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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  October 1, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> hey, america, are you ready? the 2024 fox nation patriot awards be part of this year's celebration live in new york. tickets are available now. go to fox nation .com slash patriot awards when you can't watch. >> listen get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm. any time anywhere fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> all right. before we go, a big programmingg announcement. be sure to tune in right here tomorrow night. proge debate.e vic we will be doing post-debatetomr coverageow live from the spin room starting at 11:00 eastern right out of new york. tartini don't want to be in newb anyway. hope you'll join us. that's all the time we have left. pleaseu for join, in dvr so your miss an episode. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld. he'l l make you smile next. >> have a great night.
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yes! get. i know. awesome. thank you. in all honesty, this success is getting kind of boring. >> happy monday, everyone. so this fridayin, joker two arrives in theaters and it's about a mentally ily mn man who terrorizes society with his mentally unstable female sidekick.terr >>or but most of you have alreas seen it. yeah, you saw that one coming. that was after the crowd's like, oh, here we go.go >> earlier today, president biden delivered remarks on the devastation caused by hurricane aileen helene. he comforted victimsd re by theh of how he once survived a flood in an are c.
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reportedly, tim walz is nervous about tomorrow's. tomorrow night's vic e presidential debate. he has been this nervous since that time. he ran out of tampon al debats. tampon jen psaki told young doug that he has, quote, reshaped the perception of masculinity. that's true. back in the old days, a guy like that might have talked the nann a quy keeping the >> oh. archeologists in china have a 3600 year old mummy that was buried with pieces of cheese.ldm >> one ticket to china, please. >> said this man. he's afraid you'll laugh at that one. >> but not the very perceptive >> hd.e. jok >> sean "diddy" combs is reportedly off suicide watch. however, the prison guards are still on suicide watch to keep fros repo howm killing the in case they hear him rappinwag
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new york city is fighting the rat population by feeding them pellets containing birthg control. apparently, they kept wriggling out of theirtht popula while dig the climate change hoax. >> john kerry called the first a amendment a road blocktech and expresseange hd desire to c it. also described as a road blockae ,john kerry's enormous head. and finally, scientists have figured out how to make the skin of live mice appear transparent. transparent mice. that'll just make it much harder , my doctor, to remove them when they get trapped. that doesn't make it better. i know. ye thas doesn't make them. >> i don't care. you can't catch me. >> so friday, a massive story t about our governmentthou allowed thousands of
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and murderers into our countrysd . the source was not some right wing think tank. a shut in on socia andl. >> or worse, some freaksce w on morning tasv. it was ice our own immigration and customs enforcement. >> among the non detained illegals, over 400,000 are convicted criminals, including tens of thousands convicted of sexual assault and homicide. you know, you think that a report from those in charge c of the border telling us that tens of thousands of thugs have enteredonvictf and hom ande would sort of hit the news, but the media was as quiet. d t. >> joe biden watching jeopardy jod trying to play alongbut th. they ignored it the waye hillary ignores having her hooves trimmedd. instead, it was reporteds trim on abc's and on fox. the reason is simple the legacmy news decided the story had to be contained. and so they pulled the plug. e t >> andrew cuomo at an old folksi home. so the, tens of thousands of and murderers dead and violated
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americans. and you weren't even told about it. remember that the next timead ad you have the urge to trust the media, trust thed amerm fars you can throw them. and if you're trying to throw anyone from the viewu have the number of a good chiropracto tr. that is a factor. >> so how does a huge story break? so how and there.upp it's like a sewer pipe after taco tuesday maxed out, ready to burst. but instead of calling a plumber, the media forms a seal t re burst against it to keep i contained. that's how the news works these daysformgainst. th with the exception of a few outlets, there's an ideological seal by our media against the natural flow of information to the american, and it's to prevent anything but the approved election outcome approved by them. of course not you.n and when the pressure gets tooou muchtcom, sewer pipe bursts, too and you're the one who has to deal with all the.o deal if america knew what happened at the border under withf the [b with, tensthe bo of thousands of murderers and freed into our country, they'd neverdr in their right mind vote for harris or any democrat
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,no matter how many staged photo ops she takes at a border she helped destroy.t >> harris visiting our southern border is sort of like shermanhn coming back to atlanta or alec baldwin shooting a remake of young gunborder is. e rema so of course, the news must be suppressed. they aren't evenke guns. checkig the stats because they don't have any. they areand no one feels better hearing, hey, you know, it's actually only only 10,000 violent invaders followed by. oh, and call them forward exchange students. >> even worse, so-called sanctuarowed bl thy policies lil law enforcement cooperation with federal authorities. so ice can't even arrest illegals convicted of crimes. sosome communities ignore requests from ice to hold criminals longer. some longer so the agency can't take them into custody. >> the result? cannot vicious, more violent crime in your neighborhood, around your famil ty, your kids.n >> the news may shock you,ound but it's not your fault. you just haven't been approved to know about what's really going on. fault and sadly, in america these. days, what you don't know can
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you you a whole lotca. now, this is an issue where we should be able to achieve that political hols any, bipartn consensus, because there's no question that most t p, if not , americans are against rape and murder and therefore against mostt the influx of thos of and murderers into our country. >> after all, who could be forr, that? besides the makers of ski masks bleach. so would love to ask why is this happening? makers maybe they're doing crimesing? americans don't want to do, but whybe theyy the legacy medin bothered by it? it's good. is it because they're protected from the violent consequences or do they fear the political consequences? it's botre proh because aside f. trying to gain this election, you can bet there are very few migrant running around in the "new york times" newsroom or vee clooney's lake como runni estate. >> but you like workerngs with t desk near brian stelter's bathroom. you are just collateral damageia . st at the same time, the progressive left hides
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actual results of their disastrous policies from you. >> they're making sureey are they're insulating themselves from those results. >> it's just so much easier to be a progressive. from headquarters, welcome. yeah, i know. it's good. his kids only stay at his placet when he's on the road. hacker writer comedian jamie lissauer. who when you want a role in that. why with his green beret,o roll retired green beret, master sergeant terry. her books are selling and her belly is swelling.r "new york times" best selling author and podcast contributor s back and to him, big and tall. looks like gap, "new york times" bestselling author, comedian and forme a gar world champion kyrie jamie.
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>> you've seen dozens of illegal immigrants first d hand entering your old house with your ex-wife specifically in her bedroom.s of >>il how low is this a sore subject, the poor, him or her? h yeahim, i did try to get her to build a wall at one point and one of those one of those razor wire walls, isn't it? by way, you brought up a great,o point about that. the the old fashioned ski mask. yeu brin goos. know, that's only used if. you're going to rape or steal like no, if you even iow thaf you're skiing and he sees one of that mask, he wants to steal something from you. >> yeah, that's. e or >> that's all it's used for. i yeah, but i. i don't knowl that that to be. >> so at some point, shouldn't. you be able to admit you're wrong for the sake of saving life? like at some point wouldn't you put it like this dude said it was tony gonzales representing tony gonzales said it's like 13,000 criminally convicted murderersrn coming in, 660,000 noncitizens with criminal histories. and like not to be racist,
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but i believe a gonzales over a harrist toe racist in case. yes, i do, too. jeremy. and i also feel bad for remember when border patrol, the border patrol, they were taking down the razor wire even though it was on private citizen property. they wanwn the r wirt they don'. they don't care who comes over. and i actually i worry about i feel bad for regular barbed wire. yeah. now that razor wire.there yeah. i mean, because it's almost like when they made extra, it i lik likeke-- it'swire barbed wires like. yeah, you know, we want to keep the intruders up. top th give themtoem a shot at getting them right. >> it's the same thing. it's like strength tylenol. you're like, who would buy regular tylenol? i gongth, i want to get rid of n of my headache. >> but it's infuriating that i don't know. it's almost like the world of politicitsts makes it sot you can't admit you're wrong, right? you know, even when it means you're tryinso cannoarg to saves lives. >> you know, you got me thinking on a tangent. indut the ski mask industry do a campaign to get this ski mask back into the skiing industryindust like it's such ae
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they have a bad rap. it's like when somebody buysen s a full ski mask, you know, it's for something bad. >> yeah. skwhat bought a ski mask?a >> usually it actually came with bleach. yeahsk recently. all right, terry, my sexy pop, i here we go. here we go.op yeah. good to see it's been, like, a year and a half. yeah, it's fun. eye.o.od ti miss you, as always. >> i thank god i have those videos. >> and this is why we. this is why you need pay attention this. >> because this is why we broke up. yeah, we. we had a reallis is why trustin. there's a passionate relationship where we help eachr other and we grew and then ie ta work. >> and now you hold these tapes over me all the timend . som >> and you know what? at some point i'm just going to say release them. yeah. i'm not afraidm t y releas. >> i am who i what are we talking about? we were talking about immigration. you are? g abou you know, you're a vet. >>at'sis trouble you the wayt? we'r thee opening the doors? >> in four years i'v e been. e al i always wanted to askwa
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the people that are running the show whether they're republicanwak th who ory what is the acceptable amount of death and destructionican o?y >> mm-hmm. so they're always like, well, they're not doing this. it's not that. and eveny ar g this had the temerity the to sit there and go, well, it's actually not x thousands,y it's a little less. >> yeah, okay, that's betterittl yeah, you know what i mean?t >> but we for all these years this has just been going onlessfor all . t always just wanted to ask one of them really, what is the percentage m wh of death, destruction, rape. i anything what, what's the amount that we're cool with because they never said that it was just more and more and more and more and more. >> yeah. no it is it'?they nevs the knowe to break a few eggs to make it up. >> yeah man. and it's not affectingo maette e >> yeah, that's what bothers me. and you've talked about this. the people that ar s mee imposing this on us, they're doing it because it's not affectingth thm yet. they can stay insulated from it. thand one day that will change. but by then, i guess wil they figure they got you locked in and the government runs. >> you know, it's a sad state of affairs. it sur ad statee is. >> yes. it's good that you're still
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in shape, terry. you still work out? i am still youe stl ine. . i maybe ask that question is getting weird. you can still do laundry on my t stomac wh. i'st so you know, i'm proud of tham t. i like terry. i just feel bad he put his fun e bellbottoms on asking him about murder and rape. >> so those are some fun pants. >> these are fun, pat. these are not as fun as i've. worn on here fun pan before, a the leather and stuff. but yeah, i got to ease back in. it's been a while. i know irn, the that. you know, cat people have now, finally, some people in the mainstreamnow. media, cbs is finally coming out, but they're doing it as a fact chec fink, using information frm what your guests who is not somebody to be trusted, but now they're coming around. whise address this. i, i it's good they shouldd th address it because i think that hype hiding it, not talkiner g about it, i don't think i realize it or not, but i think it pushes people on the righw tt to the right that they can't just say, hey, we think it's bad. the murder to and the rape, thr you know what i mean? they want to focus on well,
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this number wasn'tap or not o everyone who comes here is. and of cours e they're not. of course they're not. but it shouldn't be controversial to say fulls th stop, this is bad. we got to do better than i hearr you. and then i think people would be more willing to liste y ould bn overall, people get radicalized when they feel like they're being lied to. llin listen that.o true so i don't know. that is so true, terry. all right. iris are you surprised that the immigration crisisght, tyr has e this bad and do you believe you did you see harris go the harris to the to the border? >> yeah, i think we all we>> g all saw itre. she went to the border as long about as long as i go intos the woman's ladies room, i walk in and go home. wrong room. wed i walk out half. we have to. this is the time where i americans, men have to step up.
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it's almost a call to we got to stop watching the sunday football gameshe and stuff. we got to bring back the neighborhood watches. we got to start being involved in ours and br communities., we got to make sure we're commu at the parks. when when when your daughterni u and say we're going for a walk, guess what? you got to go with them. you to startfsa paying attention because their few eggs that they love to break that we've been the saying a long time there are eggs. there are some we don't talk about the victimloves and whethr it's 10,000 or ten if you want f you want to argue it. venezuela used to be one of the most dangerous place as in the world to go there. crime is down 71%. do you know why? because they outsourced it to america. yeah. they opened up their jails and said, get out on our watch anird there's no helpel coming until november six. so we have to get back in our t communities. i'll pay tickets for carrying fire. we're going to have to
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start protecting our homes. you're going to have to star l t training gems, paying attention. kare we n we need to stop.. we need to apologize to karen. yes, that's true. because ifneed wasn't for karen, the assassin would have gotten away. that attempted i lead. karen's but guess what, kurt? why? karen's yelling. s ye all john's going to have to get his up and stand next to karen and start protectine tg neighborhoods and watching and reporting in. and we need to be present. mm-hmmd nextre. >> did you want to finish something? well, i was going to say to the problem with this is we knowu wt and not just take it out of the illegal immigration thing, just crim we in general. >> we know who heads are. we know who's doing this. gener this couldal be fixed so quickly by guys like us. but if we do fix it, we go to jail. so that's the problee dom too,ie because we could if the government got out of our way, what what do you gecat out you point it out. i mean, you're like, yeah, yeah and cat he is that guys are guys like guys guys like i'm sorry you know you're th e big one.
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>> jamie was waiting to get pickedget. i was. you were. you weren't fair. >> to be fair, i just see jamie and i just met, and i. hi i like the cut of his jib, but i didn't mean to excludean from that at all. >> he actually passed by me with his finger. you e, you were ready? i was ready. h man, i'm hereo to picd k up. so i feel really i feel really . no, not about you. >> not about you. because you would be absolutely worthless and no, greg is at home on the computer sending scathing emails. yeabsoluteorthlesss that's righr that's right. everyone has a role. well, i didn't smails. see thatt out, huh? >> no, that's right. you would. you would send them a really mean text. >> oh, all right. well, i'm sort of passive aggressive, if i know. all right, you got a fire. up next is wall tap no chad.ep v and the debate againstin bad. g >> if you have heart failure or, seek, i can help you keep seek, i can help you keep living
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a story in five words debate tomorrow. do you care? terry chapman, tim walz, j.d. vance, go head to head in the first and only debate tomorrow nighhapert, t. time magazine says it's going to be messy and a midwest off for the ages. >> what do you think? ine saysthink they're setting ir because, of course, they're trying to they're putting in informationg it. g in >> oh, tim walz is really nervous. first of all, who's the who' s all the debate? i'm sure it's a friendly, friendly running, friendly peopr waltz, probably. >> who's doing it? is iiend peoplr walz.t what net cbs news. it's not. it's. yeah. my problem with waltz it was a lot because i think he's his whole like down home shucks thing is a costume. >> it's not because that's juste he is. he's fake. it bugs me as a as a as a, i you know, 25 year veteran
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of special forces and been downrange a few timer s. >> that dude has lied so often about his. and, you know, if you're a truck driver in the military. right on, dude, that's a good job. drive minand an important thing. whatever you do in the military is it's go t purpose.his pu >> now, the combat guys, werp are we hold ourselves to a different standard. but fo guyr dude over and oversn again to say i'm a retired command sergeant majordardthis, you're not. and when people you know, i was telling the guys someoneretireln someone back there like, you know, because i've had people come to me go, hey, you this this,c and i'll correct them on the spot. go, no, i wasn't there. them pothat i didn't do that. he never did that. he let them go and don't go. and the big thing is, listen, you want to do that to get free drinks or to get some chicks? i'll mark you, but whatever. but when you're using that fake. i'm not carrying i'm not getting rid of weapons of wailr and get guns when you're using your bull lies to try to influence public policy that affects me. >> then i got a problemproble with you. so go ahead and tell pour friends that you're a badmh . don't care.
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but when you're starting to use that to actually push policies n yoe yo that are hurting, then we got to take you down. >> yeah. you know, it's -- it's like whenever somebody thinks or thinks that, like, i dance the chippendales, i tell them right off. wait, no, i go. i get it. i do look like them. chi pphebut that's not me.m kat, do you think this story about waltz being nervous is just a bunch of bull? >> i think it makes it more to try to make him look more like a cutie pie. yeah, that's right. that's bunch of what think it is. i think the whole thing is, like, he's just this nice guy. ok mori mean, you don't even log at that. he always makes that face in pictureuy.s. >> like he was just like. he just lost a tickle fight. you caught the corn dog just came to him at the fair. c yeah. he has a rustic lost to tickle fight. perfece tot. a rest and so that's how he gets, you know, he can go ahead and he can say all those that. he's lied a lot.l j.t then j.d. vance, j.d. vance is very good at talking. okay.
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but he has made these comments like the childlessced at lady ct that that's going to come up. of course, the eatincomment g ct and dogs is going to come up. so you have tickle fight facd de there who's like, i'm the nice guy. so regardless of how j.d. vance does in terms of actually skilled speaking, there will be people tha ves it are going to e this is a nice guy versus mean bully. therefor who se they're going ty he wins no matter what. >> it's a good point. i think this is why i hate liarmatter ws because they theys their lies. if you are why bad drill sergeat rojor captain walk through iraq like somebody please went in in minnesota and changed. you showed and you hunt and you own guns. and you mean to telle you wereol the man's man? you were camouflage hat and camouflageu were. when you go to sleep at night and you're scared to talk to some dude in a suit? yeah, about answers on the tv. you're nervous, i'm afraid. now, does it sound to me like a guy who literally walkswere around with his camouflage superman on his chest when he rips the shirt of t tf of his
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his fake valor, and now he has fake fear? i think he probabl supey afraid because jt is going to hit him with a lot of policy stuff wil and he's not going to have any because he doesn't have anything. he doesn't do interviews for a lot f . doe he was brought in to be the talking piece for her and after two interviews they're like, no more. so he's not. and he should be nervous about the fact brought in to the going to be exposed for who he is in this debate becaus te the one thing he can't lie about, i don't know if you guys have seen this or not. i 's got.the on a horrible temp. and the real tim shows up whendo guys get embarrassed and it's going to come out tomorrow night and they're hoping they can get j.d. vancbut whe ty something. he'll say something, but he always has that like slick lawyerl ge vance kind of want tn him in the face. but i don't have to be against j.d. vance wch but somethingg ai about him when he talks, i'm just like, i just want him j.ute his policies. good. but i don't hate him. but i don'punch t. d it's that i don't know. maybe he shouldn't have the beard. it's like he has round facte him but e and the beard. you can have you got to have skinny face the beard when you're little guys have issues . but at least we know who j.d. vance is. right. we're going to see the e tim. >> that's what he's worried about. is worriedmm.
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>> jamie which western will youe be watching this from? i swear, last week they put me up in just a good western and a moderately acceptable western. . >> what's name it we should do. the whole debate should be decided. just out how these guys look. yeah, i agree with everyone on the panel. j.d. vance looked likeuld be. he lost the tickle fight. but for real, j.d.le fight vanct like a guy that's ready to go, right? like a professional and for rea some reason, waltz looks like. like when you dress a baby up >> tedding, huh? they are always etc.. they are always tryingnny. to. they're trying to tell these cute stories about. , i remember the one whereembe they said he he flew in on a jet. he was wearingr th sweatpants aa sweatshirt and he changed into it for a speech. he wenearingt into a stalle we and changed into a tuxedo.
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a lot of people don't talk about this. ntstall kamala was in the stallp to him, changing ethnicities and i don't know, joy ended there. >> so we're almost at changing policies. but i went>> greg: with the eth. he does that nervous thingbut th i think is can people talk about like his prep it didn't i don't knowrvoug if he ever rr answered that it was almost like they wanted to just telephones to people ask mehe that about this show all that that's one of the most common questions they go how do he time. how you prep for. gutfeld and i go, i can't speak for anyone else, but like, i'll dor saye my . >> you know, it's had we to make sure to get that in. it makes me feel makes you feel i kind of feel a lot better now because i thought i was t the only one that did that. i feel like, yeah, but man,ecaue i just i feel lighter and i would like to be off the team now. e >> no, no, you're not. shave your if you're for
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walls. >> yeah, as good as any, i guess. up next here, john kerry screec h about limiting free speech. >> if you'll be in the new york area and like tickets to seeoun gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to joioun our audience. i've got this whole block is a crime scene down to zero suspects in a high profile crime of the year. our city torn apart. i'm catching this guy. >> i'm not waiting for permission. sb you check your local is your shower trying to tell you something is getting in and out of the bathtub becoming a safety concern? are you worried about the cost
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this player switched to this team. >> this team switched to this conference. this conference first on this team. but sometimes it's on streaming . but big news. you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what's on the same time, same channel on every tv in the country. college football's complicated for big news. hey, fans, it's coming way. hey, hey, it's. >> hey, hey, hey. the human tree makes a stupid h plea for free speech. >> it's a jokeum to this decrept oak. our video of the day comes to us from that old hunk a. day driftwood also knows john kerry, who recently whined about free speech gettin fro gy wh in the way of democrats fighting misinformation on climate change. roll it, lance ined abo. ormation if people go to only one source and the source, they go to issoe sick and, you know, has an
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agenda and they're putting out disinformation. our first amendment stands as a major block to the abilityn, be able to just, you know, hammered out of existence. so what you need what we need is to is t o win the ground, wine the right to govern by hopefullynd, when having, yo, winning enough votes that you're free to be abl hope to implement change. >> no man hates freedom liket ma he hates carpet. durant'sn hate here's some information for you, carrie. .herekeep hands off the bill han of rights and focus on what you do best. answerindsheg the door for the addams family. >> nic thee cat. nice. he says democracies don't have a truth arbiter. and i think the way he puts it,e he suggestg: ks that the governt should be the arbiter of truth. >> yeah. ment he's like, oh, the first amendment makes us more forakesi the government to just do whatever it wants. it's like, yeah, idiot. diff yeah,design
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you know, i mean, you can't have people just going to one source of information. that's what would happen if there was government sanctioneie speech. of he ironically makes a great case against himself it is. mak yes. with everything he's saying it does ae agai me how comfortableo of these people are talking like this. yeah . just like, hey, well, you know, the first amendment is bad because it's lik.e. w th no, this is really, truly a scary, scary thing becauseis. there would be all of these problems if we didn't have that because the only source you'de e have would be the government, because there's misinformation, disinformation. how many times he would have th government lied? that would just mean the government could be the only entitvernmentthat wouy than >> yeah, and maybe that's the way it always watitys. as ad >> and we're just finding that out. tyrus i think that's it. no, i think they're just w they're more open about. we have to stay in power. and because it's amazing they only tried this when they're in power, when o they're not in power. they will say anything and misinformation. when thed the lane because cnn, msnbc, they've lied
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about president trump for ten years. so what what what's truth? oh, it's the my trut.h. it so his truth. so whoever agrees with theirs alignment will be the ones that are the truth seekers and everyone else would have tol go. so that little joke we made about what was it,, e jokefour s or whatever, we would all be in jail. well, not me. i'd testify against greg, but oh, i wouldn't mind. no, but i'm just saying.t but that's what this is really about. so i'm not a libertarian but this makes me want to be a libertarian because you have to fight this terms. just them saying it, him saying it means they're speaking havhis. it in the walls. they're already trying finding ways to do it. thy. ball should be ver a wall. >> that's a cowbell that we should all be paying. it's a great you know,el jamie h ,they applauded when i said. your name. >> and i think that not used to that. i think it is by mistake. i do feel different think i this has a lot to do with his climate change agends haa
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completely fizzling out that was that was information that he was pushing and now i he's like no one believes it. well, yeah, and most of the things he saideves ten years ago about the pill, everything is false. yeah, he needs somethinge . hing new and i think something that a lot of people are bringing up is that how manythink someth gos had to die for that hairpiece? g his hoand i don't know. i don't know. he went and he was like, i want somethinr thathairpiecg that goo would prevent a concussion. >> i just have made the greatest point. he made an argument for argum the first amendment. that's all that he did. lod eni actually and also like, look at covid, like all the stuff that was like, who determinest what ises misinformation if all the misinformation ends up being correchais misint, i haveo problem. you know, he flew that private jet to the climate summit. privatehe might have wanted top that like that. he should have probably gone commercial, he and when they grabbed him afterwards, they were giving him a lot of about it. he goes, oh, he goes, it's myhi wife's private jet. yeah. which a lot of people are likej. ,i find that so hardt of to believe.
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i actually don't find it that hard to believe becausesa i fe had a private life that i know of, and it was. and it turned out every bit as expensive for you, terry, what do you think's going on here? >> get hurt, man. i hurt merrye. ? >> you know, it's this is there actually, everything everybody said was, of course. right. but they're actually more dangerou.everyts nohiw because e the problem is we see. >> and so they're actuallyw. trying to whac-a-mole with all these stories coming up. they never had to do that beforinhack a m e. . we were getting lied to by walter cronkite about the vietnam war and the teo dot offensive. >> it's never stopped. like i can't imagine t what it s would be like at this point if we had a media that wa.s even moderately unbiased. i get it. we're hae not robots. >> everybody's got a different thing. but we have been lie wd to and things have been covered up and just and even with guybut wes kerry f that guy because they work for an organization, they can just
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out your life and just go after you nonstop. but now they're getting becausey we see it and i think pan they're almost a little biickyt more like cornered rats now because it's slipping awayi thi yes. it hide it anymore. so like, well, if we can't hide. anymore, then let's just clamphi down on it. >> we've already been lying to these dumb idiots. now they're ondet anymor to. >> so what's the next step? crush them, you know, nominees . predictions from sexy popeye. >>ro but. and tigress will save you. and you guys can write stronglyu worded letters of condemnation. >> we'll just. we'll hang out upstairs into each other's wilve>> and. well, yeah. you guys got this? i won't take long. coming up, is the new gender gap making dudes feel like? i'm america. >> is that a crisis point? for too long? the politicians, the media and special interests have put themselves before the country. they've divided us against ourselves.
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new report. men in their early twentiesir and thirties are more likely than women to live with their parents, as well as feelin a g more and aimless as a man who is nothing like that. >> should we be concerned? that's been men storyen the beginning of time where we become something. so the difference is, is that it used to be go out and be a man and it would be man things and you were praised for working providing going througho and having some scars or strifed some storeing.s enlist or servec get a trade. but that's not what's ans in tht we change it to. if you don't go to college and become a professor or a gender person, d and when a young man gets there, he doesn't belong. if y thee and enemy. he's the problem. and god forbid if he's a youngot white man coming up right nowwht in this society, he's the reason for everything that's terrible. everything. we don't want another one of you. you're here because of oppressors, not because you hear that psychologically. for for a young man, it's hard . plus, fathers aren't being fathers. let's just be real. we're. we're no fatherst. n
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>> and we're not man enough form men. so we've got to be hardyen. h and we got to start them young and we have to. when you see young art them people, young especially young, young men, in trouble, they need mentors, they need people. they can relespecial meny. we need grandfathers back. we need uncles back. we just don't we're non.t seein. and we need wacky uncles. >> jesse yes, i you know, dodo u you believe there's a crisis of purpose tha in men as they ey adulthood? i think i've entered adulthood. i can' t wait and we have you know, we have like so many kidso hoving at home with their parents and stuff. imagine how i feel, man. i wah ths kicked out of the house at 18 and 40, and i. >> oh, yeah. i read this, though, when i was do ns actually thinking, no, i don't ever want my kids to move out of the house. like, i feelr wanty kids i don'w anymore. >> and oh, man, i actually have a little bit of a servicele announcement. oh, really?
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it's exactly on message, but yeah. oh bitpublicervi, ce alet's pla lizzo's lessons tips froms' a divorced dad. >> oh, hey, guys. there's an old saying that makes divorce little easier to accept. tis better to have loved lost than to continue living with a lady that wants cut your junktha off. >> hope that helpe ladd. nicely done. >> i was touched by that. tara. you're a dude. you're a man>> gre. >> yeah. yeah, i guess. what? what do you think is the probleude, a a>> i guem? >> you said this. you used the word purpose, and you said the same thing. g. i think that's the biggest problem. prm lucky i work out four or five times a year. i work down at the fort bragg. the finavel of the green beret p qualification course is this big simulated guerrilla warfarhg
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exercise. and i get to work with these young guys. and it's funny whe n, when we're done training and i get to meet them and stuff, a lot of these dudes are looking tg for purpose so when they're like, oh, millennials are f up. and i'm liker a pu, the guys i'm meeting, these dudes are killers. and the thing is, a lot of thelm found us because they were in the kind of lives where it was justcaus of sucky. >> like one dude was like, yeah, it was a big finance guy in new york. he's like, no, i'm not doing ita corporate job. no, i'm not doing it. and these guys come in and not they are driven and they are aggressive, they're smart and they're team players. and it's just kind of what you saidve smart. oung you're taking these young cats and some of our older that are justats. disillusioned with whas going on. >> but as a man, if you don'dist have purpose, you are. h it's really bad. and evenav if the purpose purpo is being a father or being a provider or doinses being this,t you have a society this kind of wipe that out just kind of mocks men. just has f whit yell, you dumb guys, it starts adding up. and so i don't knowi do the solution, but definitely being a mentor is good. knoi'm i'm sterile and childle,
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but i work with a lot of who i am. i am but you know what?t i get to be the crazy uncle. and i also get to work with these otheraz young these young guys, these young studs that are coming up and they have a purpose are. d if you don't have a purpose, you're done. and if you don't if you don't we, you is probablyt ou easy to get out a bad road, take your life or just give up wh . because what's the point of getting up in the morning except, you know, if you haver to, you know, save your housece for the divorce? >> i just you need the guys. guys need to have a purpose. the guys need to b.e able to have a reason to pick upck a sword and go for it, either metaphoricallya swor or actual. >> yes. all right. kat rounded out fo r us as the only lady leaving the panel. . , everybody's okay looking. hey you know, i honestly think>i that i mean, these statistics don't lie, right? tlbut it is also hard for a lot of young people in general, ite what saw our parents doents is not so easy to do anymore. >> lik ne getting your first hon
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is a dream that literally only a dreamirst for many of us, because it's so much more expensive. college is so much. more expensive. everything's so much more expensive. so often when you do get advice whke this, advicexpense applivy anymore, right? and so it can be very get i frustrating. >> but i'll just end by saying i love dudes. yeah, good forrustrati you. yeah, i do think. hink >> this poll is looking backward and if you're looking forward,is i think it's changing because you see kind of in the in the atmosphere likeeciall especially podcasting and stuff, the most popular stufy po f are, dudes giving like masculine type stuff, masculine guy, you know, whether jordane peterson or rogen or jocko or rib cage out there. >> you got trump is a dude i think there is some kind of movement towards that traditional sensef of masculinity that you often come to me for and i dispense with freelmovemey. >> no one nobody in america bought that. no. mm there's not a member, not audience bought that and noht
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hope includes you childfund because we need each other. five more words ghostbusters failure blamed on trumpers. jamie the 2016 ghostbusters reboot with the all women cast was a box office bomb, and now the director implies it's because trump andoffice b his supporters turned it into a political statement. noths. think that' >> i don't think that's true. i just don't think it was a very good movie because. he's made great movie. i think he did bridesmaids, which is an all female cast and was a hilarioucause its mov. and honestly, if i wanted to see four women, russell he, i'd rewatch biden on the view from kerry. >> what do you expect if i you take a classic film and then reboon "thet? i hate that. y i hate it. i don't do it. stop doing it. just stop doing it.? ghostbusters was a phenomenon.
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>> it was an incredible, huge thing. and you're already behind the power curve by going, we're going to redo it with whip. no, just i gotay a better idea. maybe use your creative powers to make another movie withr . a >> an all female cast that has nothing to do with ghostbusters like bridesmaids oovie witanr or whatever. >> yeah. yeah, true. they should do ighostbt like an all female cast of what cat? >> mm-hmm. the passion. the . yeah. i did not see that coming at all. >> you know, i. you know, i had to be very similar in my head, but you're like, i'm not going to say you won't. you'll let me get all the hate mail. ye something vmilar in my hes. t >> you are going to. that's what i do. he's going to help you do anything o ou were . i'm kidding. i didn't see this. yeah, i'll never see it. yeah, but i also didn'el tt. the first one either, cause my parents wouldn't let me. oh, because of the spiritual realbut m. yeah, my. yeah, i was raised very religious, just in case anybody missed that. mer very catholic. no ghost, even in a comedic sense. yeah. i mean, also just pg 13.dy i wasn't like i was very, very sheltered.
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they would even let you look grt at casper. >> no harry potter. no harry potter. you know, he wasn't that hairy . >> tyrus, your script. yeah, your movies. t suck it's. it has nothing to do with the cast. it's not even the women's fault. they had to readed n that. >> yeah, that's the problem with them. these. they have no accountability. oub even the new ghostbuster reboot ,but peoplile came to seeol the old guys one more time. yeah, because the script. so one. right. keep writing your scripts. people don't watch. has nothing to do with anythindt . cao don go away.g: d we'll be right back. >> sorry you to be happy, moms. you're safe. now we find missing by my sister. i hate you and think you pushed her. you don't get to make the threats. i'm coming for you. >> so check your local listings . >> welcome to the internet. a magical place where anyone
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