tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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hers was, let me say as many words as i can and try not to make news for any wrong reasons. she was late. that whole thing. she was not as nimble and i would argue what i was missing from kamala harris was respect. didn't hear it in her voice. >> bret: well. thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> harris: thank you. >> bret: at its highest point got 8.2 million people tuning in. >> sandra: amazing. >> bret: we welcome her back and obviously we welcome the former president in the same format if he would like to show up before election day 19 days from now. tomorrow on "special report" mark penn and alex castellanos join us to handy cap the next two weeks. thank you for watching us every night we will continue to follow this election fair balanced and still unafraid. here's laura. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight as always. thank you so much for joining us. a telling tid bit from the "new york post" today sheds more
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light on the friction between kamala harris and the man who actually won his party's primaries. at ethel kennedy's funeral, biden reportedly whispered to obama she is not as strong as me, according to this renowned lip reader who analyzed the conversation. obama then answered in response i know that's true. we have time. well, not a lot. only 19 days. and there is a building consensus tonight that the political momentum, at least for now, is with donald trump. he did a univision town hall yesterday. another hostile forum, and seemed to take it all in stride. no reports that he showed up late or tried to wrap the interview early. that's because he is confidante of himself and of his understanding of the issues, as complex as they are. now, this is a stark contrast to kamala in the fox den. and that's the focus of tonight's angle. all right, last night we shared
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our instant reaction to harris' sitdown with bret baier. now we have a better sense of wjust how badly it went for her and own supporters inside and outside the campaign. well, they know it. the best that they could do and i read pretty much everything today, the best they could do was try to portray her as kamala, in the lion's den. the media's word of the day tough. >> at the end of the day this was all about one word, the word tough. it showed that harris was tough. >> she showed a real toughness by going in there. >> um-huh. >> and standing toe to toe with clearly an unfriendly venue. >> it was aggressive. it was tough. and she was absolutely fine. she has answered, kamala harris, every criticism that has come her way. >> laura: wait, wait, wait. she was absolutely fine. would anyone say that about -- absolutely fine. she answered every criticism? what interview were these people watching? plus, shouldn't we assume that a
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party's nominee is going to be tough? isn't that supposed to be kind of a given for this job description? i'm sure kim jong un and, you know, jinping they are not tough at all. putin, no, they are not tough. and if you really are tough, if you really are crushing it in an interview, why on earth would you want your staffers to cut it short? but, in fact, that's exactly what happened. >> madam vice president they are wrapping me very hard here. they're giving me a hard wrap here. >> well, i thank you for the time. >> laura: why didn't madam tough lady wave off her staff when they were waiving at bret to wrap. if you are just dominating an interview, if you are on the top of your game, you are reaching an entirely new audience, then why wouldn't you want it to breathe a little. have a little fun? well, here is some context. >> we were supposed to start at 5:00 p.m. this is the time they gave us,
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originally we were going to do 25 and 30 minutes. came in and said well maybe 20. the vice president showed up 5:5. i had a dismount there at the end. i'm talking four people like waiving their hands it's got to stop. >> dana: you could tell. >> laura: like gymnastics moving around. now, obviously, her comms staff saw what all of us saw. and it was not pretty. now, it wasn't that bret was getting combative. bret was doing what journalists used to do, ask serious questions and, yeah, occasionally follow up when questions are actually not answered? it's not that he was combative. it was that she was getting more visibly annoyed the longer it went on. enter the verbal crutch. may i please finish? >> we have a broken immigration system that needs to be repaired. >> >> bret: so your homeland security secretary said that 85% of apprehensions. >> well, i'm not finished. >> bret: fin. >> may i please -- may i finish
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responding please? you have to let me finish, please. >> laura: it wasn't just that her staff should have had her practice answering at least a few questions about her record. got to answer questions, right? without using the words donald trump. she literally could not do this. >> they say the country is on the wrong track. 79% of them. why are they saying that if you are turning the page, you have been in office for three and a half years. >> and donald trump has been running for office. >> bret: but you have been the person holding the office. >> come on. >> madam vice president. >> you and i both know what i'm talking about. you and i both know what i'm talking about. >> bret: actually i don't. >> laura: i don't know what you are talking about. made no sense, weak, weak, weak. the woman who thinks she deserves to be president showed up late to an interview and then refused to answer straightforward, rather simple
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questions that she should have answered three months ago. the subtext throughout -- i had to watch it again. it was torture. whenever she was asked about actual record or actual comments in the past, 2019, what she is trying to say is that, i guess, they all would have had more success and a lot more consensus if trump wasn't out there running and running for president and banging the drums. i guess that was the argument. she wanted to show the country she is, in fact, a serious person with serious plans an solutions with how to repair our border and lift up the economy. she didn't because she can't all shi could do is what she always does. grandstand and repeat lines that her consultants had her memorize when bret brought up the mother who blamed biden and harris after her daughter was murdered by illegal. this was the feigned emotion. >> i will tell you that i am so sorry for her loss. i'm so sorry for her loss
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sincerely. b and e but let's talk about what is happening right now with an individual who does not want to participate in solutions. >> first of all, when anyone says sincerely, it's like saying frankly. again, it's trump's fault. this woman's daughter was murdered and she is trying to say it's trump's fault. or, you know, move to trump, deflect to trump. again, this is not serious and it's not going to work international relations, it's not going to work when you are dealing with congress. it's not going to work, period. what is she, 10? that's what my boys do. it's his fault. dial with that all day long at my house. with all the bromides flying. she tried to chatbot trying to mimic maya angelou. >> the vast majority have more in common than what separates us. i do believe the american people are ready to turn the page on the divisiveness and the type of rhetoric that has come out of donald trump. people are ready to chart a new
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way forward. >> laura: chart a new way forward and call him fascist. that's the new rhetoric. you know, again, a new way forward it's like rinse, repeat because five minutes earlier this woman could not name one thing differently she would do than biden. the fact is harris missed a huge opportunity last night. and the best that the print media could do was call the exchange testy. "the washington post" and "new york times" followed suit using a better sat word calling the interview contentious. oh. notice what they couldn't say. they couldn't say that she showed a mastery of the facts or that she laid out a bold agenda to differentiate herself from biden and his unpopular record. she did none of the above. the fact is her staff was desperate to standoff stop the interview because they knew the longer it went on, the weaker she came across. they were like trainers at a boxing match throwing a towel in
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the ring to stop the fight. and that's the angle. joining me tonight, is texas senator ted cruz who rumor has it is a pretty decent debater himself, senator. it's great to see you. i know you served in the senate with harris. >> great to be with you, laura. are you surprised that she is just terrible at these interviews after all this time? you know, i'm not. she is number one an idealogue. she is hard, hard left. her voting record was literally to the left of bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. i served with bernie and elizabeth. there ain't much room to their left. she is very different than joe biden in one respect. biden is basically a puppet. kamala is a true believer. she believes in this nonsense. i watched that debate and kamala has one answer to every question and her one answer is i hate donald trump so whatever the question, immigration, why do we have 11.5 million people invading this country? answer be: i hate donald trump. iran, if iran is america's
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greatest enemy, why did you give him $100 billion? answer: i hate donald trump. how are you different from joe biden? what do you do differently than joe biden? her answer: i hate donald trump she has no answer to anything. i got to say the one that ticked me off the most is actuality one you just played there a minute ago. where bret asked her quite reasonably do you wish to apologize to the parents of laken riley? do you wish to apologize to the parents of laken riley. do you wish to apologize to alexa. her 12-year-old daughter raped and murdered by illegal aliens that kamala harris released and kamala couldn't bring herself to apologize. she says she feels sorry but take no accountability and she won't change the policies which means today, she is releasing new illegals who will rape and murder someone else. she is doing the exact same thing and by the way my opponent in my texas senate race collin
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allred. collin allred is kamala harris. they are both open border radicals who take no responsibility for their disastrous policies. >> now, the democrats want to dehumanize trump and in your race you, that you don't care that trump doesn't care that they are just mean, that they want to put women back in the kitchen, it's just the same old tired cliches. meanwhile trump goes on with this univision interview. another hostile event. he is asked about the three virtues that kamala harris possesses. what would they be? this is what he said. >> i think we have the soundbite yeah, anyway, we will play it to you in one second. in general, i think we have it. let's listen. >> she seems to have an ability to survive. she was out of race and all of the sudden she is running for
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president. she seems to have some pretty long time friendships and that's, you know, also -- i don't call that an ability. i call that a good thing. see seems to have a nice way about her. i like the way, you know, some of her statements, some of her -- the way she behaves in a certain way. basically all she could say about him was well he steams love his family. he was really gracious. i have known you for, i don't know, 25 years, ted, same thing. that's all they can do. they are the smearing fear machine. >> look. they're motivated by hate. they have convinced themselves they hate donald trump with al of their heart. their policies are a disaster. i had a debate with collin allred the entire debate like kamala harris. is he trying to pretend that he hasn't been a hard left liberal. that he hasn't supported open borders. that he hasn't voted to defund
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the police. neigh hasn't opposed oil and gas and energy. and is running over $100 million of ads lying to the people of texas. i will tell you, laura, i'm getting massively outspent. i want to encourage your viewers please come to ted right now because this race is a one or two point race. and we are seeing $100 million come in and the only way we are surviving is millions of people are coming to ted around giving 25 or 50 or 100 bucks or more. that lets us communicate the truth. it's what donald trump is doing. pointing out his policies work securing the border. unleashing the economy and their policies are a disaster so i'm grateful for the folks that go to ted >> laura: yeah. you got it, in ted, this is why you are a good debater, you got it. in the point is the argument for texas is if you want us to be like san francisco, and california, then go with that
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guy then definitely vote for him if you want us to continue to be the place everybody else moves to escape those kinds of policies, then you got to go with what works. this is status -- i means the status quo of horrible kamala harris type policies or the change of economic advancement which you guys are just killing it in texas. and, ted, it's great -- senator, thank you very much for joining us. i appreciate it. kamala's campaign as i said having a few challenges. so do they have defibrillator handy to save it. we're going to examine, next. ♪
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sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. >> top line is the 5 point advantage that kamala harris had in our last poll is gone. >> look at them side by side and can you see it. >> democrats worry there could be a repeat of donald trump's 2016 win. >> except bigger. now reality has replaced vibes as the angle correctly predicted pauline guru nate silver is now warning democrats that harris probably faces a tougher environment than clinton or biden swinging conservative, inflation and immigration are big deals to voters. you think? and now silver is forecasting that trump will win the election. this comes as the latest fox
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news national poll has trump ahead by 2 points. joining me now kevin mccarthy former speaker of the house. now, mr. speaker, she has raised a billion dollars. she has burned through most of that and they are going back, you know, to wall street and silicon valley for more money. they need more money they said to win in these swing states. what is going on here. >> they are yelling at the donors and voters why won't they support them? and the other thing you have to notice, too. if you ever want to know which side is losing, look for the articles there where there is infighting. you notice the democrats now getting the article there is all this infighting? >> laura: pennsylvania campaign chief is a disaster? >> they are preparing who to blame for this loss. who to blame in the party themselves. their policies for one. her as kamala harris. one thing historically has always told us, she peeks on the day she announces and then she goes down from there. which we have watched happen. secondly interest is a contrast here try to do the same thing against donald trump.
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they can't. >> laura: they know him now. >> they know him and know his policies. can you lie as much as you want. it doesn't play. the other thing too, this environment. the one thing about the environment is true. if you watch the gallup poll a week and a half ago it. doesn't ask you who you are supporting. it asks you who you identify republican or democrat? historically, republicans have never won. they have won the poll by 3 points. 48-45. you can look and you could correlate when democrats win the presidency is the difference between those two. but, republicans are number one. they asked a second question who is best to solve your problems? republicans beat democrats on that. and, think about the voter registration to where it was four years ago. grew with republicans and dropped with democrats. i don't know why the democrats are missing. more hispanics are voting for president trump, 41, the highest black vote republican modern time. >> you are right they are lashing out black men. >> barack obama yelling at them. >> black men and then hispanic
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voters are saying what are you doing here? what are you doing here? voting for economic interest. exactly they watched more of the same. when she said look, if i ran president trump's campaign i would run ad between now and the end. i would use her own words. what would have you done different? i can't think of anything. >> laura: she is a change candidate, kevin. >> more of the same. the only change is president trump. change back to where we don't have inflation. we have secure border. we have a safe world with no more wars. we have got an america where everybody is rising up. >> laura: do you know what people say to me a lot? gosh, remember when interest rates were 2 point 1%? why didn't i buy a house? why didn't i buy an apartment? some people -- and you don't want people to think that will never come again. that's over. you will never have that dream of owning your own home again. and he is speaking to that now, which is i think is very powerful. >> economics is the biggest driver. and the next when you look at a secure border. the thing about this. they attack his tax plan. do you know what you remember on
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tax plan. all the headlines? people were getting raises. their employer were giving them more money. she wants to take your money. somebody else wants to make you have more money. and we didn't have inflation. so when you got more money, it went further. >> laura: the celebrity factor is having zero'. it never works. >> it never works. >> katy perry for hillary clinton remember that and bruce springsteen it? >> works against you. can't they learn? they get excited about it by nobody else does. >> laura: mr. speaker great to see you in studio no less. >> i love it. >> laura: thank you for coming in. the biden administration is caught cooking the books again. we'll expose it, next. ♪
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trump is because i'm dissatisfied with our borders. i believe those need to be secure. every policy that trump is pushing is something that i hold true to from a value as well as a moral standpoint. >> laura: okay. black men are beginning to think for themselves and, thus, are facing a barrage of smears from the democrats. all because, again, they are not marching in lock step behind kamala harris, not all of them at least. instead of blaming her decades of neglect toward their community, the left is just accusing black men of being my a subject nist. that works. "new york times" for a long time antiracism and compassion and safety net policies were the glue that held all black voters together with democrats. but the patriarchy speaks to men in a particular way and more black men simply be drifting in that direction. joining me now spokesman for the patriarchy, horace cooper project 21 chair. that was an actual column in the
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"new york times" blame the patriarchy. >> i read it and laughed. look, we at project 21 saw the nbc poll that said 33% in 2024, 33% of black men are moving to either center or right positions and we at project 21 have been trying to make that occur. but, it has been easier for the left to do it. when they talk about the patriarchy, these woke terms, alienate black men. one of the biggest group within black men that it alienate are blue collar workers. blue collar black men are more likely and certainly extremely likely to say -- have the same idea about the world as white blue collar workers. >> laura: their jobs are going
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overseas or going to migrants. >> absolutely. >> laura: migrants are getting their jobs or jobs being shifted overseas because wall street does better when that happens. how is that working for them? >> we send people to the grocery store. and their eyes are poked out with hot pokers. >> laura: outrageous. >> you are supposed to say ignore all of that. >> laura: thank you, kamala, may i have another? >> exactly. >> your bud returned to cnn this week answered issued kind of a correction. watch. >> i went up to people just doing man on the street who are you going to vote for? black men and time after time after time they said i'm voting for donald trump. >> why? >> now, the reasons why they said because most of the time they said well, you know, for economic reasons, right? or because he gave me a stem also check and i had to correct them over and over and tell them where that stem also came came from a democratic congress and from nancy pelosi. >> laura: okay. so horace, he is the national correcter of misunderstandings, apparently, black men can't think for themselves.
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>> maybe he ought to start figuring out how he can behave as a person on the air and treating women and acting in misogynistic way. putting aside black men do not believe that all of these woke progressive ideas are practical for them and their lives. i said in my book put you all back in chains. >> laura: oh yeah, i loved that book. >> it is those woke policies. >> laura: and the economy. yeah, horace, these guys are like i had more money in my pocket. >> sex change operations for prisoners? >> laura: they don't like that. the economy is number one for all people. >> of course it is. of course it is. but they are crazy these ideas of how they would like to solve the problems that americans face. and black americans are rebelling against it. >> laura: horace what are your programs by the way. >> he/him or your royal majesty. >> laura: i will stick with your
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majesty. [laughter] >> laura: charlamagne tha god, horace tha god. when the facts aren't on your side distort them that seems to be kamala's m.o. the final weeks of the campaign. >> someone who suggests we should terminate the constitution of the united states should never again stand behind the seal of the president of the united states! [cheers] never again! never again! >> laura: mommy, listening to that for four years. now that would be cruel and unusual punishment if we are talking about the constitution. eighth amendment. but to her ludicrous lie about trump and the constitution, perhaps she should look in the mirror because it's her party that has no qualms about blowing up the constitution. today the biden-harris administration approved another $4.5 billion in student loan forgiveness for 60,000 people. that brings the total to
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$175 billion. they are literally ignoring a supreme court decision. look, anything to get the youth vote. and then there is kamala's price gouging proposal, which is also destined to be struck down in federal court. come on. there is the biden-harris court reform proposal. yeah, court reform? a direct violation of the constitution itself. and the list goes on and on. joining me now chris landau law clerk for justices scalia and thomas and ambassador for mexico and will cain "fox & friends weekend" co-host. both of you have great to see. chris, which of the moves that i just mentioned are the most egregiously unconstitutional? >> laura, i think you have got to start with the proposal to change the supreme court tenure and to say that supreme court justices no longer serve for life. that's attacking the very fabric of our government and the major check on the executive branch. i think if that goes, our whole
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system of government goes. so it's hard to be more radical than that. >> laura: will cain, this seems to be the norm now for kamala and company. especially in the waning weeks of this campaign. they are going to blow up the constitution. but we're going to shred it and hope money mentions it. how does any of this ultimately bring people back into the fold? >> only by fear. by scaring them with lies. you know, i was just sitting there listening to the clip that you played laura, i'm sitting here thinking when does he say set aside the constitution. then i have to say to myself you are listening almost figuratively the boy who cried wolf. very fine people play the extended clip we know what he said. whether or not it was bloodbath. play the extended clip we know what he said. dictator for a day or only have to vote once. he has explained the importance of this election. to this setting aside of the constitution, it's just complete and utter boy who cried wolf syndrome they are telling lies,
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the lie, here's the best part as you pointing out laura projection. projection done on a multitude of issues racism and covid and who believes in science who who will destroy the constitution. they are casting stones from the position of which they are threatening. they are the threat to the constitution. >> laura: total hypocrites on this. chris, i want you to hear something that kamala said about trump. this was tonight in wisconsin. watch. >> the stakes are even higher. because a few month ago the united states supreme court told the former president he is effectively immune no matter what he does in the white house. [crowd boos] >> now think about that. think about that. just imagine donald trump with no guardrails. >> laura: chris, this woman is actually -- reports are that she didn't pass the bar first time around. i haven't personally confirmed that but i believe that's the
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case. she actually was attorney general of california making that statement. react, please. >> it's really disappointing that our political figures at this national level are engaging in this kind of cheap rhetoric. that's just a grotesque distortion of the supreme court decision which protects not donald trump but the office of the presidency and says that presidents can't be held criminally liable as this administration has tried to do for their official acts thoog the way the constitution has to operate as the supreme court recognized. that is true whether the president happens to be donald trump or joe biden or barack obama it doesn't matter. it is about the presidency and its role in the separation of power. pandering is nothing new in election campaigns, laura. i don't think we have ever witnessed pandering on this level? just going back to your previous segment. she is promising to try to black
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men a special entrepreneurship program gives forgivable loans to black men only how can that be consistent with the constitution. >> she through in after the fact it says and others on the website. i have to go back to the bret baier conversation with her. it's never a good thing on the number one issue facing the country, the economy. when you say can you go to my website. like we're kind beyond going to the website at this point. you should be able to clearly delineate your policies. if you just go to my website you will see all my wonderful ideas. ing trying to figure out how are american people said bret baier on what exactly you stand for and inconsistencies is of my record. go to my website. i want to use this opportunity to mention donald trump no less than 113 times. two times every minute to make sure you understand is a
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referendum on donald trump. don't worry what you see here i'm a blank slate. which is kind of true she is a blank slate for the democratic party apparatus and she wants it to be a referendum on donald trump. >> laura: guess what? she is the incumbent. that's how it works in politics. >> will: that's right. >> laura: thank you. democrats' narrative on crime it's declining, right? do you feel safer out there? we will tell you what is really going on, next. ♪ sing it adam! ♪ turbotax'll beat your price ♪ ♪ this is a taaaax break-up! ♪ this fall, switch to a turbotax live expert and we'll beat the price you paid your pro last tax season. after many years of working as a teacher, i wasn't ready for retirement. becoming a visiting angels caregiver is such a rewarding job. every day i make a difference in the lives of those who matter most - our seniors - who may need a little extra help. if you have more to give,
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from the first day of kindergarten through the day they graduate high school, in california, 38% of students attend a public school that fails to meet minimum health standards. prop 2 will fund urgent repairs at local schools. protect kids from toxic mold and asbestos. ensure clean water. and to fix what's actually broken, all public funds go to local schools. without raising taxes. yes on 2. all kids deserve a safe place to learn.
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surveillance cameras captured the suspect run away. >> teenagers run up, attacking him. he says they demand they give him his stuff. he fights back. >> a knife. and he -- he just like came out of nowhere and just the knife on me. >> 7-year-old saleh mazda are a on a park this week with her grandma attacked at random by 73-year-old man. >> laura: i mean, these are the kind of infuriating and heart breaking stories we have been hearing of for the past, what, three and a half years? but democrats keep telling us things are getting better.
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>> crime is down under joe biden and crime was up under donald trump. >> donald trump often likes to say violent crime suspect under our administration while, in fact, violent crime is now near a 50-year low. >> crime in this country is through the roof. and we have a new form of crime. it's call migrant crime. and it's happening at levels that nobody thought possible. >> president trump as you know the fbi says overall violent crime is actually coming down in this country. >> laura: really, david? well, now we know those were just political talking points in an election year. because it turns out that the biden-harris administration is cooking the books again. just like how the economic data is always revised downward month after month it seems. the fbi's crime data was revised as the well. upward. the fbi's initial data claimed that the violent crime rate fell 2.1% back in 2022, but they stealthily changed it in september to a 4.5% increase. well, they didn't even acknowledge the change.
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they just hoped that nobody would in the it. joining me now is brandon tatum. former police officer, owner of the tatum store an exgang member and founder of ex-cons for community change. tyrone, i want to start with you, you know, you were in prison. now you are doing work on the ground in chicago. from what you are seeing statistics crime going up reflect the reality? >> no, they don't. thank you, laura, for having me. no, they don't ms. ingraham. what we have is victimization in chicago and it has been happening for as long as i can remember. even when i was runnine street. you was -- what is happening is the influx, wherever there is migrants and wherever there is sanctuary cities, trump is right. you will find that crime has increased. it's a shame that even with all of the energy and effort we put in, and i don't think president
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trump get enough credit because he has cured a lot of the 1994 clinton crime bill that ushered in mass incarceration of black men all over this country. trump's first step act has created an influx of men and women in these communities that has been reformed -- former gang member, reformed americans that have been helping and reducing violence and crime in these cities. it's unfortunate that with the level of men under donald trump that has come out of prison, that the republican party and even trump administration hasn't really pushed that narrative to show that he, the men that he released you will find. active and reduce in violence. you are not the first person to tell me this by the way: i think what tyrone, not
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misstating what he said. this idea that crime was declining never felt right to people who were actually on the streets. and it turns out it wasn't right. it was wrong. and yet it was repeatedly through the campaign. now, cnn, brandon is refusing to acknowledge that the data does not align with their agenda here. watch this. >> the suspect pushed her to the ground with her walker, causing her to slam her head on the concrete and cut her arm. he snatches her purse. surveillance cameras captured the suspect running away and medics drove jane to a trauma center. >> teenagers. >> laura: yeah. that's the wrong crip. tell me if we are going to play the clip. i guess we don't have that clip. okay. so we don't have it, brandon. this is live tv. this is what happens. bottom line inconvenient fact for them, right? i saw that when i was in chicago talking to police officers on the street. they are like well, crimes aren't being reported as they used to be. they are being recategorized by
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police to make it look like crime is down. is that right? is that part of what is going on here? >> yeah. i have been in some of these cities that is what is going on. i remember when i worked in do tucson as a police officer there. certain burglary crimes we reclassified and we ended in tucson, arizona had the highest crime rate certain burglaries than the entire nation. we know that wasn't true but they wanted to reclassify certain things so we looked better in other areas. this is what they do. they play games, they lie. the beauty of what has come about in america is the advent of social media. we see videos every single day with people bludging other people in the middle of the street, robbing, looting, killing, stealing, thugging, we see it with our own eyes. and people that live in these communities, they are experiencing this. they don't care what the fbi statistics say. they don't care what a politician is trying to say during an election season. people are having real experiences. and that's why they are not voting for the party that have been saying for so many years that they want to defund the
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police. that there is no real crisis. and all of those things. people are not going on. and tyrone, the fbi is standing by its numbers saying it -- well, we were right because they are calculated differently statement. gang activity that you are seeing on the streets of chicago, very briefly tell us about it. >> yeah, you know, level of just the influx of migrants various latin groups with the tda and different gang influxes. buff the biggest thing is the fbi numbers are even off. you got to understand in these community where black people have had systemic distrust of the police there are men i know who have been shot when the bullet go through and through that don't even report to hospitals that they there has been a victim. >> we are going to keep on this
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topic. we will have you back. sorry we have do the can you off short tonight. both of you very important perspectives on this incredibly important issue. brandon and tyrone, thank you. coming up, kamala ditching the al smith dinner tonight could doom her with catholic voters? we'll tell you about it, next. ♪
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>> laura: is kamala harris uncomfortable appearing before allied catholic audience? even one with mostly democrats in the room? with her radical views on abortion, has she just given up on the catholic vote? tonight she is booking tradition and skipping out on the al smith dinner. that is the biggest charitable fund-raiser from the church in new york and for decades, both major candidates have spoken at the event. trading light, mostly friendly jabs. but after cardinal dolan let his disappointment be known about her no-show, harris is apparently sending a video message. sorry, sweetie, to little, too late.
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and this gives the stage all to trump. a recent national catholic reporter survey is showing trump now leads harris among catholics by an average of five points. that is in the seven swing states. joining me now, are fox news political analyst and former speaker of the house. new to, there are millions of self identified catholic voters in the states and in pennsylvania and wisconsin, kamala is there tonight, it could have a major impact. so what is going on with kamala harris here? >> i think it's pretty clear. my wife was the ambassador of the vatican and spent a lot of time on key issues like human freedom and freedom of religion. she recently just wrote that kamala harris is clearly the most anti-catholic candidate, i think since james blain in 1880. and you go from that and tim waltz is worse.
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remember at one point during covid, he issued a ruling that you could have up to 50 people in a bar and 10 people in a church. at another point he closed all churches but allowed model america to stay open so people could have what he called retail therapy. it is important to understand, a left wing of the democratic party, which is now most of it, is deeply antireligious and especially anti-catholic because so many catholic views and weather it is on life or transgender or you name it, reviews that are of warrant to the kamala harris wing of the democratic party. >> laura: now new to, donald trump is actually -- this time around, making a very direct appeal to christians, watch. >> christians do not vote well, they vote in very small percentages. why? i don't know, maybe they are disappointed and things that are happening but for a long time, i say you don't vote. i'm saying go out, you must vote. november fifth will be the most important election in the
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history of our country. where you were earlier not. >> laura: this is different from last time around and i think it is very smart, that was president trump on our show back in july. he sees that there are a lot of christians who decide not to vote for whatever reason. he is not perfect on some of the issues from their moral standpoint but we are not electing a pope, we are electing a president of the united states. >> look, i think the fact is that in almost every core value, people of faith are much closer to donald trump than they are to kamala harris. that is just an objective fact. you can go down a whole list of her issues and her views and they are very destructive. she would coerce, for example,, religious hospitals to engage in procedures that is violated by their religion, that they cannot do. they will remain religious. she attacked people for being members of the knights of columbus and it's ironic because
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they were doing work on an article about tonight's dinner. she found out that not only had john f. kennedy and richard nixon gone to the al smith dinner in 1960, but kennedy was a member of knights of columbus. so the very idea that kamala harris is a speaker -- is a senator was questioning whether you could be a judge if you belonged to the knights of columbus, that tells you how radically anti-catholic she is. >> laura: thank you. that is at rest tonight, make sure to follow me on social media, we have a couple new videos up on instagram, you will love them. thank you for watching, remember it is america, now and forever. jesse watters takes it from here. and you are all asking for more pictures of zoe and annie, okay,, i have been remiss and i will get them up on instagram. i'm trying my best. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight... >> wise half the country supporting him? why is he beating you and a lot of swing states?
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