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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  September 14, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> good evening, everyone. i'm lauraha. >> this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. my angle in moment, s. first here is the media playbook on the biden-harris sponsored migrant explosion. explosioall across america. now, forget that actual americans citizens want this all to stop. ignore the factmare fot that its a political nightmare for the nominee herself. >> jusp ining it'st keep insista net positive for e everyone. ecn >> springfield is a city that over recent years has seenn a haitian migrant boom and a lot of cases they've been an economicic boon boon to the cir of springfield. although the city of springfield has said theye hp more help and they've gotten some more from the state government, they want more fro . the government. >> but wait a second. well, they hav e to realize how idiotic that argument. >> okay.n econ they need more help. they're asking for more helpom. >> it's an economic. but this never adds up because all totaled the federal, state
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and local expenditures popuhelter, feed care for health care and schoolyo this populatione kidn. >> don't let anyone kid you there in the hundreds of billions of dollars. they wouldn't give trump 5 billion for a wall. and we're neve r going to knowe how much all this cost. >> i come fromfr very multi-racial family culture, family. >> i'm scared. i'm scared for the women. i'm scared fory gran my granddaughterdds. the schools are overcrowded nowo the mass resettling of foreign populationpus. any country is bound to cause upheaval. bue ct herbut effect here of thi numbers dumped by bidentnan harris into the country, it's both infuriatind g and.hean >> my mother in law,, s coll kathy hayden. d he she was collecting our trashcan from our driveway when a car struck and kille at mornid her instantly. that morning, though, a haitian i migrant was allegedly drivinsg
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recklessly when he struck and killed her. y because to thii say allegedlyf day there's been no punishment, noor tedt even for the expired s on the vehicle. he was driving, living in fear in my owit's notn. it's not safe. i'm paralyzed with anxiety whend . i'm getting my children out of the car in any parking lot or walking on any sidewalk and driving on any road in this town. >> does that woman matter to kamala harris at all? >> because it looks like she cares more about basking in the glow of celebrity endorsements than addressinbritg concerns of desperate, law abidin g americans. what billionaire entertainers come less protection forceey wa they want you to all just pipe down and enjoyre this multiculturalism. >> you might imagine there are some challenges with,ne you know, integrating a new population, a new language, new culture, new dietaryl kind
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preferences, all kindsains of reasons why there mightle be growing pains. s fo these people came to springfield because there were jobey wers them and they we willing to work and they wanted to live. the american dream don't spread hateful xenophobic, racist lies about them. by the way, he's reading that comment as unconvincing as it is, that guy mightl advi be talented performer, but he's a lousy political adviseser. fi. analyst. well, he and his family, heecourse, don't liv in springfield. he grew up there. but if they think the haitia nor is so fabulous, why don't they in a family or two at their mansion? >> but look, their typical says, i like to call them typical entitled liberals. they fly over the carnage that their democrat pals like
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kamala and from the comfort of their pristine estates, they do their tedious tiktok and instagram videos as surrogates for the leftist causes du jourthe de. is onlyerica frhere one chance and i mean t one chance to save america frohg the failing establishment. and it's donald trump. and yeah, seeing what has happened to america, donald trump, sometimessometime gets el and sometimes gets really mad. >> people said that i was angry at the debate, angry? >> i was angry. i am angry about venezuelan gangs taking over aurora, colorado. haitian migrants taking over a beautiful place. soo be beautiful. d an i'm angry about youngd american girlssodomi being andra and murdered by savage criminal aliens. >> and to reaffirm his support l for kamala's open borders victims. wellbe, trump may be adding a fw
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stops to his campaign schedule who e, announcing policies that will actually help the people who are sufferingring most. >> i will maybe springfielfield maybe aurora. maybe both will go there. say i say this we will do large deportations fromrtatio springfield, ohio. large deportationsns veoing to get these people out. they empty their jails in venezuela, emptela.ied theiyy the nests. we're going to have the largest deportatioin tn, the history ofr country. and we're going to start with springfield and aurora. >> joining me now, derek orden is a wisconsin congressman and wisconsin itself has seen migrant crime explode and violent cases that arediscus being discussed and reported. finally, congressman, grea to see you.ew it's not just isolated to a few towns. obviously, no longer a border problem. this is a national problem. now, you live in a town i know
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of of fewer than 6000 in wisconsin, and yet a member of the trend dracula gang justtr arrested therere for sexually assaulting a woman. why? allywhat is happening?s ha >> laura, let me walk the dog l in this. everybodaura, ley understands absolutely how this simply did not need to happen. this person entered the country with gang tattoos from a criminalrimina organization, e gang led into the country by borders. irish made his way to minneapolis or is arrested for property crimes in swede wan in madison, wisconsin, where he was arrested for a series of violent crime was relh ofs. . he was released from both of these places because there are sanctuar hy. >> and then he came about 2 hous hours west, madison, wisconsin, to my hometown of preaching and brutallyothe a mother and her daughter and committed several other crimesno. >> thank god for my chief of police here and for dale mcculloch, our sheriff. they've got him in jail cri
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right now. but listen, that person committed thosmesn hae crimess . less than half a mile away from shou of our grandchildren's house and less than a mile away from our high school. sod he shouldn't have been allowed into the country to begin with. depod he even got past that and should have arrested and deported minneapolis, if that didn't happen, he should have been arrestedarrested and t in madison, wisconsin. but that didn't happen because they're all fallin didg left-wig policies and putting these criminal illegal aliencriminalsa american citizens. and it's just got to stop. well got t what i think people e feeling and seeing is that this is clearly american citizens feel like they're second class citizens in their own country. president trump addresseuntry.ed this today. >> it's not going to go away. it's going to get wors going t e. oncern it's going to get so bad. you know, what we're they is they're. just getting settled in. in. inere's 21 million people that have come in and they're just getting settled in. .it's going to get much worse.ya it's going to get worse at a
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level like see nobody's ever see before. >> do you agree that kamala harris, if she were to get elected as president of the united states, any little holds on the migrants coming across or any any extra enforcement that's all out the window? >>e is this going to b open season on america? >> it will. laura. and the only reason she's saying r that she wants to be vice president, harris is doing everything that wearing a maga hat right now. >> let's just be honest, okay? so she has completelly reasoy fd the script and everything and all the reason she's even addressing this now is because understands that the vast majority of american citizens are sick and tired of being abused by criminal illegal aliens that shlly let e let into the country. so absolutely, if she gets get the reins and becomes the president and, god forbid, tim walzes an the vice presidena this is just the beginning of a beamerican. >> i think it hacas to stop and it can't stop. and we knohappenw it didn't hapk
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under president trump. >> a lot of people think the end of america s , the end of america as we know it, they don't like the old det america, want a different america, and they are determinedyo to, you know,oo succeed. and whether people like it or not. so that's it's that'rtity.ooses opportunity. americans can choose the status quo of bordes anr and overwhelme towns and cities and a t declininheg or they can choosett a real path forward that's new that worked last time.u. congressman. great to see you, my friend. thank you. all right, iews kamala changedy pi her views on pretty much every issue and a phony pivovot ter.te center. but the campaign wants to reassure you the flip flops n are subsiding. >> the concern, adrian, is that she's saying some of these things to get elected isd she'll go back to her previous positions if she becomes president. is it safe t iy sho say she's gh to stand pat and where she is right now absol? c >> absolutely safe to say that will no doubt. eshe made that very clear on the debate stage tuesday night. she's evolveeons but d some pos but when it comes to where shen
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stands on the issues matter laua to the american people, her values remain the same. >>: joh joining us now, sean d, co-host of fbn, the bottom line. and kelly white, steamboat institute, blankly, fellow washington examiner, restoring america editor. sean, her valuesn th the same. this has been their patter now for a few weeks. b her values remain the same, but she's evolving on the issueshe iss that are kie her in the polls. what should americans take away from this justyat w with what we seeing in this border explosion and theale results of it all across the country? well number one, she's gaslighting us. this is double speak, right? so if you have valuend when s, o in california when you were a u.s. senator and the value when you werrders.e the vice president that gave you open borders, that promoted gun grabs, single paye datesr evlues tha mandates, and now price controls, those are thwill te te are the values that she will take to the white house, which is inconsistenh thet wit. policies that she's now promoting and has said she's changed on. and agaii lookt thn i look at te
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families that don't live johnr john neighborhood or or down the street, they don't deal with the crime and the competition for labor and the competition for housinge that every single american is forced to deal with. and so, agai aln if you like the last three and a half years, vote for kamala and then look at whatan she's about, ou n what she's promoted and go, that's right. that's the future. i wantg b for america. but if you want something different, a better economy, a better future, more safety, closed borders, you want to keep your gun. donald, your guy on fox is hillary. vaughn tried. to get some answers today from the house democrat ts on this evolution on the part of kamala watch. >> do you think she needsn to explain everyever reversal? >> i continue to think that thi ts whole there's allegations about a policy reversals are are overblown. she has changed her mind on a fracking ban medicare for all, a federal joral jobsb guaranteer a border wall decriminalizing border. the list.the li c
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yeah, i disagree that she'sow t her mind. >> now they just do nodealt knon how to deal with this, right? i mean, now it's just pretending the air isn't here. k there is no air in the roomblue after the sky isn't blue. okay . >> overblown. this is ridiculous, laura. i feel like i've been in massive psyop for the past few months where everyone has worked w so hard to convince men that kamala harris is trouncingm trump in this race. and then we had polling that came out this weekend that confirms thes is not at alldebate the case. and now everyone's trying to convince me that she wo ainsn the debate against trump and i go back home to my swing state of michiga tre tellt voters on the ground are telling me the exact opposite andsite thi. ters i think she lost the debate for the same reason she's losing these voters home because shee y failed to do the one thing that she needed to d fo, which a is clue them in to what she believes and what she woulshe wo if elected. if you watched that debate yo tuesday, din didd you a single new thing about kamala harris. you don't knowt she wo what whae
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would do on fracking. you have no idea whether she supportss restrictionsntly on abortion. and most importantly, you have you a why.take if she claims to care about the middle class, she has not already taken action to address their key concerns. she's not an impressivyeing st candidate and she's not convincing swing state voters. >> well, i think we knowat>> i l have no restrictions on abortion. i think that actually was clear inear the. but unfortunately, we didn't k have debate moderators who knena of the very novel concept of a c follow-up questionom that was completely out the window. all right. trump defended his the attacks o and his debate performance earlier today. checutk this out.i th >> i thought the debate waous great i thought i did very well, but i was fighting three people. i think he corrected ti 11 timesorrect over the 11 times. i don't think he had the right to correct me if i didn't correct her once. idea like on project 2025, i have noe idea. i had nothing to do with me. he didn't corrector. he knew that charlottesville nothing was done wrong
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, sean.t i mean, he just is notth going accept the narrative of the day about anythiny abougy >> the regime media and the people say, well, why does he take the bait? and you know, i was frustratedi, but point is, he's not likehe a regular politician. when someone says something that's wrong t he wants, to tackle, you know, tangle with them. and sometimeu sas know, maybe ta you say politically, don't do that, but that's just the kind of person he is. i thinkand there's something thi think middle class voters who are struggling they like that fighter part of trump. that's what they'r e gravitating toward, i believe. yeah. so, would agree he was defendiu himself quite a bit in the in the debatldn't t e. maybe he shouldn't have. but i agree with kelly the fact that com i hadl with a a tostio, actually level with the american people the first saystion the best question you p know donald trump says that the economy was better four years ago than it is todaygave and.nd she gave some pre rehearsedes narrative speechs what and didnh
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address what every single american we all knew the answer to thatat q course y of course, we were better off four years ago. it you say yes, but it'syou getting better and this yo going to make it even better for you to make sure that you're yeah, you can go to the grocery store and the gas statiour. u has ton you pay your insuranco you can have access to even renting a home wheutn. t you can't talk about that with the american people. i thintion i vk that first quess when voters turned off the tv and said, you knowknow whashe i, she's not for me, because, again, i might not like donald trump defending himselp g himsfe at every question. however, i do know what my an like four years ago, and i actually kind of like that. i like it a lot. on pos and kayleigh, really quickly, "the washington post" hat"suspii a out. trump stokes suspicions about assassinatioonn attempttht raising fears of more violence. basically saying that trump' trs emphasis on that on the shooting could inspire some of his supporters i to resort to violence in his defense. of all the stoop "the and thing "the washington post" has said and the most revealing of their biae mores, that's one the more blatant.
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>> yeah. and thsi think actually there ws a missed opportunity for the eh cring the debat h to highlight the assassination attempt on his life more. i think that was such a criticalmoment cam in this can because it humanized him to a lot of voters and itnvince also galvanized people who might not have been convincediny to vote for him otherwise. so there was a missed opportunity there. but it's certainly not his fault that he was almost shot and that he still wants to talra: inspk about that inspg violence. so now if you talk about the fact that you almost inspiri lost, lost your life, you're inspiring violence. crazy. sean and kelly, thann ank you b. a vote for kamala is a vote for a war with russia. my angle explains next. what you're about to see is incredible. >> fox nation sensational hit show burst back into action. drop the gun. don't miss all new episodes of crime cam 24/7. >> new cameras on with the drug exposing new crimes
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get a faster motor or five miles of steps per hour the step counter, the smart mat and wireless remote all now no prosperity, no peace. >> that's the focusat's t of tonight's anglehe. thi >> the events of the justa vote the past 24 hours should tellr us one thing. a vote for harris is a a u.s. war with russia. >> various reports this week indicateie bide the biden-harris administration is preparing to announc wile that it will authorize ukraine to use american weapons inside russian territory and deep inside. well, naturally, putin is taking this as a u.s. sanctioned attack on russiang ts
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territory, which it is. a but i'm not sure ife this decision is made. >> it'll mean nothing less than a direct participation of nato's countries, the united states and europea united sn countriess thei in the war in ukraine. this is their direct participatioparticn. and this, of course, significantly changes the very essencthe the nature of thestats conflict. this will mean that nato's countrie s, united states and european countries are fighting russiightina. now, this is the most dangerous moment, i think, for the united states, the end of the cold war. and, of coursee d , real presid, not a ghost president, then what we have now would address a nation and explain why the facts on the ground such a major us escalation, that is p obviously from these leaks in the press, in the worksre . and now, of course, the truth is not pretty on the ground. our and zelenskyy himself, they know that ukraine is nowheu and has been on the course to losrse thise this.
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so $200 billion in us money. all these weapons sent over and a major upheaval in the energy and ag markets, agriculture markets, countless. dead. we'll never know the real numbers and youn osg voters across the country right now should realize this voting democrat means not only four more yearsso of war, but the very realme poi possibility that at some pointnt we would need a draft to staffrn are already depletedks ranks. r you've seen the recruiting numbers. they're terribles would be. so a real press would be demanding answers tonights to on all of these critical matters. but of course, the press all, kamala harris, they know that this is a really bad political issue for thems d polt this is why none of the questions raised at the debate reallyly d really drill down he. the only question about this was phrased to make look bad,ne which didn't succeed. >> do you want ukrainen to win this war? >> i want the war to stop. i wantt ar to save lives that ae
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being uselessly people being killed by the million. >> now, of coursnalde, donald trump is right. we need peace. and atrt s war, the start of this war, the angle noted how unlikely it be for ukraine to defeat russia. russia. of is a nuclear power.a it's also a country that is backed by china that has the largest standing army in the world. anythinand if anything, after f this, russian nationalism, russian patriotstionalis ism, it's grown since the war started. and putin is in a stronger position politically, not certainly not a weaker and of course, at the same time, america is poorer.ea and speaking of the poorer issue, "the washington post" is trying to, in failing to rebut the terriblrussiae ce s data report that show definitively why most americans just don't fee bl likt the economy is working for them. and, of course, evenhe had the , though, had to concede that household incomes rose laststtime year for the first te
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since 2019, but are stille lower than they were beforwae the pandemic. and by the way, the poverty rates gone up. so bingo is , this is just a toxic combination for the harris campaign war and decline. oba now, remember, both factor into obama's win back in 2008. back then, of course it was the iraq war and the 2008 financial crisis. , situatiso in that situation, did not stand a chance. and here we are, 16 years later, we have another period of american decline, another costly war of choiced it. ome of >> and it just rages on. the so no wonder some of the samehas figures are supporting harris. this is just as much.n about their own egos and their own redemption as anything elsas e in this election. i actually have the endorsementl of 200 republicans who have formally workedesiden with president bush, mitt romney and john mccain, t of including the endorsement form rmer vice president
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cheney and congressmember liz cheney. >> this is just the best moment ever. so predictable, though right?. of course, liz cheney is jockeying to be harris' joy in some wild fantasy that will lead us closer to world war three. we'rus worldwille going to get t right this time. this is insane. and the voters need to know what's on the line here. >> the simple message to all voters out there, but especially women, i think, especially young people, think very carefully about what's at stake here. extendiny careyg brad summer and making taylor swift happy will come a very heavy price war with russia and decline at home. the only chance we have for peacacperitye and prosperity ish donald trump. and that's the angle. all right. joining me now, florida congresswoman anna paulina luna. congresswoman luna. wow, it's pretty clear to me and i like your take on this, that the biden-harriss ed administration is edging us closer to wargi us. e pr
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russia with this floating of the idea and the proposale ud that american weapons weaponry can be used deep inside at this point in the conflict. what do voters need to understand here? k it's ththink it's very simple v or from the get go, starting with a withdraw in afghanistan, our adversaries knew that we were weak and that was due to the biden-harris administrationek. t is failure in foreign policy. what we're seeing now is that you ca nowe evenn see, even thoe harris has done nothing to calm tensions in the middle east, u'p in fact, she dodged bibi netanyahu's speech to congress, of which i was thereeeich i wa . but the point is, is thato what's going to happen now is if they do so. and if they go forward with doing this, what will ultimately happen? it is going to escalate the current tensions that we have. and what lauere i say, laura, it there are those of us in congress. in fact, a majorites noty of coy does not want another war. and so the fact that they are doine ang this in an effortr especially right before an election, i would say noree buth only not only is it
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irresponsible, but it is very likely that your son s and your draft daughters, for those voters who may be undecided and that eney wilhatl drafted and that they will be forced to fight in another ward in that will liy not end in our favor. and i say that as a young momase it scares me. >> yeah. this this has been going on for now ye aw a years.we we spent a couple hundred billion dollars. we get sporadic reports about what i think mostpres americans don't really know what's going on in ukraine. but we president trump wasidighn right. we have i don't know if it's millions dead, but we have hundreds of thousands bothr on both sides who are dead. and now it's going poorly for ukraine that they're thinking of trying to, you know save? face by bombing deep inside russia. remr and they want to rememberu mission creep and what happens when that resultlt?. yeah, it's extremely disturbing. but i also to remindwant the american people that when president trump's polling came ou e perst and do believe that president trump will be the next president, that zelensky i doaty
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only considered peace talks with russia. and i do believe that the best avenue of approach would be for the united states to come in and broker those >> l for peace talks. but we have our own issues at home and we need to solve what's going on at home. but what we can do is we can facilitate an end to that war. and i think it would be a net positive for the entire world. we don't want war with russiussa now. democrats used to be all for peace. what happened to that? congresswoman, wonderful to see you. what does the middle class see that the pundits pundits art saying? >> that's next. >> is there more to the world than meets our eyes? another realm that's transforming our world. after eight new york times bestsellers, jonathan cohn releases his newest blockbuster the dragons prophecy, israel, the dark resurrection, and the end of days. for the first time ever, jonathan cohn will open the mystery of the last days and what lies ahead. the dragons prophecy will open your eyes and blow your mind and change the way you see the world available where books are sold. >> do you have a gold ira?
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others fell in open areas. now the idf responded with israeli jets striking rocket launchers in south lebanon. and for a second straight day, the town of springfield, ohio, was forced to close public schools and municipal buildings due to bomb threats. bomb detection dogs found no explosive devices. the springfield mayor says they are working with the fbi to trace the origins of the threats. it comes as springfield has been launched the national spotlight over false claims. the town's haitian population are eating people's pets. i'm julie painter. now back to the "ingraham angle". . now most americans feel like they're worse off thanow tha they were four years ago. and all the polls show that. and the censust an data shows t. but carlos extended campaign team says don't blame her.e her. >> the u.s. is facing all kinds of problems, from the economy to uncertainty abroad and wars raging . that's one reason that, remember, biden and harris have
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both faceded headwinds. with there are plenty of real reasons that have nothing to do with politicians but actual real world and economic realities that have people concerned in america. > lau that's funny. joining me now, bob lighthizer, former u.s. trade. all right, bob, great to see you. so it's headwinds. these are headwinds hav and everyone should expect these headwinds and the people who'vne been in charge deserve no blame for the fact that people are poorer than they were four years ago. your response to this tonight? >> well, well, i mean, my initial response, of course, is thaiat it's complete nonsenst i look at one thinrug is is true for probably two decades before president trump was electeted, american middle class american workers did not get a paey wery raise. they were less wealthy thans an, they were 20 years before. >> that changed during his four years an ud unfortunately, we reverted back to the old policies. >> so besides monetary policy, you can think of kind of fiveevr
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things that are going to affect this in on everyone. >> president trump's on the right side of growt andhs and, wage increases and jobs, and harris is on the wrong side. it's -- it's spending. it's regulatory policy. >> it's energy policy, and it's trade. and if you go right down list on everyone, she wants more taxes on business. he wants less taxes on business in america, drive jobs overseasp ,period. it always happens. on on spending pendin. ng >> she wants more spending. that means inflation. it means americans, worker.s. going to be poorer. regulation. she wants more regulatiogoinn. we're going to be we're going to be less competitive. we're not going to be able to creats ine jobs in america wl and raise wages on energy. >> we get this talk about that. there are reasons for it. all right. i want to ge oft the issue veryid t quickly here, bob, of the thdiffs, because she argueha that the tariffs are going to be a tax on every american.aa i think she said $4,000. and that's the line from l fly
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the free trade absolutists. very briefly, what americans need to understand about properly deployed tarifftn . >> all right. so so the notion behind a tariffd e tariff is you're tag foreign producers, it's going to create and it a ford if you american manufacturers, it's going to create jobs. k atand if you look at the modeb these people use, they're all static. thosere numbers are bogus. >> and partisan and i would make one last point. ated >> if you trade barriers n, why is itarrier that china, which has more trade barriers than any country in the world, has no igo inflation? the reality is it's to create manufacturing jobs on off jobs put upward pressure on well, it's going to make america's middle class cla and workersesin richer. and that's what the president can't do. t. the way histoand by the way,, it has always worked that way. right. >> and they always got a smoot-hawley when i would go in to that on a friday. and i will always go back l to that. but literally, we've seeit
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nog what globalization, purist ideology of globalizatio n has tha done to the country. we've seen it. i mean, we're living it. and sothey people don't like th. they want american manufacturing. they want good paying jobs manub and i think that's what president trump was getting to. bob,lass the middle class aren't really they don't seem to be impresse whad by what the pundi said about this debate. do you believe yes or noth a that as this all settles out, donald trump on that middle class and working class american vote will come out on top very quickly. >> no, i absolutely do. i actually it's a very look at the democrats don't have economic welfare of the eciddl class as their primary objective. president trump does. mormore interested in diversity and economics and rights and criminald laws and open borders, all of these things. >> he's focused like a grow the middle class. make them richer. that is what our. that's how you have a stable, great country. to see
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bob, it's always great to see you. thank you very mucthank you ver. all right. a new trump ad crushes g her . kamala using her own words, the angles 2024 ad wars next. ready to live, age less than listen. an ageless male. max keeps me at the top of my game with hundred and 75 milligrams of ksm 66 shown to boost total testosterone. >> bigger muscles, reduce fat. bye bye, dad. and it has knocked reform to boost nitric oxide production. turbochargers you in the gym and in the bedroom. my vitality and stamina are off the charts. just ask his wife. live ageless with ageless male backs available at these fine retailers. >> melissa gilbert here. i've had a hard time sleeping since my late thirties when. >> i didn't get sleep. things got worse and it took a toll on my mental and emotional well-being. >> fortunately i discovered
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you know you love. this segment is well underway. we'v segsomee some stunners ande stinkers. and each week of the campaignisu going to dissect them, analyze them, republican and democrat, and issu ce our own report card. >> joining me now is terry schilling, president of the american princip principles project. all right, terry, this is always a fun part of the wee k. let's start with trump. now, this ad is focuse sd solely on kamala harris' own words. >> we di watch. >> we did it, joe. everyday prices are too high. >> it feels so hard to just it, be able to get ahead. we did it we did it, joe. for many families, there is not much left at the end of the month. the bill that up, we did it. >> le did it. joe.ave to s terry, i have to say, one of my children likes to say we did it. joe, i don't know wht kny, but theyu. always like, what's your grade for that? >>my kids that, laura thank yo. my kids love that, too. i give it an a-plus, right? this is a veryit a ad.y -- tha
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it exposes her as a very cringe. you can't. i wa cringeys one of those cring moments of the campaign was the way we did it, joe. r ows tobut also uses her own wo to indict herself. it's verwe, y powerful. o keep >> a-plus. well, i think it's just hard. you have to keep saying, well, things are really expensive. gas is right. and i thinand k what iahas who'n in charge for the past three and a half years, that's an odd turw on tn. but all right. now on to kamala. she has a new ad which aired on fox, but it doesn't mentioni, a policy or an issue. >> let's single one at least watch this weird obsession with crowd sizes[laugh. oes what does go wrong? >> and on and on and. >> marc is ready for a new chapter. we are ready for president. >> kamala harris. tterry what grade you give that one? i give this a d-minus. think it's a very lackluster ad. it doesn't bring any new information to the tableto
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it's very low brow. and it also is an n admissiotha barack obama is a much effective messenger for the kamala campaign than kamala herself. >> yeah, he's a lot more dynamic. dy ehe's more effective. >> he does like, come on ofke, he has it all. she tries to do that obama voice. but it doesn't it kind falls a little flat. you can't. obama is obama and kamala is kamalt bea just be their own candidate. all right, terry, pennsylvania republican. i mean, we've gonek to back to e mccormack so many times, he should win this just because of his ads. incumben great. now, it features the democrat incumbent,ob bob casey and kamaa harris and these ads. but this one really focused on dave himself. daught >> watch. i want one thing and our six daughters want something elseerg elsix to>>. six, two, one, and me. seven, two, drew. so i've learned to come prepared to make a really detailed case. y whenand then when necessary, to listen. in washington, we need more people who know how to listen, not just argue.
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that's a lot of girls in one house hearing what grade. i give it a b-plus. laura, i think it's an exceptionally well-done ad.ll. it really you know, it puts a pro-family spin on this. it's o and it's l targeted at a very important voting demographicvaniwomen. kns in pennsylvania women. and it says that he can get along with thehe sevenm and. he knows how to deal with the seven women in his household so that he can deal wito. h those women that. in pennsylvania, too. >> it was kind of fun. i like that. now,i terry, another one that something like i've never seen this before as democra t. check sally duvall is running for the texas house of represent. ha >> check it out.a you might already know what's in this, but d to you?t? who has no idea? no way to test it.en lat.'sw enforcement. i believe it's high time for change in texas. she's smoking there. e it mm-hmm. something. terry, what grad ae? i give it an f. this ad does not appeal to anyone that voting for her.,
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it's. it's not appealing. pe wan, people might want to have a friend or be okay with friends that smoke pot, but they s pot definitely don'tt someone representing them. that's a pothead. ra: do y you know what i would do ifs is i were challenging her? i would say this your brainyou o on drugs. >> i would just play her last comment. n't need t i mean, you don't need the egg in the frying pan. you just have that woman. all righays, t. as always, great to see you. thanks, my friend. thanks., laura. holding >> all right. some celebs can't resist getting political, but some are holding ou oeyt. or are they? plus, i'm granting raymond three wishes. friday night's friday is nexy n >> your emblem of devotion. have your engagement ring custom made by the jewelry exchange. choose a one carat lab grown diamond for 599 or a natural gia for 1998. came outside for 99. thousands of choices. >> always the best deal. the jewelry exchange, direct female athletes are not the biggest victims in this story. it's the children who've had their bodies mutilated.
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their support for kamala harris. john legend, the springfield, ohioharris. end, the, welcomed the haitianio immigrants to his hometown, who now constitute, native a thd of it. of course, it's easier when you're welcoming them in your ho s h from beverly hills,welcom but not everyone's wading into thos ie volatile watersbeverl of politics, laura. >> or are they? i think that the who's artists should come out and speak for kamala against donald trump because he is an existential threat to the countr a >>y. e what do you say to that? you know what? i don't get too deep into politics, obviouslt doyou say yo watching like everybody else. i think voting an individual, choice. >> so you're supporting kamala harri els this election, i understand. >> yes. inlaura, you know, i enjoyed has . why is it better a comic's jobst to harangue every guest into a political endorsement? i can understand that, but i think audiences are bored with all of this. it's not like we turn to thesegr .
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>> perhaps we should usher them? usf the political, political, punditry, whatever. i hope they're having fu offn. u >> all right, raymond, i'm giving you three wishes because feeling very good. thank you. jeannie. well, trump an trumpd biden ands harris visited the same shanksville location on wednesdaysited thsame to mar. but look at the reception. they got very different different at hotel. nobody even around, laura., people people got their back to them. they're totalllaura. y paying any attention. >> trump's entrance was slightly enthusiasti anyc enthusiastic. oh, the honor.
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and i know like somebody else, it was to be whatever was it said to be. wasn' all right. but, laura, to my wish. i wishbi biden knew there was a presidential campaign presr that wearingt a trump hat might not have been the best way to support the womave bn he walked in with. >> hmm. my o'brien guy put it on. >> oh, look, i didn't likefart. the guy calling the president an old. i mean, that's disrespectful. mebut charlamagne, tha god was just as tough on biden. >> were why is the sitting
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president? >> would you wear a ha it o in support of a person who isrsw out of your running mate? he is an up. in regards to you, i meanra: ma crazy. >> maybe trump is right.yb maybe he doesn't likumen is kamala too much smarter than we think. he's either totally round the bend or this is payback. d r one of the two. laura. most people miss the moment in the debate and this is my second wish. i wish kamala would have worked a little hardethr on this critique of trump's nonexistent or is it existent economic plan? >> sr o donald trump has no plan for you. and when you look at his economic plan. so which is it? does he have a plan or do weh is look at the plan or is there n o . >> i don't understand this at all. she seems to be contradicting the size of the bill difficult. >> all right, raymond, final wish. okay. . i wish jesse didn't have a show so i could keep going. jessbut i wish tim walz would sp trying to explain kamala past.
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it's both embarrassing and subliminal. >> this started, and i love this story. as a young prosecutor, story kamala harris talked about going in that courtroom for the first time. kat. e's had one clien >> what did he say again? a young what? as a young prosecuto .r. >> oh, well, you know, look, tim, will tim schmaltz, you don't want to send out to target, you know, kamala harm. i mean, come alive. well, whatever you figure it. okay. all i can sao y is that pick for vice president is guy. t that was a disaster, raymond. s oh.o se always great to see. i got to see you in person this week. thank you so much. have a great weekend. that that is it for us tonight. jesse watters and the gang take it from here. >>


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