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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  September 20, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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the police. and the grand theft auto six impersonator was6 arrestedy on burglary charges. >> and i'm on "hannity" tonigh t . >> hmm. all right, greg, hit it. i'm just going to do my show. >> that was delicious. oh, we got charlie arnold, is i comedian vince august kat timpf terrorists. we are. well, this is a wild show. a wild show. that's it. that's all i got. d, a michiganmol sheriff, deputy name nicole miran. >> i'm hoping and pronouncing her name incorrectlypronouncin,e did shoot that. the person that car goey followed was having, likema a medical emergency. it turned out it was she gott r leaned over, got in that car, got him, got the car stopped, and they got a person, got mental medical t help. r >> and thank god it survived. you know, i did that once on the fdrm on. u i went for a long card to another. anyway, i did. i'll tell you what was in at minute. that's it for us. good nightan nex. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight.
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this was a failure on the part united states secretortant service. it's important that we hold ourselves accountabl to e for o the failures of july 13th. the secret service won't tell us who screwed up, but prime time hast prim their names.t on >> i can't comment on this. this is a personal matte t ird t that is still pending. >> we believe in what can bel be and we believe in fighting f for that.or that's how that's how we came into being. kamala bob ames, her oprah interview. whoa. my staff will deal with that later. you're legendary for the parties that you throw. we need alcohol locks on the doors alcohol. sounding kind of dangerous now. >> p diddy on suicide watch. i was like a sex. >> okay. plus, dr.. dr.. dr.. dr.. drtor...
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>> fox news alert. a it took two months and a secondt assassination attempiot foro fi the secret service to finally admit it. >> almost gonat t trump killed in butler. >> the secret service has. the man responsible, adding a building the site plan. we cannot abdicatewevocate or dt our responsibilities to others. the mission assurance reviewo has identified deficiencies in the advanced planning and implementation by secret service personnel. these employeel.s will be heldy accountable, and this agency has among the most robust, stablehas of penalties in the entirety of the federal government. >> okay, so all employeesg to are going to be held accountable. are we going to get the names ths that almost gotm trump killed? >> no. inu said we were now moving into the accountability phase of thitophass butler investigat. you did not want to discuss names of who might be punished, so to speak. but can you give us moree detal
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,at least maybe how manywoul people would facd e punishment e repercussions for what happened in butler? e what levels of the organization those people representple and we level of punishment again they may face? >> so again, i can't comment. on on this. this is a personal matter that is still pendin ig. what i would tell you is that i have not asked for anybody to retiry to re. w ar >> how are we supposed to trust the secret service to investigate themselves if are they won't even tell us who they're investigating? >> thankfully, whistleblowerves. is are leaking. >> the new york times is reporting the lead agent o in charge of security at the butler rally is meredithsecuri . >> primetime looked all over the internet for information about meredith bank. no photos, nmereditho bio. it's all gone. now, we don't know how qualified agent bank is.s sh was she one of the female agents that former director kimberl thee y cheatles promoting with her agenda? we don't kno hw.
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>> was she one of the female agents that was promoted even afte te agenr failing tests? >> we don't know. but butler was a test and she failed it. a local swat team commander says there was really no direction from ms.. >> meredith's bank. vice ask >> secret service asked for two snipers, but never told wante butler officials where they wanted them posted. so when local said agent bank, there's a roof with a direct line of sight to the stage. >> should someone cover ban that bank pass?k, the buck said some other unit probably has a covered oth. . this jives with what whistleblowers told senator hawley. >> this individual, the site agent, the lead agent, washis ip known to the trump campaign to be inexperienced, to be ineffectuacampaign inexpl, to by incompetent at their job. >> well, i'm also told she by whistleblowers that on that day she was not enforcing the normal securit noty protocoo she was not checking people's ids. she did nopl t use secret service agents. most of the agents there that day were nof thret secret
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service agents. >> they were homeland security agents. agenmeland security , jesse. >> most of them had never worked a rally before. yet this is who she chos e to staff the event with. and she didn't train them or integrate it from top totrhe bottom. >> it was a total disaster. during the walk through, locals thought meredith's team was disorganized. locals notified two of meredit meredith's female agents, saying they didn't have enough assetss the to secure the build, meredith's agents told them. >> don't worry about it. >> we have it handled. but obviously it wasn't they. handled. and the question is why? where were they? >> obviously never showed up. those two female agents wereamed named by the "new york times", my assadi perez and dana debray . >> they're already lawyering up, which is weird. ready laand one of them has retd mark zaid, secret service agent dana debray has hired the attorney who represented the cia whistleblowerepresrt.
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in trump's first impeachment, the ukraine phone call. e phone joe biden's cia buddy who worked with adam schiff hearings waspeachment yet again. >> he was also the attorney for vindma alsn, the brother, the ukrainian army officer who went to wa r with trump. >> he's been involved with litigation around january sixth. hillary's emails, princess diana's death, and even the jfk assassination. some have accused zaid of being a cia plant. >> why is a secret servicee agent involved in the trump assassination attempt hiringtrpion atte an anti-trumpa lawyer? >> what's his agendagenda?? >> he told primetime. my role here is to simpl tolys ensure fingers are not pointed in the wrong directions and onlyt pointe the true facts. >> so that's butler. .now let's go to west palmthe se beach, where the secret service is congratulatincrsg themselves for a job well done. >> the former president is
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getting tangible assets. he's getting everything presi that the formeder president i'mr sorry that the current president has with respect to secret service assets the that if he did, the golf course would have been secure in west palm beach. ca been secun you tell people ws going on with that? >> no shot was fired at on w was president. forme the former president was not exposed to where he was exf course.d an and what i've said and i said this monday that the procedurese work, the redundancies work, sdo that high level of protection is working. >> and ukraine fanatic with aifg scoop rifle getting this close to the president isn't workinget . what's changed from butler to west palm. agentsed fro didn't man the rood and they didn't man the gaping hole in the fencidd e. >> why did no one within>> w the u.s. secret service sweehy w behind that fence line through threats? >> they were sweeping. they were sweeping ahead. nichols so what i just explained is that that element, that lead element, was going ahead sweeping. >> but wasd sweepi there anyoned
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the fence where the road was sweeping? >> there fenc to see if anyone was in the bushes, having been there and seen the vantage point, whether they were on the public side or the or the private side. one is theindi individual was detected. ag trump got luckyvi again. >> but he's not a a c he doesn't have nine lives.n fie >> nd.o one has been fired. they're hiding agents names, stonewalling congress and asking for more money and patting themselves on the back. and nog themse on w a suspicioup cia whistleblower lawyer is defending secret service agents. >> there's something they don't want us tomething >> assassination task force comber congressman pat fallon and former secret service agent tim miller are here. ikes y all right, tim, what strikes you from what you heard justou now? >> well, gsa, we knew that it was bad and now we know it was real bad. based on the briefing todady and it seems like it comes back to the same three things. e
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and that's the competence. absolutely. the complacency and then the communications. jesse, these are found dation or things that should never change from side to side. you had ten different law enforcement agencies not able to communicate0 wcies not in bu. you have a whole litany of missed opportunities in terms of posting. prd here we go again. it happens again. i remember it hasn't happened prior since reagan, and we've had to in two months. it is time forin accountability. gottodalt like today we some answers, but cappedm that obvious was in the room for a lot of those. >> congresswoman, you're on the taska lo force. >> are you guys getting around? yeah, they're no t being proactive at all without us, jesse. they're they're givingy. us information, but they're doing it begrudgingly. and by the way, i disagree and they with what acting director rogers said, where the redundancies work. redundanciesd e did not work. there weren't even redundancies in place to secure the building. they coulds to sic have had somy on the water tower which would
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have covered it. they could have put police officers on it at police. red it they could have surrounded that building. they could have made it. they could have cleared it. that that acreage to make surebe that there was nobody there. there were dozens and scores of peoplere ar te that were cloh to the president that weren't didn't go in through any security than the shooters an in butler. so that was an epic failure. and then to nointot that patrol' the perimeter and they didn't use dogs. and they told us on fridayt dogs jesse, that they had commiserated. president trump had commiserate, but not quite thuatruml protection to presidet biden. that is not true, because this wouldn't have happened if it wasats nose . h tim, when you hear him and he's' answering defensively. weepin well, why didn't you have anybody sweeping the outside of the perimeter whereide of t e was that gaping hole in the fence? >> because it doesn't matter. you know, the guy wa't matter. s chaseds chased up, doesn't matter. what is that answer? >> yeah. so here's the problem, jesse. they're in full defense mode.e n and if you think about it, before any of thisif you happen, there were 37 whistle blowers, agents, current agents that came up and said, hey, look, we can't do our mission. d can't allall this other stuffh
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problem. and so external sweeps herere wu go again. can our perimeter so tight ir pn that somebody with a rifle can access and fire atwe go. the president? and here we go. if it wasn't for god's grace, pres gracee would have been a s. and president trump, we'd be talking about a ver ty different situation. meredith ban k congressman, sheshe wa was the lead agent. >> she was in chargee of this whole thing at butler. she was a disaster. no one trusted her going into this thing. >> she blew it and we're just h finding out now what her name is. she hasn't beeer. n fired. >> we only know her name through a leak. how is that possible? who is this woman? because they're in. yeah, i mean, they're. they're coveringn. their backside, but it's a lot easier, jesse, to prevent these soings from happeninvente thingn reacting to them. so clearly, anybody that came up cnybody with that site plan and signed off on that site plan in butler should be fired forthwitd signedh. and that hasn't happened yet because these are federal
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bureaucrats and th e e people that get dug the hole ain't getting you out. we need top down new leadershi. p within the secret service to make them the elite. the elite, the most elitership o protection agency in the world. >> they're not that right now. i don't trusrleyt having meredie banks still in the secret service. servicn care if she's at a desk. she has access to a computer. she's talkincomputere's talkg t. i want her out of there. i want as far away frominve the investigatiostign zone as is possible because she does not belong there. >> you cannot trust her. and with the way the secret service has been covering things up, things on january six andh an now this stonewalling job, thdon't trusw t anything they're doing. and that's why the task force has to be really toughathy thefe people. >> thank you guys so much. i'm glad we're finally starting to get a little bit more visibility here. >> thanks, jessica. thanks, jesse. senior adviser forump is h president trump, alina habba is here now. >> it's just mind boggling, ogg, lena, how these people continue to congratulate themselvesl wa
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and act like this is just a normal washington scandal. >> are you surprised, jesse?? >> you know, i have i'm conflicted. i'm going to be honest>> i'm ctu . i know the secret service agents that are directly workin secreagentsg with presidu trump and our team, and they keep us as safe as they possibly can. ubut when you are limiting assets, when you are denying requests and when there's investigations that are being blocked, that's where you lose me. o so i want to be clear on where i stand. i love the agents that help us. i love police and anybody that devotes their time away from their famildevotes y to prf all of us. that's includes the police, us.ncludes you know, we don't defund the police. but we've got a real problem here. we have politics've go problem y getting involved with safety. no president in this country.non and i mean no president,an republican or democrat, should or on this situation not once, but twice. it's an embarrassment to our country. it's an embarrassmentn em to president trump. it's an embarrassment, frankly, to harrisobay
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n biden, because they're the ones in charge right now and denying assets rit to a president and future, frankly, future president and prese that's doingw is the best right now is a serious concern of mine. so i agree.flicte but i'm conflicted because i also know the people and they're reali know people ad they are doing their best. t when ysyou aren't given tool to protect a former president, a future president, candi a candidate, anybody in this country, that's a probleda,m. >> that's a problem by this administration. >> then'they can't protect theil and they're trying to put theman in jail. >> it's not good. and they haven't really had to answerd th for that.s no one's asked tariffs. where is the accountability? no one's asked. s theuntabilijoe biden.t to lun >> i mean, he's just completely out to lunch. when you hear people like david axelrod, he's a big shote with barack obamaxelrod,a. >> he's now blaming trump for people wanting to kill him. >> listen to this. we have to be honesto be about this. if you encourage it, you know,ye
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and everybody i know the trump folks have said, well, don't don't, you know, blame the victim here. when you telwhen you tell peopl lose, you won't have a country on jore, you know, and we saw it on january sixth, it was his words that precipitated a. insurrection, violent insurrection at the capitol. so you can't sow the seedsence of violence and then play the victim andhe leader. he says march peacefully. and they tried to hook him into incitement and they're saying eliminate the threat to democracy and they're not involved in any way on any 2 these two kooks that are taking shots. >> that doesn't make any sense. wes taat doe yeah, we have to tt trump out. he's a threat to democracy.. insurrectionist calling maga republicans cult memberscalling calling anybody that works for him, trying to throw them w in jai o throl. um
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but president trump's the problem when somebody tries to take a shot at them. wellheprobleod, i got some news. i can't imagine why anybody would want to shooy anybodtd of president trump when you have that kind of rhetoric. but if it was done by ay republican, jesse, if it wasyers done by one of his lawyers, we'd be disbarred, put in jailoo ,as they're trying to do now for nothing. it's absolutely insane. and the rhetoric is coming from the left. it is. and if you have any doubts, the gop put out this great thing on instagram. thi oni saw it the other day. it had every quote, every quote about how they come out and hollywood and all of these people anti-trump with the rhetoric, the name calling, ifto you're his lawyer, immediately you're going to get disbarred. all these things. this is the sickness that they are poisoning our country with. meanwhile, maga republicans,un quote unquote, wanquote t to do one thing and that is make america great again. we don't want to hurt people. we want to save this country from the open border as and everything that kamala has done. while meanwhile, ka joe biden
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is jill biden not joe is hosting events at the white house today. >> that was something. all right. president jill biden and everybody hail to the chief stressed. thank you so much,f stress elin. >> have a great weekend and be safe. caank you. kamala bombs on oprah. to amgen's life changing to amgen's life changing medical breakthrough second counts. but without investment, those breakthroughs are often passed cities. cities. >> seamlessly connected banking markets and services businesses deliver global financial keep investing in innovations for patients arounfolove of d td without pass. for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress, israel needs you. we desperately need tens of thousands to respond.
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and that load the price because after day it's a $5 and get $50 instantly. >> cross peaks, run your game. it's been months since kamala snatched the nomination from her boss and half the country still doesn't know who she is. >> that's their plan. ruhen out the clock beforee anybody realizes kamala is a san francisco flamingoclbody. >> so oprah, ever heard of her? put together a celebrityis where town hall for harris where they sprinkled her with glitter and covered upled the her recor? >> i see some faces recognize
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there is bryan cranston. hey, bryan. hello, hello. hello, chris rock is inuse. the house. ben stiller, jennifer lopez, tracee ellis ross. are jennifer lopez. where are you? jennjennifer? yes, julia roberts. where are you? ry and this meryl streep is il n te the house. >> every one of those celebrities is more likes than kamala harris. >> kamala and oprah are putting together their own rainbow coalition. watch. >> we have the cat ladies for kamala here are all
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americans for harris caregiversa for kamala, train lovers forlz harris-walz. >> i didn't know there were train lovers. train lovers, chefs for kamala.. love that you republicans for harris love that group even more. we've got swifties. where are you? swifties our dollar. >> yeah. the audience is all lathered up. marilyn, the train were readyai to rock. all kamala had to do is answerns the one question she hasn't been able to answer yehes int. t >> we really would love to know what your plan is to help lower the cost of living. yeah, i first of all, thank you both for being here. >> and yours is a a storyr i hear around the country is aas travel and in terms of both rightly having the right to have aspiration tionsfor yo
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and dreams and ambitions for your familury and working hard and finding that the american dream is for this generation and so many bee. recently far more elusive than it's been. >> and we need to deal with that. >> what kamala is running on solving the problems she created, but will tell us what the solutionn's are. unableunwilling or just to answer the questions? both at least kamala's husband has an answer. >> it's all joe biden's fault. an fcizey criticize and say, well, she hasn't donedt that. her three and a half years in oc office as vice president. do you think that's unfair? ideo yeah, she's the vice president of the president. soso the, you know, the vice president is there as part of the administration, not leading the administration. >> kamala had no influenceoe on joe biden. >> the easter bunny gives biody givet the vp.
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the only thing kamala is good at is telling americans not to vote trump. >> and even with that, she's losing her touch. >> not everybody, like my opponent, was handeot everyd0 million on a silver plate that he filed bankruptcy six times on. >> if all else fails, tell the audience you're clint eastwood. these a >> these are just sense. it was so powerful at thenese. convention when you when whenns you said you have guns, you know, at the debat thee at n debate, gun owner tim robbins. >> look, i knoertim walzw that y house. they're getting shot. y hous yes. yes, i hear that.e i hear that probably. il but i will deal with that later . >> so carmel is now gunslinger who loves america. >> we love our country.ountry i love our country. i know we all do. >> that's why everybody's heretr
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right now. we love our country.y. we we take pride in the privilege of being american. we are an optimistic people.. we are an optimistic people. americans by character are people who have dreams and ambitions and aspirations. >> we believe in what is possible. >> we believe in what can be tried stepping in and putting a finer point on her jus nonsense, but she just ended up insulting half the country. n for all of you watching who are stilln on the fence, you're in the middle. thyou're independent as i am, or whether you're just still don't know what you're going to do. thithis is the moment for a all decent people, all caring people who want the best for yourself.
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and you want the best for other people. >> oprah is an independent. ke i carmel is a gun toting patriot. this was worse than the meghan n markle interview. too fluffy to persuade anybody. maviewamerica won't feel comfor voting for kamala harris unless she puts himself through a gauntlet of real questions. if she keeps hiding behind opra of s hidingh and others, vt going to trust her.x news >> joe conscious of fox news contributor. so how dk the oprah interview will change this race? >> wow. wherinterview wille to begin he? i think it's a changing. i decided watershed momente in this race because those clips have gone viral todathose people finally got to see who kamala harris is again and those soundbites fro mgs i'v kamala were the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard. at no point during her rambling, incoherent responses did she come close to anything resembling a rational thought. >> everybody who's watched thosthought.e clips now is now r for having heard them. >> it was like
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watching a miss teen usa pageant where drunally the contestant is drunk. and that's the only conclusion you can make with thosn that snp and you played that one clip of the couple said, how are you going to bring down cost sow right. and then it became seinfeld. it became a show about nothing, a stream of consciousness, a bumperut bumper stickers basically around hopes and dreams. >> and then she says, i'm going to give you nd thea $25,000 cash handout for anybody who wants to buy a new home. >> the problem is they said they were underwatehome.r on their mortgage. >> they're not eligible for it. so she speaks for so long,with t you forget what the question is and then you realize she didn't answer the questionn is >> what about when she says, if anybody breaks into my house, they're going to dien my? >> right. she wanted to she wanted to grab guns from people, right, four years ago. and now she's saying that i i will shoot you dead if you come into my house. what kind of gun does she owned? by the way? house.body i ing cond ever going to askt? her that? >> so we'll never know. and i thought mayb e doug might have the gun, but i guess she lets the wife keep the gun, which is totally manlyif. ing >> it's the most manly thingyo you can do. yeah.
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h winfre she have the pop to put this person over the top? >> no, not anymore. this is 1994. yeah, even eveew not an with jer lopez and chris rock and ben stillechr. >> is that going to move needl the needle? you've got to say it the righter way, the oprah way. bryan cranston, jennifer lopez. i forgot joe kodjoe y.n cranstey how jarring that was. >> right. ththis shows that democrats are the party of elites. they're not your daddy's donkeys anymoreyr daddy'e. you and when you see the teamsters, the rank and file support trump by about 2 to 1 margin. >> it shows that he is the man rking ma of the working man and woman in places like pennsylvania and michigan, where you have a huge teamsters influenced by the way. i so i think that this does not move the needle. >> in fact, i think it repelled a lot. and here's a final stat fothlotr you. about 10,000 people were watching the streaming live. donaldt 10,000 trump does. gutfeld at 10:00 on a wednesday and 5 million people tune in, what does that mean? >> no one knew tyou? trump was going on. gutfeld that's right.
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they only promoted it after they taped promofter it, which at three or four. >> yeah, couple hours. so there you ghoo. i thin >> it's like, i think i'dd rath rather see trump on. rumpgutfeld than kamala on opra. >> i think a lot of people feel that way. yes. all right. but feel thayi don't ever wante gutfeld only when trump's on. there you go: t. trump's on. on. i'm not watching. that's a colleague right there. i love it. thanks so much, scha.joe conch. >> breaking news on voter fraud in a major swing state a m right back. question if you can't see what's behind all this, how do you already knowp! it's cheap? probably the same way. probably the same way. you know or i that, if a tg a jeep wrangler, is getting away. or if it takes you places that make you say, whoa,th was. in their hair looks like this, s, then you just know what it was, what it is, and what it always be. because when you're an original, there's only one.
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tired of sciatic nerve pain, radiating down your leg and lower back. get relief. finally, with magnet left leg and back pain relief, a combination of four active ingredients that get to work fast. so get living available at your local retailer. consumer cellular is lowering the price for those 50 and up. get two unlimited lines for $30 each. that's just $60 a month. so switch to the carrier ranked number one in network coverage. satisfaction is it consumer cellular .com today fox news alert. breaking news froms fr georgia tonight. >> the state election board has the approved a new planom g requiring hand counts for every ballot cast election day. >> three sworn officers at every polling station in the state will have to count the ballots by hantod and make sure they match the machine count. if the results don't matche or they have to report the error and resolve it right away.
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>> this didn't happen last time the ballots were counted by the the and thrown in boxes a w and stacked in a warehouse. >> democratsar are furious about the ruling. >> they say they'll challenge it. they're saying hand counts are going to take too long, cost too mucg h, and could pose. security risks. other states do this exactxact same thing, so it doesn't look like it's going to be a probletm yet. >> another fox news alert. diddy has been anot placed on suicide watch while being held in a new york jain ly did his attorneys say the conditions at the jail are downrightht dangerous?ngero. quote, just early this summer, an inmate was murderedly. 4 >> at least four inmates have died by suicide. there in the past three years. primetime hopes did. he doesn't epstein himself, while he's awaiting trial. >> shocking allegations. dozens during a policeer interrogation have resurfacerogd in 2018. >> a former porn actor, jonathan hardy, was arrested
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for shooting up trump's doral golf club. p >> during the police interrogation. he claimed that diddy kept him as aolion sex , along with a bunchg with of other wild claims. >> i had sex with cassieit and sean. basically. he wouldn't do it. cassie.. i was like a sex. okay. for them, that's what i. >> we reached out to diddy's attorneys about out his comments on that out video. no comment yet. none of what audie has said has been proven true. he said a lot of crazy things during that police craerybody and everybody dismissed it at the time. >> but now that he'st th beenvig indicted, all these statements are being looked at differentlei . the feds laid out how did he would hire male escortsd hew and them have sex with drugged wo women at free coffees whilex he recorded it for blackmail? >> diddy's freak offs were even discussed on late night talk shows. >> you're a killer party. what's ingredient? what is what do you do to make just an amazing killer party wot
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a lot of ladies drink water at parties. they just, you know, so you have to if s. you don't have what they need, they're going to leave. right. got to keep them there. right. you need locks on the door neocks os. >> sounding kind of dangerous now. you needding a lot of heat. heat, heat. you mean physically? the place has to be hot.condit you don't have no air conditioning. no air conditioning. whio y? >> that heat affects the alcohol. and it also affects like, you know, everybody gets t a little bit more comfortable and loose, builds up a nice littlellbuilds sweat. >> that just sounds disgusting. depends on the way you looke at iwat. every day, more people from >> ed's past are coming forwar talking about the ways he ruined their lives. former diddy protegeui sean,th who took the fall for diddy's nightclub shooting in 99, says diddy stabbed him in the back, destroyed his career. r tu a former bad boecy records intern is coming forwardrn. d he says diddy falselyhi accused him of stealing a grammy gramm and had him arrested for it. but it turns out diddy jusmt
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misplaced it. >> attorney who representedsentd diddy's former intern diw. t erlanger, joins us no so your client got hosed by diddy. what kind of guy was diddy whenh you had that interaction with him? well, it really goes to my>> it client who hadre the interaction who was they call them an intern. but in fact, he was an employee of one diddy's company. he had left the employment. he'd heardployme that diddnty ht his grammy stature, was looking for it. so we called up diddy, said, i think i may know somebody who had access to it. whs acthen he said, thank you. the next thing he knows, the client gets a call thing frs somebody who invites him down to an interview. it turned oum tont it's a police precinct. and the person who was interviewing him is a new york city detective. they talk about nonsense. eventually they get aroundo to what he knows about the statute.
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the guy, the guye knows knows . he's a type one diabetic. he ends up type in shock. b they bring him to the hospital, chain him. they're already interrogatrio e him. they're bringing him back to the station, interrogate him some more, brinbrg ck tstation,g down the central . when the police officers don't tell c them you were in the hospital. >> because i'll have to stay hospittor. needless to say, the guy did nothing. needlessthey charged him. cr, in fact, diddy had filled out a criminal complaint. then they would have arrested him on the spot. >> but apparently not. they were serving as his private detectivest. he s, so ite seemed like the police were on diddy's side. >> is thatpo idea there that he kind of had them doing his bidding? had his more than they weredoin on his side. they were actually doing his dirty work. dirtrks a picture of pdy diddy on the wall in the station. >> there was a pictureon the wan diddy on the wall of a new york city police station. >> correct. >> what does that tell you?ls
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it m tells me that people of money and influence basicalle pey pretty much dot. what they want. >> i know a lot of people with money and influence. they don'ta t have their pictui hanging up in nypd precincts. that's something special. e to >> we got to look into you think this guy is going g to sing? uy >> you think he's suicidal? i don't know. i mean, if you look at the kinad of lifestyle he had and allfor of a sudden he's looking at prison for the rest of his life, who knowthlifes? >> all right. well, he sounds like a bad guy. nothing like you. you're a perfect gentleman you for a lawyer. you're a great guy for a lawyer. and i sagreat guy that with resp >> thank you so much.reci really appreciate it. than.k you. >> sink or swim. next, life happens, but with smart liner, your car stays protected no matter what life throws your way. simpler safer, smarter. make this smart choice.
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he tells bryan what worriess
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and online and harry's dcoms last shake. kamala has an uphill climb to win over white ov >> she's trailing trump by 30%. her campaign's ten millionn over dollar ad buy to win over chadd and brad. >> not helpingbrad. n to so she's bringing in her wingman to help close the gap. doggy fres gaph just sat down fb with hall of fame football player michael strahan to redefin ael strae and reimagine
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masculinity. >> and if you become first gentleman, what would that say about, you know defining the gender roles and about masculinity? a man supporting abou a woman and lifting up a woman. it's the right thing to do d. and when some woman succeeds, it's not like some mans is b somewhere is not succeeding. there's like this binary thinking whereking whe it's eitw no, it's both. when we when we lift up women, we lift up all of society, we'll actually have common succeeds. n >> then trump doesn't succeed. so it actually is. does actua not all. tiananmen. tim isn't just an assistant football coach. he's a car guy too.g th >> when he's not using those hands like a cheerleader , hood he's getting them dirty under the hood, pretending to be a mechanicding to mec in a cam. >> all right, this thing, old school carburetocarbr. you can always tell something about somebody's maintenance when how clean their air filter is. look, to be able to workeaner ai on this thing. you got a manual. it shows you exactly what to do to fixws you things on this.nd
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donald trump and j.d. vance have a manual, too. e haveit's called project 2025, and it's a way to stick it to the middle class by givin tg tax cuts to the wealthiest white dudes. >> don't care if walls can fixh. t a carburetor. >> they want a guy to fix the economy and one who isn'tfl afraid of our flag. >> he calledag up. years ago. i was in the white house and he said, my house is beingstey surrounded by people with american flags. i said, is that a good thing or a bapeople wh americatd thing?og i said, i think they're going to attack me. this was during the riots and everything else. they were maga people, you know, they like meghane the american flag, all right. and they also had trump. and i said, how do you knoo haaw there are about 15,000? he said he said, could you put out a word likhe saiu pue that? >> i'm your friend. i don't even know him. but that's the only time i ever spoke to himthat'sn timee to h. >> still, it'll sink or swim.>>j tonight. weessea have doctor versus doc, nicole saphier again, marty mccaffrey. whic.h one is the better, doctor?
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>> no, no, no. we are not doing doctor versus doctor. okay, we are good, dear. i'm going to lay down. i want to show you guysho something first. >> yeah. categories geew yok in the shee. which former first lady admitted she starts her morningsed by playing a spelling bee. >> was it michelle oitr hillary? both going with michelle?>> >> i write b about howot wh eg start the morning playing spelling bee in bed. >> and, you know, bill is like she's likeng bee id. john, thatt player, whatever. but that's news worthy. i they sleep in the same bed. i did nomet know bed that. >> i don't even think bill knows that. get off my stoop. >> election season's here, so you may get people knockingconvn on your door to convince you to vote for a candidate. >> which celebrity was recentlcy spotted knocking for kamala? was it hanoi w jane fondasa or n stiller? >> oh, that's interesting. >> ti know he's been talking
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about it, but i don't know if he's door knocking them some go. with them. >> it takes a lot to doorknock. he's a big politico. i think it's probabl do y him. >> okay.k wa this is such an important comment we're watching last minute. it's okay. >> ben stiller looks a lot like jane fonda. i could see how you guys couldit be confused. >> but you're both zero and two, but still great doctors. but sot representative of not. >> we hope not. all right. get out the vote, whic>> we hool kevin went for a walk in thethek park and told his followers votingd is, quote, the moste mo american and most democratic thing you can do. was it kevin bacon or kevin costner? 'm goi i'm going to go kevin costner. even though i had beenng k watching kevinev bacon on sociai media and i really appreciate his all song and dance thata fam he does with this farm animals. >> you know, i live on a farm. you do your live on a farm, but you're not a farmer. >> i am a farmer. i am farm hens. , >> you're then hens beess and and dogs and children. >> but you they are worse thansi animals. sometimes. i want to go with costner.
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i think he's omes.n fox nation. isn't he a good plug, by the>> way, has anybody good read blid spots? it's a great booots?k, marty mccaffrey, when medicine gets it wrongy, and what it means for our health, everybody go get it right now. >>our health. you can get it on. >> you actually can. or where booksly are sol can.d. >> what's the answer, though? voting to me is the most american going on on the farm you can do. >> i hate to say this, but youyo two doctors are so far the worst i'vedoctor ever had. >> 1o, it has no in three at the same time. >> what are the medical questions? i know medicalf thestions . >> i'm only doing all right. you guys want to know medical questions? >> jessee. med >> here's the final one. during his back to schoo lke wit special, johnny spoke to one of barron, trump's nyu classmates, who said the first son told the class the last movie he watched fir was this ws
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the last movie. barron trump watched gladiator or bloodsport. >> he seems like a gladiator type. oh, wos like aw. is going to swing it. >> i had class with him an hour ago. >> hady in class?h th >> they asked us what our last movie we watched. what was last movie? n blood spor?t. >> oh, doctor nicole sapphire, no pancreas. >> i guess the pancreas was the tiebreaking question, but more importantly, blind spots. dr. martin and iten by y believe there's another book written by you. >> remind us what the name of that book was. >> are we talking about make america healthy again? make ame america healthy again? >> i've heard that a lot recently. we rhank you so much, both of you guys. i really appreciate it. i'll let you weaappreciar hat. >> it's so nice. our movement movement's getting huge right back.
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to another person and then selling or borrowing money against the house. >> so they don't really want the physical property? no, they just want to borrow against it or sell it the great thing from a title thieves perspective is that nobody realizes that i've sold your house or, refinanced it and borrowed money against it until i stop making those mortgage payments. so it could be six months later they start getting foreclosed on. >> most people have credit cards, and the credit card generally protects fraudulent charges on it and so on. but what about your home, though? >> that's where your big equity is. that's not the way it works for a title. that's that's not the way it works at all. and nobody's helping you. >> nobody's looking out for you. what's a homeowner to do? i mean, when they find they're a victim, what can they do next? they would have to go to maybe their local sheriff or the local police, and they would have to notify them of this crime and try and explain what happened, which is a mess in itself.
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>> and nobody's prepared to do that. the thing about home title lock is that never has to happen. why is that? they notify you when there's any change to your title so you get notified that your deed was transferred or your mortgage was satisfied and you're able to contact home title lock, contact the authorities and, hopefully catch the thief in the middle of this whole process and if the title has been transferred out of your name, home title lock has a restoration team that will come in fix your title and place the property back into your name. title fraud is real. it's scary, but now there's a way to protect yourself. give us a call or go to home title loc .com and start your triple lock title protection today. this is fubo. it's a better way to watch news and sports without cable. watch multiple at once with view. >> start watching at fubotv .com tom brady the broadcaster
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the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. >> have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma. really? look out of brushstrokes. look out of brushstrokes. follow the line of the gas tank. tank. >> hey, hey, heyon, rob.e thin one plus one. >> jamie, one thing we know is true. no matter race, gender, no matter race, gender, ethnicit windu for colon cancer. so prioritld scrcolon cay indee. everyone. an for colon cancer. these folks are getting it done at home. at home. with msive. >> cologuard. cologuard is a one of a kind way to screen for colon cancer. way to screen for colon cancer. that's r. and noninvasive is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high ris my way.k. >> false positive. a negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. i it my way. >> donald trump joined gutfeld america was watching. he's got ratings that were through the roof. >> so i take full credit beating every cable and broadcast show in primetime . the competition show greg gets the last laugh on.
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>> gutfeld. >> there's so many stupid and i mean really stupid golf tips. rl best golf tip you'll everbest get be c an athlete. don't overthink it. don't think about anything.ju >>st jus swit swing. >> i'm fine. everything is fine. i played great. sam from goodyear, arizona. thank you, kamala.a glad to find out. i rightlthanyou.y the right to s aspirations and dreams and ambitions fodreamsr my. got wilma from cosby, tennessee. well, kamala threw the whole kitchen into that salad.orld sar >> dave from far hills, new jersey. >> hey, i'm a train lover.y train lovershe for kamala chooto choo. notice how oprah liked the chefs fo the r kamala? mike from hooksett, new hampshire. e. someone needs to slap some sense into chris rockla.
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i think i know someone who could do that. steve from newton square, pennsylvania. >> kamala owns gun. i think i support stricter guna i th. ow >> john from walnut, california. stop throwing their hats at thee winner of sink or swim. >> it's a prestigiouwinners awab and it should be treated as such. i didn't throwd as such. that d. >> i handed it to her. but you don't think people canha handle the heat? davey from fort pierce, florida, are you saying that you've never, ever takene florie a selfie? >> not one. telfi really? okay, i've taken a selfie.e jus. to send emma. >> i don't, like, take selfies for any other reason. >> jonathan, we have nothing. ya you. sorry, jonathan, you're going to have to text me on monday. big on monday, by the way. >> have a great weekend. i'm watersnd and is my world.


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