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tv   [untitled]    October 18, 2024 1:30am-2:00am PDT

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horace cooper project 21 chair. that was an actual column in "the new york times." blamed the patriarchy. >> i read and laugh. we at project 21 saw the nbc poll that said 33% in 2024, 33% of black men are moving toect either center or right positions. we at project 21 have been butrying to make that occur. but it has been easier for the left to do abo it! they talk about the patriarchy! these woke terms alienate black men. and one of the biggest groups within black men that they alienate our blue-collar workers. blue-collar black men are more likely and certainly extremely likely to have the same idea
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about the world as white blue-collar workers. >> lauras.: their jobs are going overseas. >> absolutely! they went to migrants are getting their jobs or their jobn shipped over seas because of "the wall street journal." wasn't working for them question put. >> we sent a put to the and their eyesay are with pokers. you are trying to say ignore a>> let them. >> laura: thank you, kamala. your buddy ray turned to and aw correction, watch. >> it went uep to people on the street and said who will youter vote for, black man? time after time after time they said i'm voting for donald trump. >> why? >> most of the time they said for economic reasons, or because he gave me a stimulus track gimmick check. i had to correct them over and over and i said that came from h democratic congress and nancy pelosi. >> laura: okay, horace cooper, tehe is the national director o>
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misunderstandings and black men can't think for themselves. >> maybe you need to figure out how he can behave as a person on air without mistreating women and acting in a misogynist way. but putting that aside, black men do not believe that all of these woke, progressive ideas are practical for them in their lives. i said in my book, put you backk in chains. but as those woke policies. >> laura: and the economy. horace, i had more money in my pocket.e >> sex change operations for prisoners? i of course it is! that they are crazy, these ideas how they would like to solve the problems that americans face anr black americans are against it. >> laura: horace, what are
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your pronouns? >> your majesty! >> laura: your majesty , thank you.magn i think charlegmagne tha god but horace is the god. ter >> kamala's ammo into the finaln campaign. >> we should terminate the constitution of ther united states shouldag never agn stand behind the seal of the president of the united states! [cheers and applause] never again! never again!s. >> laura: mommy so to speak to that for four years. ndmethat is cruel and unusual i constitution of the united states. but her littlehe feathers ludicrous light of the aboconstitution and the united states she should look in the mirror because nstito qualmt blowing up the constitution ande biden-harris administration n stapproved another $4.5 billio
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for student loan forgiveness for 60,000 people. that brings the total to $175 they are literally ignoring the supreme court decision. look, anything to get the youth vote and theg n there is kamalar e price gouging proposal instrut them in court, come on!a and the biden-harris court reform proposal, a direct violation of the constitution itself. in the list goes on and on and on. a chris landau for justice scaliac and thomas. fox & friends weekend cohost, will cain. chris, which of the most i justs mentioned are most egregiously unconstitutional? >> laura, i think you have to start with a proposal to change the supreme court in your essay supreme court justices no longeg serve a that is attacking the very r government in
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nature check on the executive branch. i think if that goes, a whole system of government goes.aura it is harder to be more radical than that. >> laura: will cain, this seems to be the normal four kamala in the waning weeks oft this campaign.we they will blow up theho constitution, but we will shred it and hope no one's mentions itpeop. how does this ultimately bring people back into the fol fold? >> only by fear, scaring themth with lies. i was sittinthatg there listenin that clip you played, laura, went is he say he set aside the constitution? i have to remember that you are listening almost literally but almost figuratively to the boy who cried wealth and those very fine people played the extended clip but it was a bloodbath and played the extended people we know what itay truly said and iv is dictator for a day and youora only have to vote he explained the importance ofin the selection to the sittingo
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side the constitution, it is complete and utter boy who crien wolf syndrome and telling lies. the best part, laura projection, projection on a multitude ofwi issues raises endemic racism, covid, who will destroy the constitution question like they are casting stones the position of which they are threatening,ho they are the threat to the constitution. >> laura: total hypocrites on this and chris, i want you t to hear something kamala said about trump in wisconsin >> the stakes are even higher because a few months ago, the united states supreme court tole the former president he has effectively immune no matterhous what he does in the white house. now, think about that. [boos] think about that. just imagine donald trump with no guard rails. >> laura: chris, this woman isba actually, report are she didn't pass the bar the first time
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around, i haven't personally confirmed that but i believe that is the case.teme she actually was attorney general of california making that treatment. react >> it is really disappointing that ourl political figures at this national level are engagin in this cheap rhetoric and that is such grotesque distortion of the supreme court which not only protects donald trump but the office of the presidency and says that presidents can't be heldally criminally liable in ts administration has tried to do for their official acts. that is way the constitution has to operate that the supreme courtrt recognizedum and that is true whether the president is donald trump or joe biden or barack obama. it doesn't matter. it is about the presidency and will in the separation of poweri you know, parenting is nothing new in election campaigns, laura, but i don't think we have
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witnessed pandering on this level. just go back t o the previous segment she's promising blacktr epmen a special entrepreneurship program for giving loans to black men. how can that be consistent with the constitution question xp nhen she threw a after-the-fact, it says and others on the website. and will, i have to go back toea this bret baier conversation ath her because it is never good thing on the number one issue facing the country, the economy when you say, well, youo can go to my website. we are and add the ongoing to the website at this point. you should clearly be able to delineate your policies. if you will go to my website, you will see my wonderful ideas. >> we are trying to figure out who you are vice president,u madame fife vice president. and what you stand for and the inconsistencies of your record appeared to gesitet can go to mr website. this opportunity on fox
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donald trump no less than 13 times and two times every minute. you know this is referendum on donald trump. i am a blank slate andis she tht is true for the democratic partm apparatus and she wants it to be a referendum on donald trump. >> laura: gues incs what, she i: the combat and that's how it in politics.ti vecoming up democrats narrativef crime is declining, right, youel feel safer out there? we will tell you what is really going on next?
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♪ ♪ speak with the suspect pushed her to the ground with her walker causing to slam her headn the concrete and cut her arm. he snatches her purse.susp surveillance captures running away to a trauma center.ey >> the teenagers run uphe fattacking him. they demanded he give him hisd e stuff and he fights back here had a knife and he just came out of nowhere and just like pulleda a knife on me.zda >> 7-year-old on a park the far west side a text that random by a 73-year-old man. >> laura: theses we are the kind of infuriating andhe heartbreakg stories we have beenth hearing r
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thats e past three and a half? that democrats keep telling usnr things are getting better. >> crime is down under joe bidei and crime is up hundred donald trump. >> he often likes to say crime n is up under our administration, while in fact violent crime is at a 50 year >> crime in this country is through the roof and a new form of crime, it is called migrant claim and happening the levels people that were possible. >> overall crime is coming down in the country.s >> laura: oh, really, david the, those are talking points in an election year but it turnsio out the biden-harris administration is cooking the books again, just how the economic datrda is revisedevis downward after month it seems. the fbi crime data was revised as well, upward! the data claimed the crime raten fell 2.1% in 2022 but stealth
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fully changed it in september tt 4.5% increase. they didn't even acknowledge the change but hope no one would notice it. 20 me former police officer of the tatue m store and ex-gang member and ex-cons for community change. tyler i would start with you and now you are doing work on the ground in chicago. from what you are seeing, did these statistics crime going up reflect the reality? >> no they don't, thank you, laura, for having me and knowct they don't. what we have is victimization in chicago and that has beens happening for as lonrug as i can remember, even when i was h running thape streets.s what is happening is the influx wherever there is mike rounds and wherever they are a cities, trump is right, you will find crime has increased. it is a shame even with all of
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the energy and effort we put in, and trumi don't think president trump give an f credit because he has secured a lot of the 1994 crime bill that ushered in massive incarceration of black men and boys all over this country. but trump first app act has created an influx of men and women in these communities thate had s been reformed gang member and reform americans thai have been helping and reducing violence and crime in the cities. it is unfortunate with the levet of men and donald trump that has come out of prison that the republican party and even trump administration hasn't really pushed that narrative to show that he owed to the man he released, you will find a lot of them active and reduced inon violence and the cities. u are not the first person to tell me this, by
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the way. brandon, i think what tyrone if i'm not mistaking what he ofve said coach at this idea crimee acwas declining never felt right to people who were actually on the streets. and it turns out, it was notmpai right, it was wrong and repeated the campaign. tgh now, cnn, brandon, refusing to. acknowledge that data does not align with their watch this. >> at the suspect pushed them td the ground with a walker causing her to slam her head on thed concrete and cut her arm. he snatched her purse andnt surveillance cameras catch him running away to a trauma centeri >> laura: that is the wrong e clip, that is the wrong clip d someday we will play the clip wbut i guess we don't have that clip. okay, we don't have it and this is live tv and this happens. t for them.nient fac i saw that in chicago talking to 'tpolice officers on the street.
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crimes are noted t being reports they used to be.ime they are being recategorized by the police to makeha it look lie crime is down.? is that right and part of what iseah. going on?n. >> i have been in some of the cities and that is going on. as i remember i worked in tucss a police officer there irenar certain burger liberates declassified andcrim the highest crime rate in certain berkeleyae and the entire nation we know s that is not true but they wanted to reclassify certain things so we look better in other areas.yi this is what they do play games and life. but the beauty of what has come about in america is thateopl social media. bc videos every single day where people bludgeoning other people in the middle of the street robbing, losing, yelling, t stealing, we see it with their own eyes and people in the community's experience this. they don't care fbi statisticsg say or a politician says during election season.
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people are having real experiences and that is why thet are not voting for the parties things so many years that they want to defund the police. there is no real crisis and all of those things. peoplene are not stupid and thes see what is going on. >> laura: tyrone, the fbi standing by its number and we are right because calculated differently so they gave us ath statement. bus t nevertheless, gang activi that you areit seeing on the streets of chicago, very briefly, tell us about it. >> we are dealing with the level of influx of migrants that is going into var the various latin groups with the filmic tda ands gang influxes. but the biggest thin g is the fbi numbers are even off. you have to understand the community where black peoplestru have had systemic distrust of the police. there are men who have been shot when a bullet go through and through that don't even reportha to hospitals that there has been
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a crime or victim. spay when we will keep you on this topic and i am sorry to cut you short but both important perspectives on this incredibly important issue, brandon and tyler, thank you. ditching the al smith dinner tonight and said it really hurt her with catholic voters? we will tell you about it next.
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>> laura: is kamala harris aalliortable appearing before live captive audience? even with mostly democrats? with radical views on abortion,g haivd she given up on the cathoc pope? todaghy she is skipping out on e al smith danner.e bi that is the biggest charitable t fund-raiser for the church in new york and forhurc decades bok major presidential candidates have spoken at the event tradin, mostly friendly jabs. but after carton dole, cardinal dolan with no show, harris is sg
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video message, sorry, sweetie too little, too late there. this gives the stage to trump. national catholic survey showsrs trump leads harris by catholics with five points and that's the seven swing states. fox news political analyst sam newt gingrich, newt, millions oi catholic voters in the united states and pennsylvania,i wisconsin, kamala was there tonight and a block that could have anigh major impact.t is so what is going on with kamala harris here is to make. >> i think it is pretty clear, my wife was the ambassador to the vatican and spent t a lot of time on key issues like human freedom and freedom of religion. and she recently just wroteis ckamala harris is clearly theic most anti-catholic canada i think since james blaine inyo 1880. u and you start from that and
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tim walz is worse. remember tim walz at one pointhe covid issued one point you can have 50 people in a bar and ten people in the church. at another point, he closed all the churches that allowed theta mall of america to stay open soe people could have retail therapy. i think it is important to sayd, the left wing of the democratic party, which is most of it, is deeply antireligious, and especially anticatholic cathbecause so many catholic use weather on life or transgender is him or you name it are abhorrent to the kamala harrisaa win to the democratic party. >> laura: newt, donald trump this time is making a relate direct appeal to christians.s do watch. >> christians don't vote well in small personages and why? whi don't know, disappointed in things that are happening but for a long time yot fou don't ve and i say go out and vote here.
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to november 5th will be the mos important election of the history of the country whether you vote earlier or not. >> laura: this is different from last time around, newt, atthat is marta president trump back in july on our show. l he sees a lot ofot christians wo decide to not vote who for whatr reason. hehatever is no issues and moral standpoint, but we art not electing a pope. we are electing a president of the united states. >> look, the fac>> lt is, almost every core value people of faith are much, much closer to donald trump than they are tos kamala harris.juct that is just an object effect. you have a whole list of her views and they are very destructive. she would do worse, for example religious hospitals to engage in procedures that is violated by their religion that theyd by cat do and remain religious. r beingacked people fo
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members of knights of columbus. it and is ironic because they we doing and work on that article for tonight's dinner andard john f. kennedy and richard nixon gone to th te al smith danner 1960. but kennedy was a member of the knights of columbus. thmalae idea that kamala harrisa speaker as a senator wasr questioning whether you could be a judge if you belong to the knights of columbus tells you h owhow radically anticatholic she is. >> laura: newt, thank you. that is it for us tonight make sure to follow me onos social media. we have a couple of videos on instagram.than you will love them. r wathank you for watching. remember, what is america now reand forever. jesse watters takes it frou m he and you are for pictures of zoe and annie. i will be remiss and i wil l get them on instagram. i am trying my best. ♪ ♪ >> carley: donald trump


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