tv America Reports FOX News October 4, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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>> what a nightmare for so many in north carolina. survivors enter their second week of heartbreak since helene made landfall. >> everything is devastating. it is eye-opening. i haven't been to my house since the storm hit. >> everything was thrown around and broken. for homes washed away down the river. >> we lost everything. it flooded or floated away. we are borrowing a camper and a car. we are borrowing everything. these aren't even my clothes. >> story after story of so many in need of help. >> i am in for john roberts. this is "america reports." survivors are set up and frustrated with the federal response. many relying on themselves to pick up what is left of their
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homes. private organizations are stepping into action. >> they are present, in the way, interrupting our ability to conduct operations. they have a security guard and said we are so hardy, the hotel has been booked. for federal employees and no, i have people just pulled out of a mountain. this is biblical level devastation, apocalyptic. >> let's go to steve bender live in asheville, north carolina. >> apocalyptic, that is what it seems like. i have seen these videos for days. being here, you see how widespread, we are at a spot now when a new hazard has emerged. they are burning propane now. this has been going on for 72 hours because they cannot clean
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up. this debris until it is deemed safe. so much of this spot is flammable. we are going to talk about this. as we keep going, you will see things. you will start noticing items in this that are personal belongings. we have seen clothing, items you would only see at home, bicycles and basketballs. this shows you how widespread this is. there is the tank they are trying to bleed. many ask what could cause this devastation. i am going to show you this. this is the river. this is what it looks like on a typical day now. all of this is what created this widespread destruction. we are in asheville, outside of biltmore village. we are miles removed but it is the same river. we talk about the situation
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being dire. we had a grandfather and a 7-year-old boy or found in this area. they had not been able to locate her yet. we are seven days removed from this. it is dire here. >> of the stories are heartbreaking and the visuals are unbelievable. steve, doing a phenomenal job. thanks. >> washington says the federal government is doing the best i can on the ground. hurricane survivors say neighbors and organizations are delivering the help they need. our next guest is from save our allies. this group land private rescue missions out of afghanistan. joining us now is a team leader. what we are hearing from people,
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story after story, survivor after survivor saying they are not getting the help they need. they are not getting federal assistance, they are not on the ground fast enough. these people are struggling. what are you seeing firsthand right now. so many days after the storm hit? >> it is still devastation. you can't express with words how bad it really is in some areas. the areas that you drive through and it is light, it is not that bad, it looks good here but those of the people who have no water and no power that cannot get out. that have no idea what is going on down the road. it is biblical, almost. >> we hear you and we see the pictures and we see more and more of this devastation. what is in need the most right now in these recovery efforts? >> organization. that is one thing we are
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finding, organization and being able to get the people what they need where they need it. the people of north carolina are amazing. the people of western north carolina are amazing. we have people coming and finding us, what can we do to help and it is getting that organization where it needs to be and being able to get those people the resources that are here. they are here, it is just not getting to the right people. >> as far as the timeline is concerned, we have heard from many who are saying they don't have insurance. so many of their neighbors do not have flood insurance. what does the road ahead looks like? >> i have been asked that question a couple of times. everyone i am speaking to, that is not even on their radar because they are worried about
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how are they getting water, how are they getting food and being able to communicate with family members. a lot of times people are trying to figure out do i have somewhere to sleep tonight? >> that is incredible. why do you fathom there isn't more government assistance getting to these people? >> there is a lot of red tape having to get cut through. there is stuff moving in the right direction. we got word this morning that governor cooper approved the 82nd airborne to come in and those guys are amazing and hopefully they can provide the leadership we need to the organization's here on the ground. i will tell you right now, the most organized people we have found are the local groups. they know where to go.
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>> steve, i am going to take you to the white house, a surprise, president biden stepped up to the podium of the briefing. >> after some discussion, came to an agreement to keep the ports of the east coast and gulf ports open. we averted what could have become a major crisis for the country and a tentative agreement includes record wage increases for dockworkers shows the importance of collective bargaining and shows progress towards a strong contract. i want to thank the carriers, the port operators and the longshoreman for reaching this agreement at a time when the nation is experiencing terrible devastation from hurricane helene. i was determined to avert the crisis because it is a critical
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moment. if we did not do this now, we would have a real problem. i want to thank my white house team for the work. they worked around-the-clock to bring to bring the parties together. today, more incredible news. although the strength of the american economy is -- it is about the strength of the american economy. we created 250,000 jobs in september. the expectation was for 150,000 jobs in september. that far exceeds that number. not only the previous two months, it was revised up 175,000 jobs and from the very beginning, we were told time and again that the policies we were pursuing, we put forward were not going to work and make things worse, including some still saying they are going to make things worse, but we have proven them wrong. we have -- we told our american
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rescue plan was too big and one crowd out private investment. we prove them wrong. we vaccinated a nation and got economic relief to people in need. i came into office to grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up. that was a policy. we continue to do that and everybody does well. with the middle class grows, the nation is stronger. we were told it wouldn't work. i was determined to do what was ignored for too long. presidents have been authorized since the 1930s to be able to spend the money given by congress on hiring american workers and using american products when they are available. that is what we did. we were told that was going to be a problem. all the money i was authorized to spend by congress has gone to
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building -- hiring american workers and using american products. we were told that was going to be a problem, but it is working. we were also told that investing in america and all americans would crowd out private sector investment. that was proven wrong too. not shipping jobs overseas for cheaper labor and bringing back a product. we are building a here and sending it overseas. look at the results. unemployment is down and every month, the vice president and i have been in office, we have created jobs every month. the nation has created 16 million jobs since i came to
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office. more created in a single presidential term then any time in history. the economy grew 10% under my administration. unemployment reached the lowest level in 50 years. inflation could not come down without massive job losses or sending the economy into recession. once again, outside experts were wrong. inflation has gone down. wages have gone up. interest rates are down. 19 million new business applications have been filed for. the stock market continues to reach new heights. we have more work to do. keep getting prices down, more affordable housing, extending what i have done for seniors, lowering prescription drug co costs.
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it saves the taxpayers billions of dollars. that is important to note. they don't have to pay the irrational prices these companies charge. we have gone from an economy in crisis to having the strongest economy in the world. we've got more work to do. we've got more work to do to deal with the things i have mentioned and we are going to have to deal with unforeseen cost of what this hurricane is going to cost. it is going to cost a lot of money and i am going to have to ask congress before we leave for more money to deal with some of those problems. that remains to be seen. i will take a few questions before i turn it over. >> thanks for doing this. two questions. the first, marco rubio described
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the jobs report as having fake numbers. what do you make of that and how worried are you that many americans are hearing jobs numbers aren't real? >> look. i am going to be very careful here. if you notice, anything republicans don't like, they call fake. anything. the job numbers are what the job numbers are. they are real. they are sincere. by the way, just look at how the e.u. talks about us, how they would like to have an economy like ours. i don't want to -- >> could you clarify some of your comments yesterday with regard to strikes on iranian oil facilities.
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>> the israelis have not concluded what they are going to do in the strike. that is under discussion. if i were in their shoes, i would be thinking about other alternatives. >> thank you so much for being here. senator chris murphy said it is a possibility the israeli government is not going to sign any diplomatic agreement prior to the election, which is what you have been calling for for so long. potentially to influence the result. do you agree? do you have worries netanyahu may be trying to influence the election and that is why he hasn't agreed to a diplomatic solution? >> no administration has helped israel more than i have and
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maybe he should remember that. i am not counting on that. >> you said recently you want to speak to him but you plan >> i said plan to, not want to. you make it seem like i am seeking. i assume we will have a discussion. >> thank you for being here. what are you advising them to do in terms of the retaliation to iran. is it fair to say you have little personal influence over what netanyahu decides to do? >> our teams are in contact 12 hours a day. they are constantly in contact. i have had my presidential daily brief. we have had interface between our military, the diplomats. it is constant contact.
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they are trying to figure out. there are some holidays as well. we are not going to make a decision immediately. we are going to wait and see when they want to talk. >> they consistently define your administration advice. do you believe they are going to listen to the advice you are giving them? >> what i know is the plan that i put together receives the support of the u.n. security council, the vast majority of our allies around the world to bring this to an end. they have every right to respond to the vicious attacks, not just from the iranians, but from everyone from hezbollah to the houthi. they have to be careful about dealing with civilian casualties. >> how should they respond.
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>> that is between me and them. >> the election is a month away. how are you feeling about how this election is going and do you have confidence it will be a free and fair election and it will be peaceful? >> two separate questions. i am confident it will be free and fair. i don't know whether it will be peaceful. this things that trump has said and the things he said last time out when he did not like the outcome of the election were very dangerous. i noticed the vice president candidate did not say he would accept the outcome of the election. he hasn't excepted the outcome from the last election. i am concerned about what they are going to do. >> are you making preparations? >> i always get those briefings.
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>> what are you considering including sanctions on iran and would you include oil? >> that is under consideration right now, the whole thing. i am not going to discuss that. >> use said by the grace of god it is going to hold. >> a month from now, there is more to do. the whole notion of mechanization of the ports and the likes. there is more to resolve. >> last night you said there is a lot to do to avoid an all-out war in the middle east. aren't we close to that definition already and what can you do to stop that happening? >> there is a lot we are doing. the main thing we can do is try to rally the rest of the world, our allies, into participating,
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like the french are in lebanon and other places, to tamp this down. when you have proxies as irrational as hezbollah houthis, it is a hard thing to do. >> got to go. i said i would take a couple of questions. i -- [laughter] >> you will be the last one. >> thank you for spending time with us. there have been crises the country has been facing with the hurricane, the port strike in the situation in the middle east. can you talk about how your vice president has worked on these crises and what role she has played? >> i am in constant contact with her. we are singing from the same
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song sheet. she was a major player in everything we have done, including legislation we were told we could never pass. her staff is interlocked. [indiscernible] >> go ahead. sir, no. i did not call on you. >> a day of prayer and fasting monday, october 7. your reaction? >> i will pray and fast. >> how long are you okay with israel bombing lebanon? what is acceptable to you? >> that is it.
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thank you, mr. president. [indiscernible] >> thank you, mr. president. >> do you want to reconsider dropping out of the race? >> i am back in. [laughter] >> what made you want to come here. >> thank you, mr. president. >> what was a remarkable moment they are at the white house, it was not planned, not that we knew of, the press did not know he was going to maybe my, some have said there was another time. took a lot of questions. the ongoing conflict in the middle east.
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i will remind everybody of the absolute destruction from the hurricane and the devastation for so many was still no power or electricity, no way to reach out for help. so many of those people are across the airwaves saying they are not getting the help or the assistance. what we heard is we are going to have to deal with you will probably have to ask congress for more money to deal with the problems before we leave. there may be some who watch that in shock knowing the emergency from these hard-hit states and that was the response from the
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white house. they took a lot of opportunity to tell the jobs report. >> he wanted to take a victory lap seeing the jobs report is good news and wanted to celebrate dockworkers going back to work. there are concerns about automation so the strike could be back in time for a new president to take office but for now, it has been resolved and is helping our economy. the response of the hurricane damage, congress could be called back to past authorization for more funding. they did that after hurricane katrina in 2005, but that is just scratching the surface. this is utter devastation and so, you thought we would have gotten more from him about the human suffering we are seeing in front of our eyes. >> it was an opportunity to answer the calls for help and relief of concerns that the federal government is not meeting the needs of citizens
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who are desperately calling out for help at this hour. donald trump just landed in georgia. he is set to tour some of the hardest-hit areas. a little shaky cam at this moment, but he is going to show up and you have to wonder if the president stepped off of the microphone because of the problems that kamala harris is facing now because of the lack of response from his administration. >> no doubt about it. the 82nd airborne is being brought in. they are awesome in terms of their strength and skills. a lot of folks were asking why they take this long so we are seeing the federal bureaucracy just very slow in terms of getting new assets to the region as we get a better grasp of the devastation in the southeast. great news the 82nd airborne is going to do their thing. they are among the best we have.
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a lot of folks are asking what more can be done because people are suffering without power, water, food, cut off from the rest of the world. a devastating time for places like georgia, where trump just landed and throughout north carolina and the region. >> thank god for these private groups who are going at it on their own, showing up, getting on the ground. getting supplies in their hands. one of the problems, for the federal government to say we are going to get money improved for this crisis, get money to people, in some cases they will not get that right away. it will take time and you have to apply for that and wait for that and these people need things now. you saw the top of the hour, that young mother and her baby in her arms spoke to us during this program yesterday alongside a gentleman whose group is trying to help out with
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immediate needs like diapers, water, baby formula. she said she hasn't been back to her home yet, couldn't even get to it. she has to put a 4-month-old and 4-year-old to bed every night and people don't have a place to lay their head and get rest. we will see what happens. it appears that is the goal to secure more money to deal with this hurricane and ask congress for more money. we know supplies help is needed badly on the ground for these people. >> that tells a story. you see after the storm hit, showing the impact it has had there in the great state of georgia.
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they have been chased from their homes. they are struggling through no fault of their own. delivering them to rebuild is to last an extended period of time. they are exhausted, thirsty, hungry, and wanting to be back in their homes, want answers about how long it is going to be and whether people are understanding the suffering they are going through. the images in valdosta, georgia, a place we have seen the candidates hit the past few days, the devastation is hard to grasp. >> in is unprecedented to see him in the briefing room. we have seen a lot of presidential press briefings from the white house. we carry a lot of them live and
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to my knowledge, i have never seen him step into t briefing room. an unprecedented moment to have the president step in there. most of the questions were on the ongoing middle east con conflict. the role of the united states in this, right now, the reporting and matching what we are hearing, this was the first time we have seen president biden step into the briefing. pressure is building. this is the answer to the lacking response to the devastation we have had. it is there is barely anything
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left. you talked about valdosta. he is going to be on the ground in a gusto. there is huge devastation and he is there to see that firsthand. >> it can be an advantage in elections. when things are going great. they want to know what they are doing to get the contrary or that region of the country on their feet. to get their lives back to normal and they want answers faster than they are giving to.
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they have no idea how long it was going to name them. absolute devastation there. it is still dire circumstances. when the white house press briefing, they had to ask questions of the president, i didn't hear questions about the storm damage or the relief efforts. people are still stranded in their home right now. >> we are seeing the devastation on our screens. we are right there with the people. >> a room filled with reporters.
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multiple states seeing apocalyptic damage. people who cannot return to their homes. they have no money or resources to go out and get help from themselves and their family. they are asking where is their government. this is an opportunity for the president to say what we are doing about this to help their people. this is an opportunity for the press to ask and he did not get a single question in that room about american suffering. >> he didn't call on our colleague, got no questions about it and talked about it from the fiscal perspective in terms of getting more money from congress at some point. >> you are about to hear the
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fema has not done its job. cam a girl and joe have not done their job. money is missing. supposed to be used in the hurricane. they don't have any money. this is the worst administration in the history of our country. >> the former president making the case there is money to be used for these efforts. he is being critical of it as he is going to tour some of the harder hit areas. >> lucas. >> it has been about four years
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since br brian kemp and the governor met together. he arrived here to tour the devastation. that is what is bringing them together. the deadliest storm since katrina. like the officials you spoke to earlier, they are calling it apocalyptic. more than 40 have been killed in the state of georgia. talked about the challenges to collect the ballots in november. >> gotten a not satisfactory answer. we are going to figure out how we got the hose to folks. whatever it takes, we are going to have solutions. >> the secretary says he is working to ensure every vote is counted, even in the hardest-hit areas.
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some g.o.p. is worried about the impact of the storm. three quarters of a million people we spoke to an election official who said she will make sure the hardest hit area will be collected. >> we want to make sure we have mobile units put into place. that we have opportunities for the postal service to reengage their delivery and leverage drop boxes and other places to return their ballot effectively. >> fred ridley has announced a $5 million donation to help this community heal.
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we see trump and brian kemp on this stage in about an hour. >> lucas, many thanks. >> let's bring in a pastor from bowie, north carolina. thank you for joining us. tell us how folks are doing there. >> it is diverse. we are working three counties in this pocket and the damage is checkerboard in many ways. in my house for example it is fine. down the street from us, the houses in the middle-o middle-of-the-road. you can't make an assessment of a neighborhood until you look at every home in our area. >> what does the future look like for these folks. you see the level of they are able to get right now.
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what does the road look like ahead? >> there is a lot of immediacy on the front end. controlled chaos at best. folks are gearing up for a long road. what we see in north carolina are neighbors helping neighbors and communities coming together. the church will do what it is been doing for 2,000 years. we bring hope and we mobilize and serve people well. regardless of what resources we do or do not get along the way. we are going to take the gospel they are and be the hands and feet of. >> so many need hope and faith to pull them through this. give us an example of the stories you are hearing and the folks you are talking to, what you are hearing. >> we have been sending teams out into what is a four county region.
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one of our teams making it into a neighborhood that hasn't been reached yet. some older ladies who have not eaten since this hit. this is a storm like no other many partners have done an excellent job of getting them places. when you don't have a road to get there, it makes it a storm like none we have ever seen. >> as far as the physical items people need the most, what are you seeing and hearing? >> here is how we are delivering faith, hope and prayer. we are delivering generators to folks without power. we are repairing driveways. churches are partnering across the state to bring donations and
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manage those donations and bring food. practical ways a lot of folks don't associate the church was sometimes, backpacking into unreached areas to get supplies to them. that is alongside faith, hope and prayer, practical needs, meeting people where they are. that is how started the conversation. >> you are amazing doing great things and so many need so much. thank you for what you are doing and for the update. >> you can help, scan the code on your screen, donate to the red cross so people can get the help they need. donald trump is touring some ofn the hardest-hit area ms in georgia. we will have that for you next. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief
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>> we have seen a contrast of "america reports." former president trump is in augusta, georgia, hurricane damage surveying. his latest visit following hurricane helene. you look at our screen, the devastation is stunning, playing out before our very eyes. hurricane survivors slamming the lack of a response from fema. great concern about when proper food, water, and shelter will be available to these folks who are suffering so mightily, a devastating situation in asheville, north carolina, all th the country. joining us now is a fox news
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contributor. what about the contrast we saw in our screens. biden talking about the economy, trump is surveying hurricane damage and i believe we lost a shot. we apologize for the technical difficulties. more of the visuals they are in north carolina, the devastation is stunning. the death toll is rising rapidly and a lot of families are wondering when they are going to be able to go back to something they can call home, when their lives will get back to some sort of normal. the images are shocking. it is sometimes hard to capture what is playing out on our screens because it is so much across a wide area. >> they are relying on so many of these homegrown efforts to get help. to get some of the resources
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they need and some incredible heroes emerge in times of crisis like this and those on the ground and we pray for these communities and we try to help. fox corporation has made a donation and continues to be an annual disaster giving partner by providing safe shelter, emotional support and resources to aid and recover. visit were scan the qr code on the screen. we are going to take a quick break. we will have more for you on the we will have more for you on the other side ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart ♪ ♪ as time went on, it was easy to seeee ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type two diabetes and known heart disease,
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>> not even hurricane helene would stop her father from walking his daughter down the aisle. meet david jones of south carolina. he was expecting to make a 2 hour drive to johnson city, tennessee, over the weekend for his daughter's wedding. but when he finally made it across state lines he was told by state troopers he couldn't go any further due to damage. at that moment dad says he knew it he had to do's. state troopers were saying look like you can't go any further. the bridges are washed out. asked about the back roads and set no. same thing there. so what about on foot and they said no we are not letting
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anybody out. got in their cars and went off. i decided i'm going to do it any other dad would do in a situation and grabbed my backpack and couple days of underwear and socks and a windbreaker and myself on light, and off i went. 's. god bless and 5 and a half hours later david made it for his daughter's wedding. he estimates he walked about 27 miles but says he did have some help along the way. some desperately needed good news these days. >> i started. thank goodness he made it. dad will do anything for the babies. thanks for jumping in with us today. praying for all those people. set your dvr. never misses. thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith sandra smith. >> i am mike emanuel. the story with martha is next. our best to the people suffering
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11:58 am
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