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tv   [untitled]    October 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> >> ♪ >> this is a fox news update i'm kevin corke in washington, the aftermath of hurricane helene isn't keeping early voters from the polls in north carolina. the number of people casting ballots on the first day of early in-person voting in the tar heel state quickly exceeding the totals from four years ago. nearly all early voting sites in the hardest hit counties are open with early voting continuing through november 2nd >> the father of former one direction star liyam payne
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arriving in dwayne as aires today days after his son's fatal fall from a balcony. investigators say there are no signs anyone else was involved but it remains unclear if the 31-year-old singer jumped or fell to his death. prosecutors say investigators found payne's holt room a mess with what appeared to be narcotics and alcohol strewn about, broken objects and furniture. i'm kevin corke. now back to the ingraham angle. >> laura: now, while the majority of the campaign is rightly focused on inflation and the border, the economy, trump has repeatedly and correctly pointed out that his administration would aggressively pursue an end to the killing on both sides of the ukraine conflict. >> it's so sad to see what's happening in ukraine. so many people have been killed. as i'm president elect i'm going to get that done. we have to get it stopped. too much killing. it's killing and all of those
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cities are coming crashing down. >> laura: but the war machine will not stop if kamala is elected despite what the voters want or how close this might bring us to a direct war with russia. as we've been saying since the ukraine war began, defeating the russian army would prove extremely costly and be extremely difficult. china and other countries we've seen continue to prop up the russian economy and our sanctions have been a spectacular failure. new insights from a bloomberg piece is saying zelenskyy has already been promised a lot more u.s. funding, anywhere between a half to three-quarters of a billion dollars in aid packages once every two or three weeks. oh, my god. now, remember, this is money that we're either going to have to borrow from other countries or print adding more inflationary pressure on our own country. if only our establishment cared as much about our border as it
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does ukraine's. joining me now is journalist glenn greenwald, glenn great to see you as always. so donald trump is making an explicit pitch to young voters that he is the peace maker in this race. the cheneys are on the other side with barack obama the guy who pledged to end the iraq war. so is trump playing this smart in terms of both policy and politics? >> yeah, but i don't even think it's a political strategy that much for donald trump. i really think it's his instinct. when he ran in 2016 he did so based on a central pledge to depart from the bush/cheyney/obama foreign policy orthodoxy, the orthodoxy of dc to constantly pursue endless wars that benefit a tiny number of people at the expense of most american citizens and he was, in fact, whatever else you think of him, the only president in decades not to involve the united states in a new war. he inherited a c obama but he never involved the united states in a new war.
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the first president in decades. and what i think is so notable laura is that when he talks about war he talks about it the way any moral person should by saying the problem is with war is that it actually kills huge number of people it takes immense amounts of lives. you will never hear kamala harris talk that way or subject a diplomatic solution because in democratic party politics suggesting that is taboo and proceed vectis accusations of being a russian agent. >> laura: not even talking about the number of people who have been killed. do you notice that's never even mentioned? it's astronomical. i don't think wean e know the final or the current tally. these facts are heart breaking. i mean, you read them and you think, my god. i mean, this is -- it does have to stop. >> well, i mean, we fight in a lot of wars, we participate in a lot of wars, we fund a lot of wars and we almost never talk about the dead of the countries we don't care about. and this is what offended me so much was from the beginning, the
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claim of joe biden and kamala harris was, we have to fund the war in ukraine because we have to protect ukraine and ukrainians when in reality what they were after was the destruction of ukraine, killing huge numbers of ukrainians to serve this broader geopolitical goal that i don't think i understand or anyone understands that we have which is to weaken russia and they've now explicitly been saying don't worry about this war it's onning yum ukrainians increasingly middle-aged ukrainians who don't want to fight who are being forced to being used as cannon paweder. it's so immoral because it was inevitable all along that what's happening now was going to happen russia a massively bigger country was always going to win this war. >> laura: she's the border czarina for ukraine. she would probably admit to being the border czar for ukraine. i want to play something that biden said today, was asked today about the new victory plan, glen, in ukraine. watch: >> what's the consensus on the ukraine victory?
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>> say again? >> the consensus on the ukraine victory plan? >> we're going to stay with ukraine and make sure they continue to have capabilities. >> laura: we're going to stay with ukraine. the voters might have something to say about that glenn. >> you notice laura it's basically discussed in his campaign despite president trump talking about it at the al smith dinner at he rarely discussed ukraine, it's just a war that we fund and fund and fund with over a hundred billion dollars with billions more pledged and the reason it's never talked about is because the america people don't care about it. if they list the top ten priorities why would the war in ukraine which is basically a battle over who govrs a prove innocence ukraine even register in the lives of american citizens. it doesn't. this is why there's so much sentiment dc cares about everything other than the welfare of american people because they constantly spend all this money to prop up other countries on the other side of the world while abandoning the interest of the american people and the american people know that and that's why they hate
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washington and increasingly establishment institutions of all kinds. >> laura: $200 billion and counting. glenn thank you so much >> coming up, yet another insip i had celebrity for kamala next. ok, here is your paperwork, if you want to review it and make sure everything's in order. these factory floormats, are they really as good as weathertech? you know, laser measured? [suspenseful music] no. nothing comes even close to laser measured weathertech floorliners. they offer the ultimate protection.
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♪ >> laura: all right, if you're watching tonight and you're
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thinking, okay, we must have hit peak trump. well, think again. >> if you believe that donald trump has somehow become less popular over time let me change your mind about that. in fact, he is more popular at this point in the campaign than he was at this point in the 2020 campaign or the 2016 campaign. the momentum of kamala harris has stalled and i think they feel like they have to change something that's going on in their campaign because they were seeing a rise and now it has stalled out. >> laura: i don't know. maybe her campaign believes the change she needed was the most friendly interview she's done this month. but when she was actually faced with real questions, the types of questions that journalists used to ask and that bret baier did ask this week, well, of course we saw the real kamala. joining me now matt political analyst and pollster and former congresswoman anna paulina luna. matt, is that an accurate description of what we're seeing, there's lots of different polls out there, there's an act vision, kind of a
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new poll thousand likely voters that also says that trump is up 2.2% nationally, act to vote, excuse me. so is this where we are right now, stalled momentum for harris? >> yeah, that's where we are. you know, if you recall maybe three or four weeks ago on your show we talked about the fact that we could see the momentum changing and it really started right after the second assassination attempt of donald trump. and then it went into the vp debate which normally doesn't mean anything but it was so hyped up that moved the polls even more. and then the campaign, as you alluded to, decided to put her on these very friendly shows and the vapid answers got spread everywhere and her numbers started to plummet and his started to accelerate. i always warn people as a pollster anything can happen in three weeks and i wonder what could happen that's external that could change things because certainly the pandemic although much further out changed 2020 so
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anything can happen but right now she is definitely stalled and he is definitely gaining momentum in almost every battle ground state. >> laura: congresswoman, politico is reporting that she's struggling with hispanics in pennsylvania and elsewhere. so she's trying to bring in some help. watch. >> this is mark anthony. even though some have forgotten, i remember what it was like when trump was president. this election goes way beyond political parties. let's remember what the united states represents and stands for. >> laura: why is he wearing sunglasses? i'm not sure why he's wearing sunglasses in that ad but congresswoman, do you think that hispanic voters really care about another rich celebrity's endorsement? >> no, not at all. in fact i think a lot of hispanic americans right now are focused on number one the economy and also border security and immigration. but you know, it's interesting you bring this up laura because again hispanic americans are now the largest minority voters in the country and are shifting in
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favor of president trump. >> laura: we also hear, matt, from some of the old george w. bush campaign folks like mark mckinnon, he despises trump. but he said, according to what he's seeing out there, that there's a lot going on he said, under the radar for kamala harris and his spidey sense tells him that that's going to be enough for her and i guess he's talking about turnout machine, getting people to the polls door knocking which is another thing they were talking about today including david plouffe by the. >> they're better at it than republicans that's always been the case and we've talked about that for the last year and a half. let me give you an example how things aren't like they were ini 20 20. in georgia early voting, in-person voting is higher than it was in 2020 and that's a big turnout in north georgia and south georgia that are big trump areas. but guess what's not big. absentee ballots?
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they're way down because georgia changed their election laws and they're not flooded with absentee ballots now. you have to really prove you need one and they're just not out there to be harvested if one might call it that. they can't be collected. so that's way off. that's going to change georgia. so some states they can do their turnout magic. some states, like georgia, it may be a little more difficult than everyone expected. >> laura: of course we've got elon musk spending an enormous amount of time in pennsylvania. he believes that's the key to the election he's smart has lots of algorithms going on in his head and so that's what he's focused on and for him it's all about turnout. he did a town hall this week and he's going to do other events next week apparently. how important is that presence and obviously the money he's giving since republicans are being outspent like 4-1. >> i think it's incredibly important, elon musk is not your average republican, not your average conservative. i think he was formally a
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democrat obviously a very independent thinker not to mention he appeals to a very young audience so i think it is a going to be incredibly powerful. i know scott pressler has been putting in a lot of work in pennsylvania and you think real this election is going to be won in pennsylvania. so i'm excited to have his support i know the president is and frankly having met kamala harris joe biden and trump i can tell you trump is definitely the one we need in office. >> laura: matt and congresswoman, thank you both >> all right, trump is revising what was considered in some circles a controversial ivf mandate and kamala lays an egg at the premier catholic political event of the year. raymond arroyo has it all. follies next.
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>> laura: it's friday and that means it's time for friday follies and for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. all right, raymond, i know you were scull king about at the al summing dinner last night and as we said earlier it's an amazing event and it's a political fundraiser, really a charitable
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fundraiser but kamala harris decided, you know, she had other things to do. >> well, but as you mentioned earlier also, donald trump was there and boy did he bring the heat and the yucks. >> i must say i was shocked when i heard that kamala was skipping the al smith dinner instead of attending tonight. she's in michigan receiving communion from gretchen whitmer. there's a group called white dudes for harris. have you seen this? i'm not worried about them at all because their wives and their wives' lovers are all voting for me. [laughter]. >> chuck schumer is here looking very glum. but look on the bright side, chuck, considering how woke your party has become, if kamala loses you still have a chance to become the first woman president. [laughter] >> laura: i think that was my favorite joke of all. that and the whitmer joke. >> yeah and the whitmer joke was so smart because he tied this outrage that is still so fresh
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in the catholic community to kamala harris. and the fact that she wasn't there -- and this guy, he's running all over the country, he had three back-to-back interviews including one with me before he hit the stage here laura. i don't know how he was standing, but this was a very different crowd at the al smith dinner from 2016 when he appeared. there was some hostility there. this was a very trumpy crowd, i have to say. >> laura: well, i loved how leticia james was sitting a couple rows back. >> and chuck schumer. you texted me something during the al smith dinner because schumer and trump, they're chatting throughout the dinner. what did that tell you? >> laura: it told me that none of them believe this thing that trump's a fascist, trump's a dictator in waiting, trump's going to suspend the constitution. none of that is real. it's all a lie. they know it. we know it. they've all been friends with him for a long time and now he came in to, you know, upset
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their apple cart in the swamp and drain the swamp and they don't like that. >> speaking of upsetting apple carts, the flop of the evening was vp kamala harris, whomever advised her to skip this event to reach catholics across the country should be given their walking papers. ned she sent a tone-deaf pre-taped skit with snl alum mollie shannon. watch. >> i'm a catholic and tonight is one of the biggest dinners next to the last supper. >> i'm giving a speech do you have some thoughts about what i might say tonight. >> my feelings what i say would be best expressed from a monologue from one of my favorite made for tv series. >> okay. let's hear it. >> don't you see man? we need a woman to represent us. a woman brings more heart. it's time for a woman, bro. >> laura: oh, my god. it was the worst thing i have ever seen in politics that tries to be humerus. >> but why didn't she just give her own monologue? why do you need another actress? >> laura: because she can't do
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it. >> by the way this character she's playing is best known for smelling her body odor. why you would wouldn't that character identified. why didn't she see bring father guido ar too muchy or others they don't have reference to. my kids watched and said who's that lady in the school uniform. no reference at all and a lot of people offendd in the room. >> laura: it was disrespectful to catholics making fun of the catholic school girl because they hate catholic education, they can't stand it. >> with boos laura all across the room. listen. >> i don't even know what that noise you're making is. sort of -- >> he knew what it was. >> laura: some applause from the anti catholics in the room. >> yeah but that was on the stage the crowd a lot of boos, i was there it was not warmly received. >> laura: raymond i know you did
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an exclusive interview with president trump before the dinner, you made some news about his ivf mandate. >> catholic church believes when you implement this technology you're killing embryos. will you have a religious exemption to your ivf mandate for religious organizations and businesses that feel this violates my principle. >> i haven't been asked that but sounds like a good idea frankly certainly if there's a religious problem people should go with that. i really think they should be able to do that. >> the pope was asked about your candidacy and kamala harris and he instructed catholic voters to vote for the lesser of two evils. who do you think he means and why? >> well i think he wants them to vote for me and i stand for really everything that you stand for and that the church stands for and she doesn't. she's a marxist. her father was a marxist and still is a marxist and they are not big into religion i will tell you. >> laura that's called
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reclaiming the narrative from the pope. pretty good move there. but, look, this ivf exemption for religious sensibilities and he told me he would reinstitute the mexico city policy which forbids spending money on foreign abortions. that's big news particularly for some folks in the faith community who had misgivings about in the new trump who sounds like the old trump. >> laura: when i was watching, great job on the interview by the way. when i was watching the dinner, it was on fox, it almost looked like one of those old dean martin roasts. [laughter] >> laura: it was funny. >> i always say he's like don rickles and he was last night. >> laura: a little bit. he looked like reagan a little bit. raymond thank you that is it for us tonight make sure to follow me all weekend long on social media thanks for watching. jesse watters takes it next. >> welcome to a specia


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