tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News September 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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everyone has heard johnny cash. ♪ because you're mine ♪ i walk the line >> on capitol hill chad pergram, fox news. ♪ >> bret: good stuff. tomorrow on "special report," our new round of fox power rankings looking at races at at the house senate and governor's races. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is coming up in 15 seconds. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham this is "the
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ingraham angle" from washington tonight. this is a fox news alert. ryan routh has now been officially charged with the attempted assassination of former president trump. more details on that in moments. but, first: zelenskyy, the harris surrogate. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: now, i thought democrats were against election interference by foreign governments and foreign leaders. well, what would you call yesterday's stunt trip by volodymyr zelenskyy to the battleground state of pennsylvania? now, zelenskyy is in the u.s. for the u.n. general assembly and he took a tee tour to joe biden's hometown of scranton where he was escorted by pennsylvania governor josh shapiro on a visit to an ammunition factory. >> we are blessed to have so many ukrainians living here in the commonwealth of pennsylvania, the second largest number in the entire united states of america. we feel a special kinship to them and to all of you in your
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work to defend ukraine. we stand with. >> you and zelenskyy's presence alone was a perceived endorsement. >> the united states helped us from the very beginning full scale war but we're still called on continued support. we are thankful to president biden bipartisan support. and officers, soldiers, surgeons support. >> laura: at this moment in a manufacturing plant where governor shapiro, a harris surrogate, signs artillery shells that will presumably be used to kill russians. now clearly this will be seen by russia as america's direct involvement in already deadly war. how is this in any way smart though? zelenskyy's campaign move is already causing a huge controversy. and this was by the way after he had told the new yorker that
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j.d. vance was too radical and then he scoffed at vance's suggestion that ukraine would need to sacrifice for peace as if americans and other countries haven't sacrificed for ukraine. now, who knew that ukrainian leader moan lights as msnbc pundit he went on to insult vance's intellect saying let mry of the second world war. let him do some reading. look, it's obvious the democrats never really cared about russia's election interference. that was always a fig leaf to justify jihad against trump. >> they couldn't complain that the economy was bad under trump. they couldn't say that he was getting us into stupid wars. so they needed to attack him for something. and over the course of this election, we -- look, rightly focused most of our time here on the angle on the economy and on the border, inflation. but, tonight i have got to tell you, that's not all that
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matters. because, if kamala harris becomes our commander-in-chief, there will be no end in sight for the global chaos that has occurred in the biden-harris era. it's going to continue. and now they have aus on a glide path it seems in a war with russia. voters should really take that into consideration. >> how many women and how many young people want that? let alone male voters? the war drums are beating for a significant u.s. military escalation with russia driven by the pro-war alliance in the media and by the vast network of current and former military officers and deep staters who want war, war, and more war. now, at this point furthest can a labor relation is a risky ego play that threatens to drag us into world war iii. but they don't care. they hate trump, a lot of them signed this letter the other day, and they love zelenskyy. and if kamala harris becomes
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president, you can expect a blank check to ukraine every time he comes into town. as he did today asking for more money. >> i know that you have your -- your challenges and but i have to underline it and to repeat we can't now be weak. we can't relax because we didn't stop putin. didn't stop him in his crazy ideas. that's why we have to be strong and i'm asking to understand us to be around us, to support us as you did is he very beginning of the war. >> laura: there is no end in sight. we have money growing on trees as my mom used to say. this is a brilliant strategy, right, by the harris supporters who helped set the stage for all of this. have zelenskyy do what is effectively a campaign spot for kamala harris and bob casey in a battleground state as he then ridiculed the republic ticket and then watch him demand
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billions more from americans, many of whom will vote for that ticket that he just derided. another day, another biden-harris foreign policy disaster. now, first, zelenskyy had terrible judgment because it looks like republicans will take the senate and with these new polls that came out today, they could very well take the white house as well. second, it was really dumb of our professional diplomats in the pentagon who apparently thought it was okay to turn the question of how we should deal with ukraine into a partisan campaign attack. it did not help their cause. and, third, it was really stupid for the harris campaign to do this. she is supposed to be the defender of the norms of the regular order, the establishment, remember? and this is just a clumsy political stunt. and heaven forbid she did become president? and decides to up the ante against russia? then this will make it harder to convince americans that is the
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wise course. imagine for a moment if donald trump called the dod and asked for netanyahu to be flown to arizona for a campaign event. oh my god we would never hear the end of it. of course, zelenskyy is now trying to have it both ways though. this is not unpredictable. claiming that his trip wasn't political at all. >> i would not want this to influence the support of ukraine. of course, i would want no matter who is elected that ukraine does not suffer. the victory plan, i wanted to discuss it with candidates until they -- until one of them becomes the president. >> laura: ha ha. but later today he was attacking trump and vance again by implication for their even suggests peace negotiations with putin. >> what could they possibly hear from him that he's upset because
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we are exercising our right to defend our people or that he wants to keep the war and terror going so no one thinks he was wrong. it's insane. putin has broken some international norms and rules that he once top on his own. >> laura: this is a huge political miscalculation by the democrats and mr. zelenskyy. the american people are, at best, split on ukraine. under the biden-harris leadership, america is becoming increasingly weak and, as such, other countries feel freer who just ignore what we say. the foreign policy isn't just getting together with other countries, getting in a simi circle or prayer circle, singing folk songs. it's about leverage, it's about strength, judgment and confidence. and those are all in short supply in biden-harris world. now on the confidence front,
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these people have fallen off a cliff. people think about the afghanistan withdrawal, which was obviously who are risk, but was that just will one of many screw ups. they have lost control of the situation in iran, which is now destined to become a nuclear power, thank you very much. china is threatening taiwan and the philippines and is supporting russia. and, of course, china has paid almost no price for any of it. austin, blinken, yellen, the three stooges they are still reaching out to beijing. still hoping for a better working relationship. sorry, guys. beijing is just not that into you. and, of course, the middle east is exploding as americans are still being held captive in gaza. biden and harris hardly even mention that as all of this is unfolding, we do not have a real president or a real commander-in-chief. we just have jill biden running cabinet meetings. and someone, lord knows who, is green lighting u.s. troop deployment in the middle east. this is only a week after harris
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was bragging about their record. >> as of today, there is not one member of the united states military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world, the first time this century. >> laura: well, so much for that. but, perhaps nothing demonstrated the shear incompetence of the current administration as starkly as that fiasco with the temporary pier they build off gaza to bring in humanitarian supplies. now, the structure hardly got any collapsed into the sea $330 million later. a metaphor for the biden-harris approach to foreign affairs. so in a harris administration, america will continue on its current bleak journey as a paper tiger. so, yeah, foreign policy does matter. so if americans want to return to strength, to common sense, to security at home and peace abroad, they cannot choose the status quo. the only choice is trump and
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that's the angle. all right, word broke late today that the house g.o.p. is launching its own investigation into the zelenskyy trip. and whether the use of u.s. government aircraft to fly him from new york to what appeared to be a political event in any way violates u.s. law. joining me now are congressman eli crane from arizona and lance gooden from texas. congressman gooden, you are behind this investigation. what can you tell us? >> well, i can tell you that my colleagues and i have a lot of questions. how much taxpayer funds were sent on this c-17 that brought the president over. why were secret service agents that seemed to be underwhelming in their security of donald trump posted up in pennsylvania. why were no republicans invited to this event. and just exactly how bad is president zelenskyy's judgment to be making this appearance and upsetting half of the american populist. why is it that he would criticize donald trump who has a very good chance of being commander-in-chief in just a few months?
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as you said it was terrible judgment. what i want to know is why is he not on his knees thanking americans, republicans and democrats, for the sacrifices they made for his nation and how dare he come into our nation and opine on any election, much less the presidential race. >> laura: as he is saying he is not doing that which is precisely what he is doing. he did have perfunctory thanks to americans about legislators in both parties. did he do that. congressman crane it looks like zelenskyy got everything he wanted. the u.s. is sending an additional 375 million in military aid to ukraine, including medium ranged cluster bombs. this is at the same time zelenskyy insisting that u.s. weapons should be able to be used deeper inside russian territory. what's the danger here? >> hey, laura, thanks for having me on. i think you nailed it in your opening when you talked about what this really means. and what this really means as far as i'm concerned, if
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americans elect vice president kamala harris to be the commander-in-chief, you're going to see more chaos around the world. as far as zelenskyy campaigning, for vice president harris, i think it's great. i hope they put him that c 17 fly him around the country to every battleground state just to show the american people how tone deaf they are when they are struggling to make ends meet. struggling to buy gas and groceries, they are afraid to send their kids out into the street because of increased crime and they know how much money we have sent ukraine a couple hundred billion dollars. it's america last. like i said, i hope they continue to use this campaign strategy with zelenskyy. because i think it actually helps us. >> laura: congressman gooden, as this is unfolding, another $357 million of the weapons and the push is still for using them deep inside russia, with all that will create, we still have this investigation ongoing into
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the assassination attempts of president trump. now, an attempted assassination charge has been lodged against ryan routh but, congressman, do you think that the secret service and the fbi have been expeditious enough in putting forth the information needed to assure the public that president trump is safe in these remaining 40-something days before the election? >> no, i don't. and my constituents don't either. i have spoken with president trump several times. he has nothing but high praise for the agents that are detailing him. but the organization as a whole, it not only needs more money, it needs reform. throwing more money at the problem, which i think is the plan in congress tomorrow evening before we leave town to campaign, i think that that is a mistake. i think we need major reforms at the secret service. the fact that this has happened twice now, so close to president trump, it's outrageous to me. the fact that democrats don't want to talk about it is very alarming, but it's par for the course. if this had happened on the other side, there would be
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outrage. but we're just struggling to make sure that the american people know how serious this is and we get as much support president trump and his protection as we can. >> laura: congressman crane, once again, americans have to understand what's at stake here. we have a lot of credibility problems with our domestic institutions like the secret service. now there is concern about our foreign policy lurching us towards a third world war with russia given these types of weapons that could be used inside the former soviet territory. how concerned about our troop levels going into a potential major world war with russia if kamala harris is elected? >> i have been concerned about it the whole time, laura like i said, i went to war three separate times. this is something that me and several of my colleagues have been trying to keep us out of but kamala harris and you sigh with the campaign stunt she just
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pulled with zelenskyy, this is exactly where we are headed. we are going to continue to escalate this war with the biggest sewer power on planet earth in a very corrupt country that most americans can't point to on a map. i think it's very dangerous and foolish and i think it's arrogant. >> laura: the american people don't want it. at least according to the few polls that are out there. congressman, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> laura: copycat kamala stealing another page out of the trump playbook. find out which, next. ♪
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♪ >> laura: all right. we got a fox news alert the border czar is going to the border? last week it was the zelenskyy stunt and now being 10 points down on donald trump on the immigration issue, kamala harris has a border stunt, yeah, that's right. three years after her last visit, border czar kamala harris is finally getting to work. reportedly she is heading there on friday. but, it's just a political ploy. it's desperate. she wants to appear tough on one of the biggest crises facing our country that she is getting hammered on in the polls. this is what her border policy actually looks like. >> salvadorian national elmer salha unlawfully entered the united states and now stands
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accused of what ice officials called horrific and despicable crimes including increase sent battery and assault on a child under 1. ice arrested arvallo after arraignment on child rape charges. boston ice brazilian man reentered the united states illegally charged with indecent assault and battery. >> laura: kamala's border carnal knowledge that's just nantucket. seeing kamala's border security david lee was mowed down allegedly by a drunk illegal alien. >> david was amazing. david was humble. david didn't judge people. david loved people for who they were. david embraced all of us. david was like all of our protectors. all of us. >> laura: and we're seeing her policy right along the border itself. texas dps troopers arrested 15 illegals for criminal trespass this week.
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after screening them, they discovered well, one may have terror ties. why is that a big deal? joining me now texas governor dan patrick. harris campaign adviser is telling fox that her positions have been shaped by three years of effective governance as part of the biden-harris administration dan, from your perspective as lt. governor of our biggest border state what is effective governance look like in texas? >> well, if their goal was to have terrorists and criminals and millions of people coming into our country illegally and gives them a pass and not knowing where they are going or who they are or what crimes they are committing, then they have been very effective. they are undermining our country. you know, laura, one of the things that's never talked about in these -- and i know you have talked with it, but i want your audience to get their arms around. this we have about 300,000 children who come here illegally
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and kamala harris does not know where they are. and we can tell you where we sadly think many of them are. and that is that they are being forced to have sex five, six, seven times a day as children or teenagers or young women because they are put into the sex trade industry. how can you possibly allow hundreds of thousands of children to cross the border and lose track of them and knowing that you turned them over to someone that you don't know if they are a family member. and that's what's happened. kamala harris and joe biden are responsible for a child sex child trade in this country tonight. it makes me sick to my stomach to think what some of these children are enduring that are being sex trafficked in this country. kamala harris doesn't care a damn about these children. she says she cares. president trump cared about them. he put a stop to it. he would not have let this happen. this is outrageous and people thinking about who they are voting for, you have complicit, a president joe biden and kamala
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harris running for president who purposefully and knowingly know that children are being sex trafficked in this country, thousands and thousands. >> laura: yeah. dan, they always try to corner the market on compassion and it was all about separating the families. i read somewhere like someone's comment was at least the kids were alive when they were separated. you know, who knows where the poor children are in this case. but, dan, i want to get back to this -- and i'm calling it the border stunt, because that's what this trip is. >> yes. >> laura: has she invited out or governor abbott to join her on this trip on friday? >> of course not. she has never really been to the border in texas. she came to el paso and was blocks away from the actual border. look, she is conning the american people. she hasn't changed her position at all. her values were to get rid of ice. values were to decriminalize people crossing the border
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illegally. i'm just stunned that there with sun american that cares about this country that would even think about voting for her. i know there are the solid democrat base out there. for anyone who is an independent, anyone who is open-mind thinking about what is going on in this country. we have been invaded, laura. now they acknowledge it's 20 million people the numbers i have been saying 20 million people are in this country illegally. >> laura: that's the goal that's effective that's how they call effective. >> they said repeatedly that america is an awful rotten place. systemically racist. the whole thing has to be changed. a completely overturned and changed. that's what obviously e. obviously this policy is designed to do. >> that's her effective iness she thinks. >> laura: cnn is trying to cover for kamala harris and why maybe her -- the border hasn't been her sole focus. watch. >> one of the things about this moment. i mean, the harris campaign has just been trying to kind of
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float above it all. to float above the immigration argue muchs. float above some of the nitty gritty details on some of this policy. but this shows that they realize they have to do something. they could float above their vacation homes. >> after 9/11 we always read the list of those killed to memorialize that let me tell you something if we got a list of people killed by drunk drivers, raped, ganged, women killed on jogging trails. a long list of people killed during the kamala harris-biden administration over nearly now four years crossed thisward. let me tell what you, not only are these dangerous gang members in our country, terrorists upon terrorists who have crossed our border. we know it they're just waiting to strike. they have sold out our country. >> laura: they knew what they were doing.
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this is their policy. >> it is their policy. >> laura: open borders is their policy and what happened is their goals. everyone has to remember that as they go to vote in this presidential election. >> yes. >> laura: lt. governor, thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate it as always. and ahead, kamala cannot answer if americans are better off than they were four years ago. trump just did. we'll bring it to you, next. ♪ life doesn't stop for a cold. honey... honey... dayquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu symptom relief with a honey-licious taste. dayquil honey, the honey-licious, daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, power through your day, medicine.
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(tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. ♪ >> laura: all right. in case you are suffering from amnesia or kamala wants you to and you are forgetting how great the economy was back in 2019. well today trump reminded us that inflation was low. unemployment was low. and the border was being enforced. and he can do it all again. >> we will bring back the american dream bigger, better and stronger than ever before. >> laura: sounds good to me and he is going to cut taxes. >> we're cutting the business
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tax from 21% to 15%. which makes us the most competitive tax anywhere in the planet. but only for those who make their product in the u.s.a. see? that's an incentive. >> laura: under trump, the economy will grow and the u.s. will become, once again, a manufacturing hub. >> this new american industrialism will create millions and millions of jobs. massively raise wages for american workers and make the united states into a manufacturing power house like it used to be many years ago. >> laura: and is he going to name a new ambassador who is responsible for helping to bring those jobs back from overseas. >> to exploit these pro-manufacturing policies, their full potential is going to happen. it's going to happen very quickly. i will appoint a manufacturing ambassador hose sole task and it will be a great one to go around
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the world and convince major manufacturers to pack up and move back to america. >> laura: those are just some of the things that he pledged to do. very specific about them. but what about kamala's specifics? >> i get that she is from a middle class family, it's great, and i get that she feels people's pains, great. but what about here are the five things i'm going to do directly for you. does she need to be doing more of that? >> people like to have a connection to whoever is running for office. that they share their experience. that they understand their lives. and i think that's what she is establishing. >> laura: wait a second. she actually said her policy is a connection. joining us now florida congresswoman anna paulina luna. congresswoman, great to see you tonight. so americans who are having trouble paying their bills, paying their rent, paying their healthcare costs are just happy to have a connection with kamala i guess because she worked at mcdonald's? really? i mean, it just goes to show how
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disconnected these people are you know, nancy pelosi is not going to tell that you violent crimes are up 61% and women are largely the target. when i hear that type of rhetoric, all i can say the number one issue i'm hearing with my voters what is happening at the border and inflation. people want a trump economy. they have want him back this office. >> laura: president trump had a message for the auto workers in michigan today. let's look at. this to the auto workers in michigan, georgia and all other parts of our country, i'm pinpointing you for greatness. your industry has been disseminated by many decades of incompetent leadership political and at your company level. we are going to turn it around and we are going to turn it around fast. >> laura: congresswoman, what will kamala harris do herself for the auto industry rather than -- i mean other than, i should say, mandating evs? >> frankly, i really haven't heard much of her policy
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positions except for her laughing. what i can also tell you that as far as i know, she is not going to be bringing those jobs back. as you just stated earlier, they are massively pushing these evs and that's all only benefiting their large donors here in washington, d.c. that own these corporations that are giving to their campaign. so i don't think it's going to be for the american people. good news we are pulling ahead. people show up early and vote in person and bring home the win this november. >> laura: there is good numbers out today in the quinnipiac poll, a few others. others show she might have a lead here or there. but we were led to believe, i think the electorate, were led to believe that, you know, trump was losing steam, the enthusiasm gap was favoring kamala harris. but what we're really finding is after that debate, americans still are having trouble paying their bills, still worried about the border, and they are still not thrilled that we are shoveling all this money out to ukraine. i don't think any of that has changed because of the debate. >> no. not at all. in fact, i think zelenskyy
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showing up to campaign for kamala, i mean, do the american people really want to continue supporting ukraine's pensions? i don't think so. you know, i was with president trump over the weekend and what i can tell you is he is working so hard for the american people. he has a massive amount, especially of women support. i was in north carolina and the amount of women showing up that want safety, want protection, want a leader like president trump that will help fight a lot of this violence that we are seeing with a lot of these illegals coming here, it's just going to continue until election day. we will help him bring home this win. >> laura: speaking of the speech that he gave in north carolina, this comment is making a lot of waves from some of the feminists out there. let's watch. >> i make this statement to the great women of our country sa sadly, women are poorer than they were four years ago. are less safe on the streets than they were four years ago. i will fix all of that because i am your protector, i want to be your protector.
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>> now, congresswoman, the left wing media have been attacking him for that. do women hate hearing a man say i want to be your protector? no woman i know are offended by that but apparently someone in the media is and i guess the democrats are. >> no, not at all. in fact, again, i'll go back to just some of the things i was hearing over the weekend. you know, when you have violent crime up 61%. rape up over 40 percent because of what happened with kamala harris' open borders, and her being a border czar and then you have the left wing media -- let's make no mistake the left wing media is a propaganda arm of the dnc. attempting to erase her record on border security. the number one most targeted demographic for this is american women who have been hurt the most by her policies. they are going to seek to demonize a man like trump who put women in positions of power and authority. i have known president trump personally over the last four years. he has done great things for
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this country. more importantly, is he right. americans are having trouble, especially paying for groceries. women are largely being impacted not just physically from crime but also, too in our pocketbooks. i hope many americans join us in voting for him this november. >> laura: well, if you like the status quo if you like the way things are vote for kamala harris. if you want things to get better and change vote for president trump. it's really that simple. congresswoman, thank you. new details about diddy's notorious parties if that's what you can call them. what it all means, the deeper meaning, next. ♪
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>> laura: we got a lot of reaction last night to the story we brought you from washington state where taxpayers are on the hook for something called party kits that supposedly contain items that will help addicts get a safer high. okay. that's in washington state. but today in indiana, we're learning about a taxpayer funded baby killer's sex change surgery. yeah that's a thing. fox news senior national correspondent kevin corke has all the details. kevin? >> quite a story tonight for you, laura. there is real outrage in the hoosier state tonight as a federal judge has ruled that it would be quote unconstitutional for a prison there to deny a
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transgendered inmate sex reassignment surgery. the aclu, no surprise sued the indiana department of corrections last year on behalf of this transgender inmate named jonathan richardson also known asautumn cord loney convicted of strangling to death 11-month-old old stepdaughter in 2001. while the state prohibits the department of corrections from using taxpayer money to fund sex reassignment surgeries for inmates, the aclu argued that is a violation of the 8th amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment preposterous specious argument say critics. now thanks to judge richard young, surgery for inmate richardson whose serving out a 55-year prison sentence, well, according to the judge, that surgery is deemed by the court to be a medical necessity. meantime on x. indiana's a.g. todd rokita a republican say hoosiers do not
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want this. still reviewing the court's opinion but you can undoubtedly expect our office to appeal this decision. and just to give you a sense of what we are dealing with when we are talking about this particular inmate, in a separate lawsuit just last year, he accused the prison's chaplain of keeping him from wearing a hijab outside of his immediate bed quarts despite identifying as a quote muslim woman. and one more reminder for you, laura tonight. it was back in 2019 that kamala harris boasted of working behind the scenes to get every trans inmate access to so-called gender affirming surgeries. that was then and i have not seen or heard her change her opinion now. back to you. >> laura: wow. kevin, thank you so much. >> you bet. >> laura: sean "diddy" combs getting moved to a different section of the jail today. sources telling nbc news that he is now in a barracks style area that currently has 18 to 20
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inmates who require special protection. that includes crypto bureau sam bankman-fried and this is yet another woman is accusing the rap mogul of sexual assault. thalia graves says she was drugged, bound, beaten, raped by diddy and former body guard back in 1999. >> the internal pain after being sexually assaulted has been incredibly deep and hard to put into words. [sniffling] it's a pain that reaches into your very core. >> laura: now we are learning new details about what went on inside those infamous white parties that diddy threw and they were all the rage in the gossip columns. i want to be clear these aren't reported freak-off but celebrity filled events that he threw every summer in the hamptons. take a look at these photos. these weren't stuffy red carpet events, the champagne was
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flowing. the women were topless. and it was all like a big joke. people were laughing about it, thought it was fun, funny, what are you wearing? oh, you are wearing white. joining me now is maureen. columnist. i remember reading about these year after year. friends of mine, houses out in the hamptons, beautiful places but what went on at these parties? and why were they all the rage among the celebrity set? >> well, laura, it seems that we're learning that the freak-offs were not limited to the freak-offs. i thought it was very interesting that leonardo decaprio is really the first a list celebrity who palled around with him, was photographed at these white parties in the hamptons, and said, listen, i had nothing to do with these parties. i know nothing about these parties. i haven't had anything to do with this guy for years. i think now we're going to see, as with harvey weinstein, the
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drip, drip, drip of more accusers coming forward with very credible claims. and i think we're going to see this celebrity industrial complex around diddy that facilitated all of this for decades begin to crumble. >> laura: well, and you see justin bieber, reports that he is in seclusion and some outlets say he is just devastated by this story and other people running scared. i mean, i don't know what to make of any of these stories. it all sounds like a complete freak show to me. these are people worth hundreds of millions of dollars and the fortunes really all totaled in probably hundreds of billions of dollars. when you really add it all up. this is the power base of the entertainment industry at least in some way connected socially, friendship, whatever, with this man who you saw in that video would pull that woman across the carpet and kick her right in the
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face. >> the cassidy video. cassie who really broke this entire thing open with her civil suit in new york last year, a week before that law that allowed a look-back was about to expire. and she was incredibly brave. i mean, you mentioned, laura, at the top there, how diddy has been moved into this other section of the prison for sort of special prisoners. i think the real concern with diddy is that owe is so powerful, so dangerous, so connected that there is real concern for witnesses and victims on the outside that he could conceivably get to, still. >> laura: oh, so it's not for his protection, you're saying, it's for the authorities being able to monitor him while he is in this special area? >> it's exactly that. it's to keep him from getting to
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his people on the outside, his enforcers, his thugs, which he used to do. he used to threaten. that's how he got away with this for so long. he would threaten, intimidate, it's all in the indictment, the federal indictment. and this is why even people close to him were just silenced. they were petrified that they would lose their lives. >> laura: well, this -- these were a. listers maureen, again i remember hearing about these parties, just reading about them for years. vanity fair wrote. they were the a.-list party invitations and now people are wondering who is on the r-list for rape victims. 11 people have come forward. these are allegations obviously. everyone deserves their day in court. but, my goodness, this is -- i mean, if a 1/100th of this is true it seems disturbing. a lot of people looked the other way, perhaps. >> we will find out more.
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maureen, we you have back. thank you very much for joining us tonight. all right, coming up, dems try a cringe worthy way to reach young voters and travis kelce, is he partying too hard? is that the reason he has the mustache? jimmy failla has it all, next. ♪ was inflammation—so he prescribed xiidra. xiidra works differently. xiidra targets inflammation. over-the-counter drops don't do this. they only hit pause on my symptoms. but twice-daily xiidra gives me lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra and seek medical help if needed. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort, blurred vision, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. before using xiidra, remove contact lenses and wait fifteen minutes before re-inserting. dry eye over and over? it's time for xiidra. (♪)
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>> now it's time for wtf to call now the host of fox news saturday night kicked jimmy democrats are testing a new way apparently to reach out to younger voters, watch. >> i am here with volunteers and they are cooking with gas. >> i'm calling voters today, raising them up. >> trump wants to ship union jobs overseas. not shall. >> this is gas. >> trump wants to cut taxes for billionaires. i'm leaving the chat. >> you know what you need to realize laura? the job is to make it come all
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outlook sober. so she comes out there and does all this wacky stuff, that's walz's job. that's what he's always walking around with the waving arms. because these to get done and then come all ushers up with her merlot teeth and cackles at everything. >> did you just say merlot teeth? >> yes. when people are bombed on merlot and they show up and laugh and places in the conversation where it doesn't belong as a former cabdriver we would call that merlot treat. that's a passenger term, but that's what she's there to do, but it soak range and you know that. >> trump is a leading come aula in the notorious bus grid and bakery cookie paul. noted accurately predict in every election outcome but 1 since 1984, so as of today, trump has got 3006 cookies but just 2198 of come all is were sold.
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at this how with all going to kumble? >> don't get too excited because they still have to count the mail in cookies. steve got a few more days before that goes down. but i am not surprised by this, because come all supporters have been told milk is bad because of cows. so i would imagine the passion is on the fun side of this argument which is trump. >> all right jimmy not travis kelce is getting hit for partying too hard in the off-season, is that really his problem? is that why he has the moustache that looks like? >> you know what his problem really is? he wants to be rob gronkowski. travis kelce is a dollar store version of him. and he wants to be that goofy lovable tight end guy who winds up in every commercial cat but he is trying too hard at that. and that is the problem. >> he's a great player and he seems like a great guy but lose the moustache that's all i'm saying. jimmy thank you jesse is next to see you night everyone. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: welcome to
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