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tv   America Reports  FOX News  October 8, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: all right, your fox weather alert the top of a brand-new hour. hurricane milton i'm barreling down on florida with life-threatening storm surges and flash flooding in area saturated with water from hurricane helene. it is headed that way and we are watching it tampa bay in the bull's-eye for where the storm could make landfall bed effects felt across the entire state. florida meteorologist breaking down while discussing this sheer intensity of the storm. >> it is an incredible, incredible, incredible hurricane. it has dropped -- it has dropped 50 millibars in ten hours. i apologize, this is just -- horrific. speed to emotional response there to what we are all seeing,
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john this is a big line and anticipated the worst to hit florida over 100 years and welcome back to "america reports." and sandra smith in new york. 's been win-win in meteorologist file it can be a bad one. washington being called the storm of the century and other storms have gotten that moniker at this one will be huge. millions of people in milton's path to higher grounds and long lines at the gas station trying to fuel up with a journey with eastward and florida governor ron desantis sharing to everyone there are no fuel shortages. but he says gas stations are running out quickly than they normally would because of the traffic. the presidents fling the storm's path are not letting anything get in that way. >> we need to get the kids out and this is the whole state and it will be a direct hit wheriree are at. >> i was supposed to fly out tomorrow but shutting down the tampa airport at 9:00 a.m.
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>> food is hard to find. 's bay co, seems, crazy. but it is what it is. >> john: fox weather storm mike seidel on the ground madeira beach florida and cleaning up after helene and now they have to get out again. >> yes, look at this, they are getting to it as quickly as they can and 36 hours before landfall but they won't have all day tomorrow. they have the bulldozers and dump truck up and down both boulevard. they cleaned up to code blocks into cohours and slow and methodical. this damage in the piles of debris go for miles and miles out of here into the next town and the next town to clearwater beach pier to the dump trucks rather lined up in the distance. meanwhile we got the update national hurricane center 2:00 p.m. the hands have jumped up 155 category 5 but don't get hung up because the pressure is down and it will not strengthen much more, but it is expected to
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weaken and meaning will float him before landfall. but the search will be nasty. there is the track and the cone coming at ambleside tampa bay area at. could be the worst storm since 1911. over 100 years ago. that is what we are watching. the surge could break the record set by helene. dan thibault to come on, they are cleaning off golf boulevard that miles and miles as city streets that look like this. they have cleaned the debris and remediated everything out of the houses and homes and it sitting here. and tomorrow night and thursday morning early, we have a surge coming and maybe 10 feet or more. winds blowing 100 miles an hour and a wind gust so all of this will float around or start flying around and my vision thursday morning first light golf boulevard will be deep into gulf of mexico like we saw two weeks ago. debris scattered everywhere. that is why they are trying to
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get all of this off of the roadway and out of the way. the more debris out here that flies around and ends up on the streets, that will cause a problem thursday morning trying to get in and around dealing with the aftermath and the second hurricane to impact this area in 13 days, john. 's me when people hear about storm surge and think a foot or two of water on the street behind you. but if the storm surges anything to what forecast to be which is 12-15 feet, things like that behind you will be entirely underwater. >> i will show you where the water that for helene right now. i can tell you how high it got for helene. it was right up here. this is about 6 feet. they have already, by the way, put it in vinyl flooring since the floor, i could not believe it. it looks like brand-new stuff and they pulled everything out of the house. if it gets back out here, all of
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these places, the one positive note, and it is not positive which a but not else can get the image because it was damaged and ruined on the streets so basically more water coming into homes that have been cleaned out and spring cleaned. just a very sad situation. we have never seen two major hurricanes hit the same area code code you may be not direct landfall at the same area 13 days apart. the only other example in that hyperactive season of '04, francis and eugene around hutchison island. that was about 25 days apart. but here less than two weeks in a way to clean up this mess. it is massive and hopefully this is it for the season. i can tell you personally if i never see another florida beach until next spring when i'm on vacation, that is fine with me. >> john: mike seidel for us and madeira beach, florida, a lot of that cleaned up before it turns into a seafoam soup.
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mike, thank you so much. sandra, you can imagine up and down the west coast of florida particularly north of sarasota, they got hit so hard by helene. this thing, we could take out a lot of those structures as well if it comes ashore because the wind is one thing but the water is quite another. >> sandra: we are dealing with what the path is now that obviously could change and move further to the north or south. what you are looking at right now, we are told, is the southbound traffic, collier county naples under effectuation orders letter a and b eddy of naples and all residents at that but these are the congested roads and some people are fleeing south and so they are coming in a direction they can to get out of the storm's path. in fact, michael brennan owed to the director of national hurricane center and joins us now. thank you for joining us. okay, understandably you have
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been -- do we have the guest? understandably, you have been busy but what update do you have this hour? >> with the latest update, and fortunately, a little more intensification. so it is starting to intensify a little bit. but we expect these fluctuations to occur up and down. don't get hung up on the ups and downs. what is important in the take-home message, we expect a powerful hurricane to slice across the florida peninsula late wednesday and early thursday bringing with it a large swath of destructive winds with these wins, you are talking widespread power outages along densely populated portion of the florida peninsula or joe that is just the land. if we switched to the storm surge, somebody in this purple area but not everybody but somebody in the purple area potential to get 10- feet of
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storm surge. for some of these areas that could be roughly double what they experienced during helene. speed to just be clay or jamie room from the national hurricane center. this is the last chance those floridians who decided to wait it out have to get out. if there are some contemplating as we continue to watch the live traffic moving south, is there a risk to that as well and the storm could beer south? >> that is why we have the entire area clean and from perspective. if we go to the hurricane warning area to syria to to the south under hurricane warning to convey that risk. we can't pinpoint precisely the center is going to cross the florida peninsula and beyond the reach of predictability. but we can very narrowly say this area in red the highest risk of hurricane-force winds. similar to the south of where it makes landfall, you get
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10-15 feet of storm surge and many of the areas ordered to evacuate. if you've been ordered to evacuate those evacuation orders are serious and based coordinating with us at the hurricane center in the best information and the forecasts. >> sandra: i'm looking at new video for national hurricane center has posted showing a very bumpy ride into the center of the hurricane. i believe it was ms. piggy was the name of the mission to collect data to help improve the forecast that we are getting right now. you have to imagine they were people in a dangerous journey to try to get us the best information on the storm's path. jamie, i was dealing with a couple of things so the storm is category what, and you expect the forecast to be what category when it makes landfall? >> right now, it is a strong category 4. when it moves across florida peninsula, a major hurricane. it is going to be 3 over here
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and we can as it goes across. but that does not tell the full story, people can get lost in the numbers and almost be confused by what looks like weakening. what is going to happen is the storm will grow in size. so horizontal size. that will create more power. we saw this from helene, these big storms just create so much damage. in the damage can go farther inland. so people have to stop her to make start thinking about the categories and whether up or down and look at this broad swath of red that cuts across the entire florida peninsula. >> sandra: understand. that is like saying hurricane-force winds to move and cro across the entire peninsula. >> sandra: before we go you heard the warnings you will not live through the storm if you wait it out. table he somebody is and the red sox and deciding to wait the storm out, is it survivable?
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>> so, he effectuation for the storm surge and the peak storm surge, the purple areas and these red areas, more than likely ordered to evacuate. you have to heed those warnings and you will not outthink these warnings and not outthink these evacuations. if ordered to go, it is time to go. >> sandra: jamie, we appreciate the update. thank you. >> thank you. >> john: and this aspect of the storm hospitals across the united states facing a shortage of critical iv fluids after flooding from hurricane helene. the manufacturing plant that provides more than half of america supply of those fluids is located in hard-hit part of north carolina. lydia hu is with us and what are the hospital's thing about the shortages? >> john, some say they are already getting less than half of that idf solution received in
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shipments and impacting already. mass general in boston with iv fluids and uva hospital postponing elective and nonlife-threatening surgeries that were scheduled for yesterday and today. the company is baxter international and it says, "it is making progress to restore the facility north of, north carolina, but still no date for return of production and provided the state "several of global plants are scaling and ramping up production to help meet u.s. needs we expect to receive products from these sources throughout the month of no of november. so they are trying to oversee production while at home in american hospital association is sending a letter to president biden yesterday urging the administration to take action and declare a shortage and use the defense production act. here is the association's chief officer. watch.
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>> we know the defense production act we can lean on fda, dod, to be able to not only increase production but ensure it is spread across the country. again, wavered from hospitals across the coast and this impacts patients everywhere. >> john, the fda administration officials working with baxter international and idf solutions to figure out how to restore supply and increase production. but it appears for now, john, the administration is not declaring shortage of critical idf solutions at the moment. >> john: lydia hu for us, thank you. fox corporation, by the way has made a donation to red cross and eight annual disaster giving program partner and enables red cross to respond immediately to disasters like links by providing safe shelter, hot meals, emotional support and resources to aid in recovery. you can help as well
11:15 am forward and scanned the code on your screen. it is hard to know they are uncovering bodies in north carolina for helene and this big hurricane to hit florida and it does not stop. >> sandra: it is incredible and speaking to national hurricane center and jamie just a moment ago people on incredible missions to try to bring most up-to-date and accurate information on the storm we are trying to get it in now and take time to return it but the aircraft operations, we will have it for the viewers shortly. they show this incredible video of the obviously very bumpy ride into hurricane milton here until they are collecting data right now so that we can get this sort of accurate information on the storm's path, john. it is incredible hurricane research in real-time. >> john: you can imagine any airline or in a pilot themselves will try to did their best to
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avoid a storm like that. they screw up folks flies into the middle of it and it's quite extraordinary. and we will get that footage as soon as we can earlier today. speed to about 30 minutes ago and notably the first respondent to the video once posted, obviously, people pulling for accounts and some responded i am no longer nervous about commercial turbulence because wow is it a bumpy ride for the pilots. we will have that for the viewers in just a moment. in the meantime battleground blitz and president biden twos talk about infrastructure in wisconsin any moment now as a as a republican nominee j.d. vance green left speaking on the auto industry and the economy in michigan. we will monitor both of these events for you and bring the news as we get it, plus this. >> why all of a sudden she trying to parachute in and inject yourself and never shown interest in the past. we know it is because of politics. >> john: on fire there florida
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governor ron desantis firing back at vice president harris after she accuses him of playing politics because he wouldn't take her call. even though he didn't know sheep is calling. byron york on deck to discuss. stay tuned. hi, my name is damian clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special
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♪ ♪ >> john: how many times have you entered a plane and the pilot comes on and says, "we are expecting turbulence." and the attendants have to sit down. hurricane hunter coming into the teeth of hurricane milton.
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>> i am going to grab my phone real quick. well, damn! holy -- all right. >> john: it wasn't quite like air force one. bill clinton in texas 1999 when the guacamole hit the ceiling. i understand it was really close. speed to that is so incredible. they stay cool,, collected and as pilots incredible palms to say the least. just awesome footage and this is
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how they bring the information that tells us exactly where the bar may be heading, john. 's file not a flight for the faint of heart, that is for sure. bring the drama into it. speed to stay cool, stay calm, and hopefully we will see them soon. >> i canceled my trip to germany and africa and that goes out later but i just don't think i can be out of the country at this time. >> sandra: that was president biden postponing the trip he had planned in africa after hurricane milton after critics have slammed his administration's response to hurricane helene. peter doocy is live the white house for us, peter are the president and vice president on the same page about prepping for this massive hurricane milton barreling towards florida questioning. >> not with everything, sandra, particularly it comes to what
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they think about the key state level leader making these preps, ron desantis. >> the governor of florida has been cooperative. he has gotten all he needs and i talked to him again yesterday and i said, no, you are doing a great job. >> it doesn't sound like the vice president thinks so based on her answer to a report into a question about a report about ron desantis not answering her calls. >> utterly irresponsible and it is selfish and it is about political gamesmanship. instead of doing the child's head out today which is to put that people first. >> what does it mean for resources? >> ron desantis is now saying he had no way to the vice president was trying to contact him. bet you think she has posturing anyway. >> i have zero time to entertain these political games. we will continue to do what we need to do to repair and respond
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to what may be one of the most damaging storms in the history of the united states. associates has focusing on protecting your people are selfish, i think she ought to look in the mirror. >> president biden says he will skip his plan to europe and africa because he doesn't think he should be out of the country at this time as milton arrives and that is notable because when he watched helene hit from his beach house in delaware, he said, "it was fine. he was still in command because that is found. "sandra. >> sandra: peter doocy thank you for the update from the white house, thank you. 's payments from on this and other things have interest byron york, fox news contributor and chief correspondent we will get to the hurricane situation and ron desantis in the second first of all kamala harris telling anybody willing to litton she is not joe biden. then she says this on "the view" a couple of hours ago.
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watch. >> if anything, which you have done something differently than president biden over the past four years? >> they were is not thing that comes to mind in terms of fashion i have been a part of most of the decisions that have had the impact. speed when she may physically not be joe biden but her policies based on that answer are like in lockstep. >> every member slammed his or her head against the wall. it is unbelievable. she's been running as a change candidate. that is hard today because she's been vice president of the united states for nearly four years. she was trying to run as a change candidate and one moment in a friendly interview, she said she would not have done anything different than the last four years. you had alex castellano on earlier and he would love to make commercial, republican commercial for that too and i believe there will be a lot of them. >> john: and it comes to the
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hurricane and kamala harris apparently tried to call governor desantis. i'm not sure why she needed to talk to him because he's been talking to the president about hurricane relief and preparations. but she seems to get her nose out of joint when the staff did not pass on word of the call to ron desantis. listen to what she said to. >> i called the governor about what florida has received in terms of impact? we have to have an agreement at some point, we need to work together to combine resources. i think it is a shame that hasn't happened. but look, it has at the local level and other state election. >> he will take your color as president. >> ron desantis is in contact with joe biden who is actually president. he doesn't need to speak with her any self politics what she was doing. listen to what he said. >> i think she should look in the mirror. we have been on emergency footing for two weeks straight over to my focus not been on
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dealing with kamala harris. i saw the news report and i didn't know that she tried to contact me, but i will also say it is not about you kamala! it is about the people of florida. my focus is exactly where it should be. >> john: what do you think? she is saying i'm kind of a big deal and he should take my call questioning. >> i think she was trying to get plentiful benefit out of this. and having watched a few hurricanes, there is only one way to get a political benefit out of a terrible event like a hurricane and that is to do a really good job handling it. the governor of florida has done that in the past. he knows how to do this. as you said, he has talked to the president. we have talked to fema and talk to relevant federal agencies there are and the president of the united states. he simply didn't need to take a call from the campaign trail from the vice president. okay, she could attempt to make the call but to make a big deal out of it, that seems like a bad
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idea. >> john: who has more experience than ron desantis' with hurricanes and how many times has laura been hit in the last four years? >> the last two weeks. >> john: democrat and republican praised him for his preparation and response, as you pointed out. he probably better than anybody the country knows how to did this. >> political careers are affected by disasters like this if you do a really bad job, a problem, but a really good job, people appreciate it. that is what ron desantis the position he's been in. >> john: asked the two bush presidents who took on hurricane response. byron, good to see you coach a thank you so much, sandra. >> sandra: expect to live pictures as we know the national hurricane center said this is your last chance to get out. 's has a live look collier county, florida, folks in naples are under mandatory evacuation orders. they are moving. we are obviously be putting in
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some areas they are part for hours not getting anywhere and people are running out of gas. i believe we got an update from gas buddy saying some of the gas stations are running very low, almost out and some almost already are. peppering for these people who may be weighed up a little bit longer for various reasons but now trying to flee here jeff is southbound traffic, john and we are told collier county and i believe because some people tried to head north can't get anywhere because the traffic is just not moving. they are heading south to try to get below the current path of the storm. so, that is what is happening in this live picture as we continue to watch people flee ahead of milton making landfall on the the florida coast. >> john: would cross alligator alley over to palm beach county. people trying to move south and east to get out of the storm's way because it would appear
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miami all the way up to west palm probably is not going to get too badly affected by this. they make at winds and rain, but it is really north of that area and take the brunt on the east coast. the whole west coast under hurricane watch where warnings. it is a tough one. >> sandra: it appears to be somebody with a wide load on the back of one of their vehicles. i don't know if that is someone transporting a small house. you see the lights blinking. >> john: better they transported them that storm surge, i guess. also coming at flu while blues democrats reportedly worried about harris struggling to win over wisconsin, michigan in pennsylvania and political panel to break it down coming up next. >> here we are 27 days out and you can't tell me that three things she's going to do. economy is in number one issue e in the border is number one issue and she doesn't have a plan for either. ♪ ♪
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that's a good boy, leo!
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>> sandra: all right, president biden speaking today from milwaukee. he will be touting administrations creating good paying jobs plan for american spiritual but "the wall street journal" reporting democrats are worried about vice president uris is chance with working-class voters. along with the blue wall of wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania and economic eve moore and senior fellow at the heritage foundation robert wolf, economic advisor to president obama and 32 advisors and founder and ceo, lengthy resumes to answer my questions. are you happy with the plans that she has laid out? i know you have a new piece in touting that she's got it and this is what our economy needs. >> we put out a few days ago after former president trump and vice president harris gave manufacturing speech. trump in north carolina and harris pittsburgh and tim ryan former congressman and i rode what we thought about the
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platforms here to there was no question to us that we thought vice president at a much better one. i actually think if i didn't say vice p vice president harris to steve and i said, "steve, you were quoted by saying i'm a tree to make free trader and i hate terrorists which are consumer taxes and i know you are not a protectionist and i know you're not an isolationist i know we are supportive of former president trump's mexico trade agreement. they are for the hotel you had protectionism, isolation and 100% tariff and "the wall street journal" hammered him what he said about dear. and building factories, past infrastructure and so if you were just looking at clearly vice president harris as "wall street journal" said was business friendly. >> sandra: you are talking about massive spending programs that she implemented and led to historic inflation and high prices that also living through today. i am yet to hear how she brings down a high-priced environment
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that people are not happy with. read through every word of earpiece, but i did not hear you talk about after going after price gaucher's, robert will. >> why are you standing up for steve? >> sandra: this is harris saying trumpet is the one who has no plans to fix the economy. >> also not talking about a plan for dealing with bringing down the cost of groceries and not talking about a plan for building up american businesses, not talking about a plan for strengthening america's security. >> sandra: how do you respond to that? >> it is almost comical. by the way, i was going to get my new book the trumpet economic miracle, but you are going to give it to me. >> i will give it to robert. by the way, they are number one train on amazon. here is thing people can say trump doesn't have a plan to bring down inflation but wait a minute, there was no emplacement
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donald trump as president and the average inflation rate was 1.9% inflation rate and theft helps us 1.4% and kamala harris and joe biden took it up to 9% and say trump will cause inflation. it is the same thing with all of these things a debt rose $7 trillion. >> wait a second, timeout, steve. be factual. come on, trump's that went up most ever in a four year. >> only means that did. >> i don't think they should shut down the economy? >> it went up fast ever as did the deficit and the current plan by committee for responsible budget that says the 15 will add debt at $7.5 trillion. timeout, let me just finish. >> we'll be doing the j make say
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this is what happened under trump, wages, wages -- >> sandra: perhaps -- >> this must be a three year but because i guarantee it does not include 10 million unemployed. >> because the economy was shut down. >> sandra: this is a healthy debate but there's a lot to get to. let's play this out quickly, harris challenged in a new interview and pay for those programs you are touting, watch. >> it is estimated nonpartisan committee for a responsible federal budget at your economic plan would add $3 trillion to the federal deficit over the next decade. how are you going to pay for that? >> okay, the other economists that have reviewed my plan versus my plan and determine my economic plan would strengthen america's economy. >> the question was, how are you going to pay for it?
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>> i will make sure the richest among us who can afford it pay their fair share in taxes. >> sandra: quick response from both of you. robert first. >> she will increase capital gains 20% and corporate tax 28%. >> sandra: some say that as a job killer. >> thank you. >> i'm not saying versus fennec $7.5 trillion. you cannot tax your way to prosperity and this would be the biggest tax increase on investors in american history. it would destroy -- and "the wall street journal" today making that point. >> you said no, it will be terrible! stated this is what happens when we ran late. you have coffee in the green room and bring more pucks next time, john. >> john: florida reeling from hurricane helene and milton's crosshairs, joshua motz... the director on how his state is
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getting ready. stay tuned with my aunt and my grandma,
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i've built this connection through sports. it's definitely been passed down, from generation to generation. giving the dna test became a bonding experience with my family. we're very persistent. let's just say that. we are. —persistent. —and driven. that is definitely a family trait of ours. absolutely, we're definitely endurance athletes. —yeah, let's see. —yeah. —so... —that explains it here. now you know. it's actually a part of your dna. wow! this is great for athletes! (♪) if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage... begins october 15th... and ends december 7th. so call unitedhealthcare and get... coverage you can count on for your whole life ahead, with our broad range of plans... including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine your hospital and doctor coverage... with part d prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan... for a low or $0 monthly premium.
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unitedhealthcare offers reliable plans with benefits built to be used, including... $0 annual physical exams, $0 lab tests and... $0 preventive care like mammograms and colonoscopies. and you'll get more for your medicare dollar... with $0 copays on covered routine dental services... lives and help the communities before, during and after the
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hurricane. there is an important message today for all of those who may be listening to this. the impacted areas, listen to the local authorities. follow safety instructions including evacuation orders. this is serious and you've got to be safe because people are dying. people have died so far, not from this hurricane but the last one. but folks, want to get to today's event. thank you for sharing your family story. you said it all. the worst thing and i know from experience for a parent, something happening to your children. your son, your family, your families exposed to lead poisoning and the water, and they deserve a hell of a lot better than they are getting. that is why we are here. that is people like alfonso are getting to work to remove lead-pipe services delivering clean water.
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kamala and i go back to flint wearing what happened then. remembered, michigan? well, providing what is good for our health. >> john: president biden in milwaukee going on with his event but saying it is important for people in florida to listen to local authorities and this is serious. people died in hellenic and potentially this one as well. sandra, they need to get out of harm's way. >> sandra: we will monitor the traffic and people are still trying to get out here till we hope they can end this might be the last day they can evacuate, john. >> i have said many times she went to pick a fight with mother nature, she is winning 100% of the time. 12 feet is about that house. if you are in it, basically, that is the cough and you are and. >> john: all right, let's bring in florida democrat congressman, joshua moskowitz and that state management director under florida
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governor ron desantis. congressman, thank you for joining us. so milton expected to weaken somewhat that still can impact the florida coast hurricane category 3 and may be low category 4 white or wind field then it is right health care to the farm management director what is your message to folks in the sunshine state? >> thanks, john, the message to listen to local emergency managers on the ground. listen to director kevin guthrie the director of emergency management. if you live in flood zones, they ask you to evacuate and please leave. you don't have to go 100s of miles but get away from the coast. go to shelter or a friend's house or a hotel, but you've got to get away from the coast. 10-15 storm surge and 150-mile-an-hour winds. and thayer is going to be significant challenges along the
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coast and storm surge and where this i will make landfall anywhere between tampa all the way down to the edge of sarasota county. so we really don't know -- so everyone needs to be listening. it is a large evacuation. i know people are sitting in traffic. it is much better to sit in traffic and it is to remain in your home in a flood zone that has been evacuated. if you lives in a mobile home, for seniors that live in assisted living facilities and nursing homes, hopefully they are effectuated by now. >> john: mandatory evacuations up and down the coast clear water down to naples. naples city under mandatory evacuation order. the storm surge in tampa bay and along the coast can be anywhere 12-15 feet if as forecast, militant comes to the sunshine skyway. what kind of an effect is that going to happen as the water gets funneled into tampa bay? >> well, look the division of
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emergency management actually exercise several years ago when i was the director a cate category 5 from coming into tampa bay. kevin is a man who led the exercise. so they have a lot of scenarios what could happen, right? i don't want to talk about what could happen. what i want to talk about his people listening to the warnings. there are going to be significant challenges on the ferry islands and possibly pinellas county's and not accessible because bridges are going to be locked down or heavily damage. some people need to leave. and also, this is not happening in a vacuum, john happening with five other states having activations from hurricane helene. so resources are going to be a challenge. things may take longer than we are used to because there is a multistate disaster. this double hit. we saw that and that har
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harvey/irma/maria circumstance with three hurricanes geographically. so that is why listening to these warnings are so important. it will save lives as the mayor of tampa jean castor was saying. >> john: florida officials certainly have a lot more experience than they would like to have and they seem to be ready for this. we will see how it goes in the next 36 hours. congressman, good to be with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you john. to be when we be right back.
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and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. or at least are not reporting full shortages yet, gasbuddy seeing the are starting to see outages across the state so folks who can get out should get out now, you just heard from the national hurricane center, this is your last chance. >> judge jeanine: >> john: 80 -- next people going across alligator alley over to fort lauderdale piermont broward county, miami west palms in that area too seeking accommodations what you see on the right-hand side of the screen is north of the eye for corridor or as people are heading north.
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not just a 75 through alligator alley that's jammed, tamiami trail south of there from marco island is also pretty jammed up so a lot of people are heeding the warning on the -- and they are getting out of dodge before the weather gets sober that they can get out. >> sandra: yeah, am looking at the outages reporting -- reported by gasbuddy their tracking this and obviously the biggest outages so far are in the tampa area and the fort myers naples area. in tampa there reporting -- agitate tampa st. petersburg reporting a 43% of the gas stations are now without gas. fort myers, naples there reporting paid -- are without gas. so it will be tough for some folks --'s if they haven't yet. >> judge jeanine: >> john: before the governor has been saying look some of the local stations run of gas gas but there's no fuel shortage in the state but that doesn't -- it's not much comfort though if you're sitting at a gas station trying to fuel up the car and
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they say so where out of gas. you have to go try and find it as you pointed out. somewhere else. is not like they have tanker trucks at the ready to replenish the gas station so there will be some frustration for drivers just, you know, urging ??? but i'm sure it's running out currently. >> sandra: in. will keep monitoring this. >> john: florida governor ron desantis about to give an update in the next little while as or coverage continues, stays with -- stay with us. ♪ ♪ discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide
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12:00 pm
♪ ♪ >> sandra: the message is get out now about to approach the top of the new hour as we continue to get updates on hurricane milton burling towards florida and these are flukes -- folks clearing -- >> john: no opening much do it for us this hour when we see you tomorrow will be just hours away from the storm's effect will be felt on the florida coast, lungful expected around midnight. >> sandra: be safe everybody. dvr -- that your dvr never mess "america reports." i'm sammy smith


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