tv Hannity FOX News September 16, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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new york. i have a harder time getting out of sam's club without showing a receipharder ttting o then this assassin had getting into an out of ukrainesassin h d and something doesn't add up about that. >> debbie from archibaldabout , make? louisiana, how much do roofers make? >> apparently enough to be justo flying back and forth from hawaii to ukrain e to d.c. to palm beach? >> i speak good living babe from john's burg, illinois. >> charlie hurt was lookings lo good tonight, but he's no stephen milleroktonight.. wow. stephen miller gets dave from newport, florida. >> oh, great. is carmelo going put on an a italian accent now? >> forget about itn ital. newport richie what did i say it's the italian in the mortars ? >> and this is my world.
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>> welcome to "hannity" and we are 50 days away from the, well, inflection point of allf l points. the 2024 election is upoln us. early voting now officially underway in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. les or polls are neck and neck. we will look at them tonight. nbut tonight also, donald trump is just frankly fortunate . be alive again. homeher tough weekend in m by state, in this case in florida. for the second time this year, donald trump was nearly assassinated or as muc h closer than people know. and coming up, we're going to hear from real estatknow a comer and friend of mine, an who on sunday morning i had breakfast anth him and another friend of ours at the city diner, if ct you want to know, in west palm beacy h, florida. after breakfast, i went home. they went to trump internationaa,l golf club for cu a meeting and a round of golf with the formea r president. i was invited to play. i said no. p lad and what he told me was beyi
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shocking because steve witnessea witnesd, the nee assassination firsthand of the former president andtial presidential candidate. thankfully, at the last minute ,one secret service agent noticed the barrel of a gun being held agent by the would be assassin in a trade area. the me 300 plus yards from the president where he was playing golf. just a moment, steve would call. we'll share that story right here on tv for the first time exclusively. n tvalso, eric trump, a riflen marksman in his own right. he is furioua rifls rightly so that it would be assassin. assassin got so close to his father with a scoped ak-47 l . we'll get his take on what is going wrongltake with the ag now, if not for one eagle eyed e secret officer and severald se others who engage the shooter from an open field. donald trump likely would not be alive tonight. it seems that the potentiale assassin here was within moments of firing that shot.
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it is clear that the agents and trump security detaile that were next to him and around him, they all acteder . they were all willingll da sacrifice their ownin bodies in the face of imminent danger. what no greater loveov t have managed to lay down their life for another. that's those guywn t lifs and te men and women. now, this was yet another glaring security failured wome, the leadership at the dhs, the secret service. etbut don't see it that way.. take a look. a yesterday was an off the recordv . off the record.em and th e president wasn't even really supposed to go there. it was not on his official schedule. anheand so we put together a security plan, and that >> srity plan workedd . now, the acting secret service director went on to praise mallorca'ice dires choich and said the dhs did a great job. i beg to diffed r. that security plan did not work. the agents around the president were phenomenal. there is therewere p two groupsi
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of people we're talking about here. you have a deranged democrat ab name is ryan ruth.e he got within 300 plus yards of donald trump with an ak-47n style rifle equipped with a long range scopestyle ri and rus able to create a sniper's nest. besidethe sizes the, what, five, six hole at trump international golf course hidden in the bushes i where he posted up apparently for nearly 12 hours, according to phone records. take a look at. this map. look at the close. look at that. look at thatk proximity of that is congress street right there o on the outside of where the golf course is. whisand wooded area and the fifh hole green and right where donald trump was getting ready to putt those trees are well known areas to the secret service and everybody that isa the area where paparazzi often will hide to get pictures of president trump golfing and not be noticed.
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there were no secret service agents at all that were watching congress avenue. nobody checked the wooded area. not one person would be assassin. got that close to president trump with the ak 47 and the scope where the former president was. well within close shooting range. thankfully, the last minut closu secret service agents spotted the barrel of ruth's gunte and secret service agents fired on his location. ruth, unfortunately, was able to get away. thankfullynfortuna, luckily, a s saw him entering his vehicle, snapped a pictura witnese, his e plate, and that is what ultimately led to his arrest. >> take a look. take this. >> t right.our i carry my backpack driver right back. keep walking.
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i keep out of i. >> donald trump alive today because of luck and several brave, fast acting secrets service agents. however, as it relates to the planning and the executes it of trump's security, that part of their mission. well, i can say tonight with certainty was an abject failure. thtaintynow, also today, coincidentally, senator josh hawley, missouri, released a senate whistleblower report on the failure s of the secret service from the first assassination attempt. that was e from t the one back in july in butler. now, according to oneto a w whistleblower, the dhs treated the butler rallyhi as, quote, a loose security event, did not deploy detection.t depl canines also did not stationoy dhs personne l at, quote, regular intervals, intervals at the security perimeter.
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and that's not all. the report secur also alleges that security personnel abandoned the roof directlydiret across from the president. that is where matthew crooks ultimatelyly the took aim becauy they told us the weather was to theo hot, too hot. when i was in construction and i fell off a roof, nearly three stories while i was on roofs that really were steep and at at a. d and that was never a consideration. not workinlopeg on a hot day.atr last week, democratic senator richard blumenthal said americans will be shocked when we learn the full extent of the secret service failures that happened at butler at thee. rally there. and yet the secret service came happerouslcrety close, letting t happen again. what happened on sunday wagain.s a colossal security failure. you could nourity fat have in b, a pennsylvania or an assassin, s a would be assassin 130 yards from the president orsident
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presidential candidate. you cannotia have them 300 yard away in a wooded area off a golf coursa ofe when preside the president is playing golf. is p ruth wasley a deranged lunatic who called trump a threat to democracy. everybody hearo ded that beforme on social media, echoing the mantra of thl e democratic radical left in this country. his truck has a biden-harris stickes trucr on the back.on the he's donated to democratic causes. k annearly 20 times also seemes to have an agenda as it relates to ukraine trying to recruit former vets that foughtfought in afghanistan for that war effort. now, i'll be clear ir th. d joei kamala harris, joe biden, i don't blame them for its actions just like bernie sanders was not to blame for the congressional baseball sandu carried out by one of his devout supporters. but if the roles of h reversed here, you better believe democrats the media mob, all those in bigd tech, they would be blaming
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donald trump, any conservative a and evernyy republican. and one can ask why more secret service personnel are not being assigned to protect ast number one political targe in the country. in fact, some very sick people on the left. they've taken it in the other direction. they're trying and to blame dond trump for almost getting assassinated. tryiyou can't make it up. >> take a look. this really seemtake as to be the confluence of two very bad ,very bad things going onthings in the republican party. one side, the attempts to divide, to enrage the population, to put out false rumors and misinformatio n and on the other side, weis have this complete availability of assault rifle rifles to, it seems almost anyony ofe wants to have access. >> when you say over and over again somebody is evil or compare them to hitler or over to democracy, is that rhetoric now over the top?
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"the washington post". they simply referred to the assassination attempt as, quote, another chance for trump to frame democratss as. that's their biggest concern. and we meanwhileest conc, e nb nbc news referred to it as a golf club incident refer, a golf club. instead, it would be somebody hit with a gola dentf ball that somebody hit. usa today barely featured the story at all. inste instead, they published a cover puble anth the title hop america where, you know, where are the watergate style stories about the failures at the department of homeland security and at the secret service? where are the toug andh for mayorkas? wray, who has been warningt that the threat level has never been this bad. where is thethreat l has attorn merrick garland? where are the calls for somebody to be held accountablnn and resign? now, make no mistake, donald trump isn't justd resign n off g kamala harris. i have said this many timeainss
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and this election cycle, he is running against an entire a political machine that spans across the federal government. po, as we callre the deep state. then you have a corruptic par democratic party that lives on a level that i've never seen in my life. the l that state run propagandat media mob. you have big tecs h all wanting to put their cinderblocks on the scales of an election. d and now we can add numerous would be assassins at thisn ou hour in our country. we are monitoring a live interview with donald trump. ar live men and going on on x spaces and but here how trump describes sunday's attempt on his life. and he'l describel be this show tomorrow. describing it as well. >> and all of a sudden we heard shots being fired in the air and i guess probably four or five and it sounded like bullets. >> but what do i know about that lik ? t, >> the secret service knew immediately it was bullet s and they grabbed me and what the gunfire waths actually,
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interestingly, was a secret service agent had seen a barrele of a ak-47, which is a verye. powerful gun rifle. barrnd he started shooting at the barrel. sean: all right. joining us now to share bus story, his incredible developer friend and also businessman steve wyckoffe is is with us. steve, great to see thanks for being with us. when i met you for breakfastwhen yesterda iy, i didn't think youd be on this tv show today. and i didn't thinkn th. everyth you'd go through everything you went through yesterday. i'm glad you're okay. thh yest the president is okay. what do you tell this audience? everything that happened? well, first of all, sean, thanks for having me. yesterday was quite a day. i actually feel i actually feel blessed that i was there yesterdal bly. d
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and the reason i feel blessed, sean, is that i got to see i what it's likeis, my dear frien, to live his his normal life. his normal life, whichh is is punctuated by two attempts assassassinate him in the last 60 days being vilified since he left the presidency, falsely accused, harassed. to me, he gave four years of ofs of his best years to public service. gh he ought to be commended for the job that he died and yet here he was yesterday on a beautiful day just, trying to get some rest and relaxation like all the rest of us. and there's a man with a with a' machine gus n, an assault rifle who's attempting to kill him. it was it was it was it was terrible. but i got to see i got to see a man who was stoic, courageous, cared about his friends, safety and first
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before his own life, he he was an inspiration to everybody who was around him yesterday. i wish the whole countryerybodye have witnessed what happened yesterday because they would yer. seen a real leade okay. so you're walking up to the green and you're you're looking to putt. all of a sudden hear the gunshots. what did it sound like? did you know immediately there were gunshot ike ds that, you kh the direction they came from? immediately. i'm a gun carrier, s o and i and i've been a gun carrier for 35 years. so it was, you know, immediately it was gunfire. e it didn't sound like firecrackers. the secret service were exceptional. they were on they were they had the president secured, in my estimation, because i was five yards away from him, in my estimation yards, maybe aftery the first shot, certainly after
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the second shot. so by the time the fourth shot rang out t, the president was wn on his way with that detail. it was way is it as if they hade practiced it 500 times before? it was it was pretty awesome to watch them and they were heroic because their lives were on the line that they were thd at that moment. the sniper teams deployednext t right next to me, maybe a yard, or two away with their tripods aiming at the tree line. we saw the secret other detail members converging with golf carts on that area wherewhere th clearly the shots had come from and the president was safe. than k god. >> lme ask you this so that the secret service around you and i agree, based on everything you told me, they werewithin phenomenal. they within seconds withinonds second or two, they were on the president. they got him off the golf coursepresid. y. you told me that you stood upe
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the whole time. you never shotthat you down. and then you talkedou about secret service. they had their tripods. there was snipers, but thererviy were in an open field. they were on a golf course. they were sitting ducks themselves. gfbut put their lives at risk.t so everybody around the president at that moment, i mean, i don't have a for t adjectives to describe the level of heroism. that's what you're describinodeg rightly to us. >> right?. that's correct. they were each and every one of them, each and every>> corre one of them put themselves in harm's way to put themselve ts between the shooter and the president. i was standing up, as i said to this day, i to this minutes minu i don't know why i continueknoww to standhy. i think it maybe has somethingdw to do with just by osmosisit oss being around my friend. he's so courageous that it aro, you know, you feel inspired, that you want to you want to demonstrate tha a little bitf
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of that yourself if you can. , but they put themselves betwew that shooter and and the president and there's there's no mistaking that i watched it all happen. >> let me let me ask this question and i'll get into this more. i hationd a conversation with ec lara trump yesterday and eric's coming on after you. and the only problem i have, the area is close to a streeto called congress avenue. streetand it's between congress avenue. it is it is the part, the golf course that is closest to that street. and betweeatn the street and the golf course is a trade area and a fenc e. this is where the the would whatssassin hiding. and what frustrates me, that is 300 plus yards or so from wheree you were from where the president was. that area apparently was never
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checked. and i'm having a hard time understanding why from a security standpoint. nobody checked that area on that street and checked that wooded area. de when the president is within that tight range, and inwith s this case, with somebody that ends up having an e ak-47e with a scope on it, that is a part that the failure part to me and i am not negating o all the heroism that you witnessed yesterday. you know, sean, i mean, i wasn't out on the periphery, w but as i understand it, there an a agent who's who was on the outside fence line betweengs congress avenue and the fence or tree linend the. ck and he had checked that area and just missed and missedsed the shooter, the assassin and then as it was supposed happeppen, there's an advanc man.
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and this is every time i playma with the president and i'vn,e bt played with him quite a bit, there's an advance persothere'n who is going in front of us scanning the area, the nexte ara hall or any vulnerable areas. and it it worked as it should.ul he actually looked look towards that tree line. by the way, you got to look pretty closelylook . i mean, it's a gun barrel. so it's -- it's not so easy to s see inside of inside of of those tree inss. that part was a maze guy engaged and yeah and it was amazing shooting crucible. if ta yeah if that guy didn't see that gun barrel we'd w be talking about a funeral in all likelihood today. that'se tag ab how that's how ce president trump again came to be assassinated. my, my my question is a little bit different. the i would think that the proper procedure would be mak e sure clear that wooded area and make sure it's checked. and atde that point, make suree
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that you have enough agents to keep their eyes and make sure that nobody goes back into that wooded area.ded ar >> does that make sense? >> no, of course it does. and look, that goes to manpower . and, you know, you have you have people who are interviewed in the lastt da day, including the palm beach sheriff, who said that the emen president did not get the full complement of of a detail as ifs a sitting president would have would have been out there. so presidewould' i can't i'm not i can't tell you that the fullth complement would have been would have made a difference yesterday. i only knoldn't madew this. i the he really you know i have a like a little love thing fore my dear friendlove. lf thank and i say to myself, thank god that he was not injured or or or killed and thank god none of the other people the there were plenty of civiliansd mean, by the way, staffers from his office, people who care about him m just as much as i do
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to other friends of his. so there could have been a lot of really serious damage outi'mr there. and there wasn't. and i'm i'm grateful to that agent who interdicteateful t tht entire team. >> i'm grateful for all ofe hers the heroism you're describing. i do not want to minimizu are e in any way. i do think that that something did go wrong on the outside of that perimeter, by that wooded area, by that fence. i think they have to look intoe that. i think eric will,to who wills t join us next, agrees with me on that part. the fact es wit that been willing to share what is great heroismto with us is greatly appreciated. i'm glad you're safe. the president is saf e. i'm glad all the agents are safe. anyway, steve, thank you, sir. we appreciate you being with us. all right. when we come back, wh eric, we'll get his reaction to now the second assassination attemp t on his father. >> and we'll show you the media mobs vile, horrific response the to the incident. innator linsey graham,
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tim scott, straight ahead. society fears those who are different, but not me. >> am i crazy? >> what you are feeling is very real to. many doctors treat symptoms, not people. i don't think this is in a coma. he's in there. the key is to connect. if you can hear me, look up. okay. brilliant minds. >> check your local listings. get them stuck. okay. he's been okay. >> when i saw that ethan was not breathing, determined that i needed to use something to remove the obstruction from his airway. >> it's very important for every hospital to have a life. everyone should have one in their home. anything can happen at any moment. i want my friends and family and the people that i serve to know that we have this device to potentially save
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eric, i want to be vergay clear as i was with steve. i cannot praise thsteve.e around your dad enough for their heroin as they drove on your dad. th right. hid everything they got him out of there quickly. the one agent that just happened there to see the barrel of this gun. amazing work on. >> that agent's part in every way. probably sounds to me your dado was in within seconds yedat, again, of being assassinated. that's how i read this . estion i what i. the question i have fo havr youd you happen to be a marksman that can hit a target from a mile away. i know how skilled you are. you shoot with the top shooterde ,the country. my question founr you istry., hs it possible this trade area wheris tree where your dad was playing at this time by the the fourth, fifth, sixth hole over there is well known wheret
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paparazzi get pictures and videos of your dad playing viy hide in the bushes. and they get the pictures. and what i don't understanpictuy that area was not swept and why there weren't agentss preventii anybody from getting into that area after it was sweptng.. that, to me is a massive w security failure. as ayour reaction? >> well, sean, my reaction is it feels like deja vu?e it feels like five weeks ago you and i are having the exact same conversations we're having today. you know, let me just be very clear. they are trying to kill the man. they are tryinme be clingl the l my father. they're trying to kill the 45th president of the united states. y er 45tt of thewe've seen two s life in the last five weeks, you know, and i have to i agree with steve 100%. the secret service men and women i knew, the peoplee secrcm on stage in butler and i knew many of the people that were on the ground, you know, literallan py two days ago. i mean, i know these people. these are the greatest people you'll ever meet. these people will take ple you'r me a bullet and from my father. they'll take a bullet for any side. that's their job. they lov a bulleside.that's te . they're incredibly good at their job. and if i could give that agent you sa if it agenw the rifle barrel popping through a chain link
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fence in the middle of youugh .i big eureka bushes. if i could give them a big hugia ,i would do so right now, t because there's no question that that person saved livehere'stion thas days. at the same time, i agreeh with you 100%. i mean, what's happening with theyou, wng wit perimeter e sites? how how can that possibly happen? i mean, you're showing a pictur howhat posshappene tv n ak-47 with scope, you know, and a formerhe scope and very ly a future president based on the poll numbers and everythinglipresiden else. it was less than 300 yards tha away. i meann , one bullet. this country, the history of this country changes forever. , theone bullet. you know, the way the u.s.ceived is perceived changes in in a flash. d how many other close calls do we have to have? havevey get acttogeth together? and so, you know, those agents on the ground, they are remarked able. they are remarkable. and thank god they were there. and the way they respondd thy w but there is a breakdown at some point. there has to be. i meanreakdown this is two assat rifles within 300 yards of the president. wos withinthe first one being 1d of the president in a five week
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period of time. >> and there's only so many chances in the world that you ge.s int are only so many ls that they are given. and, you know, i mean, just god bless. what happens if the agent would have missed that little skinny s rifle barrel popping through a fence? i mean, what happens if they jusse rifleopping tt have g the other way? what happens if a bird would have flown overhead and distractedry, wha them in sn way, shape or form? you know, the future of this country could be verape wherthet . i mean, so so, you know, sean, i am so grateful in, so many ways to them. some of my closest friendsyperie at the same time are onte the perimeter. somebody is is letting those incredibly agents down becausesn this cannot happen. auseit's just remember one othe, thing. i mean, the reports just came out that it looks like thecame r that person, based on their cell phone records, started showing up in that locatio phonn 1:00 in the morning, 1:00. i mean, that person had been there for what , close to 12 hours at that point. it's incredibly disconcerting. 1urit's disconcerting for c the country. it's concerning for the hundreds of millions and f mi marksho wouldou the end of the world for a man that they love, a man that theln
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adore, a man that's leadingrace the race for f 47th president of the united states. and it's definitely deephis fami concerning for, you know, for his family and for guys like me who love him for deeply. you know, i agree with youteve and i agree with steve. the agents around your dad, there', agents s there are no better people on the face of the earth. i completely agreece o. however, that area that is wooded, you know, and i listen to the head of the secret service very closely todayaising and was praising not only those agents, but praising wholeation operation as if it was a great success. i don' wast view it as a success of somebody with an ak-47 and a scope is 300 plus yards away from your dalud because that is a layup or a one foot putt and if you're a shooter. and so the question is, why wasn't that wooded area swept? we need an answe thar. and why weren't there agentst th on congress avenueer that werert monitoring to make sure that nobody went intako the tred
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noea where they would and bringing a gun, no less in there with them. that, to me is where witem. thee or where the failure happened. and this is very similar to what we have learned out of butler, is it not? i agree with you. i don't think it's success. g an a assault rifle 300 yards away from the president. i'vet rifle 300 ya i've shot sid walk. shawn, i it's something i know very, very weld walksomethinl. it's probably something i know better than most. i did it competitivelyr th. i did it pretty much all the disciplines. a 300 yard shot is a layup shot with a modern day scoped rifle. it is a larry up. it's all shot. they'll be made every single time. the shot by butler, pennsylvania, was 130 yard shot. you know that's that's a shothet that my six-year-old son could make every single time sean these are layup shots e and it's incredibly disconcerting that that is happening i agree with yo u a percent you're right the agents on the ground were incredible and it was a success for them and they should be hugged and they should
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d because again they saved lives that one agent who saw the barrel saved lives a . you better believe it. they saved lives. they should get every award, saveuly commendation, every raise. but there is a point where leaving a perimeter 300 yards and secure around, you know, in a way. can you can you argue that the fact that he saw a saw a barrelg of a gun through a fence and a area was maybe a little bit lucky and that we can't on luck, that we have to relythat on sweeping any area within anyi perimeter that would allow somebodyngin with a scoped rifle that close to your father orathe to elected politician for that matter, is not a political issu thate. sean, of course, it was a lucky in how much vegetation wego have on golf courses. i mean, they knolf couw the scoe of what we're doing for. right. having some of those lush, beautiful golf courses. right. to havs beautilf e to have a little pencil barrel that's, you know, 700/50000 of an inch effectively going through
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a plant. yeah, that's you know, that's pretty lucky in order to say and again, thank god that they didall th. so i agree with you. i don't i do i think it's as sun a sign do i think it's ak glowinit's g the agents certainly they're certainly the agent that saw that barrel. absolutely agent blowing success. the people that got my father off that golf course. off that. blowing success the fact that person in the middle of the day was able to camp out, you know, on milse perimeter of a golf course, you know, looking inward on him. now, that wasn't that wasn'tf ca a success at all. and as a son, i have to say, i'm sick and tired of having i y this conversation. you and i had this conversation thve weeks ago, this exactd this same conversation under the same circumstances. it's disconcerting. you onlyise have so many livesc and sean, i go back to the fact that man right theret , that is a hero to so many americans. this is a guy who saved this country a. a this is a guy who spent the last decade fighting tooth and nail under the most the unthinkable attacks to save the country, his own comfortt against his own family's interests, against his business issue. they tried to take him down. they tried to throtakew him
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in jail. they tried to bankrupt him. they tried to separate his family t they you know, off they tried to take him off the ballot and subvert democrac ubverty in this country. they've done everything they could. they tried to impeach him. they tooththing that k his friends. frien they did everything. yet that man right there is still fightindse g. o and i expect him to be protected. i expect him to be safe. this country expects to have democracy. and then i get to hear kamala harrit tohave dems at a h that that man right there, who's the most brave person i've eveatr met, is a threat to democracy. demos one sean, the bullet are only going one way. >> it's really interesting how that works. itestingn thet that ma right there is taking every bullet literally and figuratively? s takinghe's every bullet from a weaponized system. he's taking every bullet from from a gun. media and guess what?swee the media sweeps it under the rug. ps i you know, i heard an interesting statement. >> the other it was actually a meme the other day on social mediiaa that the will smith slap got more attention than butler, pennsylvania. and d got i think that's close t being true because the mainstream media swept io bt the rug as quickly as they could and moved on to their next shinys ball to tryee
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and promote either joe biden at the time or kamala harrisat.. they do every single time. i mean, why is this person literall y the punching bag for absolutely everything? and then you hea r kamala comingan out and saying, yes, you know, donald trump is a threat to democracy. dos t to democracy is the people who are trying to kill that incredible man right there. agai kilatn somebody loved by t entire country. and, you know, they've got to tone downe that rhetoric to the whole, you know, joe biden, we're going to putwee a bullseye on donald trump thatt has to end. the maxine waters comments , they have to end the mainstream media. who goes after him every single day. it has to end. end.eare creating a cultury ha hate in this country. and you know what, shawn? if we ever lost one of our leaders, if we ever lost a presidential nominee,ident a former president, we'd look like a third world country. it cannowelooked la tht happen.i the united states of america, they have to get the resourcesed to keep our political leaderges safe. we have to do a better job. we cannot have a third. instead, there will no, wecannoa
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third. we cannot have this conversation again. shawn, you and i havt haves coso many of them also. >> i agree. and there are so many good people in law enforcement, including the sheriff'e lawsthe department and the palm beach police department. they did an amazing jortment an and but that area needed to be a swept and we've not gotten answer. .we eric, we're glad your dad's okay. thank you fo are dadr being wit. and i don't want this conversation again either. thisationw, the hours after ths broke, well, predictably, the left wing state run media mob and the woke left wasted no time blaming donald trump for dona own life. his they apparently have absolutely zero shame. cincinnati enquirer publishes a letter to the editorarentltl that says, oh, trump brings tru a lot of this stuff on himself. a washingtonmp columnist writing that the attempted shooting gives trump another chanceost wn to frame democrats as dangerous far left podcastermocrats rachel vindman remember that name mocked the incident
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in a now deleted post writing no ears were harmed. a deled postcarry on with your t afternoon. she's since deleteh yod postyouh calling it flippant. you thinink and, over on liberal cable news networks. well, things were not muchtake better. >> take a look. but do you expect to hear anything from the trumprom th campaign about toning down the rhetoric? toningp campaign the violence? or would that be a typical o of the former president leading up to this? the former president had beeng t subject to some critical coverage in the news media for stoking some conspiracy theories about the firstssinat assassination attempt. and now that the seconiompt.dd n one came along, it's going to be hard to persuade him otherwise e, that there is not some deeper, darker force at work. i'm not saying that ther dr e, but this is just his belief system and it's only strengthened by the situatioust his n. >> and so if donald trump wants people, wants kamala harris and others trump to say to stop
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saying that he is a threat to democracy, then he should stop s h threatening democracy. perhaps he shouldn't be overturning trying el overturnongn, overthrow the government and inciting peoprrection if he doesn't wanet people to be honest about what he is, who he is and what he's doint abouhe ig. ion >> here with reaction, south carolina senators lindsey graham and tim scott.grh lindsey graham, i'll start with you. let'am scott.s start with the sy failures and the media reaction . >> kind of sick, isn't it? yeah. so, number one, the media reaction is if tillman iisf the shoe were on the other foot, you change the labels. and tim and i said anythingid like that or you said anything like that would be driven out of politics. probably. rightfully so. right >> one very prominent nbc reporter analyst said, well ,this change trump's rhetoric. the ma cn almost got shot again. and the analysis of the media
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has wore trump change. so here's my response. wi c, the system change. will the people who accuse him of being a threat to democracy a will shut the up so people are not inspired to kill him. we've heard a lot of happy talk. all th e agents around the president agree that whole team are greathi they're wonderful americans. this was system failurere i at every possible level. how about this ideya? t if what if he had not put the barrel through the fence until president trump gote fu in front of him? that was just sheer luck. what if he had waite dt the president? trump finished the whole behind him and got right in front him before he stuck he st the barrel through the fence? the guufe y was there for 12 hos with an ak-47 with a scope s on it. i've lost golf in that arecopeas how the hell could this happen? twice? so when i heard this theso whe the acting director said everythingi were fine. no, man, you need to be fired.oo you need to go. your reaction, senator scott?
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>> well, listen, don't ever forget the fact that the bible t us that proverbs 1821, that there's death in life, in the power of the tongue . what w what we're seeing bei being weaponized on the left is their words. ng weanthey continue to call foc president donald trump a threatc . democracy. you've got crazy folks who say, i've just been empoweredra. crazyinate to eliminate the threat to democracy. how does that work? it worksth to when we see the liberal elite literally trying to take out a politicaltical opponent. now, do they cause it? absolutelyopponent.. contribute to it. they're complicit with it because of their words. lemplicit t me just say this, s, without question. here is a party whose nominee did not get a single vote in a democratic primary. why there was no primary.the the coronation ceremony with hereremon becoming the nom, did not takecome a process thata the end of democracy. when you're talkin,g. >> the hypocrisy on the leftisyn
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is undeniable and to miss that,e they literally wipe the cleaann the slate of how elections are run in the united states of america. but their rhetoric is not just over the top. is poten it is potentially deadly. we need to see it toned downt starting on the left, i've alreadtoy heard it from our sid. every one of us wantr s to focuh on the issues, but every single time we see anotherut i attempt against president trump, you got to ask yourself t, is there a plot to assassination attempts in six weeks? if i were him, his family, ororh those who support him, you got to start thinking, what'u haveso going wrong in this process? we need answers. weinwrong s proc them now. >> we need answers. we need them now. that area should have been swept. and we we need an answer like tomorrow w. b they should be they should be before congress.
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efsenator, senator tim scott, thank you. when we come back,tt we'redays only 50 days away from the election day. we're going to take a close look at the latest e electi. will we'll check in with matt towery, robert k haley, straightk in ahead. >> we all salute the brave men and women who serve in our military and protect our streets. their true heroes. but they often couldn't do what they do without their powerful partners. the canine heroes we don't always think about from explosive detection to hunting bad guys and working search and rescue, saving lives abroad and right here in our home communities. but due to limited and declining budgets, these dogs aren't getting the protective gear, life saving treatments and proper handler training they need to survive. the lack of resources for these dogs is sometimes shocking. that's why i found it canine fun. when i was in the service, i spent the majority of my time in the special operations community. spike was my first working dog. he was killed in iraq. the mission of spike's canine fund is to protect these dogs, to protect our country and its
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early voting starts penns in pennsylvania tomorrow. 50 days away from november's election. earlyl, 50y voting is going to n roll out around the country. the race for the white house could not be any tighter. take a look at these swing state polls just release d . according to trafalgar, that's robert haley. trump is ahead by two points in the state of georgia. a brand new insider advantag be poll from pennsylvania showing trump with a two point lead penn w with reaction, pollster robert k haley with trafalgar, matt towery insider advantage. we also, robert, you have arizona. you have trump up by two north carolina trump up by two. nevada, you have trump up by two and you have matty trump up by one in michigan, down two in wisconsin. galet's get your take. matt towery, start with you. where are we in this race? n thisand is the messaging needd as early voting starts? >> well, right now, these races could not be any tighter in alle
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of these battleground states. they're all within the margint e error, some very, verys y tight races. the one thing i've noticed in thethinng in looking at the demographics is that donald trump was winning among seniorrl . i'll be one in december. so i'm watching 65 and over. senior voters he was leading fairly substantially against ob. joe biden when harris got into e the race that reversed and in some of these states, like in wisconsin, he was down double digits among seniorsiors in this poll. so the messaging has to be if you're going to eliminate taxation on social security, yoe your ads tell these people they're about to go. >> i'lthat tl yeah. and what's your take and what's your message in the fina l days as early voting now starts? >> robert haley well, first thing i would say is thiss elec election is extremely close and nobody needs to actit like going this is going to be easy. i mean, when you loobe easy.k ae of these margins, they're very tight and that doesn't everginsn
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consider the ground operation the democrats will put in place . so these are not cut for t cu margin. these are not t that can be counted on. and everybody really has to treat this election like and trump significantly behind. >> they've got to workbehi liknr is behind you. >> okay. let me ask you this. demographically matt. mat where does the focus need to be? for exampl e? you know, i know democrats have an advantage with womenexan and republicans with men where it where i have not seen lotn of ads that say theset of people died because of kamala harris. the borders are is open border policy were killed by harris biden unvetted illegal immigrants they were by harris biden on illegal immigrants unvetted or there wher victims of other crime. where are those ads and is that the answer on that story?an and what are the demographics t you think that thehe trump needt
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to target the most? >> well, you know, sean,n itse i think the campaign itself has has becausey good job with their ad messaging because they only have so much money. but thero e plenty of pacsoney that raise money in trump's name and they need to sharpen upndname a their ads. and they really there are two groups. it's an easy race to win. ea not.ou fa you focus on young votersg vote and senior voterrss. e middle right now is not the problem for donald trump. and i wouldn't even worry for anymore. wat it's letting seniors know that you're going to eliminate the tax and social security, that you're going to protect them from any inflatiod protemn their their money up that's big that a lot of points forof t trump with the seniors and then with the youngum people remindig her that the people that she said that anybody who's between the age of 18 and 20 something were stupi bd which i take that that's a tremendous ad. and i think the trump campaign is usingad and that. >> is it better to use bet harris in her own words? i have the kamala files in theve walz files as a public service on "hannity".
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>> com i think so. i think >> i think it makes roberts right here. yeah. robert, go ahead. yeah, i think it makes every>> t bit of difference. there's nothing likes nothin the hypocrisy of her saying onee thing and doing something different. different.d this.rie this race comes down to two to reclaim reclaiming that themh advantage he had with seniors, with bidene. it's going to go down to that the the gen z is that they are very they're not like millennials they can be won over. and the other thing is the hispanic thin vote. i mean, this was a vote that was 5050 when it was againsboutt biden.t feel and in some ways it feels liket it's slipping away. they'vslippie got to be a lotenn more attention to it. and it's the outside groups itt do their part. the >> the campaign has done a really good job and the ground game has to beas as buttoned up as.h >> i assume you both agree with that, matt.
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absolutely. ely. and it needs to be sharpened up right now also. all right. thanks for that.i shar i share the same same urgency as all of you. it's argencyn all hands on deckh moment for the country. when we come back, a bigtry. announcement straight ahead. this is our land. that's why we don't want to mccoys in here. don't never take nothing from a hatfield. we're a moonshine family. hatfields, i'm coming after the moonshine business. my daddy taught me so nice herding nature. you kill them. that's a family. one that builds mine. now, come on. well, they have to shut them down. never let any mccoy outdo me. we'll see what happens. again, the real hatfields and mccoys forever feuding. a new season is streaming now on fox nation. >> hi, grandma. i played baseball today. >> oh, that's great. what position did you play? >> base. that's a great grandpa. used to play when our hearing
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