tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News October 4, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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best corned beef, pastrami and cheesecake. om mbut most important, harold,v unlike you, they haved' the world's largest pickle barpe in your face. >> harold, where's your triple arrow? >> jesse: wi. colla yeah. judge all right, my collar up. i mean, it's good. >> check out this bed, man.chign so she was on the lam foras a short time in michigan, rammin and it was wrangled by authorities, but not before rammina stg a state trooper in n attempt to extend its long lived independence.eani did they show it yet?ne: it's up. it's up. but where' y -- thes the guy ramming the sheep? >> ramming the guy? what up? there itwhatev>> harhere i is r. there it is. och. anyway, it's over. the troop went hom home.e on and had a knee tonight. >> okay, we'll be watching. sorry kelly. ohand foresse watt good. >> all right, we got to run. not everybody i see on monday. >> welcome to jesse waters. >> metime tonigh i'm in constant contact
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with her staffers in her locked room with mine. she helped pass through all the la and being employed now. >> biden bigfoots. kamala harris. >> now barack has to get involved. my name is joe biden. welcome to the swimming pool. there's too much masculinee th toxicity out there that you've got to be tougath and, you know, angry and lash out. >> doug emhoff off, accused of physical abuse. we have a full report from our team. >> ask many times for more security, more help. >> and they were denied. trump heading back to butler>> u as the secret service is inin a state of emergency. >> plus, today, washington saw
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a ghost. >> hey, folks. right. my name's joe biden. so welcome. >> welcome, mr. president. waiting for you. welcome to the swimming pool. >> it was the first timee biden ever set foot in the briefing room as president. the press was stunned. peter duce, his wig fell off. and every channel in america to cut straight to it. >> we were actually about to go. live to vice president kamala harris, who's speaking right now in detroit, michiganse . and apparently she's talking about this port strike ending. alkingabousporshe's trying to an workers. and yet you have the president of the united states come out a clearly overshadowing her, answering significant questions. is that a communications mistake? is the that a left hand not tae to the right hand? >> and kamala harris was kaout to go on tv and take right credit for ending the port strike. and biden looked and said, oh, no, you don't. >> and big footed her. anden wanted ful l credit. he's a lame duck. but even lame ducks care
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about their legacy. if you're the harris campaign, ifhe like biden's haunting you from the grave. >> since the coup, biden hasn' t left this room for 43 days. he's gone 43 days without anybody laying eyes on him. there's a ghost in the white 15i house. s thatand in 15 minutes, that gt spooked the harris campaign. coc >> i'm in constant contact with her. she's aware where wet s awar ale singing from. the same song sheet. we she helped pass all the laws and being employed now. she was a major player in everything we've done, includinve done.g passage of legislation which we were told we could never pass. and so she's been and her her staff is interlocked with mine in terms of ald wil j the things we're doing. >> biden just said kamala is responsible for the lassat four years. that is going to hurt. seeing biden again brought back memories. biden in the press, we're
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catching up on all of their favorite topicourites. >> the election is a month away. one, i'd like to know how you're abo feeling about how this election is going. and thenand th also, do you have confidence that it will be a free it wi and fair election e and that it will be peaceful? >> two separate questions. i'm confident it'll be free and fair>> 2 snfident . >> i don't know whether it'll be peaceful. the president of the say united states should say this is going to be a free and fairis i b election and we have everything under control. >> he shouldn't say, i don'ta lt know, could get a little violence. we'll see what happens. but it was time for biden to leave. the reporters asked him to get back in the racethe re >> d >> he will reconsider dropping out of the racout ofe. >> i'm back in. >> it's actually funny, but the reporters see the reporte same l numbers we do. biden might have a better shot and he still thinks he can win.
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biden deep down, wants kamala to lose. first lady jill biden isn't on the campaign trail with kamall.a. biden's not on the campaign trail with kamala. he's actuall y hurting her her campaign, saying she cosigned all of his economicn policies and then kicking her off tv so she couldn't get credit forr of the port dea. if kamala harris loses biden will blame one guy, barack obamaarack ob. this would be the second time barack forceoud joe out. and 2016 for hillary in 2024m for harris, with trump beating them both times. if biden sees kamala go down, he'll look at barry and say, i told you so. that's i f they're even talking, because they're not talking right now, but someone'sbut so going to be doing a lot of talking. that's barack. kamala harris' internal poll numbers must be so bad. the messiahng leave hawaii to hit the trail for the home stretch.
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>> president obama. they are calling on him to go>>e to pittsburgsih next week as th lean on his star power to turns oustt the vote, his star power among democrats, at least. and we have seen this to great effect in several last lasttions cycles where obama is sort of called in in l hour in order to thwart democratic complacency. >> barack obama is having second thoughts about the second second coming. havinkamala harris. taylor swift didn't do it wasri. blew it. now obam a has to come in and stop the bleeding. have to ask you abou comt your d boss on the campaign trail. i know you sayaign tra your dubs of celebrity endorsements. >> he's also a perhaps the best liked politician or former politician out there. and he has constituencies and one of those constituencieds is younger black man who has been still because of his work. and that's also a big weak spotg
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for kamala harris. if there'sea one place among african american voters where she needs help , it's there.weak >> blacks are a big weak spot, not to mention white dudes, unions, hispanics, millennials . harris is underperforming with every demographic compareds to joe. this is all hands on deck. obama is even cutting ads for senate candidates now. >> michigan. this barack obama. i want to talk with you about the elissa slotkin. i know she'll get the job done u and she will make you proud. >> what elissa slotkin how embarrassing to be usedpresd like this. >> you're the former president of the united states. ohited sta, here's a woman you'. heard of. vote forte for h her. does obama have anything else to do? go live your life. politics is an everything man. obama had to take over this campaign because there's no sugar left in the sugar i
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high. she peaked and democrats, includin g barack, are, quote, concerned that she's acting like she's sitting l on a lead a in a tight race. that's according to nbeac. tryig democrats say they're trying to keep her away. it's like seeing t your favoritn hollywood actor and then they're on a talk show and they can't even speak. look what just happened in michigalook whan. ompter >> i wt looks like her teleprompter went down. did you all see magic johnson? remember his number? g and ap32? today we got 32 days until the election. so 32 days, 32 days. okay. we got some business to do. we got some business to do. all right. l right.32 day32 days, and we ko
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it. >> 32 days. kamala went on a podcast with a two nba players and they had to run every single topic by the campaign. >> we gave her a skeleton, an outline of thecampai directiongo the conversation wanted to go. and then literally were making up questions right up until we left in the car to go see her. c >> democrats are trying to script the harris campaign like a moviera . obama's the director, and when the lights are od whenn and the cameras are rolling, biden just storms the stage like he's wilnl smith. barack thought he had the last laugh with the coo , not everyone knows nobody fs with a >> former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy joins me now.t a all right. so we got kamala trying to take credit for the ports. t tjoe biden just cuts her offd storms the briefing room. barack is now coming in like like a pitcher with likeg on three men on base. what is going on, vivek?
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>> yes. look, i've always said we're not running against an individual d wh candidate, jesse.t the >> we're up against a machine. but this machinemachin, the whes are starting to come off a little bit. and so i think that we're in the processar of defeatingoig a machine. but that's what it's going to take. and the way i look at thiso tak, jesse, is that doesn't endtion d on election day for all intents and purposes. that startayall intents ans on . that's not the finish line. that is the start line as faat d as i'm concerned. >> and so we need to get in and dismantle that machine. but these are the earliest signs that that machine is just starting to actually combuststao in front of us. >> what other signs are you picking up because we're seeing these unions snu wb? harris snub like we've never seen before and we've seen justl bad reviews of walls. and now barack is now being called in. i mean, he's doing ads for and senate candidates in michigan. come on. he's the former president. this guy's got a lot more to do than g that. well, i did take that as a better sign for democrats,wa because the one area that was the shining spot for them before wasa shinor that trump wa
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overperforming a lot of these republican senate candidates that were behind t republi in te states, from michigan to nevada to wisconsin to others. but that being said, if barack obama's coming out for some of those senate candidates right no ng for senw, it's just to mey they're not nearly as confident as their previous puffer y would suggest. now, for us, i don't want us to be complacent, jesse. it's easy to fall intoe lacent. that trap as well. we've seen several times overwe what happens on the ev've e of these elections. this is around the time last time around that the hunter biden laptop story wasnk suppressed. so i think we've got to stay vigilant. we understand it's not a we've stn evene not playing field. we're not here to complain about it or to be complacent, hr . but i do think that the signsc can be optimistic that if we keep our footh t on the gas, focus on our own vision, rather than even worryinrg about the shenanigans of the other side, that's how we're going to win this, not just in november ot, but to win and rebuild our country. >> it does appear that trump is more disciplineuntry.d in thr couple of weeks. he's very on message. he's been fantastic with they nm hurricane aftermath. i've never seen him perform like that. when when joes on biden gets on the m wad he says, kamala cosigned
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everything, she was responsible for everything in the last four years e last. mpaign m >> i mean, the kamala harris campaign must be like, oh, my god. t that's like the one thing we're trying to get a little distance from from.. how is this going to play? so i do think there'sthat a little bit of spike in there. i don't think that everybody's playing for the same teampecial in american politics and especially we're now seeing it now on the democraticlyar sis people are also in it for themselves. and so i do think biden has. a little bit of a sore spot here. >> they're throwing salt on that wound and he's eagerond. to say that, you know what, you guys have screwed me over before. well, when this goes south,le then i'm at least going to be able to say that i could have won this electiono sa instd of kamala's. i think there's an element of that in joe and certainly ele re almost certainly in jill biden. and if you were in their shoes, reace you'd feel the same wade y right? it's a reasonable reaction to have. but i think we're seeing a little bit of that boil over t when the kamala harris campaign is trying to run away from the kamala harris jorun awmmoneo biden record, while joe biden saying, not so fast. you were with me at the fiart and i'lld i'm going to kep
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you with me to the finish. >> are you worried about voting in georgia are youvoting, in noh i mean, these people'ses lives have been turned upside down. that's the most important thing. bu'sbut, you know, it's like ant of god. anything could happen. >> this race is just going to be really close. yeah, i do have concerns about that. and most importantly, i have concerns about people not to get the aidhe that they need in their hour of need. but i will say that the nation has a leader, whether you call it the president of the united states or not. the person who's filling it th that role, the person who stepped up to fill that vacuum right now. and you saw througon stepped h his trip, is donald trump leading the nation, if not yet frohis tm the white house, at least in the character of telling the people who are left behindsk in places like north carolina and tennessee that we've got your bacrolina ak. and i think it's moments like these that we ought to remember. i don't care if those are democrats or republicans in need of aid from the government that's falling short right noare demow. d we're fellow americans and we need leaders who are going to step up in ourwe arew am time o. we're not seeing it fromg it the biden-harris administration. and that's why i think there's h
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a very good chance they're going to be moved out of that white house come just a fe outew months.>> jes >> all right. and if you're interested in seeing the fake debate, sohn bolto yousted in n, go chet his social media right now. owit's entertaining to say the least. there's a lot of fun. that was a lot of fun. and we are going to have debateo on the right and with the left. and i think the more debatrighee have, the better off we are. >> that was fun at the vmas last night. absolutely. thanks for. >> have a niceasun weekendthth.t >> fox news alert. at least two hundred and 30 americans are now dead fromare o hurricane helene and hundreds still missing, while thousands have had their lives obliterated. president trump with the people today ag here he is just moments ago in north carolina at a town hall. >> my name is ali and i'm from the foothills of north carolina . our entire community has been decimated. >> thank you, president trump, thsating ing the disaster site to bring attention and donating millions in reliefrelief. >> this week, we have learned that not only did 13,000 13,000
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murderer illegally cross our border, but fema is out of money because they have been providing $9,000 to everyough i illegal. >> enough, enougs enoughh is en. we must put americans first. how soon will you start deporting the murderers? >> so let me just tell you that you're right about that. it's 13,099, to be exact. we're going to get them. we're going to have the largest deportation in history. i'm thinproud to sayory. that either. >> but it's it's a tough thing d to do. and we're going to get on it.he we're going to get the criminals out. we're going toiminals start with the worst of them. we're going to get them out. you know, kamala should be hert. e . >> she shouldn't be anywhere else. earlier,e. he was in georgiaatii with governor kemp. >> that relationship lookss like it's patched up. donald trump taking questions from reporters. >> listen. it's been a terrible response from the white house. they're missing $1,000,000,000 and was used for anothengr
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purpose. and nobody's seen anything like that. now, frody anm that standpoint, it's been terrible. >> concern that disenfranchizing voters. . >> i'm not thinking about voters right now. i'm thinking about livest think and to be honest, it's much bigger than anything else. aboul but we're thinking about lives. a lot of lives lost, a lot of people missinof livt g. d >> and that's what i'd be focused on right now. kamala harris under fire for showing up late to the hurricane scene and for blowing off hurricane briefings before it made landfall. toda y, she's 700 miles away in michigan, wincing after the firefight, writers unionors. refused to endorse her case for keeping track at home that two major unions have snubbed harris. so while shee scrambles for voters in michigan, where she's been tied with trump forle a while. search and rescue crews are working around the clock to look for anybody in the southeast. police say that because of the mudslides, they're going to be goinr months.dies fo families tonight don't know whether their loved ones
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are deadonight dow wheth or alit some don't know. well, they'll even be sleeping tonight. s no >> your home is not salvageablen at this point. i know. and, danny, you've been sleeping ng in in your car. >> yes, sir. for four or five nights. yeah. yeah. >> what are you going to doa. right now? i have no idea. hohonestly? >> truly, i have no idea. thousands are wondering the same thing. but biden says everything is going great. >> what is the state of the storm? so need, mr. president. okay. what is the status of the ? orm zone what do they need after what you saw today? oh, in the storm zone? yes, sir. we were stronger talkingy are ge about the, uh.anythi they're getting everything they need. >> uh, we're very happy across the board. not everybody's very happy. last night. we spoke to a survivor whose w hopes are crushe ad. it's too late. i mean, they took too long.
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they.days they had took five days to get here. and, i mean, it took five days for biden to come here, and he didn't think we were worth coming dowtwortn to see him. us us himself. he had a fly over on his wayhimr to raleigh. . it's -- it's disgraceful. i mean, they keep saying wthey e the people know there is no we the people. it's them versus all. >> they're not for us. it's all about them. these forgotteit's an men and wa have been left without a house, food, wate r, money, electricity. >> initially, the biden-harris administration only mobilizedlde a thousand soldiers to helrs tp and they did it. days later, during katrina, many more soldiers were mobilized within hours. tens of thousands of service a members are just sitting by at fort liberty, a massivliberte military base just outside of fayetteville, north carolina. whille,y are they being deployed to make matters worse? whistle blowers now tell in th
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congressman matt kates that the federal response on the groundse a disaster claiming hundreds, if not thousands of respondersti who have been left twiddling their thumbs in hotel rooms waitin hotelg for deployment orders. the whistleblowers also say fema's misappropriated and wasted taxpayer money. d anwe asked fema about those allegations. they didn't give us a real direct thidn't gi response to the gatee memo, but they did say they've put up over 300 residents0 in hotels. that's not nearly enough. after blowing $1,000,000,000 on migrants. and with mayorkas on migrants s, ran out of money. fema clearly has been incoanagedarly, either through corruption or incompetence. fema administrator deanne criswell, who botched the maui response and now this needsimmei to be fired immediatelaty. >> sarah virata is the co-founder of save our allies. all right, sarah, aren't there military assets all over the the place that can be deployed
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right notw? the military is waiting k and standing by. >> jesse, we know the 82nd airborne is the best of the best. and western north carolinabest o is war zone. they need our nation's paratroopers to get in there. paratroohave command and controd and governor cooper needs to ask the white house to send the 18th airborne corps in now. it is becoming tooh ai late. otr >> are there reports of looting? we're hearinlooting weg some trg instances of looting. >> there's a lack of lawhere's a and order because there's noande command and control. so, governor cooper, north carolina'sr becausere's no govee to ask the white house to send in our best. we need a militaryend in in chae there. not that 10% of the national guard that is currentl, no10% ofy activated br governor. but we need the full forcee of the 82nd and the 18th airborne out of fort bragg. >> we're82nd andairborne also he about people needing body bags . is that true, jesse? yes.
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i got a call just yesterday from one county that requested another 200 body bags that they've not been able to secur bage. we're working with partners there, emergency management and amazon to privat ncye sourcele these bags. while we desperately wait for command and control in the arew. . >> all right. save our allies. great organization. grea been personally involvedvov with at silverado. thank you so muced wat.h. can keep up the great work. hopefully we can get this together . d >> well, doug emhoffysical i'll a special report nex bt. >> i'll be honest, by the endy y of the day, my flaws. >> yes. oors clebut who has the tim? >> that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks, grime deep inside. >> look at that. swiffer. wetjet. i know a few things about a rival, but this one is different. cowboys offense. very exciting. i'll give them that.
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of perceived gender roles and what it means to b meanse at there's too much of toxicity. and masculine toxicity out there, and we've kind of confusekind od what it meanse a man. >> an interesting part of how about your talked role here is how your role has reshaped the perception of masculine entity. do you think that's part of the role you might pla y as first gentleman? >> to me, it's the right thing >> tt thino. you know, support women. women should not have less rights and be treaten should hat differently. >> and if you become first gentleman, what would that say gentu know, defining role the gender roles and about masculinity? >> a man about liupporting a woman and lifting up a woman. ftit's the right thing to do. we lift up women, we lift up all of society. >> newly published allegations about doug's past now threaten m to tarnish his feminist brand. around a month ago, the dailymar mail revealed that emhoff got the nanny pregnant when he wasou married to his first wife. payi nanny $80,000
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and having her sign an nda. now the same reporter who broke the nanny story is out with it evennanny is more explosive pie. in 2012, doug allegedly slapped his girlfriend in the face. this is according to three anonymous sources. the sources who claim to be friendais of the victim saygolf doug smacked his girlfriend in the face at the conace ethi n festival in france while waiting in line for the valencta the daily mail has identified the woman but isn't usinge call her name, and she'll be called jane for the purpose of this report. jane'sed e purpos friends claim doug thought jane was flirting with the valet. quote, she put her hande on the valet shoulder, and as she was talking to him, doug comes ande up. >> she said he turned h cor around by her right shoulder and she was completely caught off guard. he haulemp guardd up and slappeo hard she spun around. shhee said she was in utterurce
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shock. >> these sources provided the daily mailprovided with evie that the trip to the south of france did happen, including an itinerary d and "jesse watters primetime" discovered red carpetters prt fe that shows doug at the 2012 film festival. festivyou can see him right thee in the background. jane is a corporate attorney on the east coast, and the sources who spoke to the daily mail demanded to remain anonymous because they feared retaliation. e one of the sources, according to the daily mail, is a top businessman. the other a new york and the third, a top company executive. en rea >> fox has been reaching outr for comment from doug's teams te multipleam times a day over bac several days and haven't coceived a statement back. many outlets are requesting comment from the second gentleman. gemathe only publication doug'sw team responded to was just a small outletasa , and it came from an unnamed spokesperson. quote the report is untrue. >> any suggestion he would or ia has ever hit a womanls is false
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"jesse watters primetime" isn't convicting doug emhoff. he's innocent, proven guilty, and deserves due process. but this is a seriou se allegation and we certainly . or it's not trueit >> daily mail senior reporte rr josh boswell joins us now.blishi did you have anyng hesitation about publishing this story because it's on the eve of an election. anonymous sources.s? so the process that i went through was extremely thorough and careful about this becauseat . you're right, we're on the eve of an election. but the thing that made these sources come forward is, is not because there's an election,arri but because the kamala harris campaign was usinsgemhoff doug emhoff, showing him as this feminist ally, backing upshown his as an ally to wome. and that just enraged them. and i quoted one of them in the piece saying this, that she thought that it was disgusting that they were portraying him this way, when, in fact, these friends knew whauotet had really happened.
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>> these sources making this allegatioing n came to you how did you find them? so i'v e investigating doug forbeen i quite a while. you mentioned that storynvgatind about him having the affair with the nanny that we broke nat. gusr wi and this has really been just a a process of investigationt . and then, you know, talking p to these people and making sure that they werethey wer comfortae because they are very worried becan. etaliatio that's why they've not been named here. and that's why jane hasn't been named either why jan . e >> so the only comment on the record is this unnamed spokespersonisspokes to this sml outlet from doug's team. have you heards team. anything m doug's people? absolutely nothing. and we went to them early on monday morning, two daysd to before we published. we wanted to give them ample time. and that's the white ample housa that's doug spokespeople, and that's the harris campaign that we went w to. and none of them have said anything to us. i find it curiou have s that fo days after that, they issuedis this very short denial in,e
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this small online publication. >> so these emails, y how does exactlyline that corroborate this allegation? are so these documents were veryimpo important. they helpertant they hd prove t, firstly, the relationship, you know, we've gotgether this photograph of them together. you know, we had other material like.we had other that and theny actually references the fact that doug had to leave early because he had to get back to l.a. in time for his daughter's birthday. her birthday is may 29th. her their flight was scheduledoy to leave on may 29th. so you can see that matche 2d up . we got the flight details and you can see they took a layover flight to take yoe theyk them to meese. and it all added up with what sach of the sources were saying. those sources were each cldependently talking to uying.s and their accounts closely corroborated each other. so that's part of what gave me the confidence in this story, these sources, what they teller you, happened after this alleged slad p. >> so
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so she, jane, got into a cab, the valet either, you know, with ,100 that she slept in or the fact that there was this domestifactc dispute going, apparently, you know, ushered her into a car. but then doug forced his way in to that's what the friends told that's when she got really scared. jane called her male frien scared.d who was in new york at the time. so it was kind of bedtime for him, but he tookit was this cal and she told him what had happened. and the next wha day she questid doug about it, and he seemed to be completely nonchalant about it. he he used some tennis metaphor because he's into that. so jane slapped him back whensle he slapped her. right. and she slapped him back twice, likemck twice this one with eac. and doug said, oh, you got one down the line in across the court. so it's no big deal. that's all he had to say about it. and so jane, of course,oke up immediately broke up with him and never saw him again. r sathey they left. they left. they went home separately. all right. josh boswell
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, thank you soail. much. the daily mail, we appreciate e yoyou coming on and joining u. and again, we've reached outoug' to doug's teams te on numerous b occasions. still have not heard back fromac just that one denial through us unnamed spokesperson to aum different publication. >> melania trump, elon muskthe e and the secret servicecr. >> everyone knows halloween is all about black and michaels has all the record we need. but don't forget about black. want to discover cindy crawford secret to ageless skin, its meaningful beauty created by world renowned cosmetic specialist dr. john louis sabah. these formulas come from a rare french melon that contains a youth preserving enzyme known as the youth molecule. >> it's kept cindy's skin remarkably youthful, and now
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>> i feel it's the top leadership that there are. there are some holes and there are some problems. so it comes from the top leadership that that happened. and i know and i have a knowledge about that. our team ask many times for more, more security, more, more help. and they were denied. a bombshell report of the "new york times" exposes just how badll repoy the secret servh collapsed under joe biden in 2022. the white house tapped kim cheatle remember her? a biden family loyalist to run the agency. and since then, agents have burned out and become demoralized. >> and she too left the agency in a, quote, state of emergency. a mass exodus of agents followed cheadle's appointment. >> they lost 20% of their workforce by just last year. and the agents who were being trained to replace them weren't prepared. some of the agents on whitewhit
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house detail had never even been to the white house before. they trainedho b on a movie set in atlanta, built by tyler perry. >> and apparently those were the lucky ones, the times writeslucky recruiting standards slumped, longtime agent said isi the agency ushered more people in the door training which takeors years to adequately prepare a new hire to protect the president under the bests of circumstances was slowed by a decrepiy t facility wheretg the fight training room flooded during downpours. standards were so low that the agency hired a guy who'dprevio previously held a gun to his girlfriend's head. ultimately, agents described cheadle's tenure like this. lik nepotism, favoritism, corruption. that'sism, part of the culture here. cheatle may be gone, but the chea is still rottene. to the core. that's scary. with butler tomorrow . and trump's campaign schedule intensifying, former secretret e service agent tim miller joins me now. mit true? is really that is things
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that bad they're.ou yeah. jesse i don't think you could argue with that report it was prettyan y accura accurate and it outlind a lot of problems some before director cheatle. but it certainly is about as bad as it can get now. rad the sad partd th is the sacrifices of the rank and file agents in the field. thos e that are sacrificing their family time, their very liveo s to do this mission, they deserve better leadership . and right now, it's a five alarm fire. is trump safe in butler tomorrow? >> yeah. jesse, i think i think everybody gets it that there has to be real security aroundp. trump. unfortunately, there's two misses. and so i think you're going to see a different loo'lak tomorrow in butler. i think you're going to see appropriate rings of protection with distances and the appropriate snipern resources. and quite frankly, that should have been the first time around. so i do think the secret
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soe is stepping up its game. but we're going to have to see organizationallyt needca to have a secret service that can do this all the time. >> why ime. are they still stonewalling then, if if to be getting it at this point? yeah, i think, jesse, when you look at that list, i mean, if this was a business, they'd be closing their doors, right? >> you can't hire the righclosi t people. you can't keep the right people. you're you're making people. we used to call it blood money and the secret service. unfortunately, this has been a problesecret m for a while where you don't have enough agents, especially campaign hereh agen.. well, here's a thought. maybe we hire enough agents and trained enough wents agents i was looking at 3000 specialok operationsin forces are goinglo to be cut this year. >> looks like a good pool to me . >> if you want to bring patriots that have some training. mayb .e that's a good thing. i mean, maybe they don't needo to have this really expensivhae diy summit at disney world. maybe they could just cancelage.
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that and have more money for more agents. that would be the common sense approache th. e. that's what i would do. but i'm not cheatle. all right, tim, a lot. >> have a great weekend. >> have a great weekend. the diddy hotline, an exploding right back problem. and sometimes you just needy via and sometimes you just needy via a momentmi. rand. self-care has never been as easy. gummy vitamins from nature made the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin in supplement brand. >> what makes us human? our emotions. pride. jealousy. fear. anger. >> shame. revenge. a bit irrational. >> the irrational. check your local listings. 65 cm ego. the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor powe, r brings you the ego power plus blower reaching an incredible 765 cfm. it's more powerful than gas
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download the prospects app today and are $5 and get $50 instantly with code tv. since diddy was indicted for sex trafficking and racketeering, primetimerodue producers have been scavenging troves of lawsuits looking forrs new leads. just two days ago, we talkedo we to attorney tony buzbee, who'stn representing more than 100 clients, accusing diddy and otherssing did of sexual ab. >> there are many people involved. there are many entities involved, record executives, record companiesord, other som companies that were sponsors of some of these parties. and after clubs, hotels. y i mean, you name it. i mean, this this conduct was i mean, this wasn't an annual party. this individual allegedly waswek partying three or four times a week. and these parties were while. . >> since that report, that attorney's tip lines have been floodet attornsd with0
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phone calls in just 24 hours. >>s in he's got a team of nearl 100 people investigating all these tips. peop sounds like this story is just getting started with more names and accusationst coming to light. we're going to keep digging here and keeepp going until justice is served. >> sink or swim? news c here now, fox news contributors paul mauro and joeom concha. who's got the mets jersey on. he is read jery. you you're just going to take your blazer off. you've got a jersey underneathos you. >> yankees, yankees, other yankees, mets. let's see who'usits got it. pucker up. we've been getting a lotbeen g of texts about mety lips lookini pink and shiny because of our old studios lightingand sh, i s, was low lighting. which late night host falsely that i'm wearing lipstick. >> was it jimmy kimmel or sethh meyers? >> ongoi >> well, it was like, i'm going meyers. and this one. yeah. seth meyers. ough
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>> punch up.i well, yeah. i never thoughuld say t of this, but the guy on the lipstick >> t, and theend audience needs to know. >> paul didn't even know who seth meyers waw seth meys. >> it's a very good point. all right, you're down one i'm in a love affair with a stripper. title lov the name of the question title. i'm in love with emma. which talk show host a stripper to dance for on her birthday. was it drew barrymor here or or joy bejar? i'm gonna bejar weirdly here for whatever reason weirdly are. and drew barrymore. >> okay. this could swing it back. yes. my story is going on netflix. mn >> all right. you were you were screaming notg for the stripper, correct? no. okay. no. because now you're tied. striecause ne i hired her alsoay for my birthday. okay. happy birthday. yes. irthdar. arty. >> no, the other one.>> n good job. he can't afford their furryfurr
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friend. >> what type of animal mascofria did tim walz embrace at the michigan minnesota football game over the weekencee mid? oli was it a gopher or a wolverine?e who see it should be a gopheract because he's from minnesota. ita >> but i'm going to go with the wolverine because it's a trick question. do you think it's a trick k question. >> i do. okay. and you didn't even know what the questiow equestin is. but you over there, it is. >> right? no, no, that's the gopher. oh, that's a goat. >> o is a gopher. >> and what have i over? what is that? that's a wolverine. that's michigan ring. flu >> you got your fur is wrong. all right, guys, we're going to do a las gstion.t question. we have a tie game here. yeah, we do. singing like a canary. which po ap star suggested or music video shot in a brooklyn church led tled too new york ciy mayor adam's indictment. was it sabrina carpenterrpente r olivia rodrigo? my daughter loves sabrina, so i'm going with this because i have zero idea in bringing wrong newspapers. >> 0 idea. >> w what people? ave >> you got to read the post, paul. yeah. all right, we got two answers
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here. >> so you talk about how i gotea in there. . >> i did. or. right. that's the blond cal>> sabriarpi sabrina carpenter. i know you're very familiar with her musicr musi. n tie break. we are in a tie breakerma situation. how many viewersny viewers tuney the cbs? that's walls debate on tuesday. >> you can go higher or lower. doesn't matter whoever is closest. how many millions of viewers watche d the vp debate. 47 million. 47 million. 3 millio13. >> 13 million again. oh yeah that is yours by eight. >> sink or swim had it waslion 43 million watched the vp debate. that's not bad. oh, i don't know ate.. the ends >> that was a respectable showing to the end. they watched that 42 all theay way to the end. >> wowo the en thanks very muchr joining us. max eked it out. yes. eight straight, more important go. phil smart tim, more prime time heads.
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three things. firsthand account of the horrors of october 7th. black saturday, sunday at ten on fox news channel. shot a 42 on the front>> sho nine today. don't want to talk about the back nine. not important ot 9t, but i wanb to give a big shout out to my caddie, donald. grea up tot guy and ladies, he's single. let's do. text steve from ventnor, new jersey.nk do you think biden is just auditioning to be kamala'sn is s press secretary? >> oh, he couldn't be any worse than binder? >> marty from las vegas, joe biden thinks he's in the swimming pool. >> at least he kept his clothe lisa keps on. shrinkage. robert from canyon lake, texas. want to bet? want plug on that prompter. >> oh, man. sabotage. >> marina from trinity, florida. remind me again how many days wuntil the.
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>> 32 magic johnson's number. carl fro m spencer iowa. hey, barack. i'm running for mayor of for my town. n ad will you cut an ad for me? i mean, how low can you stoop? you're cuttingw lo for senate candidates. mo on. >> scott from elgin, southin carolina. can we just transfera. thosehose 87,000 new irs agents to the secret service? 87,000they're strapped. jim from red bank. does peter doocy red really wear a wig? >> no. i don't want to start anothenora rumor. >> gutfeld started enough off rumors with this thing e . >> michael from caldwell, ohio. jesse,g. are you going to butle the trump rally in butler on saturday? i can't. i goday.t plans, but johnny wile there. >> also elon musk, but most importantly, johnny waters. >> this is my world. and welcome to hannity
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