tv Cavuto Live FOX News September 14, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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>> all right, donald trump presently in this race might mean even in the polls, but leading when it comes to some of the big tax cuts he's looking to enact, not only bringing back and extending the tax cuts that dominated his presidency, but no tax on tips, no tax on social security benefits, no tax on overtime and some have been picked up by the harris campaign. first to trump and the big sell he had with that in las vegas where you'll find our mark meredith right now. mark, back to you, my friend. >> neil, good morning to you. for months, voters have been giving donald trump an edge over democrats when it comes to the economy and now, trump is doubling down on his pledges to cut everything from overtime pay to tips and even social security benefits. it could resonate in the swing state and especially in nevada as you know has a heavy
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hospitality industry. >> when i'm back in that beautiful white house, we'll have larger tax cuts for workers and a special tax that here is going to do i think to do quite well. it's called no tax on tips. >> "the washington post" though writes, economists are concerned that trump's proposal could distort income. and people who are salary could press their boss to be hourly. and some states are looking at this. alabama is looking into exempting overtime and taxes. and under harris, she wants the child tax care credit, and higher taxes on some americans who make capital gains and vowing to spend taxpayer dollars to help parents get a home or launch small business.
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>> my approach is about new ideas, new policies that are directed at the current moment and also to be very honest with you, my focus is very much on what we need to do over the next 10, 20 years, to catch up to the 21st century around, again, capacity, but also chal challenges. >> the trump campaign has been hitting harris overnight on some of the answers in the interview with the local abc interview and that it was word salad and couldn't get anything out of it. and the clips will make it out over the next few days. trump says if harris has a plan to fix the economy and tackle inflation, what's the reason for waiting? why hasn't that happened already under the administration and neil, i should mention, your birthday is next week. after the show you should take the cavuto jet and a pool party
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at mandalay bay, no t tie required. neil: and you beat me to asking you why you don't have a tie. you don't have arcane things like me, management, mark can do what he wants, neil. >> yeah, that's the thing, is that i'm a working man, whatever i can to get the audience on my side, i'm all for it. neil: there you go, there you go. always fun, thank you, mark meredith in las vegas. i know the next fellow is wearing a tie and maybe he takes his job seriously. lucas tomlinson is at the white house concentrating on team harris. a big one tonight. >> if you make it out to las vegas, maybe you can find billy walters, one of the gamblers, and i digress.
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and kamala harris sat down with a local affiliate in philadelphia. >> when we talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people, what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that? >> well, i'll start with this, i grew up a middle class kid. my mother raised my sister and me, she worked very hard, she was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when i was a teenager. you know, i grew up in a neighborhood of folks who are very proud of their lawn. >> now, yesterday vice-president kamala harris spending a lot of time in pennsylvania, of course, energy a huge issue there where fracking is king and pennsylvania is the second largest producer of natural gas. it's notable the biden-harris campaign and the administration, excuse me, neil, blocked new licenses for the exports of the u.s. liquefied natural gas, something the judge halted over the summer and the vice-president is adamant that she's not against fracking.
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yesterday while meeting with his british counterpart weighing will to allow ukraine to use long range british weapons to strike russia, president biden did not choose to weigh in publicly. >> what do you think of --. >> i don't think much about vladimir putin. >> do you take-- >> now, wicks wilkes-barre, she said she wanted to look at four year degree when it comes to hiring. and critics are saying she's taking that from trump. neil: she's open to for giving student debt in four-year colleges. >> very nice, neil, very nice. neil: just curious. thank you for your tie, thank you for your excellent reporting. lucas tomlinson at the white
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house. and yesterday i had a chance to catch up with wilber ross, and a campaign spokesman. he said wilber ross said donald trump may have missed the opportunity to look at the economy compared to four years ago and that's trump's biggest selling point. take a look. >> under trump the economy was very good and we were starting to get more participation in the labor force. well, there are only three things that are the components of growth in an economy like ours. one is the change in amount of people in the working age population. no president can change that much as pretty well been set by the birth rate. and second is work force participation and that's going nowhere unthese under these
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people. that's a negative. the third thing is protecttivity and all the spending they're doing has nothing to do with productivity. so i don't see how they can grow the economy enough to survive with the growing debt burden. the only way to make it survive is to really increase work force participation and trump was doing that. we were accomplishing it. right now, over a third of able-bodied working age americans neither have a job, nor want one. that's not how you build a country and the reason-- >> but you're worried about debt, wilbur. you're worried about that. >> absolutely. neil: and wharton plan says 5 trillion to it and hers i believe a little over one and a half tral and those numbers probably aren't worth the paper
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they're printed on. neither candidate seems to be worried about the debt. does that bother you? >> well, i know from my personal experience with trump that he understands that the way to get the economy to be able to live with debt burden is rapid growth and that's what he's aiming toward. her programs, taxing successful people. taxing successful businesses, is not the way to stimulate, but the worst thing is there will be more and more regulation and when we were in office, when businessmen would come to see me, they were much more grateful for regulatory reform than they were even for the tax cuts that president trump put in. neil: all right. that full interview is on our fox business website. >> and we talked to a lot of other economic issues, not very
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germane here. but the spokesperson discussed the post debate environment with me and some of the economic numbers that wilbur ross was just dismissing. take a look. >> independent economists have come out and said that president trump would be way worse for the deficit and debt than president harris would be and-- >> still trillions of dollars, right? it's still trillions of dollars, right? >> when it comes to people who care about the debt and deficit. they want to see that people are willing to raise the revenues to pay for their plans and i think with vice-president harris, she's put forward a suite of proposals to make sure we have the right revenues to help pay for some of her proposals. for example, talking about making sure that billionaires pay a minimum tax. talking about quadrupling on stock buyback-- >> isn't that the problem, we don't get there. she's over a trillion shy. i know these things really oftentimes on the left and right aren't worth the paper
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they're printed on, things change, i get that. it's not as if the debt is going to get smaller under a president harris. >> under the biden administration she's been proud to serve as vice-president we have reduced the deficit. there are ways-- >> the deficit, the debt, combination of deficits has not, it's increased by trillions, but go ahead, i'm sorry. >> that's okay. if we can put forward a suite of proposals that foster real economic growth. when you look at the two candidates, vice-president harris put forward a couple weeks ago a plan for growing small businesses in the country. right now you want to start a small business business in america, $40,000 to get off the ground. a tax code allows the deduction of $5,000. she wants to make it $50,000 so that we can actually help those small businesses grow and they can create jobs and create revenues in local communities. these are the kinds of
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investments in real working america that she's proposing, whereas, again, president trump an independent economists and nobel prize winning economists said his plan would be an inflation bomb. he's offering plans that are completely all over the place and would actually explode the issue and make it worse. we know when he was president last time the debt increased significantly than under democratic presidents. if you care about the debt and deficit there's only one candidate who remotely comes close forward a plan. >> the strategy is to make sure the rich pay their fair share, minimum tax for wealthy, for the corporations, but i'm curious what you think. what she thinks is a fair share. and getting outside the billion air community because they're rarified air. we used to have the top income tax rate of 90% in this country
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and then it was in the 70%, and then in the 50%. it's 37, 40% the federal top rate and that apparently is not a fair share in your eyes, so could i ask you, what is? >> well, we have a situation in this country where we have corporations and certain ceo's and billionaires paying nothing in tax because of the loopholes in our tax code. what the vice-president has put forward is a suite of proposals that help balance the playing field a little bit and increasing the corporate tax rates-- >> i understand could you attach a number, if it's 37, 38 right now and they want to get before the trump tax cuts. what should the top rate be? if that includes the rich, should that rate be significantly higher? and what would it be? >> well, again, i was talking with the suite, and capital
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gains taxes last week when we were talking about the small business plan. for example, you have a situation where president biden proposed increasing the top capitol gains tax rate all the way to 40%. the vice-president thinks it's too high and she's proposed it, and we have tax code to reward investment and entrepreneurs and small business. neil: what would make it a fair share, if these guys are not getting away with paying their taxes, i don't want to be obnoxious about it. it's always they're not paying their fair share and not doing what they should and with the hundred or so billionaires paying the rate if the rate at all. what is it for the wealthy, however defined the top rate around 37, 38%? what should it be? >> neil, i'm explaining the suite of proposals, including a billionaire tax and expanding four-fold the stock buyback taxes there's a suite of
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different options at our disposal to assure that the people at the top of paying their fair share in taxes because a lot of them get away from the normal income tax rate and code through the loopholes that we have in our system so i understand what you're asking, but it's a bigger and more complicated picture than that to take across all of these different issues, across all of these different type tax giveaways and loopholes that exist to ensure that in all of them we're implementing a system that does hold them accountable and does ensure tax fairness and like i said on capitol gains, having incentive so people can continue to invest in the entrepreneurship that makes this country great. neil: if you keep raising that capital gains tax. if you keep raising that capital gains tax they're going to be less inclined to take those investment incentives. >> here i am on fox news, president biden proposed 40% and she's proposing 28%. i think, again, we have to
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understand that this is someone who sees we can do both. we can have tax fairness and we can use the tax code to incentivize the kiend of investment that really does help the economy. neil: i must have a thick skull, but what is a fair share? we'll sort this out in the next seven weeks or so. if the markets are panicking over this, they have a tough way of showing it. and ken fisher was on it before anyone even when we were sinking fast a little over a month ago. what that is then. what does the billionaire investor think now? we'll ask him. he's coming up. ou have the ri. dak going for it, and he fumbles. brilliant recovery with the lowe's app. he always delivers. and so does the lowe's app. in store. online. our lowe's team has you covered.
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who is not. and ken fisher, a background nair, so good-- he's a billionaire, so good of you to come in on a saturday. all the averages were races on friday, five days in a row on the notion that the federal reserve is going to come in and keep going, the big cut rates maybe half a point, what do you think? >> so, i think you know i'm always skeptical what the central bank and the central bangs around the world might do. people are reactive. might they do that? sure. trying to speculate on that thing one way or the other is a fool's game and that kind of think also tied to the other things that went on this week, which is looking at governmental data releases, inflation numbers, et cetera, which inherently are not very accurate to begin with and then to try to jump to a conclusion of that is a little like people trying to play musical chairs
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and suddenly, you see people sitting down when the music is not stopping because the music keeps going and going and going. and there's after one set of releases, there's the next set of releases. the reality is, as we look at the world, u.s. is about 25% of global gdp, a little more than half the global stock market, all in. the fact is, we need to look outside the u.s. to see that they're actually doing pretty well. one of your prior guests on the show said that our inflation numbers in america are the envy of the g7 and in fact, that's not particularly true. in europe, inflation has been behaving better than in america and europe is doing pretty well. it's a bull market. it's for people not to tend to be myopic what people do. and these periods of elections, periods when we get to the end
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we always get a winner and fall uncertainty and inherently bullish and back half of election years are almost always positive and it's time to let that happen. neil: have we run ahead of ourselves though? what do you think? >> it's always a mistake in a bull market to try to say we've run ahead of ourselves and i should be extra caution cautious, because financial history is littered with people who are graveyarded by trying to get out too soon when a bull market keeps running on. the trend is your friend until it's the end and that's when it's time to bend. the fact of the matter is until then, which is going to be in my opinion, nicely after this election is over and the year is over and we get falling uncertainty through all of that and see a new congress. neil: what is nicely after the years is over and the election is over? >> i don't know, after the first quarter. neil: okay. so when you look at the
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candidates-- i just want to -- i've got to fine tune this. you look at both candidates, very different visions for this although they're doing giveaways, and taxes, and no tax on social security, working overtime no tips that have to be taxed. and leaving how you pay for that and kamala harris and all of that, and does any of that worry you? or is it modified if we have split government? >> when it's halloween and you go into the house of horrors. the fact of the matter, you don't let anything-- halloween passes and this is a little bit like that. the fact of matter is, i don't care what happens, we are going to have a very night congress after this election is over. the republicans probably take the senate, but probably only by a little. can't take it much. the democrats might take the house, but at most only by a little bit. and what's going to happen at the end of the day is it's going to be hard to get much of
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anything through congress. neil: all right. ken, great catching up with you. ken fisher. he was saying stuff about the bull market coming when no one was. and conversely no one was as they know history. and phil wegmann talking about competing policies. he'll weigh in on what both candidates are offering and who has the edge, after this. ked d rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve.
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each candidate that want to get back into the white house. let's get the read on that by phil who is the real clear politics reporter, they're both so fight in these polls. what do you think? >> they really are, i think what we're seeing an almost a mirror image, perhaps, of 2016. at this point hillary clinton led donald trump by four points and right now harris is above donald trump by two. harris seems to be willing to run the underdog race and go to states that clinton didn't like michigan and wisconsin. and once the noise is out of the polling data, what the actual effect of this first meeting, this first debate between former president trump and vice-president harris is. as of right now though, this thing is going to be a barn burner and i think that we might end up having a photo
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finish. >> if there is no other debate, doesn't look like there will. it sound like donald trump hinted at the possibility of one, but it looks unlikely, who does it hurt more? >> that's a difficult question. we saw harris campaign immediately come out and saying they were ready for a second debate and what does donald trump do? he goes into the spin room and he tells sean hannity, if you're a prize fighter and you've just won, you don't want another fight. i think we might see a bit of change here, certainly, you know, trump has changed his tune when it comes to debates previously and perhaps the poll numbers go too far in one direction for him then he might be more willing to get back on stage with her. but as of right now, as i plan out my schedule and look at my reporters notebook, i'm looking to the vice-presidential debate between governor walz and senator vance for the answers to some of the policy
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questions. that might be the last chance on october 1st to actually have both campaigns forced to defend their record and give clarity to straight forward questions. neil: there is a back and forth not only the debate, and donald trump saying he won and the conventional ones saying the opposite. that's in association with not quite normal characters, and wondering whether the president is listening to the wrong people. i don't know what truth or credibility you put in that, but is he just doing his own thing? and is he pushing his own points? and he can rightly come back and say i won doing it in 2016 and he could insist he's won doing it in 2020. what's going on in team trump right now? >> i believe you're referring to laura loomer on the way to 9/11 ceremony.
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one thing i'm struck by, if you go back to the republican primary, we heard again and again suzie wiles and chris were running a disciplined campaign and they were. the trump campaign even had plan to remove snow in iowa. they had this down to a science. they were very, very disciplined. we've seen some of that discipline slip in the time since and there are, you know, unforced errors, for instance. whenever reporters are asking questions about a conspiracy theorist, that does nothing to tell a swing voter that their life is going to be better during the next four years. so i'm not entirely certain who is driving this other than the former president himself. neil: real quickly to kamala harris. she did conduct an interview with a local philadelphia, pennsylvania reporter, touche' to that, but a lot of people say it's going to be a lot more and tougher inquisitors. what if that never happens? she's doing pretty well not doing that. >> if you're the harris campaign right now you have the
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energy, you have the money advantage and certainly you have momentum. it's not run away momentum just yet, but you have all of that without sitting down with the press, without being grilled. why would you change course when the honeymoon is continuing? >> got it. phil, thanks for coming in on a saturday, my friend. catching up with him. in the middle of this, what if i would tell you that we could be looking at nuclear war, and vladimir putin brought that up again, ukraine, n.a.t.o., you'll regret extending this war to attack russia. it's a mess and getting messier after this. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. it's pods biggest sale of the summer. save up to 25% on moving and storage for a limited time.
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>> all right, president biden emerged in public to talk to the british prime minister, st, but there's is growing concern keeping ukraine front and center. >> they discussed a range of topics, but focusing on ukraine and what support they could provide to them. they share the same message that they want the weapons they're providing to ukraine to be more defensive than offensive. now, president volodymyr zelenskyy has been asking for months to let them launch
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missiles. neil: into russia. they're using usa attack ems and there are storm shadow missiles, president biden would have to sign off on because some of those components are u.s. made as well. and amid fears of escalation. the prime minister spoke briefly with reporters as he left the white house, but gave no indication that a decision was made, but said that russia could start this conflict and end this conflict straight away. >> ukraine has a right to self-defense, and we've stood united, not just with our allies here in the u.s., but across with our n.a.t.o. allies and that's very, very important to us, but today was about having a chance to talk not just about a particular step forward tactic, but the strategy in relation to ukraine. >> russia's president vladimir putin warned that allowing long
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range strikes would mean that n.a.t.o. countries, the u.s. and european countries are at war with russia. he's claiming it would represent a direct participation in the war and could impact the nature and scope of this altogether. after negotiations mediated by the united arab emirates, each side releasing 103 prisoners for a total of 206. now, of course, all of these were military personnel. neil. neil: thank you for all of that, stephanie. in the meantime, i want to go to the former u.s.s. cole commander what he makes of this. i know i ask you this a lot, commander. bring me up to speed. how does this ever end? >> i think, neil, what we really need to do is take a look at the long range stra strategics of the u.s. and
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allies. sometimes that means taking preventive measures to prevent russia from conducting these attacks, killing innocent civilians, men, women and children, who have no part in the conflict. consequently saying we don't want to be escalatory, why are we always in the reactive mode? plans it's time for n.a.t.o. and partners in europe to give ukraine a flexibility they need to act defensively by taking the war to russia? >> do you know if donald trump becomes president and shares that view and ends up quickly. i don't know how he proposes to do that. what do you think? >> neil, i'll be honest. i'm concerned about donald trump, while he likes to tout the america first logo, when it comes down to it, america first does not mean america alone. this is the largest conflict on the european continent since world war ii, and the reality
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is, the european countries, as much as they are doing for ukraine need to step up. specifically germany. they're not doing enough. they need to give them more armaments and ukraine has been innovative, but by the same token, the united states should release some of the restrictions we've put on it to allow ukraine to conduct the war in a manner that's preventive in nature and stops russia from being able to target their infrastructure, especially as we're in the fall and getting ready for a winter again and the electric grid is going to be a prime target. neil: well, as part of that strategy, ukraine is taking the fight to russia and attacking positions in russia and that's what prompted, vladimir putin's latest comment about nuclear weapons again. it could be just saber rattling, but what if he means it? >> well, neil, this has been a dilemma because it used to be back in the days of the soviet
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union when russia again collected all the nuclear weapons from the former states. nobody bluffed when it came to nuclear weapons policy. vladimir putin violated that when he started the invasion into ukraine, and at this point, having bluffed a number of times, at some point he may feel compelled to do that, but i think in nuclear weapons we would clearly see the communications through tense sources and methods and give us the heads-up and not the back channel to do that. by the same token we need to look at the countries that are supplying russia, we clearly know it, china, north korea. why not the countries that are supplying russia accountable. make russia pay a price. make china pay a price. we don't have to get into a war fight, but at the same token we
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need to step up and stop weapons shipments to russia that are targeting ukraine. neil: commander, thank you, it's always nice to hear from you, you've been prescient in this. and after the u.s.s. cole, nearly a quarter of century ago. the astronauts stuck in space have been pretty good sports about this and they're fine being up there until february and they love circling the earth again and again and again, after this. uggggh. (man 1) oh no, no, no, no, no, no! (man 2) what's my next step? oh! ugh. (girl) dad. (vo) you break it. we take it. (woman 2) we can take it. (vo) trade in any phone, in any condition at verizon for the new google pixel 9 with gemini. (man 2) give me a recipe with these ingredients.
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international space station. christina. >> hi, neil. yeah, the astronauts say they're grateful for the prayers and warm wishes they've received since learning their initial eight-day mission will now last more than eight months. >> we would hear things over the news waves and the different means we have to get information up here that 80% of the time you'd hear suni and butch, butch and suni and i want everyone to know how much we appreciate that. >> these were the first public comments, astronaut butch wilmore and suni has after nasa decided it's too risky to ride the same spacecraft back to earth after helium leaks and thruster issues back in june. and now they'll return home in february on a spacex dragon capsule with two other
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astronauts. butch will miss most of his youngest daughter's final year in high school, but the two astronauts are staying positive considering the circumstances. >> this is my happy place, i love being up here in space. it's just fun, you know, every day you do something that's work, quote, unquote. you can do it upsidedown, you can do it sideways, so it adds a little different perspective. >> different indeed, and suni says she's excited to ride on two different spacecraft during the same mission and also the astronauts plan to vote from space casting their absentee ballots up there from the international space station, neil. neil: i guess they do it all electronically. great stuff, christina coleman, following the astronauts. they're great sports. if you love space and seeing the earth from all angles, that's your mission. in the meantime, does it make a
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difference when a celebrity endorses a candidate and you heard about taylor swift throwing her support behind kamala harris and we've seen this in the past, but i'm beginning to see there might be something distinctly different with the celebrity of, let's just say, this one's magnitude after this. ♪ ♪ look what you made me do ♪ ♪ look what you made me ♪ every second counts. but without investment, those breakthroughs are often paused. citi's seamlessly connected banking, markets and services businesses, deliver global financial solutions. so our client can keep investing in innovations for patients around the world. without pause. for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. happy memories just come easier on the water. our founder, johnny morris and his dad knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable...
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back then in the crucial grounds. usually they're backing democratic candidates and most famously i go back to, i don't know, frank sinatra endorsing a young senator running for president, jack kennedy, and kennedy is with us, correspondent extraordinare and a columnist. kennedy to you first, does it move the needle? do we put too much stock in celebrities endorsing candidates? it didn't help hillary clinton. >> and right now this election is so weird. the economy, inflation still at the very, very top of voter's minds and taylor swift didn't address that because she knows that a kamala harris environment would be horrible for her working class fans who basically had to file for bankruptcy after going and
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seeing her shows. she has a right to endorse whom ever she wants. i don't think it makes a big difference. if kamala harris is elected, nancy pelosi will get the credit first, taylor swift probably second. and she'll elbow george clooney out of the way. we're so focused on cat ladies and eating cats and taylor swift holding a cat we've lost the plot. 75% of americans say it is on the wrong track. neil: well, and the polls are tight. so i don't know how it sorts out. we do know this, that taylor swift is one thing, but if adele committed to a candidate that i think, and i think you both readily agree would change everything. but what is it about celebrities? i do remember in the case of hillary clinton, no besmirchment, they would help fill a stadium for her. donald trump could do that alone. ronald reagan was able to do that kind of stuff alone.
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barack obama didn't really need celebrities, he just seemed to have the ability to pull it off on his own, even though they all had different celebrities at the time as i said, more democrats enjoy this than republicans. what do you make of it all, judy? >> i have to disagree a little with you, kennedy, on this one. if you want to hate, hate, hate, go for it, but i think in the regular world. neil: she went there, kennedy. >> i had to, i had to. in the regular world and it's nonweird world election year, there may be a celebrity endorsement that won't make a huge difference. taylor swift is in a different galaxy when it comes to a celebrity endorsement. this was a highly coveted endorsement when president biden was running, was trying to snag and actively seeking and she plays so well with the tik tok and gen z voters. she could get them to the polls. that doesn't mean that they're going to vote for kamala harris
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because she's voting for her. you're not going to have an ultra maga voter that in the swift hive, and the engagement and the support is going to show with the endorsement. >> okay, boomer. but the most important thing driving voters right now is whether or not they can afford, gas, groceries and rent. i know inflation worries are easing a little bit. the fed will probably do her a favor and lower rates and make that kind of a promise in short order. i think that's more of a driver than taylor swift. and frankly, you know, this is not taye-taye summer. this has been brat summer and we have not heard from charlie xex about the ohio cat kerfuffle and that make the balance. neil: and kennedy, you sound like a bitter mom that had to buy the tickets.
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>> i love taylor swift, and listen to her all the time. and i tried to see her in three different cities. and my girls make fun of me because they are completely over her. neil: is that right? >> that's true. neil: i had the same problem with the trans siberia orchestra, how do i get the tickets. [laughter] >> it's kind of cool that a celebrity is going your way, it doesn't necessarily close the deal and i think that taylor swift, popular gifted business woman she is, i think she's a billionaire now and then some, a lot of our fans are under voting age. so, does this just create buzz that maybe gets people thinking, maybe, maybe kamala is the one? >> i would point to there's some proof in the pudding with the swift surge after she made the harris endorsement, new voter registrations went up 5 500% in less than 24 hours, that's a significant impact she's having on the race already. so, i do think that celebrity endorsements don't necessarily
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change minds, change votes. it could also help with fund raising, which is a big part of this election as well. harris' team already sold out of their friendship bracelets inspired by swift. they have billboards running in times square and blasting out, we're in the kamala era. so it's already making a difference. neil: all right. guys, really great stuff and whatever these issues are, kennedy, you have with taylor, you've got to get over them. move on. >> i still like the music. you can love the music and despise the player. neil: understood. understood. and ladies, i still think that frank sinatra wrote the script, jack is on the right track. how long did he take to write that, jack is on the right track. oh, he rhymed it. fox news continues.
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