tv Hannity FOX News October 4, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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carl fro m spencer iowa. hey, barack. i'm running for mayor of for my town. n ad will you cut an ad for me? i mean, how low can you stoop? you're cuttingw lo for senate candidates. mo on. >> scott from elgin, southin carolina. can we just transfera. thosehose 87,000 new irs agents to the secret service? 87,000they're strapped. jim from red bank. does peter doocy red really wear a wig? >> no. i don't want to start anothenora rumor. >> gutfeld started enough off rumors with this thing e . >> michael from caldwell, ohio. jesse,g. are you going to butle the trump rally in butler on saturday? i can't. i goday.t plans, but johnny wile there. >> also elon musk, but most importantly, johnny waters. >> this is my world. toniwelcome to hannity.
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and tonight, recovery efforts. they continue in parts of north carolina, souttsh carolina,lina georgia, tennessee, virginia and florida. we ge have communities all acrosseo apalachee. they are completelmmuny devastad . the situation tonight is dire. and according reports on the ground, the biden administration, they have been makingeports it worse and theyay have been totally tone deaf for over ton a week. this has been the worst federalh hurricane response in the history of our country. on x elon musk, who's been extremel.y generous and helpful to people in terms of restoring communications, he said fema is not merely failing to adequateld fey help people ib trouble, but they're actively blocking citizen thes who do try to help. he detailed a claim from a space engineer on the ground who's accusing fema of blocking shipmentcusing fs of elon's eme. starlink of starlink terminals ,which donald trump asked him to send any generously sen
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it i this is soulless. it is unconscionable. it is unforgivablenscionabit is but in a statement, fema justkl frankly outright denied. the allegation and promoted their coordination with starlink during various natural disasters. apparently, the message didn'tsk get to the owner of starlink because that name is elon musk. and meanwhilthat namn muske, inh issued to homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkase congressman matt gaetz of florida details claims from government whistleblowers that,a quote, fema has wasted taxpayer fund s, misappropriated funds left other federal, state and locaisappropl responders wit deployment orders on the ground. ploymentthe letter continues, qi hundreds, if not thousands of service members or deployed by the department of defense to north carolinrtment oa. and they have sat idle waiting for fema. we have confirmed fema employees deployed on the clocks awaiting orders are in hotels. when people may their very lives may be at risk. even a week later.
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now, fema pre-disaster aid was withheld exasperate exacerbating the emergency. it goes on. it has been a full week plus already. don't forget, we only found out. yesterday, a week after the hurricane, that accordinghs to dhs secretary mayorkas. he said it he came out with the truth. i don't know where it came from. a miraclamerica e that fema is t out of money and has been slow to distribute hurricane relief funds, even thoughdistribu it'sn a very slow hurricane season. and now we knoand now the reaso. which every american shouldul be infuriated about. biden and harris rated fema's budget. they spent the a billion plus dollars on housing, food, education, health care, sex change operations, debit cards, expensive hotelsuntr all over the country. for harris and joe biden's 11 and a half million plus unvetted illegal immigrants, many coming from countries with terror ties, many from
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our top geopolitical foes. and we know there knownn th terrorists in this country. we know that dozens of americansuntry. been murdered by their unvetted illegal immigrants. dozens have been even children. we know that there are hundreds hereof victims of violent crime by harris biden. unvetted, illegal immigrants. we know all of that is true and it's cost this countryle ino billions. and we don't have money for the people of north carolina. carolinageorgia south carolina,c tennessee and florida. here's the cold, hard trutd hah biden and harris have prioritized their their the ssion of illegal immigrants over all of you, the american people, all the people in north carolina, south carolina, georgia, tennessee, florida. they'vnnessee e gotten almost ni so far. dione time $750 payment, although they've only distributed about 4 million of that as of yesterday. s of yrdayand promised maybe moy down the road if fema can find
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cash, which they don't have as of now, because they gave it awayw because it to harris bidel immigrants. meanwhile, kamala totally deaf. even a hollywood fundraiser holl precedence over hurricane joe. sat at his backside on a beach chair. backside onthis is why it's kas katrina. she is. the borders are thats came from fema went right to her illegal immigrants that.ers secu she said born here at the border is secure and theiden is closed. the president, well, he's totally checked out. >> you don't believe me? you decide. what are the states the storm zone need, mr. president? >> so what are the states in the storm zone? what do they need? what you saw todayyou saw ? oh, in the storm zone? yes, sir. who was stronger talking about the. are they getting everything they need? >> we're very happy across the board. what storm zone? they've got everything. they're need.
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they. they need. no, they don't. we're now, more than eight days after the hurricane made . atesll victims in all of these states are not getting anythingo near what they need. we still haven't found all the t people thahat are in need. joe biden has no clue what he's talking about. kamala is checked out. she's just happy her illegall ir immigrants are being taken care of. got to make sure they get their money for their sen xtheir change operations. and now the president is at the white house. and earlier todases.presiden ayt up. you know, just yes, just having a.a good good time with e press corps. >> take a look. do you really consider dropping out of the race? >> i'm back in now. many americans are still without power across huge area e of apalachee. no internet, no cell service. if they doervice have internetee and cell service, you can thank elon musk, not the m. to com in other words, those that have a way to communicate. it's not becausemu of any help,
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but joe biden and kamala harris. remember, they revoked elonbid o musk's winning bid to install starlink service to the areaoulh a year ago. it would have provided t millirvice for almose prov a million people. clean water that's also inpe short supplyople's also . e ha critical infrastructure has been wiped out, washed away roads, highways, bridges, destroyed entire, communities cut off from all civilization. we still have no idea. we don't know how manyy be people may desperately be waiting to be rescued. and jo t e biden is in d.c.body i telling us everybody's getting all the help they needg al aften last weekend, staying wi the beach all weekend a. and now he's yucking it up with his friends in the media mob. our verymedia own sara carter on the ground in western north carolinad . d and what she's witnessing is absolutely gut wrenching. sing is a look. >> there's just no words. i don't think people can even understanddon' what this is like unless they walk through your community to see this.
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i never would have imagined. i mean would, from the gulf coat and i've been through a lot of hurricanes, but nothingve be this. you've never seen it like this? no. about fewhat about fema? fema? i haven't seen him. i don't know anything about fema as far as them coming around. me this is the first time i've ever had to experience anything like this. sonce an i don't know what protl is. so i'm just being patient and waitintient g. ar i have heard rumors that they are around, but i haven't seen anybody. and we're right here in the middle of ground zero. we arehtinso and we've been hery day. so it's not that we've missed thems no. we just miss them. it's just been amazing that it's beensnack a real comy effort. yeah. yeah. like i tel. l you, it just brings me to tears to see people chipped in likeyork pos this right now. the new york post, some others have reporteothers hd that basiy fema and fema has allocated $1.4 billion. that money was allocated for
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illegal migration crisis. mm-hmm. not for hurricanes, not for natural disasters, for, no the illegal migration crisis. when you hear that as a taxpayer, what goes through your mind? anger. r pe you should look out for your people that are helping you run this country . aker-08: we just need help. we need somebody to startwe nd rollinsomeg in with some dollar. man. >> dire.dire you know, you told me earlier you've never asked for a dollar in your life from anyone. .but this is one of those times where the american public just ,like your neighbors, mightth have to pick up the slace slack and help your community get out of this right? pic yeah, we will. h we'll have to. we don't have a choicee a. ma i may not be able to open my business back up again. i hope so.peop i'm telling people that i am because i want to givelei am ho.
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but if i can't, then i'll have plenty of idle to help. >> maybe it's time that joe and kamala katrina harris head back south and go to the southeast and take another look and get to work. or maybetheroo fema, the federa. emergency management agency, designed to help americans in an emergency situation. d on maybe they should be focused on emergency management, nott il illegal immigration, not on dti and equity, which is a big partn of their mission in writing. if you loo w k at fema's strategic plan, instilling equity is the i number one goal stated in the agency's officia l strategic plan. anat is equity doing right now to save lives in north carolina and georgia? what is it doing? what is equity doing to rebuild roads and bridges and gives andr people and water and shelter? what is equity doing to get
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people the things that they need? the time, the energy, the taxpayer money that fema left-wi wasted on left wing political obsessions? tical obis an absolute disgrace. taking money for americans and giving it to their illegal immigrants that they are obsessed i with.nscionab it is unconscionable. it is soulless, it is heartlesir . it's no wonder the response has been an utter disaster the. and today, while kamala campaigned in michigan, donaldcampaign trump was back on the ground. he was touring the hurricane damage in georgi. touringa witha brian kemp, who said that he had to go back to the federaid l government three times. he wanted 90 counties, declared a disaster area. he got 11. then they went back. then they gave 11.en h bac him e and, you know, i think finally t they stepped up todaodayy after he had to make multiple calls to get the help he needed. takeet a look, me first of all,ay i'll just say thank you so muchc for joining us as we continue ad to work day and night nim this historic
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but also horrific storm. i want to than k you for keeping on th the nation's attention on those who are hurting in.n and i certainly appreciate president trump helping us do that well. >> and thank you very much. your governor is doing a fantasti ch.c job, i will tell you that. and we're all with him and witht everybody. we've just met a group of really wonderfu a l that are working very hard. they've done it before. but they told meg very hdone i o seen one like this. i'm not thinking about voters right now. i'm thinking about lives about and to be honest, it's muchs bigger than anything else.t of l but we're thinking about lives. a lot of lives lost, a lot of people missina log. >> and that's what i'd be focused on right now. now there's a famous saying that a big parts of success is just showing up. but tonight, kamala joe, they're nowhere to be found. and sadly, this isn'found.t the only crisis that is festering under biden-harris tonight. the middle eassterinrjoe bidet e of an all out war. our closest ally, israel in the region, attacked by iran with a of intercontinental
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ballistic missiles. and it's only a matterabarrage , by the way, before israel must respond. and, of courseof course then, ts the pressure from joe and kamala to appease the iranianspe . but they were the onesde that made iran rich. iranmeanwhile, cuomo was also facing a personal scandal tonight. breaking this weekg, a dailyshoi mail report outlining shocking allegationngtions ags. kamala's husband, the second gentleman,ntlema doug accordinge to the report, he is accused of forcefully his ex-girlfriend in 2012 for flirting with another man whilee at the cons film festival event in france. we've not independently verified the claims allegedly made three of the women'sends t friends to the daily mail and the outletily mail also nevt with the alleged victim. and whilthe doug emhoff'sve a right representative gave a statement fo star semaphore denying all allegations. we also reachelso reacd out for
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a statement and have not heard back. we will continue to monitor that storyonitor tha. now, this allegation comes after he was forced to admit that he impregnated his kidse teacher while married to his first wife. okay. if it was a trump allegation,d e you think the media would be all over it? ov sure. y here with reaction to all of tonight's stories, we have hoover institutiotn senior fellow victor davis hanson and fox news contributor jason chaffetzsenior f and the t of making money, charles payne. victorey cha, start with you.thv you know, i spoke with governor desantiser and i spoke with brin kemp as. w this hurricane was about to hit land. and when it just hit land, botuh them had pre-positioned all the utility trucks, all the would supplies that they would likely need, knowing it was a category three or four hurricane. now we're learning not only didh joe and camilla do nothing, th. e was no pre-positioningin now they're telling us everything's fine. everyone's getting everythinfin they when it's not true.
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it's provably untruetr's prova. and they did absolutely nothing. and thand the money that fema ws supposed to have was, frankly, f they raided the lockbox of fema to give it to their unvetted, illegatol immigrants so they can get their free housing and health and educationange and sex change operations. d and transportation. so you explain to me how a week later or a week plus later,s this is where we are?. >> well, i think thi this constituency and these the carolinas and georgia and their viewa, their is analos to east palestine, ohio. hio.believe me, if we had the same type of disaster in malibuu or martha's vineyard, we wouldld see a huge effort. effort,the first hour.d >> then it's a campaign season. and kamalacampai harris is not. she's not interested. she's raising money, as you pointed ou t, joe biden is not able to fulfill the usual task of a president and he's running
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out the clock. he should have been subject to the 25th amendment. that didn't happen. part of the problem alsosu, shawn is they're so reliant so obsequious media that have no worry about being embarrassed. so joe biden can say quitephon shamelessly that he's been on the phone 2 hours and they will cover2 hour wil for them, n have a photo op with her. earplugs aren't plugged into her phone, or she has blankhe pieces of paper and that looks engaged in the manner that she went to the border. and finally, we have blended the distinction between citizeen ship and residency or being an alien. and you cay orn see it on everyt aspect of this administration. sh this ade said there was no ct statute that was violated by coming in her w violae illeg. >> if a citizen broke the lawe and left came in to san francisco or los angeles or new york without a passporort, e they would not let them in.g and we're having flights here in the american southwest where people are preparing for the real id and they justin
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people in that are here illegally on government sponsored flight illegals. y there isn't reallya a distinction anymore from just being here and actuallyy ha having the benefits and the responsibilities and the rights of citizenthe be the. so it's a multifaceted failure thd i don't they like this constituency. >> i really don't. that explains the laxityat exple jason, i can't believe the tone deafness on their part here. i think in terms of just a the optics of it and if you look at it from a political calculation standpoint, this is going to backfire. t to this is going to be a disaster for them. a they're going to be held accountable for ignoring these e states fores being m.i.a. during the worst one of the worst hurricanes in history . i hope so. and they should. it's incompetence couplee sondd with indifference. and it's a deadly outcome. to be this way. but you know, there's that saying focus determines.
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reality when your strategic plan number one goal is dti. and that equity is their number one goal. and then number two is numbg people on climate change. and then you look at the goal number three of their strategic plan to plan for disastersan t, what they plan for, and they executed with millions of people into this country illegally. so it's not just that they use o the money allocated to help la law abiding citizens and that are paying their taxes and just trying to live their lifet. ll but they also took all that personnel and instead of pre-positioningl. the ron desantis that you mentioned, one of the best well-prepared governors who rolls up wells of and actually gets it done. they are focused on, hey how do we get all these illegal migrants into your air as fast do possiblse and let's give them all the benefits that we don't give to, you know, maybemeless our veterans, maybe the homeless veterans, maybe veteransns, mayb suffering fromy
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that's been their priority. and to go to michigan right now. with all due respect to the with t, why isn'tn the person in charge right now on the on the ground helping to direct traffic and fix the probleoundm? donald trump is. but she's not. and that says everything you need to know about what could be ifur years coul you elect the wrong person in november. dou know, and you look at the billions of dollars, $3 billion. charles paynllioe, that they gin to the taliban, 3 billion. you look at, you know, the that they give jordan and egypthaiti, and haiti and somalia and sudan and i can go o n and on and on. not not millions billions, at h billions. look at the nearly 200 they've given ukraine 8 billion last week. and then i will look at thisvaso devastation. they're not they're not stepping up and helping north carolinateppin, south carolina, virginia, tennessee, georgia, florida,
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a. i mean, how can your priorities be that screweoritied up on top of that money going that was designated forted emergencies, going to illegal immigrants? you know what jason is saying. with respect to being incompetent and indifferent, it might be a lot more nefarious than that. i >> and i think victor is probably on to that because this is just ontause thi it's u. it's unforgivable. it's absolutely unforgivable. and the callousness, you know, when vice president harris, r you know, we gave him 750 buckse or my orca says there we're a tapped out. i mean, did they just not even sort of a sense of urgencysey tt that americans are suffering mightily, that americans are dying this very second?happn that and what's happened undered biden and harris, these entities, these amazing entities, whether it was the u.s. military, the bots withdrawal from afghanistan, cs the army corps of engineers, the most amazing organization of its kinrs, mod, somehow the e they built to bring food into
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gaza collapses. and now fema. there's a lack of leadership that goes beyond indifference is a lack of leadership that goes me on a sort of incompetency in my mind. and it's really it's veryg of dangerous that alarm bells are going off. and we've written checks nilly wo everyonn chece. we're fighting proxy wars around the world where appeasing the bad guys around the world. and as soon as americans need any money, all of a sudden there'americans a of finger poip there used to be a time when the buck stops here, but insteaointin td, president n today takes this sort of weird press conference that no one was necessarily prepared for, certainly nots ne harris m. seems like where do you come from? and the whole thing seems to alwaye s be centered arounds a public relations campaign >> ser than helpinaign ratg ame. all right. charles payne, thank you, jason. thank you. thank you.ank you., thank you.ce when we come back, a prominent liberal issuing a warning, kamel. plus, the harris' campaign failing to securmalae a hugea he endorsement from another big union. newt gingric h, as we continue
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with discount code tbh. 15 at field of greens .com. this is a fox news update. i'm charlie painter in new york. for the first time in his presidency, joe biden took questions friday in the white house briefing room during the surprise visit. he answered about the upcoming election. new job numbers and conflict overseas. the president said that while he's confident next month's election will be fair. he doesn't, quote, know whether it will be peaceful. >> and former new york governor david paterson and his 20-year-old stepson or are recovering after being attacked friday in new york city. the pair were confronted by three young men. police say they found the stepson suffering from facial injuries and patterson with head pain. paterson served out eliot
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spitzer's term after a scandal in 2008 forced him to resign. i'm julie peyser. >> now back to "hannity". >> all right. tator mi liberal commentator michael moore, who famously warned democrats that donalore wh warnd trump would win in 2016, is now sounding the alarm over kamala harris' s electionr year pivot to the middle, saying that could shun theor her progressive base and cost her the election. and the bad news, kamala doesn't end there. echoing the teamsters union, the internationan,l association of firefighters is also declining to endorse a candidate this cycle. remember, this is the same union i did joe biden verye early on in the 2020at p democratic primary process. now, you can see thecampaign desperation from the harris. they're now calling in obama to the rescue to rally voters in key states like pennsylvania
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. but you might recall, obama is a very, verlike penu mighy ig history with voters in the commonwealth of pennsylvania . v you might remember these veryin disparaging commentsg comm he me in 2008. >> take a listen. whether somebody spoke out and in pennsylvania. oh, suburbs in the midwest, you know, it's the job. they have to go back fornothin 25 years and nothing's replacedn . and then after the clinton administration, the bush administrationthrougration's anh successive administration hasehw said that somehow these communities are going to regenerate and theys have not learned that they get their name and the values or religion or antipathy towards people who are like that. >> oh, you better people in pennsylvania that cling to yourn god, your guns, your bibles, your religion. >> anyway, with reaction.
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former speaker of the house,comr fox news contributor newt gingrich. >> before i get to the obama, i don't i don't think capable of saving anybody. but if he wants to explainom the things that kamala won't answer about, you know, co-sponsoring the radicaong toa3 trillion green new deal or eliminating private health care ,defunding and dismantling police, you know, free housing, health care, education, sex change, surgery, amnesty, unweion, sexd kid, you know, 11a a half million illegal immigrants. i'd love half m to hear you his explanation for it. i hope he i hope he'll answerl . questionansw but here's my question to you. we first met in alabama, but then we really got to know each other in georgia. t tow georgia has been devastat. brian kemp asked for an emergency declaration in 90geori georgia counties. they only gave him 11. thena counti gav they went back. they only gave him 30 instead of the full 90. we don't we can't even we hav quan no idea. with the death toll in north carolina is going to be. then you have tennessee, south carolina tenness
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, florida. how . and they have it lifte d a finger. they haven't done a thing. davi in ofver a week what is maybe the worst th. m in history we'll know the death toll at some point. they not. avlifting a finger and then the money that they should have for fema. they took that moneyfo the and y gave it to illegal immigrants. in t this has to become a huge issue in the minds of americans, will it not? well, i think it will be because you're watching your fellow americans suffer. you're watching terrible stories of people dying, children lost, towns off and and you're watching the federal government faithe fel. mayb this is maybe one of the worst w performances by the federale fe government in modern times. and it's quite clear that neither harris nor biden have interest in getting the job done. i mean, it's it really is, evene
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by the standards of this administration, an anextraordinarily and frankly, devastating i have many friendsn i've been talking to in northa. carolina and they look local c to people like franklin graham and the local churches and volunteers and they're getting help there. is they said the federal government not only is not helpful in many waysnot he,goven the government is harmful. it blocks people from doing things that would be useful. so there's just a we've seen this kind of incompetence beforece befor, but i think bece of the nature of the mountains and the number of places are totally cut off it, this is an extraordinarily dangerous. and the biden administration and kamalad th harris are totally a wall. they're away without leave. they're not attention and the efforts of the federal government so far are beyondr ar pathetic. now, you're going to have various politicians say
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they're doing a great job, partly because they want to kee becausep more things com. but when you talk to people in the mountains and talk to people who have been genuinely suffering, they they don''tt see. they don't think it's working. and they think that it been an enormous, enormous problem. you know, kamala, i call it kamala's katrina. e she missed all the preparedness meetings that were occurring. everybodtings thy knew a cat 3 r four hurricane was coming. joe literally the country todayi that everybody's getting everything that they need. nothing is further from the truth. it's like the administrationm tn all of them tellingry us inflation is transitory and that the border is secure and the border is closed. th you know, it's just straight up lying to people. and then listening to the governors and not listening to the people onot the ground that are screaming bloody murder. we need help. i'm talking to friends in all h of these states. there'elp.i'm talks nobody froma
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on the ground there telling me, you're right, samaritan's pursme is there, the churches are there, their neighbor helping neighbor. that's, th going on, but noernmn government help and so fortht . as of yesterday, they had only spent $4 million and yet they give billions of dollars to allye these foreign countrien 8 billion to ukraine again, last week on topast of the 190, they already gave them. twe >> you know, i did a tweet the other day and said, we and t to set a limit. we should not spend more ont the people this hurricane than we have given to ukraine. n that'd be $124 billion. w i don't think that we should say that illegal get what they want. ukrainians get what they want. t whatbut if you're in georgia,h carolina, north carolina, tennesse arolina,e, tough break.break. your government doesn't care. your gand that's how it feels right now. and you watch i mean, you know, come her her big gesture wasa 7- you can get a $750 grant from
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the government online. well, what they forgot was all the lines were down. re down.nobody can get the grans at all because they don't have any electricity. i mean, these people are so out of touch with reality that it's afghanistan all over again. they don't know what's going on. they're not paying attention nor and in her case, she was soe busy raising money, i don'tprobe think she fully realized how bad the problem was. m as she wandered around the wet coast. >> newt gingrich, thank you. around thehank youall right.k sn when we come back,combs sean "diddy" combs legal troubles may be gettinl trgdge e a hell of a lot judge jeanine pirro next on on "hannity". i can take the deed to your house and i can transfer that deed into my name. the crime title theft. >> what is that? what that means is that a criminal they're able to steal the title to your home. typically by transferring it to another person and then
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selling or borrowing money against the house. >> so they don't really want the physical property? no, they just want to borrow against it or sell it. the great from a title thief's perspective is that nobody realizes that i sold your house or refinanced it and borrowed money against it until i stop making those mortgage payments. >> so it could be six months later they start getting foreclosed on. >> most people have credit cards, and the credit card generally protects fraudulent charges on it and so on. but what about your home, though? that's where your big equity is. >> that's not the way it works with title theft. that's not the way it works at all. nobody's helping you. nobody's looking out for you. >> what's a homeowner to do? i mean, when they find out they're a victim, what can they do next? >> they would have to go to maybe their local sheriff or the local police, and they would have to notify them of this crime. and try and explain what happened, which is a mess in itself. and nobody's prepared to do that. >> the thing about home title lock is that never has to happen.
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cont t out of jail pending trial. w while it appears a massive civil lawsui appeat is about to, filed against him, in addition to the serious criminan adl chas that he is currently facing, now, a texas lawyer is leading the effort to sue diddy and the client. the lawyer claims he has 120 accusers that have already comen forward. and get this, after he set up a hotline fod s her tips.t this well, he alleges 12,000 calls came in within 24 hours. this story could in ways weut can't imagine. now, we did reach out to diddy's lawyer for comment, but we have yet to hear back. anyway, here with reaction hear the co-host of the hit show the five, judge jeanine pirro. you know, look at these these allegations and then you hear the names of household names of all these stars and all these celebrities being mentioned herel the celeb maybe i'm wrong, but if this is even remotely true, this is going to b thie epstein
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weinstein on steroids and human hormone. >> where do you see this going, judge? well, you're correct. ther? >> you ae were 12,000 calls in 24 hours, one once a hotline was set up where an additional 120 victims have beenbe identifieden i. and in addition to that, you've got witnesses, you've got corroboratinesses, cg evidence. and so what you have is a civil lawsuit that it sounds like a it's going to be some kind of a la, o action lawsuit as opposed to the indictment where diddy is trying to get ouindictmed het of the brooklynn center. the first judge said no bail, i believe is judge clark who's going to be trying the case, said no bail. .ow he's taking it to the second circuit court of appeals. diddy is dyinguit court of a ton and they have said no bail, even thoug havh the defense offd $50 million bond. and i think that theed judge decision is a good one because with a case as enormou1s
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and as wide ranging as thishat one, sean,oppo the opportunities to intimidate, to threatened witnesses or victims, based upon what we saw with, i believ e it's casey where thi he's beating this woman up in a hote il in a public hotela to with just a towel on him, on himself kick pulling her and dragging her and taking her. you realize that this is a dangerous guy. but there have been there have been rumors bee, p diddy fr years, people doing his work, p, people going to his parties. and you are absolutely right, sean. a lot of these actors that we've heard about who party with him and have partied with him for years are witness to these freak outs where they have these long term sex and they literally are doping up women calling them, not allowing them to leave. i mean, this is a major, major stop for him beating up this girlfriend, cassie, next to an elevator bank at a hotel.
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i mean, he comes running down, i guess he in his bathrobe towel or whatever. and i mean, really kicking andd poundingda on this woman. right. and this is something that he had denied for years. e for andand years and years.e what do you think the impact will be ifll b all of these stoe end up being true that we're reading about? and i have no knowledg ing aboue at all o that they are true, that all these famousfamous people were videotaped, maybe some with their permission, maybe some without h th >> is this something that you think the public is ever going to get their eyes on? pus evero gewell, you know, it'b of like, you know, the black book in so manbook iy that we'vb heard about. i think that what's going to i th t is the reason that that w everyone was quiet about this, sean, is because everyone was involved. no. he talked. and by the way, the victims are both male and female. i mean, this guy was an animal . and the rumors about him apparently are true. are truand he had his tentaclew
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everywhere. he controlled people by forchere he controlled people financially, economically. and but focor this cassie, who is beating viciously and kickinang mean a man to kick a woman. it it's unbelievable. it'sand within 24 hours of that sean, that case was settled. but that is the leak in the dam has allowed all of this to break open. and there's no question that he's in big trouble. i don't think he's ever going to get out of prisonk is.k jones let me ask you, the thee menendez brothers, they're also getting a lot of press this week. prosecutors in l.a.eviden are reviewing new evidence in that case. remember, they were convicted of murderingcen thatwe their parents. right. this is a new netflix documentary about. the brothers is premiering next week, which apparently featurewy interviews with them, although i hear they've been critical of it. but puical of tht that aside. kim kardashian herself is now intervening, in their case, nbc writing in an nbc news essay
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that brother's life sentence should be reconsidered because they are, quottence, little boyr who lost their childhoods, who never had a chance to be heard, helped or saved. now, the allegation, their defense was that they were abused in their family by the i believe, by the father, by the familany. and i don't know.d how do you prove whether thosegn allegations are true? allegations are thrown out all the time allega. sure. sometimes they're true, sometimes they're not true. and at this late date, how do you go back and prove that? very easy. we did>> ver. a special, a fox n special called. l calledi think it's monsters o, victims. i ox natfox nation. i narrated it on i also did one on pdt called i think we called it. thino it. e ther lot of evidence there if you want to watch it. but let me tell you, i'm very familiar for them with this case, sean. i i was the d.a. when this case happened. and what you had was were two young men. erthey were initially tried
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separately and neither jury found them guilty. but in that first trial, evidenc they brought in evidence of sexual abuse. fast forward, o.j. simpson gets acquitted. the los angeles d.a. is verye lo concerned. nos angelew they're trying the z brothers and they decide they're going to try them together and they disallow all of the evidencane of sexual abuse. make no mistake, this was sexue.le homicid e. it was premeditated. itedes everything that you'v heard about. they reloaded it and shot their mother in the back. mo. ndt thei horrific. but justice has to be b evenhandede. these boys had evidence that they were victims of sexuae evidtl abuse.e fa everyone knew that if the father was in the bedroowas1 with one of the sons, noal one would walk down the hall. everyone the knew that the kids were talking to friendslk and cousining tos about the faco
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that they were afraid of their father. sad even at schooler, an there s a teacher. it was said the father would literally abuse the kid of me. ad thed li and yet the judge made a decision to not allow any of that evidence in which would have locked, i'm sur e it would have knocked down the conviction. and then the prosecutor here was allowed to say, you know, they say there were sexually abuse, thd. that? did you hear any evidence of that? well, the judge wouldn't allow ite wouldn't a in. so their second trial and this is very unusual fo r me, sean, because, you know, i'm a prosecutor through went through their second trial was not fair. this was not a rea a real trialu justice. and i guarantee you they're going to get out. , they've been in, i think, for 28, 35 years. the new that's come forward is a letter that one of the boys wrote when he was wroone fn eight years old, that someone found at the same person who wrote the letter was willing to come forward at the trial but ha s since died.'s tim it's time to let them have a hearing.
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all right, judge, you know what? you are a great judge prosecutor. and you're a great host, too. i mean, you got all goin g on.. all right. we appreciate it. thank you, judge. all right. coming up, the lapthink ngd introducing a new robot dog to help fightw o crime. plusbo, harris campaign reportedly caught off guard by tim walz past lies.the wa we got full reaction. only the way jimmy failla can offer a straight ad. oh 70. make you go over blitz. bingo. blitz is giving away a free phone every hour. seriously? it's true. i mean, it's true download now. >> i know a few things about a rival, but this one is different. cowboys offense. very exciting. i'll give them that. but the steelers defense is so powerful. you want to run home, cry sunday night football and peacock. >> hello, i'm former arkansas
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from the first day of kindergarten through the day they graduate high school, in california, 38% of students attend a public school that fails to meet minimum health standards. prop 2 will fund urgent repairs at local schools. protect kids from toxic mold and asbestos. ensure clean water. and to fix what's actually broken, all public funds go to local schools. without raising taxes. yes on 2. all kids deserve a safe place to learn. the benefits of our pills. >> calm down. to order. >> all right. the l.a. police department now has introduced a crime fighting robot dog named spot. now similar to the one that one you see right there on your screen, which can open doors, pick up objects, drag up to £50. anyway, here with reaction, i here is the host of the hit
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show foxy news, saturday night, jimmy failla. he only missed it instead thi of spot. i think they should have named it after you. they shoulnk the d have called it b jimmy. good for you. i have been known to pick things up off the sidewalks. >> los angeles. but i've cleaned up my act , no, i'm note no leaving them like the other human beings. that's the disgustin g part of the story in l.a.. the dogs no longerin on the.s the humans do. that's bad. but yo adu what they should have used, though, shaunie. they should have just usedhouseo the white house dog, remember? commander, that was biting everybodrememb y. do if you want a dog to clean up l.a., turn our man loose. >> and i do. yeah, go ahead. i still forgive that dog becaus e that dog was biting people. but in that dog's defense, there is so much cocainet do in this white house. >> you'd be hopped up, too, if you had a dog know hs it. >> oh, man. you want to make a terrible i
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prediction, but you knowg to it's going to be true, you know, because they shoot at police officers. how much you want to bet? spot the robot dogt that ends up getting shot? yeah, somebody will get it. . you watch mark my words. and i don't say that to tryt to be funnsay how i know that things are. yeah, it's bad. all right. the harris campaig.n reportedly unaware of all of. well, we call tampon tim affectionately and his lies and they caught off guard when he became when they all became public you know, he liedhe lie about well, his rank in the military liet hid, about being a war zone. he lied about china, lied lot about a lot of things. take a look and make sure tha that those weapons of war that i carried in war is the only place where those weaponsc. . >> well, first of all, it was up to him. i wouldn't have a family wo and the things that we need to do. reproductive my kids were born through that direct. you know, that way you said you were in hong kong during the deadly tiananmen square protests in in the spring of 19. but minnesota public and other
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media outlets are reporting that you actually didn't traveal to asia until august of that year. can you explainplai that discrepancy. >> i've tried to do the best i cathatn, but i've not beent. perfect. >> and i'm a knucklehead at times. the question was, cam nn yo you explain the presidency? exsall i said on this wa as got there that summer and misspoke on this. >> a knucklehead is friends was with school shooters. >> nan't forgeendst that line either. now, do you have any school shooters as your buddies? noo. schoo w, i'm trying to cut down on that just like you and everybody else watching at home. >> y and tim walz did a better . tim walz did a better job of answering questions fromaskah the nebraska highway patrol on the night he got a duigi than he did at that debate. all we forgot about the dui. that's right. yeah. that's at a blood alcohol leveag l you . but you know what's so ridiculous about this th obviously kno waso the tianan square thing. he's trying to chalk it up to getting the dat e, but it'sabout not about the date. it's about a very specificth.
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okay. and we bot bh knowot that if i t to say to you, you know, i witnessed the jf an assassination and then i'm like, actually, it was november 21st, 1963, it's clearly not the calendar that you're going to take exception to. and that's the with walz.s he's a liar. he's not used to getting melled on ita i by the media. >> so he didn't have an answerno for the follow up. but that's who wal az says kin walz says the kind of guy that tells you when he was in the military, guy he survived a kamikaze. and then you find out it was and the drink and no ot pilot. no, i mean a kamikaze at theth bar, you know, with the fruit bomb. >> i know what a kamikaze. yeah. you get to the bar for a number in my life.t shed to make a lot of them shake them up real good. goo and pour them out. i and then i put on myself a shot of water. every because if i took every kamikaze that everybody bought for memikaze ty bought, i wouldg after 2 hours. two hour hosting my show instead of this show. >> that's that's the lesson we c
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