigan asks, what is the most useless piece of information? >> you know? i love this question. i'm nothing but useless information. this quest antom. >> ah, you know the ingredients of a big mac. they used to list them in the commercial>>a bi . i yeah, i can do it i bun seed, sesame on onions, pickles, cheese. let a sauce patties be falt l t oh, i just imagine, you know, your lats victim tied up while you're doing it. you're just doing that. but digging. >> so my undergraduate degrees in art history so i've got weeks of useless information
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just that the shoe bill stalk is a bird from the wetlands of central and east africa and. >> it makes a sound, it looks prehistoric and it makes a sound with its build. bui >> that sounds like a machine gun. ld likehmm. it and it looks like it will eat your face. uh looks don't forget to write andrew. you must have a a bananas are actually a berry. no. yeah. yeah. so when somebody says, is that ananas aually so whey in your pk that could be mean. >> make a banana i. it really it botanically it's a berry, it's couple of seeds with fruit around it and it'>> s i'm so going to blow my wife's mind tonight i never knew that . yeah, that's it. that's not useless. that's amazing. flunked this test. u flauntt, but it'ss usef always useful. >> thankul. >> yeah. a and that's what i was going to say. i hate this question.
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here's why. but i love the person who wrote it. but it's because everybody as a ug s team 510 in bar triviaar trivi and my family's reigning champions, there is no such thing as useless info. >> everything is useful because it will come up in bar trivia. >> so just keep the factstrivia coming. mr. barry mr. phil., the bigybeo mac. i don't know. i you knowt the big-ma, i have . >> 1970s bay area sports names in my head. it's not. i could go through the oakland like 76, you know gene upshaw, otis sistrunk but to zac lester hays they call me assassin jack tatum. stabler casper calendar car yes or lyle al zito yes. i'm ted hendrickson. >> hey, that's hendrix. ray guy, the greatest puntere gr of alleate time.
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>> then i could switch over to the san francisco giants, but only a the weird names like johnny lemaster and joe strain ,you know? >> but roger metzger, who got his finger cut off when he was using a power saw. darrell evaning s third baseman in dead center field or right field, met him in a parkinr,g. >> great guy. yes. the oakland a's 1979, 1980. under billy martin, where the five pitchers all had 20 wins and brian kingmad aln had 20 losses. yes, he had 12 was a 20 and 20. how was that possible? ino ef i guesfes. >> we'll be right back. start of a domino effect. >> periodontitis, active gum >> periodontitis, active gum repair ease clinically provegum exn to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. >> a toothpaste from periodontal. >> the gum experts do not buy
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