tv Hannity FOX News September 25, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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can do the view, but he't can't handle. a cabinet meeting. carol from meeting oxnard, calia souris was telling walls, do what i say or you're going out d that window. o whthat was a long fall. >> rich from georgia.someti >> sometimes i just turn the sound off and readme i your hand language and my talking with my hands a lot. >>my hands i'm not italian.i i just. i likeju - to talk with my hande and i like to se e other people talk with their hands. and that's why you have to watch sean hannity next. he's o have n nine. >> i'm on at eight. and dvr this show. dv sr on shore. and while you're at it till and always remember, i'm watersr and this is my world.and
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>> and welcome to hannity. and tonight, my monologut,e is only moments away. but first, former first lady melania trump sat downe with or very own ainsley earhart for a rare tv interview. here is an exclusive preview. >> take a look. sos you didn'ant see that e you assassination attempt and someone called you? i think your chief of staff maybe called youf you af and sar he's okay, but there has been a shooting. happened next. when i saw it, i you know, it rl was only. nobody really knew yety kn. right. because when you see him on the floor and you don't know, you don't know what really happened. e will >> and coming up, ainsley earhardt will join us more of her interview with melania trump. it will air in full on fox t. so friends tomorrow starting 6 a.m. right here on the fox news a.m. >> first, we turn n our attenti to another interview on, another network. i didn't think there were other networks anyway. kamala harridn't this sat down r her first and only solo national interview. t anhow brave of the campaign.ho
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with, of course, one of our top supporters at my dnc, stephanie ruhle. now, she's a big supporter of kamala harris. she is rooting for kamala to win. that's fin ke. my book, she's a radical left-wing talk show host. d needless to say, this was not a hard hitting intervieww with with nonpartizan reporter, by the way. that's okay. iewenald tru trump.hy a i definitely want donald trump to win. i'm not shy about it. i say it the time. we have members of both members of the press. she fancies herselfot a journalist. she's not. she e. talk show host lik. i'm honest about who i am. donald trump doesn't just talk yours truly. he answers questions. he does press avails on virtually every outlet on a regular basis. ev does j.d. vance. even he does it with networks that hate him, whichen is most of the media mob. so for tonight's appearance on most dnc to be kamala's only solo national television te interview, you know, after the 60 minutes
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and 29 secondstim with tim walz on fake newswa cns it's troubling, especially when she can't even answe r single question without contradicting herself, for example. uthere she is vowing to fix the economy. last year, she the was saying, call it biden-nomics. we're so proud of itso . >> take a look. we have aspirations. we have dreams aspir. we can see what's possible. we have an incredibl e work ethic. ethist not everyone ha the access to the opportunities that allow them to achieve thosw e things. but we don't lack for thoset ev things. but not everyoneeryo you kno, y, gets handed stuff on a silver platter. >> all that, ladies and gentleme gentn and everyone else that is called my dynamics. bido that is called biden nomics. and we are very proumid of biden ean: oh, nomics. >> oh, the giggling vice g president. i'm prou presidd of biden nomics until the finally now the realities
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se shin that oh, i'm not so proud. also she talked about fixing the bordere talked during the vy height of the border crisis. your border czar kept telling you the border secure when it anver was. >> everybody knew it. take a look. well knew it, first of all, we o have a broken immigratione fi and it needs to be fixed. >> the border is secure. >> tr isyou're this border secu >> we have a secure border.a pr and that that is a priority for any nation, ours in our administration. >> never min d wants free housing, health care, food, education, amnesty and, oh,opert sex change operations for illegal immigrants to reward them for their illegal behavior. is kamala ever going to explain be? t.t lies the is she ever going to be asked by the media? i doubt it. and look at your scree an. e ase >> will she ever be asked about her radical stated positions that aredica words?t r because tonight there was noe f mention of a support for getting rid the filibuster
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to pass the $93 trillion green new deal or government health care for all and banningt private health insurance or banning fracking and offshore drilling ourance ar illegal immn and offering all these free, free everything for illegals. and on top of that, that we have kamala harris, even those, you know, that are in jail get sex change operations. it is bizarre. jaiand even during tonight'san softball questions, kamala struggled again. la harrithis was supposed to bes easy interview with a friendlyy ms.. dnc, liberal leftist talk show host that was going to bat. for her over the weekend. take a look. ke a looi don't think it's a lot her to sit down for a realer intervietow as opposed to a puff piece in which she describes i heard her feelings of growing up in oakland with nice lawns, and i would you say to thatou when you move to nirvana. >> give me your real estate brokers number and i'll be your next door neighbor. we don't live there.
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nextnot just talking about not running for perfect. >>r. she's running against trum. we have two choices. and so there there are some this you might not know her answer to. nsweand in 2024, unlike 2016, fr a lot of the american, we know exactly what trump will do, who heo s, is and the kindmocrac of threat he is to democracy. >> i don'ty.>> it's not nirvanat to expect somebody who wants to be president to answer questions about what she says she wants to d anso. now, she had a she had a hard. time answering questions from a loyal supporter. a and, you know, socialist amnesty and see who wants to give her free pass on everything. how is she going to confront putin or xi or the mullahs in iran as president? and by the way, we reporteent.d night the islamic republic of iran. they are now actively to murdere donald trump. this should come as no surprisve in 2022. they released a cheap, poorly produced animated video
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fantasizing about assassinating donald trump on a golf coursidee near mar-a-lago as a revenge for killing their favorite terrorists. a and that would be general soleimani. and now, coordinated efforts an from iran to assassinate donaldr trump are intensifyingom as the election nears. my sources say it is beyond the pale it's never been lou this loud. it's never been this dangerous. but at the same time, the iranian president is in our country, allowed in thisrh country to spew anti-american rhetoric, anti-semiticet, rhete at the united nations. here's how donald trump respondere id. ar >> by the way, we are underr threat. i have been threatened very directly and i appreciate an that we've been t meeting with, but we've been threatened very directly by irahrd n. and i think you have to lete t them know because the best way to do itit i is through the offe of the president that you do any attacks on presidents or candidates for president, your country gets blown to smithereens, as we say.
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>> the iranians fear trump they're not going to hear a responsesmitheri that from kamala harris or joe biden. they are unablr the to musternd the courage to openly defend donald trump and do from threats from a foreign nation, a radicaon.l islamic terrorist supporting nation, the number one state sponsor of terrorism. erthey continuously spout their own toxic rhetoric against donald trump. iran now trying to interfere in this election murderedp. donald trump. they already hacked his campaign emails. s to nobody in the press seems to give a . and the left's dangerous rhetoric dam. just continues. and this includes biden's idiotic commercethis secretary, gina raimondo, who justd called ms.. dnc for donald trump to be extinguished for good. >> take a look at what he says is the opposite. it's just another lie. >> another get here? let's extinguish him for good. we have an answer. we have a remarkably talented candidate who is sinceree , whos
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pragmatic, who's open. let's just get it donee. and extinguish >> >> i mean, vote him out. yes, absolutely. vote him outabso. >> donald trump has just survived. not one,s but two assassinsassa attempts, all while iran is tryinssg to the job. and they still didn't sweep the area around trump internationa trump l. and a member of biden's cabinet is calling for trump to be extinguished fobiner good.uid frankly, beyond irresponsible and by the way, secret service maybe bring her in and ask her what the she meant by. and it's not just raimondo on that hard hitting news show, the view. joe biden himself continued to dehumanize donald vie trump, even pretended to squish him like a bug lighted to assassinationbiden o squish >> maybe not the smartest move. take a look. he's blaming mov rhetoric from d theset you inspire two assassination attempts after all of the calls forolence violence. you know, take the, you m all te
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rest of it. you know what it is? don't you think that thaknow wht unbelievable. and what do you say to that? well, i think he i ts most l. presid >> look, wheenn i ran, i said i was running for one of the first major speeches i made waches i ms for independence ha. about democracy. yeah, democracy at stake. look, trump is so careful. >>(l a lot of social redeeming value there. he just wouldn't. he was lik g. ru he just kept being there was like a like a bug right there. so you felt, according to the democrats, the mob, the media, state run media, trump is an existential threat to our survival. they say it all the time. they compare him to hitler. afey vilify him arounder every turn. some even. you know, after trump was almost murdereter d. >> take a look.
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he's a genuine dange grtrum to american security. you know, donald trump presents a challenge and a threat fundamentally to the republic. donald trump is an existential threat to our democracy and our most fundamentalo the . , ar don't give them the power. look, are they a threat to democracy? yes. they a threaare they going to te our rights away? yes. donald trump presents an yee presl threat to democracy. he has advertised he is going to transition this country transitcountremocry to a dictatorship. >> he is paving the wa yladimi to become a vladimir putin or to become an adolfr hitler or t a kim jong un. >> that's what he wants to be. we to defeat for time a person who is a threat to our democracy. >> reckless, irresponsiblehe and consistent. that's it. this is the new radical, extreme marxist leftist party that wants to get in power. this isn't new. the left in this country has openly been fantasizing about donald trump's demise for years, and nobody's been held accountable.
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>> take a look. that man cannot see public office again. he is not only unfitnl, he is destructive to our democracy. . >> and he has to be he has to be eliminated. don'donor clas ds can't just sit back on the sidelines and say, oh, well, don't worry, this will all work itselwork f out. they're still going to have tona go out and put a bullet in donald trump. and that's a facldand th at. y >>, i i have thought an awfuhal lovetu about blowing up the white house. >> when's the last timsee an actor assassinated a president? claire foy i'm not an actor. i live for a living. however, it's been a while.. maybe it's time. >> i dare you say the things he does. of course i want to punch himm n in the face. i wer >> chris, always ask me. don't i wish i were debating him? noting , i was sure in high schl i could take him behind the gym.
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>> that's what i wise h. >> and with this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out tonight. >> eliminated. put a bullet in trump. blow up the whit e house. when's the last time an actorim murdered a president? ifwill takthate him out tonight. eric trump hater or democrat? ythe media mob. they'll get a pass. you know your violent rhetoric. youryou know, you can joke a about killing a president. you can even glorify violent crime and rioting. in fact, the current democratic nominee foroting.risa president, kamala harris, she has done both. >> take a look. ifs donek. you had to be stuck n elevator with either president trump, mike pence or jeff sessionident s, who would ? does one of us have to come out alive? >> they're not going to stop before election day in november, and they're notovel going to stop after election day. and that should be everyone leveld takeveryonee note of that on both levels that this is they're not going to let uple and they should not. >> trump is a threat to our
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democracy and he only fights for himsely and f not you. they said, well, do you think, n trump is responsible for what happened? i said, well, look, i mean, obviousli saide y didn't pull tt the trigger, but he's certainly been tweeting up the ammunitioin . the rioters won't stop. they shouldn't stop.p or we'retm not going to stop supporting them. and by the way, a loant of the set after the assassination attempt to now against donald trump. but if the roles were reversed, can you imagine the hysteria r state run media mob would be onn a whole new level? keep in mindia the would be assassin on trump's golf course in west palm beac asaseh florida, mere 300 yards away from the former president whho e was heading in his direction, hiding in an area never swepr st by the secret service, even though they knew about this iranian threat, event this thouz unauthorized paparazzi were known to post up there. meanwhilede, shooter and butler pay less than 150 yards away from the president on a rooftop in plain sight. when he fired several rounds.or
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and tonight, preliminary center report out on the assassination attempts in butler, pennsylvania. s startling failures of the secret service. the only drone visualsect controlled by an agent who had just one hour of informal training on the device had to call a toll free number for technicaa e l help with the droe he's operating. more alarming, the lead servicey agent at the rally was aware of credible intelligence about a threat against trump but never passed it along to hisnevet al agents. meanwhile, the on site communications are completeer. disaster. secret service agents observe local law enforcemen serve t running to the building, guns drawn shoods goinhooter was statione but didn't know what was happening. i mean, what's going on here then? this doesn't take away from the heroism of the agents in butler or the agents in west palm beach around president trump. there have been numerous d disasters during tr administration bid for nearly four years, see crisis after anotheren
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self-imposed. if you're looking for someone to blamelfosed., start the top. >> work your way down. tak at this. >> vice president. there wasn't a single thing that i dida hing that she couldt do, and she was ablee he to delegate her responsible party on everything from foreign policy to domestic policyc . e >> after the last four years, that is probably the singlhinge thing biden could have said about harris. she might be an even less competent, more extreme version of joe. in fact, the new york post j jur uncovered kamala's past support for and gun confiscation. , by the way, she'd blow somebody away in her house and she shean pushesg. packing. just added to the list that'sgrn growing about kamala's positions that make her the most extremee most radical cand to ever run for that office. joining us with more, house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan, fox news contributoe y chair joe concha.a let's talk about the rhetoric. jim jordant's talk, if i said si the things that you just heard. well, what would what woule thia
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the narrative on me be if i said it about democrats, narry, i wouldn't say. >> no, of course you wouldn't say that. ded. t. democrats woul i crazy. and there'd be all kinds of things said about you then after those statements. bue woulbut they talk about thr. how about the real threats, the real threa they iran? who said they want to assassinate president trump? i ran. who's behind the attacks on our best friend, the state of israel. i ran. who hackedprp. irho president trump's campaign? got a 271 page dossier on vice presidential candidate j.d. vance that they put together when they were vetting who was going to be the vp and leaked it to the harris campaign. >> and then it winds up in the preshes. s. how about that real threat? and we're trying to get answers we a the fbi. >> we haven't gotten it yet. hav when did they get it? when didt they know about thisv did they give president trump a defensive briefing? this is i ra n, for goodnesske sake. >> that's a real threat versus all this talk from left aboutmps president trump, president when president trump was in office. >> in iran was a behind attackn israel. >> didn't happen. russia wasn't in ukrained
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. i mean, that is a real threat. and they're going after president. makes no sense. >> i want to know how that got hacked because if it didn'te reversioifn, if it would have been, oh, iran hacks the harris campaigs e n and gave a 271 page dossier on tim walz to the trump campaign and it wound up in the press. oh my god. there would only be a special specl. he reae >> so that's the real threat. and they can say all they want. but i think the americanl people see through it all. >> joethat, you yo theu study ma constantly. you hear the rhetoric. even now. and then you watch this pathetic interview, all scroll, all the questions that weren't brought up tonight to remind our audience, i go througoth the list often. >> your reaction? >> well, sean, you're exactly right about that. the rhetoric. thmember , after donald ele trump was elected, there was literall y in central park a rendition of caesar, except they replaced caesar d trump and then he is shown stabbed to death at the end of that particular play. we all remember kathy griffin
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holding up a severed head of the likenesfis of donalde trump. i can go on. but yeah, this has been of dy years, for manliness and enough people are going to be triggered by that where they might actually try to take the president's life e might . now, as far as this debate weth saw. exactly. i'm sorre y, this interview tonight, we saw exactly why stephanie ruhle was chosen no conductanie wasconduc this if you can even call it that. >> not one fact check. neithectr or aftere this interview, just like we saw at the abc debate, notn. one interruption once again. and kamala harris soundemala had again, like a sophomore, trying to get through a minimum time limit, giving ansophomor oral bk report. there was not one question, sean, on joe biden's mental declint onn joe e and kamala hae in the biggest cover up in political historycal . not one question on taxing unrealized capital gains, which evern taxiy says will tank the k market. not one question on kamalanot on literally on tape chanting over and over, down, down with deportation, unquote,r right before her first run for president. easy questions asked first ru on. >> do you still support shutting down all deportations, madam vice president? deportayou once compared
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to the kkk. why should anyone believe you're tough on the border now? hey, ms.. harris, do sanctuary citiehe mss really work? hey, by the way, you signed a petition that the u.s. government should pay forne changes for illegals. is that still the case? ms.. harris, ca still t case.n men g? and kamala harris, once again, yoe most scriptepregnad, reheard candidate you will ever see duringu r her first answert is in the first sentence she was already talkinhee g about ho and dreams and aspirations. within the first 90 seconds. she once againns reminded us that she grew up in a middle class,p middle class household. nt bac and the same answer she went right back to hopes and dreams and aspirations. during and dreams one answer on tax rates, she said no less than four times in the same answer that people need to payan their fair share. and when asked why the teamsters wouldn't endorser, she didn'tkewh answer the question at all. the cpu, that is her brain malfunction. once again. poll and as we're seeing nowey with recent polls like gallup showing they're forecastin are o a three point popular vote victory for trump and they're very accurate, gallury p anp is in these situations,
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she's going to go with a different approach because this is nooingt going well and d definitely not going to play well in the states that matter like pennsylvanill na wisconsin, michigan, arizona, georgia, north carolina. >> jim jordan, i want to get an update on the weaponization of our justice department. we expect tomorrow on the january six case, whichha by the way, we now have fivese people, including general milleych we ha, acting defense secretary miller, kash patel, mark meadows and donald trump, all confirmingming t that he authorized national guard troops prior january 6th, on january 3rd. >> but they're going to lay ou t this case while early votingg g is going on. my days before an election. my understanding is that violates provision in the doj manual. it is obviouslj y political. it is designed to put these allegations in front of the amee american before the election with no meaningful chance of rebuttal. it >> and all the media will do is quote it. >>now, is that the doj puttingeo cinder blocks on the scaleck an
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election? >> what a shock. yeah, and we had a hearingd gene today where we had the inspector general for the justice department in and he basicallyicment i that it ale questioninr g from one ofs that our members that he believes that there were confidential human sourcewere cs here on jany six. we want that report released. he didn't absolutely confirm that, but it sure sounded like that was the case. and that report is not going to come out based on his testimony today. higoing to come out until aftern the election. >> that's information we'd like to kno. w. t >> now, 41 days before the most important election, we have in our country. but the doj needs to not dod this tomorrow. and there are questions as to the legitimacy of the appointmene arthe let of the spi counsel as determined by the florida judge, eileeal n cannon. all right, jim jordan, thank you. joe concha. thank you. before we go, we have big breaking news out of new york tonight. just fox news has just confirmed democratic new york city mayor eric adams has been indicted, will face criminal
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charges. according to the "new york times", the indictment is sealed. the indictmes it is unclear wha. he will be facing. we'll continue to follow will f this story. and coming up tonight, kamala harris tried to sel her l economic plan in pittsburgh today. ton how much it's going to cost all of you. and then later, ainsley earhart join s us with an exclusive preview of her sit downth interview with former first lady melania trump. >> straight ahea d. doctors recommend cholesterol softener for gentle, dependable relief constipation. it's so gentle. doctors even recommend it during pregnancy and after surgery. collins increases water in the stall, making it softer so it's easier to go. >> no harsh laxatives, cramping or straining colleagues, your emblem of devotion have your engagement ring custom made by the jewelry exchange. choose a one carat lab grown diamond for 599 or a natural gia for 19 9018 came outside for 99. thousands of choices.
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increase your mobility flexibility and balance. >> plus stimulate healthy circulation. >> all right. this is a fox news[ ♪ sources telling fox news that, in fact, democratic new yorx k mayor eric adams has been indicted by the department of justice. this indictment remains under seal. of do not know what charges that he does face at this time. this could become public
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ill cont as soon as tomorrow. we'll continue to follow this breaking storhiy. that's coming up straight ahead in a few minutes, "fox and friends" co-host ainsley earhart will join us with a sneak preview of her interview with. the former first lady, melania trump, a rare interview. it will air all morning tomorrow between the hours of six and nine. here's a preview aitomorrow of well, one of the questions, this one regarding the raid at mar ques. >> so how invasive was that? did it make you angry? how did you feel? yeah, it made me angry. yes. invasion of privacy and the wayr it was done was i was really surprised. ew we'll show you more of that interview. ainsley will join us with her intervie join a w in just aw moments. but first, today in pittsburgh, vice president harris laid out her plan to save the american economy. what has she been doing for nearly four years? take a look at this and preparye to be inspired. >> i grew up in w upa middle cls
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family, and while we were more fortunate than many, i still remember my mother sittinr g at that yellow formica table late at night, a cup of tea in hand with a pile of bills in front of her. just tryin hg to make sure that she paid the mark by the end of the month and more. because, frankly, having job i believe in our ambition and aspiration should be baseline and we should mopire and have the ambition and plan to do more. >> let i t always inspire us. let it always be the sourcer of our optimism, which is that spirits th is so uniquely ameri. and let that then inspire us by helping us to be inspiredth to solve the problems. d so what are the americaner
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people think of all this? sarah carterican think o, she ws in pittsburgh today. >> she asked them, take a look. how don pitt you feel about heru coming here today to talk about her new economic plan? al >> yeah, i remember she she talked about the opportunity i think was the buzzword. sounds vague. i'm not impresseue.i am notd. >> i feel like a lot of things she could have done the previous three years with the biden administration, but she's no biden t a one man show and she really can't just do everything. sht do did through executive orders. we have a whole issue of people saying that she's doing this power grab. she's really in a position we. she really can't satisfy everyone. and so she's just trying to bring attention askin to everything that everyone individually is asking for. >> she's talkefor.d a about lik, you know, we've got to have a national health carealth . we got to get rid of likear private health care. then she kind of backtracks on thae.then shet and she talks about giving away a lot of free stuff. right. lots of free stuffee. and you're like, well, nothing's free, right? i mean. oh, yeah. it's coming out of everyday americans, kind of. i just like it. everwant tdo you want to say it? but that just means that it's going to increase tax.
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so if nothing's really frex. nothine, concer does that concern you because we have such high inflation? n you we're trillions of dollars in debt. like, where is she going to get the money fodebt, whr polick it's like a no. one, no question is like i know it's like kind of weird to like. like, where is she going to get the mone she gy for this? >> so here was reaction. fox business host david asman and trump economic adviser steve moormond, ane. t' david, start with you. well, i guess our plan, people got you mad on on social media. donald trump gava hue $100t of to somebody out of his own pocket at a grocery store yesterda y. though i thought it was a nicet gesture. he's trying to buy her o okay. well, what do you call student loan forgiveness for bratsat that go to harvard and yale and all these other places? harvarwhat do you call $25,000? she wants to give taxpayer money for r new homes or $50,000 to start a business. that sounds like incrementalism. new green deal ism to me, whichy
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would destroy capitalism, in my view . >> well, and of course, it's not her money. it's our money int >> she's reaching into the the grab bag of of all the tax revenues that come in and giving it to two federal bureaucracieg s. and she is buying votes. but again, she's buying it not with her moneyai. with with our money. i mean, it's crazy. she talked about a lotshe tabout of things today in those platitudes. some of those students comments were brilliantse, by the way,me because they they understand the difference betweenth these wild, nice sounding platitudes from reality. reality that they have to liveo with, that their parents have to liveli with. with. she she talked today about about about housing. she said she that todayrket h the housing market has been bads since before the the pandemic. but that's a lie. before the pandemic, ameri americans could afford a home not only where the price is down, but the monthly paymentse monthl about 1100 dolr a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. >> now they're twice that 2200.
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and that doesn't even include the rising price of insurancef and the rising price of of et. tion, etc. she talks about a holistic method of housing. what the hell does a holistic method of housing mean? well, we knoinw what she wanted in the past, she wanted federal rent control. y mean she wants the government, which would essentially mean the government would have to take ove govert woul r renting in this country. that's public housing. asy who lives or has lived in public housing how that has workeedd out.n i used to teach junior high school in a place called cabrini green in chicago. cabrini-green was a public housinn ing project until it bec so filled with rats and filth and, thievery and drug dealers and . they had to mow entire housing project down. cabrini-green doesn't exisitt anymore. that's public housing. that's what she wants. that'st sh her holistic method.t th what about the highest tax increase? not only in the history of america, but the world? yorld,steve moore, you have twow
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charts, one on inflation,l one on real income. >> and if you can explain thos e to us. se >> well, we had no inflation, sean, as you know. when whe trump is president, which is why i laugh when i hear wors of my liberal friends i of trump as president, he's going to make inflation worse. now, it was biden who took it and one and a half percent inflation ratek and took it up to 9% and now it's 20%. you know, you asked the questions %. to, david, about how is she going to pay for this? and i'll tell you how ang to pay for it. she's going to try to tax the rich. and anybody who thinks you cansn pay for trillions and trillions of dollars of spending by just taxingrs o the millionaires and billionaires, there just aren't enough of them. they're going after us. naires.but the other thing she'. is what joe biden did. they're going to print the mone y. and anyone with a junior i high education knows that iftint you're spending trillions of dollars and you're printing that money, what's going to happen ns to inflation? it is going to go way up. you know, i listened to donald trump's speech yesterday in georgia on the economy.
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>> and, you know, sean, that was filled with i mean, he must have pute 25 new ideash out there. by the way, i don't agree with all those ideas. ideasi with most of what trumps to do. some of the i don't like the ideas of credia t card pricu controls, but he's putting out there. he is telling the americanan do. people, here is what i'm going to do. >> kamala's like the artfu lhousin dodger, she has not. >> other, thashn that one housg plan, she refuses to tell the american people whatshe care going to do is all platitudes about how she cares about the middle class. cl about the cares about thee m middle class. why didn't they do something about their credit? middlshe's got a record that te under. she has a record. d she ha livand got to live witt record that she has manufactured. and manufa 31,000 manufacturing jobs. jobs about the baselineand has to be jobs. >> and she talks about how well they did with manufacturinshe t tell that to one of the 31,000th manufacturing jobs have been lost and consumer confidence at a three year low. donald trump. th tax on tipsn .
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tax on overtime. no tax on social security. that helpsnd men and women.e coe all right. thank you both. when we come back, a new pollew revealing great news for donald trump. >> and later, ainsley earhart trumisn us with a preview a of her interview with former first lady melania trump. >> stay with us. allergies with a leg rub, they won't stop me. >> that's because nothing beats allegra for the fastest non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief shoes. >> allegra. you know, democrats i had planned myself doing a new deal and, you know, republican. if we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape. now, see how they really came to be founding generations. we don't like political parties, and yet they set up a two party system. two visions. one country. i'm right there. and this is the unauthorized
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you ready? i was born and you can watch anytime. what does she think she is? look up clips. look. every monday, it's all new take on. welcome to the party, captain. we'll be ready. 911. lone star on mondays on fox or watch anytime on hulu when you can watch. >> listen get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm. any time anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. in >> early voting started in many states, 41 days from election day. the race between harris and trumpetween tight as. key betting forecasts poly market it's a dead even race at this point. and as we continue with the polls for a new swing state, polls are looking good for donald trump. "new york times" poll has trump up five arizona four. a,georgia. two. north carolina. last week, atlanta journal-constitutionk, and trump
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up by three in georgia. but keep in mind the new york times poll , traditionally that skews left in 2020. poin samske poll was off by five points in north carolina, five in pennsylvania, off by six in arizona, 11 in wisconsin. and more bad news for harris, the vp, among key demographics that overwhelmingly the ones supported democrats in past elections. a new cnn poll a finding harris leads trump among young voters. trump but only by 12%. and maybe she should stop saying they're stupid. that would help. now, compare that to the 2020 exit polls. .at wouldjoe biden won the samee group with over a 20 point margin. pwell, that's what happens. anyway, joining us now are pollsters matt towers, pollv with insider advantage and robert k haley with the trafalgar group. anmatt, how do you interpret this? where are we in the race? what is the messaging that your polling is showing needs to get out by? the trump campaign? three >> okay. very quickly, there are three good reasons for trump folks to beasons
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e happy right now. number one, that gallup poll that joe mentioned earlier. polnumber two, the fact that overall and the real clear politics average is bothii and in the individual battleground states. trump is running aheaddu le groun of where w he was at this point in 16 or 20. 20t thing is,s s you're seeing a trending up in these national polls as well. . i sewhat i see. as a problem for them is one, i don't think they have a big enoughk there digital presencet right now. the democrats are really beating them big time in n that area. and two, i think in terms of the enthusiasm gap, there's still a little bit of a gap. the trump campaign needs to get the old republican nees, the one who helped him in 2016 and bring them back on board 2 to generate that grassroots republican excited they're getting other around. oh, i would say in georgia, for example, i know that nospec one specifically what i waifs saying, that i talked to political folks who are elected officials and like they'ton't feel as engaged as they could be. and i think that's needed to and.briale to turnouto ge that's a even though you have
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a brian kemp say in georgia, brian kemp's not activelypeople involved in this campaign. so you've got to get people on the ground who can actually tur n out those loyaledge republicans. he has pledged that he'sd he ivg going help president trump and he's helping every republican in this. he sai an in thd. t me robert kay haley, let me let me ask you. and what is the messaging that needs to go out earlynnin voting has started. is it beginning to penetrate into the conscious ness of the american people? just how radical, extreme and dangerous her policies really are?really >> what we really see penetrating now is this idea and bernie sanders said it best on face bth the that she i committed leftist, she's committed progressivlefteh but in every way she is trying t is saying what it takes to winth the election. and people are beginning to sea that she's saying what it takes and it's not what she really believes. is paieves.and the fact that she'sn painted as radical left is giving them doubt whenin preten. to be in the middle.
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what do you make of the of the ballot request being down dramatically for democrats? matt tower, your last question. >> no, i think it means something. look, there are a lot of trend lines that are going inge republicans favor. but remember, it's that get out the vote enthusiasoum, chasm and making sure you get the people to the polls. pollrats amocrats are darn good at that. >> what do you think, robert? what does that mea, n? hink w well, i think justha what matt said, i think it's good newswill for the republicans. for the democrats. well g v get very close by elecn day. >> so keep it up. all right. matt tower and robert kelly, thank you. whenery, come back, ainsley earhardt joins us to preview her very rariee exclusive interview with the former first lady, melania trump. that's straight aheaiarumpd. is there more to the world than meets our eyes? another realm that transforms our world. in his newest "new york times"
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elderly citizens who can't get out. get out. so many bomb gone, of the war. much of her roof is gone. the ceiling is gone. she's frightened from hezbollahc . hezbollah? how does she get food? om. of christians and jews. we come in, you. you provide groceries, vegetables, hot meals.and th >> it's, you know, your emergency gift will help provide food to clara and thousands. >> her trying to survive in the evacuated areas of israel. your urgently needed gift of $45 will help rush the delivery of an emergency food box and nutritious meals for a week. >> it's you that gives her hope and lets her feel the presence of god again. >> it must be that god is here with me now. you and i'll say a special prayer of thanks to god.
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>> when there's war and violence and brokenness. ministeyou and i as christians are chosen to minister, to love candles. you help bring the peace of god that passes all understanding. and to know i have something to eat. >> today, melania on fox and friends detailing her new memoir in an exclusive and starg
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all right. tomorrow morning on fox and friend s, starting at 6 a.m. through 9 a.m.. ainsley, our heart will air her exclusive interview with melania trump. now she interviewing the former first lady about her brand new book. and it'sr melania. and during their discussion, ainsley asked her about the assassind hee and attempts on the life of her husband. take a look. husbanso the assassination atte. >> the first one is in butler, pennsylvania, and you write t about watching the assassination attemphetyo on tv. and you started working and you were distracted. sog, and you pushed. you d pause. so you didn't see thatidt se fi. assassination attempt and someone called you. i think your chief of staff maybe called you someon and saided he's okay, but there's been a shooting. and saidwhat happened next? i, i ran to the tv and i rewind it and i watched it. i was only a few minutes behind
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and something, i guess i look over me, so i didn't really see live lives. but maybe, you know, 3 minutes, few minutee s later. but when i saw it, i, you know ,it was only nobody really knew yet. because when you see him on the floor and you don'tt know know, you don't know what really happenedally. and then a few weeks later,r at there's another attempt on your husband's lifetemp at your golf course. where were you and what was a your reactiond n to this attempt? i was in new york city, actually, and i. i saw itand i s on the televis. and as i saw it on, i called again and he was okay becausey a thcret serviceus were great. the guys that they were between, they were fantastic.
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and i think both of the events,y they were really a miracles. y h if you really think about itin, the july 13 was a miracle. like that match. not and he could you know, he could not be wit h us. >> now, they also discussedthe the fbi is unprecedented and raid at mar a lago. by the way, they didn't raid hillary's placmarae and she hadp secret classified information on her servers o hilarr joe bids four locations with top secret classified information . e raid but she spoke about the raidt at mar a lago in 2022. >> take a look. the raid on mar a lago. the house manager texted you and says the fbi is outside the house. they had access to my bedroom closets, office and rummaged through my personal items, even searchedh barron's room, you say. so how invasive was that? sea rcdid it make you angry? how did you feel? yeah, it made me angry. ?
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yes. >>y and the wayvac it was done was i was really wae surprised. you wanted to see itd to for your own eyes. with your own eyes? what did. what did it look lik t e when you walked back in your house that had been raideds ? f that i saw unpleasant stuffdy that nobody wants to see it. and you get angry because, you know, nobody should be putting up with that kind of stuff. some perso. son i don't even knowy who or how many people theyf. know. all >> they went through my stuff. all right. right"fox and friends" co-host answer hard joins us now with more. so this will n air throughout the entire show tomorrow. and then you're going to do a speciaday l on sunday >>gh i understand, right? that's exactly right. tomorrow, we'll have a full 15 minute story composition,
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the interview today at trump tower in the 6:00 hour, 7:00 hour and 8:00 hour, we'll talk about her new book. her bookd 8 o'cl comes out on or eight. so i'm so fortunate that she chose, "fox and friends" to givs e the first exclusivek a interview about her new book. and i think we're going to be seeinre morg more melania from now on. i'm asked all the time, when are weare o se going see more m? we love melania. and i asked her, i said, an that you'veow been just being very private. bue's you know, as you know, sean, we all know she's a veryt private person, but now she is speaking out. her book'sakin out. you see the book there in the background. it's -- it's a just it's awonder wonderful book. the beginning of it is allfuboo about her life in slovenia, becoming a supermodeinl in milan and in paris. her life there leaving her entire famil r y, movingwhat to new york city. how what a what a hard worker she was. she found out the best modeling agency. she said i want this guy to represent me. she went to meet with him. she got an interviewwent w him.
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he loved her. and then the rest is history. she moves to new york. . she meets donald trump. they have a date. she talks about their firstt date and they get engaged an. m en they're married married down in palm beach at bethesda by the sea. and the reception was at mar a lago. and then she finds out seven months after they're married that she's pregnant. so she talks about thatn, and what donald trump's reaction was and how barron, her son, her life. she talks about what it was like when her only childsh went to college. she is a strong mother. e is a devoted mother. and you can tell, obviously, that she loves him so much. and we just talk about that. we talk about the loss of her mom. i waher i was trying not to get upset, but when i was reading excerpts when i gott tear a little teary eyed. it was trying to fight back the tears because we can all relat,e to that if we have lost our moms. and sean and i, you and i both have donoms.d e that. we asked her about running for president again. did she support him? did sh die want this to happen again? and the russian hoax to impeac e
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and the legal filingst and charges and it goes on andgi on and on. is she ready for all this again? because she anticipate se that the left will do that to them again. she talks about their love of country. whe lo any it's worth it to barron, who his life is.baron, normcompletely. it's not normal for a child his age. she talks about the impact ofe that, how it's impacted her and the rest of the family. she gaveref th to moms, to or ts and dads who are single momsioni and dads and have new relationships blending of families. blng oe has found that to be successful, what she recommends to other people she talk lks about as the first lady of meeting other dignitaries, other first ladies, the wivess of prime ministers and how she handles that, who she really bondedo sh with the most. meeting the queen, meeting the pope. how speciathl that was for her s a catholic. and she talked about how the assassination attemptsd tald have changed them as a family. and faith is definitely a part of tha h t divine intervention. and kamala harris becoming the nominee. la h what that means for our country. she breaks down kamala'sars record and donald trump's
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record and compares those two and talks about how our country haares the d talks to makean a choice. and it's all going to be airedo tomorrow morning, "fox and friends" from 6 to 9. i hope you'll watch. i think you'll fini d it fascinating. we were at trump tower for a few hours today and, rushed back home and just so thankful that you're talkint you arg it i and you're promoting it tomorrow it's melania trump dot com iflani. >> you want to buy her? thank you, sean, for having me on. she doesn't do manmp.comy inter. she's fiercely private. i can't imagine going throug i h to assassination attempts. >> thank you, ainsley, "fox and friends" tomorrown . . with melania after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simpled and >> every home should have salon pods powerful yet non-addictiv e targeted and long lasting. i recommend salon pass. it's medicine sammy to protect your family life back now. >> thank you, darling. that was us over years ago. now lifebank is responsible for
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