tv FOX and Friends FOX News October 3, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT
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it bend over backwards for george soros. >> during the second world war we did not allow foreign entities to own our radio systems. this is just an extension of that you have a man that has -- does not have americans' interest at heart. he wants to destroy this country. is he a money changesser of the worst kind. and he will destroy this country and the economy of it. and this is why more so than ever, we need donald trump in the white house. this kind of nonsense needs to stop. >> todd: yes or no on this, tim, oversight committee doing anything to stop this deal or a fait accompli at this point? >> they can if the senate will comply. the problem is schumer is in bed with the other side. >> todd: understood. congressman tim burchett. thank you. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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6:00 a.m. on the east coast thursday, october the 3rd. and this is "fox & friends." >> ainsley: where is brian where is brian? >> lawrence: where did he go in >> ainsley: he better not be picketing with the dock workers. >> steve: he is on the assignment. >> ainsley: could be coming to grocery stores and all of our gas stations all of that as we learn more about the union boss' life of luxury. >> steve: yeah, who knew? plus, mawmp talking about today's polar and dangerous political climbed. >> not surprised. and every event that has happened, i'm thinking what is new mexico? >> ainsley: devoted dad treks nearly 30 miles through helene floodwaters to walk his daughter down the aisle, answered joins us this hour.
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>> steve: oh, man. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> steve: all right. 6:01 here in the east coast. today marks the third day of the dock workers' strike. union members are vowing to stay on that picket line. 24/7, until they get a new contract and get what they want. international longshoreman's association is saying the ila seeks more than $5 yearly wage increase over the next six years. our members don't w typically 9o 5 hours. >> lawrence: strike would crush their livelihoods as concerns grow about price hikes and shortages. >> ainsley: but vice president kamala harris saying, quote, this strike is about fairness. foreign owned shipping companies have made record profits. the longshoremen who play a
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vital role transporting essential goods across america deserve a fair share of these record profits. >> steve: do you know what? and she and donald trump agree on one thing. they believe -- they are on the side of the strikers. do you know what is interesting, and there is something to what she said about essentially, you know, all these shippers are foreign companies. that's absolutely true. you know, we don't really talk about this, but, of the 40,000 cargo ships in the world, do you know how many are based in the united states? take a guess? 200. 200. so, democrats and republicans alike are taking aim at the european and asian shippers. here's the other thing. here in new york city, we oftentimes see the big cargo ships along the river or at the port of new york and new jersey, one of the biggest companies -- it says cosco. cosco. do you know who owns cosco?
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china. it is a chinese state operated enterprise. and so what they want to do, essentially, is they want to make cheap stuff, china. they want to ship it cheaply, which they do. and they want to unload it even cheaper. unfortunately, for china right now, those men and women who are striking are saying, hey, wait a minute, you are making too much money. shapiro it with us. >> ainsley: yeah, i mean, i get it, like i understand that. i want them to make more money. they are working extra hard and they took us through the pandemic. >> lawrence: we appreciate the job they do. >> ainsley: absolutely. they are blue collar workers. not like they get paid a ton. these are guys just good guys trying to make a normal wage put food on the table maybe have extra to take their kids on vacation maybe to disney world or whatever. i want them to have extra money. is this normal at a strike to ask for 80% raise? >> lawrence: it's absurd. the president is putting his
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hand on the scale. i get standing with the workers. try to get them to reach some type of solution. get them involved in the negotiation. >> ainsley: effects everybody else. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. look, the point that steve is making is correct in the sense of kamala harris and donald trump both stand with the workers. because only one candidate in the race that wants to get to the root of the problem, which is bringing the jobs back to the country, bringing the manufacturing back to the country, getting the workers here in america and then solving that problem first. kamala harris is going after donald trump's trade policy right now saying that it's going to cause inflation and all of that it won't cause inflation if the jobs are brought back here to america. >> lawrence: that would be great. right now, those are the -- you know, a lot of these -- some of these ports are actually privately owned. so they would like to automate and just save the salaries. and i get that, too. and technology is the future. but right now we are just at one
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of those transition points where, you know, both sides want something else. and it will be interesting to see how long it goes. because the dock workers strike also threatening essential goods like in addition to 100% of the world -- america's bananas things like oil and gas and even if it were resolved today, our next guest warns it would take weeks to recover. >> lawrence: joining us now is naval veteran and supply chain consultant jim nelz. you know this issue all too well. what are we missing as someone that stands with the workers, obviously, we appreciate all they do. when we looking at 80% increase in wages. it doesn't seem fair, compared to other jobs what are we missing? >> i would love to get 80% pay raise i'm sure you guys would. if you look at it though, the automation is really a big thing with the pay. they rejected a 50% pay increase the night before the strike. they want more money. the automation is the big one. they don't want any new
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automation or semi automation in their ports. they don't want the cameras to do the reading of license plates of trucks in and out of the port to make a log. they would rather have people standing with a clipboard and record that this is shortsighted of the ila. what he should be doing is negotiating with the carriers to say let's automate together. automate in a way that makes sense i want to make sure any of my workers displaced because of the automation will receive new jobs in your organization with the same pay and benefits that way we can bring the united states ports into the 21st century. right now our ports are the most inefficient in the world because we are unloading ships the way we did in the 1950s. >> ainsley: i would rather them take a picture. i support these guys. i want them to take a picture of the license plates. not two guys on clip boards maybe they would miss a truck and there would be a terrorist inside. i would rather have automation in some of these areas. maybe sit down at the table and figure out where we could have
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automation and where we don't and work together and compromise. yesterday we interviewed a guy who owns a restaurant close to one of these ports. he said all these workers come to my restaurant. i'm losing money and dealing with high prices because of inflation. i just don't want it to be trickled downtown american people. you won't be able to get your products, the things that you need for your kids. how do you prevent all of that? can we come to the table? do you see this happening in the next few days? >> no, i don't. i believe they are going to stay out at least two weeks in order to prove a point, maybe three before they have any sort of serious negotiation. remember, this costs the u.s. economy $5 billion a day for every day that the strike happens. in addition, for every day of the strike, it's going to take about one week to catch up. so we are already looking at three weeks from now at the end of the strike today to get caught up. the other part of this that not a lot of people are talking about. is president of the ila vowed to crip tell the u.s. economy, end quote, in order to get his point across. there they are estimating that over 100,000 union workers will
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be put out of work because of this strike we're talking truck drivers and people working in warehouses and people that perhaps work oat that restaurant of the gentleman that you interviewed yesterday. then it's going to trickle down into auto workers because they are not going to have the parts they need to make the cars. this going to impact a lot of people. i think it's a major miscalculation instead of getting the american people to support the dock workers, which again, we all should support people making a fair wage. going to turn americans against them. especially as we start to see problems with people getting the things that they need to recover president hurricane. home depot, lowe's, walmart, those are three of the biggest importers into the united states. they can't get goods into the ports now. which means people in asheville, north carolina, for example, can't get the hurricane relief they need. >> steve: i'm glad you addressed that as well. so we have got the men and women who are striking but, at the same time, we have got this disaster in the mid-atlantic. down through florida as well. and that impacts the supply chain. i mean, in portions of western
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north carolina, we have heard something like 300 roads were taken out of commission. they are reopening most of them. but, nonetheless, it's hard to drive a truck across a road that isn't there. >> if you are going to drive from the upper midwest down to florida, you got to go through some much those areas and right now you can't. they are adding additional time into the supply chain if you are actually to able to get the products to ship from one place to the other at this point. >> steve: all right. jim nelles thank you for lending your expertise on this thursday morning. >> thank you, too. >> steve: one of the things i was talking to members of the crew about yesterday i noticed it with my own two eyes. the business at costco is through the roof. it's like christmas. every parking space is taken because people are doing panicked buying just like they did before the pandemic. because people think okay. i'm not going to be able to get all that stuff. of course, they are running out of toilet paper, people think,
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but, here's the thing to know. you don't have to panic buy toilet paper because the toilet paper is either produced in the united states and shipped around the country or if it's manufactured over abroad, it either comes from mexico or canada, so it is driven in or via rail. don't worry about toilet paper. >> ainsley: we have ptsd after covid you couldn't get toilet paper or paper towels. people are str stocking up. >> lawrence: war breaking out in the middle east. david marcus puts it this way in this new fox news digital op-ed. here is the headline right here, the southeast sunday water. the middle east is on fire. ports are closed. and where is joe biden? if you go to the larger quote he goes it's for all intents and
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purposes, the united states of america has no president, but what we -- but what we do have a host of crises level situations at home and abroad. they are not being confidently addressed. for four months, for four more months until either former president trump or kamala harris is sworn in as president next year. our ship of state have no captain and a normal world joe biden would have stepped down by now and he would be free to lay on the beach in delaware all day, which he does anyway. buy these are not normal times. until january the 20th, the best we can do is cross our fingers and hope for the best. ainsley, i mean, that's just a stunning quote but it's also so true. and i dare you to disagree with it. >> >> ainsley: we don't have a leader right now and have to get used to it. there is nothing we can do about it. roll through this election and on january 20th, whichever one wins will be our new president. i'm watching awful our loved ones, our friends in north carolina. those streets new york city
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dthrough thestreets of north ca. >> steve: on a good day. >> ainsley: streets are windy. these are like the small towns, straight roads and main street and grocery stores along that then when it starts to fork and splinter off you go up in these mountains and you drive and you drive and you drive. so a lot of people are trapped. we talked to people yesterday, they didn't even know if their house is okay. they can't get to it yet. we hear these stories over and over. the president needs to be there. >> steve: that's the point i was trying to make with people are going to the stores to buy toilet paper and to buy supplies because there is so much crazy stuff going on. we really, in many ways, just have ourselves to rely on. is the government going to bring me stuff i need? no, i got to go get it right now. >> i think that the more and more refined out about what is happening with joe biden and the concealment is disqualifying for kamala harris. i mean, we shouldn't have a
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constitutional republic we have to cross our fingers if the leader can make the best decision or not just on a good day. if this is a good day, is he going to be able to have cabinet meetings? is he going to remember the content? that's just not normal for the world's super power. and everyone knows it's happening. you're not a not allowed to aske questions. he crumbled before our eyes this has been happening for months. >> steve: lawrence, he does remember how to get to the beach. >> lawrence: he does. >> ainsley: now to the campaign trail, former president trump and vice president harris are heading to key battleground states today as team harris release as new ad promoting heller economic agenda. >> lawrence: doug luzader is live in washington. >> the upper midwest getting a lot of attention today as well it should. take a look at the campaign schedules. vice president kamala harris first heading to wisconsin. where she will be appearing with former republican representative liz cheane cheney hoping to reat
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to republican voters. donald trump is heading to another swing state michigan. the harris campaign is out with a new ad campaign that according to reports is specifically targeting black voters, touching on an issue that has been a weak spot for democrats. and that's rising prices. >> we will lower housing costs by building more homes and crack down on landlords for charging too much. we will lower your food and grocery bills by going after price gougers. >> and while the rate of inflation has come down, the huge spikes in prices that we have seen in recent years are largely locked in now with consumer prices up nearly 20% under the biden-harris administration. and as for harris' tax middle on a number of issues, a progressive may be looking at that simply as an election strategy. minnesota representative ilhan omar told "the washington post" it's about us organizing and seeing how far we can push her
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once she wins the presidency. the post also says that omar is, quote: encouraged by harris' senate record when she supported bills put forward by the progressive caucus. steve, ainsley, and lawrence doug, you know, she is running away -- she, kamala harris is running away from a lot of positions she had in 2019 because they were so far out to the left where the buses don't run why would she go back to that stuff when she is high tailing away. this is some of the stuff she supported defund the police. she backed bernie sanders medicare for all. compared ice to the kkk. do you see her going back to that stuff? >> she has got to keep progressives in line here ahead of the election. there already is a rift in terms of israel policy. but there seems to be a belief among progressives that this is an election ploy that ultimately she goal back to a more progressive agenda if she wins the white house. we will see.
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but, you know, you look at issue like fracking in pennsylvania. >> i watched her latest campaign ad and talks about cost of rent going down. she says i get it. i know that your rent is high and utilities are too high. keep in mind she is the vice president has been for three and a half years. then she says i want to build more homes and i want to go after landlords and go after price gougers i'm thinking oh, so if i own a house, i own two houses one for my family and one to make extra money and i put you lawrence and you pay me rent is, she going to go after me as the landlord? then i'm not going to buy that house and make the extra money. if you own a little grocery store and you are having to increase prices because you can't get your strawberries? is she going to go after the little guy who owns that grocery store? >> lawrence: this is targeting black voters right here. i have never seen a democratic party in more shambles than they are right now with the black voter. if they are making ads like this right now.
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it means that the polling shows they are worried. and if you look at blackmail support it has crumbled with the democratic party some polling donald trump is averaging 30 to 35%. if that happens the election is over. i think it goes back to a lot of the folks believing, whether you love him or you hate him what it was like living trump's america when it comes from economic standpoint. you have all of these black businesses getting franchising and they started to crumble under joe biden they couldn't get new houses and black women who had the number one businesses for small businesses at one point, that's not the case anymore and they blame joe biden for that. so what happens after? i don't know what is going to happen on election day. but to see the democratic party put so much money in it shows that they are worried. >> steve: what i noticed yesterday, i live across the river in new jersey, and we watch all the local tv stations.
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the local tv stations, not the national ones, are running kamala harris ads. >> lawrence: they are. >> steve: every other commercial cluster break has a shot of kamala's head. this state is going to go for kamala harris anyway. why would she be running ads in new york? i think it's probably to try to help the people who are running for the house. they are trying to grab the house. but it also is indicative not only that she is trying to win new york by a larger margin, but also it just goes to show you how much dough she has got on tv ads. we are in the tv business. we love people buying ads. and she is buying a lot of them. >> i wish she wouldn't say i'm going after your landlord grocery store. i'm going to lower your prices, inflation is going to go down. you will have more money in your poocket book. >> steve: it's the democratic way. >> ainsley: we'll take care of you. >> steve: soak the rich. those land lords, they own property. those rich guys, they got stuff.
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let's go after them. >> lawrence: last week you had that exclusive interview with melania trump. how she felt when the former president was almost assassinated in butler, pennsylvania. the former president is going to go back there. sean hannity had the next interview. she really goes into detail about her fears as it concerns her husband. watch. >> not to go through not one but two impeachments, we'll get to the assassination attempts, he has been through so much but so have you. and what stunned me when you actually said when they first impeached him, i'm surprised it too so long. wow. you were expecting it all. >> i did.
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i saw how they treat him, how the media was against him. i think they are afraid of his strength and he was leading this country peace through strength. and as soon as he announced presidency and then when he won, they start already talking about the impeachment. the newspaper had the front page story impeachment is starting. so, i always said to him what is next? so in one way you are not surprised. and every event that happened, i'm thinking what is next? why what do you have trying to do? and you always fear the worse and that has happened. >> steve: yeah. you can understand that and we have heard kellyanne conway did an interview with former president for fox nation a couple of days ago.
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and he is worried about security. you know, these are crazy times. and people have done some crazy stuff. and we have just never seen things like this that are hang these days in real time. >> ainsley: she talked about the election. and just be prepared for surprises, she says. she says it's a long process. we stay focused and then she talked about election night how she is always calm on election night because america will decide. it is going to be what it is. and then she said if he ran, would he win? because she said he went to her and he said, melania, i want to run. there were like 16 other candidates and she said if you run, you will win. sean said how did you know that? she said because i watched how everyone interacts with him when we are in a restaurant or when we are out and about. >> lawrence: it's true. >> ainsley: and she said our country wants change. she said that. >> lawrence: they want change again. carley has headlines for us. >> carley: major news on the border crisis to get to here. a new homeland security threat report sounds the alarm on the rise of migrants with terrorism
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ties trying to enter the u.s. and it warns they will keep trying to exploit the border crisis. through july of fiscal year 2024, a total of 422 people on the terror watch list have been encountered at both our southern and northern borders. and new data shows a rise in illegal crossings at the u.s., canada border with more than 19,000 apprehensions over the past year. that is more than the last 17 years combined. democrat vice presidential nominee tim walz pressed again on how he got his timeline mixed up after claiming he was in china in hong kong during the 1989 tiananmen square protest. >> yeah, look, i had my dates wrong. i was in hong kong and china in 1989. that -- that move from hong kong into china it was profound for me. >> those remarks by walz on the
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campaign trail in p.a. came after he backtracked during the v.p. debate and called himself a knuckle head who misspoke. finally check this out. two arizona man both named rob who live across the street from each other sparked a key rivalry in the key battleground state. loading their front yards with dueling political signs in what has been known as the battle of the robs. >> rob put out a couple flags, so i was like well, i guess i got he get a couple more. >> more yard signs when i would put more he would put more. >> who can put the most up. >> over the weekend after he loaded up his yard he pulled out of the back and gave a thumbs up. smiled and gave me a thumb's up and i went and got some more stuff. >> carley: that's great. the two robs will be joining us later on in the show to discuss their friendly rivalry with the handshakes. >> lawrence: i gave him the
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thumbs up and then i said oh, okay, i'm going to get more stuff. >> steve: the neighbors regard it as almost hollywood decorating they decorate that particular holiday is the first tuesday in november. >> lawrence: campaign signs the new christmas lights. when you are competing with your neighbor okay they got all this and the blow up stuff. you got to add more. you goyou got to be the best ho. >> steve: the christmas lights lent lights. they will be the election lights come a couple of weeks. >> ainsley: and christmas lights the next month. 24 minutes after the top of the hour. trump blasting the doj for election interference after a judge unseals a filing from jack smith's election case. >> lawrence: gregg jarrett on the timing of all of this. that's next. ♪
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♪ >> steve: 6:30 here in new york city. a fox news alert. israeli troops push deeper into the country of lebanon while parts of israel come under fire from possible drone attacks from iranian proxies once again. nate foy is live in tel aviv. nate? >> hey, steve, good morning. the houthi rebels are claiming responsibility for a drone attack that the idf says it was
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able to intercept. sirens continue blaring in northern israel as hezbollah rockets continue being fired. israel continues pounding lebanon with airstrikes specifically southern lebanon. hit over 200 targets overnight. one of them a municipality building where 15 hezbollah terrorists were killed. you see it right here. israel says the terrorists were inside. so were a whole bunch of weapons. you see the resulting explosion. israel said that it's killed roughly 60 hezbollah terrorists over the past day. but now israel's also incurring heavy losses. israel now 8 soldiers were killed yesterday. and several more seriously injured after an ambush in southern lebanon. the deadliest day on the lebanese front since october 8th, when hezbollah began firing on israel. take a look. here are the 8 soldiers who were killed. prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent his condolences to their families and said, quote: may god avenge their death. meanwhile, israel conducted another airstrike in lebanon's capital overnight according to lebanon's health ministry, at
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least six people were killed. the big question remains today how will israel respond to iran's massive ballistic missile attack on tuesday? israelis -- israeli officials you see here met at the kirya military headquarters last night discuss their options and president joe biden was asked about one of those options. here's what he said. >> would you support an attack on iran's nuclear sites? >> the answer is no. and i think there is things -- we'll be discussing the israelis what they're going to do. all seven of us agree that they have a right to respond but they should respond in proportion. >> israel also with some big news this morning announcing that three months ago in an airstrike they were able to kill rawy that shah ha who is a senior political figure in hamas of course also backed by iran.
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back to you. >> steve: nate foy from tel aviv. thank you, sir. new court filings unveiled yesterday in special counsel jack smith's investigation into president donald trump. >> ainsley: the calling out the timing the department of injustice is supposed to absolutely nothing taint or interfere with the case. they disobeyed their own rule in favor of complete and total election interference. > >> lawrence: joining us now fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. jack smith gets overturned by the courts all the time. i get the impression, gregg, that he is trying to litigate this case before the public and not before the courts. >> gregg: trying to have a damning trial of trump without a trial in the face that he couldn't get a trial before the election. and, you know, releasing this motion, this court filing, it sure looks like blatant election interference, lawrence, you
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know, trump's lawyers urged the judge, keep it sealed. it will impact the election. the judge did it anyway with almost no discussion no. good reason to make it public. it's premature. there isn't even a trial date. this was done knowing full well media and democrats would seize on provocative details. publicize it to affect voters and damage trump and sure enough, as i looked at television, the internet and newspapers, that's what's happening. >> steve: but, gregg, is there really much new here? i mean, jack smith has already made his case before the public and painted it broadly. it just adds some detail to it that we had not heard before. and trump's own lawyers don't even want to respond to any of the stuff he wrote about until three weeks after the election. and they won't have to. >> gregg: so much of it, steve, you are right is gratuitous. at times it reads like bad
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detective fiction. a lot of it is irrelevant and admissible. conversations that other people had that are not connected to trump directly. so, it seems like deliberate election interference and the incendiary details notwithstanding smith's basic accusations are the same. that we have heard all along. nothing has changed nominee that trump deceived people if he honestly believed he won. it's hard to prove otherwise. >> ainsley: is he trying to manipulate the language? you say basically the same. he manipulated the language to get around that immunity decision? >> yeah. i mean, that's his great challenge is to somehow circumvent the immunity decision here. that's what this motion is all about. the problem for smith is a lot of his evidence and testimony comes from public officials and their conversations with trump including the vice president. under the supreme court decision
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that may well be protected information and admissible. in the filing smith asserts nothing's protected and then all of the sudden he concedes well, some of it is protected and immune but i can rebut the presumption of immunity. oh, that will be up to a judge. >> steve: exactly. all right. thank you very much for joining us live, gregg. >> ainsley: thanks, gregg. great to see you. >> gregg: my pleasure. >> steve: meanwhile straight ahead later today donald trump and kamala harris set to stump in the swing state of michigan as the two remain dead locked across that so-called blue wall. could harris be under water as voters trust trump on the top issue and you know what that is. >> economy, got to get the cost of gas down. >> lawrence: who do you think is the best candidate to solve is that? >> donald j. trump. >> donald trump. ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪
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dead locked there. this is what voters -- this is what voters told me yesterday in the swing state, watch. >> what's the most important issue to you right now? is it the economy? >> definitely the economy. got to get the prices of gas down. >> the inflation increasing plan that they passed has devastated the country. >> lawrence: who do you think is the best candidate to solve that? >> donald j. trump. >> donald trump. our economy, everything was so much better under them. >> lawrence: why are you supporting donald trump? >> because he is for america. and he is for me. >> lawrence: kaelyn bus is the columnist for detroit news she joins us now. kayla, thanks for joining the program. >> of course, thanks for having me. >> lawrence: got a mix of voters yesterday in michigan harris and trump supporters as well. i hear economy and inflation is top of issue. are you hearing the same?
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>> absolutely. michigan is ground zero for the most important issues in this election. it is the swingiest of swing states now and has been a key player, you know, in 2016 and 2020. so, what we're hearing is people are upset about the increasing cost of food, gas, electricity, housing shortages here. and, of course, the border when you get down to it the message trump has brought to michigan resonates with people here. michigan has had a hard go of it fluctuating auto industry. the ev mandates come down from the biden-harris administration. michigan has a total democratic state government in lansing. we have seen tax increases at the state level that adds fuel to the fire what trump is saying on a national level. >> lawrence: the polling shows they are in a dead heat, it's neck and neck. i felt that yesterday when i was
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there. who do you think has the edge though right now? >> yeah. you can really feel it on the ground here. can you really tell that it's going to be down to the wire and very close you know, we have heard reports that harris might be under water. i think those are coming, you know, one of those have come slotkin who is running in a very tight -- i shouldn't say very tight but competitive senate race here but getting tighter. she is trying to to fund raise, perhaps. there are concerns that harris is not performing as well as she should be at this point, given the focus they have had here. trump and j.d. vance have really -- it's almost a joke that they should move their addresses to michigan because they have been here so much. >> lawrence: so much. >> to try to connect with voters. >> lawrence: real quick, because they have been so active in the state, do you think that is what is making the difference? >> i think so. i mean, they are here. they are accessible. they have been accessible to the media, voters, you contrast that
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with someone like tim walz who hasn't done a single interview and kamala harris who has been here with oprah, you know, it's a real contrast. i think voters are starting to see that. >> lawrence: yeah. well, you know, because you are on the ground and you are covering every single day. thank you so much for joining our program this morning. >> all right. thanks. >> lawrence: so one south carolina dad determined to walk his daughter down the aisle, his nearly 30-mile journey through helene's aftermath to make it happen. that's next. ♪ for more than a decade
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>> ainsley: we are back with a fox weather alert. 191 people now confirmed dead in the aftermath of hurricane helene. officials expect that number to still increase as hundreds are still facing or feared missing, unfortunately. the white house will now deploy 1,000 troops to help with recovery efforts. fox weather meteorologist jane minard is live in the hard hit down of western north carolina. jane, good morning. >> good morning, ainsley, we are in valley about a 15-mile west of boone, north carolina. this is an historic town from the 1700s. on the national historic registry. water rise brought this shed had which by the way inside has two
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beds. rook's like someone's shelter across the road and off this broken road here as well. i have been making it my mission to get to these small rural towns. they need our help the most. they have been cut off completely from communication, cell service, resources have been tough to come by. we were in trey tennessee two days ago. you can see some of the video from the devastation. yesterday about 20 minutes from here we had people on horseback going up to those hard-to-reach hollers doing welfare checks and making sure that people had resources, bottles of water and food. communications still a big challenge here in western north carolina, hundreds are still missing. an update in tennessee, tb icon firming last night that of the hundreds of calls for missing, they are now accounting for only 28. that number coming down is definitely providing some hope for these hard hit communities.
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we still have a long ways to go here and it truly has been incredibly devastating watching the scale of this. rivers a big problem down near asheville. janice dean, you know, here where we are, it was the creeks that overflowed, over 30 feet in some areas, completely washing away people's lives. >> janice: i know. i hear it in your voice, jane, you have been such a wonderful human being for going down there and highlighting these stories where people cannot get in and we're keeping this story in the news, which is so important. you know, this is so devastating for so many people. and we don't know the scope of how widespread this is. so i thank you. you're doing wonderful work on behalf of fox weather. and we'll check in with you in a bit. let's take a look at the power outages. again, jane mentioned a lot of these areas without power for -- it's been a week. it's probably going to be many weeks because it's just so hard to get into these mountainous
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regions, but you can see the power outages still for parts of florida up towards the hard hit areas of the western carolinas, even into west virginia. the weather forecast for the search and they are still trying to rescue people is good for the next 10 days. abundant sunshine. we could see some scattered storms north of the area but otherwise a really great looking forecast. the rest of the country real quirks showers and thunderstorms along the gulf coast and florida. we're watching you because we have more three-point line more three-ptropical moisture m. >> ainsley: one determined dad determined to make it to his daughter's wedding. david jones a south carolina resident trekked nearly 30 miles through floodwaters and debris all to walk his daughter down the aisle on her special day. david joins me now.
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good morning, david. >> good morning. >> ainsley: david, it's an interesting story as we have been reporting for the last week because you have some people that have died. so many people have lost everything. but then you do hear these stories of resilience. and to learn your story, the great lengths a dad will go for his daughter. tell us what happened. >> well, we weathered the storm in south carolina. i headed on up the road. my wife was going to follow me saturday if the roads were clear. we had no cell service or internet. we really didn't know the extent of the destruction. and. >> ainsley: we're looking at your photos right now. >> i'm sorry? >> ainsley: i'm sorry. we are looking at your photos right now. so as you are telling the story. okay. so you are all driving separately and what happened? >> well, after seven hours on the road, i was still about 30 miles from home. and the state troopers were saying look, you can't go any further. the bridges are washed out. i asked about the back roads. they said no, same thing there.
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i said what about on foot? they said no, sir, we are not letting anybody out. i said okay. appreciate it. you will have to spend the night in your car. my car is still there, by the way. so, when they turned and got in their cars and went off, i decided, you know, i'm going to do what any other dad would do in this situation. i grabbed my backpack and a couple days of underwear and socks and wind breaker and my cell phone light and off i went. >> ainsley: you are determined. what about your wife? i'm sure there were tears involved. i'm sure -- what a long journey. i'm sure you were muddy and gross. look at you, in a new suit. you probably couldn't carry that with you. how did it all unfold? >> yeah. so we just recently moved to south carolina. we still have our house in tennessee. >> ainsley: okay. >> so i had clothes in tennessee waiting for me. >> ainsley: got it? >> i left plan a clothes in the car. there were plan b clothing at the wedding.
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it worked out just fine. in total i was able to hitch rides for about 10 miles and hiking, walk, and climb and crawl for about 17. >> ainsley: oh my word. you are a good dad. was it alworth it? >> oh, yeah. you know it. absolutely. >> ainsley: did she think about canceling because she knew people were coming in from out of town? >> yes and no. i mean, it was a small wedding. most people were local. there were some coming from the north. they didn't have much trouble. but, also, they didn't have cell or internet either. so it was really, you know, kind of operating in the dark. no pun intended. that things went on. she got married by candlelight. there is no power in the church. >> ainsley: all right. yeah. very romantic and you will remember this -- she will remember it forever. thank you so much for coming on. i'm glad you made it to your daughter's wedding and now we can say congratulations. it's best wishes when you are
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engaged. god bless. enjoy south carolina. >> you too. god bless. >> ainsley: thank you. we have a baking show still hav. stay witg ith us. ♪ ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction.
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