tv Hannity FOX News October 3, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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to work. good idea. julie from ormond beach, florida, dr. gad said, is a hottie. >> don't tell stephen miller i said that. wow. >> ad said pols. jim from redbank, new jersey jesse, should men wish other men a happy birthday? bin shouldn't get a pass. i broke my i'm sorrrry.y i've let you all down. >> rick from new york. i'm a waiter and i had a customer today who sent back her food. say to me, waters told me to do it. >> you're killing us, man. only send it back if it's gross sleeping under or overcooked. >> don't be frivolous about itwe . i would never be frivolous. o r. my salmon was way too raw again. >> watch the show tomorrow. and i'm waters. this is myai i'mtters th world.
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and welcome to hannity. and tonight, i've got to prf you get verye angry because what we're about to share with you will rightlywi make your blood boil. as most of you know, ports, by the way, along the east coasw portway alt shut down thik because of a union leaders demands. we have the update on thatn thaa and including a reported 75%ay i pay raise for dockworkers. i thinsek now the employers are up to 62% anyway. a lot of them make six figures. kamala harris supportethatd, this shutdown, which cost you the american people, is costingyo us billions of dollars a day. they only kick the can down the road. only is temporarily on hiatus, but this story can get much t, much worse, as all of you know. much of apalachee, the gulf coast of florida, from the gulfo coast of florida reelingrim hurricane helene. this was the deadliest hurricane since katrin isa. these regions desperately, desperately, desperately need
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supplies coming through those ports, which are now backed up. last weekend, joe was sitting without a care the worldr kamala on the beach in his little beach chair. kamala harris out hobnobbingoodr with a rich hollywood friends, both for the most part, m.i.iea. in states that have been completely devastated. but here's the real. in north carolina and georgia. in tennessee, south carolina, and in the state of florida, they need immediate, especially north carolina and georgia frome ,the federal emergency management agency, or what we callntat fema. it has now been a full week and. this is what we learned today. fema is out of money. a loo >> and where do you hear the reason why? take a look. k.we are meeting the immediate needs with the money that weothe have. we are expecting another hurricane hitting. we do not have the funds. the fema does not have the fund do es not hs to make it thh the season. i inte
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now, you got to remember, i interviewed governor kemp of georgia. he i interviewed governor desantis, my state of florida, and they had bot h pre-positioned utility trucks, supplies. pritioned y knew that a massive category 4 hurricane was on the way. joe and kamala. they prepared for absolutely nothinsolutelyg. at the very least, they should have at least understood that they were going to run out of moneys allocated for this storm. this and where did all the money go? this is where your blood's bl going to get hot. until last week, it was a relatively calm hurricane system. and here's where this story gets infuriating and beyond disgraceful. the biden-harris administratiode ,we now have learned, raided fema's piggy for other endeavors. they toothey took over $1 billin of fema funds supposed to be available for national emergencies to you,
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the american people, if, god forbid, there's an emergencd forbidy bad as this o and they spent all of that money on their 11.5grants million unvetted illegal0 immigrants from over 180 other countries, by the way, including with terror tiesgeop and on top geopolitical foes. and theyolthey use use that monr food, free food, housing, care, education, sex change, surgerieres, debit cards, four star hotels for illegal immigrants on top of the billions and billions they had already spent. noy spent.w there just aren't eh funds. what for the people of north carolina, south carolina,lina our friends in tennessee, our friends in georgia,nds in, our friends here in the state of florida. georgia.e, beence helenof only $4 million has been distributed to americansns devastated by the storm. person after person callingw into my radio show saying they haven't seen a singleis emergency worker, fema representative on the ground.
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hundreds of americans we know lost their lives. hundreds are now unaccounted for. a missing people don't have homes. they don'tmissing food. they don't have water. they don't have housing. up until they do trump contacted musk, they didn't have any communicationscontacte. they've been completely abandoned by your border czar, who prioritized unvetted illegal immigrantsil over the american people and hasn't lifted a fingeovn peopler in ovu and now we find out a week later they don't have any money . the little money that they have given out is described o as a one time grant that givesns storm victims a lousy $750. ca n they open their eyes. are they not aware of the devastation? we don't even know how many other people are in deep troublr peoplee because they cat get to them and they haven't put the resources forward to get to them. you have illegal immigrants actting everything, including
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sex change operations, courtesy of you, the taxpayer, whil thee citizens in north carolina, georgia, florida a tennessee,nne south carolina lost everything but middlet nothinge, finger from joe biden and border czar kamala harris. let me be clear. this is rightly kamala katrina on steroids and human growth hormone. meanwhil kae, the biden-harris t administration, they've cld close to $200 billionmillio to ukrainens, 8 billion more jut last week. how about we withholt lastd t that payment and give it to the people of north carolina, georgia, that are devastatedha this is an administration dministr given nearly $3 billion to the taliban and theyu can't help our own citizens. the taliban, the ones that have billions of dollars in our scottary equipment. and still there are americans caught behind enemy lines. and so many of our allies,re well, they were taken out of their homes because they lefn out of
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t a list of their names on it, never to be seen or heard from again. d 230 million to build a floating pier on a beach in gaza.harris a that's what harris and biden did for them. foyou to rush food supplies to the palestinians and hamas that pier was only operational for 20 days. john communist days. sent another 211 million in humanitarian assistance that was sent to haiti this year, 45 million i to help tackle gang violence. the administrationonlp gives ovs $1,000,000,000 every year. let's go through some of the countrie ough soms. the list is longer. ethiopia, egypt, yemen, jordan ,somalia, southern sudand and many other countries are across the world. but, you know, katrina, kamala m.i.a. throws crumbs to the people in north carolina, south carolina, georgia, tennessee, florida, inr especially in north georgia, north carolina, northernth north carolina. oh, why is that? because it's republican areas. e
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what a repulsive disgrace. georgia governor brian kemp, he's a pretty mild mannered guy. baffled, stunned by the whiteho house that refused to issue an emergency declaration offer isat he asked for for 90 counties in georgia that were devastated by this isb hurricane. >> he needed that declaration for 90 counties. they only gave for 90ountie him 11. he had to get back on the phone with the white house andg bi biden's chief of staff, joe,deas was probably taking a na partlp to take more action and he only gote 0 more 30 more of the 90 counties that he needed covered. again, the middle finger to georgia, north carolina and everyone in between ben. ety wow. pretty unbelievable. take a look. when the first emergency declarations came down, there was only 11 counties in that. a lot of people were outraged, u including me, because there was such devastation. and, you know,diuse --utrage upe counties. so we called the white house. we spoked the the to the presids chief of staff that the fema
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administer to and said, look, you're sending the signal that you're not paying attention to some of these rural communities. >> abandonmmunitie ring georgiah carolina and every state in between. >> everybody this hurricane was coming. governor kemp did his job,tion pre-positioned utility trucks, supplies available for the peopleed trucks,, availa of. governor desantis did the same thing. everyone knew, it would be a major category 4 storm. where was the federary threel ot government and why didn't we find out until today t that fema ran out of money? and why didn't biden and harris pre-positioned a thing?ot and why did they, you know, reallocate these funds to helpuo the 11 and a half illegalst that shouldn't be in the country anyway count? why did they raid fema funds for illegals? why is fema on the ground in these areas in northrth ca carolina, south carolina, tennessee, georgia and florida? norow? and i'll say this. god bless the reverend billy franklin graham, graham,
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son and samaritan's purse. thank god i donated to them this week myself. if you want to go to samaritan's purse .org, they neeon's pursd your help. and thank god for donald trump. he actually got on the groundfoe long before kamala and joe and then saw the devastatemalahe and got on the phone with his friend elon musk and elon musknd ,you know, sent in starlink to establish communications where there wa ana stars none at all whatsoever there would be zero how people would be dying without communications. and according to numerousth reports on the ground, the administration has been so slow, they're not even they aret now. and leavinhen not eveng americas to suffer and fend for themselves in communities now. roads, bridges, power, food, clean wate r. >> you can't make it up. it's so bad. take a look. we've seen our friends and neighbors lose their homes . we've seen classrooms of children who have no longer have their homes.
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we are hunting for teachers. we have 23 teachers out of our list that we haven't been able to finabled. r 25 i've been a teacher in black yeartain for 25 years. i've been a resident there for 48. and we've never experienced anything like this. >> is there anything you'd love to make sure that they anything knowbiden both president biden and kamala harris as they head to that regionan as theyregion today? >> we need so much help.we don we't don't want it be forgotten. our communities all hold handsu each other. black mountains want to know us. children go to schoor, mountailr . >> we're not separate. a week late and billions of dollars short. this is kamala harris, bordertr. czar. this is her katrina and many areas across sohe these communications have been totally down. no self-servutt, commuone, no io phones last year. lastg let's follow the bouncin ,shall we? the same biden-harris administration rescinded a starlink contract.
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that's elon musk's company. >> even when elon was the low asdder. by the way, the same elon that's going to go save the astronauts that are losttrlt in space. spma thanks to kamala leading upla h that agencary and they would they would have been able to connect nearly 700,000 homes to the internet in these exact rural areas like apalachee.s they clearly revokedlike the de with elon musk forpo political reasons. so now musk gets a call from trump is working and he's and to his credit, he's been able to rush starlink terminals to the region and, provide internet service for free. i talked to billy graham'sked to franklin graham's guy today, samaritan's purse today, and they said they needd ca generators to run starlink. i said, well, can i raise more money money c? oney, be can i give you more money? because the communications we don't even kno ion wew if people are, you know, without food and water and about to die aftet r six days of them doing nothing. meanwhile, joe biden was
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mentally checked out for months. his vp, kamala harris, this is her katrina routinely skipping important hurricane preparedness meetings. she wasn't there. s not thd two yeand two years aa said disaster, that disaster reliefst aid should be provided on the basis of race r and equil . >> we're going to play politicst and insertics into, you know, o disaster. you can't make it up. take a look. >> is our lowest income communities and our communitiese of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making and so in. absolutely. and so we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources basedndin on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, dint but we also need to fight for equity understanding. not everyone starts out at the same placetarts ouhe sam.
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and if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take intl place have tow disparities. >> how about in a situatio aboun like this? how about we all band together? you help out any and everyei american based on their need and you do it as soon on yossiblit as soe. don't sit on your for a week like they have. how about you don't steal for illegal immigrants for their sex change operation free housing, health care, food, education, etc. an amnestyho, fh and you leave the money where it belongs in a lockbox for emergencies when they happen for fema to the people ofrigh apalachee just not look the right way. maybe you don't like how thet ay historically you know and they don't deserve federal aion't de they're americans. they are desperately in need and have been for a week. and you have abandoned them. and the past four years,am kamala is passionately called for billions of dollarsai ,let's say, to repay student debt, provide sex change operations m not only for illegals, but also convicts
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in jail, vowed to eliminate the filibuster, to spend $93 trillion on the green new deal, a cradle to grave society. by the way, any of you out there want to trust your government when it comes to hurricane victims, the passion is gone. no desperate pleas for funding. she didn't even bother to step away from her lavish hollywood fundraiserr hollyw over the wee. why wouldn't biden want to come back from the beactoh? out too lazy to get his out of that beach chair and do his jor b? it took kamala and joe a week to visit the southeast november 25. george w bush mocked, ridiculed, called racistbush for his hurricane response to hurricane katrina. the criticism was on day two,con the second day after it occurred, according to the "new york times"to, he wasd foro blasted for not returning to washington from his texas vacationshington wednesday aftee two days after the monday hurricane. well, and he flew over katrina, didn't want to land and be a distraction. well, this is carmelo's i
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katrina. she and biden are failing the people of thteringe. southe she prioritized illegal immigrants ovease r you, the american people. she talks a big game about equity, but doesn't seems quity bu to give a when people are truly in need. and today, formele or trr the w president trump said that this has been the worst hurricane response in the historrricansponseey of our cou. >> take a look. now we have a horrific disaster . north carolina, georgia, south carolina, alabama, tennessee d'w florida and virginia. that's how big this hurricane wa tnes. iden and the harris biden administration says they don't have anytion say money. hey sp they've spent it all on. they spenten all of their money. they have almost no money because they spent it all on illegathey sl migrants. >> this is the worst response in the history hurricanes. >> the president is right spd sadly, tonight, as we speak, americans from north corolina, all the way down to florida in the southeast, continue to suffer here with morntere from the trump organization. eric trump is with us. if your father stayed away for
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a week and he was president, if your father, you know, put fundhes that were designed forip fema and the american people for emergency reliefeogenc and e it to, you know, other groups, could you he'd be put in,inted be handcuffed, fingerprinted, put in jail, they throw away the keanput iny. sean, right now, there are 157 hotels in new york citymigran that are completely full of illegal immigrants. let me just repeat that. tst me repnumber. 150 hotels in new york city that are completely full of illegal immigrants. new york city alone spends ove immigranr a billion dollars a year on illegal immigrants. a yeallegal you these picturesl of husbands and wives and children who have lost everythingdr, their homes have floated down rivers. their homes have been taken outi by mudslides. their vehicles are gone. their picture albums are destroyer cles are d. ntimen every sentimental value that they could ever possibly imagintathey ce is gone. you know what will never be brought back? anand what does kamala do?e
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she come s out and offers $750 700 and had the tv in the person's house one time worthe h $750. and you see than $750e the absoe destruction shorn of all the political thingsn that seen in the last decade. this is the one that bothers me the most, hands down by far. we have spent $200 billion sending money over to ukraine and russia to see young, innocent, 21-year-old kids kids in dirty trenches, pop around corners and shoot each other in the fachop aroud shoot e wit. you watch these videos on youtube. ofe lives are expunged in a matter of seconds. $200 billion america has sent over there, yet we can't take care of our own in georgia and north carolina and virginiad and florida. $750. we 0 to, we billions to places like pakistan and they won't tell us that bin laden is literally living next to their equivalenat of west point. >> yet we offer devastated
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families, the very people you're showing on the screen right now. we offer devasted gatedilies families $750. sean, this is the worst administration in the history of the country. these aren'te histor serious pe. frankly, i think they're cruel people the wayth put americans last is absolutely cruel. isand i hope every single person going to the polls on november 5th and before in early voting will remember exactly who these people are. r sean:idn't find out fo a week w until today that fema ran out of funds. we didn'. t out that they diverted the money to theird ile 11 and a half million unvetted illegal immigrants, some frogam countries with terror ties, some top geopolitical foes. we didn't find out until yesterday that they're offering a one time payment of 750 bucks. 75eric that these we don't even know if these people are alive yet and why they didn't
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mobilize the military and th mee national guard and get every dadt on the ground they coul on day one is unforgivable to me, sean. they also spent literally h hundreds and hundreds mill flying of dollars 320,000 illegal immigrants into yorports across the country in the middle of the night. you were one ofu the only journalists that actuallf y reported on tha you were at 737 landingorts at airports all across the countrss the cy at 2 a.m. as illegal immigrants were coming off of them. sean it's an absolute disgrace. i mean, this is our country right here and we're wasting money everywhere. >> we're not we're not doingnt anything about it, you know, and money is being spent on.s i mean, i learned talked about this in my convention speech at the rn myc. you have homeless veterans that are sleeping on streets that, are sleeping under overpasses. right. that have absolutely nothing. thess,y e are people who got shot liter at for a nation that literally went to war foalr our country.e and then you have the roosevelts hotel,evel one of the finest hoy
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in york city, in one of the greatest location is in midtown manhattan. you know, a hotel that charges thousand s a night.rooms and you have illegal immigrants taking all the rooms in there.d i mean, when are we going toou get serious and put our citizenszens first? >> it's america last. under these people. it really is.people and our prayers go out to people for americans that want to help. >> considering fema has noants because they gave it to illegal immigrants. samaritan's purse, frankliitan'n graham are great people. they do a great job. samaritan's pursle.e .org.m. >> i have it listed on "hannity" aecom. erick, thank you. >> when we come back, after bac three days of strikes threatening shortages, risingwor prices, dockworkers they have nos w agreed to temporarily suspend their walkout. >> we'll get an update. and illegal crossings now at our northern border are skyrocketing c. and our own sara carter was in north carolina. >> she'll give us a full report straight out nine on one like
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the emergency there is dead body on the side of the road. >> you can a lot about a person even after they die. i'm dr. michael bodden and i have performed more than 20,000 autopsies. we really thought this was going to be a straightforward case. then we get the autopsy report back. the answers are there. you just have to know what to look for. the body files streaming now only fox nation. >> hello. i am former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. i know it's scary unless you use relaxium relaxium. sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night. you try it. relaxium sleep is studied, tested and designed by a neurologist to help fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. >> relaxium sleep work. from the very first night i took, i had more focus
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tomorrow. you saw some of the hardest hit arealina yous. you also talk to a lot of people on the ground that have lost everything. and the one theme that i'm. hearing from my radio audience is that there's not a single fema emergency management person, not one that they have s seen up to this point. diy or anybodyyou ha that you saw that you had a chance to talk to? did a chan to d they tell you tw anybody? >> actually, sean, no, weee any didn't see anybody from fema. we didn'borm fema t anybody from the government. we're here in port elizabeth tonight here in newe p jersey because we were deeply concerned about the victims of hurricane helene. we were wondering what this th would do to them.sterday and while i was there in asheville yesterday talking to residents, i could tell you the devastation, there is nothingdevastat quite like st in person. i mean, pictures on television don't even do it justice. we saw homes that werees were completely covered in mud.
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we saw people's livelihoods just washe sd businesses under that were under water, that were under mud, that the products inside their businesses there no longer existed. there were people up in the mountains in the surroundingshee areas outside of asheville, shawn, that couldn'tcould even communicate with people below. peope some family members heard from any of their family up in the mountains was overns was days ago. w some people are saying that it theyso bad that people that they did communicate with early on said they could actually smell smell the corpses underneath the mudslides because people are still missing and bodies stillople areand bo e recovered. we saw that congressman corey mills, incredible work trying to fly food and medicineb into people that were out of reach because the government is not there forece govern. them. i had people crying in my arms because they felt that thethat k government had abandoned them,
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that kamala harris, the vicebida president, that president biden had abandoned them. ng too they feel alone. they don't know what they're going to do. there werewere peo people that i interviewed. samaritan's purse was, in fact, the only other than other citizens in the area that were actually helping victims, that were actually helping victims with their homes, vies tryin to get a large treest down out of the way of the home, contacting, bringing food and water to people that were trapped because the roads washbeen closed off. some of the roads had actually been washed away. in fact, team got trapped in mud for a short period while we were reporting there. and it was incredible. somebody out of their home down hill, the hill. they had been up there the the r five days without electricity, without any wateicr, you know, with just what people have been able to bring up to them. and they helpey d us get out of the mud. shawn, i got to tell you, i've never, ever seen anything like
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this. and i think what was more gut wrenching as a fg is the factkit that these americans are not getting the helphe that they nes from the government. and they're asking they're asking for that helpki n and they're not receiving it. >> it's unbelievable. great reportin it'g. joll be back in north carolina tomorrow. thank you, sara. joining us now, soutining is nhs senator linsey graham. senator, we just foundt out today that they they raided femaed fem and they're running. they have no money. they've only spent 4 million that harris and biden have been completelyllion th m.i.a.nd the they raided the coffers and they wouldn't eveny us.hat e and they they literally gave that money to their unvetted you know, 11 and a half million amlegals and then offer americans a one time payment of $750 to north carolina. south carolina, your state, tennessee,south ca georgia geor north carolina, two of the states that got whacked the hardest, florida i mean, i've never seen such utter seen
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incompetencesi. >> this is insane. man-ma well, it's a manmade disaster. illegal immigratioden. all th all those hotels that erickos talked about are filled with people that were flown from the border to new york. they're flying people all overwe the country. we're spending tens and hundredsnding te of, billios of dollars to deal with a manmade disaster. it her biden-harris immigrations m policy was manmade. it was a choice.eale they repealed all thed trump policiescies tha were worg and the rest is history. this is a national this is something that i've soe life.n in my entirtion this is the largest loss of life in the history lossstory ofy of southvents. carolina from a weather related event. we were at 35, the last major hurricane. we're at 39 and climbing. climbi live 60 miles from ashe. >> i was in aiken county today ,the hardest hit county in south carolina. no female representative had been there yet. they came the day after i told
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themgeere. to get there. there are plenty of people from fema working hard,le from but a of taking money out of fema to help illegal immigration, illegal immigrl immigrants is jt really unconscionable. you know where i'm going to get money help with this disaster. there's a couple of hundred billion dollars. the inflation reduction act, which was which was justh y th a democratic giveaway that hasn't been spent. bet we take the money from the inflation reduction act and apply it to this disastern and to thi. >> that's what i'll be trying to do. wanted me the guard. why don't we mobilize the military? why don't weake at get military equipment in there? >> my understanding is not slow. yeah. okay. can i stopg. can i you?govern governor mcmaster has done a hell of a job. the south carolinas done a national guard was mobilized on day one. every person i met singing the praises of the south carolina national guard. that was done by ourd that w governor. there are no dod assets really been yet. 1000 the military, a thousand,
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i think, went to north carolinne . they need to get in on gro. the ground. again, this has been slo w. to ag kamala harris went to augusta yesterday. the storm was lastesterday. . she supported the strike as of yesterday. sterday.thank god the strike hae to an end. it was killing our hospitals. hospitals in south carolina were running out of medicine because the port charleston wasth closed. the food on the shelves was running out because e. d beca the ports have been closed because of a manmade disaster called a strikmade dise. i'm glad it's over, but it'secau only over because we've been kicking theise wtherr. that's the only reason it is over. so the bottom line th, it does to the american people. >> good, good to the american people. >> well, i just i've never been so upset in my life. my guard has done a hell of a job. but it's been a week and we haven't even had famoun has teao come to the largest county in the state in terms of damage . well, we there was no pre-positioning, governor kemp.,
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>> he pre-position in georgia. governor desantis did in in florida. you had it done in south carolina. >> and, you know, we don't even know if people are alive in north carolina one week later and literally didat the you hear what they did to governor kemp? he askedy for 90 c for 90 counties to bee declared an emergency, a disaster area. he got 11, went back for the full 90 and they gave him 30. i'm like, why don't you just take your middle finger and shove it right in the face of the voters in georgia, justao like they're doing of the people of north carolina and south carolina, tennessee and florid tennessana. yeah, well, supporting this strike, these portsports ar are infrastructure under us law. why is that so infras if the enemys it of the nation attacked one of our ports, it puts our economy out of out of service. so these said the most criticals time in the history of the southeast werehut down shut down because of a strike. joe biden let it happen. it wenit happet on for a couple
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of days. >> it's been studied in favor. . they supported the strike. he met m e on the tarmac. and i appreciate all that's been done for south carolina. ap but he was telling me about how the people running the ports are making too much moneports a and me and governor mester said, mr. president, if you don't get these ports up and running, we're going to run out of medicining to r e in our hospitals. these ports are a lifeline to the people who have been devastedo th would. you're adding misery to pain, and it looks like we've had a breakthrougheakthrou. but there's no sense. the urgency that we need is missing. ident tr i promise you president trump would be all ove all overe starlink has been a godsend. so i hope people look, you can they trump and elon musk about money. >> elo >> you can thank trump and you know, i've been going all over south carolina likeh but wh people and slept much. but look what's going on in israel. our friending on is in israel surrounded by people that want
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to kill them, destroy them. a second holocaust in the making and biden says, anl. oportiona what is the proportional response? to peopll you andout of your family. they're running out of ammunition in israel. we ammunit have to help our frio to keep the war over there from coming here. ork on >> they're willing to pay for the weapons. economy's in shambles. >> they have been so weapons in ukraine. the ukrainians have been doinge all the fighting. the border is broken. boe more about illegall immigrants than they do anything else. they to and this needs to stop. and how do you stop it? november the fifth. do youovember if you don't do sg about it. no bearing of the fifth. we got nobody but ourselves as american people. un we this country will be unrecognizable. senator graham. thank you. biden-harris poor crisisgnizable mayted for be averted for now, but there are many other disasters that are lingeringthere' now. this includes the border crisis. and tonight, a stark warning from the department of homeland security and a newly released homeland threartment oityt assei the department warnsmi
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that criminals and individualspt with, terrorism ties are expected to continue their attempts to comeheir intom the country. we already know hundreds of them are here and it may no t just be the southern border. now we're learning that the northern border with canadbordea is also a major national security threat. over 19,000 illegals crossed ove that northern border this fiscal year. that's 50 times more that came in 2021 when biden andn harris took over 50 times more.e another absolutely massive increase m. but i'm sure they don't run out of money from, you know, forf tm sex change operations for all of them, too. and don't forget, just last week we learned from ice that there are 13,000 illegals in our countrycountr convicted of homicide, not in ice custody, 13,000. and the so-called fact checkers have tried to downplaysome the claim, including by saying, oh, some of the convicted murderers cannotd murder be depd because their home countries will not take them back. well
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, drop them off and sayh goodbye. anyway, here with reactionreactn are the host of tomi lahren, host, fearless on outkick, tomi lahren, former adviser to president trump, stephen miller. tomi, your reaction? well i mean, why have money forf americans and emergency relief and fema when you can give it to your unvetted harris illegals for sex change operations and housing illegal , health care and education? isnt yeah. isn't it amazing, sean, that they never run out of money i , take care of illegal run immigrants, but somehow they run out of mone oy to takes care of american citizens who are struggling, who otherwise woul who ard ask fork anything that do the hard work themselves or ask for a penny from anybody. but right now they're in the midst of tragedy rif disaster able and the one area that the government should be able to step in and help, they aro se they are failing to meet the moment for those voters out ther.r those e that are on the a that are on the fence between trump anretweed kamala, they jut haven't decided yet if they want to choose national security want to chy of
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they want to choose the abomination we're seeing now. this righting now. here should be the b straw that breaks the camel's back. nokamala pun intended, because your dollars, your taxpayer dollars should d be goingerica' to support american citizens that are being ravageds cit right now. but instead, fema wasted that money on illegal immigrantsfema was and. it's not going to end any time soon. and for those out ther e think trump can magically fix that, he can stop the bleeding. but this is going to havhe canee a republican project for the next decade or more to undo the damagethe next administratiy done. they are stealing from you to take care of their futuroue voters, and that should really, really take you off. n th no pre-positioning. they run out of money. they don't telthey dl us until s later. and then we find out the money goes to harris by. the illegals and americans pae offered a one time $750 payment. but if you're in ukraineyment i, you get 200 billion. >> explain that.t. stephen miller. >> sean, this is the gravest betrayal of american citizens this country has eveis
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r seen. >> the reason why thosereason americans in north w carolina,sh those mothers, those fathers, those precious little childrenta were left to die, were left on rooftops begging, beggingan their government for help that never came. >> it's because kamala harris turned fema into an illegas becl resettlement agency. it's manpower. it's dollars is it's mental hoergy was spent over the last four years learning how to do one thing, how to get illegale h aliens from outside the country into your town. and so when disastery in struck they were not ready, they were not prepared, they were not capable. >> wer ca and they did not care. cit and our fellow citizens, includin g babies, children, young kids, were left to suffer and drown. they did not scramble the helicopters did notmilita scramble the military. >> they did not send needed assistance. rybut those children have been living in a foreign country. they've been living in haiticour
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they've been living in venezuela. why then kamala harris would have sent in helrris p immediately. a betrayal like we've never seen before. seanwn, this is infuriating. it is beyond the pale. >> never something i thought i'd see in my lifetime. y lifetiand they still we stillt know if many of these people are alive. we don't know. they haven't mobilized anything. nobody in north carolina nobolked to nobody in georgi a one i talked to nobody in southn carolina, tennessee or. nobody's seen anybody from fema . thank you both. when we come. back,come bac par. my interview with the former first lady, melania trump. we spoke about thessinatio assassination attempts on her husband's life. >> straight ahead. >> you connect a child and you kidnapped me. >> i'm so glad that devil. hello, gabrielle. i'm not in the basement anymore . found it.
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. it's an absolute problem. it happens all of the time. if own property, you've got equity, you're going to be a victim. >> i'm here with art and meyer, a retired special agent with the fbi and senior advisor to home tidal lock. exactly what is house stealing? that's a phrase. i think that the kind of coined when i first began seeing situations. people were forging documents. titles and deeds. and using those documents to gain access to the equity, the homes. how can a scammer actually steal my home? >> the digital age is so easy for them to get the original document. >> all the information is out there, right? it's out there. they can download it and forge it. >> and if you take it down to the county clerk's office, won't they know if there's something wrong there? when a title is presented to a county recorder and it's completely filled out and it's notarized then they're required by law to accept the document,
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grown on our farm, enjoyed at your table. (♪♪) with discount code tbh. >> 15 at field of greens .com. >> last night showed you part m one of my interview with former first lady melania trump. we discussedwe discu her new bo, melania and the assassination attempts against her husband . >> here's part two. let me get to the assassination and i watched your interview with angela, and i watchedw an the hour and i watched it on the morning tha >> i know where i was at thatt i time when i saw the blood. and i've been a shooter my whole life. i thought that maybe he got hit
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much worse. >> did you think that? i thoughyou thinught that that w the blood. well, first of all, when was on the floor for a while. yeah. you don'owand you don't know foe seconds minutes? you don't knowdon't kn. what's really going on? you don't know that. i didn't know that he was hittin in thg ear. i you know, you always question what it could be. and so was it was was really a frightening and, you know, thoslife stops in that few minutes was really very difficult. and you found out shortlyiffi thereaftercult out sho he. okay. yes. and so then west palm beach happens and trump international the golf course. so i would i want to be very, very clear. and both and president
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trump have praised the secret service, the guys and butler that drove on him and actually hurt him. >> it's kind of an untold story out of black and blue. pretty beaten up, very bad.. and they were amazing. ing.they were heroic.the bi bible tells us no greater love. how, man, but to lay down their life for another right and they will riskr their lives for your husband in this case. yes. nd in the.and they were amazing. and they were amazing. west palm beach. i had gone to breakfast that morning with the president's golf partners teamhs with. yes. and he told me the whole story. rehere's where i get angry. and i want answers. and i saw your video that you put out. how is it possible that a would in assassin gets 130 yards away on top of a roof? and butler, pennsylvania, with an ar-15 and a rangefinder
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and gets all four shots at your husband and comes within a millimeteryour of assassinatig in west palm beach. >> this is a known area around holes four or five, six, seven where paparazzi would hang out. so it would have been less than 300 yards, probably by the time this would be assassin took a shot at your husband. it is a colossal failure. wer the agents around your husband were heroes. they were they were fantastic. >> but they didn't sweep the area. correct. ith my those men with my husband h and with me. e fant the men with me and my husband, they're fantastic. asbut i feel it's the top leadership that there are. there are some holes and areso o some problems. so it comes from the top leadershipmes in t that that ha. and i know and i have ae knowledge about that. our team askt our te many timesr more more security, more more
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help and they were denied.. >> they were denied. many times weren'tean: the. yes. and that's an untold story. it is. it is. so they get within this range of the president. they didn't sweep the areae arey but bothered me, like when my kids would get in trouble when they're youngget in they wouldn't really get in trouble for what they dithey dd necessarily. but if they didn't tell me the truth, then they get in a loe tht more trouble because i'e always wanted them to be honest with me and they told us and. butler, oh, we didn't have we didn't have an agent on the roof because it was a roofn th bec that was not a . and then the current interimat head of the secret serviceserv said theice worked in west pala beach. ifch somebody gets within 30030a yards with an ak-47 and a scoped
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of your husband, an assassin, the didn't work. what is your response to that? y no, it doesn't work that way. it's it needs to be much more secure. and re, and i that about july 1, everything went quiet. and i had a lot of questions. and that's whylot of q i put ino the social media my video also, it's explained in my boomy book a chapter about it, and also the september 15. in palm beach, it very shocking that that could happen. right. and as i said, it's something it's coming the from the top, from the leadership. and it it's kind of i watched to the hearing. testimonies.nd it's
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and it kind of surprised me that one of the former secret service would say that he suggest that our family gets a private a security plus secret service. and i'm thinking, wow, this is really. but what he has in mind is like, can you start questioning it? because i know that the people who are around us, they are fantastic. fantbut, you know, for the topah leadership, you have a question markips and that's all under this administration that they could give permission. >> what to do. we'll have more "hannity" coming up right afte r this this . >> when your child has moderate to severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off . so off their clearer skin and noticeably less iseir skin
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12:00 am
>> all right. the world is burning. we're on the verge of war in the middle east. let's see the economiee ofs w disaster. we have the worsthena national security threattional r our border and the single worst response to the singa hurricanen the history of this country. and let's see, kamala, katrina has been mia. joe has been mia. f pe >> and we don't know if people are alive and they've run out of money. they outyou make this up and wee only 33 days away from election day. tie areall right. that's all the time weme have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with thank yo us.o yo dvr so you never, ever, ever,eps ever miss an episode of hannity for news anyode. time. every time. all the time. hannity .com. and in the meantime, let not, le your heart be troubled. greg gutfeldt standing by, o putting a necessary smile on your face. thanks ur face. being with nig have a greatht night
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